TMK KIXIKNR DAILY GUARD, THURSDAY. JULY 30. IXM g itf',1 ■■■ , •L | • — fled today of his nomination for tbe teles, which it confidently believes form and the revision of the currency presidency by the Republican nation­ i will be of the highest service to the laws. The notification ceremonies were al convention, which was neld in Chi­ 1 nation in her every part; that it has followed by a review of the march- cago last month. The rally, in point from among its strong and exper- [ ing clubs, which was tae spectacular 1 on BALI wamt « d -(C o .,I11 iiw L j 4 of numbers and enthusiasm, far out- i ienced statesmen,—men who service | feature of the day's program. Sev­ eral thousand marchers were In line I ranked any demonstration of like j to the public has demonstrated their FOR SALE A good work team, wag­ "" [ character ever £eld in Cincinnati. I worthiness in clearness of character, | and numerous bands. Th? procession on and harness. Price, $225. West W ANTED—Three girls » was headed by the far ious Blaine uursiug at the Eugene le*rs The event wa»- In every detail a most I devotion to the country and the wel- Eighth street, adjoining feed mill I Club, the members of which, clad pital. Apply t0 Dr J W glorious and gratifying success. I fare of the individual citizen, and At an early hour salutes of cannon with full understanding of the Na- I in white duck trousers and blue serge FOR SALE —Tuorougnorea Hereford coats, presented a very nat.v appear- tf were fired from the four hilltops of i tion's needs in her highest and best bulls for sale. Enquire 550 Wil­ ------------------------- ---- _ Cincinnati, July 28.—Amid the WANTED—Furnished house - the city, which brought the whole aspirations, selected you as its can-, j ance. - lamette street. tf blare of brass bands, tbe stirring * — — 1 ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ’ — rooms for two or three ™ Or 1 , w population to a condition of wakeful- didate for President,- the highest strains of martial music «nd the j I neas. All morning great crowds of honor that can be conferred by this GEORGE KELL) 1 not too far out. Three inm»Ontll,; FOR SALE—Full-blooded Kentucky Eugene Real Estate t lave^L i Constitutional Republic, and I would.' HOW r • * huzzas of enthusiastic crowds, Judge I people poured into the city from the Walker hounds; Booth stock. In­ quire of K. A. Booth. al8 William H. Taft was formally noti- suburban towns on both sides of the I therefore add, the most exalted polit- tf Ohio river, while every train brought | ical office on thlB earth, and the com- Portland, July 27.—An indication FOR BALE—Buff Orpingtau eggs, in large numbers from every city of I mittee which you see before you, Notice For Publication —Position by T 13 for |1. W. B. Hampton, 1102 WANTED- consequence in Ohio and the neigh- I whose chairmanship I have the honor of the possibilities of lumber man­ United States Land Office, stenographer of two years' L ldr to hold in tbe temporary absence ufacture in Oregon was the principal ing states. Columbia avenue, corner 19th at. Roseburg, Or., April 1, 1908 ence. References furnished I from the United States of tbe Honor­ feature of the Booth-Singleton con­ Notice Is hereby given that in Cincinnati expected a big crowd dress M A., Box 38 A, R y n *.d' trial in the federal court to­ FOR SALE—A flrat-class barn, suit­ compliance with the provisions of the and had prepared to entertain, The able Henry Cabot Lodge of Massa­ spiracy 8, Salem, Or. ® day. This advertisement of how to able to be made into a dwelling. act of congres of June 3, 1878, enti­ entire business portion of the city was chusetts. Permanent Chairman of the make money in Oregon lumber was Convention, Enquire 856 or 846 Aider atreet. tf WANTED—A young man wfa0 u tled "An act for the sale of ttmber handsomely decorated with flags, Republican National made on the witness stand by George lands In the states of California, Ore­ banners and bunting, and presented a now tenders to you. at the- direction posted in geenral merJA’'11 Kelly, of the Booth-Kelly Compa­ FOR SALE—2 % acres adjoining city stock as clerk. Only <2“^ gon, Nevada and Washington terri­ gala appearance. With the arrival of of that Convention, the formal nom­ H. ny, the sole remaining stockholder of tory," as extended to all the public every train delegations headed by ination of the Republican Party for the limits; easy payments. Enquire of comes well recommended hon«? original company, which was I Howe & Buoy, 536 Willamatte land states by act of August 4. 