FOUR THE EUGENE WEEXLY GUARD. THURSDAY. AUG 26. 1909 I>ee>ess j »eesssss»»« jo est M e< «-*♦ with a view toward elevating the quality of his trade, aud goods which he manufactures« , The word "booster" evidently has its origin in slang, but has AN INDEPENDENT PAPER CHARLES H. USHER, Editor »n<1 l’ubi I «hcr been used for so long that is has found a place in the English lan Subacription prive, |1.50 per »«ar, if paid la advauea. 11.uu at aud guage, as expressive of force properly applied. of yoar. In the operation of street car lines it has been found that af­ - ■ ■ ------ — Eatered at Rafear, Oregoa, poetufflca aa arcond-rlaaa m»Mrr ter the current has traversed several miles of wire it loses its Published every Thursday at Eugen«. Oregon force or voltage, but still retains its volume, or amperage, when Agrau tor rt»e ftwara to bring the volume up to the point where it will furnish the nec­ Tfca following .re *uthorii»d to tak. and receipt for nbaarlptloM or essary power an instrument called a "booster" is put in the line, ! Sr*M*ci any other bualneaa for Th. Dally aad Weekly Guard: Ora «web—J. L. Clark. which transforms the emperage to voltage, or volume to force, Cab i and William of Germany as one of the three most remarkable jobbing centre for a large territory—and the beginning of job­ h ■i n personalities and powers in the world. bing business means that a place has entered the real city class. >» I ” The Commercial Club could do no better at this time than to 'i THE ONE IMPORTANT ENTERPRISE advertise the advantages of Eugene as a location for wholesale | ¡I houses. Eugene will become the railroad centre of Western Oregon; ■!i G5 EAST NINTH STREET. PHONE MAIN 714 if she is awake to the opportunities of the hour. The railroad After all this Sutton affair was only a drunken row among ♦ 44^ construction era has dawned and in three years there will be I the students w'hich happened to result fatally. Who was to blame z> many changes due to newly constructed transportation lines andj ' or just how Sutton came to his death will probably never be the consequent development of the Oregon country. T During [( qqwh —perhaps the participants were all too drunk to realize this period of transformation, the town that is most advantage- i-"7 how\'t happened" themselves, . There have probably been ously situated and hustles hardest for railroad facilities will , many similar occurrences at the naval institution, but they have has the geographical loca-1 not been ..investigated,- f . reap the greatest benefits. Eugene T tion and it is up to the people here to bestir themselves in order i flmt Ilf work. Don’t fail to “v th« ' Manicuring and that no railroad which might be secured by proper effort shall |iictun-a We are |>uttlng out S. G. Beardsley,M. D Notwithstanding the fact that Eugene has built several hun­ uow at half price be lost. Physician and Surgceo dred new houses, including several large flats, there is now a Hair Dressing The surest way to compel recognition of the city’s claims is! demand for houseg to rent. When the 8chools convene next I olman Studio 10 and 17 .Met I nag llhlg.. Ki-giulrr Bldg, i to budd a railroad to the coast, giving a short haul to the ocean. month there ig nQ doubt but houseg wiU be at a premium. And UoMtlDg Slater« Phone Main 17 nth and WilliunHU Front Haile 013 Willamette Str*«- This the people are able to do with their own means and the thjg condition tells the 3tor of Eugenc«s remarkable and con- movement is now well under way and is daily assuming a more 1 tjnuous rrowth McLEOD S. D. READ tangible shape. Already it has received direct notice from Mr. 3 °________________ GARRETT & MITCHELL THE TAILOR DENTIST Hill, and is lending to draw the -ttention ol other railroad mag. ' We c„ build ,he Euge„e & Sius|aw railr. • • ' • F ’ Residence ÏH K««t Eleventh »f»* «atonal writers are giving advice ai/4’ making kuggestions as, to fceep up with her. THE EUGENE WEEKLY GUARD Weber Wagons at Cost 1 • t » HANDY BUSINESS DIBECTÛBÏ 1 k 1» z» «« A £ z» ZH r. ♦ V ♦ L. Zk Mr« C ZX I • r c> « X ZV W" z« ZX *— I * *■1 Market to the best X .n,nl» j i fare of th. geiher '’ or method to secure help that ftT Heeded by farmers ' Ncr doubt of the new tariff being a ®tood tbin? for on of » k “"J6“ One "rilA put« It th.s' Chairman i*yne, who has copped a $500? Job as.depl \ a 3t. “»fltel for the unemployed u in tS. West; the nn. ant attorney -^Aneral in charge of customs L 1 e a „I''."’ """V“8 matket is in lhe ■ Tl>« ”.1- to write out his official title often, he ’ ll earn t« ,aT ry ‘ subserved by bringing Hw two to. thArh.L“‘ «ssary in order to obtain it.” t A Chicago woman* «“«ertake the expense nee- been £iven a divorce bees *'?bby . Thought the general co'wpXaint r of wives was the other WAy around—that hubby persL’tf ta staying home Sundays, ins *eRd of going to churcb- the argument that J'tt^en'w^o have"^»^ ^WeXn farms I “ ¿e^enfy-five thousand dolla «'«io ri wil1 build the siu,law railroad — 'x j 5 toward the coast. From that x 1 t,me on “ b*ea,yto secure in ’‘ney to cont*nue tbe work of construction to- th« Siuslaw and on to Coos Bay' have returned East, but only on pleasure^isiT' t J cv h S°mn been drafted into the regular industrial army of thl west^ instead of begging would-be revoluti. mists to be good, Mex- way that will be more willing worker in the West does not long remain idie ine ico s secretary of war addresses them in convincing, by saying: “The government h 43 money- ammuni' tion, soldiers and artillery.” WHAT IS A BOOSTER? Authorities define the verb “to boost” i # Goodness grp.cioii3! rate, remarks an exchange. ° lf® Up* to ele* suit because of n A booster, therefore, must be understood to be one working ed on him. I . York. »WI Willie t, eb tbre " . «I lieh he t. 1 »lied a inc. he w.**® ’ llhel 0 ew tlaggage stored free for ten day* Phone»—Main 32. Ititi 4012. U H HMVTH Pe.m I FM, Rcxt-lvetl Dally W. H. KIIKIEWAV, Prop. Plionz Main 23 «V2M Wlllnnx-.'« S. Oft!««, Register building Pbuo« * Ml. , SPECIALTY— DI»*«»'* •” *n® snfl rh, —■a .—.WANTED----- - Watches that won’t keep time Yes, wc want you to send or bring us your watches that won’t keep time, watches the average wafchmaket cannot fix. No work too difficult for us to do. Wc em- ploy no tinkers, but we are expert watchmakers and supervise all work oursclvcs and cheerfully guarantee every job. I I Maurer-Copper noli Jewelrv Co., Inc 542 Willamette Street, .......... ‘ K ado 1 EUGENE, ORE. I I I I ». »I*