FOUR THE EUGENE WEEKLY GUARO AN INDEPENDENT PAPER CHARLES H. FISHER. Editor and 1'ublialx-r Subscription prxe. I1.5U pur year. If paid in advancn; 51.00 at «nd of year. --- - — ,--- ———---- «gv-nt» tor The etuurd The following are authorized to take and receipt for aubacrtpUoua or tranaact any othet business for The Daily and Weekly Guard: Creswell—J. L. Clark. Ceburg—George A. Drury. ___ I All post masters are snthorlaed to receive and receipt Cor anrecriptlaaa la The Daily »nd Weekly Guard _______________________ _ i feated. There is a desire that congress shall become more rep­ resentative of the people and less cabalistic. The insurgency of last year may have been overdone in spots—may have beeu in tended for Chautauqua spectacularism, rather than for «olid ef­ fect, but the fact remains that it was founded in a correct idea: the idea of less individual domination and more popular expres­ sion. The congress just convened will be judged by the couutry as much on the influences which appear to dominate it as ou the legislation it passes. ' For His Christmas CONGRESS GETS DOWN TO BUSINESS A Gillette Safety Razor i would be a most useful and THURSDAY, DEC EMEER 16, 1909 In former times the news descriptive of a new session of con­ practical gift for a man. gress was cumbered with detailed accounts of the flowers heap­ ¡ Something he will use every CONDITIONS WHICH RETARD GROWTH ed upon the desk of this or that senator or house member. Of- day of the year and every I ten it happened that the floral tributes piled on the desk, in sen­ day of his life. Something A special dispatch to The Guard today from Boston tells of ate or house, were in ludicrous contrast with the relative esteem he will treasure. The Gil­ the Oregon Electric Railway bonds having been placed on the in which the occupant of that desk was held by the country. lette is as compact and as market there for the purpose of raising money to extend the line Then, too, these costly displays, which made business brisk handsomely finished as a from Salem to Albany and Eugene. This is encouraging nep, vi ai the agonies of nervousness. To KtrcnQthen the st" w-1,, ’••»«for. the activity ot the of’ ""f of digestion an 1 nutritinu and hence up the nerves, Pierce’s Go/' cn '-tcdlcal Discovery. It fs an tin- tailing r-niedy, and / :j I e couildcnco ot physicians as well as the prais'i t»t ti.ounanus healed hy Its use. In the si.-ictest sense “Goldi n d '.i'. Discovery” is a temperance medi­ cine. It < nlains neither intoxi. r>i • narcotics, and ..» *ree from alcohol a. fr<.or> on, cocaine and oil, r ca -rout drugs. All ingredients printed on its O'il«iue ».'rapper. . iz I > « oealcr delude!’ o rn p nfit. There is no medicins for nt. I . .el,, liver ard blood ‘jii'.t •r»'1 a, "Gulden Medical Discovery." One Year’s Subscription to Eugene W kly Guard McCALLS MAGAZINE In a large, artlatlc, handnomely lllimtriib-d hundred page monthly magazine. It contain» sixty new Fashion Dealgnn In each lanuo. Every woman need» It for Its up-to-date fashions, entertaining stories and complete Information on all home and personal topics, over a million siihscrllH-ra. Acknowl. edged the beet Home and Fashion Magazine, Regular price, 5 cents a copy. Worth double. McCALL PATTERNS THE EUGENE GUARD So simple you cannot misunder­ stand them. Absolutely accurate. In style. Irreproachable. You may se­ lect, free, any .’•! Call Pattern ylu de­ sire from ’.lie first number of the magazine which reaches you. Regu­ lar price, 15 cents. Ono of the best milted papers in this part of the state Gives all the news thnt's fit to print Interesting and progressive ludls|Minsabla In • very Eugene home. Regular price, 51..">0 per year. h DO NOT MISS THIS EXTRAORDINARY OFFER Cal. aL our office or address your order to the Eugene Guard, Eugene, Oregon If you want to stand well in the It you want a Job well done, do I’ yourwlf, says the egotistical self- community, always give your street yourself, ma<: man. car seat to a woman. The only difference between a The man who does little things I r and a Jackass is in favor of well will sooner or later have an opportunity of practicing on bigger the latter. * • ♦ ones. 