1892, bands poured into the streets and the Presidency of the United States, composed and competent need answer > of R. A. Booth and James | Leslie P Miller, of Eugene, county of were shown to the headquarters at and J hand you tn engrossed copy of M N„ this office. r stroat. Lane, state of Oregon, did on Novem­ the Hotel Sinton by members of the the platform of policies adopted by Henry Booth, now on trial, John F. Kelly and George H. Kelly. All have FOR SALE—A well-bred Shire colt, that Convention. ber 16, 1907, file In this office hiB notification committee. Particular FOB RENT I cannot, sir, complete the dis­ disposed of their holdings except sworn statement No. 9426 for the attention was paid to the welcome of 3 months old. W. A. Heck, three ------------------------------------- W pure base of the W 16 of SW 14 and the members of the notification com­ charge of this most agreeable duty George. It was in 1898 that the miles southwest of Eugene. Phone FOR RENT—Nice front room fnT four men. after a partnership, incor ­ SE14 of SW *4 of Section No. 34, in mittee. the members of which repre­ without assuring you of the high re­ porated as the Booth-Kelly Lumber Farmers 288. J30 nac^ heat; electric llghu ..a spect in which you are held not only Township 19 south, Range No. 2 sented every state and territory. b.ti? Suitable for two by those of your own political faith, Company, with a capitalization of FOR SALE—Parties wishing to buy west, W. M., and will offer proof to One conspicuous feature of the but by your fellow citizens without $50,000. That was ten years ago. men. 154 East Ninth street show that the land sought Is more 200 acres of first-class timber land United States 1«and Office. Rose­ valuable for its timber or stone than demonstration was the prevalence of regard to the party,—of thelr admir- Today the capitalization of the com­ call on J. W. Carlile, four mile* MISCELI^NKOLR Taft and Sherman badges. Nearly ation of your ability, manifested pany is $2.000,000, having been in­ burg, Oregon, April 17. 1908. for agricultural purposes, and to es­ west of Hale. Notice is hereby given that in com­ tablish his claim to said land before every one of the tens of thousands throughout your public service; of creased from $50,000 successively to pliance with the provisions of the get W. W. CalETns, U. 8. Commissioner, of people seen about t Ije streets wore their knowledge of the preparation 1100.000, then $300,000, then to SALE—A full line of sofa pil­ SAY—I am here again to work i of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled, at his office in Eugene, Oregon, on some insignia of his devotion to the which you will bring to the discharge $1,500,000, until its present aggre­ FOR am the lone cement worker lows, doilies, embroidery silks, etc. "An act for the sale of timber lands Tuesday, the 4th day of August, Republican cause. They were every­ of the high and difficult duties of gate is $2,000,000. When the cor­ finisher. Get your work don« by U Mrs. S. S. Spencer.641 Pearl atreet. where. in the States of California. Oregon. 1908. President; of their belief in your poration was formed Jame3 Henry C. Williams. ’ ** phone Main 609. J30 Large parties arrived during the deep conviction of the equality of all Booth owned a quarter of the stock, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” He names as witnesses: L. B. forenoon from Pittsburg. Louisville as extended to all the Public Land Polll, of Eugene. Oregon; Joseph B. men before the law, and in the prac­ or $12,500. This stock he gradally NOTICE—Having recovered from mj Columbus sent tical application of that principle by dis;>osed of while the remaining FOR BALE—9-room house, three States by act of August 4, 1892, Wilhelm, of Zion, Oregon; Hermann and Indianapolis. Injury