THE EUGENE WEEKLY GUARD, THUR8DAY, MAY 13, 1909 11 ¡cock; 20 acres in claim 46. tp. 16, s. F. Skinner: 10.53 acres In aec. 35, sec. 1». tp 1«. 4 K. eilliy i r. 4 w. ,10. tp. 20, a. r. 3 w. As for himself hi- Reported by C. 8. Freeland A Co., could hol I h - »uri- Hi- kiii-w In- tried F. L. < htimlfcrs et ux lo James M F. I Chambers to Eugene lodge Abstractors. Carlile; tract adjacent to Huddleston No 357, B. P. <) E . lot 2. block 9. () K Bullard et ux to Alice E. very luiril mid that soinelluies ■ tired I ad, Almaden »tract, Eugene ,500. Hklnner's donation to Eugene. Ex­ Platt, 9 13 acres In claim 52, tp. 17. motlu-r or n mid fm eil child lk City of Eugene; son et ux; lot 4 and part of lot 5, Zlmker et al. lots 1 and 3. blks. 8, with growing Interest. 33 and 34, tp 15, 4 w. ,1,575 B. A. Washburne et al to Alva M block I. Iz»ng A Landess ad to Cot ­ lots 1. 2, 7, and 8, blk. 9, Cooper A «TUI*»,- IV»» •» l»Ot»4» Nt AO AND CONFANV "It doesn't make much difference B. C. Hpencer to Amanda E Spen­ McPherson, lots 19 and 20, block tage Grove. ,880. Randall's add to Cottage Grove. tiiiout the show"— Douglas began, cer. lot», 3, 4, uud 5. blk 49. Junc­ 103, Washburne s sub-division of the Newman M. Woolwine et ux to ,600 « Il U I I K ' •’•‘••'unii but he was qubkly Interrupted tion City, ,1.00. Sprlngfh-ld Improvement A Power Nancy J. Brown; 130.5 acres In claim nor folk»?" Polly questioned A'. H. Elliott etux to Herbert M. Benjamin T. Hart to Booth-Kelly Company's ad lo Springfield. »1 «0. 48, tp. 1 6, a. r. 5 w "That's right; It'a Jes' the »sine with ,2 0. Elliott, 113 acre» Densmore’s plat in you g|v*> immey to folk»? We are »1. | Lumber Company; 16o acre» in »••<■ James C Steakley et ux to Samuel Dennis Racer to George Fenleur « cirrus One year you give 'em the et Claim 52, tp. 18. 3 w, ,2.825. way» Hi bln' to g<-t It sway from - 1 0, tp. 1 6, ». r. 1 e. 11 0. F Smith et ux. lots 4 to 7 in bkxik ux; 120 acre» In sec. 18, tp. 16, s. r. a* woadiTiil what Jim »nd Tohy Herbert ,'L Elliott to T. J. Ryan, Before Dougin, ,-ould Hunk of word» rotteneMt kind of » thing, an' they eat C. F Homer» et ux to Geo. Mo 5. Washburne A Milliorn ad to Junc- 3 w ,7100. u Kj If lhi'1 ‘iiuld a*-*- her n >w. With Willi II Io drfeud bla disapproved It up; the next year you hand ’em a 113 jcr».* Den*"’"»*’« plat In Claim i. r. tioa 1 i'> U*ean; 40 acres In »<•<■ 14. tp. 17. Wm H. Beck to H T. Smith et 5, tp. 18, 3 w., ,825. slttlni II»» • ‘I“**’" ,h*’ “f *,rr method» .Mandy find Cotitlnued eager- kniH-koul. an* If* n froat la tha* I 2 w.; also 80 acres in sec . 32, tp. 18, Wlllamett«- Real Estate Company ux; part of lot 1, Smithfield. ____ »20. I A. Vv. Zinn r mux to Bank cf C/t- Kd cuvvrh-ti with uu n.-«l |o rale«- ly the way It 1» with » church showy 5 w. ,1100. ». r. to C. C. Baber et al; lots 1. 2 and 3, Frank M. Northrup et ux to Jo­ tage Grove, lots 1 and 2, blk 8, lota „ , Bugi-r II »nil UI"»« herself ' Mm h the »»me." Dougin» admitted, Charle» H. Conant et ux to Max • , ■ - ■ I. , "An' d<-n on Munday, when In- can't siah B. Taylor, lot 3. block 5. Skin­ 1, 2, 7 and 8. blk 9. Cooper A Ran­ "Ain’t H d"' t*** «»d go to church an' pr-n. h" Elizabeth C. Thomason and hus­ ner's donation to Eugene. g|le tlll „„ half iimii»i-<||v. half regretfully "Very fluí gholzi r. 82 2.1 acres in sec. 6, tp. ,1700. dall's add to Cottage Grove. vi!b tli»t J11" r'»l»y »-••m«d I to ‘ often when I work the liurd'al I ......... 