TW® 0 ■ ■ ■ i—« »..................................... The Mission Of those corp vi sc I os In your blood that havo boon called “ Little Soldiers,'* Is to fl^ht for voti against th«» dlsonao norms that 'onstantly endanger your health These corp uscio« nro tnad* healthy and strong by the uso oi Hood's Sarsaparilla. llii.» medicine is it combination oi more than Jti different remedial ugelli« in proportions and by n powese known only Ui ourselves anil it Inis lor thirty veriru i»» u coiiHtaiitli proving it* north No substitute, none **pist-iis-good." O»o OO o PEOPLES PULPIT... Scinion bv CHARLJ > RUSSI 1J. I’. Í 'nfit for the Kingdom. 4 I «»ui wuebou 1 ’» miibh I btougUt luto th«* laird litui im., If «ut. tla« liupit. „,¡ l'Mti lb«' spirit «>t ’ un ',-r ft’uti n,-., lixartu uud at" |H,, "u I;.,' ur I'll« ,*U rlptix,", “ •*" ib.11 j, will lx- poaulUi. i,,. Otturati«^ fhi »II., ; h»a for. IU««r IUlHllli«MI *<" 'l"til.*ti,..| 'h'lih'lix.iH ll'' „ i a too I ms I mmu , , * ,ü» I»1N xy utUulkull, tn L i, ',rf uuaa uim ! wba 1 Ilia Italy topiWt I» tuen fra, ttou l»uUy '•«»( tua» ft»«« ttoa way vT '.•UtvwttMxw,. tola Ur—. a^*UM w 4«,.,,,^ l'toa Apawtt» ■»’•• 'toe I Maamtlta “- "( (i»a sew khw« wax teCwmiug I« bar walkvwtM “ '»c 'll l*Vtwl|, » Mat I ba • ••• •< <• « It If tba • tap I*» ltt«»w wl'i« Isti llt'rtitiijg sad dulUw«•il'*** u He* rxtsru tv i uittrdaruua i «adlttM« «g loart -----1 llt'ltlwf. Su I lug lx* with lb* fall «<»iiMat "t tlx Itxart l'h<* Apiatie. Ix.w vvvr, ti.»« tnH- mate that up i<> • m ( «ht pultn Ih't» la tmpc of re< i ' ovm * j «nd heure ht ttrg««M a II of I be fait b: 'il P* nssKt Itirw, »ayIng. Il>* * ■ «I " »,*1-1X111 a aluun (otte«« a brut Iteri from lie* errar ut his waya aitali aa Axalu we read N drunhird >it«| enter luto lhe Rlugd'iiu ut tied'* q «‘orinthiana vi. Itti Ha aurvly »"ty lx* unlit. Till» d*»*a u .I, toowrtw, its. ply lbai all iw«' «'a:s...<« fnou I«. toll' ent liquor* am tit fur tbv King, dom Neither dœa It Imply qut « drunkard might u<*t riyfunn aixl itllu • eaa«' lo Ite • druukartl, «a'r>»l Ibv «"rid la general lé»l » |>«**^ili* imtahlng of (’toriat a cup of autTecliig art* e.iid to re. elv<* “the »pirli of v x*uud tuiud~- clearnaaa of iii 'trt - laii'llug r"»|««»n 1 h»*e 11 m * only irt»<* G< h J. nud J»* su» « Tiri-«, h b"Ui tieni h i«t wnt" | all who have sceu the Infiaita la Guard Special Service. I’a*t<>r lirooklyii "No Man I laving Pul I li» I Limi Perhaps there is tilings. iAUtdon, Dec 4. J.wwi'htne But'.sr and all brave 1 abenuuja. The city aud the Northwestern to lite Mow atei 1 AWikaug Llack. I» . no more abused class of men tn the champions of purity. Corporation thia forenoon elgttiMi the British Empire today than those I it I or (I h - Kiagdaui ut < mk I (I .uk*- ¡ Ann«* Hindrerer and all lliaaion- contract whereby tbs corporutleu is boaring th«* title of Duke They have i arv pioneers. to furnish the ally lights for another I Margaret Gedolphln and all who auff'-red ao much from the attacks ■•“•»♦Oo o I year have kept tneuia«*lvee unspotted lhe matter of a aotttrsct with the made upon them in Parliament that in a corrupt world. Sunday, I»««*•, 'aatur I< um «ur l-urj reproach In the eyes of a considerable (be w«»rde. **.Nu( fit fur the Klug Elizabeth Fry and all pitiful pany for one year at the price named I lug put hie baud lo tin* plow, and look number of lieges of King Edward.1 women. I by the company, and the matter was duui uf llud.” aa be Uhl hi tiumx “th back. Is fit for the Kingdom of I f referred to the proper coiumltt»««* for lug Agues Joie» and ail devoted nur- il, <»f life <1 iee«Hjreee 111 it«o>|>«*<'( lo the This is not attributable to any mis­ 'Inal xet'leuicnt. The old contract ex-1 j Uud" (I.uke 1«. «K_*t. ILe d«s*vuru«* fol < Uui'vti < laae uo»w i*allo*d of tlio* l iittiri conduct upon the part of the once en-, sea. I pired on Dec-ember 1. and as a new Queen Victoria and all noble vied coronet, but to the savage at-| low« U» be the 'KInffdotu.'