— TH*. KLWALYK WKMK1.Y «MLMW. > TH< Rfl»AY, n» music and games until midnight, when a delicious lunch was served, that be­ ing part of the surprise. Those pres­ ent were. Mr. and Mis. J K. Barnum. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wetbke. Mr. and Mrs. Arba Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gomph. Mr. and Mrs. John Barr, Mr and Mra. Merrell Bennington. Mr and Mra. Clinton Hurd. Mr and Mrs Milton Spurgeon, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bar­ num. Miss Agnes Day and Johnnie Day : ♦ FADS AND FASHIONS " J ♦ IV. I SALE OE fAlcfil MEDICINES STOPPED BY DISTRICT ATTY. The sale of («'runs. Hostetter's Bitters, Electric Hitters. Lashes' Bit­ ters and other similar patent medi­ cines. has been ordered stopped by District Attorney Bryson and the lo­ cal drug stores are looking to see which one of the companies manu­ facturing the medicines, will take up a test ease, The cours«' of the or- der is that there Is alcohol in the composition of the medicines, from which, it Is alleged, Intoxication has resulteil The notice has not ouly been served upon the drug stores of Eu­ gene, but applies to all of those in the district. As a result the users of the famous household reme'dtes are likely to have to Import their medicine, as the liquor user does his beverage, the local option law being the statute under which prosecution is probable. The Peruna company seems to be th«» concern which is most likely to test the order. That firm has spent great sums In advertising compared to w hich the cost of a test case is In­ significant. The other companies also have been appealed to Probably the medicine can be sold through local stores on a doctor's prescription, analogous to th«* sales ot liquor. However, the direct sale, it appears, will b«' prohibited. Peruna, it Is alleged, contains 16 per cent of alcohol, while Hostet- er's Bitters has 39 per cent. Other favorite remedies have various pro- portions. f MAKES HL.PURT UN FORESTRY SÎÏUAIIUN Washington, Dec. 10.—Senator Reed Smoot, chairman of the section of forests of the conservation commission, submit­ ted an inventory of the forests at today's session of the commis­ sion. The reading of this report, which went minutely into the forest resources of the United States and offered fcr the con­ sideration of the joint conference certain resolutions whereby the public domain of this country may be protected against waste, consumed practically all the morning session. During the general discussion of the report the governors of several states pledged themselves to co-operate with the federal government in a practicable scheme for the conservation of na­ tional forests. Guard Special Service. New York. Dec. IX—Wimer ha» come in earnest and with tt interest in furs. Ail tlie large and tashiouable shops dis­ The social life of Eugene has be»?n e. Mr J play quantities ot furs ot every kind, M ••livened tms week by a series of three Mrs In sets or individual pieces, and their g room, which was n. M W delightful afternoons given by Mrs 1. M d with high school tur departments are working over time Kuykendall A k Booth and Mrs. Wm. ~~ ~ * M nd white, and foot- to satisfy the crowds ot women, anx­ D. H f M m«*nts were served ious to make their selections before the the home of the former. 143 East Nini M M K ftre« ..a <>n Tuesday the ladies spent ti th Miss Meta Gold- best bargains have been snapped up. M ink W yn Bristow. Little Never before were furs more fashiona­ aft- ?rn»»on with llielr needlework ai J \\ nt a were given as ble than at the present time, and never wen •e favored with several dellghtf M. 1 •ning Those pres- did the shops display a greater variety ▼oca al and instrumental selections t J Mr Misses Edith Prescott and Flo lys McKenzie, Miss ot handsome and attractive made-up the M Vi M I Misi nrrie El spas«, furs. When one considers how greatly •nee Winsor. The hostesses were ,r M M Mi Mary