Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, November 18, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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    li£E fa U GENE WKEKLZ UüAjib, THUKbDAY, NOV. 18, 1909
roti isai . i *
31 East Sixth street.
Inquire at
ch. n
I |. nt agent Halem Nursery Co iff
f|. ,■ 486 Willamette street
FOR HALE Cheap, owimr having
«tty. »««veil-room. strictly modern
186 West 12th HI.
TIMBER MEN The Guard has Jus.
pun'*-! a new uilltion <>f cruiser'»
««itltnst* books. I rlco 25 c«*nts
FOR SALE—Htud«>ba»vi »«wing him
chin« wagon In goad urdm. inquix
Smythe Trai »fer Theatre blu tf
poll SALE— A good rubber tired in
valid chair, •-n»y running, never
|.**<n med
Price *27.
('ull at
Mrs Felderworih, 228 Second and
FOR SALE A complete Hue of nur
»eri stock.
For pi Ire» w rite the
It ;ne Hirer Valley Nursery, Med
ford. Oregon
, jj
FOB SALE Single comt) Rhode I h I
and Red Cockerel» Address or In
quire of Mr». Jo«. Nurre, Eugene
FOR SALE Cheap if taken at Olii •*,
» l>hirk»mltli »hup und I II) of an
»era of land at Second and Blair
Enquire on the prenilHiw
ofi' Christensen.
FOR SAI.E Second hand »haftlng
pulleys. sL-ai »unie Wie d working
mi* hlnery For particulars
<lr.-»» Z X. C., cf Guard
FO l< SALE New tour room bunga
low un<l barn on College lllll;
reni» for lie per month, lot 5ox
120. neat to alley
North front
Price, filou
For particular» In-
U .lie nt 711 Charnelton street. If
FOR SAI.E Fim* Insldi* property for
• ale; 80x160 f«*«*t. with a good r<*s- •
I l**nce; corner of 7th und i'earl
*tr<*ets; Ju»t 1 10 feel from the new |
Osburn hotel.
Inquir«* of J. O
Watt* at AVntt» Jewelry Co.
Foil SAI.E -’’The Ahlers " oplstsite
- i I* i itlverslty, comprising about
7 irre«, with 37*0 feet fronting on
11th st. I'leally sltuatiuf for stu-l
dent dwellings For further partic­
ular», call nt Hoffman Hoiii-e tf
Foil .SALE f> room C'Htago on lot
5<» k 16O, fronting '«iwt; all largo
room»; oleclrlc light» nnd telo-
I'hono; corner lot; 7 block» from
High Hch<M)l. Phono Black L’»72. tf
FOR SALE -Hou»«* of 3 rooms, good
w* ;l; electric lights and telephone,
truer lot, facing east, 30x160;
■■ a minutes’ w aik to < lent rai
<' . I. Wi-t 1 7 • h and 1 'ba r
»•■'ton street»; third house west of
Willamette »trie on West 17th. tf
Regular Meeting Held Last Sat- I
urday with Very Inter­
esting Program
Springfield Grange met In regular
'' ••ssion ui) Saturday, November 13.
| I lie forenoun wan devoted to routine
liusliieHH and to admitting new niein-
bers Into the order.
At noon a
bountiful dinner was served and good
will ami so* lai feeling filled the
hearts of all. At I :3U the "lecturer’s
hour" exercise* were opened by a
I song, led by the choir, in which all
the Grange Joined, after which we
listened to a recitation by MI hh Grace
Kyzer, one of her l/eat.
By special request Mr. Kirkland
sang "’The Bashful Man," and in re­
spouse to a hearty encore Hang a
Scottish song
Then Mrs. Stewart
read "How to Raise a Watermelon on
a bottle." )t sounds unique, but it
is practical. 'I lie debate by our wor­
thy master and secretary was decided
In faeor of the negative. The subject
On the day that you
was "Proportional Representation,”
publish in this newspaper a
and those who listened felt grati­
fied at having heard both »ide» of a
“help-war ted” ad. you will
question ho vitally important to the
be more widely read,in this
voter* of the day. A solo by Mr*.
Young that was highly appreciated
city, than Dickens, or any
finished tlie literary program, and the
other author.
For your
unfinished business of the order was
theme will touch human in­
It was unanimously decided that
terests more intimately,
Springfield («range hold a farmer’»
convention and fair again next fall.
more immediately, than
There was a vote of thanks tendered
any fiction can do. You
to those through whose efforts the
fair tills year was made a success, es­
will appeal to human emo­
pecially the ladies of the order, upon
tions at close range. And
whom the hardest part of the work
fell, and who performed It so faith­
incidentally you will de­
fully ami cheerfully.
serve to be, Lr that one
A vol«* of thanks was also tendered
to the Salem auxiliary for th«* special
day. a “popular author.”
table of exhibits prepared by them.
At our next regular meeting, the
last Saturday in November, two im­
portant matters will come before the
order for decision.