* hi Cl»4 m’liM* of contract had been signed up to last tack made upon them by two mem-; Queens. | Tit«» Great Teacher did not uae t b>< (»«•liig the King« end | rl* -(’• « f 1 Util night the company failed to turn lhe Lady all bers of the present Asquith adminis­ methods <>f in, <|<*rti revivalists to ■r Khigiiuin tin* «•( lu it lights on, and the »tr«*ets were in tration who are more than any oth­ patrones« darkness for two or three hours. I cur«' a foil..ivlug l|F (Rtj |H1I aak I !)•♦ ec 2 The postal i w'otil'l prefer i>> go to be«*«'it at tlratlt H« mi < uii I j Hri»legriH»»;i Khi>( <»f kl »«T* to which the liberal Government is Mary Someville and all earnest and requested that the lights be turn­ authorities of Pittsburg district ut:d of loid*. in bln run* *»t m committed. The two men: «ers| ed on. and promised that the matter cluim to have nlpiH'd one of the lH»at- land then pubUnli tlirtu hh convert« (liounand yeara are Davi.l Lloyd George and Win­ students. Susannah Wesley and all devoted o' fixing up th«* contract would be at­ lald plans of swindling Innocent men ChrlxtlanH. Indeed bis nietli.»l« w<«r<* ston Churchill. het Fit For the Kinydom. tended to today. mothers. that has com«* under their notice tn - very reirr»<* of tbla. avoiding all With the object of creating a Au informal meeting was held this for some time. We in»w bare lM«f<»rr »»ur i»ih>d*< lb«* There are also memorials to Queen wave of popular indignation against kju!» of Neiisallcnal N;q.eai» to pride, forenoon, th«* mayor, members of the Alic«» Crum, of Johnstown. Pa . also two In wlihh I be ri|>t o«Mh»ii. the Dukes, sufficiently strong to Bertha of England. Queen Margaret council. Manager latmbirth. of the known as Mrs. Peterson, a most at­ ■einalitiua«. vanity, etc. Ue art forth kingdom of I hm I. la li»»rd uhd oo «tin overwhelm all opposition by the of Scotland, and St Helen St. Ca:h- Northwestern Corporation, and At- tractive young woman, was placed un­ in plain term« the «list-ulHea to ba ex House of Lords to the new budget, erine, and St Agatha. if^dllv eeu that <»itr land v<»ul«l tmt torney A. C. Woodcock, counsel for der arrest last evening, charged with pMtad by all tb«*a» wh<> iwpouao hie there Is no accusation that the1 refer to the Millennial Kingdom and the corporation, lx* In g present, The having list'd the malls to defraud. Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Cauae and Income tila dleipi«« Hr ■a.v that any w»eil«1 t»e too d«*grndw| to contract as agre«*d upon at th«* coun­ She has been placed under heavy ball President of the Board of Trade have, l»e fit for the |nflii«M»wer the last year, and has collected heav­ • he*«', saying. -Marvel not. If tito uf rigtite«Kieii * um uplifting tuuu out of the Good of the "jects" have been among the least. It haled incandescents; 50 cents |>er mouth world bate you Yr know that I ily from «'ach of them by mall. offensive epithets applied by these aln and death «unut because ye are twit of thv whnli la to | h * re«at*»red I«» th** willing readjustment of the distribution of ignated in all official documents as Rons Is a well-known resident here, world, but I have cbotten you out of nml obedient, «« Ht. I'eirr de« lar«*e the “right trusty and right entirely United States troops, having in having twen employed by the city as the world, therefore the world tiatwli iA«'ta ill. Id.