THE El (¡EXE WEEKLY (it AllH. Till KSDAY. MW II. IMN ▼ J BLOOD UNHEALTH, KtEKlY REPORT CF LSYSTEMDERÄHGEE EUGENE MlRsET CLASSIFIED COLUMNS outh likewise increasing maintain, d. tire i Notes <" it»« ' ruifc . uir old prunes sliu ( oMIi.U'T I Oil < 'ONSTRIA TK>N J HI report» of dam'hg to t 1 OK SALK nut 1 1-2ÜU 5c OF WATER SYSTEM i 1 lol» was £rlnted. FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Hereford DON'T fall to see Chezem If you twberries are sellini: Sir Egg*, etc. want bargains Ir real estate. We (From Thursday's Daily Guard > bulls for sale. Euquire 53« Wil­ i sorts of prices tn the’lo. Fugs Per do en, 15c buy and «ell *arm and city prop­ At a meeting of the city 11» lamette street. tf "Dollars" are ran; 1 today Dairy Butter- t*vr roil—V 0 © 4 5. erty, Improved and unimproved. Ci jmmittee of tba whole last night »1.25 to »1.60 per crate ot Creamery Butter Per roll. bO U • while California Jessies ar Timber and mining stock H. Che- the eugiueering firm <>f UuVrthur a l'OR SALE A gas heater, »kuost Hens— Per A.. 10c. «em Room 11, Walton Bldg, tf new. for sale cheap. Afires-» Box McClain wae givet; lliw job 'to »1.25 for fancy stock Poor stock Frys— Per |b., 10c. 14, Eugeue, Or. It s’.TUCtlng the > AV'* Pll'e Hl«e • »ells too low to quote. Oregon ber- ( intern VHONAL CORRESPON- Rltclllu tliBgk. anti F C. Kwlea* Geese- I'vr lb., 7c. ries holding. » ‘-’I t'SNCE SCHOOLS "The Busy f *'’¡land, was Ducks--Per lb., 9c. Cucumbers from local hothouses BALED HAY ptAR SALE Twuve employed e- consult- / Man's University.” Gives a thor­ Turkeys—Per lb, 12 He. dollars per ton. Squire £gilth are in large /supply, and the prlru Is Wig engineer. ____ Contracts are being ough training at your own heme Fruits, 5 egetul'les, Elc. Phou^ Farmer*' 13x9. ui24 down 55c. Range from »1 tn »1,50 in nearly all the trades and profes­ Il ¡'in up today and tin- work of — — 1 per dozen. Petatoes—50c per cwt. making the preliminary survey will sions. Text books and instrumenta probably begin tomorrow aud will A shipment of banan:^, uoqi C siuj FOR FAl«E—Buff Orpingtou t-ggs. Unions—-Per cwt |9.00. (when required) furnished free. be rushed to completion. 13 for »1. W. B, Hamptou, HQ? tral America arrived 41» lather green Lemons—;Per < »4.25. Full Information and circulars at Columbia avenue. Corner 19th this morning UtocwC i;vnilitlun, now- Granges— 33.Ü» McArthur & McClain arn Univer­ the local enrollment office, 45 W. ever. Demand 1» very good. Livestock Harket. sity of Oregon students and have been FOR SALE Three cowg for »ale; Eighth street, R. J. Kirkwood, rep­ engaged In similar work for several > Orange maiket is still advancing Steers—Pw « U 3 l-2c. two fresh and uno soon to be resentative. ¡for navels, with supplies very light. years, among their contracts being Good cu^a 3 ST 31-2. fresh Inquire al 147 Lawrence Another advance of about 10c per the construction of the sewer system Good prime dressed veal—6 if 6 H . street, ml 5 1 100 pnuuds 1» shown in the price of at Springflefd, which was entirely Mutton on foot—4 1-2 ©' 5. beau» today Small whites and large satisfactory to the people of that Fa; hogs on foot—5 1-3 @6. . FOR SALE I have 200 cords 01 piles are now quoted stiff at »4.75. city. Their work of constructing the Fat hogs on foot—5 1-2 5 3-4. by.rd woqd, 5 tg miles southeast Spot stocks very light, with further PHYSICIAN!» AND SI RGEONS pipe line for the new gravity water­ «■ram und Feed. of Eugene Address Geo. L. Beck­ increase in eastern deninad. works will be entirely under the su­ /Flour—»4 40. with. Goshen, Ore. ml I Osteapathif DR ANNA MAURER, While the receipts of eggs at this pervision of Engineer Kelsay, who Oat Hay, »13. phyv'clan. All curable disease! will furnish all the plans and speci­ lime are not heavy, they are fully Timothy hay pflr tun—»15. Women and children i fications for the work, and who will treated, able to supply the demand at 18 4i FOR Bl.I E PRIMS of VACANT New oats _Pvr t>u. 4jc specialty. Office over F. E. Dunn's Flake out the pipe line and give his LANDS write us enclosing 50c for 18 He, and anyone can today pur­ Bran - Per ton, »28. Phono Red 1631. chase supplies along Front Street at each. Township wanted. Roseburg personal attention to the work until Mixed feed—Per ton »30. these figures. During the past 24 Abstract Co. DR. H. L. STUDLEY Osteopathic it Is completed. Mr. Kelsay, It wlu Shorts, per ton—»32. hours large supplies of eggs have rememliered, was employed bv the physician Offices over Chambers' New Wheat—Per bn. 85c. horse far in the rear on a mile race. been offered the boosting dealers at FOR SALE City lots, close in: store. 