THE EUGENE WEEKLY GUAR TWO O" NEWS AND GOSSIP OF GREATER NEW ÏORK Little Soldiers ! D. THURSDAY. FEB 3. 1910 "•030 PEOPLES PULPIT... tn your blood aro the m.lllcna of corpuecloa that defend you against disease. To make ami k«»ep them» little soldier* healthy and strong, is «imply to make Sermon by and k«*p the blood of tiie right quality anil quantity. CHARLES T f This is jn«t what ILxxl's Sarsaparilla RUSSE 1 J. does —it helps the little soldiers .a your Cabin " Mr Stowe is the son of the bloixl hi tight disease for you. (Guard Special Service) Pastor Brooklyn Rev. Edward Stowe, retired whs’ It cures scrofula, «»csenia. eruptions, New York. Jan. 2 9- -This is a great was long the pastor of the Windsor catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous- 1 abetuav.c. d«y for the Palaeitee of the metrop- Svenue Congregational church, Hart­ n«"»«. dyepepeia, general debility, aud builds up the whole system. ells. A Patnelte, it may be explained. ford. Connecticut. He is a graiinate of Harvard, class Is not »<’ painful sa it anun Is. being of 1904, and has been a s,»ecta! writ­ only the name adopted by tiiose who er fur newspapers. He was for a moon, but he died In Japan about Sunday, Jan The third meet­ adh«»re more or less to the political time assistant editor of Tiie Circle three years ago. The house and Its ing for the consideration of Cliur. 11 and religion« philosophy expounded magazine, and of late he has written magnificent turrt h’ngs th >n be­ in "Common Sense." "The Agé of for the Outlook, c wring the Custom came The spa the propei.y cf "Silent” Federation vias held today R< ason." and other works by the House scandals among o;her ings. Smith « nephew. Cearge Grunt Ma­ clous Brooklyn Academy of Music mis late Thomas Paine. Esq. sold it to the crowded with Christian peopl«» of nil son, who has Just A Teacher« Famine. "Tom” Thomas Paine—called younger Whitney, All the rare and denominations to attend the thirl There is a "teachers famine." of the Paine by those who are not and mámente, of the series of four meetings cullisi costly decorations cult of Paineites- was born in Eng­ among the I. :h schoos of th«» me­ ■tvuc.ry. paintings and draperies by the Peoples Pulpit Association tropolis. and the Boarii of Educa ­ land on January 29. 1737, and his pass into the hands of Mr. Whitney Pastor C. T. Russell of the Brook tion is experiencing much difficulty birthday has for many years been in a’mo i the same condition as they lyti Tabernacle addressed the large made the occasion of a pilgrimage in securing a sufficient number of we:.> left ty "Silent” Smith. qualified pedagogue to take the of the Paineites to New Rochelle. audience for an hour and a half It has of.en b.r.i alleged that the New York. That suburban village places which must be fllle«l hy the Whi’. i menrlon Is the most sump- The deep Interest felt mis evidenced beginning of the second half of the was originally the Paine homestead, by the profound silence, a» nell as by At tuc i tiy frinished hot» ■ of any pri- and in its midst is to be found the school term, next Wednesday. I In the world, the inter­ the eagerness of face. The text was vai c' a recent examination only ninety- only m. nnment to Paine in the coun­ worth more the same as on the two previous occa­ io« deci rai’ons being try which he did so much to estab­ five teachers out of 460 appllcaants than a mi'li; n dollars, Nearly ev- sions. "Say ye not. A Fedyratiou, to qualified for the position. lish on firm foundations. except t ho all them to whom this people shall The examination in languages ap­ erythiug in the ho»«e It is likeiy that the Paineites. at old floors an«< ftamework came from the New Rochelle gathering, will in­ pears to be the most difficult for ap­ chateau« a d antique shop« in Eu­ say. A Federation; neither fear ye their One hundred and nine fear, nor t>e