*1». It folluwa (bun. that beloved cousins" cf the Sovereign. mind as a feature-in-chief, a closer an inspector of sewer construction you (| John ill, 13; Jouu xv, >.*«, |y> otir l.ord inuat have i«*ferr«*d to tboae And only the other day Lloyd George co-operation with the militia organi­ zation, is recommended in the annual ___ I paving work. declared during the course of a pub­ railed «>f 1 he Faittcr aixl il« « «*pl«»l by Inatrad of tryiug to produce an ex report of Secretary of War Dickin­ lic speech that it "cost just as much hiiunC'f tx lie i IU»«*I« n I m t**l |»iU»lu»1 --- ------------------- son, which was made public today. cltcnient wbl. It woultl over '.alanceth** to keep one Duke as it did to main­ Io II »«• taught In it*«* Hch'M.l of < hrlut The Secretary calls the present sys ­ Judgment of ids hearer» aud lead thru* tain a couple of dreadnoughts." and! ami eventuali* l to iMt'xmr lil< lirt.le tem cf distribution not only illogic­ Now Controls Equitable Life that "the Duke was quite as great a I lo prufeax what they nubaequeutly al, but menacing. The Secretary reco­ and Jolnt beir In flic King Assurance Sociey, of terror and lasted longer.” ; would not |H> able or willing pr,,.. doni. No notti w III l*r (-ial«'«*nH»l mmends also a comprehensive reor­ nt for k ' War In Art Circles. New York ganization of the army establishment. the. the («rent leactoer, <>u th«* con- a sitare in inai Millrnnlal KlugUuut. The leading art experts of London “The military system.” he says, tr.iry, said to tboae contemplating du uiili*HH he attslii» i «•» t hr glurluus qunll are making some spirited bids “contemplates New York, Dee. 2—Control of the a correlation of the I cipleadiip. "jtit down tirat and count th« ile» of cbaracter, wt lu t • Il I p. wbh 11 Hl«* against agents of American art deal-j regular army­ with the national Equitable Life A.s-urance society by ers at the Polovstoff sale in the Salle, guard. ittstiMii <.f uiteuiptiiig t„ »way Srlpture» se i*( forth hm tho Bit lh<« ’ Joint camps of Instruction Thomas F. Ryan soon aft«»r the in- They Will Have Privilege of the ‘■«>»t Petit. Paris today, while Frenchmen i and maneuvers in the past have been surance scandals a few years the limit It ud«*s, our Lord took a dif­ «taiKlxrd “Un i»ph*vi of God** » vili. 20» of four panels from the Beauvais! troops engaged. The jiartlclpation of with the ,472.One.Oi)O of Morgan assets "FU for thè Klufftlotn!” |ji*t uw think Days in the Week dim-lple» of only M apeclsl clean not manufactory which are the chief,' the National Guard In these man­ which the company declared ! in Its for a inoiiirnt 1 wlmt IhiiM* word« n I kii I ! treasure of the collection will be [ euvers has given to the regular army last statement. the |««H»r. uut the ndi. not th« learned, fy. First of nil i w»* r«*« »»gnJ«<• thnt, nx At a meeting nt the board uf dlrcc preserved to France. It is said that' the inestimable advantage not other­ The transfer marks a complete re­ not the Ignorant, but. Irrespective ..r sibilerà, we w»*rv thoroughly . the American bidders have almost i wise obtainable of experience in the versal of the old order under which tors of the Y. M. C. A. this week, ft unlimited means back of them and I maneuvering of large masses of men Insurance companies controlled des­ was-d«*d«!