I have resumed my bmtn«» blocks from Willamette stdeet; lot down a delegation numbering more Parley 8 Pierce of Springfield. Coun­ Miller, of Glide, Oregon; James Wil­ any administration of which you may three original incorporators and out­ of horseshoeing and general black 80x76 feet. Price. $2100. Ore ­ than 1000 enthusiasts, headed by the ty of Lane. State of Oregon, filed In helm, of Creswell, Oregon. be the head, the rule by which every siders increased their holdings, until smithing. C. D. Holoway, Eut gon Land Company. tf famous Buckeye Republican Club. this office on April 15, 1908, his Eleventh street. Fairmount, Or Any and all persons claiming ad­ Cleveland. Toledo, Youngstown. Day­ official art of Mr. Roosevelt, as Presi­ in January. 1904. James Henry Booth sworn statement No. 9713, for the versely the above-described lands are dent, has been squared, which has sold his remaining stock. How much he received George Kel­ FOK SALE—Several hundred cords DON’T fall to see Chexem if you purchase of the SW 1-4 of NW 1-4 requested to file their claims in thia ton and Canton were much in evi­ won for him the confidence and re­ of wood; body fir oak, maple and dence. Urbana. Lancaster, Massilon, and W 1-2 of SW 1-4 of Section No. office on or before the said 4th day want bargains In real estate. We spect of hi» countrymen throughout ly said he did not know, but T. C. ash. B. A. Seelye, office at Plank Ironton and Sanduaky were In evi- the land, and which has brought to Becker, special assistant to the attor­ 2 4 in Townslilp No 18 south, Range of Augnst, 1908. buy and sell farm and city prop, and Johnson real estate office. ney-general. who is prosecuting the No 8, West, W M . and will offer erty. Improved and unimproved BENJAMIN L. EDDY. case, intimated to the witness and proof to show that the land sought Ttmber and mining stock. H Che^ Register. jury that James Henry Booth bad re­ FOR SALE—Five horse power gaso­ is more valuable for Ita timber or tem, Room 11. Walton Bldg tf line engina. traction wagon, and ceived $140,000. Such were the pro­ stone than for agricultural purposes, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. wood saw; in good order; price POLK 8 GAZETEER-—A business di­ gressive steps by means of which J. and to establish his claim to said United States latnd Office, Rose­ $225. Write, R. Cook, Irving. A-l rectory of each city, town and vil­ H. Booth saw his $12,500 grow Into land before W W Calkins. U. S. burg, Oregon, April 9, 1908. lage in Oregon and Washington a large fortune in eight years. Commissioner, at bls office in Eu­ Notice Is hereby given that in com­ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—For giving a descriptive sketch of each gene, Oregon, on Thursday the 3rd pliance with the provisions of the act city property, some good farm land place, together with the location day of September,, 1908 of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled, and some timber land; good loca­ and shipping facilities, and a clas­ CORONER'S VERDICT He names as witnesses' William H. "An act for the sale of timber lands tion. Address Owner, care Box sified directory of each business LN RENNE KILLING Pierce of Walton, Oregon; Jarvis U. In the States of California, Oregon. 567, or call Phone Black 2681. j31 and profession. R. L. Polk & Co. Sutherland, of Walton, Oregon; Wll- Nevada, and Washington Territory,” Inc., Seattle. 1 1 The coroner’s jury at the inquest llam S. Sutherland of Walton, Ore- as extended to all the Public Land gon. William Neely of Eugene, Ore- Stalo by act of August 4, 1892, over the remains of Jerome Renne, FOR SALE—Timber land; quarter CORRESPON- section in township 16, s. r. 1 w, INTERNATIONAL gon who was accidentally shot and killed E. Morgan Watson of Eugene, Coun­ DENCE SCHOOLS—"The Busy section 32. Will sell cheap if sold Anv end all persons clalm^ig ad- ty of Lane, State of Oregon, did on by his nephew. Ralph Mosburg. five Man’s University." Gives a thor­ at once. Address C. J. G., care versely the above-described lands aro March 26. 