First tie* changing of the date of
Ft Hl KENT - Thri-«* or four room», meeting from the second and last
unfurnished. v«iy r< ■ unable. 650 Saturdays to the second ami last
I'attiTiiin street.
Thursday in each month. If this fails
to carry our last regular meeting of
this year will fall on Christmas. In
this < use it is suggested we omit th«*
last meeting. This will necessitate
I election of officers th*' first meeting
FOR RENT - J A new concrete build-1 in December. Hence a full attend­
f..«.» two or morel ance Is especially desired.
Ing 67 feet by »• Oil
90 feet,
stories in height; will bo built to
suit tenants, either in one or more STILL ANOTHER RECORD
rooms, best modern construction,
ba <*nienl and elevators, situated
adjoining new II vey I lock and on
Olive street and at an extremely
’ >w rental. AV. T. Campbell. n20
This Will Be
Ends Day
Thousands of dollars worth of merch;
Whirlwind Sale and in so doing hur
etc., have accumulated and many sh
of a kind
f this
We propose to make prices which we
accumulation. All of these remnanents and odds and ends are of the best stock in
the house and now tnat they will be thrown out at the most
• j
IX>sT IXD I <)l \l).
N. A. Rowe Sells to G. Brown
TAKEN CP By Chas Eberth.a cow,I
Hansard and Makes Profit
T'•• owner may have same by I
Fob ,*ALE Tn« liiinipiuey ranch
proving property ami paying all |
a' llarrl»burg. 218 acre* I ' llltlcM
of 900 Per Cent
< ha ■.*■«. Call al 191 Eighth St. (14
i ■ -t of town
|35 |>er n re. nome
terms. See th • rnn<ii. ihn
Yesterday ‘he record price for
■ ■ i**r Edwin A Hen'«ir*'ti.Glyni. TAKEN IX About November 1st, a
brown horse with streak of white ..................
Main rlreoi
property was . . raised
... .....
_____ an-
I*. I AVn or d«*.i »! can b* closed
in for» head, weight about 1100. | other no’ch when N. A. Rowe sold 34
|t'i E F I'prrv I’«*’ a* I’.irrUbufg.
At?-1 horse,
Henry Spores, one feet on th«* corner of Fourih street,
< » ,
mil«* south of Coburg.
with a * 1 000 building on it, for *6,-
oo0> or no less than *176.96 per front
■ . sai .E.—Now ! u « «tory mitica
MT «’Ki.l.l\b ' »I V
foot, which Rowe bought four years
7 room», c rner ■ l-«t, five
•’ MONEY TO LOAN On improved ago for something like *20 per front
1 loot.
The purchaser is G. Brown
be »ok
!••• lutlfu! home. AVI11
farme 8. D. Alien.
tf Hansard who bought the property
ami time given ot> part If
! -lr** I
A. N. Striker. 625 Olive GASOLINE wool SAWING.—Tele­ as an investment, and for the pres­
phone. Main 651 and Farmer* 61. ent will not mint the wooden bnlld-
K A Ma t*an
•< , log. which <s occupied bv a cigar
FOR Al E Ill-room bouse. No. 2'*5
I store. The increase on Mr. Rowe's
Wt t Tenth street: lot 66 2-3x160; ANY ONE. anywhere. can start a I original investment of *680 is just
ho1 nnd cold water both upstairs
mall order business at home; no !IOO |ier cent. .Air. Row«* w .11 move his
i: I downstairs: the best plumbing
canvas. Ing. Be vour own boss. 1 family to h<s 10-. ere fi rm, about one
r*'i*l wired all through; good stone
Send for free booklet. Tells how. , mile wist of town, and reside there.
foundation mid good corner lot;
He.icock, 2706, Lockport, N. Y. tf
s one fruit trees nnd »hade tie*
Price »4200.
plenty <>f berries
Cut flowers, potted plants and car­
Enquire rit residence or Howe A-
Buoy'» of fin*.
4 74 Willamette nations In fine assortment. Werl
Springfield greenhouse*. Telephone
There Is one cas«* of diphtheria in
now is THIS?- Farm of 113 acres.
Spi'iiigfiehl.that of a seven-year-old
A" clear but 20 acres of timber, AN INTELLIGENT PERSON may girl, who lias had <|ui.e a severe at­
earn *100 monthly corresponding
room house. 2 barns, orchard.
for newspapers.
No canvassing. tack, but is now improving. It is un­
The prettiest place and
Send for particular*. Pres* Syn­ derstood that quit» a number of other
neighborhood In Oregon. High
dicate. 3706 Iiockport. N. Y.
tf children were exposed before th > na- I
■hoo| and graded school on tin*
lure of the disease was learneu. but
f irm about a city block from the l; i: OVERMAN. Halsey, Ore., legal as no other cases have develoned lit-
li •me* Postoffice, store and church
adviser In land titles, member of tl<* danger of ar epidemic is feared.
