L. On Tuesday afternoon at the home lied club of six members was enter­ North tained by Mrs T. G. Hendricks at «! Mrs Wni. Preston on her home on West Sth street. Cards T.arl street, the Aloha Club were was the evening's entertainment. the guest« of the Wednesday After­ Dainty refreshments were served at noon Whist Club Cards occupied the the close of the evening. ♦ • ♦ afternoon. Mra. J W. Quackenbush Early in the week Miss Grac« vriauing first prixe and Mrs. Zieber j Bingham entertained a number ol the second. Tbe decorations of thej her friends at a dinner party tn hon Besides Miss Frest-.n home were chrysanthemums i or of her birthday Krew. who was the guest of honor and othei cut f««,wen< Refresh menu were Miss Mary Chambers. Mi.«a«k*ink were served at the close of the af- Maurer. Miss Gladys Wilkins, Miss teraoon by Miss Peterson and Miss Juanita Wilkins. Miss Bessie Hender­ Miller The members of the Aloha shott, Miss Ethel Gib«>n and Miss Club are Mrs P. K Hammond. Mrs. Marian Gilstrap The table was pret­ tily decorated with chrysanthemums Julius Goldsmith. Mrs. J. " Hobbs. and violets, in the evening a guess­ Mrs. L. 1-. Whitson. Mrs. Jennie ing contest afforded much atnuse- I U'Ren Mrs J. W. Buoy. Mrs. J. Mag- ment. Miss Juanita Wilkins winning 1 dadry. Mrs. I. H. Bingham. Mrs. C. the prixe. E l*ooniis. Mrs. J W Quackenbush. 4 4 4 Mrs Henry Tromp and Mrs M. J- A very unique and pleasant ecx'ial i Duryea. The members of the Wed­ nesday Whist Club are Mrs. G. N. function was carri«*d out bv the W Frazer, Mrs. Zeiber. Mrs. Wm C. T. V. ladies of Fairmount Thurs-: Green. Mrs. Jacob Willoughby. Mrs day evening at Dempster hall. A re- and supper wav given to the S J. Wilson. Mrs. Amos wilkins^ Hugh| t’‘achins force of the Condon school.' Mrs. J. M. Williams. Mrs. Hampton. Mrs. Chas. Littlefield. Mrs. W W. Chessman, Mrs. Quiner and Mrs. W. M Preston. ♦ ♦ too numerous to mention Lacea of all kinds, lovery in themselves, are further beautiful by embroidery and insets of colored atones and bead ing». These pie«'«*, over which many work tor hours and days, no* come In set pi«*ccs. all ready to be inserted in or on the gown without further trouble. Ono noticeable favorite among th!» great array are the Jet decoratton»«*, and not only are they worn on black gowns but are used txv give tone tu the brilliant ami often crude color« now !<« fashionable; Indeed there are »•me colors t**day that poaltlvely need the aid of anorher shade or col­ or to k«*ep them within artistic lim­ its. A gown, jet trimmed, exhibited the other day. was In the height of elegance Devetojied from a «lull •repe meteor. It fell straight _ from he shoulders with tiny tricks ahou* the wai t »w«*eping stmight and lull into the train. A narrow girdle of fet set rather high up merged Into t panel of Jetted net which came to within eighteen Inches of the floor, there divide Into two portion» that were carried round the tunic that fell over the sleeves ard drawn un­ der a hug? starlike flower set in the center with cut Jet and rhine.tones Another gown that was less of th«* Empire and more of the Moyen Age was develop«*«! for wear at th«* the- atre The under gown of yellowish champagne was strictly In a cuirass of latticed silk cord studded with jet falling from the bust line over th«* shoulders a bit and down to th«* knees Above this at th«* top wax a fold of satin, seemingly held by cut Jet cabochon« which gave the Empire effect, an«! within this was a fin«* cream embroidered lace yoke-trulv • On Friday afternoon t*e Sunshine Club spent a -delightful afternoon