SIX THÉ EUGENE W1ÉKÍ.Y f♦♦♦••••••««■eeeeeeeeeeeee who has been here looking over the I i for Cascade Locks ou bus- fair city, went to Portland today. H« will afternoon iness. OU a A D THURSDAY. AUG ld, li»Ö9 th» ebaacr liad apurlud >utd«r h MORE RUMORS OF CAh” ••lt » g tu* that l. “’>• Ml ttj, Ar*hur Vincent, a young lentber- return bare «n. • Z B F. Harsch and wife, of Ottuin- man, «.'»riv«,d up from Portland last Anni« Karl« rout itine his medlval λ. yen re in« and il««' |x|,| - |t " Mrs. Fr ink Colvin is home from a I the Knights of lb this« ■■«•I’D,.... i Wash., »as au arrival In Eu«cue studies. I extensive machine aaops In Spring ’’"«•H trip to Newport. Misses Mary D. Smith, of Aib.’r l ist night L Cottage Grove today. noon to visit friends Mrs. Artnlnda Kay arrived l,l*1 Ibis afternoon from a bualne»M trip i>latiH of the company are ihu Is roti- “I wiuliln't llat'-n t>. n,, "'t'h toten« Miss Rikka Ness Is on a visit with L.T. North is bonk* from a month's JI RED haired, unshaven, untidy fYout Monroe yesterday to visit her Co Portland MI«« I lari«*," »ald ih» w .......... »UUMKI, Hl*i «at In a rocking chair by ■HUH Hugh Kay. , J \V. Blacow and D J Lewie, of Mrs. W. T. Gordon has returned met several Eastern friends there I ni,l(. , k 7"" When t e Natron exten­ lie bad ju«t lighted ir Croni ih.* n«rr<>w Mrs. H. £ Lee, who lives i near ]rvtiigton Cal., were arrivals in Eu i > id men from a trip to Seattle. and prolonged his -May Lw two weeks .•blu "Kld Mulini)'» i,,( (|W b' sion is completed Springfield Will l*e Springfield, was in the city today j, pi' and was pulling bitt« gene last night. R. L. Edwards and wife, of Dexter, oi'gi r iban he ha! expocux! tlirow a Inily llk» yuU |,H1I ’’ with her daughter lie bad the tiist point before the moli m a I n A. H. White arriv«xi here yestemlay wife came down i «. window were in rhe city today. H C. Auld and i re ih* «14« r ’ .1. S Markell. of Syracuse, N Y . t ho grade begins, and there »ill httvw to Miss Nancy Petersen is visiting In from Sand Point, Idaho, rs visit his arrlV'Ul here last night tn visit his from Donna this morning tut •Tw.« yrere," rep.'»t,n , ft . «llp|*er» with Portland a few days. ( brother. Dr E. H. White ile may lo­ Wendllnfg hical be at Springfield the sound ho uses tbv Clouds W1H grvst »Htlsfsclloll sister, Mrs. S. M Torse. He Is very a IfHI« io rentlniont Mi„|,r ,, nl,J are M. J. Thompson, of Marcola. was cate here and go into business If be Alf Dillard and W» vne ci>i,rtriu«l ths extra helper «nglura uaed In the r«*UloV«Hi hi»" staled »I'd ilouutsl u pair much pleased with Eugene and says home from a hunting Mid t in the city over Sunday. i can find a suitable locathm. trip mountain«. With the quantities of of tdu«'. filili»! cui'|»l k<> awkwardly of Ih» dlatnif»'« nrt "| «Iw,.,^ Mrs Margaret Rasmussen, after a he like.» Portlanu' bett«*r than Seal- I I up the McKenzie E. E. Hyland arrived do»n from t" play <»ut Oli' Hi* »tr>.'( ’ electric And »ater power ttvuilanlo. ftac morbltl liitrst of «r i no evening *cau«« tlter,* wna nothiii* d„ln' (ì,,'"' his hom«> at Lowell today. several months' visit with her' duusif­ tie. Prder Ophtu and «V* left thi* and the smessary laud that »la Parks returned to Crei- tRilpIng* dally news ddnkvr. Mrs. T. A. Hurd and son went to ter. Mrs. W. W. Calkins. In Eugen«, morning for a trip to Seattle Htld purchased rcaaouably, and l»e followed ai h"iii*. Fora ).«« i|lt„ , ju,t* Portland today on a visit. left today for Spokane, and from well this afternoon. British ColatnMa. A>IU« h 1 liack the jsi««"« to other favorable point«, tills Mr and Mrs. J. B Young were tnlld'-r detail« of d'Kiratep* ami |(n>k*4 ut tb" 11^1,1, , Arthur Wilhelm, of Harrisburg. there will return to her home ac | Mark Fleming return, < home Ihtper. vugt'rly quite logical down from Fall Creek today. ili«* inopia golh' tir <»n¡i. black tieit«Tkb'«'i Carl Washburn returned koine this the fair a few days. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Knox, of Alba­ rame along mi» «*v*nln »mi " Aberdeen. Wash , World : M rs. Two district engineers, Morton afternoon from Pcirtltild us U' ch user by the ny, spent Sunday in Eugene. I Gertrude Lacker, son and daughter Elmer Roberts and fam ill !«•«»• In Russell, of S>»ti Francisco, and one ap, imi I wn< maahed ,h n,, * Rev. Mr. MsrahaU a «rlv«*d up from lb« 1 smaller type Mr. and Mrs. H C. Mahon went to leave the latter pnrt of tih« week for the morning tor on outing at O Hit- named Beldauf, a «- making up crews fair i'll«’ lltwt drink h. m, v |.w ,,, cont »tided In I'ti* K«lJ"liilng roo. » a w.'iAah wn« Portland today on business. , Eugene. Oregon The children of She.f-U this afternoon to vl*tt Rev eu's on the McKenzie to go to I hell .«Hotted districts, line I ■ rli-d » Il Bigi.I J. W. Sprechsr. * from the Dr. D. A. Paine is home from an Mrs. Lackey will attend school at Eu­ Miss Jennie F Chirk and Mr* T \ I h 'I ow and the nllnt above Hazel Dell. cooking supiwr. mio/1 frani strong ( lickin' for mäkln « iki I«. Mrs Roy Kieix arrived up from Al- Hubbard, over-Sunday visit to Newport. gene the coming year. urrl of Los ABades. » ’ »re bacon mid ladling cvlfse u-. .- 'i - fti *i visit her si>ter These engineers uro g en certain - My. Tommy, you • • cr Mrs .l ines, of Cardiff. Colo., and State Horticultural!«! W. K. New . vats In Eugene slits morning E R. Gilstrap districts, and stn> there through..i«» nguiiist the cut plug fu.m'U CTowdl 1 i Kurlaon? If It wn» «1 f. ell spent last night in the city. Mr*. Frances Wims.of Cripple Cr« -'-t. Mrs. Mill Mrs. M. .1. Lemmons aad sbbli us O. J. Selfrid*, at tit. John. Kan . Hie couslructlon •>( thi road They ves|HTtlne pip«. Mrs. A. M. Simons went to Halsey Olio., [eft for their resnectTve horn«*» ! rfilorofornr limit w uU'd atnitii th« E-xsteru si rivals ini James, and hla sng ago <»h, li i P. IllM-V. sirawts of tile east side In Ther were J. W. Pixley »as in the city today Mrs. (3uy R. Stocdtton. Mr. and Mrs Ft auk Han>pt< n and \ "u tell th« Ki<| if he ■ Mr: aat Mrs. rritt Da'ds return- 1 with about from his home near Junction. called here on accounr of the twilight falls Mntim sols u •■<■*. 1 J. M. Howel for a few «Lays. hovered a great bird ITie l.lru S. G. Roberts, of Fargo. N. D.. vas the presidency of Wills College. Mrs. I tlJe avvr.u* toward th« Prof. I.. R. Aldwrtuan left this af- ringe of her son. Leslie, io Jibs l-ulu known to humorists They as the called stork II a Mills, the founder and retiring presi­ an arrival in the city yesterday. Pofll last night. Mm lai club. I ternoon for Coos Bay where he wttll the |H«>| le of t 'hryvti« street were Henry W. Stewart, wife and dent. wifi soon leave for am extended attend a teachers' institute. Thomas Relssback. of Salem Is At U o'clock rlie pr<-id ter orlili balogi«!», I tour in the Orient. Miss Carson is da lighter have gone to Newport. He is tc Misrr FratMcs Ortun returned? h«vme here visiting Emil K »ppe taly, pac'd upon the Bo. »r Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keeney have .one of the best-kxnwu and ablest r*d- tm Ima tion this .rfteruoon a‘lor a compnnied bv his sou Juist of Stark vulture ’n hl» arm. As the fxir returned from a visit at Ashland. 