Just across th«» road. Land of the
It is not known where the child
the National Co-operat!»e Realty
best. Also lit half of it would be
Co Notary Public for Oregon, and contracted th.* contagion, but there
ideal for orchard. No matter how
I am the owner of a few land op­ have been several cases in the county
hard vqu are to suit this place will
tion oontraots that I *have with the this winter. Drs. Barr and Pollard
bit the »pot.” Price »7000. »4000
view of sellitMt. which 1 will «how are attending the case.
i a«h Or If you ha»*» gill edgerlty
anyone Interested, w'hat 1 am get­
property you can have a trade. See
ting to)’ tio use of my money by
u» this week or. better »till, today.
so doing
» large Hwt. of MR. COX CORRECTS
The R«mJ Estate Exchange, 531
farms and city property for sale at
Willamette street.
all times, aleo bnelnesn proposl
Hons, and mining stock In the
¡tovle Ootntoiidaled Mine* Co., of
Colorado. I will help you buy.
W anted - Hot Het, and cattle to ¡ma­
build or sell your homo. My price
ture by the month.Call Main 779
Mrs. Rickman, 2*2 East 11th.
I* all right.
Editor Cottage Grova Leader—
"ANTED—Position ns bookkeeper
Please permit me space In your paper
by young lady with four years' ex­
few lines.
: for I a noticed
perience. Address Bookeeper, rare J
an item In the Eugene
of Guard.
Guard recently wherein some one
said I was making »14 per head off of
" ANTED—To rent on shares, a farm
At the Oeueral hospital In Eu­
of about 160 acres with milch cows gene Nov. 10th. 1909. from chronic my dairy cows. I want to tell the
public that this Is a falsehood.
and farm implements.
Address nephritis. Carl Turnell, aged
42 never to'd any one I was making $14
Iowa farmer, care Guard.
years. Ho «'¡‘» an employe or tne per morth per cow.
I never have
Utah Construction Co. at work on
" ANTED Three canvassing agents; the Natron extension. The remains made any su< h ctatements to any
big snap; good for *150 per month are being held awaiting word from one. and whoever said I did is tell­
ing something that is not true.
•'I *ar money. Address I’. O. Box relatives.
My check for October . the returns
5 !9. Cottage Grove. Or.
from six cows, was $55.20. We had
At the family homo on Wall street, our butter and cream for a family of
W anted — Carpets 'n clean with west Cottage drove. Thursday n>ght,
racuum cleaner. Thorough work; November 1 1. 1909, Mrs. James Oli­ four, which would be, as near as I
can tell. *7.50, which would make my
reananable prices. Phone Black
ver of consumption.
check *62.70.
4*21, (8 a m to 6 p. tn.)
This is the best I have over done.
" ANTED Stock taken to pasture at •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦J Butter fat at the present time is 37c
’he E M Warren place. 2’4 miles
per pound. Now take these same
: cows
■'oiithwest ut Eugene. See G. " t
for April. May. June and •Inly.
Grow, on the place, H F. I). J. Imx .. .......................................................
and they would make 25 per cent
30. Eugene. Or»
cream, about *25 or *30.
, ,
, ■
Cha«. T> laun«
___ __________________________________ I
Mv cows made me last year |1OO
Cotta«*' Grove, November 8, 1909,
"ANTED—TO BENT m ibir . . by
per head, counting skim milk, butter
'it Iowa farmer, a farm of about an eight-pound Iwy.
and cream for family and heifer
’•IO acre» with milch cows and
calves, with which returns I am well
Y(*| xi. t.Hti s Alii: A i< i ims
farm implement*.
Address Iowa
pleased. However. I don’t want any
of hi-adache. as well
"Ider w men.
farmer. ca$* Guard.
b it all get quick relief and prompt one to say I am making *14 per head
from Dr Kings New Life i’HU. per month from my cows.
AN” -CD—Young
man m.* world's
Room the country, but tell the
best remedy for sick and
wants place near town where he
truth, and then immigrants will not
can keep a cow; will work for par­ bi....*i - ■!
■ "
s 'I,1'-1 '""w V be disappointed.
ty owning place or In town. A<l-
Your» truly.
Try them
i " •'
dre. i AV. H. IL, General Delivery.
Eugene, Or.
D5dw Kuykendall»
Unheard-of Prices
You can’t afford to miss attending this the greatest of all great remnant sales you ever know
To the Hundreds ot Customers
Who have helped make the greatest sale in the history of our business we extend to
you our most hearty thanks and extend to you a most cordial welcome to make our
store your home in the future. We appreciate your business and assure you that at
all times you will find us exerting every effort to make your dollar go further than at
any other place in Southern Oregon
Saturday, Nov. 20th
When bargains beyond the wildest dreams of the bargain hunter will be realized and
when prices on many of the very choicest merchandise which have become remnants
or reduced to a few sizes will be made which you will have to see to believe
The Store of No Disappointments