Barker. a hand: nine set ot turs en Lances the •isle ed in serving by Miss Pauline 1’ W Mice Bullard. pleasing effect of a simpl serge, chev- ter. Miss Cosby Gilstrap, Miss Chi w M • s Winlt Mi Lillie Koggs, iot or English mohair tailor-made sult, Vunn t 1» Mia ss Flora Ball, or to what extent it emphasize! the arbara Booth. On Thursday Mis., Sc'iuitor S iihk »(’ n Kv|M»r(. M Enola Wells, splendor of a satin-finished cloth, oto- gues ssin_ g contest wus provided in w i< b following aro the essential points ¥ * * M man or velvet costume, the prevailing ss Nancy Pe- Mrs u Martha Chambers won the fin report ou the In Senator Smoot’s tv Mr Frank craze for furs is by no means surprts- priz te and Mrs. Hall the second. Ti ■ (oreat of the United State»: Mr. Mi I ton ing. who ) assisted on Thursday Were tli lint «• Have Comparatively few y Mabel ner. Mr. Ed- Kuykendall, Barton MU« Our forests now cover 650 million • rn D stin, Mr. Clay ’ were black, white, gray Olivia Risley. Edith Prvscot Bo-'f act cs. or alniut «me-fourth of the Unlt- P' W Porter Mr. Ivan An- there were probably not ed Stutvs. Tin* original forests covered Graf J a Brie. Again on Friday a < ot w not less than 8aV niilliun acres, or neat 1 Krieger, Mr. Jack a «!•». < n kinds of furs |o choose n Pl of hours were spent with needh iy one-half. W Ten Hoe. Mr. Gilford Today it is different. Not only d during which Miss Isolene Shu­ w< Forests publicly owned cover one- k M furriers offer a choice between Preston. ver rt ddered several beautiful vocal se- fourth of th«* total forest area, and con­ s. T than a score of genuine kinds of * * . lectio s. accompanied by Miss Wins«»:, tain one-fifth of all the timber stand­ Wi An \\ hat Muad He lion? have been received but with great ingenuity they iiav« ing. Forests privately owned cover Dainty refreshments were served by the Clif 1 For each million acres *>C for«*st In nu Eugene people of the duced the most deceiving iimits titive-fourths of the area, and contain Mi" ies « Kuykendall, Dunn. Gohlsmitl public <»wncr.ship, over thn • million rane Ne four-fifths of lite standing Umber. The and artificial varieties, as novel as Leone Kays and Mr. looth. The “ an rosMy surpi Jacobs in Minneapolis, are attrueii\«* rious aparemtnts were beauilfi.! and four times that publicly owned, but it \iilion of public forests Is the smaller Mis* N 26th, and they are what effects the furriers have been tu*»k before the nution and the stales. consisted of chrysanthemums and oth­ is geuviully more valuable. )*s. M Nietn to produce by skillful manipulation of oneymoon in Chicago, Forestry* Is now practiced on per The larger task is to induce private for- er cut flowers. M Mar Misa Nt ••st owners, which means three million y jrk her places of interest. low grade and cheap furs. One of the cent of the forests publicly owned and The invited guests on Tuesday were Mis Wal ker. Miss latest achievements is the imitation of on less than one per cent of the forests nu n, to laki > are uf what they have, * * and to teach wood users, which means Mrs C. E. Ankeny. Mrs. Darwin Bris­ i iss Agu< Bla< ck. M ims b Hau« privately owned, or on only is per cent The l«i the Episcopal church pointed fox by sticking white tips to . very one. how not to wu»te. tow. Mra F. L. Chambers. Mrs. F. M. of the total forest area ri y. Mi He len McK ‘ima. held th ' ar ' in the parish rooms the long liuirs of a common fox fur. If these things ar« done, they will U hat id Pro»lae«*, Mr. Baker. Ixnqueted by the losing side. A most adaptability of the present fashion The and one-half billion staves, over 133 adjust taxation that cut-over lands can Manila Chambers Mrs. C. S. Williams, Mr. Bean, Mr. Mc£wea, Mr. Dodeon. Mr. delicious supper was served at & o'clock Victorlne i*as been eagrerly adopted by million sets of headings, nearly 500 mil­ be held for a second crop. We must Hayea. yes Mr. Sweek, Mr. in the Odd Fellows hail and there were th« stout woman, because it conceals Mr Mrs. It. M Pratt, Mra G I> Linn, Mra . Lowell, Mr fia lion barrel hoops, three million cords recognize that timber costa no less to Toledo, O., Ilec. 13.