SIX THE «UGENE WEEKLY GUARD, THURSDAY, DEO. 2. 1909 I ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦J • MARRIED 1 • Th«* marringv ot Homer M M >rrl* of Eugiine to Miss Klsl Widener «if llarrlaburg was stdemnUed vester »1 iv tnorning at thn M K I 1 at Albany. Rev G idoil officiating They were accompanied l>> W II 44'ldenor mid Mrs. lirue«* Drinkard. father and aunt of th«» bride. The happy couple came t»x Harrisburg on th«* noon train yesterday wher,* they will remafti for some time before go­ ing to Eugene where the groom ha.« a ueat little home in readlneiu» Mr. Morris la a former Harrisburg boy and a nephew of our postmaster C. L. Morris. He Is a young man ot sterling worth. The brid«> has resid­ ed with her parents here for th«* past eight years. Sh«* 1» a young lady of exceptionally good qualities, both In and out uf the home. Through her position as lady clerk tn th«* May * Senders Co., store she formed a wide aeiiuaintance and made many friend» who will extend the best of wishes. —Albany Herald. Ooo PEOPLES PULPIT... »I mi telgn with him" »limi « Illi him n, . i,, . r *• I« him” l'ima n.. ..... U.K,»hl. Auv I m h | h il «I ,,| ’»••M I m *KUII Hit. Ill, I Out on »'«iiullilnn thui th»-, «m"'»''ri<'11 n«»l. aepurstMi fr.n, Senn«»n by ptesetit their ts»lh'H in i.,- *' "H « CH. ARI J . i r. « ............... ".rin, » '"*1 Text, ’‘Without Shed" RUSSELL. laird nu.| |!.*««1 »u.I „„ Sl County Clerk Lee has footed np the assessment roll of Lane county, clarea, "tilling U(.,.......... "•« I ’axtor (VookJyn ding ol Blood 1 here Is No showing an asmssed valuation of 322,006.920. an increase of >2,825,605 a hind oí tbo » mi, t |IMI, uf, .(|r| J.. ’J* This has b*ti oaa of the 4 over the valuation of a year ago. The summary is as follows: 1 abernade. ralnlret Novembers In the ♦ Remission** (I lebrews ix, Value -lnuai.24. I'l,« ».am i. ,h(. J‘,|* tlassIHcation of I'roperty Number memory of the oldest Inhabi­ ♦ Acres of Tillable land........................................................... 117,963 i 2.647.630 «if their la.r.1, hul b* |«.am ,|M| n'» tant. According to the fig­ ♦ 9.491.230 22). Acres of non-tlllable land................................-................ 1.391.935 through the la*llev. ra ,,f ' Wwl< ures kept by E. G Briggs. Io- ♦ 765.490 Improvements on d»-eded or patented land............... «-»Ooo ooO» .................................................... «»-*(> Age 1» th.* Intent that ti,.., „ *'"W cal weather obaerver, the to­ ♦ 2.297,065 Town and city lots................................................................. III Hie glori.», .„d t,..„»,ra ¿¿‘“¡J* tal precipitation was 9:15 ♦ 1,787.960 Improvements on town and city lots.............................. Sunday, Sept. ’AL — A o-allsallou uf otiw particular and anuie in another, Inn inches aa compared to 3.80 ♦ 17,295 Improvements on lands not deeded or patented . . . imperfect loo, of »In. la general. We corrupting the whole aud brlugtug l«Miiilal Kingdom, »t,i,h inches In November last year. ♦ 1,807.090 128.3 Itolwd as soon ». the i,„ Miles of railway bed ............................................................ were “born In aiu. aba pen In iulquily; d«*alb to all. There were twenty-one day» ♦ 228.15- 94.625 "hla Hndy’’ shall have Antoha llfcl J? Miles of telegraph and telephone line............................ Sin Atonement. thia month on which rain fell, ♦ In sin dM tuy mother conceive me." 20.495 40 99 Pullman rolling stock ......................................................... for I tig» of th., Clirl.i w the measurement for each ♦ Our minds agr»*e to the foregoing 212.060 100.4 A general realliatloo of this fact Railroad rolling stock......................................................... HI. Paul after pointing out the . day being aa follows, the date <• 185.345 Steamboats, stationary engines and mfg machinery prevails amongst Intelligent people. We agr«*e. loo. that It la |*l»*|*er that k*al aln-offerings under Un. jesiM|. given being at the end of the ♦ 674,485 Merchandise and stock in trade ...................................... *F' Whether the how mid the why, the tile Almighty G« m I abcllld tie a just rangeinem. .how» ,,» lfln, ||)r previous 2 4 hours ending at ♦ 183.330 Farming implements, wagons, carriages, etc............. G»al. that Juatl* «* »lioilhl lie "the fuUU ♦ eight o'clock in the morning ♦ philosophy of the matter I* dlaiemed n. ea uf Cbri.t am! th.. r,,llr, t, aralI. Money ......................................................................................... dalton <*f lit» tbnine." hl» Ginetnnieiit 4 79.01" ♦ Nov 2d. 2 4 of an Inca 4th. ♦ antitype« of th.*..- ali, ».ff..r|nw - " or uot, th»* fact Is rveognl*»sl How Notes and accounts .............................................................. 44’e in>|ulr«> as to what 1» |»>«ur»niglit lank lu Sheep and goats...................................................................... 24th. .74 25th. .06; 26th. ♦ house furnishing concern bets ven that we are not pure, holy, sinless, We are nt tlx* urn«* of the year «b,. 5.521 16.700 * Swine ......................................................................................... Dlvliu* favor ami In* ninth* again Imiy Portland ami San Francisco have ♦ .24; 28th, .14; 29th, .04; ,l"' W Mlux M ,r». a,^ 436 undetlleil Righteousness should not. 5.400 Dogs ............................................................................................ and liappy. as the ntlgela, and reclpl- made arrangements with the Aretmo + 30th. .6": total 9 15. ♦ ( however, be considered lift' pilenoun* ents >>f Divine favor», lucludlng «*t«*rnul ....................... I.r »I». their Phonograph Oompauy to give away a 122 356.905 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦**••»*•»•♦♦♦♦ limited number of Aretmo Phono­ non. but the original, proper condition Gross valuation of all property........................................ Atonement. Tli.y celebrato h , b,,«. Ilf«*. Th«* Hcrlptur«*« gnawer Hit« In Total value of taxable property as equalized by the a 5 ; »tag» 33.50 cows. 33.50; bulla I: »."12.75. Sin la th«* phenomenon, >|Ulry telling ti» i hat we ar«* right In ever. Il, a ilU'UUlugleaa mitin,» r Tb,». graphs. This Is the latest and best of tblnga. county board of equalixation............... ................. I32.00S.920 (I I -LOU. Improved phonograph made, being tin* peculiarity, the disorder th«* ills feeling that We are »inner»; that we of thvtii who aro n, i;uulut»q «Kb H »grs Bc«l east of inouiitnins. >8.10 unusually clear, sweet and pure arrangement of til«* proper order Hie farta know that th., «bole ptlrT. Stockers. . |h pig« ar«* right In believing that Dh lite Ju» 15 4ic a pound, while for a fancy! Sheep I’« st wethers St 5o i >4 75 or­ toned over other phonographs. it, the .tualoij which previously prevailed aud by tie«* must I»* met In'fore reconciliation du»» la n fan-«* dinary. 