1« KUGKWH WKKKLY GUARD TWURADAY. JULY I«. 1*>H J •• jm W, KERN LEADING DEMOCRAT OF INDIANA HEARST DECIDES NOT TO SUPPORT BRYAN NAVAJO INDIANS ON WARPATH ♦ ♦ z. ♦ +■ ♦ 4- Bisbee, Arlz.. July An uprising of N'ava|o?s lu New Mexico is reported. Thirty soldiers with machine guns have ‘been dispatched from Fort Hiiaeueh to Fort Wingate, to uld the troops stationed there. No tietails are obtainable. When they are weak, torpid, or stagnant the whole system suffers. Don’t neglect lie i at this time, but heed the warning uf the aching back, the bloated face, the sallow complexion, the urinary disorder, and begin treatment at once with C ONVNTION Hood’s Sarsaparilla Following Is a report of th« which contains the best aud safest curative of the G. A. R. convention at New­ port, as given by the president of the substances. local circle; In usual liquid form or in chocolated Some miles this side of Newport tablets known as Sarsatabs. lOudosesU. we were interviewed by a committee whose business it was to give in­ der the valuation made fair and just. structions as to lodging, board, etc., We favor such legislation as will We were appointed to Mizpah cot-, prohibit the railroads from engaging tage, kept by Mrs. Yager, and a very Inig in business which brings them pleasant and convenient place we Into competition with their shippers. found it. The landlady made us feel at home at once. In the evening of this, our first day at Newport, we were cordially in­ vited to attend a reception given by the W. R. C and many of our mem-, bers enjoyed a thoroughly good time. The department president of the Ladies of the Grand Army was given a seat on the platform. We are glad to note that the posts of Or­ egon have not forgotten that the La­ dies of the Grand Army were recog­ nized by them as a national and inde­ pendent order twelve years ago. As the returns of our election, with names of officers, have been publish­ ed. I omit giving them here. On Friday, from 4 till 6 o’clock, we gave a reception at our headquarters which was well attended. Our new department commander, Mr. Apper- son, of Arlington. made a fine speech. Speeches were also made by many others. Including the new pres­ ident of the "" - C.. - -- W. R. Mrs. Higgins, of Eugene, To these our president responded in few but fitting words, Taking it all in all, it was some- thing not to be forgotten. Sometimes it rained for a short time, but it was mostly a gentle sprinkle that sufficed to cool the air very perceptibly. Kind friends, we’ll come again When we can longer stay. And stroll for pleasure on the beach At Newport on the bay. MARY S. SMALL. President Rich Mountain Circle, L. of G. A. R. The Kind You Have Always Bought, anu which ;1arrhoea, Croup, Nerve, Cough, Hay Fever and Catarrh. Blood. He took sotne good photo-1 provement of waterways favored, as Hard. ?ntht Sun,hine- Worm, Kidney, Headache, Summer CompUmt Soothrt are bankin'? reform laws. postal sav­ graphs of scenes at the mines and TabLeta (or Children. Liver. Female Refulator or Quinsy Tablet- ings banks, and publicity of cam­ will use them some time in his adver­ tising matter. MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USiNC paign funds. Mr. Hartog says there was no snow THE SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS In the district at all except In small inn patches where the sun never shines Crush and mix in feed or salt. Proper dose in tablets on the ground long at a time. He 1.1 Ft , took along some heavy clothing, but; MAKES YOUR STOCK LOOK LIKE THE TOP PRICE had no occasion to use It. In fact, I Lincoln. Neb., July 10. "Thank ' he went without his coat and vest I TOu,,a.