4 ucators on the Pierifk* coasc. and has visit with friends ia. Eugene courtly, 8. D. A Ulti« girl of twelve esine up tim li Hr golden Iler “yes After .tn Fred Ware and family are home written several text-book! M rs Grim, of Nome. Mmdca. aft«-T Idly to tbe insti rending ami resilng l.y Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Barnard and t extended service in the srhootk «r to i "yah." but Ilf qua frc' i an outing at Foley Springs. daughter leave In the morning for a| a visit with her »1st« f; Wm W. 1 * the window and said: Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Heller went Portland she joined rhe faculty Í the trip tj Minneapolis wn« initcut to ihr mix« I- and ...I St ï ’ atiî “ Kay. In Eugen«*, »ent Portland t«.» St. Taut '■rapa, won't yu play a gntue of I Cniverrity of Oregon at Etigeue. to Portland today for a short vis She -O'pyie«? upon hör' > Hiàntiert and '*•*?’ -ani* fmni there wlil’retarn home n.w, g . s. « i.._ ................. ............ bv* cheek'rs »lib me |f you aren't too blush'* I. and »he smlicd D. S. Duffield returned to Mi'., City » here her work ftrmly estaUishrM' her ilrm returned' horn«* this afternoon Mrs W. H. H. BrumNaugh. of Tn- as an educator cd exception«' ability, tired F' today after a short stay in Eugene. |r th« *4'*l| 1. f ’be li» « ! 1 attves. who «<>rk» hard ull day have a S. C. Spicer and wife, of Marcola. in the educational world*.—ttregv»- Wash, wSteve titey will visit. answered, with a frown hi ; "U««l i y , t'*> *tlt i Irti 0,„| j-etu-ned today from a trip to Seattle. nian. Dr. JT. Christie end a iiiimlLer of r«*st when lie omr» home? Why Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Henter aad ! . IN AT FLOUR MIL “Checkers! * Miss Lucia Campbell returned workmen left yesterd..T tbr the 1 • Ui y you go "tit nud play with tlw lari'*,» u'S son »-.-nt to Salem this aft«*rnoon to man X cw | m « t Prr-onalh ati.'Iti-« « d hoi e yesterday afternoon from New­ Sunday »ith H. H. Hunter and Nightingale mine In the North Fork The Springfield flour mill Is busy little kills un 'he sidewalk?” Mrs. Charlotte Zeiber. of Exgene. spend f district ro further develi p th« prop ­ port. < ut from Hie family. wbo was cooking mm* i I V 4'h fall wheat The farmers, how- don’t Dr. and Mrs. S. C Endicott, of Myr­ joined her daugfltez, Mrs. Lida Mela- tti«- f>.« 11 lea s-d I rtle Judge (5. R. Uhrisnran. son Chew- erty. *'r. ur<- holding buck, thinking thut other t tle Point, are in the city for a few tosh. at Vtawanna on Wednesday. George Turner »-ent to Foley and E. K. Brown returned la*t skliq under i lie •t IJ Registrar A R. Tiffany, of the Vttf- ter The woman ¡Springs today on Ills whe«-IY(i jojii his [tlB demands <>f the railroad crew» days. night from an outing on tie upper Her eyr «••re hn will bring,the price up. A couple «»f * t'u i J. V»’. Thompson, of Bro»'nsville. I versity of Oregon, joined his family McKenzie. fàmllv. who are s[*ciiding heir vaca­ to tbe door. let K? «! Id «i. i day« ngo n mun drove uround to the ttairr is in the city on business for a few at Nye Creek during the early part ot "John." she Mrs. Harry Benton went to tion there. ¿V \|nt iinwi'ieniily the week. He has returned home. Edwin Ktiowf.'s. special'ag«-nt of house of s K N a I after the mill hud I Ikzle to pia days. Brownsville today to occupy the pul ’ w h I. ■» 4. * h'Xetl and wt.vhed t., buy some corn at'i. tie Rei» <>e Miss Gertrude Holmes, of the I’ni- Mrs.Frank Snodgrass arrived down the Phoetrix Assurance ( <pauy. st pit of the Christian church there to­ h-arn t.^> mur I bt ..wn «Wire s. London, arrived In the city rest*rdi»y for bls mules h«t was going to work for ’em. Slie’i from Cottage Grove this afternoon on , versity of Oregon, passed Through morrow for th«* ralboad < umpuny. He ah"- Newport this week en route for Seal e (Vyt'so |.l.*.