Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, March 18, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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    c C? C
facture of recent year«. They even go so far as to assert that
! the new steel will give Great Britain a considerable lead, at
least bo far as quality is concerned, for some years to come. The
announcement, which was made by Professor Arnold, of Shef-
CHARLES H. FISHER, Editor and Publisher
•* s’..“ • ~ "“T"
pa:.J .n advance. $2
st .nd ! Held University, had reference to the production of a new tool
steel, whicL is stated to possess from three to seven times the
¡nulling .»dur..«, or lb. b«.t-knowa blgb..p..d .led. .nd
-------------- —r-w-------------
----- —----------- - ---------------------- which
has the further advantage that It can be water-hardened.
AgvaM tnr The Guard
The following are authorized lu take and receipt for aubacrlptlona or
tranaaci any o<her butine», for The Daily and Weekly Guard:
Cræwell—J. L. Clark.
Coburg -George A Drury.
All postmasters are authorized to receive and receipt for subscrip-1
U ooh to the Dally and Weekly Guard.
The fee of $500 for a lawyer of Judge Pipes* ability is no
doubt reasonable, and the city was right in employing the best
talent at its command, considering the importance of the issue.
The main point is that the city is not responsible for this addi-
‘ tional burden upon the people, since the snit was forced upon the
I council by those who are seeking to aid the private corporation
i in its fight to retain its light and power monopoly. Any just crit­
We are again efferlng either the Ore sen Agriculturist .r Americas icism in connection with this legal proceeding must be drected
Farm’r free to every rahScrlber who pays bis subscription to the Weekly i against the men who sued out the injunction and not against the
•nard 0.0 year Is advance For the free offer of silver and kitchen seta
city, which is merely acting on the defensive.
See advertisement oa this page You may have th* as while they last..
Address GUARD PRINTING COMPANY. Bageao, Oregon.
No case of contagious blood poison is ever cured until the last pan4cle
of the virus haa been removed from the circulation. The least taint left
the blood will sooner or later, cause a fresh outbreak
Its hideous and destructive symptoms of u
colored splotch«, tailing hair sort, and ulcere, etc.
surely cures contagious blood potaoa as S. S. S. It got. down into th«
Mood and steadily .nd surely drives out every particle of the infection, ft
S^iu“/’Meetly purifies the blood, and Uves this vital fluid a.
Hrh aad nralthv as it was before the destructive virus of contagious blood
«t^d th"dkulation. S. S. S. quickly takes effect on the b^
Wash!n<ton, March 11.—The court ,
the symptoms disappear, the healthi is improved, the skis
ot appeal« of the district of Colum-*
bls today modified and affirmed the ‘ «r jTfTl Lots, rotes and other blemish«, the hair stops coming out,
oploniou of Justice Gould of the I STmo.thandthroat heal and when S. S. S has cleansed the system of th«
XX. .• trace of the disease is left S. S. a cures contagious blood
supreme court of the district, enjoin-' Clause it is the greatest of all blood punfiere, tested and proven for mor«
ins the American Federation of La-1
forty years. Book on this disease with suggestion, for home
bor, Samuel Gompers and other de-1 •nd aav medical advice sent free to all who write,
gWIFT gp£CIFIC c0 > ATLANT 4, Qg.
fendants from publishing in the and aay mad
"We don't patronize’ list the name
of the Buck 8tove and Ran;e Co., of
St Louia
Ti Tiiisia
Hume Wedderburn 5 per ’ANOTHER OFFICER IS
The opinion 1« modified to the ex-1 cent Anna Kendall. Portland. 7 par,
tent that there should be eliminated , cent Anna Craig. Berkley. 7 per
from the decree the restriction of the cent Florence Vial. Portland < per,
labor organisation and other defend­ cent Lillie Atkinson. Mabel Lange- j
ants from "mentioning writing or
Della Weatherbee, Oakland, o
referring" to the buaine»« of the per'eest' “ach;”c P. Huine and Helen
Buck Stove Range Company, or its T Hume, 5 per cent each; Mary A
Hume, Wedderburn. 16 per cent.
