THE EUGENE WEEKLY GUARD. THURSDAY. OCT 14. 1909 TWO t ~ I ■o a Covenunt wlih mitutui i,,,,... "'*• Ooo OOO- O' Dusenberry A Taylor, lumber 57.03 J M Murray, labor and «up*. 218.30 Il limi lieen |>ut luto fui.. u , *1"' 14 S3 A. McClure, road work.......... I Iglil. Waler and Fuel Account. | would Imve tx-guii to b*"1> 3.50 W F. Reed, oak wood.......... Martin Douglas, road work. . 51.70 tu Israel n.«l to I h - 12.60 Willamette Valley Co. light Thomas Hise, hauling........... Not becauao It la Sarsaparilla, ■plritUMl Israel alatubl illn,. |„„ l,'n 36.15 I J. F. Dick, road work .......... service ...................................... but because It Is a medicine of ned in thè Finti li. mirr,-, September Bills Ordered Paid Peter P. Colgaard. supplies. . 64.50 L. E Ward, sawing wood.. peculiar merit, composed cf more Siuslaw Lumber Co, powder City of Eugene, water ser­ "mystery" la. Hi,-n. t|lnl piin,,,, . * by Lane County Com- than twenty different remedial 40.50 vice ......................................... .. and fuse.................................... th.< «llvlm. program .. ................ Siuslaw Lumber Co., dyna­ Ama*wmient and Tax tVIliwtlng Ac­ agents effecting phenomenal missioners bave nurmlacd in mlvm,<„ Sermon by count. mite, etc..................................... 122 00 cures of troubles of the blood, beeii quh-tly laklng t|„. CHARLES T. 15.00 The Leader Publishing Co. S. H. Lyons, bridge work . .. stomach, liver and bowela. Road .vcomnt gtrnt Meaaluh, a grvnt l'mplnt „ ' * publishing notice.................. 13.10 1.00 O. C. Smith, road work .... Thus Hood's Sarsaparilla cur>*s scrof­ RUSSELL Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., King, a grrat Mrdlalor !«-(«„_, „ ! Printing Account. O H Eichler, road work... 31.85 .1241.02 lumber.................................... am! thè World Jesus i, th(, „ *'•> Text. “ ITe Blessing of the 33.60 Yoran Printing Co., printing 14 75 ula, acsetna, enemi*, catarrh, nervous- Richard E. Hays, road work. Pastor IkooPyn . 12.00 C. A. Soverlgu, road work. thè fnltbful mrmla-ra ur„ (ll„ . 1,1 ness, (hat bred feeling, dyspepsia, 1«»» Morning Register Job l»epart- Spangenberg it Bradford, Lord, It Maketh Rich ; and I le Tabernacle. R. F. Sidwell, work on Co­ ment. printing....................... 34.75 of appetite, and builds up the system. shingles ............................ .. 41.25 Thls la thè grvnt M.«llnt«.r <>f th. w ’ 74.68 burg bridge ....................... Addeth No Sorrow I herewith" e accounttsl worthy to I h * no sorrow therewith." Ilo said O. A. Drew, road work .... svery aool. wbl.-h win ,„>t * 7.00 Wm. S. Morrow, road work 13.75 David Mathison, road work. . missioner .................................. 79.00 We continue t««Uy our topic of lt*a< a aacrtfl«-»« mid be r«*cvlnal to lienivu 13.00 prophet, «hall I h * dei»tmy<,| fh) 7.50 J. H. M. Price, county commis ­ P. Magee, road work............. R. Hill, road work............. 18.00 Congregational Church Has Sunday." Our hope la that not only 1/ glory, how could any of I lie* fallen smoiig ih«« peoplo” (Ai ta Ili -.»j -jg, 36.00 C sioner ............. ......................... Charles Lockard, road work. 58.00 Gatch, road work................ 9.00 th'««' of you who hear my voice, but race I h - acceptable? W <• r«*n«l Hint "he Ht Paul style. H.,ml, ' Abr,7iwin-, 10.00 J. lii.«Mlie Account. Been Renovated. Repaired G. W. Luce, road work.......... B. Hill, road work............. 7.00 also the m*ven millions of readers to was holy. bnrml«-«n amt uniletilml aep 23.00 Geo. Gerlach, guarding In­ Will Lockard, road work. . . pr««|«er wlf.. and thè niothcr ..f |M„ and Beautified Bridge« Account whom this sermon will go In print In arnte from aliiuera." of him ugnln we 6.00 sane ............................................ W. C. Lyons, bridge work.. 3.50 thè ty|» of th.* beawnly . ............ lt'w Fred Shepard, care of in­ the columns of more than four bun- 1 rvnd that, lu <-nl«>r to I m - lima holy, be 1.50 Dusenberry A Taylor, lumber J. M. Keeler, road work ... livnvrnly CoVelinnt ut wlil. t, »» (r- sane ............................................ 13.15 Bross Bros., supplies............. n-qulretl a a|>«*cinlly miraruloua birth S 43 dred newspaper« may hnve well In C. T. Hanners, road work .. The Improvements being made on Ibv chlldren. "W.-, bretlimn. iu |M„. L. N. Roney, bridge ................ J. 46.50 L, Marsh, guarding insane 9.40 Jens Jeffries, road work. . . . the Congregational church property mind whnt we hud to any on this text I'll«-»«- tlllllga lielng (rile, how Wollld It was. nr«* ili«* chlhlrm - f ili,- ph,!:,;.,» W. . R. Lamb, bridge work. . . Tax Rebate leeount. Irviug Mercantile Co., lumber a week ago. Briefly we abowetl that ta* poaslbb* fur even n "little fl-a-lt" to represent an expenditure of about tnd ir ><■ ba 1 1 L. M. Travis, tax rebate. . . . 8.75 II .000 and »In'll they are completed the world ha« not vet received the la* found who wviil-l I«* n- - «*|ilable t<> 15.65 J. . A. Hamfield, bridge ..k. and spikes ............................ R, J. Trussler. bridge work. . Circuit Court Recount. Abraham » H«-<*«|. m.«l b«-ir< .... ..r.||n< W. Kay, work on Coburg the building will be much more bloHsliig of the Lord which maketh nil»<* ' ltlnl.itl.inH II ;*y, l|(| bridge....................................... handsome and convenient than be­ W. H. Blair, jury bailiff . . . C. A. Marlow, bridge work,. 7.50 fore. The walls of the auditorium, rich that, on the contrary, ever since How could even a little fl«a-k I h - found tbe (ìiurt-b, Jean» ili.- ||.nd nn.) tn„ Thos. H. Hunsaker, black­ the dl*olH*dlence of our first parents Who woultl la* of till- ail III«- aplrit na E. A. Farrington.serv.’ ng sub ­ Frank Rohne. bridge work.. 1.63 smithing ................................. the lecture room, the study In the fnllliful, bla meinlH-ra. ««'nstlmte th» poena ......................................... 3.SO basement aud Sunday school room our race bn« labored under the Divine Jcaiia. ii «-opy of lilm In churader? B. M. Marlow, bridge work.. Mack Dougherty, hauling grvnt Dvllwrvr wbl< h l»>rn <,ri Frank L. Armitage, circuit D. O. Jean, bridge work .... Th«* Scriptural anawer la Hint aome 6.00 gravel ...................................... have been retinted and decorated, a sentence or "eur»c" of death, and that coinva <>ut ««f spiri!uni Zl-m nlu| »hlcb court bailiff............................ 16.83 Clyde Lamb, bridge work... our dying conditions (mental, moral «•«ill111 imlmal I h * found |H>aiu-«a««| of the Ellis Guiley, gravel................ new room has been built In the ba so ­ under thr New Covenant. sili tun; Joseph M England, juror... 33.00 J. M. Murray, labor and sup­ Carl Hopkins, road work. ... nient anti ft new porch has been and ph.v«lcnli are U|w>n us ns convicts. character likeness of Jenna In the aruae awuy ung>«llliiva» frolli Jm- l> naturai ~ juror. plies ........................................... 596.19 John Spores, 9.00 Jake Gates, road work.......... A ce- We point««! out that the I*>r«l baa de built (lint they would Jrtur to do |H*rfvctly. in front of the building Isrsel Nulle» bow III«* A|H«tl» ri 1.50 G. \V. Kinsey, bridge work.. 124.10 H. L Chilson, juror A. E. Green, road work .... rnent walk will at once be built In dared that he will yet grant tils bless­ but lloll«« could I h * found nMr to d<> la-r li. H. Bevor. juror. pr«HUH*a lina anylng "F«ir itila |» my T. Q. Green, work on Coburg Supervisor Account front of the church and parsonage ing to our race, releasing all from the fectly, iHH-auae nll are ahnrvra In In O. Fuller, juror. 