afraid" (Isaiah rill. 12) dulge In the customary denuncia­ plicants. roi r. end in its wealth ot antiques tions of former President Roose­ took that tn German and only twelve it l- the equal of mary ot the most The speaker said:— velt. It was Mr. Roosevelt, the au- were successful, while only nineteen fatuous palaces in E trope. We meet tvslay to consider what sac­ thor. who. in his “Life of Governor out of eighty-six passed the examina­ With the exception of the grand rifices would need to be made in the tion in Latin. In English fifty out Morris." referrd to Paine «Meres- of fifty-seven failed, and in French ballroom, the entire house is a per­ Interests of Federation by the three pectfully as "a filthy little atheist. fect example of the Italian Renais­ oldest denominations of Christendom. It is painted out by the Paineites, five out of seventeen were successful. sance, being ci sely modelled on the Of these Lutherans have least to sur­ posl- Of the thirty-one applicants for not without an appearance of truth, plan of the finest Vene.ian or Flor­ render, Their tenacity for the Word that Theodore was wrong in his la­ Gon as clerical assistants only t h ree entine prlacex of the days of I«eon- of God they may still maintain. even bels. The late I>r. Moncure Daniel qualified. ardo da Vinci ror Michael Angelo. though others of the federatisi tsslles Conway proved conclusively that the Historical Tableaux. The cb'maey y piece ■ are e'-'bc-ate might allegations regarding Paine's per- more and more aliandoti the The history of our country from marble from ol«l Italian s>nal habits were the slanders of the early days when only Indians works in Holy Scriptures, under leadership of The ceilings in mast of palaces, his enemy, and court records still in i were in possession up to the Revo­ were t. reported b d'- the Universities, Colleges and Semi- the room existence show that Paine was suc­ lutionary period, is being taught to ly from famous European dwellings. I mi ries teach lug lliglier-Crltii'Ism inti cessful in a libel suit against this the children of * Brooklyn by means The portieres and other draperies I dellty and the Evolution theory. The man. His habits were those of his of tableaux and puppets. A snm- are of old figured velvet, anil the Federation nevertheless would still day. according to all reliable testi­ mer or two ago it was discovered mony. and charges of intemperance that history as taught In the public great broi'ze fiie-doge in the dining permit .Lutherans and others Io love room are the finest in America; and revereuce the Word of God and brought against him would apply schools in the lower grades failed The craiid ball room Is in the style yet be in fellowship. Almighty God. with equal or greater force to many to make any deep impression on the of Louis X i V. Its mast generous the Son of God mid the Holy Spirit, other great men of the republic's minds of the youngsters. Miss Ag­ furnishings are «he marelous tapes­ nes Bowen, of Brooklyn Institute of firmly believed in by Lutherans, would history. tries by Boucher and Dechaise, He was not little, according to tbe Arts and Sciences, decided that the design and color- all l>e acknuwledged with more or less which in texture, Paineite?. being of medium stature way to appeal to the little ones was to be amo «g the of mental reservation by all the de and commanding mien. Certainly he by actual figures that they could ing are admitted decorative tapes- nominations associated In the Federa­ most wonderful very was not an atheist, since the understand, so she planned the little tion. Nothing along these lines would tries in the world. anti- wax. first statement in his great museum of historical scenes in inlaid with rare need to be alsindoned. Even Luther'* The walls are Rea- Christian work. "The Age of china and any other material that woods in quaint designs