21, x. r. 4 w. ,*50. band to Niels JohuMou; 4jj acre» in i ■ u^.._ ... Josiah B. Taylor et ux to F. L. further 4 »Imrp eii-lniiialloii brought 8. A. Huddleston to F. 8. Tingley, Hlie liegst! to H. T. Smith et ux to William H Io do the least good " • ,1 claim 39, tp. 17, a. r. ¿lift forth' r n " uy block 8. Skinner'» ¡ Chambers; lol 3. lot 4 in blk 22, Huddleston's extend- both Mandy ami Ixjoglaa to alirntlon Croni In rs Hht- apart Beck; tract between lot» 1 and 2 F. E. Chambers et ux to F. L. "I gU'-sa our trouble«* |a pretty mu> h donation to Eugene. »5000. K, tbclr life ‘<1 .-d add to Eugene, ,10. I'reacli Polly iilmoat »houied Nhe Chambers; 4 acres in sec. :: j . tp. 17. Emery W. Gossler et ux to W. H T. B. Stewart et ux t<5 Ida E. Stev­ o-oJd pkture Jim wlib hl» lient! In I< h , i *( h | nt pin, «pi, umuln*. aliirm thia alike," Polly nodded, with a motherly Smithfield L. E. Flegt s. r. 3 w., and sec. 5. tp. Gossler; 160 18, s. r. 3 acres in »ec. 14, tp ens, lots 1 and 12, H. L. A T. B. U» binili Hbe could bear bla »tintp tllll»* *lr of C'-ndi-M. eliMloti. "only there tya t w. , 1. tract In sec. tp 21. 8. r. 3 w. »10. St- wart's acreage in claim 74. tp. 17. «Nirn i" the invli. lie was al way» "That will ()o. Mandy." Dougin»com *i much danger lu your set." Clifton L. Ketcham to ,1.00. •Margaret J. Edrnunson to W. o. 3 w. ,900 with th" '-tlicra when »nytlilng et ux to Susie Win E. Purkeroon intituled fe.'liug nn uu»e|, om.. ijriima Mixer, 160 acr««s in sec. Cix>k; 7 ai res in sec. 15, tp. 18, s. r. "I'm not so sure ulwiut that." he F. J. Martin to T. J. Ryan. 304.18 v«ot wo'iut "Hh ,"'r I tnuglied ('. Purkeraou. tract» in sic. 19, tp. s. r. 6 w. ,10. • g»ttu-rllig nlxiiit his In-ad 4 w. ,185. acr'-s sees. 18, 19 and 20, tp. 18, 3 w. -I'll lirt 'Muvwr Jim’»' In the 24. tp. 17, s. r. 17, ». H. r. I w. and sec. J. L. Stratford et ux 1 to H. Van- “GrtMit Itirnuin »nd Bailey I" Polly Mary P Griffin to Lulu K. Hum­ ,5.700. "Well, you take niy tip." She lenni-d 4omfw" murniuri-d a» a cloud prooyen; lots 1 and 2, block 2. Strat­ phrey et al; traía In sec. 4, tp. 19, s. Harry L. Bown to E. C. Potter, ereisliiK-d. liMiklug at him aa though ! forward .«* though »turnt to Impart 5 w. ,10. (to;» »Cfi 'In- rtiiwerllke face; then W. K. Lathle et ux to Alexander ford 's ad to Creswell. ;i5u. r. 1 w. ,800. und. 1-8 of 15 acres sec. 30. tp. 15, were Ibe very laal thing In Ilia n very valuable bit of Information Perry Thatcher, 126 9 acre» in cialm nml I a Fred E. Brown to Darwin E U» tlrnl mu* les rvlaxetl. George H. Parr et ux tu W. T. 4 w, lot 8 Vi lot 2 blk 4. Milliorn'» I "Don’t you never go In for rldln’ 75, tp. 18, «. r 2 w, ,1.00. Brown; lots 17 and 2 0. H. L. A T. Krebs; 160 acres in »ec. 30, tp. 19, add Junction City; also S 1-2 lot 9, (Sl(nl to rvli'l There ain't no act on earth co hard Io»* ph G. Powell <-t ux'to Fingal 74, tp. 17, s. r. 3 w. ,500. ». r. 5 w. ,10. and all lot 10, blk 