—The official her too ample curves, and by the slen­ F. H. Wetherbee, Mrs. W. G. Gilstrap Stackpole, Mr .Geary. Mr.VanEHisen. Mr. i more than ninety ladies present. of native pulpwood. 165 million cubic grow It than It does to log and saw It. edict has been Issued, and now the We must continue and perfect, by der woman , beciuve at helps her to em ­ f«et of round mine timbers, and one Mrs. Adelaide Lilley, Mrs. Delxner Trim­ Burke. Mr. Husum, Mi Alton. Mr Stu­ # 4c # and nation, the preservation bv The Salmagundi Club was <*nter- phasize the long-drawn-out alenderue«« husband may picture how his wife and one-quarter million cords of wood state ble, Mra. Frank Page, Mra C. H. Fish­ art. Mr Harold Bean, Mr Kellogg. Mr. use'of forests already publicly owned; for distillation er, Mrs. L. S. Hill, Mrs. George Hall, Moore Mr. Henierara. Mr. Huston Mr. tained by Mr and Mm. C. B. Willough­ of line which is the aim of every fo«h- will look In the coming new spring we must extend It to other mountain U teat 1« Wasted by on last Tuesday evening Mr. and lonable woman at preatmt. i toggery. The ukase weat forth yes Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. F. E. Chambers Ernest Bean, Mr. Marion. Mr. Paine since l«70. forest fire« have each forests m«»re valuable for the perma­ l > ony coats are so longer regarded an and Mr. Willoughby. Mr. Mra. Spencer and Mrs. I. J. Wilson nent benefit of the many than for tna and Mn live« Mrs. W. O. Boynton, Mrs. J. Goldsmith, terday from the semi-annual conven­ year destroyed an average of 50 correct Tor street use by the ultra-tash- tion of tb<> National Cloak, Suit and and >50.000.000 worth of timber. Not temporary profit of a few. Mrs. Albert Geiser. Mrs. J. M. Shelley, Luke Goodricti and Mr .and Mrs. fía y were the guests of the club. ionable set, but they ar»< almost unl- ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs J W. West, Mrs D A Pain - Mr« Goodrich were the eliapero»a>e® of the Skirt Manufacturers. The main fea­ W W. Calkins. Mrs. W. H Hoffman. evening. A very pleasant surprise party was« yersally worn at Die week end ocmntry ture aboat the new style* for women Mrs. S. J. Wilson, Mrs. Thompson, Mra. ♦ ♦ * given Mra J. B. Nettleton os Tuesday house parties a*>d at country cluke as a appears tn be the vertical effect giv­ J W Woodruff, Mrs. W. A. Kuykendall i On last Monday Evening, as a sur- evening the occasion being her birth­ wrap to be sli.ppo drap- ilreases more (iutllcularly for misers was the subject of an address by J. A. Ockerson, member of the- • *rles «>f tin* afi(*!ts«on gown.auulil>-r«. Into requisition to sttpplem*»nt the work and is held in place by a knot of sett Beparate skirts, similar to suit of the roads The railroad companies Following are the most Import ­ < uUl> shirts, btn show more trlniauing. would not oppose th»* project. In fact, ant extract» from the report of the seme of ti»«* railway officials will prob­ Bel to- and uiauvr are the 4« ilare uaeil mainly in wwrttcal effects for tile tor fringe on a suuirt costume' Inland Waterways corn mission act­ ably help There 1» no neevasary an- in he I a* serge, checked in mauve. The ing as the section of waters of the tagonlsm between the rivers and the railways, and Improvement | skirt and coat are cut of creMsway ma- National Consurvation Commiaslon, will expand and waterway diversify the • »untry's h terhsl, except in the troul and batik. butore the Joint Conservation con­ i uvltiea. furnishing more work fur the Hand the collar uf velvet lx of She ta- railways Instead of less The Question ference held today I . r.qabh- typo. The bal let be worn It U m * been roughly estimated that Is a national Issue, and t pl»*dge the j with tills gown /« In