1 4 2 ■ spring lambs >5 .•:» u >.'» This machine is absolutely a 130 coop of hens the price rules xs hig.i | straight fwes. >4u>4 75. mixed lots. |4 wl.K ti God ha» |»*rmltt.«l to con«. U(MI right should everywhere prevail. can l*<* i"ff»»"t»»l But ttn*y tell us that machine amt is superior to the $30 as 16c This Is the live birds. a 9 4 .’5. Now lien* In the world do we fl» 1‘ricat 8lu»-e tbeir >5 25. ordinäre. talking machines now on the market. Dressed stock always brings a pro I Calv. s — Best. 13.50 0 f 4 ,50. auy explanation of present conditions tliat lie dl«l not w att for man to appeal rc]i»'tl<*ii of M»*»»l.ili tlii'ir I'Heally r*. For further particulars regarding portionate higher value. these phonographs address Catnp- that Is satisfactory to us. except tn to him for mercy, but that, "while wre urila nr»» |o»t. so that n», Jew III tb* Turkeys Are Scarce and Very High. i I'OHTIAW MIHKKT QIOTATKHI bell-Feliman Co.. Eugene. Or. As th»« Bllile. which trachea that God'S were yet sinner»." he sent hla only worltl »-an make claim to tin* |*»Mlttoii It is nearly a week since the the »inutility of the machines Is Work la |H-rfeet; that he made man In of High I’rleat or dure to |»'rf<>rui tb» j Thanksgiving trade come to an end Hopa, Wo«»I atad Hidra begotten Soil Io be our Redremer. to Hops—1» un crup, choice, lie; prime limited It is necessary that those who hla own Image an»! likeness, that sin­ I and still the huge supplies of tur- fuixftloua of High l*rl«'»t lu coutwcUoa bring us back Into tiarmotiy with G»*<1 to choice, 16c; prime, lSUc; medium j keys that the bear dealers and news- 15c; choice, 23c, prime. 23 -2He. medi­ want a machine call or write for full ful ambition brought In rebellion «till I tie 1 *■> »*f Atoliemeai sa* rln»»» The Old T»-»tament la full of uaaur particulars at once. | papers said were delayed in shipment um. 21c. against th«* Dlvlue regulation« anil nn«'«*» itint G*»l'a m» r* y will ultimately Tliejr have no Taliertincte or Trmpl». Wool—1909, Wlllnmette valley, 20U :o Portland, have net arrived. that present disorder» are th«* nwult I h * mnnlf«'ai«' NOTICE OF ROAD Turkey market is very firm, and 24c; Eastern Orer»l. physical—dying-death. of Israel. up«iii whi* h lie would confer l»rl«'»t w»*ul«l risk lil» Ilf«* tn »tb'iuptinf Sheepskin»------ Shearing, 10025c each; yesterday afternocn sold around the | prices quoted in this report. Be­ short wool, 25 050c, medium wool, 50c0 To Whom It May Concern: It U true that human philosophy has the a;*r» lal privilege ami Imimr uf l<> |*li»»-<|tieU‘' •• our Urbi*« bia has granted the petition of Gomp- er tion. L'ln* New ’I eataiiient cuntnlns Hide»—Dry hide». 17 0 18 He: unty. Oregon, will there will be any materia! in-! aside from tlx* Bible. Its elalm la ttie r«»ord that w tieu our lt»»i«»*im-r friend» «le»«*rvv »*ur sympathy Tb» err. Mitchell and Morrison, officers crease in the offerings for the Christ-' . 9H01OHc; bull«, tfreen »alt. 7c; kip». be held at Slayters hall the 17th day that the Bible record la untrue; Hint . 1 o 0 1 u H c ; calve», green, 15c lb. of the American Federation of La- catm*. the world au«l Ills own uatloti Iciilli dn.t of the M'l »■lidi tiHititb tu E ki C»--Local candled, »elect, 41 U 42c: of December, 1909. at the hour of bo-, on the contempt case against mas trade, but It is still too early to: man was never perfect: that ma» knew lilm not the total ship-' ordinary run. 40 file, »round*. 