Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, March 04, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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March 3 to March !0
Shoes for Babies
Shoes for Children
Shoes for Misses
Shoes for Boys Shoes for Mei Shoes for Women
Every pair priced to you at what they cost the merchant. Don’t, delay; its a
Special for One Week Only
Price Cutters
612 Willamette Street
Buy Shoes at
The Old Wells Shoe Store
Corner Willamette and Ninth Sts.
Now Under New Management
If You Want The Best
For Your Money
tn::«:««» i:::::::::::::;;;?
T hree Doors South of 9th Street
ing to the ot various students.
Wrote Curious Letter
Bristol on Dec tuber 12 gave to C.
A. Osterhol'n, a roomer in the same
house, a letter which he wished him
to read when he (Osterholm) ar­
rived in Portland, th" place where he
The annual meeting of the Cala-
was going. After 'he bathtubbing pooia Poultry Association was held
he also sent to Osterholm in Portland at t.he offices of C. F. Walker in Cot­
an unintelligible telegram and a Pos­ tage Grove Tuesday evening, F. H.
(Special Correspondence.)
tal money order for five dollars.
Rosenburg. president of the associa­
Irving. March I.—Editor Guard:
The letter is as follows:
tion. presiding. There was a good at-
"Dear Osterholm:
Irving Grange had a ’’ery prosperous
attendance of local fanciers, includ­
“As you are to be soon in Port­ ing a few ladies of the communnlty
month during February; ten appli­
land. I give you this letter to you in who have been very successful in the
cants were received and will be initi­
this manner, As you are to be there breeding of prixe-wlnning fowls and
ated Into the mysteries of Grange in
during the Holidays. I shall not be are enthusiastic members of the as­
At the Saturday
Herman Hartwig, who was accused March
In Portland but will remain in Eu­ sociation.
of running a "blind pig" In an old those who had been appointed on the
gene. I just hope that you will have
Treasurer's Report
school house at Vida and who was program responded, making the ses­
a fine time, a Merry Christmas and
The financial report of Treasurer arrested a few weeks ago at Vancouv­ sion a very interesting one.
a Happy New Year.. When you get C. F. Walker was
presented and er, Wash., and brought here for trial,
The program was as follows: Song,
any spare time on Sunday do not showed receipts from
membership j
"Ways to Make
by by the Grange;
forget to go tip to your own church fees, dues and the first annual poul- I was fined $500 this morning
up on Twelfth and Taylor streets try show amounting to $473.55: dis- 1 Judge Harris, of the circuit court. Farm Life More Attractive to Old
There you shall hear "Mr. Brougher" bursements for exh'bition coops and The amount was paid. Hartwig at and Young," by Mrs. L. M. Zumwalt;
one of the greatest of your church general expenses. $103.41; balance first pleaded not guilty, but yesterday selection by Roy Withrow; “Birds
on the 'Farm,” by Miss Mary Day;
In one of the most beautiful churches on hand, $70.14. This report was changed the plea to guilty.
song by the Grange.
Hani Pleads Not Guilty.
in Portland.
accepted and was considered a very
As a rule the members responded
Lonnie Hain, Indicted for rape, en­
During the week time do not let satisfactory allowing for the associa­
tered a plea of not guilty this morn­ willingly when appointed on the pro­
anything come between your stud­ tion.
ing to each of the three indlctmeuts.
ies. You will have temptations of all
Officer* Elected.
The contest began In December be-
His trial will come later in the week
be diligent with your
kinds, but
The following officers were elected or perhaps not till some time next tween the ladies and gentlemen of
to serve 'or the ensuing year:
the Grange and ended with the last
"These are strange sayings but we
F. H. Rosenberg, re-
meeting in February, which was a
Cliczein vs. Fry.
are strange neighbors.
But it is a
The case of Henry Chezetn vs. J. good-natured contest from the be­
secret. Is through, keep it. Do this
Vice president. D. J. DuBruille.