ottoman, .tetmmad •the Inland waterway« of U h * count« y support of my a«s .coat Jaaqala Weber«»*« tddr«*«M The natet popular among the Jnatl>~ of >r»u U00.0U0 annually in sum» n The Brazilian A mb a «va dor» ad- era which are uaed for decura.tlng hala doners wfli furnish Orlatunaa cheer ■MUiner u« to promote Interstat« cum I m«rce «nd at the «nuie time greatly ie- In many kunlble botwi In Barop« dr »«as was very brief, saying In part: tiUa aeam.n Is. Juel as It has always the waste and eztrnd the use or 1 only come here to acknowledge your I beoa. the .oatrich plume. It is the moat this year Bines fleer ruber 1 In ’ *«uple. the burden would l*e <2 |-f cents interest In the progre«« of your slater American Hepubllca. Our cOntl- er« and »J«.. the moat uaobjectbmahle tn foreign money «rdars Ihnve i>eeu <«plta per y«ai ot >4 . in all " * " ' to be so» lient Is destined We offer as very .pecial a lot of Overcoats for the Little Fellows. from a humanitarian alami point uf lMwd by the New Ywrk postatfrioe It 1« roughly estimated that me di- Interdependent that th« __ ________ interaat s*e«t benefits would comprise an annual , view, a« It 1« obutlned from live birds r .i powerful body like yours, repre­ Sizes 2 1-2 to 9 years These Coats are made of extra-fin. woolen fab- The MKgfVVitt' is eauaMoriAily la ex ■MMriug in transportation <»f |*^sc0u. senting w„„wnit so „ accumulation uf science, of <» using them great pain, , without an annua! aavlng In flood .lautage merhantral .... ..--I —I sad creative power, ever- , There are several kinds ol oairlch ceaa wf the figure« «f text year al­ ♦♦u 41 «e,b»w.sos a«, «v •.<• *».. u..i asv- rising * eurh influence upon the employ­ tics and are the latest ideas from New York City. I plumes Th» <»n»* must universally rs«d though not .up to the fig urn», of aoma rf taig in forest fires of «1 1« set >..».000,- of <«pllal and on the Increase of J for docx»rating hade Is ths beauUful predown yanre. It 1s «ap«a'ted That glm. .^n annual benefit through cheap- ment wealth, would have onsi Jera ble effect I jtlume with threwdnch flujw. It la the total. Including large aims that nnsd power of fully >75 000.000. and an on the rest of the continent, were It to ♦ {(¿utte expensive, as large and perted ¡will be carried away 1« KtanrnniiliHi annual saving in soli erosion tor corrs- spread beyond the limits of your own arr rather scarce. Tken nulling this week, win amount to X»o ruling benefit through increased < ouutry The least sign in that direc­ ♦ ♦I ; specimens irm prcNlurtioit) of >500,000.000 -a t<>- tion Is of the greatest concern to ue ♦ >j there are th»* byociM*,'' plumes reMin ' tai of > I .000.OSO,000. or >1£ 50 per capita all Nothing would do so much for the bljng the kind first mentioned, hut hav­ rvre Qmn fg.UeO.OM There wan a time wlras Irekand »▼♦- Iaanualiy. I. »* , twenty times the cost. strengthening <>f the relations of our ing flues only on one side of the stem. in addition, large benefits would result two continents. I say two continente I Tills is wbat is usually called a Mpluck* «•Mved by far the largiwt proportion fruin extended irrigation, from the without thinking of the Panama canal. ' ed plumn although there 1« really of three Chrtatman gift« from b*-r drsduMge aniu«nt diminution of disease and saving < ontrary. shall be materially ln- ^**ssed. I.v the passage you may cut across the In choosing an Patrick plum«, b** sure lantic. 