* to adjust the loss on the Setser stork a visit. Miss DeEtta Itigham arrived up son-« alarm when he w»« • day huir ' Joe Morris. Jr., and wife arrived Rocks, where she will I* the guest of from Portland'thi* afternoon to visit} pf giaids. Hat to Tom my. th« v i'rt inxil« cor«» » ould • lw ' out from Mapleton on the stage last Miss Gladys Farrar for the corning at the hopte of her aunt. Mrs. Idaho! Mr. and Mrsr. Georg. I’oi; , f «1 ns far "• ihv Ivngiti -t ar knlf* uai «•"• . week. night. TeniiH*. Arizona, arrived here thi« !<■ and tti* strength "f b*r irtu fer- F. CantpbefL • Among the Eugene people on the A. C. Woodcock was a passenger on * e gnt-.-W o* W. E. Frazer and wife arrived up J ,no?’nJn^ "re th« <-d Mrs. W. F. Osh" — the noon train today for his farm at beach were seen L. R Flint and wife. from Portland this afternoon and and ‘*n< Mrs. \\. I. On!- - « rnn William Bell and wife. Mrs. Harry will camp on the Seaver place on the man House. Irving. • wlft and A. C. Enrmot Walter Stafford returned this Bown. George Munroe and wife, and McKenzie for several weeks. >M III»» thr"U.-h ■ morning from a trip to Victoria and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Litell. Rev. Harry Beuron went to Cot­ A'. M Smith « Anthat-name Soni* times the) night's stage. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fisher, of Eu­ home in Roseburg this afternoon. are connected with the ffah Con— mull Is properly addressed, but sent settled. five minute« the problem that k**f* Chas. N. Griswold went to Port­ “Cut that blond out. Kid.” wan his llgbta burning o' nlgbta lu thouaand of land this afternoon to visit his moth­ gene. were at the Abbey House during After an outing in the mountains he sirtmtion Co . which has t iu corcrna-L here by mistake er a few days. . the — week. Mr. Fisher, who is propri- will leave about the first of Septem- to build the Natron extension . ar- Harry Cox, who attempted suicide ads lee. *'or there’ll be trouble What pu»turntee slid college« Misses Vesta and Hettie Davis and tor of Eugene Guard.says Eugene ber for Harvari College where he rived in Eugene this afternoon. • • • • • • • by drinking carbolic add Monday do you want to throw down that girl Echo Hawk are visiting in Portland people will not visit Newport this year will take a postgraduate course. evening, is out of danger, although A of yours for? You'll never til"! one It'a mlgbty funny what kind d for a few days. as they have heretofore, their home -qte ouds efvolme tteope e o PILES! t’fLE«: »1LKSI the doctor» had hard work to save his tbat’ll freeze lo you like Liz has Kbe's dreatna "in* lina »ouietlmex Poet» c»ll Mrs. T. D. Sullivan, daughter, Miss city offering summer attractions also. Ilf«, He-was able to eat breakfast Williams' Indian PIlo Olntnunt worth a Lail full of Annies.“ (From We>ines<’ay'» Dally Gf tlila atory. J. H. Shewry. manager of the pav- versity of Oregon, and Professor A. R the city. at once, acts as a pooltlctx out. polished toe and w iping It <>IT on Tony's M. G. Pillette, of Vida, was In the ltehlng lag plants, arrived up from Portland Sweetser, of the department of biol- 1 (bought I was In the next «'*" Architect E. R. Wells has submlt- gives instant relief. V/LHlan>’ It> yesterday afternoon. ¡ogy at the same institution, passed ¡city over night. • d plans-for a !' risim residence for J. riioulder. “But I want to tench Liz a [ and there a great crowd <>f «» "nt- dian Pile Ointment Is prepartd for R. S. Smith and wife have returned ■ plies and Itching of the private pars t'onseth. .»nd also for a 5-rom bunga­ lesson. She thinks 1 belong to her. »Me tbe courtHMUB where lb« Ju,'v'' Charles F. Black, wife and son. of though Newport this week enroute for Cripple Creek. Colo., were arrivals the Yachats river for a month's hunt­ from a trip to Seattle. sold by Linn I!rug C». IV low for A*. M Webber, both homes Hile'« been brngglng that I daren't meiits wore going I'll. And