with Mra. E. E. M.nk on West 7th street The guests of the club were . Mrs. Frank Page. Mrs. William Pold- »re. and Mrs Reynolds. (Minneso­ ta.) After several hours socially spent with needlework. Mrs. Mink aasUted by Mrs. W. W Calkins served a delicious supper. The table ■gecorat'.aaa were cut flowers. Mrs. D. A. Paine will be hostess at the next mewCi’ig of the club. ♦ * • Tbe Tharsday Afternoon Charity Club met with Mrs. Adeline Church this week. The ladies of the club are kasy with their plans tor the Charity I Ball which is to be given some time nx January. Mrs. Church was assist­ ed ta serving by Mrs. Taylor. • • • Mrs. I. H. Bingham was hostess to ths Aiona Club and a few guests on Friday attemocn. Whist was the af­ ternoon"» entertainment at which Mrs. Dillon won the prixe. In serving Mrs. Frank Gilstrap assisted Mrs. Bingham. In addition to the club those present were. Mrs. Dillon. Mrs. Geo McMorran. Mrs. C. C. Mrs. Siggirs and Mrs. Darwin tfiW. 4 ♦ . ............. CALAPOOIA POULTRYMEN PREPARE THEIR SHOW Annual Exhibition at Cottage Grove January 12 to 1& Inclusive Cottage Grove, Or.. I've Calapoola Poultry Aneoclat Ion begun to prepare for the poultry «how here from January 12 to 13. Inclusive The poultry ral «er» have for several year» given especial at­ tention to procuring the best blooj- ed birds It: the Vuited Htatev and have **ecelved the highest prises from varlocs exhibits. A shipment of Cot- ’age Grove thoroughbreds was rent ’>> an ex-reaident of this place In California and placed on exhibition at the Fresno poultry show, where they were awarded the highest premiums One cockerel afterwa*' I sold for S50 The classification of the prises to be awarded has been completed. The association Is al.i <1 by the business nine here. Qc o coo ...................... ... ......... ... n.igilt i„. thè Divine tinture ,u Pi.1«“ , *** Work Out Your 0»n a., ?' " '* h"',‘ ""'!•> Iiiil.r** ’’?,. er. pr....*ut.Hl Nt tUe ........... 7 by Wall ItllelltloD.sl |„.. chlldreu of Gud M.my CI, (."¿'2U*'1 quest Gud tu (11. f.„ * he ti*lls tbetu tl>ey u,lwl ,ln f ........... " -m» a,),,, Uiues luavee th<* l'hruue ef flilent tlmt Gm! , u, (1„ f„r ( Suiidny, l»ecemt>er 12 Pastor Rue* xvll, 17). Ht I'aul refers tu the Kcrlp sell of Brooklyn Tabernacle preached tures ns tin* |s>wvr of G>sl. saying. body, but linn told U. ,.„1, tuu« do Ai*aii«iou u« today from the following text to a "All S* rlpturv Is glirn by Inspiration for himself Many pray -•** of G<>d. ami I* profltable for doctrine, not in temptation. but uilli.- " "’t >i» troni packed house — |k for repnsif, for correction, for tiistriic- the Evil Our" litui thru w# -***1 "tratgbt "Work out your own salvation with tlon In rlghleoiisness, that the mull of luto temptatlou, wholly u,., '!!•>■> liti» (k, feur mid trembling, for It Is God which God mny ba perf»« t, thoroughly fur dlrei'tloliH Ilf O< h | a Wri'l hai««) worketh lu you l»>tb to will and to do nlslied unto all g tally dev rlopiiient Christian po ple and, of course, not ill uses his Word for tlielr Instrin t I* mi In Home prity tu G*«l Iu uivv t|„.lu br We «re to remeuibet m H comprehended by the worldly. It righteousness ills Divine pow rr ullil '•'l’*-*'t him t» R M. Robertson of Spokane, fur lu< Mentally Unit our lx>rd Jesus wli>> many year» a resident of Albany, re­ Is not only worth while, but vary Im redeemed us and re. om II.