52.00 C. O. Eichler, supervisor . . . bridge L............... the church will have a new roof and c-im«* and supplying the blessing of herltml aln. Thin In n part of tile Covmaut unto thvm tlb<* \<-w Cote- 40.00 J. H. Miller, juror. , 5.25 James A. Austin, supervisor. J Antes D. Dick, road work.. the two buildings will lie repainted naut to naturai Israeli wìk - u i aliali 41.50 W T Bettis, juror. . 3.25 8. C. Lewis, services................ Albert Erdman, road work.. I’nder Rev. W. B Pinkerton’s pas­ the Ixird that maketh rich. We point­ I "mystery" which gradually unfblda to tnkv nwsy tlivlr slna " 47.50 W’. T. Bettis, juror. Elmer A. Doolitle. labor on torate the Congregational church ed out th«* f<>r«-ahni1owlng« of thin, en i tboae who have the hvnrlng «-nr and Curtis Veatch. supervisor... 21.87 Grant Hendricks, juror We urv Dot to uiulvratand tliat (ho 6.00 W. H. Larimer, supervisor. . has made a steady growth during P«*c!ally In the promise or covenant the umlvratmidlng heart and the eye road 13.75 ■ E. H. Gomph, juror. . , uivrvy whlch th«*y wlll rwviv» unf faith. Th«* Ixtrd'a explmintloii of A. & K. Lumber Co., lumber 154.33 Ross Myers, supervisor and ! G. M Dillard, juror. . . bright prospects ahe«d for the or­ the nation of Israel through Isaac an! tbe Nrw Covenant la purrly thè mervy Archie Morgan, lumber .... 135.50 road ......................................... 79.00 IN. W. White, juror... ganisation. The pastor and mem­ Jacob—“In ttw*r and In th.v a«*ed «hall aacrlflcv«! Ilia earthly rights mid had uf lb«< Cliurvh nu«l noi ili,- nn-rey ut David Drake, work on Coburg J. W. Trueax. supervisor .. . I H. M. ------ Doty, JU1W1 juror... 50.00.... bers are now preparing to entertain all th«» families of the earth be ble«« been rm-elvnl to spirit nature, and had thè Esiliar nini tbe K««u Evld«*ntly In* 51.75 J. A. Jeans, ‘ bridge ...................................... supervisor . 10.00 I J. F. Weeks, juror. the state association which meets ! f tbe Fnllii-r unti all tlilng» ar» Over a hundred delegates are expect ­ G. W. Carson, road work . . . 20.00 I. N. Dresser, supervisor 30.00 ; W. H. Elliott, juror ............. by tbe Soli. Gud ■ m< rvy rii niw| ed to he In attendance All will be Covenant to give th«*««* bl<*«nlng« an«! | there to np|H*ar lu th.* presence of «¡-a! Chas. Brower, road work .. 3.50 Z. T. Fisk, services........... 10.00 ! E. P. Ixittln, juror.................. tbrougb < Urlai ami l'brht » uiercy that Jeaus. the Son of God holy, harm ' 'for ua " He iipi>«-nr«H| for. on lM*half entertained free In the homes of the H. C. Bjerke. road work ... 19.00 A. D. Hileman, services ... 50.00 I T. J. Blakely, juror.................. leas and undefll«*«! »«-parat«» from »Iti­ of, nil who I h -H«- v «> In him mid n-'crpt ttiruugll Un» Clini-li Wlll l'ico'i larari members of the local church. Charles E. Bailey, road work 25.25 Pauper Account W. H. Fenton, juror................ uu-b-r tu«- pruviaiuii» uf thvir Nrw nera. nn fallili Una th» Sid Beeson, hauling tools ... eternal Ilf«* and all the bleaalngs Inst But Jesus dl«l m-t a- • vpt na dlad|>l«*s 1.00 I Ax Billy dept, store, pauper W. C. Applewhite. Juror........... J. L. Atkinson, lumber ... 9.00 supplies .................................... bv Adam not heavenly but enrthly tlion«« who iii«-r<-ly I h *II vv « h I nml were l'iiun-b beau lumie ri« li lo ih«- D-nls 2.85 Frank H. Needham, juror. . . Frank Adams, crusher work 50.00 J. A. Deadmond. care of pau­ bleaaliig In |«r<>tmrtl«>i> un III«- a-vend* Gus Johnson, juror.................. blessings th«* same that Adam lost JllsUfled by faith llv uttnch««l mioth I Portland Merc. Co., mdse . .. 22.85 per .............................................. lug grvnt a mi |»r» * l«»u» protni-M bar» 10.00 J. H. Brav, juror..................... We saw next flint thn»«* enrthly rights ■■r condition, nmuely. Hint they niuat Messrs. Geo. Kerr and John Sllsby R. E. Walker, crusher work. 3.75 John Powell, pauper ............. 