every bo« Frank Fisk, of Fairview, on the Si- aid is in Eugene yesterday. | ing and fishing. Both were accom- 50c and 11. Williams Mfv Co. to be bi.yft in Springfield Mr. Wells spenk to nnother girl. Liz la all right — and then a very beautiful "ti Francis J. Heney, the San Francls- Leonard left l'_: this morning Francis- James Clark, the real estate man. too much lately. And aim uses lan side the door and call anotlwr i»** 10 received here yestwr- postcard A ing ■_ = at _ T_i'i Tsiltcoos ___ ~ Lake. . I I co co prosecutor, prosecutor, was was seeking seeking seclusion seclusion Is visiting at Medford. Angel, Or.i rev «»Is Ifte his boi.Aifi a fine 1910 model White *•»» f r» «•r»zxl o I n »» «4 1 nz»l *4 re f o 11 v FicTi olinilt AlQi'H 11AV M. S. Barker, who has been very ill, day from Mt. citizens nr common iai steamer. It Is claimed to be th«' boat gunge that a lady oughtn't.’* Mrs. E. Bailey «■»»«•* went ♦zv to XC Marcola and incidentally fish about Alsea bay a loud roke. fart that the "You're engaged, ain’t you?“ ask«*d i Wtiiia 1 waa ronaldertug my »"• yesterday afternoon to visit a few early In the week, having been regis­ is reported better totday. yet. wich numerous Improvements place ht»' stolen rtte body of that Burke. V. C. Brown left this afternoon for tered at Wakefield's hotel, Waldport. days with Mrs. Spicer. wordly «Ina anti wonderlug wbrib* ¡fruit pictures from th * ¿'ng'co C<»m- •ssrer thie year's model. “Hur*. We'll get married next year, there wouM be any uae of my iU1Bi Mrs. Otto Reichman has returned Mr. Heney drove in from Corvallis, | points south on business. Mr. McCabe, who Is a sub-contrac- mercial Club ’ s literature, and credit- ____ S. R. Scott and wife, of Blue River, ed them to Mt. Angek. On rtle rout-1 tor for idle Utah Construrtion *>«* en­ exactly like preachers ami J. E. P. Withers went to Cottage- case of plaguarlsm.ltut It IS a c«mpBc listing pupils and makiag the necea- couldn’t a|ieak without blushing.” Mrs. F E. Chambers and daughter. “Frank Kilpatrick, of LaGrandL Is •plrit» around JuM cop« do »a i Grove this afternoon on a visit. “ Hbe's a little spitfire soinetltu«« Miss Minnie, returned this afternoon at Natron. ment to Booster H^rleg. ef th« Itiuel ■ :*ary piMllmiliary arrang'-tneni» fig- a -■Ad by the arm he dragged-**0* : Ross Mathews,« the Thurston now. ” said the lild "I bat« jealousy. from an ontlrt at Newport. Dr. D. A. Paine is at Newport for club, who originate the iilea. ' ¡very sucoeaaful year News. do, yov think? Wby. l-lz! merchant, was in the city today. A. F. Dretzke arrived h'-r» this 3 day or so. ■ -■ -------- --------- I R. 14: lDin'Artc-ks Is the proigtvtnr That’s why I'm going to th« dance Th« court officer took ber in*1* A. C. Rathmell and family have re* morning for Grand Rapids. Mich., and J B. Gilhamfl of Silver Lake, is in August time, lalhi o* the nerves ,”f “ new gne-ery store In Ihq-Alliert with Annie. I'll teach her some sense." ¡turned from an outing at Newport. «Itawd the door. 1 went up to Mf. expects to reside in Eugene. But that spiritless, no »mbit ton feet-J Walk'«« building at tbe west end of the city on business. “ Well, yon better look u little out," C. C. Sturtevant, the Crow mer­ Rev. David Husband went to Al-1 Mrs. A. F. Campbell arrived hom«^ Ing can be quick y. altered b.y talking , Main Mtrmrt. Mr Hendrick«. Is for- were Burke's last words. “If Lis wae> Cop and Inquired about the rate ; last night from a visit !n Portland. chant, was in the city today on his banv this afternoon. “A very and one." any« h". lM'lnM what Is known to dr tggista every- tnerly from Eugene, but for t|je past A. E: Selby, of Grand Forks, N. D* where as Dr. Hieop's. Restorative | few ui'giths has been engaged In op- my girl