4. Washburne’« Huvvrr Jlii?" Ixiugla» r«'|H-iitun> L Hind»; 120 acres in claim 55. tp. 21, M. L. Wallis to W. O. Cook; 7 and Miliiorn’s add Junction City, (Kling that b» mu»t r*mll her to a Oakes; tract in claim 59, tp. 18. acres in sec. 15, tp. 18. s. r 4 w ,1,00u. haa got It en»y alongside of us. Tnk» ». r. 3 w. ,6000. isowlrtlg- <'f bl» pr' »ciicr R 8. Bradley et ux to E 8 Gilkin­ r. 3 w. ,100. ,185. Mrs. Lillian D. Smith and h'isb. I I k - fellow» ot> the tru|wze They al "Tb«t'» what I call him." p. Ily rt son et al; lot 4 and part of lot 5, J. P. Campbell et ux to William T. A. Milliorn el ux to S F. Smith; to M. C. Reed, 160 acres sec. 2, tp. ways get their tackle up In J«»' the |Uttifl. "but th" fellows call him 'Big block 1, l*ong & Landess' ad to Cot­ Kuykendall; tract in Eugene, at Wil­ lots 1, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 10, Washburne 19. 9 w. ,10 »nine place. Take the balancín' a< ls Jus' Y»n might not think Jim could tage Grove. ,1300. lamette and Thirteenth streets. »100. A Milliorn'» ad to Junction. ,200. Pearl Marshall and husband to Er- There ain't no dl.Trri-iic** In tlielr lay H. IL Squib et ux to Anne Wil­ bt t gvmi t th ‘ ju»t i<> I'nk ut him. E J. Horton to J. 8. Ferguson et C. W. Washburne to B. W. Lingo; ne t E. Williams et ux. k>t 4, Dens- «■ut» Take any of 'em as Lumber Company; 160 acres In 40 acres in sec. 34, tp. 15, s. r. 7 w. Champion; 160 acres in sec. 14, tp. Ann Eliza Howe et al to Charles ,3000. 21, s. r. 3 w. Patent. never no two times nllkc. 8. Howe, 50 acres In claim 61, tp. If your sec. 10. tp. 16.» r 1 e. ,10. Allen Noffsluger; O. & C. R. R to C. F. Hurlburt et ux to E. J. Hor- Ann Eliza Howe et al to Charles John Hunzicker et ux to M. D. _ h* utd ain't mi the 40 acres in sec. 9. »120. 40 acres in sec 35, tp. 15, s. r. 7 w., art’s ad to Eugene. ,100. 19, 3 w. »600. lillnk, the horse I* wobbly, . There's a! George C. Colter et ux to John K. tract in aec. 36 and 40 acres in sec. Ann Eliza Howe et al to Charlea O. J. Hull et ux to M. J. Thomp­ ways somethin' wrong somewhere*, i Carlile, lots 2 und 3, block 14. Gien- ; '; it - : 7 W. 910 son: und, half of east 40 feet of lot 4. S. Howe. 75 acres in claim 55, tp. 19 bow It'» and you ain't U"vrr knowln' ada ,100. Frederick G. Lewis et ux to Fran­ Cfile's Pla’ of Marcola. ,100. 3 w. ,600. goln' lo end. es|»-elnlly when you gm Chantha P. Hart et al to Booth- cis L. Gibbs; 160 acres In sec. 34, tp. A. R. Brodtey etux to Edward B. C. F. U'ith et ux to Annie S. Nick­ t<> do a enreful act like mine, There'» Kelly Lumber Company; 160 acres In 18. s. r. 7 w. ,10. erson; strip 30 feet wide adjoining Griffin etux, lots 7 and 10, Brooklyn, a girl. Eh-lsc. Iti our bum b what dor* sec. 10, tp. 16. ». r. 1 e. » 10. Alva M. McPherson et ux to O. O. Titus k Straight's plat of Glenwood ,1.000. Randolph Freeman et ux to Henry Voss; lots 19 and 20, block 103. Park. ,1.00. N. L. Fitzhenry to Jessie Baugh- a showy act on a borae what Barker Joseph Gates et ux to Gates Cem­ ton, lots 1 and 2, blk 2, Shelton's add call» Barbarian She «'Ht, en in my T. Smith. 