Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, February 04, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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The con»i;tions and causes which produce Rheumatism all suj ,.* ,
hea'thful vv table reniedv as the surest and safest cure. The dis. -c jj
brought abot ' by the accumulation of unc acid, an irritating, pain-producint
pr.>pertv in the :«1. This causes a weakening and sounnr of the circus
Gon whit t then I
es unit for «oanahing the body, w hile the <_
of unc a. id in the nerves, muscles, joints and bones produce the pain and
agonv of Rheumatism. To treat the trouble with medicines containing po*.
ash or other strong mineral«, is simple adding another poUon to the
g it of its remaining Vita.ity. an<l
the end making a physical wreck of the suSerer. The one sate an»i only cur,
for Rheumatism is S. S. S. It is nature s remedy for this disease, mad,
entirely from healthful vegeAible ingredients extracted from the roots, herbj
and barks of the forest and fields, is. S. S. goes down into the bl<xxj and
removes every trace of the cause of Rheumatism, cleanse« and purities the
circulation, and restores health and comfort to those who are suffering frOtn
this painful disease. There is but one way to be sure you are not dosing
your system with mineral medicines, and that is to take S. S. S. Bo. g oa
IU~«.<-*«l»r-«^s'^SPEcmc co, gruSTA. ex.
The first Hg d.-ivfi • on Lake cri ck .
w»s tried by George la? lor * logging j
Philadelphia. Feb. 2.—Miss Helen
!.. Hunzlcker had a crew of men
At last night's aijourn ■! meeting drivi) g also.
The) reem to th,uk . T. O.' Hendricks, president of the Maloney of this city and Arthur Her-
First N*tl; rial bank, has sold a por- ,
of the city council the folowing re»- they -• i n drlva r .cc»-*,*fuHy.
C, Vi­ lcvtt. of Dea !*<»>1. cirv«*v«rr tlon of his timber holdings In the
olation w as passed :
He Wolf Creek country, in the Coast
"It is hereby resolved by the com­ ne *r :>• ■ g drow el the JZd
i; ng u b ■( down th<- creek range, sout .west of Eugene, go Por-
mon council of the city of Eugene was 1
that all
heretofore with 'he ( Mils for tb tp«n, when at t r Bro*., through Earl Parson*, the
dealer of 'this
<• -*el b- «track « large baul- »'•Il-known
drawn up n the treasurer of the city Holl
of Eug ne. upon the eonstruction i der. ■ h ch tor«* a hale In the bow; cur.
'«<> the b 'at turied over, throwing
particularly, a «arran»
represents something
wav h 1(M?) ashore over 1X0,00«, the acreage not being
drawn and ieau"d to Robert Mill’»»
,ti out.
fur 21.ICO; and one to J. W. Stor thou* a quarter of a mile b«dow, quite given out for publication, .Mr. Hen-
- W.
— Ko
exhausted. The tools hive not been dricks owns
meet for $400; and one to J.
•III fo'in»: yet.
for $700; and one to A. F. 8*
of timber in
that vicinity
Mr!. Annie Wilcutt, of Deadwood, which be will hold for a while lon-
. tings
for |611; and one to C. H
for 2204, be and the same “. here- has r ne to Florence to pre ve up on ger.
!.. Hunztekcr, Al x
Porter Bros. are
by ratlf'ed, approve! and ' niirtned, a tin ber "lalm.
treasurer Is
and '
z Instruct- Powe.' and C. Wilcutt ure the wit- tractors, They made a large sum of
T *»
;<on due pre- ; tiessi a.
ed to
money on Hill's North Bank road
J. A Burnett, of this place. Is look- and are investing their earnings
.1 oi tar i •
and all war-
ing a ter Mr. Powers' ranch while he h».*avlly In
-action fund
Western Oregon timber
«'•d that a copy is at Florence.
Uvcred to the
<•.' resol
ur. forthwith, have ever had was Sunday and Tu»*s-
treave r
It blew quite a lot of timber
u said Reisner, i day.
by the
..Id »opy. shall re- . In tl. » road: also putting the tele-
after roe,
f said warrants II li­ phon Un»;* out of commisHlon. They
fuie to paJ
on pre? wet, - of the same, the jure b'!nx repaired as fast as po*«’
may <r Is hereby authorize.) <11- bin.
