THU Kl'G KNI WRKKI T UVARB. THl'RNDAY. FKHRl'ARY 11, l»d® stery of COPYR1GHT. 1908. BY BRENTANO’S j . -r ■ ttr erb ' ' ■' ' 1 ■■* pad>*i>.' 1 ’ ' ■ ■ • ............ 1 . Hib r- ' ■ ' ' T1 > next diy t!"* ex-imlnln.: o-d -a w .*i!' t’u* i-i.* r!: < ........ '' ■' .......... .. I1' Lr I:,..1 ! ■ ' 1 l’;k ' n v : I: .* »;i*r Well. r In t!:<> !nl> nib ry 1.. r ■ • "■ . m ■ ■■ • 1- >1 !l 1.. :..::: ■ - ; v. .*r<* tl:.T<* >i::y I toea of a man'« footmarks. Since I near tbla win C outside, he must have made I is through the celling of the .•. eli.-v.- Com Into the title, then ktr**'i"ti the r... f and dropped to t'i* t-." ■ ■ ■ . tad..... L there's no hole, neither iu the cell- ■jtf the yellow room nor In thereof k? my att! ; that's absolutely ..■ertnln k yen aee. we know nothing noth hx And nothing wi!l ever be known! ■fa a mystery of the devil's own mok- Rouletabille next examined the fur nlture nnd < pened the doors of the cnblnets. Tlmn he came to the win­ dows. throu~h whl h. he declared, no < ne i it'd pec Ibly have j assed. At the record w It-d- vv be found Daddy Jaco.ttes In contemplation. "Well. Daddy Jncques,” be said, “what are you looking nt?” "That policeman who Is always go­ ing round Hnd round the lake. Another of those fellows who think they can see better than anybody else!" "T’eu don’t know Frederic Larsan, Daddy Jacques, or you wouldn’t speak of bint In that way." snld Rouletabille In a melancholy tone. “If there Is any one who will find the murderer ft will be he.” And Rouletabllle heaved a deep sigh. CHAPTER VII ln Which Rovletabille Sets Out on an Expedition Under the Bed. r" OITLETABILI.E, having pushed Rouletabllle went down upon his open the door of the yellow L» m again almost In front of a sitiall room, paused ou the threshold. hratory at the back of the vestibule. The chamber was dark. Dad- In that position he remained for about uy Jacques was about to open tbe a minute [“Well?" I asked him when lie got blinds when Rouletabllle stopped him. “Did not the tragedy take place In F«Oh nothing very Important. A drop complete darkness?" he asked. "No, young man; I don't think so. I a ■■ he replied, turning tow ird Lwv Jacques as he spoke. "While Mademoiselle always had a night light k were w ishing the laborat ry ai d on her table, and I lit It every even­ hq vestibule was the vestibule win- ing before she went to bed. 1 was a sort of chambermaid, you must un­ fcw fen?" he asked. j‘No. monsieur, it was closed. But derstand, when the evening came. The Ltrr I 111'1 (lone w ishing the floor I real chambermaid did uot come here Made­ iivnie charcoal for monsieur In the much before tbe morning. Hxinitory furnace, nnd as I lit it moiselle worked late-far into the kith eld newspapers It smoked, so I night.” "Where did the table with the night bned loth the windows In the labo- tory and this one to make a current light stand—far from the bed?" "Some way from the bed." ¡¡«!r Then I shut those in tbe lnbo- “Can you light the burner now?" ktorr nnd left this one open when I “The lamp Is broken aud tbe oil that brat out. When 1 returned to the ■dllon this window had been closed was In It was spilled when the table M monsieur and mademoiselle were was upset. All the rest of the things In the room remain Just as they were, jhady at work In the laboratory.” pM. or Mlle. Stangerson had no I, have only to open the blinds for you to see.” jirabt shut Itr “Wait.” ¡’No doubt." Rouletabllle went bark into the lab- “You did not ask them?" oratory, closed the shutters of the üttle two windows and the door of the ve» tibule. When we wen* In complete darkness be lit a wax vesta and asked ■No." Daddy Jacques to move to tbe middle After a dose scrutiny of the of the chamber with it to the place yttory and of the staircase leading I | where the night light was burning of great ex ­ ( to the attic Rouletabllle—to whom that night. lost — none of »-«med no longer to exist entered Daddy Jacques, who was In his As him. for me. I stocking» —he usually left Ills sals'ts laboratory. I followed I confess. In a state once to the In the vestibule-entered the yellow ment. Robert Darxac room with hl.s bit of a vesta, «e friend's movements. ' vn'mely distinguished objects over R . w.c,« drawn nt thrown on the floor. » bn! In one cor I ~ ; .