1908, file in this office his miles west of Creswell Saturday, re­ ough training at your own home Guard office. requested to file their claims tn this sworn statement No. 9587, for’the turned a verdict exonerating the In nearly all the trades and profes­ office on or before the said 3rd day purchase of the W 1-2 of SW 1-4 and young man. The verdict was as fol­ sions. Text books and instruments FOR SALE—A well Improved farm of Sptember, 1908 lows: SE 1-4 of SW 1-4 of Section 28; and (when required) furnished free. of 120 acres, 4 miles north of Co­ "We, the jury duly empanelled BENJAMIN L. EDDY. the NE 1-4 of the NW 1-4 of Section Full Information and circulars at burg. This is a bargain at $50 Register. land sworn in to inquire into the cause No. 33. In Township No. 17 south, the local enrollment office, 45 W. of the death of Jerome C. Renne, find per acre. On good terms. Smith Range No. 8, West W M„ and will NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Eighth street, R. J. Kirkwood, rep­ & Brown, Coburg, Or. that he was a white male person aged . .................... offer proof to show that the land United States Land Office. resentative. i 43 years and 7 months, and that he sought Is more valuable for Its tim­ Roseburg, Ore., Apl. 7, '08. ber or stone than for agricultural came to his death July 25, 1908, at FOR SALE—One National cash regis­ - Notioe Is hereby given that in com­ purposes, and to establish his claim about 10 a. m. from a gunshot ter, one Remington typewriter and LOST AM) FOUND pliance with the provisions of the to said land before W. W. Calkins, wound from the hand of Ralph Mos­ a large iron safe. Enquire of L. act of congress of June 3, 187 8, en­ U. 8 Commissioner, at his office In burg, his nephew, and who supposed M. Travis, Loan & Savings bank titled "An Act for the sale of tim­ Eugene, Oregon, on Saturday, the LOST—In Springfield near the big he was shooting at a deer. building. WILLIAM HOWARD ber lands In tli» stains of California, 29th day of August, 1908. bridge Friday morning somewhere (Signed) Reproduced from the latest portrait Oregon. Nevada and Washington ter­ FOR SALE—Good clean stock of near 8 o’clock, a ladles' gold watch, "ARTHUR DEMAREST. He names ns witnesses: William D. •f the presidential candidate. 1 ritory," a* extended to all tbe public Neely, of Eugene. Oregon; Gilt*« Fow­ general merchandise located at one Waltham works, with gentleman's "WM. C. HAMILTON. land states by act of August. A, *1892, ler of Meadow. Oregon; Joseph Fowl­ of tbe best trading points in Lane gold fob attached. Initials "C. F. "G H. PULLEN Thomas E Seavy, of Eugene, County county; win rent building; party B.” on fob. Finder please leave at "LUCAS COWGILL. of Meadow, Oregon; Martha Wat­ dence; and Hamilton and other near- •«NATOS WILLIAM WARN«*. of Lane, State of Oregon, did un er, must have at least $3.000, cash. Guard office and receive reward. "W. E SAPPER " 'by cities and towns almost depopulat­ son, Eugene, Oregon. January 27. 1908, file iu this office A gilt edge opening. Address Lock JM Mosburg makes the following Any and all parsons claiming ad­ ed themselves. Some of the delega­ bis sworn statement No. »547. for versely the above-described lauds are tions contained large numbers of ne­ him at all times their unquestioned sta'etnent of rhe killing; Box 21, Fall Creek, Or. the purchase of the W. U oí < N.W.14 requested to file their claims in thia groes. whose presence was hailed and earnest support. It was his uni­ "We left homa to look for an es- No. i¿ office on or before rhe said 29th day with joy by the rally managers as versal application of this rule which trav and took our rifles, for uncle FOR SALE OR TRADE— 180 acres (fractional) of Section NOTICE FOR PUB1JCAT1ON. In Township No. 17 of good timber land near Eugene. south, of August, 1908 caused his party, in National Conven ­ sad he had lately seen three deer in proof of the falsity of the statements United States Land Office, Ro»s- Range No. 3 West. W M.. Would exchange for residence tion. to pay him the following just Lynx Hollow We separated, takint that the negro rnce was dissatisfied BENJAMIN L. EDDY. and will offer proof to show that the property in Eugene. For further burg, Oregon. April 7, 1908. and splendid tribute of approval: either side of the canyon, and agreed with the republican ticket. Register. Notice is hereby given that In com­ land sought Is more valuable for its Information, see G. G. Gross, in "His administration is an epoch The event of the morning was the in American history. In no other to meet at a certain point. 