and adorn­ plea of consubstantiation in the Eu­ son,” reads: "I Believe in One God, filled her needs. ed with paneling in high r« lief, charist may be held without objec­ Want Women Police. and No More.” which was formerly in ihe chateau tion. Even the honor of being the first Ground Hog Day If a certain Quaker City maiden Those Columbia university agricul­ has her way. Harlem will shortly of Phoebus d'Albert ne..r Bordeaux. denomination of the Reformation All the ballroom furniture is < t the turists are awaiting with great anx­ have a full-fledged corps of women might still tie held. We conclude then iety the coming of next Wednesday. police, who will patrol the streets of Louis XIV period, and in the ad­ that Lutherans would not be required On that day the scientific farmers that section of Greater New York, joining conservatory are many spec­ to sacrifice anything. will take observations which will break up the "chewing gum brigade” imens of costly marbles from Italian Some Things In Common. prove or disprove one of the pet be­ composed of hundreds of small girls gardens. in addition to these r.irnishlngs. liefs of tillers of the soil the world and boys, and bring about other re- Episcopalians and Catholics have Mr. Whitney had some of the finest forms desired by the residents of over. old masters in America, including some things in common. They each Next Wednesday will be the sec­ that locality. a portrait of Charles I by Van claim to represent the original upon- ond day of February, and February 2 The young i woman whose energy tolie Church. They each clnlm is Candlemas Day, and on Candlemas has led her to take charge of a set- Dyck, a portrait of the Duke of Vil­ (through their bishops In the laying on Day. as everybody knows, the tlement house ; at No. 84 East 111th liers. Viscount Grandisaon, for which of liandsi apostolic authority. Their Arctomys Monax decides the weather street, which has been established Mr. Whitney paid a large price. Adjoining the house in Fifth Ave­ common claim is that all other denom­ by Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont as one for the next forty days. You don't savvy rhe Arctomys branch of her Political Equality nue is the residence of Mrs. Joseph inations of Christiana whatsoever nre Monax? Well, dunderhead, that is Association, is • Miss Nettie Podell, Stickney, and on the corner of Sixty­ false churches without Divine author the Columbia university name for the who recently spert two years in ninth stret is the residence project­ ity ami hence not to be recognized or beast known as the marmor, or, not Philadelphia as a probation police­ ed by the late Edward H. Harriman, tolerated. Accordingly no minister of ahich is being completed by.Mrs. infrequently, as woodchuck, or, in woman. Opposite the house is another denomination would be per­ common parlance, as the ground "Such a police force.” declared Harriman, mansion, and on the mitted to preach either in a Catholic hog. Miss P iell in aninTatediy discussing the Yerkes new or an Episcopalian pulpit. And if l>v For many centuries, farmers have the project, "could do a great deal Sixty-seventh street corner is mischance sqt ll a circumstance should steadfastly indulged the belief that of good in Harlem.' Crowds of girls house of George Gould. The Whitney mansion has been occur It would be considered neces- the ground hog comes forth from and boys, some of them mere babies, many “coming-out” sary to purge the sio-red »¡»«t by a his hole on Candlemas Day. If he flock about the various subway en­ the scene of From the sees his shadow he returns to his trances and the prominent corners parties, and many of the debutantes kind of re-conseeriitlon. hole, drazging it in after him. and until late every evening. selling 'nave since become well-known in so­ standpoint of these denominations all others are