P. and Nancy Fry. to recover a com- ginning to end. A« might be expect­
from me.
re- mission on a land case, came up for ed the men came out with dr-poping
trial this morning and the following feathers and wlll’have to provide an
secretary Mrs. Orpha jury was selected:
M. E. —
Furrow, entertainment program and dinner.
Regents to Investigate
John 8. Allen, W. H. Sallee, II. W. The men are taking their defeat very
Treasurer C. F. Walker ,re elect­ Eyler. C. C. Bennett, B F. Pitcher, calmly but are wondering how on
The fat her of Bristol took I he haz­
ing to the board of regents some time ed. —Leader.
Jas. Haye«, Richard Hileman. Ralph earth they are going to get up a din-
ago. This body has apisilnted an in
VV. Callison, John R. Cooley, Perry ner.
vestigatiug committee, consisting of FORGFR STEWART
Twenty-nine applications received,
Casteel and Sherman Adams.
Fred V. Holman, chairman, and J.
returned a verdict in fa­ was the result of the contest—lfi by
('. Ainsworth, of Portland, and Judge
BROUGHT BACK FDR TRIAL i vor The of jury
the ladles and 13 by the men. The
the defendant.
William Smith, of Baker City.
In the case of Sam Mnnerud. il A. total membership is now about 10S.
meeting will be called in about ten
H. W. Stewart, the young man Schell and 8. P. Neu, doing business Th<> Grange hall committee reported
days, probably one in Portland, ot a
as Munerud & Schell ,vs. E II. Ing­ progress in the matter of subscrip­
preliminary nature, and a more im- who is accused of forging Lee llosel- ham. to recover money, the following tions. Irving Grange is very much In
ton’a name as an endorsement to a
IMirtant and formal one in Eugene.
check and cashing the check at a lo Jury was taken this forenoon: A. M. earnest about building a "home" for
Faculty Statement
Hendricks, Alexander Lewis, O. F. the Grange. It would not only adi
Proft ssor F. G. Young, of the fac­ cal bank, was brought here from PavM, W G JudkiriH, Win T Cur- to the happiness of the members of
Jacksonville this morning by -Deputy
ulty .says:
I nelltis, H. H. Ruth, Herbert WHlker, the Grange, to have this new home,
"The faculty investigated carefully Sheriff C. C. Hammond, who left Jas. l.ebow, G. T. Coleman, W. P.
but it w uld also he of much benefit
the case of the unfortunate student, here Saturday night to get him Barger and John 8. Flint.
to the town of Irving and to the
and. after getting all possible evi­ Stewart was arrested at Medford and
It is earnestly hope!
dence. was convinced beyond a doubt convicted of stealing some plumbers’
that the people of the community will
that .Mr. Bristol had not been in his tools and sentenced to thirty days in
renidtjil liberally and heartily to this
right mind for several weeks.
He the county jail at Jacksonville. Af­ CORONER DOES NOT
was a quiet student, taking his work ter his arrest it was learned that he
Friday evening, March 5th. the
seriously and apparently keeping was the man wanted here for for-
THINK IT IS MOORLEY Grange will give an entertainment
____ _____
lie completed his term at
apart front the other«, so that his ery.
gery. He completed bls term at '
consisting of songs, recitation« and
>ot generally known."
taken before the grand jury this af- '
dialogues, and also a sup;>er
Hazing Story Exaggerated
A dispatch from Cottage Grove in proceeds to go toward building The
Chester Downs, one of the boys ternoon or tomorrow.
this morning'« Oregonian states that hail. The program promises tc the
>e a
who put Bristol in the tub. said:
"I have found out that there Is no the man who suicided there a few good one and everybody know ‘he
"Bristol was not in my class and 1
days ago by cutting hla throat has Indies of the Grange can get up ~
none of us knew that he was suffer­
been identified as Jack Moorley, from ner worth all that Is asked for Lln-
ing from mental trouble of anv kind. you <an get Dr. King's New Discov­ Guthrie, Oklahoma.
but Coroner
His habit of constantly being late ery." says Mr«. J P. White of Rush- Gordon docs not iielleve that this Twenty-five cents admits
both entertainment and supper, The
was very trvlng. frequently putting boro, Pa. I would not be alive today is he.
us behind In class work.