1 was fi­ StVrlCE FOR PUBLICATION. pliance with the provisions of the art timber or stone than for agricultural Eugene theater block. nally sure I saw a deer and fired, flag-raising on the lawn of the resi ­ United States I .a nd Office. Rose ­ of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled purposes, and to establish his claim Since the national sovereignty but was horrified upon approaching dence of Charles P. Taft on Pike period to said land before W. W. Calkins, burg. Oregon, April 9. 1908. FOR SALE—One of the best stock “An act for the sale of timber landa was under Washington or preserved to find my uncle the victim." street, whoch was accompanied by ap ­ Notice Is hereby given that In com ­ U. 8. Commissioner, at his office In and grain farms in Lane county; in the States of California. Oregon, under Lincoln has there been such The crowds mighty Eugene, Or«'gon. on Thursday, the pliance with the provisions of the act propriate ceremonies. low price; well improved; good wa­ Nevada, and Washington Territory," progress in those ideals of THE REMEDY 1 HAT DOES. of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled that surged about the Taft home 20th dsy of August, 1908. ter; fine location; easy terms. Ad­ as extended to all the Public Land government which make for justice, "Dr. King's N»w Discovery Is the He names as witnesses: Henry "An act for the sale of timber lands and overran the lawns and steps equality and fair dealing among men. dress Owner, care Box 567, or en­ States by act of August 4, 1892. In the States of California, Oregon. remedy that does the healing others threatened almost to wreck the house Stella M. Huston of Madison, County Thelme, of Mohawk, Oregon; Link quire Phone Black 2681. j31 The highest aspirations of the Am­ promise, but fail to perform." says Nevada, and Washington Territory. ” itself in the general eagerness to hear Yarnell, of Mohawk, Oregon; Jesse of Lane, State of Oregon, did on Jan­ erican people have found voice. Mrs. E. R. Pierson, of Auburn Centre, as extended to all the Public Land the speeches and see what was going Seavey, of Eugene, Oregon; John Their most exalted servant repre­ Pa." It is curing me of throat and FOR SALE BY OWNER—Seven uary 4, 1908, file in this office her States by act of August 4. 1892. on. The day was clear and warm, room house, five and a half lots, sworn statement No. 9541, for the Stvavey. of Eugene, Oregon. sents their best aims and worthiest Any and all persons claiming ad­ George H. Watrous, of Bellingham. but the crowds seemed not to mind purposes of all his countrymen. lung trouble of long standing, that piped for Irrigation, high and dry; purchase of the Lot 3 and S. E. *» County of Whatcom, State of Wash ­ other treatments relieved only tem- the heat. small barn and chicken house; all | of L?. N. W. .. . % ,, of Section No. 2, in versely the •*'ove-deserlbed lands are American manhood has been lifted Half-past eleven found the mem­ up to a nobler sense of duty and ob­ I porarlly. New Discovery is doing me kinds of fruit and berries. If taken Township No. 18 south. Range N'o. requested to file their claims In this ington. did on March 26. 1908, file In this office his sworn statement No. so much good that 1 feel confident bers of the notification committee at at once, the price will be $2100; In­ 7, West, W. M., and will offer proof office on or before the said 20th day Conscience and courage in 9586. for the purchase of the S W the Taft residence tn readiness for the ligation continued use tor a reasonable quire of 806. East 13th Street. of August, 1908. t to show that the land sought is more public station and high standards of its 14 of Section No. 17, In Township length of time will restore me to per ­ real event of the day. It was after right and wrong in private life have BENJAMIN