Ta lor'« log ;lng camp expect* to
retted to file charges against raid
Rtlinar with the city recorder a'n<! be through logging at H. Stetnba»!- Annual Meeting of Stockholders MISS HELEN EUGENIE MALONE*
to , rve upon sail Rehn» r a <• >py of er’« n about three weeks if the
Held in This City This
said charge» certified to by the city weati er will permit.
bert Osburn of New York, were mar­
Th salmon hatchery at this place
re< < rn’ r; sai l charge« shall be In
ried today at St. Catherines Roman
writing, verified by the oath of the has hitched out about one hundred
Catholic church, Spring Lake. N. J.,
mayor, a., I •'hall bri< fly specify the thorn mil young «almon already and
where Marlin Mafoney, father of the
fal are or u< tl 'ct of duty of which have lots mor«* eggs to haten.
The annual meeting of the stock­ bride, hgs his summer home, with the
Th ■ i *lmon run was light this fall,
ft Is claim >d the raid Helsner has
holders of the Booth-Kelly Lumber full sanction of the church.
been guilty, and shall also specify owln to th<* fishermen giving them Oo., was held in the «»mpany’s of-
In October,
Helen eloped
a time and place when ana where no chance to get to th»*fr «pawning fl<e In Eugene this forenoon and the with Samuel R. Clarkson, a Ixmdou
the sa'd Reisner may appear before ground.
old officers and directors were all guest at the Maloney home, and her
the tomm' n council and be heurd
They are as follows: F. father brought his daughter back
up >n charge»."
II. Buck, president; E. H. Cox. vice front Europe.
In the meantime it
The vote on the resolution wan us
president; Goo. H. Kelly, secretary was discovered that she had gone
(Special Corre*p»»ndence. I
and treasurer. The directors are as through a marriage ceremony with
Winberry, Jan. 31.
Society has
Moon. Gilbert. Heller. Berger, nays:
F. H. Buck, Geo. H. Kel­ Osburn, then a Btudent of Princeton
been on the rampage up her»* lately.
Fisher and Williams.
ly, E. H. Cox, P. 8. Brumby, Chas. University,
According to this, the ciiincll Is On Jan. 9 at Mrs. A. L. Ilouck’« there G Briggs, J. E. llannatier and A. C. names.
The marriage was annulled
determined to oust Treasurer Iteis- was a dance given in hofor of her f Dixon.
on the ground that they had never
ner If he »till persists In refusing daughter Beatrice’s fifteenth birth
No business of especial Interest lived together.
to honor the warrants Issued In pay­ day, then on the 16th Inst at the to the public was transact«*»! Some
The re-marriage today culminated
ment for right-of-way for the pro­ domicile of Ed Waggoner, at Wi.'ber- of the stockholders left for their dif­ the romance.
ry Burn. whl< h was a pleasant ('me
posed electric power plant.
ferent home* on the noon train and
The treasurer today
to considering the distance to go horn1*; the others will leave tonight and in
pay the warrant* and action was at then on the 23d Inst, at tho home oi the morning.
Mrs. Elsie Young there was a gath­
once taken against him.
ering of young and old and under
Miix r Thing?».
V. It. Huck's management they pro-
Attorney H K. Bryson. In behalf
c»«*ded to hav<* an "Irish wake" and
of J. M Martin, made a complaint "don't go home until morning" time. t
Dr. C H.
A wood, recently
that th<‘ c >uin li was dlscrlmlnatIng
♦ found guilty and sentenced to _______
a coun-
A. I
Huck departed on Monday, ♦
when it allowed M F. Griggs to build the 18th Inst., for Wendling, to take
I ty jail term for maintaining a nul-
At the home of II. F. Welch, Jan. i:nance in the conduct of th" Atwood
a frame addition to the hotel Griggs charge of the Booth Kelly donkeys
31, 1209. George L. Buoy and Miss I Maternity Hospital at Tremont, has
Imide the flr<* limits. It was moved not the long-eared ones.
Mlnnlo B. Welch. Rev J. L. Beat­ filed suit In the circuit court :■ gainst
tn ’tke that entire block outsld»" the
Clären»" McBee waa an the CHBek
ty, officiating.
fir»* limits, but the motion wns los
C. It. Piggott and J. A. Finch. his at-
on buslu»‘vs last week
by the
it irneya, to recover $364.40.
