TWELVB THE EUGENE WEEKLY GUARD. THURSDAY. AUG 12. 190» BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. BARGAINS IN WASH GOODS. BARGAINS IN UNDERWEAR. BARGAINS IN SUiTS. COATS. SKIRTS. BARGAINS IN MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING Grand Red Letter Clearance Sale at Friendly’s, Wonderful Bargains in All Departments Bargains is the keynote of this Red-Letter Clearance Sale. Thousands of people wait for this event every season—it is a time when every article in Summer Merchandise must be sold —former prices are not considered. The object of this sale is to clear out all Summer Goods, and to make it more attractive, many new Fall lines. Outing Flannels. Sheetings. Muslins, Skirts. Suits. Waists. Hosiery, etc., are included at much lower prices than they can be bought at later in the season. Read this list of bargains, anticipate your future needs and buy now. 100 DOZ. HUCK AND TURKISH TOWELS Our Womens New Fall Tailored Suits to go at $16.50 Stylish Fall Suits Worth to $35.00, Red Letter Price $25.00 AT BARGAIN PRICES DURING THIS SALE 15c Huck Towels, extra size, 20c Bleached Turkish Towels, 25c Bleached Turkish Towels, 50c Bleached Turkish Towels, 65c Bleached Turkish Towels, í each. . . | | Q each. 1 2’/aC each . . . 18c each . . 42c each . . •50c 50 New bull an«l Winter Nnlt« now on sal«* at Bargt«iu Pri«VM. Suits worth In many cam «*« ftO |M*r vent mon*, made of th«* latent mal« r tils; plain colors and fancy strip«***. Th«* cloths ar«* SrrgM, Cheviot.**, Pan­ amas, Brardehnths, Redford*. Homespuns. Safin Cloth* and an iium«*iUM» variety of fancy w«*av«*s. (Uiuta man*«*n.s. Brunii, Kertunity not to be overlooked, coining as it does at the beginning of the fall season, when you will need a warmer suit, Mayle- this 1« a little sooner titan you expected to buy, but the opportunity of saving so much on your purchase will no doubt I m - an In­ ducement. Come and Investigate tin- values before you deci«!«- that you won't buy now. You may change your mind. Suits worth up to $25.00 wi) 11 m - found on sal«- her«- at............................ HALF PRICE Specials For Fridayand Saturday Only FOUR PAIRS OF MEN’S 15-CENT HOSE FOR 25c 12, EACH, 25c ALL PARASOLS NOW AT *HALF PRICE 50c BOYS’ BLOUSES. SIZES 4 TO $1.25 TO $3.00 NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, SALE PRICE, EA. 98c $1.50 GUARANTEED GLOVES, DENT STYLES. PAIR 98c SUMMER UNDERWEAR REDUCED 1-4 592-594 Willamette 50 Dozen Women’s French Nightgowns, made of fine Nainsook and Ixmg Cloth, trimined In embroid­ ery, fine Vai. and Torchon Edging and Insertion and Wash Ribbon; made very full; short sleeves; are worth up to |1.75; bargain price, each... 25 CAMBRIC SKIRTS, EACH, 98c & $2.98 Two Extra Specials In Fine Cambric Underskirts, trimmed in Lace or Embroidery and Insertion; splendidly made and exceptional values at these extremely low prices, each................. 98c and $2.98 SWEATERS IN NEW FALL STYLES SI.00, S 1.25, $2.00 up to $8 Our entire «took of Paranoia, constating of White and Colored Linen, Pongee, Colored and Black Silk, splendid variety to choose from; values to $6; to to be closed out now marked at HALF PRICE S. H. Friendly SPECIAL FRENCH GOWNS. EACH. S1.25 Big assortment of Women*« Hw calera lu Whit«-. Oxford ami Red; single mid ilmiblc- lir<-;i-t<-«l. long and -fi.., ( line Children'-. Swealcr .lacket«. The price«: $1.00 to S2.00 the Yard Our entire stock of Knit Summer Onderwear. Vests, Drawers and Union Suits, all styles, for Women, Misses and Children; garments 15c to »2.75, In Cotton. Lisle Thread and Silk: to close them out Quick they have all been reduced ONE-OUARTER I " * ' Io lliwh I l 't'c, . .1 • . of IltOWQ^ or d. . »U PLAIN 36-IN. LINFN SUITING. YAF ). I ?c Wool etc. The new colors and staple See display in show window. B uy terns Suitable for Underwear, Dress Trimmings. Pillow Cases, etc. I F ugt'iio t<>a a I' vlalt. I ,MI m Bertha Wright, of llmrort, II Mick., wu» «11 arrival In BufBN i « m 11 'light. J Pironl. wife and Mt l.ft I I i Spring«. E F. Ilau>«r and wife, <>r Minnnp- nil«, were arrival* In Eugene thi* morning. J J. Rude and family left tbit morning for Talltcoo* l-ake, oa a month'* outing Mr Wllaou. a Salem brewer. »U L I.. Mver« went to Crabtree, l.laa county, today Dr K A lx-ep went to Portlaa« toduy on bualne«« a «luge patux'iiger thl* morning lor Foley Spring*. Mlu Itarburu Booth went to Port­ land today on n vlnlt Dr T. W llarrl* return««! thl» af- ilerniM.n from a trip north Johu F Kelly arrive«! home '.bin afternoon from a trip north Mr and Mra Geo T Hall. Sr. left today for an extended trip Ea*t S G Spicer and wife left today for Seattle to take In the eapoaltloa Horace Harin« came down from Cottag«- Grove on the noon local to­ day. _ Attorney ______ _ _____ E O _ Potter and «11» went to Salem today for a few d«)« vlrlt Wm. A. Vincent mid wife left >f day for Jt. Jehus. Nova Bootis, o# a vlalt. J. A. Nash went to Albany todiy to look after a building contrxet there. I Jna. Offutt burg, Pn , to month*. and daughter. J. E I’ U Mr* Cornellu» on 11 vlalt. E O. Samue Iw-r Comprnv. city • >v• r night I. Am! r*on wii * amoi"; the rat* I pa«*« nger* for lhi.-i horn thl» mottl­ ing on an outing. F .1 Berger, th.- hardware tnrr- chant, t' 'h<- Firw Nation*! Bank of Cottage Grove. In the city thl» afternoon Mr* F. E S«-lovrr has gone to 9»“ Franclaco to aee her sister. Mrs.^J Frick*, who I* >«-ry III „ O V. .Icnulng* was a »take P”M"' ger for Foley Spring» anil other tipp i McKenzie reaorta thl* morning. Mr*. B. L. I.ucn* arrived up "<»"» Portland thl* afternoon to vlalt «' home of Mr. and Mr» It M' Mnrp A. .1. John*on. ex sheriff of !*»• county, returned to Cresw.-ll tl'i" t«.rn«»on nft«-r a ahort visit I" k'1** , II a. C milled and Ham CoHett.0 W. 11«. Nev .«nd L Saldder of I*'' ’ Nev., were arrival» In Eugene morning. pro»* O. .1. Johnson, the railroad t .................. tor. l««ft today for hl* a home In nesota, to brill-; hla family ner* reablc. Mr*. E. Terpenlng and '«■»"»‘‘u' |ti