f l t.f- M \\ EEKI I »•I Uli). THIIISDAV, \ Al iltElt II». IlHtN LAWYERS ASK CHANGE OF 77AW\\XX«O IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG IT flAKES SICK WOMEN WELL. Na woman', apo«,I »„ ,¥er fid«»« .»planed wbeu ,he wn„. or r d RACE RIOT ENDED ? IN OKLAHOMA R. V. Pieroe, President. B mlU “‘'-Uiral t>o» .7 What is CASTORIA rw.ement ct a da. *<•••........... . .................................... Headquarters for TOYS, DOLLS, SOUVENIRS WHOLESALE AND R.ETA1L 25c Cold Mouide Records 513 Wilhmette St 35c New Indestruct­ ible Records Fit Any Machine added C«»toria i* a hnrmleM »iibstituto for Cantor OU. **arc- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrup». It la I'leiuuuit. It contain» neither Opium* Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. lit age is ita guarantee. It destroy» Worm» and alia«» Feverishness. It cures IMarrloea and Wind Colic, it reliovee Teething Troubles* cures Constipation and Flatulency. It aM»iinilat*>a the Food. regulate.» the Stomach and ltowels, giving healthy and ’laturul sleep. Tlie Children's Panacea—The Mother's Frteud. GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS __ OREGON WINS IN SUPREME COURT PACKING PRUNES FOR FEDERATION FAVORS THE FANCY TRADE ASIATIC EXCLUSION COMMENDS NEW DOWAGER TO REGENT GltEENLEAt* ITEMS TRIAL OF FRED CRAIG BEING HELD PRINCETON ELEVEN Fancy China and Japanese Ware Watched Fift<»-« Irani. “For fifteen years I have watched the working of llucklen'a Arnica and it has never failed to euro Chapman and C. >' Salve; any sore, boll, ulcer or burn to which it was applied It has saved in of testimony was In many a doctor bill," says A. F. late hour this after- Hardy, of East Wilton, Maine, 25c at W. A. Kuykendall's Drug Store (Special Correspondence.) Greenleaf, Oct. 16.—A company of people at the Lake and vicinity has bought a blooded stallion. Charley Campbell has taken the contract to care for the horse for one year. There will be a dance at Elt Hust’s tonight; also a shooting match today. O. Wllcut, Marion Wheeler and Pete Wllcut are among the latest to be called to Eugene. There are only a few more left and they are trem­ bling. Wm. H. Wheeler has bought a vac­ uum cleaner Good-bye broom Wm. Harris, Elmer Lamb and Dave Hunter were summoned on the Tabor case this week from Alpha. Several also came in from that sec­ tion. Mlu«l \ <>„r lituane»« KASPARiLLA Tliissterling li useho..i successfully prescrilsd f' r troubles.'' For def iu| gestive organs it is a natural corr operating directly ujxm th. i ■ r ■ <.i nienliry canal, gently but stimulating a healthful a beneficial influence ex' every portion of the system, a processes of digestion and e-sinu food, promoting a wholes- nr. na appetite, corretimg sour stomach breath, irregularities of the '• we. stipation and the long list of trout ■ s direct!v traceable to those unwh ewm conditions. Kaspanlla dis{>tis dro ness. headache, backache and despot ency due to inactivity of the liver, kidneys and digestive tract strengthening tonic of the highe- • ' ■ ■ • If it fails to satisfv w ’ r dealers to refund th< I H ovt C hemical Co. Portland, Oreg The Multnomah-Whitman college game at Portland Saturday resulted in a 11 to 5 victory for Multnomah PENN WIPES OUT WOLVERINE TEAM Martin anil llayes Win. In the case of W. O. Martin and C M. Hayes vs. L. G. Clark, to re­ cover money, the jury Saturday af­ ternoon returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiffs in the sum of 1200. The jury consisted of the following T A. Gilbert, Andrew Bunch, S. B. Jackson, Jr., Thos. Gray, O W Brab­ ham, George Fisher, E 8 Prlndel, Otho Herberts, G. T. Hay, Frank Blanton, J. D. Humphrey and James Seavey. Live and Dressed Turkeys wanted at Dodge’s Grocery and Produce House Top Cash Price Guaranteed E. DODGE Scobert & Dodge NEW REAL ESTATE FIRM FURSiHIDES ' hunters strappers guide . R L. Edwards and E R Copenhaver have opened a real estate office at Coshen. Or , and have farms from eijht acres up at prices that will suit all Call and see our list. EDWARDS & COPENHAVER, Goshen. Oregon.