“l that-the young ladles uf tbeae clamt Hue» aud dlutlu. tl.m«, bl« UH/tt for any favor of G«s|, min li i«*»» will carry prices to unprecendent-] under conditions of service assimila­ tinies of bank* and trust companies. Eugen«» ehouid be given the use of call was to «it thoae who ioved right- Itola gr*ai*»t of (ili favor», joint heir Ths Importan«» of F.dslity. heights. S j much has been written i ted so far as practicable to the actual New» of the transfer was contained the gymrianhini, xhower baths and eouanrx» uud halm iniquity. All tlioee slilp wjlli bis Soli mid ’ partiik«-tn of I ’ rkl«* I n aiiutlK'- quality of tin* heart awlmming pool two' afternoons a about the Polovstoff collection that; conditions that may be expected when in the foil wing brief aiatetnent from win. were weary uud henry laden, up tli«» invine nature' «Il l'eter I « Hut will'll Would t ruder It» i '. wu -. mi US- »«•<*k. This will < aie s good new little nee! be said in addition except J war is on. The National Guard, in the offic'*« of Morgan & company. tliat ditti- illiy ha» all lierii over-oine i.riwm-d by alu at.c na penalty to them lit for tlx* Kingdom of <■<») IVe read that besides the tapestries there are addition, had tie opportunity to ac­ ‘ Mr. Morgan has bought the ma­ to many of the young la «fes. There, Witti filose Wllo lime ionie unto taial that Ihr Lord ii*a|»tetb Ihr pn i; rusifica*- The present system, the secretary purchase is subject to the trust under Young men over IS will receive full the most Im-! not very numerous, Uri fa' Wh>> la lie i lia' ■ ondi tunal• ' lies» lu |i«mal and loada mpllv* brought lu touch with lb.* I( n I wuw says, should give away to an organi­ which Grover Cleveland. Morgan J. portant being a Greuze, the portrait zation tactically correct for war pur­ O'Brien and George W«»stlnghouBe privileges for 11« per year, with an can ut.ka rnrttorr prugrra. .«.ly (Romana vili U .iti It la Christ Hint many lulo sill Wlieti wr rr»d tint entrance fee of »2 additional. A of an engraver. Wille, signed and pose»;.; that Is. theae various troops, were ma !e voting trua:ee» for the through faith in him and aubotiaetuu dl<»l for osi Bina and who ih . w la our God allow» lu» favor lu the limnbMi special rate of »** will b<* made to all dated. 176». The others are works both regular and millkia, gathered benefit of the pollcyholdera and It Advis-ste. Who could In any ala» wr may Im aurr ttiat ihr fmur ot of modern masters, among others together, should be permanently iea- covers all Mr. Ryan's Interest. In­ high school and college students over to tola guklam * luto all Trulli sud loto This wi’i .ndude students In the fellowship with thè Fa t bar. The class esime lieiwaon uà sud olir Mavlor and join I-bri rabí p with He* lintatiurr u Daubigny, Diaz. Isa bey and Jacques ignated in name and organization, cluding all the stock purchased by IK. business colloges, subject of course tbua influen. rd we l»elleve to l>e auiail ■ ur tleavettly Fai ber? Stevens. for the tiuilitile alone. Willi slut with all the attendant system which him from James H. Hyde." lini ibis Juatitteatlon I» noi minigli The sale will be aonducted by would be in existence in time of war. cs refill ties» thin alloilld laid -. iwtfu th» earth'* iRevelntlon zi. «li. I" arlfl»|oi«*M whi, i, i, a j flerp «'niel Not only is America robbing Eng-; (u Wr shoal'l stili I h * «lllht to In» thè f'M- t,f ,.T|>| cellent Christmas present for parents •out.' trace of th,. juia<(. of land of its art treasures through irri- , of Ihr Inly Spirit. to give their boys and girls would be I the lwcfe. Ho«> of wbi,.), father .«¿.q, Jisigra of tl|r World, a» the t«-rlptlirr» aistible financial deais. but she is. •lie l.ur.l U» to •*** that the a check made out to the Young Men's was created, it la thU lra. ,. ,,r atrall| fie* I*re that wo aliall Im, »aylug. winning some of her best men of ll««ia,i|jr l alli. t i* u,,( tuerrly cwlllag Christian Association for the amount! Quite unusual is business ability, of th.