-v r m it was closed nor and tn front of u« to tbe left the if. as I Immediately saw, partla'ly ' gleam of a looking gla»» hanging on I ittered and out of commission. the wall near to tbo l»*d. al>out hi ■ w ir!< ‘That will do. You may now oi»*n » < d t be room the blinds." said Rouletabllle. | “Don’t come any fart he: " Daddy fc lighted. Two big w indow s - al- ' Jacques bogged. “Too may make ■R bays—were protected by strong marks with your br»*s. nnd nothing itra bars and looked out upon a wide must be deranged. It*« an idea of tn»* *r> 'it of cuntry. magistrate's, though he has m*hlng pb» v ■ g|de ,,f t'ii- l:il,ora- more to do here.” rËwas taken up with a large chlm- And he pushed open the shutter. crucibles. evens aud such lrnple- The pale d»y"itbt entered from wlth- as are needed for chemical ex­ ’ out throwing a sinister light on the its; tubles loaded with vials, saffron colored wall». The floor-tr reports, an electrical machine thou«* the laboratory a«d the vesti­ iparatus, as M. Dame Informed bule wore ttted the yeflow room bad a 5Y'employed by Professor Stangerson idemoustrato the dissociation of mat- flooring of wood was covered with a »ingle yellow mat which wa. targe R ursler the action of solar light­ enough to cover nearly the wh fie pother scientific Implements. , Aioog the wails were cabinets, plain room, under the l>ed «od under the brlara fronted, through which were dressing table, the only piece of fund- ture that remained upright. Tbe c microscopes, special photo- pfblc qppara-t;- and a lnrma qaantl ter round table, tbe night table wd two chair» had beeu overturt»*d Th.*e “f crystals b|o«I paper In Ids hand. He step- wound on Mlle. Stangerson a Besides these stain» dropa of bl »M • ”P where we were talking by bent tbe i lac« of »cor* toed had fallen In all dir.*etlona In I®* the over windows. pra which M Danae took from the with the vlsftfie traces of the foot thit f r us, M. Darrjtc," he pl ?! and read <’!» | ,tep«. large nnd black, of the murder t'' " a that ' er Everything led to the that these drm* of .blood had faltan pktoyterv - lost nothing - charm. from the wound of the man who had n. ,«■«> '*'•“'“I”, IT» -*«1- . -.,0,4 those «ame the wall There were other tra-es 1 ^■toflteBB words had attack me 1 the same band on the wall, but much f "e SO""* ' ■ t - IW that they , less distinct. ..Up, this blood on tbe wall. 1 Ilofeaaor P . ■ ff.- M 1 sr couM not he.p tal.nlng “TJo man r wh„ prPM«d hta han.! SO he» T «?*'•> It It In the darkness mnst certai. ly P^T Jacqn <>•-< upied «« he thought that he M( h,r,[. !*•« *• »not That’s why he pressed « fjknx • loigly opening PPwkMiw.i .. pUt the piece of I'» ble evidence I don t thl r many hands In tbe world of I It ta Mg »nd atrna tuning of the fire- •re »early all on* 1”. an(1 have r The a ur thumb Is wanting. _____ _ . ..» — I of a furnace—and was at- only the mark of the palm, but If we 't tilmney. follow tbe trace of the hand.” I con­ rrb “• ward the tinued. “we see that after leaving Its r®Wet fr- ■ • ».otng cloned with Imprint on the waff the touch s<>ught I v the do«»r. found It and then felt for the Jbroegt, which passed three lock." “No doubt." Interrupted R- uletabflle ^wmtbl» t get out that way.” he chuckling, “only there Is no blood . rjtory | either on tbe lock or on tbe bolt.” "What does that prove?" I rejoined, <