9 9 9 The world may owe you a living Bryan may not be as popular with but there is no court in which you the voters as others, but he has ? can collect it. «peaking acquaintance with most of One dispatch Raya Abdul Hamid them. has gone crazy; another Ray» he In 9 9 9 It is said that historic Adam was a writing a book, There may be Rome democrat. That’s once when the connection. democrats had an overwhelming ma­ jority. Tnr> railroads have put a lid on 9 9 9 booze employes. Investigation dis­ A country editor wrote of Chica­ closes the fact that a majority of the go’s uniformed police. The lntelll- I accidents have been caused by men gent compositor set it up “unInform- indulging. FRFE TELEPHONE An Irresistible Bargain Notice how steady the earth appears? Congress is at the helm again. o ed,” which probably covered them o o I Just as well. THINGS WE THINK The year should he one of great growth and progress ♦ ♦ ♦ and A Chicago girl balled a boat out in Eugcac, and it will be if the people stick together and boost with her sllpjier and saved the lives WHAT OTHERS THINK of several people. Immense.—Austin good a .d hard along all lines of endeavor. During the past three Transcript. What did she bail her By Elbert Bede years Le foundation been laid for a splendid city, and its i o--- slipper out with? • * * popula ion Las grown from 6000 to above 12,000. Many sub- o ---------------------------------------------- ---- O The Cleveland leader says that a st’rtial ir prevements Lave been made, streets graded and You can never succeed by nursing scientist states that when people kiss they should use a strainer to prevent paved, and substantial buildings, public and private, erected in defeat. ♦ « ♦ contagion. We would suggest the Ju­ l-rge numbers. The era of railroad building, steam and elec­ The beef trust is capable of toot- dicious use of chloride of lime when openlatlng, which might prove an ex­ tric, seems to have opened, and Eugene’s greatest effort at this Ing its own horn. ♦ ♦ • cellent means of sanitation. time should be to secure the greatest possible benefit from this A jury of your peers is not always 9 9 9 I ilbltlon might put the liquor movement. We want more suburban electric lines, a steam road equal to the case. 9 9 9 business on the hog. to the coast, and the greatest possible benefit in the operation Some people cast their bread upon 9 9 9 the waters in Che hope The centipede ought to be able to of train service over the Natron extension now building across come back buttered. stand on Its own feet. the mountains to Klamath Falls. These are the things which will make Eugene a commercial centre of importance, and render permanent the growth of the past three years. A steady pull, altogehter, for everything which makes for the general good is what we need, and if a united effort is made throughout the coming year the results will be greater than in the past because of the solid foundation that has been laid. A Real Christmas Suggestion Other Fine Premiums A beautiful hand-painted real china plate goes absolutely free with one year s paid- in advance subscription to the Weekly Ouard. One of our Ready Reference Library and Wall Charts, containing an up-to-date map of Oregon, the United States and the world, given free with a year's paid-in-advance subscription to the Weekly Ouard. A pair of the celebrated high-grade Tension Shears given away with one year s paid-up subscription to the Weekly Ouard. A Steak Carving Set, warranted knife and fork, free with one year's subscripti00. Clubbing Offers If you do not wish to take up any of these premium offers, we will send you an? one of the following publications for one year, if you will sc nd us 50 cents additional — $2.00 for a year in advance. The Weekly Oregonian. • • The Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal. ' Thc Pacific Monthly. LaFollettc's Magazine. Agricultural Paper Free Or we will 3end you the Oregon Agriculturist free for a year if you will send a year’s subscription in advance for the Weekly Guard. Trusting that we may hdve your acoeptance of one of these propositions at your earliest convenience, wo are, TRULY ,.™ GUARD PRINTING COMPANY]