* itiviue character repraanmtm ’ Know y» not that the »slut» «.hall for tli.,«.' who l a generally ts«""i I®* of the BtoBbnrahlp. Thi* check! the latest coup of American thrift Ju Igo the world ' il Corlntlilan* «1, '.**. tent I. .tu, nih I w|, . iv. ui Id rattier «1» could be kept until the opening oft by < ontu len. .. and faith who b lead, resulting In the making of Henry Our Heavenly Father In bringing tight ttiaii «I., wri't.g ; \V «• may ti*j"k* them to re ..gnitu* tbrlr falleu ami alt, Puger from the management of the I Plead Guilty to Charge of Con­ Miss Vesta Bernice Jacobs and the bullJIng and then turned over to| the Association. The chance to be, ful condition, aa compared with the many wx unto glory made lhe Cap Willi Hilt'll that lhej y are lirlter than Hotel Savoy. Lon ion. for the same Trevis Fenton Principals spiracy to Defraud Un­ in a well organized Y. M. C. A. for hi Divine standard of perfection, and th » t «ill of tbrlr »».viitloii (Jesiiai |H-rfr<'t I beir iH*lgblH*rs, I. but they tire inti hl hr position in the new Cafe de l’Opera, year witn the nuineroUK helpful and become«, the basis ..f th.*lr tailing or through aiitTrrlng». Kbuilld wr think Hit* Kliigdoiit t.f i,.. I. unie»» their bis in Happy Affair cle Sam New York, which is to occupy a enjoyable activities of each week of draM ing <>• (¿«f, (hrir mr.” • ||«« ||j It strange Hist we. hl» younger breth­ Broadway | spectacular position on i for Trulli, fur "* th«* whole 52. will make a Christmas hath tin car. let him brer" (Revelation ren. juatifled through lil" l>l«»al. should f‘>r rlghtroiiau« •B*. no tornii) establiali*»! from Forty-first to 1 Forty-second Portland. Or.. Dec. 2.—When 15 Sjiecial Correspondence. I "ill <»f <»( m |, |»r ereeptable than any 11. «i. It Will lx- obeerved tliut we are I m * re<|ulre«i. not merely to make a pro street, opening December 15. M.: leading citizens of Pendleton Dexter, Dec. 3.—A very pretty present mor, and Unit tliey nr»* e ready «nd willing t" "rB* of. There Is a' Puger has become known to thou-' Umatilla county vesterdav pleaded wedding occurred at the home of the other we <. . t not specially blaming or <<>ndeiuiilng ft-NMloll of toNllim'»», liolltir»». but u I mo ».Idlers of J1*» sands of Americans during bis seven! guilty in the Unite! States Court to bride's mother, Mrs. Rose L. Jacobs, steady and very i- nsiderable outlay tbuae who hsv.* pot th., hearing car lo approve or ilttewt Unit ei'litlmeilt to «lure linrdu«BM HM K'B< , g...»l light" to Christ" ami to "tlglil « years’ management of the Hotel Sa- the charg- f entering Into a conspir­ Dexter, Or., op the evening of No- necessary In c< m-ctlon with the com-j building, and culler-' On the contrary we remember th.* I n * a part of our very < hsrseter! Is • It.* end of th....... in., laying h"M ul"'11 voy. but could not resist the offer of acy in 1902 to obtain illegally a large vember 24, 190», at 8 o'clock, when pletion of th not what wa ss the Church «if Christ eternal Ilf,, an,I g|,, -J r, and liuinortalb »50,000 a year to become general acreage from the Federal govern­ her daughter. Miss Vesta Bernice.was Hons have bee n coming In very alow gracious words of th ripttire. that n. All those Gods due lime. "All the blind ryes ei|>rrl»n< «• very reasonable ludml - •>'■ Gue of G< d'» objwta lu iwrmlt- manager of Gotham's newest feating ment, United States District Attorney united in marriage to Trevis H. Fen­ for nearly a month now. who have unpaid notes in the banks; shall lx* opened, all the drat «« xball who would I»* prrparml to teach the palace. To the strains of i.ehengrin's ting the world it nd the flesh "t“* ltw McCourt promptly recommended that ton. are urged to make a very great. ef-| be unfttop[M»(| (I mm I b I) xxxv, 5>, \yo world nieekneaa. patlem-e, brotherly -er will'll Canadian Emigration. the pleas be accepted, and tba J udze wedding march, played by the birde’s fort to met im­ |«>wt' gat loin as s«x>n as are glad of thia pi„n.U. of (J,MJ (hat kindness, long »nffrrlng love, without AtlVeraarjr to liar.