32v; lo- 2 o’clock, p. in . of said day. it tella Hint, tn cntcl- tliclr ap|Mj||i|ed D:iy of Atmieiurot. tty say definitely what them for a stay of execution of the --- * be. j cal storage, 32H035c: Eastern ilurag-. never fell from is-rfectloil Jute sill fylng th«* It «alec liter, the |a*ople of is- tlo* mu * rifle»*« of ilbil »Lil. properly per­ The object of said meeting Is for rnent in this direction will i 2Stt 32c. mandate of the court sending them I>»*rtlaii«l igvestuck Market. Butter Fat—Delivery f. o. b. Portland the purpose of submitting to the tax­ and death: that man. consequently, rm-1 really fulfllled tin* Dulin* Inten­ il riix'«l. r«»'unctll»it|o|i f j- their liilqul- to jail. A mandate is stayed indefin­ ties «.is mud»* fur Hit* eusiilug j—Sweet cream, 32Hc. sour. 33 He. payers of said road district th»* ques­ n«*eds no Savior from *lii ih »»I »leniti Union Stockyards. Stockdale. Dec. itely. pending an appeal to the su­ Cheese —Fancy full cream flats. 180 tion of voting a levy o' an additional nnd no restitution to orlglual |x*rfec- tion n» foretol.l through th«* prophets; the «*iul «’f «til* !i tliey would agxia be- 1.—The month closes with the very preme court of the Cnited States. Ihut they thus slew the great sin- 18He; triplet» and daisies. 1»0 1^HV* tax u|M>n the taxable property of said lion—to original E«l«*nk* perfection. best feeling possible in the local live- Young Americas, 19Q19Hc. eotm* um-leaii a ml u«*vd anoth . AI one Wild Game—lairirt- tiutk«, 75c0|15O district for the purpose of Improving Its claim Is that If there I* a pentuoal offering, "The l amb of God. which niciil Day. Aa tie- ApuMl»* «ay«, tl»i stock situation and prices generally . pair; teal. >2.50 dozen. tuketli away tin* "in of th«* world.'* tending toward a higher range. Poultry—Mixed chickens. 150-ISHc; th»' r< ads of said district. God. he Is not exercising any sp«a-l4l And a« we Ivqrii l>»>w to bring the arrmup'iucm G»«l made for llu'in fur This notice Is signed by at least Demand of good stuff is gradually .fancy ' hens. 16c. roosters, oh!, 11c. increasing and at no time during the' ! spring*. l6.00 per dosen. suit witters of tb»* «»-ran pb»loplasmlc Ing Israel, will acctnnpllali another really cnii«elo*d, but iiiviely Loicrid •■■»ultry. r««. Ete. Grain. F'kmr nnd liny • E. J. NORTON, and whenever any such quality^.s re­ I Ilf«* was generate«!, and that Hi«' micro­ work nut generally km «n the gather­ for the year. Eggs—Per dozen. 35c. Barley—producers* price. !9»»9—Feed. W H SPRAGL’E. Dairy Butter—Per roll, 65@ 75c. ceived it brings forth the fiercest >2'*.5U; rolled. >3«» brewing. >25.50. scopic germ polly wogged ami ev»*lut- ing of Spiritual Israel. Il la a | hi rt of Dli Im- imivldrtire tlut Thia tin* competition imaginable. E. WOLF. Fryers—Per lb.. 11c. Wheat—Club, >103: bluestem, 11.12 . e»i Into a thousand different forma • .4t»»itle atyl«*» "Tile mystery of God.” our liebrew friend» hnv«* uo I’rlrtl 01.13; red. 98c0>t.OO; forty-fold. Il.o5 H H P I ST. Hens—Per lb.. 10c. Cows Move to Today. u>l.o7. Turkey red. 9*. o ll -•> Willam­ and Hint uo aln utoiirm* nt * o rltkr I* worms atul snakes, tisb nod whale, E. . J. HARRINGTON. Turkeys—15 '■: 16c. This condition has been continued ette valley. >l.t)O«j >1 uj. Th» Restitution of All Things. I»» m 1I i I<*. N ow when the untilierury beasts nnd birds and reptiles; nnd that Fruita. Vegelnble«. Ete. G. . W. Enrhart, for so long a period that buyers were; Millstuff» — Selling price — Bran. Th«* result of sin ntoiiement nixl the of tlx* l»ay of Aioueiiieiit «Mines th.