2 acres In sec. 21. tp. 16. Washburne's sub-division 8. I. A P. <|1 etery Association; 1 1-8 acres in sec. to Eugene. ,600. place Minietlmes. mid, say. them Rulx-s a. r. 5 w. ,470 Cleantha P. Hart to Booth-Kelly Mary Vale and husband to Henry 2. tp. 18. s. r. 5 w. »50. W. P. Dodd to N. L. Fitzhenry. npplnm!» her as much as me. an' her Lumber Company; 160 acres in sec. W Gloystein; part of lot 4, block tract in sec. 30, tp. 17, 9 w, »1. W. A. Harkins et ux to Lane coun ­ •tun!« 1« laiby trick* nlongsklo of mine 10, tp. 16. s. r. 1 e. ,6100 25, original plat of Fairmount. ,10. ty; strip 60 feet wide for road ext. John M. Kitson et ux to . ohn It'» eh« ugh to make you «lek of art.” Elisa Stacey Clements and husband Albert Obersinner et ux to Wil­ of 5th st.. Springfield. ,200. Schmitt, tract near 7th and Blair She «hook her head Hr ntn't nrbbrr »rv.t 1 the little Invalid John S. Higgins et ux to C. D. An­ Willamette Real Estate Company Seremus A. Nickerson to Annie S. 74, tp. 17, 3 w, »460. "Yi**." »he answeerd. closing her lips Won* utt itrrn CHi-ja.“ block 9, Chris- "Will you get on to me a laudin' Into drew»; part of lot 4, to J. W. Berry; lots 8. 9 and 10 in Nickerson: und. half east 36 feet lot Henry Faulhaber etux to E. H. am! venturing no further comment. tian's 2d ad to Eugene. ,10. block 36. Junction City. ,20. Sawyer, 5.40 acres in sec. 5, tp. 17, 7. block 4. Springfield. ,1.00. but be 1». only aoiuellm«« you can't ■ mliup like this?" Nlie continued to "Did you like It Y' he questioned aft ­ Hurd Lumber and Navigation Co. Ora il Baker et al to Nancy W J. Sherman et ux to James M. 6 w. »500. Uli bltu tiling» you could a real •tody the uncomfortable man at her er a pnu'M•. to Hurd Co-operative Packing Com­ J. Brown; 133 1-2 acres I Jessie Broughton to N. L. Flts- claim Gilkinson et ux; 6.5 acres in claim | »Ide "1 never thought I'd lie a talkin' Optbrr." *be added, half aadly henry, tract in sec. 30. tp. 17, 9 w. "Couldn't make nothin' out of It. I pany; 1.31 acres in sec. 35. also a 50, tp. 16. s. r. 5 w. »40. 56. tp. 20. s. r. 3 w. ,2600. “A im ! jnur real mother went away to one of y»u guys. What's your tract in sec. 35. tp. 18, s. r. 12 w. ,10. William Johnston et ux to D. R. W. A. Cox to O. W. Hurd. 5 acres »1.00. don't care much for readln’." name?" • brn ?<-u were Very y-iUligY' Ann Eliza Howe et al to Eugene L. Hill; blocks 116 and 117, Junction secs 15 and 16. tp. 18. 11 w. ,5.00. Sophie Nicolle to N. L. Fitzhenry. "Oh, It Isn't all readlug." he correct­ I "Douglas" lie apoke shortly. »be d Whitney: lot 4. block 3, Kelsay's ad 18. s. r. 3 w. ,10. look'll at him solemnly. as though gissl I wikln* ns our strong man." William H. Boggs to William H. 1. B. Brumbaugh and husband to D. W. IJams to Melvin Hansen, "I done tole him be was too go*sl “Come again with that, will you?" to Eugefie. ,800. •bout to Impart a bit of forbidden M. F. Wyatt: 3-8 interest in Franklin 120 acres, sec. 30. tp. 18. 5 w. ,10. Roach;'120 acres 111 sec. 15, tp. 16. "He told them the meaning of what C. A O. Land Co. to Robert L. Wil- mining claim ,50. Ilf history It wna itila look In th» l-e-l.ln' to le nn utittinrrl««! parson." John Doak etux to Herbert A Cox s. r. 6 e. ,^50. Hams; 80 acres in sec. 19, tp. 19, s. r. W. A. Messner et ux to U. S. G. William Polders et ux to Lloyd 40 acres, sec. 19. tp. 19. 