After the meeting of the city conn,
Other points of the decree were af­
There are no bequests to charity In
the document, which was drawn at cil last night Mayor Matlock ap-
pointed L. Bonney an regular police-
Wedderburn two years ago.
man with full pay, making five regU.
lar officers. These are in addition to
the street commissioner's force wb0
are all sworn in to do police duty.
will be on the streets from
o’clock at noon until after the
12:32 train arrives at night. He will
assist Chief of Police Farringt n dur.
San Francisco, March
ing the afternoon with his work be­
will of Robert D. Hume, of San Fran­
New Orleans. March 11.—That ar­
cisco and Wedderburn. Or., who died rangements have been completed to sides attending to his dutl-s as dog
in January at his home at the mouth raise the first torpedo boat of the tax collector, and at night he will
of Rogue River, disposes of between I confederacy from the bottom of Lake have a regular beat with the other
1400.out) and $500,000 as follows:
Pontchartrain was announced at the I three night oficers. While the chief
To the widow Is left the San Fran­ meeting of the confederate veterans | of police is gone to his meals tae
cisco home at 94 4 Chestnut street, | last night. The boat is lying near new officer will be on the streets.
The new
appointee has served
and all the personal property of the the Spanish fort where it went down
testator therein. In addition she is i years ago. It is proposed to place many times as special officer and for
given all of the personal property In the vessel on the lawn of the confed­ several years past has held the posi­
the Pled month home, which stands erate veteran soldier's home in New tion of dog tax collector. He I» a
good officer and will doubtless give
In her name, together with all stocks Orleans.
and bonds of which he was vested
-- - - - __ _
at the time of his death, and $30,-
000 In cash.
To Mrs. Harriet Neal, R. D. Atkin­
son and Mabel Langevin, of Oakland,
Helen T Hume and Edith Hume,
nieces, of St. Helent, and Robert
Hume, a nephew, he leaves $5000 in
In Eugene, March 15, 1909, to H.
At Coburg, March 14, 1909, from
cash each. The balance of the estate,
after paying these legacies. U lumped stomach trouble. Oscar Durst, aged E. Powell and wife, a daughter.
64 years. The funeral was held Mon­
and divided as follows:
In Eugene, March 14, 1909, to J.
Joseph W. Hume, San Francisco, day. with interment in the Coburg I.
F. Carlson and wife, a daughter.
7 per cent; John S. Hume, Wedder­ O. O. F. cemetery.
burn, 7 per cent; W. R. Hume and
C. C. Hume, Piedmont, 7 per cent; SVR8CRIBE FOR THE GUARD
S u I imc HI m * for the Guard, 50c a month
It is noticeable that City Treasurer Reisner does not sign the
platform of principles promulgated by bis associates on the tick­
et. “Pay out money only on orders of the Willamette Valley
The effort to construct an electric railway from Eugene to Company” might be a sufficient platform for him, if we are al­
Jlorence is assuming more definite shape every day, and the lowed to make a suggestion.
promoters believe that they will have no difficulty in carrying
out their plans. The one thing they will require is the support,
When one thinks about the bills of the tax collector in Ore­
financially and morally, of the people of thia city and the coun­ gon, and then realizes that the Washington legislature spent
try through which the line runs. Eastern financiers are ready (10,000,000, as compared with something over $3,000,000 in
to take up the project when it is presented in the proper shape this state, the conclusion must be that we might be even worse
This means that surveys must be made, rights of way secured, off than we are.
•nd ample evidence presented that the people of Lane county
want the road and are willing to invest a reasonable amount of
Though congress has cut off the $25,000 allowed the presi­
money to show their confidence in its ability to pay dividends. dent for traveling expenses, Taft is already mapping out a trip
If this showing can be made it is beleved that before many that will cover the Pacific coast, Alaska, Texas and other parts
weeks pass actual work of construction may be commenced and of the South. He has acquired the habit and likes it. And so
continued until the cars are running between this city and Shis- do the people.
law tidewater.