and I wns to ancek out to » point« of hla manicured flag«** ( way to Dallas on a business trip. Joe Reilly, the S. P. detective, re­ dance couple«! up with an Annie Vit was an arrival in Eugene this morn ­ Mrs. Geo. Bordeaux left yesterday turned to Portland today. Wltbln 4S hours after begjttnli»« to erat Ing an »«■ cream parlor In a tent gether-"an utterly IncorrlglW« g,r- afternoon for Medford, after a visit Mrs. L. K. Page, of Springfield, ing. use the restorative, inrprovoment will ¡at the end of the earline, rie has a want s suit of chain armor on under am special terrestrial officak ,lie _ Dr. and Mrs. L. E. McDougall le-ft my gladsome rags, all right." with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. spent last night in Eugene. be noticed. Of' course, Fall health very neat stere, and will aim to car Through the Innd of the stork-vri- Jones. Tbe case waa »Mlg”"1 Haines. Howard Woods went to Portland today for the Columbia valley for a will not return, immediately. The ry a, fresh and up-to-date, stock of I rest. John Hauge, c' Colesville, WIs.. this afternoon on business gain, however, will q«iic*ly fellow groceries. He Is running a delivery ture wandered Lla. Her black «yes The girl murdered her flanc« •" " Miss Mary Barker returned home And best of afl; yoi« will realise and wagon In ««onnectlon atd also has a ■enrehed tbe passing crowds tiiTlgy. but routed suicide, »he hui! n” left for Seattle today after a vis!* Miss Lucy McFarland is here from i this afternoon from a visit in Port- feel with his old friend, A. A. Aaby, in Portland visiting relatives. str itvgttt rr*" &nd ambition -1 as solMtor tn the field. Mr, Hendricks vaguely. Now and then abe luammed My report to tbe court relate« tb« ' . your - Eugene. It is returnlag. Qutteda Influence Is », ruatler for busin.m and his bars of foolish little* songs. Mrs. Lonnie Ham has gone to Cal- i land. In detail, all of which are •»>* I Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Flint returned Jos. Liggett, head clerk at the Hoff­ apooya Springs on an outing. depresses first th« "Inside nerves" friends bespeak success, for him.— a ted by reliable wltnea»«*«. Th‘1 Liz ’ s skirt was green agk. Iler I last night from an outing at NW- man House. haB returned from a fhen the stomach, heart and kidneys Ne«M». Dr. K. A. Ix.-ep returned last night waist was a large brown and pink of aln 1« death. Pratee the Lora- port. three-weeks' vacation at Seattle and from a business trip to Portland. will usually fall. Str«sgth«n these The court officer opened the W H Harris . and ........ wife, .............................. of Walton. failing nerves with Newport. Or. Hh oop’s D. R. Lakin went to Portland to­ î>tl» Markham. Markham, J. Ford. Frank plaid, well fitting and o*t without Tord. Florida, were arrivals Ln Eugene thisl Restorative, and s«e how quickly Snyder. Chas Severson. O Severson style. Hbe wore a,cluster of rings of ■ nd stepped out- R. M. Walker, of the Aloha theatre, day to visit relatives for a while. -r.-rrtotri«1 "Poor girl!” ««Id BpeciM 1 , „ went to Portland today to supervise health will be y«urs again, sold by and A. E. Dean loft ja»t night for the huge Imitation rublas and a locket that Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Read left today afternoon. Herbert Button leaves this evening the selection of special pictures for for a two-weeks’ outing at Cascadia. all dealers. Sao Joaquin valley. Cat.. to look at banged her kn««a at tbe bottom of a Officer '•»« Rev. Jo”*"' wlll‘ * ddHt his theatre. Geo. W. Taylor is up from Browns­ for Newport to Join his family there some land with a view to purchasing. ■liver chain, liar shoes were rm down hl« ey«. “It waa one of for an outing. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Newman left to­ ville to spend Sunday with his fam­ The county elerk has received no­ over twisted, high bee I a asd werw case« that 1 «ver met wttlx ' W. E. and C. E. Detweiler, of Port­ tice front' the superintendent of the day for Seattle and Vancouver, 0. C.. ily. strangers lo polish. Her bat would ah« waa”— after a trip op the McKenzie, Insane asylum at Salem that W. T. A Hurry-up Mretlrinr. F. E. Keith, of Eau Claire, Wis., Charles Rumford, of Abbeyville, land. “Dlacharged.” «aid tbe court « •carcely bar« passed Into a floor, bar- returned home today. _ ___________ _____ ____ _ bJvory houaekeep«M* recognlztis th« Anderson, admitted to that instltu- Kansas, arrived In Eugene last even­ W. A. Christal, keeper of the tlon from Lane county on December peed^of effective remedies to be uaed NL “ Conn here, J on «say Fir*1 -n ing. Booth-Kelly «tore at WendlYng, spent 8, 1908, «Itzped from the aiylum 0» In emergencies—when something must The “family entrance” of th« Blue know you'll be «witched ,0 * ‘* oll THIS WILL INTEREHT MOTHERS Mel Fenwick and wife, of Spring­ last night in Eugene. ■quad How would you ,lkn . August 12. Not!«« has also been re­ be done right away. Such a remedy Jay cafe received her. Mother Gray's Sweet. Powders for field, went to Portland today on bus­ J. O. Holt, manager of the Eugene ceived that IT. B. Sutherland, admit­ is P'-rry Davis' Painkiller, for sprain« "W'lilsky, Tommy.” she said as her the missionary force In th« Children, a certain relief for fever-’ iness. farther uptown murmur, Islands-hey? Now, you qu "trIPf. Rev. G. S. O. Humbert returned Fruit Growers’ Assoclataion, has gone ted from Lane county on September and hruls««, for strained muscles and slaters ishness, headache, bad stomach. I to Med for on -business. 1«, 1905, and later paroled, waa gtv- for the aches and pains ri'sulting “Champagne, James“ teething disorders, move and regu-l i last night from a trip to Walla Wr.ila, 'bese fate« arreate or you 11 '” j * T. H. Anderson, piano tuner, re­ on bis final discharge on August 13. from blow« and falls. Burns and late the bowels and destroy worms. I | Wash. “Hure. Mlsa Lintel What'll tb« ferred-«*>•! The guilty P*"* * t«d turned on the southbound local, hav­ ruts are Instantly relieved b.v It. and Mr .and Mrs. 8. E. Elevens and son ing been north on business. ’i ”ey break up colds in 2 4 hours ! got to look for In this cn»e helped to heating. Its mission of chaser tie?” They are so pleasant to the taste left last evening for the fair at Se­ Sarah E Blair today began suit In mercy begau seventy years ago. It "Seltzer. And, say, Tommy, has th« haired, unshaven, untidy Mrs. Walter Carroll returned to •nd harmless as milk. Children like attle. the circuit court against John F. by ths window reading In h¡1» ((- Miss Georglne Ransome returned Junction City this afternoon after a' Spray to recover 1550, alleged due Is used In all countries and millions Kid been around today?” them. Over 10.000 testimonials of of bottles are »old annually. Thtwu fail. Sold by this afternoon from a visit at Cres­ visit with her mother. Mrs. Roberts. cures. They never as commission on a land sale. F. H. is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis’.' “Why. no. Mtea I.lzsla, 1 hav«n’t feet while hla children pl»f •aw him today.” Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morris, Jr., of! Greenman is attorney for the plain­ streets. Got a move on you' j all druggists 25 cents. Ask today. well. Have you seen the new large 3jc Now. ?Y«»n’t that a rilly dr*® - Attorney H. W. Thompson left this Florence, have left tor tbe Seattle tiff. Don't accept any substitute. size» ’ ” | “I'm lookin’ for 'm.” said Llg after I t PERSONAL : a