4 w. ,100. round rye» tlmt bad tiuide Jim so often Mnmly chuckle«!, more mid more he rend.” "Well, I don't know what he told 1 w. ,240. Howe et al; part of lot block ' B" F. W. Thom to H. A. Millett et ux. Mtller et al: 161.29 acres in sec. 25, delate that the kid knew everything aniu-«-d m the pastor's discomfort. B. D. Paine to Lucy Paine£ lot 7. in Skinner's donation to Eugene. ,10. 4 7.31 acres, sec. 31. tp 16. 4 w; also tp. 15, s. r. 5 w. ; 240 acres in sec. "L*«'ks don't piny a very Important “Wliy. mother'd '»' been m «I ih tn*-«! If block 4, Packard’s ad to Eugene. Lloyd Howe et al to F. E. Selover 228.91, secs. 31 and 36, tp 15, 5 w. '25, tp. 15. s. i. r. 5 w.. and 5 acres in 'em. but It didn't mean anything to me. |mrt In my work." Douglas answ-«*r«-d •bril 'a' knouid bow niir wound up ,1.00. sec. 30. tp. 15. s. r. 4 w. »10.000. et ux: iiart of lot 2, block "B,” in ,4.250. But maybe your »how la better'll Ills curtly. Mundy's eontl-leiitliil snicker* 8be *»» (|H, |M.W| rider of her time Wm. J. Haynes et ux to J. S. Luck- Skinner's donation to Eugene. ,1700. A. D. James to H. F. Mersdorf; 2 O. & C. R. R. to Charles Wright. ev»ryl»»ly , . ... t,m »p*. <-itHi,,-*t in made him doubly anxious to get to a waa." »he added, trying to pacify him. e.v et al; 80 acres in sec. 20, tp. 17, W. B. Coope ret ux to Ira A. Ran­ 40 acres, see. 9, tp. 20, 3 w. ,2 40. acres in claim 45, tp. 18, s. r. 3 w. Dougina was undecided whether to a. r. 7 *■ »10. t>? failin' "IT n skate what didn’t have le»» |«er»<>nal topic. dall; lots 2. 5 and 6. block 10. lots Leforest W. Elliott etux to I. O. O. »1800. "Well, they count for a whole lot feel »niused or grateful for Polly's Alex Wood et ux to Harvey N 8. 9 and 10. block 2. lots 2 and 3. F.. 159 Goshen, tract in claim 40, tp no mure ginger 'an a kitten O. Q. Cartwright et ux to A. D. If you 17 37, tp. ever increasing sympathy, Before be Tfinios- ?i lot 14. block 7, amended plat Wood; 1-4 acres in claim James; r>n brat tlmt!" block 5. lots 3 and 4. block 8. and 18. 3 w. ,15. She guxed nt him with u» " Hlie msldis! her bend d<*cld i а. r. 4 w. ,250. ,650. lots 3. 4. 5 and 6. block 9. all in George H. Wood, et ux to School of Fairmount »lth her 111-« pressed lightly together, «ally. "How long you Iss-n »bowin' In could trust his twitching ll|>s to nn- Charles H. Fisher et al to Peter Cooper & Randall's ad to Cottage district, 1-2 acre sec. 3, tp. 19, 4 w. William R. Walker to John Mason; swer she bud put nnother question to •»Wently ezpeeflitg some startling ex this tow ti. anyhow?" Jensen; lots 3 and 4. block 2. Blair 1306.10 acres in secs. 22. 28. 16 and Grove. ,1. ,10. ptsuiun ,,f Wunder. "Alwiut n year,” Douglas answer«!, bliu. David Link et ux to M. W. Pen- J. I. Jones et ux to City of Cot­ 21. and claim 62, tp. 19, s. r. 2 w. "Arc you gvlu' to do a stunt while I Street ad to Eugene. ,625. “And four fatberf" Douglas aakisl with something of n sigh. Ann Eliza Howe et al to Eugene nington et ux: lot 3, , block 1, Pack- tage Grove, part blk 6, Jones’ add to ,16.325. "A yearf’ »he gnsp««L “In a burg am ben-P' fsther lamely, t-elug