«1 us by hl« work miraculously in theiu. wllllrtbry cently received. It is thought, from portant, that each Christian entering bl.Hsi Is still our Advucute with Ill«* are giving I In* best <*f tli.'ir (lint. ilMj the Willamette Valiev, a typewritten ' into covenant relationship with G* h I talent mid litflueixe tu business <>r (» letter «-ontalning 3200 tn paper mon­ should understand distinctly Ids own Father and our Instructor aa the I i tber's repreaeutatlvr, that througli Il I III pli .i«gro or to Self gratin itkiti. Suck ey, the letter reading as follows 1 responsibilities, the aealstiiuc* which we may Is* ull taught of Go«l Iu III. tn*ed to Irarn the uivaulug >>f our tut, Mr. K. M. R i. i s* Go* merit of Christ, and wluU is re My d«*ar air I am Inclosing >2" tbe Dlvlue tuelhisi In this work of In currency, which la due you u: pl red of lilui individually In the mat graiv Is-lng currtasl on In our l.isirta lenivi the uieaulug uf th«* Ai—tle, do not know It No one but God an I 1er of g.iutely r**fu»<*s t>> deal w*ill not give yourself any concern or Ignorance might Jeopardise tills them In full cousrcration. In fnlth with u» us rnarei»« More that) (hi*, about It. 1 am simply trying to make prixe—might ksw iis a place utnougst Dur text dis lares that God’s work Iu be r>«fu».*« to corer», to ¡.usli, to pun restitution of that which was wrong­ "the very elect," who shall la- Joint ua la divided lido two purls to trtll to drlv». tbs»* whom h>* i« i,„w lt||’ and 1» do la*t ns examine Aral fully taken from you. together with lug to «utMlilp and Jidtit heirship with Interest. Hoping that you will for­ heirs with tlielr Redeemer In bis Mil Hew Gsd Works In Us to Will. Ciirlat Iu bls Kingdom give the wrong and that the Lord will letinlnl Kingdom s«-u to I m * laaugumt The will Is the real |s*r»on <>r ego ed for the blrestng of the whole world. During lli<* Millennium the world bless you. Mark well tlmt we punswrly avoid The body Is merely re«|s>ti«ll>le ns ib<- will rnrelvo all sorts of pullhig. pq,b. I am sincerely yours. M Itb I liig. driving. ' »trl|«*»." for their n>rrre- No place, no time, no signature the error which so long laid berlooded agent or servnut uf the will. Mr Robertson writes that he Is duly our spiritual vision. Note that we do the wsrld the will and tlis Isdy are 1 II«*« tu rigbt»*>u«u«a« to make theta thankful and wishes the author of the not say that a failure tu be amougst usually at one synipatheta ally cxeop- ull wvoatiMlly see. tu ultimately fore» letter to know that he Is forgiven, "the elect" would signify to be wiUi eratlvo But In tbiwe ts-wtleu of G.sl'a all to take tlwlr stand for right or fw whoever the man Is, or whatever the damned ndDb-isi in etermJ tort ira» No 8|drit as bis cbIMreu matters are dif­ wrung. Lnlolllgcutly Rut how it I» wrong was. not known by Mr. Rob­ Tbelr wills by < <>tiaa< ratiou different God Is railing." "drawiiq' , such unrvsi.se«>»tile prufswlUuu ■ rep­ ferent ertson. The incident is another »truing one resented tu trial’s Word. 'R im qusMlun are dvvai<>|a>d along linos quite a stag and a<«■«><>tin« through faith Iu t'hrtrt of the power of conscience to right a of Itila (K* w | m >I Age la tu gntn or D<>1 .-ulstlc to tbe natural prvferris ss of aa "m»uiltt*r» ’ of th<> R*«ly of Christ, wrong. — Albany D-*n»oc-at. tu gnin eternal life and glory and bon* their fl*v*b. ao that the At «»«lie wrote. only siM-h as huts a willing tulnd .«ly or na meint**™ >*f W». Ihsly of Christ, "WWh the mind I tnyself serve (or such as cau I m * uiovetl * energy tod In a word. Dot pirn maar or mlas ry , but desire to serve) tbe laiw of God. but drvnth'U by the enllg!