I don’t only for this wonderful medicine 111 dence that he hopes will lead to his bachelors are requested to come and
bring their families,
Ail the bash­
think the 4>athtitbb!ng could have loosens up a cough quicker than any­ real identity. The dispatch says:
fill young men will be _ there
caused h's breakdown
He seemed thing else, and cures lung diseases
to take it good-naturedly enough, re­ even after the case Is pronounced of the man found dead, with his must have on their best grin. The
sisting only when we took charge of hopeless.” This most reliable rem-, throat cut. In the City Park Friday girl« will surely be there to keep
him at the bottom of the stairs. He »■dy for coughs and colds, lagrippe,1 evening. The body Is being held and the young men from the wiles and
blandishments of the elderly ladies.
was not in the tub more than five or asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness. Is
has been identified by two different The money received will be spent In
six seconds, and came out of it In ¡sold tinier guarantee at W / A. Kuy-i l>erson as Jack Moorley.
a good cause.
kendall's drug store. 50c and i »i.oo.!
good spirits "
from Guthrie, Oklahoma, The par-
James Neill, another waiter, said : Tria) buttle free.
A cordial invitation given to all.
”1 was not we|] acquainted with
♦ ♦
Bristol, nor did I know at the time
his wife, he deeded her his farm and
<’ON$ It Tf It «.If A I TEIt
of his mental trouble« or worries. I
considerable money and came West.
don’t think any of the fellows knew
In doing some trading at the stores
San Francisco, March t —
much about him. He seemed to take
here Moorley displayed a pocketbook
Ex-Supervisor II M Coffey,
his tubbing philosophically, and I do
recently convicted in connec­
not think the excitement could have
money, all of which were gone when
tion with municipal grafting,
affected him so seriously. Eight or
At Jasper. February 2H. 1909. to
was today sentenced to seven « found dead. The parties identifying R. W. Wallace and wife, a son.
ten of the students In the dormitory
years’ Imprisonment.
♦ him claim that he was a prominent
had been tubbed before Bristol, and
man in Guthrie, serving as chief clerk
nothing waa thought of it."
of the senate of that state and hold­
D L. Cartmell arrived home last ing other prominent positions.
Authorities are probing the cane.
night from a month’« stay at Lin­
In Eugene. Feb. 2 7. 1909, to Fred
Is the one you pay out for a box of i coln. Neb.
He say« Oregon people
fg 1 '
K ig’s New Life Pills. They' should tie mighty thankful that they
The tenant« In the residences on I Ream and wife, a son. weight 10^4
bring you the health
that's more ( live in this favored climate, even If the F L. Chamber« lot on West 8ev-l pounds.
preclou» than Jewel«. Try them for a there is a little rain
Blizzard« were • nth and Olive streets are moving out I
headache, blliou*ne««, constipation, raging nearly all the time he was preparatory to moving the buildings I
A marriage license was granted
and malaria If they disappoint yon | there, he says.
He reports duller away. This is one of the lots upon I this afternoon to Riley Snodgrasa
the pi I e will be cheerfully refunded i times In the Middle West than on the which the Elk« have an option for and Mrs Clara DcLaasua, both of
at W. A. Kuykendall's drug store.
their proposed new six-story block.
Cottage Grove.
that he had had trouDie at Inline.
The waiters who are accused of
Bristol gradually grew worse dur­ bathtubbing Bristol are Chester A.
ing the college year until the bath­ Downs, the well-known track man.
tubbing. Then he became very bad. and an all "A” student; Wilfred Wal­
Aa Mr. and Mrs. Goodenough were lenberg. John V. Rast. B.vton Good-
going away they would not let him all and James K. Neill. Many other
I stay in the house alone, and after students were tiresen t, and as the
■ consultation with Bristol's second infliction was due to the constant
I cousin. Professor Luella Clay Car- breaking of the traditions of the
son, and other members of the fac- dormitory, the bathtubbing was con­
i ulty, they took him to the train and sidered by the men as a just punish­
(sent him to his home at Portland.