*/ Potatoes—N«w, 50c. Anally on«* division of the pollywog J. H PRITCHARD, quite willing, in fact eager, to bid as >2«. middlings. >33 shorts. | j 6* i > j 7.5 o . >220>J9: alfalfa meal >21 ton. Onions—Per cwt., 31.50. family attain»»! to monkey ho«»!, anil return of man to God's favor would bemoan their sins ami fust au»l pr»;; M. JOHNSON, high as 33.75 for cows in the Stock- chop. Flour—New crop, patent >6; straight, Lemons— li.M. C. C. IVY dale yards this morning and a ‘ sale gradually getting um *»1 to aland on tils not uieuu a changing of men to spirit­ but they have uo l‘rle«t l»> offer the >4.80ff >5.50; bakers. |fi Willamette val ­ Oranges—33.75. ley. >o.50 bbl.: export grades, >4.25. gra ­ SIMEON JOY. of 28 head that averaged 945 pounds bind legs. Iiecanie a man. Il Ignores. ual ta-lnga. tier the giving to luankliid bullock of a aiuoffering mid tbeu to IJ»eat»»ek Market ham >5; whole, wheat, >»5.20; rye. Wm BLACH LY. was made. This is an advance ot 5s, If It d»a*s not deny, sin nnd Its down­ ■>f a heavenly home, but rather resti­ take Its blotsl Into the Holy »nd Mu»t Good cows—2 V» 3 2 Me lb. >6.50; bales. >3.00. L. W. S. POST. 10c over previous quotations receiv­ Hay—Producers’ price—New timothy, Steers—2 x* to 3 >4. ward tendencies, which we all know tution. The Edeu home tlr»t pr»>vl1S. ordinary. a til let tlx* human family nnd must tie for Father Adam was I’aradl»«*, but cleaualng of th«* priestly trllie Tbrf Eastern Oregon. >20. mixed. F. W. SYPHERS the demand for «cattle was never bet­ >17; «He. >14<;|L5. clover No. 1. >14u>15; wh-at. struggled and fought against. It de­ It wan lost by bis disobedience. The have no I’rieat later ■ n to <>>uraud ter. A. M. SLAYTER. Mutton on foot—2 44® 3c. >14&i>15; cheat. >150 >16 alfalfa. >15. nies tlx* need of a Savior, an Advo­ propoalthin of the Scriptures Is that ink«* t be » »In o(T»‘i ‘in; .tn»I d»> «Illi A L. TAYIOR. Hog Market Remains at 9X.IO. Oats—Spot delivery, new. producers’ Lambs—3 H O 4 44c. Redeemer will resture It as In* did with that of Hie builwk. price—Track —No 1 white. l ’0*t >31.50, cate. a Mediator; and It bolds that the great The fair run of hogs today that gray. JOHN ROBERT8TON Dressed hogs—Sc. >28 500 >2>. C * PI ST. Hogs on foot—6 *4 6 7c. followed the most liberal run of yes­ each generation of humanity dying, PnriidliM* and enlarge It. muklng It taking It» ltl«Knl Into th*' M*»*t iioly Corn—Whole. >36; cracked. >37 ton. Grata and Feed JOSEPH BARON. world-wide. the home > fur not only and »prluklllig tin- Mercy K»*«t f**r »U Fults nail Vcgriablr» terday failed to check any of the helps onward the succeeding genera Flour—35. SO. —“rengrs—New navels. buying in the hog market and values • S. M. HORTON, A»ln m. but Ills n»w iniiltltiKlInoua the other eleven trtl*e" *'f I'nrl The tlon to grander development and that >2...^,|3 25 Valencias. >.3 650>3 75 per Wheat—Per bushel, 31.00. market holds stiffly at 38.10 and on I box. b.ananas. 5c lb., lemons, >.*».5O0>6. J. C. HORTON. ‘ bousntMl MIL i’rtest does not «time »'Ut **f Ihe Hoile» eventually human perfection will la* prngeny of Twenty 'I Bran—Per ton. 330. E. J. HORTON. a number of transactions this high per box. grapefruit. |4 pears So. The Scriptures nleiund «Ith to lilvaa them, n» >>f yore *•' I to tell attained by the evolutionary process Ilona. Mixed feed—Per ton. 332. >1.25; Tokay grapes, >o< 0>1.35; Con­ figure was obtained during the day. cords. ROSS MYERS. 