>t>*nm«at of tbrir with the tieah I serve (or deatre to niluds through tbe Truth None other» life or death, is the alternative. Who are addressed by the Aissitie in serve) the law of h U i " (Romans vll. arv wautwl for thhi "elect” class lienee every spirit ls*gottcu pvr the words of our text? He is uensltli*a. some g»«*d uiql 1« to auplKMtv tbut he nxwiit I tint tbe which firm was charged with viola­ seen some bad lienee the A|s»*»tle exhorts penlleut th1* f w* Uhl I«* n I ■ inter "f tion of the pure food law. wr«e dis­ saw a great light. They have all these New Creature« tn "wnr a th«* "eh** I" < 'bur* I), hla J**lm h**lr In th* missed by Federal Judge C. 4Wol themselves tu be sinners under Just verton this morning. The xigcgsr condemnation of the Creator, and Im re g*H«l warfare" against their own flesh Kingdom. Ih)l< *«l b**C l icit thief hid company was charged with shipping seen ul.*<> tlint Jesus, the H**nt of God. aud to bring It Into aulije* tloli to the ! not work«*«! out «tiy »»'vaiiou! 11« from one state to another, five bar­ ' ha« provided réconciliâtk>u with the New* Mind am! Io the Dll Ine ¡ jiw will lnd«-<**l I*«* In I’armll»** **r<*»iu.illy rels of vinegar, which when tested Father through hla blood his aacri- He urges that we "Bring eiery thought Paridla»* will I«* r***'ore.l in<| tlx* whole by government chemists, was de­ flee. More than this they have by Into captivity t<> the .......................... ¡earth l*«*<*om«* ii. th** Garden of Ll'*a clared not m> to the standard.— faith ai i epted this proffered grin e of Christ" (II < orinthliius x, .'»* Ibis, of under th** .Millennial n-iim <>f < brut Journal. God. ond through a full cuuseeration course, would menu ubsolute perfec­ nn*l Ills "ni**iutH*rv. tlx* chunli. But of thilr all. made acceptable through tion, so fur ns th** New iTciiture Would lx* Win U**t "iH gotten of the be'y Alum* tn Saw Mill nt Midnight lie loncorncil mid n complete dendliess Spirit ” lie whs u*>t "trnnsfortiied by unmindful of dampness, draft«, their Advocate, they han* been re­ storms or cold, \V. J. Atkins wurked ceived of tbe Father aa Ids spirit -be­ so fur ns the fl<-«h Is <'oticerne*l. With I the renewing of Ills Ullnd, that be as Night Watchman «t Banner gotten cbildreu. They have ls-en nd- every thought cnptli nted to tin- is>rd might pr**v<* l!><* g'««l. n* * e|)inl>le ant Springs, Ten. Such exposure gave vised that ns children they are "lielrs the lndliidual would never In any («•rfis-t Will of G*«l. lie never :uhled him a severe cnld that settled ou bls 1 of God. Joint-heirs with Jesus Christ" sense commit win other I him the rin to lila fnlth fortitude; and <■> fortltuda lungs. At last he had to give up their laird, their Head, their Redeem­ of Iguornuce or Imperfection. knowledge; ami Io know b ilge lelupet- work. He tried many remedies but er. In the glorious Millennial Kingdom G*e: aoa all failed till he used I r. King’* New pie Hot along th.- lines of rnshiirmrat to |>iiil«*ncc g**dllne««. an*l I” gudllnre Discovery. "After using one bottle” which the Father has foretold shall he writes, ”1 went back to work as be his for the blessing of all the faut of the mind after the nuinner of Satan brotherly klmlnes«. nud io brutbedy well as ever.” Severe Colds, stubborn! Illes of the earth. But ad tli<*ne bless and those who are subject to his dr­ klndioMM love, aa the Word assures» lungs. Hemorrhages. Croup and lugs they have received through fuillt I unions- by iiypnotlsm, etc. G>«l's op all must do who would mnke their «•»!!■ Whooping Cough get quick relief and aud not actually. They must wait for eration Is the very reverse of thia. He ing mid »l«s*tl**n sun* <11 Peter I. 10.111. prompt cure from this glorious midt-- the actualities until they amt all of ruliijht'H* the mind to do his work, it.