He as­
rt.r More in his b <n having some
LI! >rt
Roach, trouble driving Ings on the upiwr part
inert» that he employed counsel oli Oc­
them íalo,
of I hi* er» ek
IT» r
They were to see the cas
Mre. Elsie Young suff**r**<l some
council on the pojr tewcr*
loss of Is J during this last high wa­
»out li o tern part of the eli,
tt i
met er wa» referred to tht
com ml ie and the city en
council upon the matter of
down the fence around
He »Cttel that much of the fence
was on hl* pr party sml separated
a strip of land from Lincoln street
to his house, own»! by him, front
the railroad right-of-way; also CO
feet of fence between his properly
and that f J. Pollock the drayman,
was taken down
Mr. McMurph«y
propped that If the city opens Wil­
lamette street
the railroad
track to a point opposite hl* real-
den e he will deed thia narrow strip
which la an extension
street, to the city.
No action was
taken on the matter.
A motion was made and carried
that work on the drainage well In
the rear of the new I O. O. F. block
be stoppel, as It would endanger the
water supply of the wells in that
It was «greet to take up tbe mat
ter of the charter revision at a m<«et
Ing Saturday night.
The fire chief was ordered to not-
if) J II. Colemon to put in two fire
•scape» on his three-story lodging
house building on Willamette street
A T-i* claim of H. R. Kincaid on
«♦’*♦!' assessment and * PtrtHion for
an electric light on Garden avenue
were referred to the proper corn
mlttees. Th* matter of Inspector tor
curbing and drainage via referred
to the street committee artth power
to act
Superlntendeat Taylor stat­
ed that there was ao water main on
West Eleventh street, where It Is to
be paved «nd It was referred to the
street c;mutfitve with power to »<
The Nrcr^ gg l<t,a |jf,
• A Frcat> hcicatlM * •« discovered
•ns secret »7 los* '
HI* method
deal* with xhe bioo
B ji k ii •««
Xmerlcaa* had proved
KllctrlC Witter* prolongs
life and
makes It wart
It purifies,
enylrhe, and v
builds waste
■tir* »v«
life and ton»
It'* a g<>»l»»Htd
bllttated pen
had tdtzhted
Me .
heads Il 's
| -r*:> .T0U
l-cicgerson '
l yel her u«
I ter foreben»!
«ii sssure y<
I ^ituiueu tb<
I jjoi ou the .
1« ¡i tins not
Lriiiir was t C
| To* “re 5
I „ ue t.lf
l^lnir to I-1
| -., . <■ sure
|*C »Ulilillu.
0,000 Rolls
Regardless of Cost at
Chambers’ Hdw. Co.
**XX I
♦♦U I
■ «Md r"
I “T. -riblc "
■ *'Vr.;'i i''1'"
■ •Tnt is «
w “Have yen f<
l«rr 1: was?"
I The ma'.1st rn
I "Ard the v "i
I Here the <>. t
e•♦♦•♦♦‘t <
«••**«.♦• sssssüs * sees ■ ♦***<
J-.,.;,eeweeweee ♦»
♦♦•♦♦••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦•♦♦♦T»*•• •*
*>»♦♦♦♦*♦•••♦«. » • o
* .*.»«♦»»»
S ’e Ends
February 20th
■ fly n>' Ermivl t
Its that, if t’i ■
her thront a fc
Iftanwrson w>t
■ ■
■ ’
I '
■ t>ri* ar.'
■ <
■ '1 !i
■ . r-
■ 't tai'
■ ¿r-::-.- I)** fri:
■ ’ ■
■ v
li the <i".
■ oaly < utran< .' t
■ ä'wns auto:
■ < ll.'.ut I'.' < >j„ ■
I <r or Inside, <>*;
■ citi keys whirl:
I [wssbn of
I M. Stenverson
I to need fie tin.,
■ 'toil in tht
l oose, during tl
I left her father
I rush«1, Im,, t|H
■ hr’"?!*'- o’ up
I lory, the door
I mined . Io«od .
I lee for upenin .•
I <* In his pool.
I the Other. As t
E jetlllon. there a
I <"» of the yell.
I the lsbcratyrv 1
I CDBr.’— the wi<
l-lwklnî Into tho ]
I “It h by that *
¡‘•I from the pat
j «le
glI Hew dn you
Ip'Hnw? oh.
|w>on’h: As soon
I F-^pe by th.