heretics; but, they Hay, not the elements turn themselves loose chewing gum. They should be at ciety circles. The sale of this house to Mr Whit­ willingly so. but Ignorantly so. until April when they begin over home under the care of their par­ again. ents. The present condition is dis­ ney marks one of the largest pri- Here note the fact that a cleavage la vale transactions of this sort ever The skeptical Columbia university graceful.” in process amongst Epi- opnliam. A consummated in this city. farmers do not wholly believe in Whitney Mansion. minority, termed high-churchmen, are this theory, and. it is said, have se­ The Whitney Mansion at south- gradually separating Romewnrd, while cured a real live Arctomys Monax cent Whitney mansion, at the go ut h- the majority are sharing the senti­ on east corner of Fifth ave. and Sixty- SUES PATTISON for observational purposes T ments of other I’rotestnnts, to the ef­ Wednesday next. | Eighth street, which was erected by FOR RUNNING fect that the matter of "apostolic suc­ ' the late William C. Whitney, has New Official cession” Is probably less Imisirtunt If you should have occasion to again become the home of the Whit­ visit the office of Mr. William Mc­ ney family. Harry Paine ’Vhitney J. R. Pattison Seeks to Recover than their forefathers supposed. For Carroll. of the Public Service com­ has purchased the home or his fa- the purposes of this discussion we Over $6000 From Est mission. you would probably be I ther for a sum said to aggregate s may without offense ignore the high- greeted by an alert, clean-eut young nearly three millions, and takes pos­ of Robt. Pattison church minority and say that the man. who is Mr. Carroll's new sec­ session today. James Henry ("Si- Scriptures which plainly foretell the retary. Nothing remarkable about • lent”) Smith purchased the mansion J. R. Pattison today began suit In perfecting of Church Federation Indi­ that, except that the new secretary from the elder Whitney. He in- is Lyman Beecher Stowe, a grand­ , tended to occupy the palatial palace the circuit court against 8. B Eakin cate that it will include Episcopalians, son of the author of “Unde Tom's i after his return from his honey- and William T. Pattison, executors Imt w ill not Include Catholics. Never of the estate of Robert Pattison, who theless the Intimation is that while died at his home near Etigone on the Federation "will I* a Protestant January 7. 1909. leaving an estate one. it will not be antl-Cathollc. On valued at $30,000, to recover over $6000. alleged due him for superin­ the contrary the two great systems. tending the farm of the deceased Catholic and Protestant, will frater­ from February 16, 1900, the plaintiff nize and co-opernte along various lines ■■ pecjaiiy in the manipulation of so­ alleging that on that «late he enter­ ed into a contract, with Robert Pat­ cial and political Influences. tison to superintend the farm. The K man who has ■ weak and impaired stomach and who doe« not i'lie breadth of the Episcopal creed plaintiff says $700 a year is a reas­ will not cnll for particular stierliices properly digest his food will soon find that his blood has become weak and impoverished, and that his whole body is improperly and onable compensation and claims that in Federation, if only their pride on Wsutficientiy nourished. $6133.76 is due him, some money the «ublect of npcHlollc succession can having been paid him. F. H. Green* Dr. PIERCE’S GOLDER MEDICAL DISCOVERY I»' satisfied. They are nil prepared to man and H. E. Slattery are ntto - make* the atomach strong, promoter the flow of admit that no parti ular wisdom or neys for the plaintiff. ditestive lulces, restorer the lost appetite, makes holiness has t»ocn . nsl.ip with secret Mrs. Fred Jackson, 'if Lake Cr«s k. munioii. They X to niirnit nostrum v. Its every ingredient is endorsed I y the lenders in all the schools of was brought to the i h<«si itnl Monday that no greater light upon the Word medicine. Don't accept a secret no.