* We will not, however, dlscuaa lb« cine. 50c and 11.00. Tria! buttle their brethren of tbename<-ln«s, "called displays to our minds gradually light free, guaranted by W. A. Kuyken­ of God In the one bo|s* of their call­ and Truth, purl' v anil gdneM In tlielr thief further, as we dl*i »•> on " 1'0" vloua occaaiun ami that sermon I* In dall’«. ing," tliall line been tried, tested, per­ true colors. In contrast with slu, Ig print. I will lie ph*ase«l I» mail It fro Served as coffee, the new coffee 1 fected. In clmrneter. In heart, "Copies noruuce und defllemeid. And Iu the on post card requeat. «nine words lie sets bef< re im the great substitute known to grocer« every-! of G< d's dear Son.” T'.u . pint Ix-gotteu children of prl/e <>f gl< ry. honor ami hum .rtnilti m -t w >. ut their relvntlon mN»« where as Dr. Shoop's Health Coffe»*, ■ How God Works In Ue. will trick even a coffee expert. Not Our text declares t;: . *.e i I* .!■.<.* Id «.id Ji'l’it-h.-lrs'ilp with our I de* m ■* t’r ”tr< « I i '’tirlst by growth In graur own salvation, because In tils Kingdom. The power of ibvac And kn)wth m grace mean» growth II Pure, healthful toasted grains, malt, Aoprs working m n conaecr.. *d mind la nuts, etc., have been so cleverly it Is G«sl that worketh In us. This wonderful. It cau mnke tbe tuiturully knowledge not general know ii-lge. bal puts < Sod's work first and ours subse Ihe ape« lul knowledge provldral by fl>< blended as to give a wonderfully »at- | isfying eoffre taste and flavor. And J queuily. Let us therefore cousld**r the weak strong, the nutura ly tlixüJ Lotf Lcr*J In bls Word. It 1« 11 f"*’ a>*'*>i' it is "made In a minute,” too. No te- I matter In this order. How, lu wtuit ns a lion. with what we every where oloerve Thia <>[>enitlon upon the mind la a tbe wkle »prend Ignoran...... . tl>*’ dious 2 0 to 30 minute«' boiling, All sense, does God work In Ids people— grocers. not in the worid; not lu the re|>eutant grndunl one from the time of our be* of God. even amongst <'hriatiaii*. ltlM sinner; not in the merely justified; but getting of the holy Hplrlt until our tin* Hcripture» de* In re. "My |H***pl>’K George T. Hall, Sr. and wife are iu those who have pass««! those stages change—not nil nt once, but grndunlly, lab for lack of knowledge ’ (R**»1 on their way home from an extended of approach to God and, by the be­ little by little, tbe l. trip through the East, getting of his holy Hplrlt. have en­ one fenlure after another of his won In-velopuient in heart. In cliarac tered bls family as chlldreu, as sons? det fill I’Inn of sail at kill. Step by step is uecesoiary Io tit us for the f",lir' "Behold ivlint manner of love tbe Fa­ lie ah* w« tn the appreciative und ubedl* rervice »« "■i»ml>m''’ of lhe C r< ther hath bestowed upon us. that we eel Is urt Un rk lien of hia grace, his UOMM-Iated In hl» glorious Klnxuou should lie called tbe sons of God" (I loving klmlnes«. I i I m tender mercy, the work. Our call I" to I m * king» al John ill, 1). "And if children, then boundleuaut** of his love mid the ulti­ prieeu that Wg mny »<•»’•• "7 heirs; heirs of God, and Joint-heirs mate out working of tils Divine powers of mankind. Tu preparo '** with Jesus Christ our Lord" I Roma us for the bh-asliig of nil of tils creaturea service lit the object uf ’)r vill, 17). How does God work In such who will accept lita favors on his own call nud th«* trials of fn't» I as have thus become bls children— terms. All the while he leaves us fr**e Hence, that by all th**»**, mr* er agents to will In harmony with Ida neHH of Chriat might 1**’ il<*'*'i"l -1 his sons? We reply that he works In them pro|MMltkm or to reject It. lie will us. if we do ti«-»«* lb.