‘" S**dn”' A’"«’. Chop Feed or Bran. A»k for and trv once-SKIOOO Coei.tw» God that I r.m shake hands with the I most of the time. ’He spoke highly, 1 ablet», W to Kidney. Chicken Cholera. Bluter. Heave. Fever. Hog Cholera tablet». LouiePMfd“« spavin Cure. Barb Wire Liniment. Pmk Eye Outemper, Colic or Bone Stuiener Tablet». most popular man In the United ® i of the splendid work being done on States next to Theodore Roosevelt.” the roads leading to the mines. ■ -------------- ————_____________________________________ — exclaimed William Tnte, of Edmond, j Okie., when he was —— • •*■* D---" at Fairview. The < and remarked that th“ next most popu J"'’ ' '.L moat nonnlar man Peter Defer, who has been visiting for office. in Eugene the last few weeks, start­ HJNTERS ’ &TRAPPERS ’ GUIDE. — ,v, ** ed home to Detroit. Mich., last Tues-1 la it .. .Uy* ***S»*» »—4. »•» tt n: th" »rw i -,1, Y"'’* I»“ ’■ r-.p, n,tn. .... H.” L“- “V “'* kpn into parlor day by way of Portland. He has been I K...,,».. T’ 11 ‘ • "»“»•' F hw V t -I.. fr“- »■' T • <»r ru.»'n.» >................... with traveling In Old Mexico. New Mexico, Aua.rue» kn». Uv0u II. »mu— WALTER A. WOOD Mowers, Binders and Rokes ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ GRAM» FORKS IS VERY IIADI.Y St OIK IIF.D Vancouver, B. C. , July 10 A spec- 1:1) to the Province from Gland Forks says: The worst fir« this city, which is smelter district country, started early thia morning, supposedly In a vacant hotel, and had made such headway before it was noticed that it looked as if tile whole lower end of the town was doomed. Two blocks and a half were com­ pletely cleaned out, anti the approx­ imate loss—-which cannot be accu­ rately ascertained at present will reach nearly 1300,000, with possibly 25 per cent of Insurance t 'harresl Body In Ruins. Barnaby Malo, who was stopping In I e Valhalla hotel, was killed, on iy his charred remains being found One other person Is In the ruins. missing. The buildings destroyed were: Yale hotel. Alberta hall, Valhalla hotel, Victoria hotel, Parre’s barber shop. Canadian Pacific railway telegraph office. Telegraph Exchange, Windsor hotel, British-American Trust ¡»any, Eastern Township Bank, Hey cl ssr store, Province hotel, endon restaurant. Salvation barrn ks. Grand Forks hotel. hall, saldane«/ Harne » den* ••weir) store. Co-< «live t'happ lie’s ¡liuti I The Kidneys HATCHERY FOR ÏRQÜT ON THE M'KENZIE RIVER fles the South Carolina win be equip­ ped with two subiuerg-d torpedo tubes and will carry a secondary bat­ tery of tw-uty-twr rapfd- fire guns, two thr< mf-eu- tomatlc guns; eig AUtOh'fttk* gUDQ, tv pfee. s and four ma calibre. The hull jvf'l b< waterline bv a com armor eight feet wide, h ckness of eleven Inches tf At the meeting of the Eugene ( om- te ma­ chlnery spats and twelve Inches st mercial Club next Monday evening th" magazine spa-es. For a height < on .-•-itluii today for the vice presl- of eight feet above the main belt the matter ot the necessity of a trout hatchery* on the McKenzie river will den -y, i as been a prominent figure there will be th- casemate arn or, be tak‘ i up. and it Is probable that 11 state politics for 2 4 years, having eight IneheH thick at the top to ten prellmli a ■■ action looking to the es­ been nominat'd by th- Democrats Inches thick at the bottom. There tablishment of one will be taken. All will be a complete protective deck 1» that y-ar for reporter of the su-1 from stem to stern. The magazines men Interested in fishing are urged to be present. ¡>reme court, and elected with the en­ and shell rooms will be so arranged It is felt by many persons who tire state ticket. He was born and 1 that about one-half of the total sup­ have observed conditions during the r»-ar d in Howard county, is a gradu­ ply of ammunition w||) be carried at past few years that the trout in the each end of the ship. river are becoming less numerous, ate of the University of Michigan, The propelling engines will be of and in order to prevent their entire and l»> fore his nomination for court ,the vertical, twin-screw, four-cylin­ exhaustion at some future time the reporter was regarded as one of the der, triple expansion type, of a com­ matter of restocking the river is be­ braiuiest young lawyers of the state. bined Indicated horsepower of 16,- ing discussed. Since he retired from the office of 500. Each engine will be located In reporter, Mr. Kern has served four » separate water-tight compartment. The walls for the stone hall of the years In the state senate from this Each of the two funnels of the vessel Bible University are up. The three county, and has been twice honored will be one hundred feet high above stories without the roof give an ad- __ ______ by his party with the gubernatorial I the base line. The ____________________________________ -- __ -_______ crew of the South equate Idea of ____ what the outBide will