TO. mM .« sit «•«* TRl-KM.Al. re»K. ARV 1 PAY TRIBUTE MAINE DISASTER Washington. Feb. 15.—The mem­ ories of the men who were plunged to sudden death when the battleship Maine went down In the waters of Guard Specia’^g4irvice Havana harbor eleven years ago to­ Saler^ Or peb 15.—Except by unanimous consent bills day were honored in the observance of the day by military, religious and ongii „ting either in the house or senate cannot be sent to the patriotic bodies. Beautiful and im­ were the ceremonies at St. oth house after tonight. In order that the house may dispose pressive Patrick's Catholic church, where a 0* a large number of house bills now on its desk, it will remain in military mass was celebrated for the heroes. Services were also con­ Session tonight probably until midnight. At the opening of to­ dead ducted at the Arlington cemetery, day’s session Speaker McArthur announced that several repre­ where a granite shaft towers above 165 Maine victims. sentatives had complained to him that their bills were being ihe Rear Admiral Sigsbee. retired com­ held back by different committees. He served notice that re­ mander of the ill-fated battleship, the chief speaker a,nd In stirring ports must be filed some time today by every committee on was words depicted the story of the catas­ every bill in its possession. Failing to do so he said he would trophe which led the nation to war. demand the return of all such bills from committees before ad- Several others delivered brief ad­ dresses. Two troops of mounted men from journment today. Fort Meyer fired salutes. A large floral tribute was sent by President was Dalles. The debate on the bill Inted from Roosevelt, and many wreaths were sent by individuals and patriotic or­ : some i»er- brief. bn il se Appropriation Bills I’assctl. ganizations. (the books maten After makfug two slight changes is state lo ­ and a< In the bills as reported by the com­ rn missions, mittee on ways and means, the house t Itulli on the bill this nr rnlng passed the deficiency tMay ■ examiner bill for 1907-8 and general appro­ of I creai I? This priation for the ensuing two year r of $3.000 of an stlgate term. The bill« carried In aggregate t < ff • Kansas City, Feb. 15.Kansas. Ok­ n cord-«. The of over $1,500,000 of the tux payers’ lahoma. Iowa. Arkansas and Texas In i*h ion of $15,- money. b are In the grip of the second blizzard Normal Bills In Seiuitc. <1 n of the winter today. Trains are be­ In the Senate this morning six Sal uric hind their schedule and telegraph bills of mln r importance were killed La and telephone service Is almost de­ by Indefinite postponement. Bills ap ­ V morail.zed Temperatures have (hop­ r propriating $106.000 each for three ed 30 to 50 degrees. the mercury reg­ Iti <• Ju LI. II normal schools will be taken up as Ft «bl» of the Eugene justice district istering below zero In many places. ilalres of $1,000 and $000 special order In the senate this after­ Heavy loss among cattle is feared in <»• i f a noon. -iy. Texas, and great suffernig among the Ff sper O. A. to *y b t we prol le. for be t and contli cane so see. Id Boule footmark y skirt th Just lx 15c fklackQ 'ike. you t Chicrc j these foo Hosier, i the path?’ me tbh Inta, which are td. pointing rint of a no, d to Frede fjr heee neat f made alne. •» THE PAIR. Every pair of Stock ngs bearing the Black Cat Brand tully guaranteed by the manufacturers to be the bust possible that money and skilled labor can produce. Try a pair your boy or girl and be convinced of their superior wearing qualities. We handle various styles. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY SECOND HELENA FOUND IN BOHEMIA Phone Main 60 MATLOCK’S Cottage Tirove. Or., Feb. 14.