18 Willamette street city council a couple of years ago to Rolled Barley- Per ton, 328. All the time my friend was still »30«, $350 and »100; »50 down 18c a dozen, but they would not ac­ Phone Black 1326. Consultation furnDh plan* and specifications for a Chopped feed- Per ton. »36. dinging to the back of this bear, not and »1 Oper month, without inter-' cept them. free. Residence 7 34 Ferry street. municipal water system, when the Cracked Corn —»36-4«. for tue purpose of trying to capture est. W. H. Kay, at Eugenu Gun Portland IJvratock Market. quest inn was first agitated, and there Phone Red 31 »7. ir, or to break It to. ride, but for the Company's store. tf Cattle and hogs continue In strong was considerable trouble In collect- simple reason that he was so badly demand and reports to commission C. H. CANNON. M. D. Homoepathic fug his fee from the city, but it final­ PORTLAND MARKET REPORT. frightened he had lost his wits. 1 good timber men fro mall parts of the state are FOR SALE—Two physician and surgeon, Chronic ly resulted in his securing the en­ Portland. May 14.—"Proof of the that available supplies are short of don’t know wh°n he would have let claims for location Terms rea- diseases and diseases of women tire amount asked for. The matter go his tightly grasped hold had not fact that hardships sometimes work requirements. The sheep market Brown, Co- sonable. Smith 41 and children a specialty. Electrl- of going ahead with the plant was the fur pulled out and allowed him to benefit is to be found in any part shows a disposition to yield, The burg, Oregon. Box 94. 16 cal vibratory and light treatment. held up from time to time, but it roll off. I went up to where he was. of Oregon just now,” said a local demand is still fair, but hardly suf­ Office, Suite 1, 2 and 3, Dunn bulld- now appears as If the long-cherished and the whitest fellowyou ever saw. produce dealer, who has been in the ficient to take up the current re- 1 FOR SALE Good horse 6 years old; Boards plans of the municipal ownership ad­ Ing. Phone Main 5 40. Why, he was whiter than snow, and country the better part of the past ceipts, which for some weeks back 16 hands; only partly broke. herents are soon to be carried out. Hoffman House. Phone Main 11. talk about having an ague chill—- two weeks. have been heavy. Price. ,100. Phone Red 1461. Uoiitrnet Signed. "It has often been remarked that do you know his knees were knock­ There is good demand for lambs, Geo. Melvin Miller, city. The fire and water committee of J. F. TITUS, M. I>.—Homoeopathic ink together so badly he could scarce­ in growth- and development Portland but as yet not many have been re- physician and surgeon. Chronic the council and Mayor Matlock and ly stand, and speaking was out of the was away ahead of the rest of the ceived at the yards, For calves to- FOR SALE—At a bargain, If sold diseases and diseases of women and City Attorney Bean, to whom the state; that while the city has risen question? I got him back to camp day the demand was quieter than children given special attention. matter of drawing up the contract this week. Corner lot on Fifth and at camp he stayed. He was so to important rank the country has tor some days past. Faradic galvanic, static* X-ray and was referred, met in the office of the and Adams. Enquire of owner, remained undeveloped, scratched badly scared he would dream at night Quotations ruling in the livestock vibratory electrical treatments giv­ city attorney this forenoon and form­ 901 S. Willamette street. mil In patches, so to speak; its