L. EDDY, valuable for Its timber or stone than 17 of South Range, No. 8 West. W. fect health. ” This renowned cough 12. however, before the ceremonies FOR SALE l ine mountain ranch of f,- agricultural purposes; and to os- Register. M., and will offer proof to show that began The speech making was con­ been the cardinal principles of politi­ and cold remedy and throat and lung 80 acres; 1 40 In cultivation and I tablish her claim to said land before life. Capital and labor have been healer is sold at W. A. Kuykendall’s the land sought is more valuable for ducted from a flag-draped platform cal about 40 timber; creek running W. W. Calkins. U. S. Commissioner, NOTICE FOR 1*1 BLK ATION. Its timber or stone than for agricul­ erected on the lawn Surrounding It brought into closer relations of con­ drug store. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle through farm; fair house and out­ at hh office In Flugene, Oregon, on U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, tural purposes, and to establish his fidence and interdependence, and the free. were the members of the notification buildings; located eight miles Tuesday: the 18th day of August, Oregon. July 15, 1908. claim to said land before W. W. Cal­ committee, the local reception com­ abuse of wealth and the tyranny of south of Eugene. Price 1,000. 19°8. Notice Is hereby given that Harri­ kins, U. 8. Commissioner, at his of­ power, and all evilç and privileged < ’ AIll) OF THANKS Carl G. Wasbbnrne. She names as witnesses: Gertie G. son K Shirk of 725 E 11th St.. Eu­ fice In Eugene, Oregon, on Saturday, mittee and a host of eminent party favoritism have beert put to scorn by leader» gathered from every section the simple and manly virtues of jus* Owen of Ivison. Oregon. Guard Hus­ gene. Oregon, who, on July 14th. the 29th day of August. 1908. We wish to offer our sincere LOTS FOR SALE BY OWNER—Two ton of Madison, Oregon; Georg« of the country. There were hut two tlce and fair play." 1908, made application under the He names as witnesses] Clark to all the dear friends who lots and 8-room house, barn; fine Vaughn of Ivison, Oregon; Roland Timber and Stone Acts, No 0217, for Devereaux of Eugene. Oregon; Frank addresses, that of Senator Warner, as It is gratifying to your country­ thanks were so kind to us during the illness land for garden; on Fourth street, Vaughn of Ivison, Oregon W4 Of NE14; SB 14 of NE14; and A. Tripp of Eugene, Oregon; Emil chairman of the committee, and men to reflect that of that adminis­ and death of our dear daughter and near mill race. Lot 160x95 on Any and all persons claiming ad­ NE14 of SE14, Section 8, Township Roberts of Greeuleaf. Oregon; I* T Judge Taft's speech of acceptance. tration yon have been a consptcnoui sister. Eva May Inman. Senator Warner’s S|w>*ch Twelfth and Alder streets. Just versely the above-described lands are 19, South, Range 6. West. Willam­ Devereaux of Eugene, Oregon. part, as you were of the administra­ MRS E F. INMAN. north of Patterson school. J. J. requested to file .their claims in this The chairman of the notification tion of Mr McKinley, whose accom­ ette Meridian, has filed notice of In­ Any and al) persons claiming ad­ C L. INMAN. Wahon, 515 Willamette street, tf office on or before the said Utb “*7 plishments mark a national progress tention to make Final Proof, to es­ versely the shove-described lands are committee spoke as follows: MRS CORA INMAN tablish claim to the land above des­ requested to file their claims tn this You are of course, not unaware, unsurpassed in all of our previous FOR SALE—Two story residence of August, 1908. MRS STELLA MATTHEWS. BENJAMIN T. EDDY. cribed. before W W. Calkins. U. S office on or before»' the said 29th that Mr Roosevelt's term as Presl- national life. and lot 80x160 between Ninth MISS LA 'REL INMAN. Register. It therefore, gives me a genuine Commissioner, at hla office at Bu­ day of August 1908. dent of the United States will ex­ and Tenth streets. Soon will be pleasure, Mr. Taft, to present to you gene. Oregon, on the 7th day of Oc- pire on March fourth, nineteen hun- BENJAMIN I, EDDY. good for business location. Also FILEDt tober, 