1»i the last frw peatw, how l of )»uman II*«». Isthmus However wide the cutting the to set* ttmt the stem is one piece, not ever, she has been rlosiIy yvcKHr«l lions indirect benefits would arise sympathy would easily lean «»v-r it. ln- made of several smaller plumes sewed elutions among the d**ere tn relatives and friend» In Italy I sine c ». a t< hh les require but a quar- j should l»r strong, yet pliable. IJer to A t rd •>f the metal required by I urge sums are sent. Io tb« ratted rail veld» of ilk«* capacity, and it The willow plume, the most exprn Kingdom. Germany, Hungary and slve of the ostrich plumes. Is a made rtnsnia. with IXTirnsirk. Austria. Swe­ would cor respondings reduce the «‘on- 1 atiinp1h»n of c«»ai hti both propulaioti ngl “ f tke flu la ac- Jtlng. a**d SL_2 ‘Z___ ♦ ♦ * ♦ I I qulred by tying extra flues to those aJ- den. Belgium. Grspce, The Nether He« keJiihg (he total cost of domestic ready on the stern, Thal 1« to mi , If land» and Switzerland following in I traffic by call and water and wagon, ♦ ♦fl you take an ordinary ostrich plume and th» order named with firigtitMge on Imports, It Is prob» ♦ * I cut the flues from a secund plume and able that th» average American family Washington. Dec. 12.—It la und«r- ♦ * I tie them on the flues of ths first plum*, pays for transportation of food and ♦ * I WII.UAMM- KIDAK. FI1.I> ■ .I tha’ the Hepburn rules revis- < lothing suure than 2o per cent uf their ♦ ♦I you will have a willow plume or i «., our consumers pay . Ion committee In the Hous« will ask Have yon neglected »our kidaeya? Mctuai ♦ ▼ I course, the knots must be as inconsplc- too mu« h aad our producers get too hi- ' to b« authorised to agree to com­ ♦ * I | uuus aa possible, and only the added llave yon overvorkeg your nervoaa tie fer the necessaries of life This eon« Fire gray wool blanket, ful ful)y,WOrth 54 50. .»3.50 ayatem and eaueed tronbla «Itb yonr ditloB would be rsilev««d by thu devel­ promise that th« Speaker might sug- ♦ * I »3.50 ♦ ♦I ends are curled. bladder? llave you opment of watsr transportation on as , geet If desirable. Thle Is considered The chief (harm of present-day coif­ kldney« and dbl teize, worth $4 • #2.7» Xxtra heavy jray mottled wool Blan ♦ ♦ * I I fure ♦ lies In the soft, fluffy effact wbicb ¡»alee In tbe lelna rtde back grotna ad«*«|uaie aola. of the **re* It la estimated that ths Income de- s virtual back-down Fine gray wool blanket» f-! ♦ ♦I is out of the question with balr that la >1« toe freguent a dnetre u» gaee Fflvsd from power developed by work« | formers'* who. a few days ago, at* kete. full double lise, worth ♦ ♦| •tiff, damp or ld by Lian Drug • lone would, al current market rate«, their declaration o fwhat they In- utilised In co-operation with states an»l ♦ ♦ I p*rfectly healthy and absolutely clean Company. prlee !• "»nta ...................................... S3.50 citizens, compensate th* — — ntlre cost of I tended doing to the Speaker. It la Tbla rule holds steadfastly ♦ ♦I condition Extra heavy Q> at the latest. In the other individuals among the element I night. last twenty year« the volume of th« favoring revision of th« rule«. Fz>AiUUfGJfl FA1RBANMK ALL ALLURING LINES DOOMED BY FASHION’S DECREE = DeWITT’S KIDNEY AND BLADDER PILLS FOR ft L A AMJ’ A ZAf IT> V/1 V/1 A WEEK’S TRIAL 25c iLimuwuwiuw. 3 EUGENE’S VERY BEST CLOTHING VALUES You’re interested in saving money—if not you ought to be; and clothes money is just as good to save as any. The very important savings ycu can make here are not made at the expense of guality of the goods, but come about through our close mi'.' connections, personally supervised factory, and buying in very large quantities for three stores. ::: 9 H a WATERWAYS REPORT WAS SUBMITTED TODAY ,?i' FOREIGNERS SEND MUCH MONEY HOME Boys $7 00 to $ 15.00 Overcoats at $5.00 Mens’ Pure Wool Underwear, Colors Brown and Gray Special $ 1.00 Garment Men’s fine Worsted Suits. Navy Blue only, worth SlZ.bU.................... Men’s Suits, made of warranted all-wool Oregon made cloth, gray and brown, worth to $18.00 Men’s very fine Worsted Suits, newest models. worth every cent of $20. go at Men’s Cravenette Rain Coats. These warranted $12.50 values, go at ...... Men's Overcoats, made of all-wool Oregon mace cloths, real $18 values.............................. $ 8.50 9.85 12.50 9.85 ExceptionolBargains, OregonMadeBlankets B rownsville woolen mill store B CANNON WILL STILL BOSS THE HOUSE