TRE EUGENE WEEKLY GUARD THURSDAY, NOV 18, 1909 R He. of th, •HilH, OB th, » bv» r U o . bob rwh|H i-f IM Iw Im. >« ►II. But Three Days HOOD '•rstary but t'-nuon l«h IQ »t Nig. 1 IA1R ROI J .S, full size, covered, regular 35c, sale price . . . . raaklig M th» I 19c MEN’S WOOLEN GLOVES, Sale price.............. MISSES’ AND CHILDREN'S WOOL MITTENS, 8ci 1 2c. 16c. 20c and........ ................................. 24c CHILDREN'S KNIT TOQUES ................. 22c and 42c HANDY MUFFLERS .. ................. 22c and 42c MEN’S 35c FANCY SOCKS. Assorted solid colors, sale price .................................21c MEN’S CANVAS GLOVES. A PAIR .............................. 5c MEN’S 50c FOUR-IN-HAND- TIES 22c MEN’S 35c SUSPENDERS .. ............................ 21c TOWELS, large Turkish.................. lie COTTON TOWELS................... ............ 4c. 7c and I Oc RIAL Let This Clothing Opportuniny Pass You Men's Clothing Boys’ Clothing at a mere fraction of its worth. BUY CLOTHING NOW at less than Factory Wholesale Prices Our Sale Prices are about Half the Regular Dealers’ Prices Don't wait too long. The sale will be over in Three Days Post, Cards 10c a Dozen Christmas Cjrds, New Year's Cards, Thanksgiving Cards, Local Views. Oregon Cards, Birthday Cards, Floral Cards. nlwd nln| Don’t Stanleys PRICE CUTTERS 613 Willamette SC. Eugene, Oregon Three Doors from Corner of 9th St». LADIES’ $3.00 HAND BAGS genuine Morocco leather sale price COLLAR SUPPORTERS set of one-half dozen on a card .... MEN’S $1.50 WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, Sale price........................................ MEN’S $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 SHOES, Sale price, a pair............................. LADIES’ SHOES, values to $5.00 a pair, sale price .. COLGATE’S COLGATE’S COLGATE'S COLGATE’S COLGATE’S COLGATE’S 5c 98c $2.95 SI .98 SHAVING SOAP ............ TALC POWDER............. RAPID SHAVE POWDER DENTAL CREAM........................... DENTAL POWDER....................... PINE TAR SOAP......................... Headquarters for Colgate’s Goods . 5c . 15a . 19c 20c . 19c I272C We are exclusive agents for CARHARTT Overalls, Gloves and Trousers ■ 1M' t w, - .< + the telephone and telegraph + The 10 al Woman’s Christian Tem- 153. Now. if these two hundred ary. The committee consists of W. hands. Soon routs piles. 25c at W. ■ instead of 77,000. The company will + companies into a corporation ♦ reform» will petani,' Inion nut on Wednesday. students, while enjoying the advan­ M. Green. F. E. Chambers and I. T. A. Kuykendall’s. also set out several acres of logan- •I........ r th.' with a capitalization of near­ + No. mlivr in. nt the lionu of Mrs. tages of education in s Christian na­ Nlcklin. This is a representative com­ | berries and other fruit. Hon. W. K. ♦ ly one billion dollars. itself ,i very + tion, can be i" 1 > trinatei into the mittee and one that the association . SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GUARD I Newell will superintend the work, I On« of the most l:r; .iitjmt of legls- c amb' : lala on Sixth sheet. There ♦ which menus that it will be done in + + + + + ♦ + ■♦■ + + + + ■•■♦♦♦♦ lativ. i eforms which Oklahomans ».in a g'" d a tendanco and quite a b :• itv i f -fr *e i i”i. :i". and the art can depend upon to carry out the de-> of evadlr t law 'he* will he able to the best known manner. hav,' atti-mpted, tne bank gunrrante.' number of superintendents and heads te h l;e :’*i'll C i,'.a the v.l'ue of The Bihrnstedt Company has un- law la,, been emulated In several of eommlHee, w re appointed. Sev­ “pe. so.ral I’ii . ty.' and the injustice New York. Nov. 16.