—A. P. Churchill, a prospector and mintT, I says he is the recent discoverer of a second Helena in the Bohemia dis- i trict. The property is located on I ’ Monta Rica Ridge, southwest of the I Musick mine. Churchill was tracing! a large outcrop of (upper and lead, and found a rich shoot of decomposed ore that prospects heavily in gold. It | is about four feet in width, and lies . - by the side of a base ledge. Hew 1 extensive it is has not yet been as­ certained, but the finder believe« It I will run parallel with the main ore j body. The finder says it pans out fonr and five ounces of gold to the pan. i Furtlier developments will be made , Jefferson City. Mo.. Feb. 15.—On some time this coming season. Read Buy- Rolling Steck the ground that the Waters-Pierce Business on the Oregon tt South- I Company has not furnished satisfac­ tory evidence that it lias severed rela­ eastern Railroad, east of here, is in- tions with the Standard Oil Company , creasing at a rapid rate, and has ne­ the attorney-general will today file cessitated the company increasing its Hasting Sisters Register Bldg. with the court a suggestion that the rolling stock, it has recently receiv­ Front Suite ouster be made effective against the ed a 4 5-ton engine and has ordered I front the East fifteen new flatcars, concern. Henry 8. Priest, of St. Louis. and ' which are beginning to arrive. GARRETT & MITCHELL Sawmills Are Running of the H. Clay Pierce, chairman Every sawmill in this locality is board of directors of the Waters- Pierce Oil Company, today filed in running at full capacity and many the supreme court of Missouri an ac­ expect to put on night shifts to sup- Register Building. ceptance of the terms imposed upon I ply the urgent demand for lumber, the company by the recent ouster or- j Business in every line is opening up Rhone Main IOS. A number der of the supreme court, The fine beyond all expectations. I of new dwellings are planned and of $.50,000 was paid. The payment of the fine was made their -onstruction will start as soon by tender of a certified check for i as the weather will permit. $50,00'), but the acceptance is silen so far as showing a re-organization Independent of the Standard Oil Co. Everything possible in cleaning anil is concerned, and there Is no showing Dyeing. that the New Jersey corporation does W’lliants' Indian Pile Ointment Corner Sixth and Willamette Sts. not still own sixty per cent of the Wa­ will cure blind, itching and bleeding Phone Main 122 ters-Pierce stock. piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a poultice, DeWitt’a Carbollicl Witch Hazel gives instant relief. Williams’ In­ Salve, the original. Is good for any­ dian Pile Ointment is prepared for thing when a salve is needed, and is piles and itching of the private parts especially good for piles, Sold by | and is sold by Linn Drug Co. By all druggists. mail 5oc and $1. Williams Mfg. Co. THE SIGN PAINTER WATERS-PIERCE WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE MISSOURI Manicuring and Hair Dressing Real Estate Brokers ig man, ye Uy made,' Ing his he: epe that <•< »» Joan looking at rbicb foU< m ìeat footprl rene. EUGENE, OREGON. _________ ___ ---- ------------------------ Jrer of Hli wrtlt for lit ID C0P™"; ■ ■ ■ w ,otruarks fr -These are i G_ murderer,” Best of work.. Don't fail to see the . O. bear? weretwo?- pictures we are putting out . wa» bui otx now at half price Physician Tolman Studio 5?H Willamette Street Id and 17 .V Phone Main 47 .Unite« ■2)0 J ■ us tJie ffruD urbed by ill man aea u* bto K>i DENTIST THE uv»ru o«ly Over Hall's Grocery lug detectb 44 EAST/ No. 5Di Willamette Street ’beni awi lu lila own t 'Iy regain FOB BEST leSSC ■ fW bicycle ; JT-X venture , Tb“f « ,ie(lL tof the in>i.r< Gives speciali . *“» r‘ amination of *!