12He; huckelberries. 12c Shorts—Per ton. 338. by man's own exertion, regnrdless of promise» Hint Israel ntinll ba reguth them Hint their »re* are forgiven Supply of hogs at Stockdale today Potatoes—New. h5c0>l: buying. Roll»-d barley—Per ton. 334. ered nnd rentor»»! to Divine favor and tiir«>ugli the iix'i'lt «*f the sacrlficlil whether there 1.« a Creator or not. The old-fashioned way of dosing was 249 head, compared with 962 _ a eastern Multnomah and Clackamas. 65 Baled Hay—315. Oats—Per bushel. 50c» weak stomach, or stimulating the yesterday, 806 Saturday. 1066 Fri­ 0 70c; Willamette valley, 500 60c We can only assume that this Evo­ Is* imide tin* Instrumentality of the 1.1 i Uler a ' ■ Onions Jobbing. >1.250 81.35 per cwt. heart or kidneys, is all wrong. __ day, none Thursday, 42 Wednesday garlic. Dr. lution th«*orv found friends ant! advo­ Lord lu spreading tin* blessing» to day. nnd knowing th t they have n<* 100 12c lb Apples—>1 0 >3.50. Shoop first pointed out this error. cates b<»au»e the Bible teaching has other nations. Th«* tterlpturea i«-ll ii > (Let ItlcUB xrll. Will'll 1 '• ilMi elldedOpoa and 332 head a week ago today. Portland Market Ke nrt Vegetables — New turnips. 800 90c. This Is why his prescription- -Dr. Slx'ep atxl I«»mb» 25c Hight-r. been so grossly mlsundersttaxl. It haa how the |inrndnl«nl<-al condition shall Frleat, n»» Advocate. ii <> lnterc**»*»r. no Portland, Or.. Dec. 2.— Quiet '»nd beets. >1.25; carrots. 800 90c. cab- Abvance of 25c is shown all sack, bage. local, 7¿&9llc. tomato»-», fancy Shoop's restorative—Is directed en­ been misrepresented as teaching that Is* brought about. They evplali) that Nln liearer. nt th»* clo»e • t their Atone- firm describes the condb on of the through the sheep market today. Í1.25 crate: beans. 10c; cauliflower, 7ac tirely to the cause of th' :>e ailments tin* «•llderness shall blossom as Itie ro»<* hu nt Dnjr they rnd«’nv»ir to !»• *'lie*rf#l hop market yesterday. No transac­ per dozen. —the weak inside or '«ntrolllng I practically all of the human family All grades are showing a rise of a 44 90c Honey—New, 13«4c ,t>. tions were reported from any part of I wore Iwirn tinder a Divine sentence of ami I tie solitary pliu-e I*«'glint. St Peter nnd happy nnd to »upf*»>'<»' their *tn* quarter. First-class lambs are now nerves. It isn ’ t so difficult, says Dr. Iloans—Small white, |'.,60: large the state. There was a jcod demand, moving very swiftly up to 35.50, and white, 14.50; pink. |I2Í; bayou a *>. » o. Shoop, to strengthen a weak stomach, eleri al torture and that only tlx* few |M>|tiis us f refreshing." lie aasurea us ! ur Hebrew friend«, values were un­ Hams. Racon. r;tc.—Fortin"* pack surely falter. These vital truths are eternal blesHlng Thinking people, not ’liat the time» of restitution of nil and no concessions are being made changed. llmaD ham. 1744c: l.ri: ken by tlx, [ ns well gg nil Christiana. «’“Uld under by growers. * *44 Q 27c; boiled ham, .5<# - plc- pense and recommend Dr. Shoop's stnnd tbe true antitype of that ft*»t Fancv Steers Scarce. The following cable was received ■■ics. 14c; cottage roll, IS»:; regular Restorative. Test it a few days and sente«! by Its own friends, by the mouth of uil Hie holy prepheta aline | Tuere were no fancy sheers in the short clear», »moked. 