* the ‘Uuleract There is a great decline in emigra- Wolverton make the'r O'lnlrhrr'i'nt sister, Miss Maude Jacobs, the couple and <• lllt'y now poHneM to < making a record' possible. We are tion to Canada. Last year trade in substantial fine3, omf’tlng d piientieua »“* the 1m- took their places beneath an arch of with our building here, both as to| ultimately all shall ««* and all shall Hist of all developing tillMMJ varioUM light ngHlnat our g.iixf this Colony was very bad, and the prisonment penalty. The district at- ivy and chrysanthemums, where a 1‘iplalued i*’ '*'* bear and oil shall know Him. from the qlialitirai of character III lllllixrlf ' \!n| rraolutloua I» ,*_. only emigrants needed were farmers torney was joined in that request by v< *•»• impressive ceremony was read the charcctt ■ >f the building we are least to the greateat. IV. rejoice, to«.. how cottlil In* develop thin«* n the Chun h of Christ, with a The Salvation Army annually sends storkmen of Eas’ern Oregon, Colonel The following relatives and guests th«* matter » • ''••anlng up the debts tl.eir time of trial for life view to making u» tit for lhe glorlotis (Drutrranumy xill, 3t. If love of »It* No Hubscription la too or death eterm.| on the earthly plane. position of our Ingti calling uf Gr lore of tiny earthly a large batch of emigrants into Can- J. H. Raley, a lawyer for many years, were present: Mrs. Rose L. Jacobs. incurred. small to I/ * ueede I, and the peed la i lariat Jeans? ada. Last year the thing ean overlmhiii. t* our hire tu Ibv number was heading the line. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford H. Jacobs, Mr. now urgent. The Kingdom of God. 6,500, but this year only 4,160. Colonel Raley. In When the Script urea refer lo the i ond to li»*, I rulli mid Ills i*oplf* tendering his and Mrs. W. H. Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. our text xp....kN of u>.* Kiugdom of The work of finishing up the build ­ Every emigrant landing in Canada plea of g't'lty. said that all of the Wm. Williams, Rev. J. C. Holeman, ing in progre sing very rapidly now. G'xl. Ami it I n Important that wr Church at being III for lhe Kingdom w«* nre not worlliy of it pluie I» tb* must now have at least »26 in his defendants had act ed Io g . ** d faith John Holeman, Misses Maude Ja­ and tho- • *li hav, the privilege of first of all notice Hint tl.,.».. words l.uve uud in lx Ing I lie *'ov«*r<'omers'' for Kingdom not nt for tin* hinici"“1- pocket. In addition to any further and had n t volun arll.v violated the cobs, Leslie Jacobs and Alta Williams. going through it recently have been in lhe >*4< ripturex .. two fold signifi­ whom the Kingdom 1» prepared, ami Not merely good pnif.'xxl"iis. but faith* railway expenses to which he may be Federal law. Th«: young couple will reside at Dex­ m«>Ht agreeably surprised at th«* com-! cance. Tor liiMtancp, our Lord J * hiim who aliall share Ila glorl«*a and huiiora, fulness tinto desili, lull* of 'hurai'* liable. This has accounted, to a The fire- "-■"»»ed by Judge Wol­ ter. pletcm* m » and flBwneto fineness of lhe ih<* build- bulld- ’ tuugl.t thut we should pray to the Ft. bc'-auxe "they are ivorthy" (Itevelatlon •er. «re r«*t|tilri«l . f tin* Lt ril ot such great extent, for the decrease in em- verton, ...