Bristol was continually late
Feared Burglars
to meals, sometimes half an hour,
The boy showed his insanity by a when all others were through.
| constant fear of burglars and a hun-
Bntiitubblng Light
j dred
(the writer saw
Ralph Bristol, who. It is claimed | which a sane man would not do. it) was a mild form, the water not
Repeatedly he asked that the doors
by i story in the Portland Journal, be locked, that the windows be shut, being very cold, and the boy was
merely dipped in and let out. He did
vs» made a raving maniac by bath- and that such men as electricians or
tjbbing at the University dormitory, any one else wishing to enter the not complain of it being painful, and
before he was put in said that it was
ii now known to have been Insane Goodenough home be kept out of the all right, if the fellows thought he
before the bathtubbing on Thursday building. Whenever he entered his
deserved it. None of those who par-
evening. December 17. by five wait- room he slipped the catch.
tldpated or were present knew that
Chained Up His Knife
ei So noticeable were his peculiar
he was queer or peculiar in any
actions that he was almost turned
The boy also kept a knife with a sense.
ent of his room at 79fi A street, soon blade about three inches long chain­
After the affair Bristol was given
after the opening of college, but t he ed to his bedside.
He would also dry clothes, and he seemed to take it
kindheartedness of Mr. and Mrs. M. I take to bed with him a ,22-calibre as a joke. He bought a copy of the
C Goodenongh prevailed over the I rifle, but he had no cartridges. He “Midnight Doughnut.” which was
impulse of their daughter, who did said that he would burn them up if then issued as a paper on a type-
tot want to let young Bristol re i had them.
writer, for twenty-five cents. the
For weeks ar a fme, perhaps a pa|>er giving a humorous account of
The exuses ascribed for the insan­ month, he would not speak to the the bathtubbing.
ity bv those who knew the boy best other men who roomed in the house.
The family and men where Bristol
»re that his trouble was due to kid- One of them brought to him one day stayed sav that he then rapidly grew
*y complaint or some similar ill. a book that had been left for him. worse. The faculty was Informed of
fo>ni which he suffered severely; or The youth immediately told him to his condition, and he was sent home
over study, or some difficulty with leave the doorway and would not to Portland. He was taken to the
bit father. The boy took medicine | take the book. Such actions as train by Mr.
Goodenough, who
hr the first of these. Those who these made one of the students tell bought his ticket for him. Just be-
kn-» him thought that a wild look, the landlady that he was "crazy,” fore the train went he escaped front
yhich appeared in his eyes frequent- and Mrs. Goodenongh «as also quite Mr. Goodenough, but In the last few
If before he was bathtubbed, was certain there was something wrong I seconds clambered on the train of his
fo to this pain.
, with her roomer.
own accord. Before he got to Port­
Before he came to the University
Mrs. Goodenough describes Bris- land he had to be taken care of
is vas known as .. a hard ___-------
student. I tol as restless, nervous and very hard by the train crew, and after his arri­
B*re he took little physical exercise, I to please. At first he would have val seemed to Ite better for a time,
Md he complained much that he little or nothing to do with anybody. and then relapsed.
<onid not concentrate his mind.
Then ills fears, ¡is the college year
He is now at the state hospital for
Many times he said that he would passed, drove him to seek the soci- the Insane at Salem, and is thought
His to be incurable.
«> home: that he and his family ety of the people downstairs.
wild not get along well together. speech was frequently incoherent and
Hazed Before
k»d that his highest ambition was to senseless, and to other students a
Bristol was hazed the first of the
;*»»e his parents, but that he could short time before he was bathtubbed
He took part In the barrel
he made verey jieculiar statements year.
From these things some of those and contradicted himself in an idiot- parade up Willamette street, but
there was no mistreatment, accord-
■*> Intimate with the lad thought , 1c manner.
Price Cutters
... •■■ ■ ■