16*.c: lacks see. Improvement will promptly and »■re«>ds In general, have looked about the workl tins begun will then find ' Dav of Atonement, which the J»*’ from London yesterday by Klaber, l«‘4c; pickled ion-*. « c ,<■ ea celebrated annually In n typl*’»! nun Wolf & Ne’ter: 'Market steady yards during the day and this ac- smoked. l.o” coffee stored at the stret railway carbarns I could scar'e'y be called more than English hop factor-, as the London What the Bibls Tssehss. »•>hstitute known to grocer. every­ The wire is for the Ing." the "time« of restitution.” 44'hy (I^*v xrli. When he a*» en«l<*d up o Eugene and mediums and 34.50 was considered a demand for Pacific Coast hops does where as Dr. Shoop’s Health Coffee, Junction City Interurban electric rail­ Now an tne electric lights supplant did not the great Redeemer ls*gln at high, he applied the merit of the Mcrb not justify the volume of business 1 very good price for these during the will trick even a coffee expert. Not way. Although the wire Is not need­ the tallow dip, coneordanees and other once to accomplish tlx* work secured flee to tlie nniltyplcnl l»*'ltl<’«l ,rl'*" day ’ s transactions. done or attempted here. a grain of real coffee in it, either. ed at present, ndr will be for several Bible study helps assist us to a proper by Ills d»»ith nt Calvary? now can Butter Is Higher. The following is the general range to tlx* hoUHcholi! of faith of till» <»*>»Pe Pure, healthful toasted grains, malt, months. It has been bought somewhat understanding of God's Revelation. One of livestock values in the yards: There will be an advance of one he bear to delay, since ho lovt*d the Age. for the Royal Prl«*th*»*d Slice nuts, etc., have been so cleverly as a speculation. The wire was Scripture cent in butter today, making the city throws light ii|M>u another; world so that lx* di«*d for all. and* I'entta-ost th«* ata’on«! part of th* Portland Market Report. ’ b!end»-d as to give a wonderfully sat­ b >uht at 70 cents per pound. There creamery price 37 cents, The raise The following Is the general range isfying coffee taste and flavor. And are best prospects of copper raising and thus gradually the errors of gross aim»*lx* fully adinlta that tbo whole of Atonement Mcrlflcee has l""‘n i is in part due to the sharp advance of livestock values in the yard»: darkness and sui>erstltion which pre­ creation I h In pain, waiting for tlx> proccaa. "The Ixird's goat, antltypr® Cattle—Heat steer», weighing 120C it is "made in a minute," too. No te­ and a difference of two or three that has oc^ured this week at San dious 20 to 30 minutes’ boiling, cents and perhaps more on a pound, vailed so generally In -the dark ages” great deliverance made posalble by tils by the Church, tins been In l,r<**** pound». S4.55@S4.65: medium »leer». Francisco, which has prevented the Sl.25@S4.5o. best cow«. 