agricul ­ about his famous bear ride and would market today are: en. Office, 581 Willamette street, ulated the contract. It was drawn up Hogs—Best. »6.25 »1 6.35; med­ FOR SALE Parties wishing to buy wake us all up with his unearthly tural sources given'byt scant atten­ with Dr. L. E. McDougal. Resi­ and late this Hfternoon signed. The tion. yells. ium, »5.75 41'6.00; feeders »5.25 44 I think the poor bean died dence, 632 Pearl street. Office terms as agreed upon in the con­ 200 acres of first-class timber land "High wage rates in other lines of 5.5«. shortly after from sheer fright. phone, Main 629. Residence tract. In brief are as follows: Engi­ call on J. W. Carlile, four mjles industry and an aversion to farm Cattle—Best steers. »5.00: med­ neer Kelsay 1 h to make the prelim­ phone, Main 631. west of Hale. work on the part of labor have been ium, » 1.505.75; common, »3.5047 f inary surveys of Ritchie creek and almost wholly respomdble for the 3.75; calves, |4.50$t 5.50. two or three other creeks to ascer­ FOR SALE A well Improved faini, fact that for years past it has been ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW Sheep - Best sheared wether», tain whether or not sufficient water of 120 acres, 4 miles'north ot Co-" difficult and in many cases Impos­ »4.75 1 5,00; mixed. »4.50© 4.75; Tills burg. This is a barg/in at $ >0 8. D. ALLEN, Atiornej-at-la, 616 eaii ba si-eured from them. sible for the farmers of the state to Spring lambs. »6© 6.25. work is to be commenced at once anil per acre. On good terms. Smith Willamette street, Eugenu Oregon properly plant, cultivate and harvest Portland Quotations. completed within ten day*. McClain & Brown. Coburg, Or. their crops. The graingrowers and L. BILYEU, Attorney-at-law. oírle X- McArthur are to lie employed by Creamery Butter 20c. owners of hay ranches la the east­ Eggs 18 l-2c. over Yoran'a Bhoe store, Eugens Kelsay to do the actual surveying FOR SALE Young full blood barred ern part of the state can testify to work. If the survey proves these Chickens—13 1-2 c 4 i 14 c . Oregon. Plymouth Rocks and White Leg-1 Washington, May 12.—The : this, and the situation has been ex­ ♦ streams will furnish all the water Wheat—Valley 89e; club 89c. Horn chickens for sale at reason­ actly the same with the fruit and ♦ senate committee on finance Barley—Per ton -»27 'n »28. able prices. C. W. Bell, R. F. D. I LEON R. EDMUN8ON, Attorney-at desired, Kelsay's employment Is to ♦ today unanimously reported + farm Interests generally in the val­ law. Rooms 1 and 2, Eugene Loan be continued as consulting engineer Oats- Per ton—326< bom­ the state fields have been extended hitting Coburg team. tion given to divorce and settle- Kelsay shall be paid the »350 for the * Springfield general housework. 7t West Ninth bard New York now that the battle­ by the clearing away of underbrush ment tf estates. Agent for Contl- preliminary work. The contract is AB R. H P.O. A E street. tf ship fleet is on the Pacific side.” and timber, so the crop-producing nental Insurance Company. Roorn of course conditional upon the sale of 1 0 0 1 0 facetiously remarked a prominent 1 area Is being enlarged. The acreage Chandler. If.. . . . 4 6, First National Bank Building, t le ,30«.««« bonds recently voted. 0 4 1 WANTED:—Horse breaking by day 1 1 1 South American official. And thus I of practically all farm crops will be Smith, 2b......... . .5 Eugene, Oregon. or month; also horses tracked. En. | 0 0 0 0 1 the fun at Castro's expense went the larger .than ever before this year, Johnson, c f.. . . . 4 quire Bangs' llv««ry . J9d&w 1 JESSE G. WELLS. Lawyer, No. 2 6 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. 3 0 6 0 1 rounds of the South American diplo­ and the promise is fcjr bigger pro­ Tallafero. p... . ..5 Notice Is hereby given that J. C. 1 2 0 Hobbs, 3h .y . . . . 1 0| 1 West Eighth street, Eugene, Or. Morgan, administrator of the estate matic corps. duction. WANTED Bookkeeper and steno-' 0 0 1 0 0 Wilson, c.f. . . . . . 