at a loss for any L. Howe; 320 acres in secs. 2 and ard's ad to Eugene. ,10. Peder C. Oleson et ux to Lena M. Cottage Grove. ,1.00. "I |-reach every Sunday, if that's 11, tp. 19. s. r. 2 w. ,1000. •deque,, comnieut u|s«u a trag*-«ly like this! You must have nn awful lot Peter Christensen to Louis Heg- J. B. Haley et ux to Otto Kauff­ Knickerbocker; part of block 27, ex­ preach this morn what you mean. I D. P. Myler to Mrs Mary J. John ­ *he - I*U*I liefore him w na too of laughs In your act to k«*vp 'em Watts ad to man. lot 9. blk 14, Huddleston add tended survey of Springfield. ,1100. strom; lot 5. block 5. i son; lots ¡4 and 15. block 8. Gross Blue River. ,35. j a-comtn' that long." She was wise In Ing." wsolate e**.*, („ iiuder»tand J. 8. Luckey to Alma S. Anderson; to Eugene. ,10. ,10. "1» tide SuialnyP' site asked, sitting ad to Eugeni- W. H. Kay et ux to W. R Ogden; professional nuixiwm "Oh. dad's Uuuti *aa all right. He ths ways George M Miller et ux to Joseph lot 4. block 14, College Hill Park. Ann Eliza Howe et al Io Eugene L. lots 3 and 4. block 7. Hendricks E. McKibben, tract in esc. 33. ip. 20, ,300. "Not many, I’m afraid.” He won- up with renewed energy atai looking <®t bis'n |n , Hotis' cage where Howe; 56.02 acres in claim 43, ip. amended ad to Eugene. ,600. 3 w. ,1 00. Ida B. Shipley and husband to N. «wksd. There ‘ was uotblu* alow about deml for tbs knit time If this might alMiut the room hs though everything 19. a. r. 2 w. ,600 W. W. Cook et ux to George R. Janies A. McLeod to E. E. Bene- L. I*ee et ux. lot 4, block 38, Juno his end. She looked up for Ills up l»> the resaou for Ills rattles indifferent had change*! color. William Nels to William Polders: Fish: 240 acres in secs. 8 and 7. tp. diet, tract in sec. 11. tp. 18, llw. tion City. ,150. "Yes." Mwai. i auevtma. 77.07 acres in secs, : and llv tp. 18. 16. s. r. 5 w. ,8 400. ,500. Harriet E. Walker to E. Whattam. "And ya* got n matinee? ’ she ex- 1 "Do you give them the same stuff, or de l^inl's sake!" Mandy s. r. 3 w. ,2 500. William McClanahan et ux to Al­ J. S. Burnett to J. A. Abeene, 5 162.88 acres in secs, 6 and 7, tp. 17» have you got n rep!* clnlnied incredulously. ittinni-d »» tp,, ,,f William Nels to William Polders: fred D. Gorden: part of lot 3. sub­ acres sec. 34. tp. 2 0, 3 w. ,250. child's s. r 8 w. ,3200. i "A n-p?' he refieatsd In surprise. "We have services.” be corrected, 3.30 acre* In sec. 2 , tp. 1 8, s. r. 3 w. div. Robt. Cochraa estate. ,1. *°®i,'r«»tl"n grew U|sm her. Louis W. Tate to F. Marion Tate, Ella J. Morse and husband to El* »2000. M. A. Boggess to Niels P. Niel­ und tj 105 acres see. 32. tp 16. 3 e, mer E, Carlile; lots 7. 8. 9 and 10, A1> now |'m down an' out," Polly 1 "Sure, repertory, different net»—en­ gently. Minnie Spores Jenkins to Clement sen et ux: 120 acres in secs. 20, tp. ,1. included, W|tll u ,|g(K tries. some calls 'em. Uncle Toby’s got "We rent up on Sundays." she said bloc 3, Morse's 2d ad to Florence. Smith; 160 acres in sec. 24. tp. 19. 