rumination, once receiving the com­ Carolina will number 51 oflcers and be like when the structure is coru- plimentary vote of the tulnority of the 7 5 K ""'"*_ I plated. legislature for the United States sen­ atorship. Fought Against Fre«' Silver Mr. Kern has always been a staunch parly man. In the prelim-] ittary campaign ot 1896, when there was such a determined free silver sentiment and It seemed Inevitable tha* the approaching Democratic rtat" convention would Indorse free tlive r, he was a pronounced gold man and entered freely Into the fight to create sent Ini' nt in the party against the new political dogma. the mass of Democratic voters prefer He made a number of public, * « radicalism. speeches In opposition to the doctrine * New York. July 11. That + The Washington Star says Mr. Bry­ and predicted that the party, if it | ♦ should Indorse free silver lu the 4- Bryan will not have the sup­ ♦ an has earned his nomination, which state and national platforms, would + port of Hearst Is indicated to­ ♦ means that the old Democratic par­ by the' attitude of ♦ ty Is a thing of the past. g:> down to defeat. When the state + day York papers, ♦ The Atlanta Constitution appeals convention met he was arrayed on ♦ Hearst's New the side of the gold standard and ♦ the American and Evening ♦ for harmony In the Interest of party was one of Its most eloquent, and at ♦ Journal. The two papers an­ ♦ success, and applauds the platform, the same time Its most fearless. ] ♦ nounce a loss of confidence In ♦ but not the candidate. The Indianapolis Star says Mr. champions. In the face of certain de- i ♦ Bryan and the Democratic party. ♦ Kern’s nomination for vice president feat. will thrill Indiana with delight. Ixiyal to Hi» I’erty. The Chicago Record-Herald says When the state and national con- Mr. Bryan is to the bulk of his party vent Ions had spoken on the subject. h? declared his allegiance to the ¡»ar­ Chicago, July 10.— Democratic and what Mr. Taft is to the Republican progressives, and is the natural lead­ ty mid went into the campaign that Independent newspapers either reject er. followed and did his utmost to elect The Baltimore American says Bry­ Bryan. His pre-con ventlor^ utter­ W. J. Bryan as their candidate utter­ organized threat ances were hurled at him by the op­ ly or accept him with resignation. an's issue Is position press and by orators In the hustings, but Kern took the ground th pt his party had spoken and Its ut- t "rances were a law unto him. Mr. Kern has twice been married. His first wife died while ho was mnk- the campaign for reporter of the supreme court, leaving a daughter hot two years of age. He was re­ •nerried In December, IR9f>. umi two children have been born of the sec- <>nd marriage. J. W. Quackenbush & Sons WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST The Brooklyn Eagle openly declares for \V. 11. Taft; the New York Mail declares against him with only slightly less emphasis; the Evening Sun calls his nomination an attack of Brvanltls: the Times, while speak­ ing highly of Mr. Taft, calls Mr. Bry­ an's mind unsteady, his principles un­ safe; the Globe openly accuses Mr. Brian with making a selfish dicker with Boss Murphy; the Post-Dispatch predicts that Mr. Taft will have no walkover; the Morning Sun sava Western radicalism dominates the Democratic party, which proposes more centralization: the Tribune says against the courts and predicts that Maryland will go Republican. The Philadelphia Record, which opposed Bryan In 1896 and 1900. de­ clares for hint The Boston Globe says the temper of “Let bygones be bygones" is ap­ parently the platform The St Louis Republic predicts that the Democratic ticket will keep Its opponents guessing until after the election. "The most absolute and unscrup­ ulous. boss known In modern politics” is the term bv which the Buffalo Ex­ press characterizes Mr. llryan. BRI \X I.IKF* KFRX 1XH Illi PLATFORM SYNOPSIS OF PLATFORM MADE BY DEMOCRATS A 1.1. TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITH FURSHIDES liian' arine r» dui ph : ton a n con» in<-e«l that our lei < untile « ar»- tin- lw»t. For I D c onI« Cream. Candy and Nuts or Funic». bocals. Pnvate and Public Entertainments crtainments yet get cur cur pricer. prices- b Ic'S lit F Ì Wl n □ %