__ , ... . ...^ ___ ____ __ following the , pleas of __ guilty. Ing. A good sized crew of men are igratlon, as the regulation is strictly j and paid by the defendants, were: III. 4i, we are In iinilerstnud tlila wor- as lit* would honor with « share In •••• ther. ,• Thy Kingdom come; ti.y w m at work, On Monday there were flf- enforced in regard to thlnesx and tltneas, not tbnt they were those who J. H. Raley, »10.000; J. W. be dour ou earth us it Is done In ten men w<.>rklng on the gynasium Kingdom. wish to settle down in the towns and Crow, »5.000; C. \V. Matthew.», floor alone, March lat. was the date .raven.” 1 he ref.*reu«*e of thlx prayer originally so, bill thnt by G im I' s grn<'e, An Abundant Entrance. cities. »3,500; William Caldwell, »2.500; through Christ, a transformation work set for the dedication, but it may be It to the Mill.* rdgn or govern Having notiiMl lack of lot«, Wom«-n Arc Honored. John Winn, »3.500; William Slush- po Bible to open sooner now. The incut of Christ, which St. |*aul de­ will i*v>*iiiuNlly bring some to this glori­ lack of xeni, |n,*k ut . oii»tmn y. I.*>«,k of Every good woman, worn including the er. »5,000; William A petition was circulated and sign­ Rabe, Rabe. »500; Lldx OI1 furnishings are all to be sub­ clares will begin ut (he Second ( ,,.>.- ous position where G«xi himself will <*s- derollon would unlit for the Khunl<’Ut« Holy Mother. Is honored in stained Alonzo Knott.«, »3,500; Bailey Rose. ed Tueaday by the store keepera of glass in the I/r-.dy Chapel of the new »1.000; Samuel Olmsted, »500; A. P. Croswell whereby It was agreed that, mltteri Dee 15rh. and the work of ng of our fx»rd, nixl continue until be teem them trotfAp to lie culled tils < hll- let us notice Houie of the clii«ract«*ti»" selecting the equipment will soon be sbnll have put down all insubordlna ' dren, nml to lx, Joint heirs with Ills Liverpool Cathedral now belDg built. Bowman. ,5000; George McDoanld, beginning today, Thursday, Decem­ II«* n nci eHxniy to n place In It"' hlui* taken | i ixiv. The third floor Messrs. James Powell, of the White­ »2,500; Joe F’arks, ,500; George H. ber 3, their place of business would dom-Hom«* of tin* qinilllle». therefWA » ig will be finished as tlou ..II sin, everything contrary to Hon, th«* Great King. of the friers Glass Works, are fixing the .Iiiar: close at 6 o’clock in the evening, ex­ ».' 500. which we mimt each cultivate In ,lUf Various Kinds of Fitnaas. soon as i 4 f, .lor.ii! coats nt s'alnlng Divine character and L,.,v. I( w|)| b), windows in the chapel, which is ex­ cept Saturdays and other such days as own tienrtN, w Iddi we liutai each de* have tx < n i.u on the wood work, and the Kingdom of g .„| which will sub There Is «.tie certain atnndiiril of pected to be ready for worship next may be mutually agrr-ed upon. On n put 'n the shower room. due all things, it will |M. u... Kingdom rm« for ths Kingdom rind Hirin' other velop I» ||| m own duini' ter. The AP* th* ]>' imbitr year. Saturday night th«* Btores will be The ' i , g of the second floor or <«.xl amongst men pet fe. t„| w(1,.r) nlll do; but tilers may lx* quit«* it va­ He explains tb«*ae mid urge« H"' "l’,‘ The heroines of the past few de-| kept open as long as the owners de­ ha» al :■ a nearly completed, and all thing, »bull l.uve been subdued. cades are Immortalised on a series sire. From November 1 to April 1 riety of conditions which innk«* one wa- ter thus, **Add to your fnlth fortitude; a fine hmdwood floor lias b«»«*n put And when Christ s mediatorial Klug mill to fortitude knowledge! ** of scrolls which bears lhe following Two cows owned by M. J. Spanlol. the stores will