4 opposite poatofflce. Gives special "This will not necessarily mean of I. O. Morgan, deceased, has filed grapher. Inquire of Scobert &' 2 2 1 1 attention to the examination of ab­ with the C unty Clerk of Lane Coun­ overproduction, except in a few Murphy, ss.... . . 4 2 1 Dodge, Eightli and Olive. tf 2 3 1 8 Morgan, c ......... . .3 stracts, drafting wills, settling es­ ty, Oree >n, his final account there­ cases like hops. It simply means 0 M R 0 2 WANTED A young man between tates, conveyances and collections in; and a i order has been made and that Oregon is destined in a few Anderson . . . . 2 0 0 ot 6 Matthews . . . . . .1 Lakeview. Or., May 11.—The an­ years to produce the bulk, instead of Also to all pension matters. Phone < 1 tered of ri'"ord directing this not­ the ages of 18 and 20 to learn the nual shearing season has begun and a fraction of the crops the people of Red 1176. ice ( . ming Saturday, the 13th hardware business. Enquire of 3 3 7 1 2 27 17 7 the wool clip promises to be very I the state need. Griffin Hardware Co. tf d" y <»i June, 1908, at ten o’clock In Alimin good. The sheep are coming in from "A fact to be kept In mind In this ti e for noon f said day, for the MINING ENGINEERS A.B R. II P.O. A. E. WANTED—To borow »3000 to 35,- the desert in fine shape, and the loss I connection is that the stockraising ’In arlr.g r.f objections, if any, to said 0 0 0 1 HERBERT LEIGH, mlnlng^cnglneer 1 Engstrom, lb.-. . . 4 on the range during the winter was industry 1» coming to be recognized «00 for a term of years with gilt- final 1 ount and settlement thereof. 1 1 0 2 0 very light. The coyotes destroyed ias an important one in this state. Lee rs ............... . .5 edged security. Good proposition D ted this 8th day of May. 1903, and expert metallurgist. Reliable 0 4 4 1 2 . .5 quite a number of sheep during the From this time on, more hogs, cattle, Baker, s.s......... for any one wishing to place a Information furnished to Intending at Eugene, latne County. Or gon. • 1 0 0 7 Patterson, c. . . . . 5 season, but storms were not respon­ and sheep will be grown and fatten­ J. C. MORGAN, loan. Address C. L.. care Gaurd. Investors. Examinations and re­ sible for any loss. Lake county de­ ed for the Portland market than Dooley, 3b.. . . . . 4 0 0 1 0 0 Administrator of the Estate of I. O. ports on mines and ore treatment. 1 0 10 1 1 WANTED—City property for 167- rives a big revenue each year from ever before, but R will be years be­ Wilbur, lb... . . 4 Morgan, deceased Eugsns Oregon. ■ 0 0 0 1 acre farm In Benton county, Ore­ the wool and while the price is not fore Oregon will be able to raise live­ West, If. & p. . . . 4 1 WOODCOCK & POTTER, • 0 0 1 1 Schultz, c.f. . . . 1 , . 3 s? —— so good this year as It has been for stock sufficient for the demands of gon, two miles from growing Attorneys for Estate, 0 3 0 il« IIITWY Place lice between Long a few years, h will yield a big rev­ this market. With agriculture tak­ Cook. p. * l.f.. . .4 0 1 town. — - enue for the county. Buyers have ing on new life and the stockraising Tom and Willamette rivers ; 90 NOTICE FOR PI RI.K'ATION. 38 5 6 23 12 2 W. H. FRER THOMAS—Architect 8.etch- Uni'.sd Stafeij Land office, Roseburg, been offering 15 cents a pound for industry coming to the front th»re 1» acre* farming ground. this year's clip. Last year and the prospect for development In Ore­ Run« and Hite By Innings. tf Kgy, Eugene, Oregon, ea and plans drawn, bill« prints f Oregon, April 1, 1908. year before the average price was gon.” Springfield— and specifications. General super­ Notice la hereby given that In com­ Runs...........• 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 fl — 7 vision over buildings In course of pliance with'the provisions of the 20 cents. Poultry Market Is Quiet. FOR KBXT Hits............ 2 0 2 4 3 1 0 fl — 12 construction. If thinking of build­ act of Congress of June 3, 1878,, en­ While there Is no real pressure In 1 HIRAI, CARRIERS OF ing, large or small, see me Terms titled "An act for the sale of timber the poultry market at this time, Albany— STATE AT ALBANY stocks are not cleaning up quite as Runs.... 1 0 1 I 0 1 0 0 1--5 FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT reasonable. Room 7, Chrisman lands In tbe States of California. 