8.00 Jim D. Chamberlain, juror.. of Ashland, say that Cottag«* Grov«* and b!**»s|ngs won by our !.<>ri! b.v the aacrlflco nil their «-nrthly rights nn-l bevii uevvpt««!. nn«l If il wlll - till fur­ Chas. Ware, crusher work. . . N. Fisher. Juror.......................... 17.50 Siuslaw Lumber Co., pauper Icxiks so „«lod to them that they will keeping of tile I.nw he. with the I'n privileges iis h«- «lid; otherwlii«« they llivr iiiakv un ri-li thr<>«ii iti tlie Tom Tucker, road work .... 6.00 supplies .................................... 12.50 Amos Wilkins, juror............... open a well select«*d new stock of ther's consent and arrangement, »nrrl- <*ollld Hot I h * hla «1 lac 11«I«**< t'nb-sa "chauge" of thè First I;« -nir«« 11- ui to Arthur White, road work... Mrs. Am««s Wilkins, juror. . . 6.00 G. H. Yerington, drugs .... 1.75 glory, liuii«>r and luiinortallty » liât groceries an I crockery In th«- build­ fl«-«*«!. !.-il«l down In death. nnk £• Son reward for «<> doing wan a r«*»urr«*ctlon aiicrltlc«* they could not I h * count««! In ina) w «• noi expeet uf II» rl< Ini ' and C. E. Colcord, road work... 6.2 5 pers ............................................ 38S.00 Kittie B. Sherill. juror........... just as Boon as this firm moves Into to a spirit <>r heavenly plane of being, hurt-ljr tbs |»le«H«ing n -vani lite Jv» Ira Isham, road work........... MiM 'eihiiieou» Account. 11.25 J. B. Lewis, pauper supplies. 10.00 their new quarters in the Woodward far abov<* that of nng«-l« W«* »nw a as hl« follo««*ra. members «-f his B-aly. bl«*«utliig of tliv l.«*r«l w il make Drarl Postal Telegraph Co. services Arthur Combs, labor on road 9.00 Joseph Kennedy, care of sharers of hl« coming glory und work brick. Messrs. Kerr * Sllsby hav«- H. M. Dame wood, wood for pauper .................................... glorious King who tui<) thorn* earthly Ills words were, "If miy mnn would rivi» miti huiiorublv lariliTs bl' *«Ulg 1.50 Bangs Livery Co., services. August ....................................... 18.00) secun-d a lease on the Porter brick rights l«i Id« posa«*«nlnn ns an asset <»r engine ....................................... 6.00 Nicklin A Neal, groceries . .. wlll I h * lini luna I un w«-ll na pcrauMl. 5.00 I h * my disciple let him take up Ills which they will occupy and expert to Eugene Transfer Co. hauling F. S. Pedigo, road work ... .50 J 3.00 Day it Beardsley, pauper . . 7.00 lml«*v«l. UR Malli Ila (llv Mll i-iiiilul hlu( thing of value to give to others lie ready for business by the 20th - roH« and follow me. nml whvr«* I nm Pacific Coast Stamps Works C. V. Larimer, road work. . . 2.50 Roney Bros., mdse.................... 7.50 «loti! all'lll lllllv I h < U « -t.ll'll*!"«!. Ili» We want now to continue thin In of this month. Th«*y each have also "Except there shnll my disciple be." office supplies ....................... 15.95 Fall Creek Lbr. Co., lumber. 37.26 Assessor's Account | E. Schwarzschild, office sup. 39.95 leased cosy hom«-s tn w«»st Cottage v«*stlgatlon nn-l to «««• Itt the light of ‘ii inmi forsake nil Hint h<* hnlh be can­ blvaaliig of tbv Lord w ili l i.-nn I titlue Blond it Graber, supplies... 1.80 Lena B. Stewart, assessor's ' Williams Transfer Co.hauling 6.00 Grove, one the new Lurch cottage God's Won! whnt In to lie done with not In* my disciple." "I'tilvsa a in nu favor In all lite natural h iiffslrs of life S. C. Veatch. crusher work clerk ......................................... 50.00 | Pacific Tel. & Telg. Co., Aug- and the other the new Willard cot­ tboae earthly right« which Jesus gain lo all Ihoae who are truly lit« "to the and wood ................................. 