There is no question but the building of this road will work
There seems to be more general interest in the special ses-
wonders for Eugene in the way of making it a jobbing centre, sion of the legislature than was exhibited in the regular meet­
because of the concessions in railroad rates that connection with ing of the solons. The uncertainty of the outcome is what is
the ocean will force. Also it will develop the country to a great worrying a great many taxpayers.
extent in respect to the lumber, fruit and dairying industries,
making this city the centre of a vastly increased trade. Its ef-
California has a new law under which a youth of eighteen,
fects will furthermore be felt upon the entire county by hasten­ if caught smoking cigarettes, may be taken charge of by the
ing the building of other electric lines through the valley, now in I , probation officer, and is subject to incarceration in one of the
contemplation or actually in course of construction, like that of state s reformatory institutions. A mighty sensible law that!
the Oregon Electric Company and the Portland, Eugene & East- i
ern. Competition is always a great stimulus to the transporta­
Isle Royal, in Lake Superior, the largest fresh-water island
tion corporations, and the lack of it has been a sufficient answer in the world, has been bought by the steel trust, but nobody
to the question, What is the matter with the Willamette val­ seems to know what for, unless it is thinking of setting up a lit­
ley?” that has been a standing interrogation for the past twenty tle kingdom, to be held in reserve for future contingencies.
The local businessmen who have a last taken hold of the
It is now in order for the 1909 recipients of big loving cups
8iuslaw project are actuated solely by the desire to carry out a to organize a society, if they can find a hall big enough, and de­
great enterprise that is long overdue. They have awakened to termine the best method of keeping the plaguey things without __ FOR INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA
------- - -------------- - <
BKLIKVKS sour stomach , belching .’ etc . 5
the fact that the way to build railroads is to build them, and are I hiring a vault in a safe deposit building.
proceeding to expend their money and time to prove the truth
'or error of that theory. They ought to receive more substantial
about the
the cost
Automobile owners
owners who
who growl
growl about
cost of
of repairs
repairs may
encouragement than lias ever been accorded to outside promoV find some comfort in the fact thftt the repairs on the battle,hip
ers whose interests are more purely selfish, and entirely devoict.........
Illinois, one of the around-the-world fleet, are to cost Uncle Sam
of the sentiment that impels an enterprising citizen to labor and $2,000,000.
sacrifice in order to build up the community in which he lives
Best of work.. Don't fail to see the
Manicuring and
and enhance the prosperity of its people.
pictures oe are putting out
At last Captain-Congressman Hobson has a real fight on his
G. S. Beardsley, M. D
now at half price
hands—it is to retain his seat in congress, which a 'gent” by
Physician and Surgeon
the name of Davis is out for. This will be glorious news in j llaHtlng Sisters
folman Studio
Register Blilg.
1« and 17 McClung Bldg..
Front Suite
Phone Main 47
Nth and Willamette
51s Willamette Street
There is a bill before the Illinois legislature making it a valid
indictment or information simply to allege that Richard Roe, on
After reading the arguments of counsel on both sides in the
January 8, 1908, in Cook county, Illinois, did murder John Doe.” Carmack murder trial, we confess astonishment that there was
Under the present law, aside from all the other preliminary and not some more shooting up in Nashville—between the lawyers.
Real Estate Brokers
the tailor
subsequential verbiage, it would be necessary to allege "that on
Over Hull's Grocery
Register Building.
Xo. .»1K \\ il hl mette Street
the 8th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1908, in the
Phone MiUu lox.
John D Rockefeller must have had private information that
county of Cook, state of Illinois. Richard Roe did then and there, there is oil in northern Alaska—he is financing an expedition
Jesse G. Wells
unlawfully, with malice aforethought, murder John Doe. a hu­ which is being outfitted to make explorations in that secton.
man being, then and there being, contrary to the statutes in
Teas, Coffees, Spices
Register Building
such cases made and provided.” And if any of this language
and Dyeing Works
Gives special attentiou to the ««-
What a change! Mr Roosevelt announces that he will leave
amination of abstracts, drafting will»,
was left out, and it should be proved that Richard Roe did com a controversy over himself to be fought out by the two college Everytliing
or Chinaware
in cleaning and
nettling estates, conveyances and col­
mil the murder in question, and he should be found guilty, the professors who started it. Verily, all things are possible.
Val> at 30 East Ninth Street.
lections. Also to all pension matter».