1908. dred and nine; that the political par- this formal nomination from the Re­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Register. lot between Tenth and Eleventh Claimant names as witnesses: ties of our country are perfecting publican party, whose governmental United States Land office, Roseburi. streets. Apply 633 Olive street. Wtlllsms Indian Pile ointment Ixtals Hoselton of Crow, Oregon; NOTICK FOR Pl HI.ICATION their organisations preparatory to policies have so long "kept in bal­ Oregon, April 1, 1908. I4-lnch Mitchell wagon. act of Congress of June 3, 1878. gon. pliance with the provisions of the act that high office; that the Republican right to believe that the people are In good condition. Mules are true titled "An act for the sale of tlmuer gives Instant relief. Williams' In­ BENJAMIN L. EDDY, of congress of June 3, 1 878, entitled Party In national convention, turn- now looking to a fault and a perfect team for lands in the Stntes of Califor»* dian Pile Ointment Is prepared for Register. "An act for the sale of timber lands posed of delegates representing ev- all purposes. Price for outfit, Oregon. Nevada, and "The speech of the nominee was plies and itching of the private parts. In the States of California, Oregon. ery state and territory and the out-* Inquire at this office. Territory,” as extended to all NOTH 'Fl I'OR 1*1 IIIJUATION. Nevada and Washington territory," lying possessions of the United I listened to with close attention by Sold by Linn Drug Co., by mall 50c Public Imnd States by act of Aug«« U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, as extended to all public land states States.____________ FOR SALE — Cottage of five large! the great crowd that overflowed the ______ _________ _ assembled at Chicago on June i 4, 1892, Andrew Crooks of A1MW. and $1 Williams Mfg Co., Oregon, June I7tb, 1908. Q t la I Inclusive, eass 1 t■ «s I a1 a 4 rooms: pantry and bath room: by act of August 4. 1892. Mike Hetts- 16th to » 1 19th. has complet-jP ”^. J*}e yard, the sidewalks. an£ props., Cleveland. O County of Linn. State of Clr',g'”1' Notice Is hereby given that Air* man. of Eugene, county of Lane.state ed Its dellberktions. that it has out- perched Itself on the fence posts, tel ­ good drilled well; barn; buildings ~ *’*'* "* December 11, 1907, file iB Hasvol of Crow, Oregon, who. on of Oregon, did on March 30, 1908, lined and submitted to the citizen­ egraph poles and every other point of nearly new; lot 80x160; this is a on GERMAN COACH STALLION office his sworn statement No. March 13th, 1903. made Homestead file In this office his sworn state­ ship vantage. Several times Judge Taft snap for some one Price, 11450. of the Republic, for considera­ for the purchase of the E H of Entry No. 12503, for NW14, section ment. No. 9384. for the purchase of was forced to stop by the vociferous 'Nilson A Nichols, opposite Smeede The German coach horse which I % and W Ik of SE 14 of S-■ 1» south. Range the NW1* of NEK, and lot 5. of Sec- tion and adoption, governmental pol- cheering, and once of twice it was 1$. Township lll " ” ! _____________ J30 ' from Duncan Scott will 12. in Township No. 16 south ° Willamette Meridian, tlon No 24. in Township No, 19 6 West. NOTICE FOIL l»| ItLK'ATION. several minutes before he could con­ purchased make the stand during the season at No. 2. West W. M and will ww of Intention south. Range No. 5 west. W M , and filed not ice has V. S Land Office at Roseburg. tinue his remarks» Bangs’ barn. proof to show that the lajd . to make final fl ve-year proof, will offer proof to show that the land Oregon. May 2nd. 1908. "Safe government" as opposed to tf J. H. PERKINS to establish claim to the land above sought Is more valuable for Its tim­ Notice Is hereby given that Alice radicalism formed the keynote of the WANTED—TO RENT-A big farm more valuable for its Uthber or H ■ for awriculttrrai P’HT• T. described, before W W Calkins. U ber er stone than for agricultural J. Perdue of Eugene. Oregon. Who. Taft speech. Assurances were elven on shares, for from 3 to 5 years. than Ju«t F tartly Right to establish his claim to said /n*JT S Commissioner. at Eugene. Oregon, purposes, and