9.00 Martha A. Schooling, asses­ tage just across the street Into which •«I by virtu«* of bls olsslletic«* to th** i lov«* less father, mother, ehlhlren and Jvw flrst " As a people llu-t util In­ I gust services............................ Isaiah Slay ter, supplies.......... ; 291.90 I sor's clerk ............................... nil «■!■«• Ise he lie cannot !«* I»' my tny disciple." disciple ” lle 75.00 D. H. Waugh, services........... they will niovt* their families Just as Irwin Wolf, road work .... 2.50 < Mary L. Gamber, assessor's soon as th«* buildings are completed. Iutw, and which tn* na«-riflce«l. Ilow ; that loseth his life for my sake shall thè tirsi to is* ready for tin- IM v I im John Williams, services.......... Joe Barrows, road work .... guida uve lifter the great tini of insi­ clerk ......................................... will they In- appll«-d? We might r«-n llml If " 7.00 52.00 C. A. Wintermeier. services Theatre« Consolidate. Hub Wolf, road work........... li go will 26.25 ; B. F. Keeney, salary for Au­ blv wlth which thia pre*** I-ate last week John Durham solj soliably hnve sup|M»sed tsltie«* God's other word* the l?>r«!’a |>ro|MMi Peter Calanchini, found on Mike Almas!, road work.... gust. 1909 . . ..-.................. ; 125.00 7.8S I has lit- promise to Israel was th«* world clone. lirlatctiiloiii In gi-nrral the Dreamland theatre to N. H. Mar ­ < iirlsteiidoiii in g E. C ...................................... thin to the Chur li Is Hint all the rm th . 101.90 Homer Sprague, road work. . 1.75 Witness Account tic know l«-«lgv of - nidi.: ri­ ■tltutleu. Postage, Exix-cssage, Etc Account. tin, who then pr ¡ane-d a consolida­ should be blessed through itt that ns ly riyktn uf hlam (loaf through dlsobt- Harry Stafford, road work.. 7.00 ; John M. Barr, witness........... 3.10 R. E. Eastland, stamps, etc. 2.50 tion with Chas. Hall, of the Arcade ms m as our Ie>nl Jeslls limi uscend- dlence nml n-tli-vim«! by our !?>r«l nt to all limi whlch «ila l'.»! in ii Ira. Theodore Sprague, road Marie Barr, witness................ 2.10 H. L. Bown, postage................ u> ini • ii-.-'i'* i- ir» 15.00 I Theatr«* and a d«-al was soon con­ ed up on high lie would gl ve to thè Calvnry rim! now nt Ids <1la|ioanb nr«- Cbrlstvndoiu In work ......................................... 1.75 Ada Barr, witness.................. 2.10 B. F. Keeney, -postage............. 1.00 summated. the Ariade equipment be­ nation of Israel all th«».««* enrthly I imputed i>> thos«* who. «luring this «*ltli«*r lo b«-n'«-ii or l'iir?it' t' Elmer J. Harrington, road 3.50 ! Wm. Pollard, wieness........... 2.10 Stationery, Blank Book«. Etc.A«-c«iunt ing moved Into the brick occupied by rights mid honors wltlcli he limi se- work ......................................... Gustina Pollard, witness .. . Gospel Age. turn from sin, ncrept uni loruiviit. but mmiy J«*i the Dreamland theatre. —Leader. 2.10 Glass & Prudhome, blank cured by oliedlelice mid death, We Christ ns tb«*lr R«-devm«-r. and then by tlivlr lutile liettvr Itimi Ibis. George Syphers. road work. 10.50 Mary Fero. witness ................ 2.10 books, etc.................................. 21.25 H. Carson, crusher work ... bl«*aaltiga proinlat «1 nr«* «-arili 52.00 Florence Fero. wltnses .... 2.10 Irwin Hodson Co..cloth covers 22.50 »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦«♦««♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e might have expected accordingly that. consvcnitlon am-rlfl«-«* nil «-nrthly r!--t*l« Howard Bly, crusher work.. 41.00 J. E .<-uneriy, witness .... forthwith, th«* tuition of Israel would In n »--rd our Lord .l«-«u« Ims .♦ right "Times of n-Hiliutl -li <’f « 1.70 Irwin Hodson Co., blank W. H. Medley, crusher work. 87.50 Jim Chamberlin, witness fee. have begun to reiillz«* tin- forglven«*ss to give tin* i-nrHilv rights, tin- «-nrib n|eik«-n bv III«* inoiith of uil 1.70 books .. 