Corner Sixtli and Willnmette Sts.
Phone Main 108.
G. B. LOCKE, Mgr.
conviction would be set aside, on the ground that the indictment
Phone Main 122
had not specified the year “of our Lord," and therefore the
In 1907, the latest figures available, the average monthly
Eugene Electric Co.
crime may have been committed in the year 1908 of the Jewish pay of school teachers in the United States was $56.10, while
Wm G. Martin
or Egyptian or Roman era; or that John Doe, not having been professional ball players—but shucks, what's the use?
Attorney-at ljw
Electric \\ irinp. Fixtures and Sup-
specified to be a human being, may have been a chicken, or. if
In all the courts. Of­
77 Wesi Eighth Street.
he was mentioned as a human being and not "then and there be­
Phone Main 5.
EUGLNE, OR. fice Warren Building. 536 Willam­
The morning paper says that "the people of Eugene will take
ette street, over Crescent store.
ing," he might have been a corpse, or have been somewhere else, care of Frank Reisner's candidacy.” We thought he was in the ,
or at some other time. And so the crime having been imper- hands of his friends—the Willamette Valley Company.
Smyths Trans fer Co
fectly defined in the beginning, the mere fact that it was proved
ww lims-—" ”■
Physician and Surgeon
to have been committed has nothing to do with the case, says an
Former Senator Tom Platt says he will now devote all his at­ baggage stored free for ten days
Residence 28 East Eleventh street.
~ •• 1 •»-
Office, Register building. Phone Rei
tention to his express company. Humph! That's what a lot of Phone»—Main 38. Red DM2.
Fish Revived Dnilv
English jurists, practicing the modernized form of their laws, I folks said he did all the time he was in the senate.
IHlMiFW IY. Prop.
SPECIALTY—Diseases of wotnt®
look on our practice as a grotesque survival of mediaevalism
and children
« i ■ . _ --
i —
— ■ —
— — -----
4 r
Our own law scholars and the writers of law books tell us that
Yoi, sir-ree, the world do move.” A resolution demand-1
it is not even good American law. But some of our judges, when
ing the free coinage of silver at a ratio of 20 to 1 was defeated
anybody says so. immediately get horriffod at this "assault on in the Nevada senate the other day.
the courts.” It is not an assault on the courts. It is a mere
broom swinging against some of the mediaeval cobwebs with
It takes a thief to catch a thief.” Convict bankers in the
which they have become encumbered.
Western penitentiary of Pennsylvania have uncovered a heavy
rRFFn? Srea'«« ’’ewspap.r will be .¡ven
shortage in the prison accounts.
The morning paper printed a garbled report of Engineer Kel
to e[ ery Meekly Guard subscriber
sey's testimony in the injunction case, and proceeds to comment
In the opinion of trouble experts, the new government of
the regular price of $1.50 a vear
epos it editorially This is another instance of manufacturing a
Cuba is busy sowing seed that is bound to produce a sizable crop
straw man only for the purpose of demolishing the effigy in in the near future.
m advance. Also to every Daily Guard
righteous indignation If the morning paper would print a truth
±di'e<b’ “,l1
fni report of the engineer's statements its editorial would be as
The normals seem to be creating a most abnormal condition
ridiculous as are all its other arguments in favor of turning the
Among the higher schools of Oregon. This is not merely a pun.
city over to the complete c< ntrol of the corporation it serves but an actual fact.
»i »SwdbìSrt
I -
—=——— ’
The Scientific American declares that the recent statement
by one of our leading iron masters that the steel industry has
progressed to a point where it was secure against foreign com
petition, and particularly against British competition, has been
followed by an announcement of an important discovery of thi-
Shetfieid manufacturers, which the British steelmakers regard
as one of the most important advances in the art of steel manu-
Instead of meeting his taste by buying herself a red wig. a
Brooklyn lady wants a divorce because her husband is infatuated
with red headed girls.
Next thing the walking delegate of the Statesmens' union
will be after Taft, if he doesn t quit putting in more than eight
hours a day.
hW1' k
oldor„el,.Lb!c„ter_,leol(ii>~ «e «
Altar«» Subscription,
P f f A H rs