•)>-'« through Ids spirit—tbe spirit of tbe coerce no one. Our Ixinl J>nus ex- never full and mi entrance w Truth; the spirit of holiness; the spirit pressed the Father’s sentiment In this grunted tw Into tbe everhistliut of consecration; the spirit of souship. I matter, miy-lng, "The Father s<*eketh dutn <>f our Lord mid Savior. I 1 That 1* io sa.v, a certaia holy power mii < h to worship him as worship him In tbe«« thing« heartily they wl1 '' or Influence operates in and alsmt the spirit nn•’ h splrit-ls-gotten children of Gisl In har­ aud It Is the Dlviue preilesiln«1 »' How God Works In Us to Do. mony with this relationship. It has tu Endeavor to do right iiuturally fol- only such im nr** copie« of <•”* s do w ill all of tlielr exiierlences In lows right Milling. But this does nut Hon «hall be tils Jolnt-belrs In U>‘‘ life—home, family, business, Joys, suf­ t signify tbut God completes n work dotn (ItomuuH vll). 17). ferings, pleasures, sorrows. upon our wills first mid then begins n • KND A TEXT FOR A 9FR*?°"r But Gist’s special way of dealing .'reali work upon us, stimulating ua tu with Ids solrit begotten children Is do right to the best of our ability. On To Paster Russell. Brooklyn Ta« through their intellects- communicat­ the < outrary, as through his providence neole, •roekly". N ’• . f| ing with them through the holy Scrip­ and Word G * f tures. As the Apostle says, “God who ii|sm our wills through the knowledge a |MH*t rani from such of '"ir I spake in time ¡>aat unto the fathers of his Truth, little by little each new an are Interested I» b,M w’'' by the prophets bath Iu these last point of Truth was expected to fie ac­ courwoi and have r«elv**«l days spoken unto us by his Hon" (He­ knowledged by rffrnti on our part to Ing from them. Hngtt**1 brews I. 1). The twelve apostles whom do God’s will to the extent that the next yrer’« wmmn«. «nd " the Father s|»ee|ally gave to him, he new will was able to control the Im­ />w«al w,| particularly accepted as his representa­ perfect Iwsly. We may safely coo* I’aat« Rureeil bM 1,1 )H.n, tives, Iris mouth pieces, the i-liannebi rlude that each step In rightmifhag of little iMMikleta containing '' through whom would come to the moat lie followed by a step in right- tlful poem. "The Hweet Rh-r family of God the Instructions neces­ Jowiy before another Item of grace and He proiHiren sending om* ■’ ( sary for their development In hollneea Truth would be granted ns a basin for hi, rsapieiar M f*r »•’ »„ —the Instructions necessary for their additional willing and then additional reader« hoerd from »” attainment of the hope of their calling doing. Thun, as we walk by first pvt- the /lr»( cord rccriced and -glory, honor and Immortality in Joint- tln,** one foot forward and then the ers of the three most Inler«*« (||J heirship with Jesus their Redeemer as other repeatedly, so the New Creature he will liiMtend mail " .„.„ria the spiritual Seed of Abraham for the walks or progresses by first willing lold book murk. Iieiirt shni"« • MINISTER ISVOLSKY. Messing of the world (Galatians III. ’’th. and next Jolng the Ixird’s gcssl pleas­ two texts Of s. . ................. nd " « J, I’1*'-1 Russian minister of foreign affairs, Our («ont Jesus refers to this work gravure picture of th** s c 1 ■ [() considered one of the ablest men In the of G