(rum as a i n stitute for this time-proven and underwent a si' ght. operation that remedy of inown composition . Ass vova nf !'-. iih «’BS. Hiey must know of afternoon. She is recovering nicely, of God and Its meaning lias »•ollie many cures made by it during past 40 years, r «ht in yo-ir own neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Ch. arb— Eni'icott m«i down to humanity through its chan- World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. H V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N. Y, family and Grace Dr .'l.a''«! and her i els than through outside rlinnnels. daughter w—O woulil urge Christians of the other de I uominatloiiH, esp«s Lilly Hie clergy, t<> consider the advantage wlileli woiihl ■cerm» to the I'ederatlou l>) having nil I’rotesiiui'. minister!« ii«'vept tlielr ordl nation. They do not claim that It wonk! make them wiser or better men. nor more ethcleut teachers, either of truth < r error But they do « l.ilm that It would give th. - hi an UHthurit-j in the cyrs of the p«up(« a::il give color mid rc.isounblei.«■■•« to the Ihslerntiou of maní i bun lies with dlHcordnnt creed» |«>slug us one church In the Federa­ tion mriiiigeiiient. The argument Is. "The common pe<> pie. the laity.” ure disposed more than ever 1« think for tbeuiselvea on religious sulijis ts mid to study the Bible for themselvea. If, therefore, as luiuiatera, you desire to hohl the people in cheek so Hull they shall not think for themnelies juu ^oul«»stoll<' benediction. It was disregard of this claim of ii|H»Htuli<* tM'ii««ll<'tton wbivli levl t«» freedom of thought on religious subjects mal ultimately leil to tiie for ination of l lie various aecta. You should now seek to restrict further In veatlgatlon of the Bible ai «I furthei Interpretntlon of It by accepting our theory, by i>crmltting us to grant you reeognitloii iii some himple form of th«» rights of niHistolle authority through our bishops, if you do not do so yon will more and more lose your bold ni the people, for we ure comln;; more and more to a time of individual thought on every topic. The Scriptures Intimate that till argument will ultimately prevail and great I’rotestant denominations be tliu. vitalized and, in c«>o|ieratlot« with Catholicism, for a short vvhll«» dominate Christendom Hodully mid politically, crashing out Individual thought ami negativing and black list Ing till religious teachers outbid«» the Federation iftid Its Catholic Ally. From thia stand|><>lnt the Epl«'"|>iil system will lose nothing, lint even he a gainer of prestige through the I'ed era lion. What Catholics Would Surrender. For Catholics to Join the I'ederatlou would signify the aiirrender of a great d»'al, and ««t. I ii the light of th«» Twen tleth t'eutiiry, surely much cuuhl Is* Hurrenf a little prld«' For the Church nt Rom«' to ftslernte with the i’roti'stant Ciiurilics would mentí that they «ca­ ed to pr«>t«»Ht nml that she rellmiuinhed her | h « ullnr < I.«Im« Hi That she alone is the < liurcli of Christ and has authority to instruit; (21 That she is more than a Church or proHp««-tlvc Kingdom that to her has been cotutuitterlzc«l representative of I'lirlst. anointed and commissioned of G«sl to fulfill nil I he prophecies of the Scriptures resp«« tlng the reign of Christ, Ills Millennial Klng'lom, et«'. 