■ g 1 1,1 settling estates c »round. I Cal> at 30 East Ninth Street. lections. Also n the bicycle Phone Main P unk deeply h G. B. LOCKE, Mgr. ____ - w»s but ine t on foot.” i YI cried 1 ’ niddonly tow Attera®^ jn yront ( I. O. THOMAS Will practice said to IMm: Electric Wirinp, Fixtures and Sup­ flee Warren B1 bicycle hen plies ette street, i ;he correct , Phone Main 3. El’GLNE, OR. reasoning S. D. READ Meli Eugene Cleaning and Dyeing Works Teas, Coffees, Spices or Chinaware SHINN 77 West Eighth Street. Smyths Transfer Co Baggage stored free for ten days. Phones—Main 32. Red 4912. H. SMYTH. Prop. Eugene Electric Co. Fish and Poultry Market OR. LULU CJiT’'*"' Physical M. Dan». Residence- nine four da Office. Kegi»t* t time I cm Fish Received Daily 6231. theerkne” W. li. R11XJEWAY, Prop. SPEC!ALT o repHe,] Phone Main 23. «2« Willamette St and children. lurntnK t0 R Ito on at this laauMconclut s to how the mere« and labor; G W. Trowbridge, chief of the revenue agents, and Secretary James II Reynolds, of the treasury department. in charge of the custotns service. This testiuiouy was taken during i he hearings on the sundry civil ap­ propriation bill with the testimony of Secretary Garfield, of the Interior department, and Attorney-General Bonaparte, it Is relied upon bv the committee to refute the claim that the limitation placed last year on the secret service of the treasury depart­ ment has worked to the interest of the criminal elasaes. WEEKLY OREGONIAN ---------- — ------------------- — - F£“-" ‘aid Fred, “ar ' your ’' l 1'1"' Oregon s greatest newspaper will be givIKX; FREE to every Weekly Guard subscriF*^'^^’ who pays the regular price of $1.50 a ye* chW ‘ IL- I- in advance. Also to ______ every ___ Daily Gu',rn< the ”* magi ru who ha, subscriber (by mail) who pays $3.00 a y-’ • hose tragedy I •' It in a in advance. be pre«> • This offer will hold good until not an extr: of withdrawal is given in the paper­ are airer pppij.H ’ not wboi '.v t makes no difference whether you « make a Won.l n little in. old oi new subscriber—the offer is open to t ”<1 follow your Solcati. of thè department of coni Washington. Feb H Rew|ionsl- ble ufficiala coutMM ted wlth thè drtec tlon of crime lo four dlffereni branche» of ihe aovernment hsve just icstifted In substa llmitatluu on thè use c vie operatori* of thè tx»vi Geer, principal owner of the partturni ha» not been London mineral springs, twelve miles thelr reapectlve »ervlcei Chsirman Knapp. of ate south of Cottage Grove, was in Eu­ He was a commerce cuminiaaion L gene today on bustnem caller at th« Guard office and sh< the force a sample of the salts are being manufactured from W ho %r» waters of th« springs An evap w hr Ing plant has been installed at f rt he Ml s|>rino> and the salts will be m dr»* lid fact a red on an extensive »rale boi CUN UDI M4T, c. as soon as they have become s f ! h« Mt clenlly known to create a ntarke T Id: FRED W. CARPENTER. WHO WILL th-m Th« salts are an exre », remedy tor all stomach and ki A z M r from being a lawyer, an expert »treuographer. a globe trotter > and SI trouble« ami are «mid fir rhe the hnnlest kid (>f worker. Fred w Carrwnm- Mr. Taft's private secretary POWDF RS tlsni tn their natural »ta-e thev Fkll by all Di •< not bad to taste, hut to make I know« nearly every man connected with public life In America He was •F. I pt any » wI"rit,hteM,|»J*ft *”•’ •f’*'***« ’be world with him and «t!?> more palatable other hart A i tria _ —w will tie » •nt Ingredients have been added If .» 5 X . *‘"-T ,ha’ ** •’*”'> ” *« r*tary of «ar It U a I ad- are properly advertised thev ,h prwli. t.d that be will make a« rth< tent a secretary iu the WUte House «» ea Olmstead. Le Kory srtvg targe returns to t. • com Dau U«moat, who made the ^stelUa famous .hat operates the springs WILL MANUFCTURE LONDON MINERAL SALTS Address Subscription« to «be GUARD PRINTING CO SUCCEED LOEB. S 3 a 1 I K ■ I on your forob creral M bx < < you res«. j ,< yonnwlf t.> bave se, hnndkerc’ |,.f ed tam 'of . _ .m hay» ». 1 bar* or iy •> • ■'< k ;.7 Jf^unouM,."!. |lt.»o4w»v»iu r«»»áa/