20.25 lVilliam Miller, crusher work 4.00 Justice Account ♦.................................................. ♦ of their sins and would liav«- been thus Fi«h and Gaine F uik I Account. proph«*ta nlnce III«* w*-rl«l Iwi," life mill honor, to any one person ly 31. C. Goodenow, crusher R. E. D ryson. justice fees. . . S.35 R. S. Bryson, justice fees. . . . turned to the Lord; and that, under or 21.85 III. '-*»>. to any numla-rof |«*ra<«nn of Adam's work ......................................... « 6.35 Constable A«-count E. A. Farrington, special con­ Wednesday afternoon, October 6. hi.« blessing, tlielr work with all the Wllli Ibi* cloee «>f Itila nei* lenreoljr Earl McMullin, crusher work 28.00 E. A. Farrington, special con­ stable fees............................... 2.90 1909, at the home of the bride’s nations «luce would hnve progressed. I race n« son .-thing I« sacrifice. WI k - ii I| o | h - m wlll no longvf I h - h- d forth to H. A. Roach, crusher work. . 51.00 stable fees............................... 5.30 F. T. Plank, fees....................... 2.00 mother. Mrs. Dora Gray, In Eugene, As it la written, "In thy m *< h 1 shnll all I they do im-ntnlly «aeriti- «• «-nrthly . irtlily J. R. Sexton, crusher work.. 91.00 F. T. Plank, constable .... 16.60 tlertrude Gray and Joseph Goodfel­ th«* families of the earth Is* bl«-ss«-d " rights ihey receive tin* Is-geHlng of tin- liiiinkli.d, but. oli III«* «"l'ii ir) >,-rvf<>n*. W. E. Dodge, crusher work. . llo|a*«, r«-allll|l|«'n. I t «• l 1 51.00 1 h"iy spirit to the hciiveiilv nature Surveyor Account low. Rev P K. Hammond officiating. Dave Graham, road work... 7.50 The C. E. Scott Co., type­ The wedding was quiet, only a few Admitting that the Lord Jesus was the ; Rut tli it heavenly n iture Itself they wlll I h * III«- better pn-|«.ir«--l for Hie A. Gleason, crusher work... 52.00 writer ribbon ....................... of r e relatives and Intimate friends spiritual sect! of Abraham we woulil will not rrei-lve until they «hall have terni« mid « «-ndlttons <«f <1- A w (’ove- . I i) Berger-Bean Hdw. Co., sup­ < «ninty Judge's Account of the couple being present. They left have eX|s*ctl«i that ti|H>ti Ills glorltb-n Aril- hi-i| the Hiu-rltli-e ngri-i-il np-in nani. B«*alr«* ymtf Groffin Hdw. Co., supplies . . E. B. Nicholas, services.......... Di«l God forget Ills promlae made to 15.00; Natro. Oct. 7.—Natron Is the buis- I lnw’ of the Gospel Age will be the «nine Jndgi*« nn ut thè flrat nml M. C. Goodenow, freight ... At the home of R. W. Smith. Jus­ Israel, or did he change bls purpoae, I est little town in Oregon at the pres- R. McMurphcy, automobile girerà ns nt thè lieglnnlng' (l«alnh 1.261* merit of Jesus, and will Is* nt his Geo. Christensen, crusher tice of the peace, at Springfield, Oct. or what is the explanation of the hire ............................................ ent time. work ........................................ disposal. Iss-mise. nithough pnssed Bissa All Natìon». 2.50 ; The new hotel will be thrown open 1909, Oliver Doolittle and Miss Ellen course be <11«1 pursue? 91.00 F. A. Post, automobile hire.. E. Oswald, crusher work... Ix*t na Hot forg«*t timi thè bl«*«sln< "f through the Church. It will not hnve 81.00 Fred Callison, services........... 6.25 10 the public this week. Mr. Riley, Murray, Justice Smith officiating. Spiritual larsal Called and Choaen. Albert Enos, crusher work.. j the proprietor, has just returned to 38.00 C .O. Hudson, automobile been kept by any mcmls*r of the thè Lori! whlch mnketh ridi 1« 'i-'i •'>"*"1’ What God has been doing since Church and will, therefore. Is- nt our Loe Ix-Blue, crusher work. . . hire ............................................ 