33.75; medium grocers. amounts to something when figure 1 flee away, anil the Lump of Divine sacrlflee (Romann rill. 10*22>? sni-rltlie. The great High h* further shipment of California but- In 30 ton lots Truth gives forth a brilliant ray w hich The Rcrlptnres annwer tbo question ticen accepting conse* rated belle’* ter north. The Eastern market is fully satisfies our heads and hearts, They tell us that the gathering of the ns members of hla Body am! baa *< are not heavy. and glorifies our Creator. There was a better feeling in the elect Church during this Gos|iel Age n» a«*«*1ng to their sncrlfl* bil auff'*,n**h egg market yesterday, but no ad­ In the light of this newly-trimmed a feature of tin* Dlvlno progrmn must "Now la the acceptable time' f°r ,uf vance from the former price of 45 Arc-llgbt of Truth. God's Word, we proved»* the bringing of restitution sacrificing. cents. Oregon receipts began to fall may tiow see that the real penalty for blessings to the world. They tell us | This proc«*dttr«* has gone on f<>r^ off and the accumulated stocks have sin Is not a coming eternal torment nt that Gisl has Imposed special eritcla! 1 nearly nineteen c«*bHirl*'** and a< are also less free. A record price the bands of tire-proof demons, but I d tests upon those now called and cho Ing to our nnderstandlng **f , for this time of the year was estab­ stead Hie reign of nln nod death. Now sen. Their Invitation Is to joint heirship turen, la nearly complete S*«’ii 1 lished at San Franeisco yesterday we may see how disobedience on tin* , with a 61 cent market. At Seattle with Christ In n heavenly or spiritual "member of tbe Bml.v *'f • bri"1 * part of Father Adem brought U|s»n nature, and to a share with him In the have suffer»*«! with hl" ''"ri eggs advanced o 54 cents. . The poultry market was steady him a death sentence, n dying condi­ Millennial Kingdom mid glory, mid Io !len<1. H ihiii tbe bhxsl of till» ’•*'', with a very good demand and fair tion, nnd that these, transinitte»i from tlie work which these will accomplish ary sncrltlee «'III b»* aprlnkl»*u " receipts. parent to child, have Increased the for tlie world. The Scriptures tell us Most Holy on the Nter* v J*" ' Poultry Very Strong. calamity, century by century, until to­ thnt those who will Is* accounted blood of tlx* members °f 1'brl"* ■ Entire poultry market is showing day, amongst the most Civilized, one worthy of this exaltation to glory, blood passed through them s""" excessive strength along Front street out of every one hundred anil fifty honor nnd Immortality, will first be acceptance of It ns the i,"r'1"1n...|,".ln today. adults is in nn Insane asylum.—men­ required to prove their loyalty to tbe "for th«« sins of the world Receipts of chickens during the tally dead to tlx* extent that he Is un­ Lord to thr extent of Mcrlflce. This lx* acknowledged by the Fntlier. day was considerably increased over what has been expected, but owing able to care for himself. Millions more »*»•» not mean a putting away of »In. the grout High I’rleat. II* nd anil i to tl e great shortage in supplies held of our race are In prisons and peni­ for that would not lie aacrlflce. Il Ì lw»m, will romr forth« «-loftuMl n by retailers, the wholesale market tentiaries liecnuso of mural blemishes, does mean th»* laying down of earthly glory, honor, dignity ami I’",'<'r (. d d not suffer. I 'imiM> "born In sin nnd sliapen In rights nnd privileges, after tin* man­ rcs«'nt«*d In the garments <»f 1 ” That there is likely to be a con- iniquity," they have Inherited vices ner nnd example qf th»* Ri*deemer, who cal high priest of Israel, and " ' tinuance of a very good poaltry which have la*en accentuated by asso­ knew no sin. Relievers nre exhorted market here during the remainder the world Roon ”111 come t >' ciation with eni'h other. All over th«* thus to sa Tlfl 'v. Th»* Apostle says to for tlx* lifting "f th'' f"""1" C M