1 6. s. r. 4 e. ,420. A. T. Cockerline et ux to W. A , 5 50. "But thia 1» nothing asrloua." said twenty seven «-ntrlea. It makes a heap In n tone of deep cominlneriitlon. E. S. Gilkleeon et ux to W. J. Heck, lot 7, blk 14. Huddleston's ex­ Milan Doane et ux to Clarence W. of difference In the big towns where "Oh. 1 wee,” lie answered, feeling It s. r. 2 w. ,10. • PMtor, trying to cheer her. Cora Walker to Charles W. Mixer; Doane; 40 acres in sec. 28, tp. 19, s. no time to enter upon anotber dlm-tis 160 acres in sec. 2 4. tp. 19. a. r. 2 w. Sherman et al; lot 2 and part of lot tended add Eugene. ,10. t» serlinia enough with a whole you have a run ” 3. block 2. Hazleton s 2d ad to Cot­ A. J. Johnson etal to Ann Eliza r. 2 w. ,1. "(•h. I understand!” Douglas answer­ alon ns to the compnratlve advantages ,800. • ”,l,‘l>ei>dlti' on you. Maybe you tage Grove. ,500. Howe. 151.54 acres tn claim 52, tp T. J. Travis et ux to J. Adnlpa ed In n tone of relief. "W«*ll. I try to of their two profeHwIon*. °o t know |IIIW |t f^ig to to Fayette Thomson et ux to Theron Glendelia Nokes and husband to 19. 3 w. ,2.000. Maurer; 40 acres in sec. 6, tp. 18, s. any something new each Bunday." »nock off work." "What are you goln' to spiel atioul C. Thomson: 200.94 acres in sees, 28 Ira A. Randall: lot 7. block 2. Coop­ A. J. Johnson et al to Ann Eliza r. 7 w. ,550. "What kind of spiel» do you give today ?' and 33, tp 16. a. r. 2 e. ,1700. er & Randall's ad to Cottage Grove. Howe. 300 acres secs. 23, 22, 14. and sbul ' 1 <’°*'* thtuglas answer«! Bertha 3. Rolfe and nusband to 'em?" she lnqulr«l. with growing In- J. W Gowdy et ux to William A. ,125. "About Ruth and NaomV’ 15. tp 19. 4 w. ,450. i. 1 HI a while ago myself. Jack Rodman et al; lot 2. block 24. to Sanders et ux: tract adjacent Mrs. Fannie Harris to John Met­ Alexander F. Storment et ux to "Ruth and who?’ - a' ,0 •* •» l>ed day after day. think* tersot. block 5, D. G. McFarland's 5th ad to calf: tract in sec. 4. tp. 21, s. r. 3 Hattie T Henkle. 157.16 acres secs. Huddleston's extended ad to Eugene. "I try to help my people to get Oil "Naomi," he repeat«!. b* d" I**0*11* ut ^inga that I ought to ,10. Cottage Grove ,500. to 23 and 26. tp. 17, 1 w. ,1. w. ,200. better terms with themoelvcs and "Naomi," she echoed, tilting her tje**! D. W. Smith et ux to L. E. Flegal; J. 8. Milne et ux to W. B. Cooper; W. R. Walker to Letitia Kendall, Marcellus Byrne et ux to L. M. forget their w«»-k day trouble«." He from »kin to »Me an »he listened to W»» y*>0 PTer n,M>rvO4»- tkm. "lNir'a a buful picture brmt her. Nesmith Owen et al to Eli Bangs, s. r. 10 w. »400. •■•wpln' him In Ulk 2, Creswell, Poll.- • M*ndy. mads eloquent by ment? If he falle«! to hold his congre­ acres in claim 38. tp. 20, s. r. 5 w. ner's ad to Eugene. »8000. ,100. F. Allen to John A. Ander- • 0,,J' • ehow _______ ___ “ 'What will gation by what he was saying, hla lis­ ,1.00. ee In sec. 21, tp. 18, a. r» U. S. to E. D. Judkins, 131.80 ac- J. O. Watts et ux to Henry W. (Continued next week..' ■Jtg f'qk" ,'°i’ k*P< a-saytn’. teners grew drowsy nnuid to a -omln' to yoab fu- /pints at similarity. She was aooar- tiliser make fine lawns. We have It. U. S. to Hans Furnsat, 160 aerea t. ,1.00. Joseph E. Damewood et ux to W. J. W. Maltman et ux to A.C. Wood- Chambers Hardware Co. tf TRANSFERS OF LANE COUNTY REAL ESTATE