te establish his claim on May 1st. 1908. made timber ap­ that the election of Mr. Taft would Address "C, D," care Gnard, tf fore W. IV Calkins. U. F "I have used Dr. King's New Life on the 19th day of September 1908 to said land before W W Calkins, plication No 9904. for W16 of SW mean than the principles advocated Claimant names as witnesses V. S Commissioner, at his office In 16. Section 2 4. Township 19 South by Theodore Roosevelt as president Pills for several years and find them WANTED Good all-around horse: sioner, at his office in Eugene, - Joaenh Gates of Crow. Oregon; Earl Eugene. Oregon, on Friday, the 28th Range 8 West. Willamette Meridian, would continue to be urged until they Just exactly right,” says A A. Fel­ must be good traveler, trnstv and gon, on Wednesday, the 6th New Life Parsons of Eugene, Oregon: I Earl day of August, 1908. gentle; weight. 1100 lbs Call at August, 1908, has filed notice of Intention to make became the law and settled policy of ton. of Harrisville. N Y He names as witnesses Baldwin of Panther. Oregon; H I. B. 13th street store. 13th and Patter­ Reduction of the Pills relieve without the least dis­ He names as witness^ Clay Ow­ Final Proof, to establish claim to the the United States comfort Best remedy for constipa­ son. ... B Miner, of Eugene. Ores Bald« in of Panther. Oregon en. of Eugene. Oregon; Joseph Heits- land above described, before W W tariff was advocated, and attention tion. biliousness and malaria. 15 M Crooks, of Albany. On BENJAMIN L. EDDY. man. of Eugene. Oregon Thomas Ma­ Calkins. U 8. Commissioner, at Eu­ directed to the plans of the Republi­ cents at W. A. Kuykendall’s drug Register har. llam D Neely of Eugen* of Eugene, Oregon; Andy Helts- gene. Oregon, on the 9th day of Sep­ can imrty for the revision of the I Norman E. Markley of Eng tember, 1908 schedules. The plan suggested by Mr man. of Eugene. Oregon gon. WELL DHIT.LINO Claimant nam«*s as witnesses W Bryan for controlling railroads ant Any and all persona claiming ad­ •* SHOE. SHOP IN COBURG Any and all person? clar a« (4< versely the above-described lands are D Neely of Eugene. Oregon: M E other large combinations of capit: al versely the above-described requested to file their claim In this Gillespie of Eugene, Oregon; M Inni» were attacked as futile and produ Manager for branch of- requested to file their claim B. P. Shinn has opened up a first- office on or before the said 2 8th day Wlnnlford of Oakland, Oreg« »n. E tive of no real benefit to the country »t«h to locate orate here in Eu- office on or before the sa"‘ th M Whattam of Eugene, Oregon at large. Other matters touched np-i class shoe shop in Coburg. All work of AugiMt. 1908 with references. •»f August. 19<18. Address, _ on in ths address included the lnjunc-| guaranteed. Bring In your Job work. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. BENJAMIN U EDDY. BENJAMIN L. e )DT. tlou plank of the Republican plat-t • Register Register. dAwtf Rt1 aiiter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United Stales Land Office, Roseburg Or.. April 9. 1908. Notice is hereby given that in com­ pliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all the public laud states by act of August 4, 1892, Jo- seph Heltzman, of Eugene, county of Lane, state of Oregon, did on March 20, 1908, file in this office his sworn statement. No. 95 85, for the purchase of the NW 14 of 8W14 of Section No. 12, In Township No. 19, itouth, range 5 west, W. M. .and will offer proof to show that the land »ought Is more valuable for its tim­ ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before W. W. Calkins, U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Eugene, Oregon, on Saturday, the 29th day of August, 1908. He names as witnesses Clay Ow­ en, of Eugene, Oregon; Mike Hettz- man, of Eugene. Oregon; Andy Heltz­ man, of Eugene.Oregon; Thomas Ma­ har, of Eugene, Oregon. Any and alt persons claiming ad­ versely the above described lands are requested to file their claims io this office on or before the said 29th day of August, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. CLASSIFIED COL U M NS HE WILL TAKE NOMINATION