'I hls • liiim of Papacy Hint the P o | h *' h reign is de fwto Hie reign of Christ Is expr<»Hsed III the d<« hiratiou that It«» Is th«' ti<< yeienl of Christ the one reigning laHtrad of Christ. (4) The d<>< trine of trans-subatantla- tlon that by the blessing of n prl<»«l the ordinary bread mid wine nre trans inutisl Into the m ttnil soul of Christ iliis tl«'«h mid Ids blo'sli for hii < tith e afresh In en 11 celebration of the Mass Whatever may have been true in the remote past, iiHsuredly our t ntlioll« friends can no longer claim that nl! the purity, .ill the falthfulti<*ss to God. all the san« tltv of life amongst be­ lievers In Christ nre to be foiilal it« tier «'omtutitilon. St. I’ dis tares, "It nny man have not tin* Spirit of Christ tic is none of Ills." Surely nil Chris tlans admit this standard nml the cor rectness of the Apostle's teaching lli'fi«’«» tb<" Ignoring nml setting nshl«1 of all creeil« nml linrrlers w Id' ll linve heretofore lnniul ante the civil rulers of Clirhtendoin And no longer do tbe people coil»hlei it wino flint they should do a«,. More nml more the imisses nppreclnte the fnet Hint tno original kingdom of « arth was given to father Adilin nn<4 that mankind ns his children nre the nat- nral heirs of the inheritance. M< re nml more the people are demnml that th«*.» »h«H refill th" •«»iitlinenta of the iwoph’ In < I"' rollgioua uinttrr». The «U.v "f ,'"rk n«»M and tguorame In wM h th«" p» pie twllcved Hint | m >|><»« »'•■< C"g* w»»ro Divinely ap|H>lut«»d l«» rule llii'iu plvlue authority bn« g«'»'' by Gen •rul Inti'illiP'i" «• li»" taught manklm! that It I" n mistake t" *u|>p"».' that f one <)«»! u|>poliit«s! king «ml kingdom wer«» Divinely »ppolntisl to wlp»» unuth Women er I'll Inely ii|»|H'liil««l king ami king from I emale Ills dom off th«» fm-«» of tli«» ein th Hem •• po|»'s and king« now admit that they Mlntte.H «ll Mitin. ' I » is » gr.-at reign by n isqmlar suffi’iam«». »ml " ti ..! m;th rvr troni L al" ’ Ir ubica w lilch tlielr nppi'uls for money. for unlit' ■ « mi.» I ¡1 WeakiieM nml navies. Is m» longer on the for«» « «I brokep dow it that thi’.v wer«' Divinely lii«iructi«l to « " nd 111«1 li of Hn> ay ala in. I Tend a«> obliterate each other, but on tlm * mm I k Ì w hat I .ydla t»f np IC I I'n.k . iiii ' b t < g- This claim, however, wholly I'labl' <'<>lii|>ollli«i stray* tli<" urgumeiit that we nr«’ le had il< I*«» for other ««r ever In th«' past have I h ’« ii umb’i sullrllng w«linen I «'hrlat's Klngiloin. «’Ither *llr««'t «’t felt suri» It would through th*» p ipe« N«»lltier imw nor nt In Ip me. ami 1 inual ¡any other time In th«» w«rld« lii«ioiy say it dl«l help Ilin vv..miei fully. .My hns ther* been n reign of rlghti«>ii«m' •• pains all let I III«', 1 >iuch a* the Scrlptura« «I»« lare chrl-t - i, nmt w it hin tliri'c uiuuthg Kingdom shill! I'«» May vve m t. tlii’n i was a |s'rfeclly well woiimii . with good grae«» Catholics nml I’rat • I nmt this letter inaile p dille .to «»stants admit that m’lther **ur « alii'» h 'IV th«» Is'iu'lit women may tier! ll*‘ | h ’1 h ’«. emp«’r*»rs nml king», imr « nr \ • I «' I from l.ydla I- 1'1! I'roti’stant king«, emperors nml tn’iuis Componivi " Mr« I « it n • • Mut t» « st with nny of Churches nr«> reigning 2! là »ecmid St.. North, Miiim»a¡*>ha, Divine authority nmnlfiwt to human Mimi. 1 Imiisaml« «'i tm»«»liclte l limi genti­ Judgment? l.«’t us humbly nil mil the nonsi'n«*» of th«» h’gi’iidn on our colli«, li’ • tratitiK'id.t!» Ilk« tin' iah"»'«' provo « 'llciem y of Lydia E l’lnkhnin'a tiie vff<* t 1 Catholic nml I’rotc-tuiit. \ > id «bl« < oiti|H»iiml. w hl« h I» inailo that king* nml |s>|’«’* reign by the Zellt wljl I ; • • : i a I ■ >” t • .* c d t >■ r ♦ •«. grace of G* <1 by Divine appointment Wmm’ii who sutTcr from Un««a» clin, Let uh rather «ay that tliey camo i:»t.» tri sdiig II1« i» »-» l" tln ir ’«• x ahoulii OKTcl <• Of 11.' |K»Mi»r through th«» not I«»»« night of H'«' fgeta «r doubt force nml In n lime of common public Um iilnllty of I («Ila I! I’liikham a Ignorance. Nor by lid« do we mean \ «g«- al l« Coiupoiiml to ri simi' tl«vir any «Hsresp«« t to the govertiments of health. I f s ou w tent s|M»«’lal ik I v !«< vv rito today rather we Imre shown tluit t< t<> Mr». I’lukli «ni. ut I.vim, Mnna» i day tli«» peoph» are ruling -I.» vvlllir. «I v«oírl« tt«’russirietly their Congresses, Pnrllnmeul >nlirnl or spirit.