728 Willamette street. ml4 ; Hits.......... 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0--• readily along the street as could be block. Oregon, Nevada, and Washlntgon Following la the tabulated Bcore Alhanv. Or.. May 11.—The annual wished There is an increasing sup­ Territory," as extended to all the FOR RENT Furnished room for convention of the Oregon letter car­ ply of broilers and fryers, but to date and summary: Public Land States by act of August rent. Can be used for housekeep­ I.XHEKTAKHIH Summary. riers will be held in thl» city May all supplies have been absorbed at 4, 1892, Andrew Crooks of Albany, ing 879 Oak street. ml4 Earned runs—Springfield, 2; two- 29 and 30. Over 100 delegate« are the quotations printed in these col­ County of Linn, State of Oregon, did J. W. KAYS & CO., undertakers an base hit, Baker; bases on balls, off expected and 'he local assocation umns. on December 11, 1907, file In this funeral directors. Eugene, Or. Tallafero 2. off Cook 5, off West 2. Is planning to welcome them In royal MlHCmjLANfOOÇA Dressed meats were In light sup­ office his sworn statement No. 9 429 fashion. Governor Chamberlain in« ply during the 24 hours, but the mar­ struck out by Tallafero. 9; by Cook, DAY & HENDERSON, undertakers for th»« purchase of the B 14 of SW Tom Richardson of Portland will be ket was not overstrong and prices 4; bv West, 3. Iz>ft on bases, Spring- ACCORDION PLEATING Done by and embalmers. Corner WfHarn­ *4 and W 14 of SE *4 of Section No. Double play, field, 9; Albany, 7. invited to deliver addresses. Mrs. Bert Vincent at 627 Hllyard showed up no change for the day. 12, in Township No. 16 south. Range ett« and Seventh streets. bur. Wild pitch, !«ee to Baker, to Wil lohn H Goin of the local a«snc!a- street, near East Ninth, on reason­ ("alifornia Red Onions Arrive. No. 2, West W M„ and will offer ! balls, Morgan, Tallafero, 2. Paas» tlrtn holds the position of jecretar able terms. Phone Red 3302. If W. T. GORDON, funeral director proof to show that, the land sought Is The expected shipment of rw-w Cal­ and treasurer of the state a»«oclation ifornia onion* arrived on the steam- 3; Patterson, 2. ’ State licensed embalmer. Office more valuable for Its timber or stone IF YOU WANT TO SEI,!, your prop- and Is directing the preparation* for . er State of California and was un- and residence. Tenth and Olive than for agricultural purposes, and erty tell the Oregon Land Compa ­ entertainment. 1 loaded this morning. Supplies were to establish his claim to said land be­ streets. Phone Red 4481. ny about It and they will do the i not in extra good shape, but found a fore W. W. Calkins, U. 8. Commis­ rest. 412 Willamette street, Eu ­ SIXIKAXE MX IX< U K fair demand at 33.50'i' 3. «5 per sioner, at his office In Eugene. Ore­ CAKPET < LEAXEIIS IMF’S OF PAH ILISIS ■100 pounds gene. Or. tf B»'rmuda onions are Williston, N. D., May ».— Stir gon, on Wednesday, the 5th day of I still in liberal demand, with former »•<> In his retreat at the Boni August, 1908. JAY C. MOORE, carpet cleaner Spokane. May 12 —Theodore Gal- j prices main:ained NOTICE — Having recovered from my ranch, in Valley county. Montan He names as witnesses: Evermont Phone Black 6071. land president of the Northwea Izvan Injury I have resumed my business The California steamer brought In C. Brown, known as the "Pigeon " B. Miner, of Eugene, Oregon; Harry * Trust Company, died suddenly this quite liberel supplies of carrots, Kid," a notorious cattle rustler, of horseshoeing and general black­ M Crooks, of Albany, Oregon; Wil­ smithing. C. D. Holoway, East morning of paralysi*. * beets and other sacked veg tables, killed by a deputy, who »hot liam D. Neely of Eugene, Oregon; Eleventh street. Fairmount, Or. tallowed stomach trouble«^ He wa. supplies of which have been quite through th« body Norman E. Markley of Eugene, Ore­ formerly manager of one of b‘< short In this market of late. I J. L. CLARK A CO.