46.00 17.00 Natron from an extended trip buying At the Rodney avenue Christian wlth Israel, but to I h * |>ii«--l •" R. Leff, crusher work........... 52.00 H. L. Bown, expenses............. 2 7.15 furniture and carpets, stoves, etc., church in Portland, Oct. 5th, 1909. Christ d, of Los Angeles will being employed at the First National ) Christ's siK-rlflce nt the end <>f the thè New Covenunt wlth !-«ru can understand the matter nor appre­ work........................................... 52.00 M.S. Wallis, deputy sheriff 100.00 be In charge of the warehouse. There bank. Gospel Age when It «hall Itnve passed m>ti-«l. Iiowever. llrit to «iblnln n «hnr» ciate ft, except he Is* In the right con ­ Bangs Livery Co., services.. 1.50 will also be apartments for Mr. and William McCollum, crusher through the Church? We answer that III thè New Covvmint bl«---Ini.’ li ",l' dition of heart and begotten of th«* ; Mrs. Woods. The expect to arrive work........................................... 52.00 Harry Nye, special deputy It will lie lined again. It will Is* given I h * m-c«»wHrtry f««r thè fii-o|«l<* «'f di sheriff ....................................... holy Spirit. To such the Ixird says. 5.00 in a few days form Oakland, Calif. W. H. Oswald, crusher work 62.50 to Ho- Jews mid through them to the tloii« to laH-otm* lantellt«'« nml ,|V The I ’ tah Construction Co. is erect ­ H. L. Bown, county sheriff. . 166.65 Ole Sannes, crusher work... "To you It Is given to know the inys- died 50.00 whole world. It I« tin- I i I' hh I <>r merit «lollig. f'.i-y wlll Ina-nni«* ■ ’ r ii''''1 " B. Torkelson, crusher work. tery of the Kingdom of heaven, but to 51.00 I. R. Zumwalt, deputy sheriff 10.00 ing a new residence at Natron, to be 46.25 occupied by Mr. Wilkinson and fam- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ all outsiders these thing« are spoki-n which will seal tin- New t'oii-nnnt Abrnhn*-!. And thl« wlll 1 '• r,|,m " Frank Adams, crusher work 52.00 Chas. K. Kompp, services. .. I ily, who will move In Just as soon promlm-d to Israel long ago, but not nw t «»f thè Divine proni!«- County Clerk's Account. 1 George Adams, crusher work 52.00 I At. her home In Sprlngfl«Md. Oc­ In parable« and In dark sayings." fulfill«-«! It Is one thing to promlm* ti coiiHlltut««! Ih«*«- ii fnthcr - mini l,!l , as it is completed. Joe Wills, crusher work .... 52.00 E. I’. Ltttt, <■ iti ;. < b-rk.......... 166.65 j Some who cannot perc«-lve In the full Dick Prosole Is very busy hustling tober 6. 19119, Mrs. Alice Marie Ash­ ¡Covenant; another thing to draw up tlon«" (Itoninun Ir. 17i. ll«-m«-ml"‘r n R. Wills, crusher work.......... 49.00 Jesse Fountain, deputy county teams for the S. P.. forwarding sup- worth, ag«-d 38 years, after a long appreciative sens«* whnt we shall show, Ibe terms of a Covenant; a thin! thing bow thè l.or Snmnrla in« clerk ......................................... ( 60.00 William Wills, crusher work 52.00 j plies and lumber, hay and grain up illness. She leaves a husband. Itoy may nevertheless I h - able to appreciate M. D. Bissel1, road work . . . 22.50 s. E. Skene, deputy county Ito sign mal seal the Covenant. The Roilom ii« exnmplvn <>f nll miti11111’ " the line and trying to get a good Ashworf'i and three brothers, Finley the matter to a limit«-«! degree. clerk ......................................... ( 60.00 A. C. Jennings, viewer.......... S.H | New Covenant hits not yet ls-en Healed III«- World, nml «!«« lnr«- lb- l-r”*’ i supply ahead before tne bad weather I an 1 Mathew Male of Springfield anti H. Peterson, assistant county Th«* Mystery 1« this: God Intemls to B. s. Hyland, viewer............. 8.00 , The blood that will seal It 1« now Is-lng li«-«. "I wlll giva Ihem unto Un* '°r Richard Male of Camp Cre<-k. She sets In. There Is also a steam saw clerk ............................................ I 55.00 A. E. Collier, surveyor.......... hnve n larger Messiah than the Jews 11.50 at Natron cutting wood for the S. P. was an active worker In the M. E. had understo'sl Not only so, birt he I ll-o-ll III the lllterenl of the elect spirit diitr.-blvr«. bnt tiot b.v thy d«l Lee, assistant county H. A. Carter, chain man .... 2.00 Clara church arid was also a member of for winter supply. clerk ......................................... ‘ 45.00 tial Israel, that the little flock may Covt-nnnt." Tlu-y wlll lH-<-«>ni«' l,”n the line. He looks real cute in his Interment, will be made In Laurel nous Messiah anti to w-h-ct th«* mem | menwrlnl supper when he mild. This nml ln-r «innghtvr«. nml Ih«' «ni'1'' H. Waggoner, chain man .. 2.00 Grovo cemetery. clerk........................................... 2.50 hers thereof from many nations. As new outfit which he purchased at H. E. Phetteplace, chain man 2.00 County S< liool Suja-rintemlent Ac- , Is my lilotsl of the New Covenant shed <>f Rnmarin nml ber ilmigh'l‘r’- 1 '' Natron Cash store. I. , L. Westfail, ax man......... 2.00 At. the Eugene hospital, Oct. 7th, compared with the worhl th«-««* will Is* i for many for the remission of sin«. wlll I brlng ngnln tlu- cnptlvlty "f 1 • count. I Miller avenue In Natron Is rapidly 1909, Mrs. Ora Lawrence, wife of a "little fl«s'k." As the Master snltl. G. W. Johnson, shoveling " "" W. B. Dillard. County school , llrink V< nil nf if. The privilege of «-nptlvf* In III«* nihl-d t>f them gravel......................................... 100.00 building up with stores and resl- Arthur A. Lawrence, aged 34 years. "Fenr not. little flocl^, it. is your Fa­ drinking with our i.orl. iW 4.00 girl happy and they have a very terment in the I. O. O I-. cemetery. hnve his eplrlt or disposition. Like ! 50 Geo. Heitzman, road work. . . pleasant teacher. A« now thè Lori! nddvlh m> "rr' Jail \< rnant. will he sacrificed am! thus pasiwri on. him they miiHt lay down their lives In \ S. D. Dr. Cheshire Is down fre loua ■ 1« going to en- wlth bl« bl< «slng. «o It wlll 1 1 llir.,,.'„ hoard of Natron Cash st th«- sonic«- of righteousness. Truth and for the betieilt of mankind In general. el .. 34.75 large their pres t building ar-! I'tah Cons’rn«'H«in t'o’s. camps • h«- Millennium weri-l The Apostle says fh.-it ottr Lord nt his muni wlth n h h thè » I«« th«- brethren They will liecome joint ( D P. Caidwell, hauling grav H oiim - anil Park Account. io of dress go ds Willamette, lie says a good tn ! handle a complete < f the Ih«- Wont Word of «f G*«l •-- -l I' 1 ' 1 n I Irst A’tvoni In his death beemm- tla* .-isMiirnm-«* of 2 o ~ n »:i< rlfle«-rs with him. iianiw; V, p'.umbing 22.05 and ladies' ' wea el g apparel, etc. the workmen arc quitting on a ‘Snirtif' or guarantor of tlo- Now liv Ibi- «Ione of th<* Mlll«'l'"l|"" ,h" 15.00 g gravel. . L. 11. Huf b, placing wood In ty call and sc«- of I ..<• poison oak aud wet wi When in t?e vic Th» Suffering« of Messiah. Covenant. Rnt lie did not seal the wlll I n * ••no more «Itfhhm. no shed . ■ellng grav­ T. J. Jo»l them and bring ur pocket book They have been employed In ’ Ifi-ro the iuo-«t|on arl-es, If no Jew * i Now Covenmil nor put II Into force In hir. no mot»* ilvlnir,** btit limi 13.50 Theodore Miller, «are of lawn along 38 as the prlc« tvill astonish you nla where It. Is dry and the leas el ... but .lo ins e iild keep th«- Divine Lnwj Liny sense of the word, beemi-e It was »nnkt» oli ilihigs tiew. tain scares many <>t them out. August ...................................... 39.00 and you will be sure to buy 73.00 G. N. Fraxer, lumber I LIST OF CLAIMS ALLOWED RY COURT Why Does It Cure PEOPLES PULPIT... Blessings Without Sorrow THOUSAND DOLLARS IN CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS NEW GROCERY STORE AT COTTAGE GROVE : MARRIED : NATRON NEW LIVELY RAILROAD CAMP : :