>■' tune twen. we need . for th«» perlinl of tli«' would be dltll lln Christendom mid elsewhere Ami cull f"r "itr < atlo'll friends to aban j we ri'tniml you that «»ur lx»r*i J»-«us of I ■•deration ««r for i also HjH'ko of Natan a» l»*ii>g th«* Nel ert II' ' «• W «’ I*’ I’rlm «» of this w«>rl.«1 upon tlusse Im lluler of the coining Age. the Mllleli W ltli"Ut agreeing I nhil Age (John vvIII, Ihh nlttemt < Ialiti Ah. y es! the houiht l»»th <'athoik « ami ini; <'n!b<*ll nftWitU«'i$ ft mr hrr<* *'tv I’rotcstanta admit what they and »11 th«» t'«111.1 le d'» trim« of I'urga | tbe world now «<•<•. th«* Imtlcr nnniely. torj u hi<-li li«*« nl (hr foumUthm <»f t lui t for a long time our great Adv er 1 tli«-««» thro*, i« ii mint r»**p'**’ta tii«»r«* «ary held us lu.n homing«' of Ignorance 1 rnllulinl thill o ir mhmt il>M |rliiv an«! superstition. In getting fr««' from Lf ct. ruul 1« riurc It Would suroly Will« h many bright minds hnv«» ran l»> ni'T«' <:■ <1 ilk • to pr. \ Ulc Roiuv w ny tuwartla Inti«! iiy. liei'nu*«* tl »ti«* of hiiuinnl •>f »« i | m * fri.* I not see that ti my <>t th«* tea« 1 ty lliiiti tn I« ¡iv«* Ih<«u«n ih ! m of u 11111 » » h < the pa*t. bolli <':itli«Ale »a«l I U«H»|t**«|) lu III» nn\*ul««li f«$ nil «« ti » not ouly Irratlonul. l>ut ui««! | • i «•tirnlt« How«- t$*r. t’u ■ Lord u Ulin*;. tivcly uno« rlptural t«'u* liüig« *>f mm it 1 « my Intinti» •n io <11 *■ and, a* 8t. Paul «!■« I «r «I «l«» trlne» «> le* t lu n ic»*nr rul Ma M< • lug K" lieinoiis" (I Timothy Iv. li. i tiri ti »n |*rwp,$ of nil drnmiiiunt |< »im Not Vic«-gvr«nt Christ « hi Huiulny M ir tl «1 8 ■> irmi) of )«» n«'«-«l fi*«*l no Hp«’’ di« diM-Irlnr» l'iirgi ni d Hell. gra her «au «' In slmilarly nbi<> i Kuininhit; up, thru. W«. fimi that gatlng the clalm flint the pup* « relgn i.utheram* w**ni« i tmr* n«»tbini; to I- - '«• an rvproHi'Utative« of Christ «r lia«»' by r«*«l« rnihm notlilng to wurrrud* r. authorlty h <> to «!«>. lini«*««! auch » «•Xi-cpt n UHI.» pride. r.pifctnipnli in« 'daini I« more siifvly «l<’iii"l tinnì l««df olir «Liy |>apacy * lh«*m llith* Th «•y < nn «••II utTord to lx'*t friend* Join anyway and Is Impoaalble of <|em< «• In Ilie Lord'* 1‘ruyer Tliy Klngdmu »trattoti. In view of the fact that the «w* ; thy will Iw ne ........ »- It i- 8 rlpturev df i •" in I-1 nml the Church begin Only then will the spiritual n . «I of Abr.ih.'im I»' « omplete and the «< rk of lilesHliig th«' nur« amorale world begin tbe Kingdom work th«* ♦ < h i*rt lirow nf Satan mid his empire Hie “. »tteriug of dnrkn«'*H ....... -a, Igimrmi«*«' »nd mt|wr»tltlmi which he foster««! * Hi«- n-HC •ding of the earth With t!n> light * ♦ ♦♦♦*♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ”f th«» kii»»|i'«|';i ..................... "f th«» glory of i ó d th»* family homo midway the reatoriitlon <>f natural Israel to Eugene and Sprlngfleid. Jati. Divine favor th« bringing in of ev ri lit In. «I .1 n m. Joseph Hansen, fa ding riglitemi»tie»B (brinigli tliroiigli » n men I 20 .vi-ara. of pneumonia H* tal. phyHl' al und niorai upllft ’ * hud diphtheria but took a re­ "ver theu Hhull refu»e nll i ami li «b’velopi'd Into pn«11' hleasingn und prlvllege» will Iw i. II" II« b 1« ,v< a I stroyed from ninong»t the ne mid "d <«v«ral ’ il broth' tiro! ’nl *f* rht» <■' entn Uly in 11„. , |., ,. , 1 i I. among them being M«*ivini H"n* ’flllentiltim God» will ahull i • »••n, tlm w«’ll known young reni i «’•• d«»aler uf Eugene. A number o’ ' n enrtli even n* 1t I» dono In h«»n Ills brothers nr« afflicted with dl|'l>* « th'Tln at tlm present tlm«» “Kingdom of God'n denr Son” fnn«*ral will be h«’ld nt Gordon's n®* W’hJcii we wnit um] prny. Ami | di’rtnklng < luipi'i Saliirday nt - «ver good or bad «ther klngdoms m with Interment In the 1. O. O- cemetery. For Benefit of Suffer t DIED who