—The acquisi­ The Bohmstedt Company has un- tion of the Western Union, and recent stat' and Is In Ing agitated in many eral positions are yet t< Lc supplied. ol' their new opium law. I lie union has gain, d some val­ metheds employed will insure a sat­ absorption of the various district Bell cthi'i w i ll the pci sllile result that I isfactory completion of the work. ■ It will i frail all over the country. uable new members and with new Everything possible is being done to ’ Telephone Companies in various parts Th,' s'. ,te:ii has many critics In high plain and renewed enthusiasm starts bring their holdings to the proper i of the country, indicate a large in­ I'la ■ .. who allcg flint »uch a law ut with bright prospects for a suc­ shape, and their labors in this com- i crease In the present capitalization of make the h< nest banker responsible cessful year's work. After the regular routine business munity are of inestimable value to, the company, the American Tele­ tor tne defections of his dishonest Creswell and adjacent territory.—' phone and Telegraph Company. The •o vi'.irs It hM liven a state has know what they had gotten when of Henry Maxwell, deceased, vs. John Inc.: when the news of the passing of con­ B. F. Hudson, Jacksonville, match trol was given out. been marked bv a conntant camping they got them. Ami the legislators Maxwell and Arminda Maxwell, to re­ box. 11,1 the tftill <>f the corporations All did not know, and the Judges did not cover money, returned a verdiet this T. Papworth, Portland, necktie kind« <>l la wa for t hair i • < u I a I Ion know, ami the supreme court did afternoon in favor of tile plaintiff for the sum of $940. the amount sued fastener and collar burtnw. I.... .. pasHed, but the fever of not understand them. for. The case went to the Jury We might also infer by the way W. 3. Richards. Albany, combined tzdlrallsin is now apparently atibsld- shortly after noon, after having been guard and chip-breaker for shaping and the need of large corpora­ some* laws arc* disregarded tltat they on trial for nearly two days. arc* meant only for jokers. Perhaps, machine. tions for the development of the new The jury In the case of E. J. Fras­ after all. It Is th** viewpoint we take J. O. Richmond. Springfield, com­ »tnie I« being recognized. ier vs. Joseph Goodfellow, to recover of a law that Ininres.-es us. That bined harrow and weeder. Reno, Nev., Nov. 11.—It is under­ Oklahoma was admitted to the un­ money, returned a verdict In favor of North Yakima -h* riff who suddenly J. V. Robinson. Salem, logging stood here today that Margaret Illing- ion of states on November 16. 1907. the plaintiff for the full amount sued stopped prosecuting cigarette smok ­ swivel-joint automatic air and steam ton. the actress, who was divorced Ih" people of Oklahoma mid Indian for, together with Interest and attor­ coupling. Territory had struggled for yenis for ers law tacked oil Hie law a proviso. yesterday from Daniel Frohman, the ney's fees. ■ If' found popular." Mayor Woods N. W. Shipp, Salem, lamp bracket. famous theatrical producer of New statehood, and were finally permitted of Wellston, a St. Louis suburb, saw W. A. Thompkins. Portland, type­ York, will go very soon to Tacoma, launch Into the field of f lf-«ov- lu Ills oath of office pets >nal respon­ writer attachment. where it is said a house has already ernni. nt ns a sovereign state sibility and honor; and w*hen an at- ( A. C. Mowrey, Portland, drop stair been furnished and prepared for her Wild demonstrations marked the tack was made on Is life, doubled | escape. reception. M is rumored that she tot'lpt of the news at 9 o'clock on That pain In your back caused Ills life In uramc*. made his will and will soon be married to a wealthy cit­ *he morning of November 16. that provisions for the* prosecution of his lumbago, stiff muscles or a