Im only Way out
■ ■tlie vestihnle.
a grate,
H»’ "f the ye
IJ» loi-s. U
^’slwntory ho
Itttxuier f.,r
|w* tnunj(>ror e ,
[> found a win !
I’*'"’*' of the <
l^tath* par!; e
13 Days Merciless Slaughte
Bedding, Underwear, Children and Womens Coats, Shoes, Men’s Hats, Men’s Suits and Overcoits Dre^Gnds W)
nen’s Wai
Rebuilding Sale.
Let nxhing keep you a wav.
prices are always rhe lowest and our quality the best and NOW when we are slashing the prices low
r, you cannot an ord to miss
this opportunity.
In n!
M11 M.d
a of it ’ o -
7*’ h the , «
E?Jbars, h
lx ’^e iron )
| bT thfl(r
M»« proof thfl
' Trac», .
«M o, tb(.
g***• »n<1 f..
T’jwm the r
13 Days of Unheard of Bargains-13 Days
that tfc(.
’»lnt th
f«‘’et„d ,n p .
them m
E ,f >• tapo«;
fc?!,'*tt>*. m,:
Slaughtered in
The Crescent
I je mili')- r' ■
I -,\rd
Having bought a large stock of Wall Paper direet
from the factory, for ( ur spring trade, we find it neces­
sary to close out our present stock, at great sacrifice, to
make room for our new stock.
in tact nearly every article will be slashed to the quick for this gigantL
I? '
■ t'kH '.v -I."
I, L.l hl'1'
b' '■ '
■ «<M h I
I m*!, if sb ■ I'
llffrf I' “I’ " '
The back of our immense store will all be taken down and a large brick will be built
clear through to the alley to accomodate our fast growing business, But while the
back part is being taken out is what is worrying us. We have a large stock of goods
in the annex and what shall we do with them? We must sell them some w ay And
igain our spring goods are coming in every day adding another stone to our burden
We must sell them.
Eleatklr Rsilwny Franchiw.
The Laue Count) Asset Co.. appli­
ed for a franchise to bull! an elec­
tric railway line over certain streets
of the city to be operated In connec­
tion with the prop<eed line from Eu­
gene to the mouth of the Hluslaw
An ordinance granting the
franchise was presented and It wa*
laid over till the meeting Saturday
More I'
An ordinance for paving Oak street
from East Ninth to East Eleventh.
w»s passed
It was ordered that the
city attorney prepare ordinances tor
paving as follows
Oak street from
East Seventh street to the east line of !
East Fifth street; East Fifth street
from Willamette to Oak and East
Sixth street from the alley to Oak 1
street. The ordinance ordering East '
Tenth street paved from Wlltamealte,
to learl. was referreJ to the
C;n>cii't?e to fix the width j
■ '
Sale Starts
February 6th
Gibraltar. Feb. 2.—The captain of
one of the battleships under Admiral
Sperry is today under arrest on boar I
of his own vessel to be tried by court
martial tomorrow on charges prefer­
red by one of the rear admirals, that
he was under the influence of intox­
icants at a reception given on shore
a few days ago. Tht* captain denies
the charges and said his condition
was due to
following the
rough voyage and long watches on
deck during the tempest.
The name of the accused officer is
Edward F. Qualtrough. captain of
battleship Georgia, and
Ira A. Nice was today appointed
T G Hendricks, S. B Eakin and
charges were preferred by Rear Ad­ P J. .McPherson, appraisers of the administrator of the estate of his
miral Wainwright.
estate of Mrs Surah Spencer, de­ father, Francis M. Nice, who died
suddenly at his home near Thurs-
Atwood, to be used tor the physi­ ceased, have filed their inventory
The estl-
cian’s benefit during the trial.
He with the probate court, reporting the t.n a week or two ago.
mated value of tho property of the
says he authorized Piggott to retain property vauled at $*,270. as beling-
es.ato is $6,000.
|20, the balance of the latter's fee. ing to the estate.
and has demanded the balance of
C. W. Klum. of Ashland, is in Eu­
J. E. McKibben/of Marcóla, spent
$430. only 265.60 of which has been
gene on business.
last night in the city.
paid. —Oregonian.
538 and
’’ bw>m or i,.
tn rp.,.
w” th’- ’
*'0*' «»k<M