close at 6 p. m From la *ie ' ‘ n- t'-nt. The swimming dom xl.iill be. ut the eml ,,f the Mil /I for the Kingdom. One of these is knowledge lenip<*nili< e; nml I” t'*in|>et* inscription: of Stayton, are dead from arsenical April 1 to November 1 they will clou« I murder. "No murderer hath eternal is io Ir* itnusually well, Mary Collett and all prayerful poison. When postmortems were per­ at 7 p. m. Chronicle. lennlltni. delivered buck lo God, even Hf<* abiding In tilin’* (I John ill, 1B>. ance iMitlence; mid to patience llgh ed i no \ cry ractive. women. formed on the bovin«*«. their stomachs the Rather, Gel's Kingdom win bare He would lx* unlit for th«* Kingdom. item; nrid to gdlllnena brotherly h|l|d' Louisa Stewart and all the no­ were found to contain several pounds Buslne:o< men of North Yakima. fully tome in th,, earth. God's will Th«* Churchill-Matthews Company , This would not »Ignlfy, Ixiwever, that •tesa; mid to brotherly kliiiln** ble army of martyrs. of gravel, «'arth, leaves, bits of wood Wash., fearing loss of trade throng ""¡J of ortl.ini. ■ nt pure: i asers of. then will be ,„,«Hible of aeeompltah- cm* who hud oin e lx*en n murderer »'or if thane Hiliigs 1« I» Christian Ilussettl and and good-sized stones. The largest the bad condition of the roads 1 oOli a • < of 'nod l*t the I.. »rane vil-' ment by men. because ail will have abound, they niiiki* yon that y* "**• singers. might iiof, by n “ound eonvrrnlon nt.d stone, taken from one cow's stomach, through th.; surrounding country, ley, have al, ut JpO ac. e« ploi|*;'ie 1 rticlttd fxTfrctloi.; ai„| Chi i"t's medlti- l?y f.'illhfllllieMM III the Ncbixil of Christ, ii«*lttier lx* barren nor unfruitful In t Grace Darling and ail in the presence of a butcher, a veter­ have deride I to build an exhibition and expect co nple;.' 300 acres lie-. torhil Kingdom will end lx*«au-«. if will ous maidens. inarian an«i four other citizen». iu « : ih - mile of highway at th«* exteri»! n of fore th* firxt of the new y Ixs-otm* n member of itie Kingdom knowledge of our L>t,l Je»u-*« t'ltth’’"' •ar. They be no longer t.ccesH.iry, It win have for If • u ,io Hu-.' thing». «i1»11 ner‘ wiw ured four inches a*ross by two Inches North First street, in the hop«* that Dr. Alice Marval and wil ?«•'. 'hi- I e-te t » fruit tree, in n.i<"m,ri||x,1„1 ,he gr„,lt pil|.iMFMp fo|> i Inxx. Itut the word murder here uxeil "T fall; for no mi eiiirmn'» '‘i’"11 ** have laid down their lives tb'ck, and weighed 3 3-4 pounds. It it will serve as an example In fur- FVbruar' and f .1 ’* w up th« work ns |h:ts n bromler tm-nnlng tlinii is gener­ wum iriti’iidifl. tnlnlxtertd unto you aliiimbtot'.’ *"*• 1» tlio’ight font the cowa. In their ag­ i rierlng th< -prend of the good I« , rapl i’y poa «•i 1*1« . Six tea n s and flf-i Which ally ntt K-heii to It -the mennliu which all loyal ony. due to the burning of th"lr vitals movement. A cotomittee appointed by teen men are emp’oyed. Th «• trxet I ni ft m t nut. buwtivM*. rvHpectlng that Kt. John pave to the word when lie tli«» eierliiHting Klnplom ”f "l,r ' . by th • arsenic, ate everything they the Commercial club has th«» con being fenced.- -Cotta;;,; Grove Sentiu-I ,tf"lCT- ",’,t '"‘-1‘ «aid that wboxoever hnteth Ills brother tiii'l N.ivlor Jesus Christ" (II • and could get hold of. structlon in charge. el. Kingdom, that our Lord spoke in our Is a murderer (I John il, 11). We MU • AMONG WOMAN’S SECRETARY OF WAR MAKES ANNUAL REPORT MORGAN PURCHASES INSURANCE COMPANY ™d' YOUNG LADIES TO BE GIVEN USE OF NEW Y. M. C. A. GYM PENDLETON MEN PRETTY WEDDING AT PAY HEAVY FINES DEXTER LAST WEEK CRESWELL STORES TO CLOSE EARLY COWS POISONED. THEY EAT STONES «