strain Is HALL’S TEXAS WONDER. izen of Tacoma, but the name of the •‘resident Roosevelt had issu' d and an easy thing to get rid of. Bal­ If he should be* slain. Hgni'd the proclamation admitting assassin. supposed, fiancee could not be obtain­ Sixty two women in Kansas are lard's Snow Liiment cures rheuma­ Oklahoma. Immediately following holding elective county offices, and a tism. lumbago, sore and stiff mus­ have sold Hall’s Texas Wonder ed. Speaking today of the divorce, the news Governor (*. N. Haskell and great number tire holding elective cles, strains, sprains, cuts, burns, kidney, bladder and rheumatic ’ t'miiplete set of stat<*. coiilitj and municipal offices, and they see In bruises, scalds ad all aches trouble for the last five years, and w'hich was granted late yesterday af­ and •"«n hip officers were Inmigurated, have guaranteed It in many cases, ter after a brief hearing in court. their ' atb of < rflee. "make good for pains. You need a bottle in your 'I'" -late ceremonies occurring at t.u- tlie confidence placed in you. hut have never br i a complaint, I 60 ' Judge Massey, who represented Miss house. Ami thrle day s treatment In each bottle. For sale by Dillon Drug Co, f Illington, said: t ev are "making gi*od,” and the “Frohman not only refused to sup­ ». viiuh ' i * 2. or «bout two people like* it, and re-elect O. J, HULL. On December them port his wife, but he charged her with w*^ks i aftvF the admission of Hie '.ve n to th** third an I fourth term. Judge Ha ris of K tgene. attended •tat ......... Geo. H. Kelly, who advertised in cab fares to and from the theatre • he first legislature convened Strange how I»' pie will appreciate a banquet at Sal *m last night in MRS. WILLIAM A. YOUNG. LEGAL DEFENDER OF BEECH HARGIS yesterday’s Guard for his bull dog. when she was acting for him, and he •t Guthrie. It was composed of 1 ;•■» ins’ plain common honctv and the 'honor of the 62<1 birthday of Judge McBride. Judge William Beech Hargis, the young Kentucky feudist who Is making a hard fight to which had been lest, has loca’cd the told her he married her for business l”,’inh< is, 109 in the house and 14 it' i* s<> f"11 ,,r »»rilllant rogues: Thus. A w s toas, master and the ,h" senate. There were but Is ,{c' wor DI I ,'ussing be acquitted of the charge of having murdered his father, has as one mem­ animal in Medford, through the ef­ considerations only, because together the* violations of the’ Galloway P'tldii'.in, |n fh<. house mid five In th'' cigarette law. with which any ten responses were mad.- bj Ex-Governor ber of his staff <’f counsel Mrs William A Young, the only woman practicing ficient work of Sheriff Harry Bown. they could make a lot of money,’’ plate, all the other members being rear '«I boy la familiar, one lady laird, Judge M Bride, , Judge Moore, in the criminal courts of Kentucky Senator Bradley Is senior counsel for A hobo had stolen it and when the The city banks wilj all close at officers found it in his possession at Hon. J. K. ' “’'ttioerats. said that remonstrating with a small U 8. Judge Wolverton, the young man. but the preparation of the case is entirely tn the hands ot Medford he was arrested and Sheriff noon Friday on account of the foot­ This legislature was confronted by b?‘y about smoking, he told imr that Weatherford, of Afbanjr, and Judge. WlUbuu a . Young »«vi hi“ tetanled wi*w ball game. Bown was notified. task of revising and adding to the he “just could not quit It. Finding j Harris of Eugene. •*’utes of Oklahoma territory. Giv-, BOHRNSTEDT CO. INCREASES CAPITAL OF TELEGRAPH IND PHONELINES YOUNGESTSTATE. TWO YEARS OLD W. C. T. U. NOTES ♦ t + WILLIAMS SEDI A VERDICT IN THE MAXWELL CASE PATENTS GRANTED TO OREGON CITIZENS MADE MARGARET PAY HER CARFARE V 1 J I I