—Dealer» lû real gon. geat brewing companies of the North Because of the quite liberal offer­ The registration books In the coun­ »1« CASH AND 310 PER MONTH estate, Creewell. Or. Any and all persons claiming ad­ Will buy a beautiful California versely the above-described lands arc ings. prices are down In the cherry ty clerk's office will be closed Friday west.________ vineyard, the Income from which market. Both white and black for the June election, and all voters requested to file their claims In this ABSTKACTORH will be sufficient to make you In­ The B 3 Kelsay residence prop- stock now shown who have neglected to register hith­ office on or before the said 5th day dependent for Ufa. Handsome Shipments of new California po­ erto should do so at once. At pres­ Xthern’/of’be euy WM t 1 »0H- pamphlet, valuable lnformatloa THE LANE COUNTY ABSTRACT of August^ BENJAM1N L. EDDY, tatoes in this direction are Increas­ ent the registration is far below what CO.. Rooms 1 and 1, Waren Bleck, a»4 00 a tract free. F B Boblnaoa, Register. ing. with lower prke» ruling for to­ It should be. Don't foegrt—register Eugene, Or. Prices reMoaable. general agent Paelfla Grove, Oal. day Shipment» of oM Oregon* to NOW. say. M4 <• ‘be property ot 33339. O vk.ent re inner portion of the bo ly is covered with mucous membrane branous tissue is abundantly supplied with blood vessels, vein tt 5 .. 1 capillaries. Each of these is constantly supplying to this tis- blood to nourish and strensrthen it and keep the system health 1101 the blood becomes infected with catarrhal matter it is not able to f Y 9,nJ^ulred amount of healthful properties, but feeds the parts wit. *’h ' fesYvhich disease the membranes and tissues so that they becotm j inflamed, and Catarrh, with all its disagreeable and danger. . irnUt ms is established in the system. There is a constant ringing in tin »vffl'>tu.hin‘watery discharge from the nostrils, the breath has an offensive «*•'*’ ,ht fever often uccompanies the disease, and gradually the entirt becomes affected and the system upset and deranged. In its earliet B «Then Catarrh it confined to the nose and throat, sprays, washes •“/frions etc., are soothing and in a way beneficial, because they are ^¡7and usually antiseptic, but such treatment has no curative effect I tlea#Iit do -s not reach the blood. To cure Catarrh the blood must be ppy. ; fcc«as ified, and this is just what S. S. S doej;, goes down into the circulation and attacks the disease at its foundation ; it re;n0VvS cause and makes the blood pnre «¿,4 health v 0 Then the blood vessels are fi1.^ with fresh _ reinvigorated blood, which. carried to all purely vegetable the mucous surfaces and, Rniugs.^tlie infl°am: rU mation and irritation greeted, the symp- ♦Afltsall dis near, the health is improved and Cat'^^ js permanently cured, ¿.i »0 c* «rrh and anY nlgdical advice free to, who write THE SWIFT SPr^rriQ co., ATLANTA, GA DEWS LETTER FROM VIOA AND VICINITY GlKRESPON DENT TELLS SPORTSMAN’S RIDE ON OF' BACK OF BEAR (Special Correspondence.) ■ Vida, May 11.—Travel up the Mc­ Kenzie is picking up. Several per- ' sons are at Gate Creek hotel fishing, thought it is nor very tjood yet. enough trout are caught to eat.* The river is too nigri and the water too cold for good fly casting. Dr. F. M. Dav and wife and N. L. Fitzhenrv made a boat trip from Vida to Deerhorn, and on the first after­ noon caught several speckled beau­ ties, but on the following' day did not have such good luck. Mr. and Mrs. Kinser and son. from Pittsburg. Pa., also F. P I^ane and Joseph Patterson, of Eugene, are numbered among the guests of the Gate Creek hotel. They spend the time between showers fishing and listening to concerts from an Edison phonograph. The McKenzie river fish hatchery has all its rack across the river and is in exr'«!'nt shape. C. T. Peek, the superintendent, looking for a very large run of salmon this year, and as he is a thorough and practical fish man, we look for a large output of young salmon fry. Last summer, while with a party of California sportsmen, we were camping at Clear Lake, the head of tbe McKenzie river, some 80 miles vast of Eugene, and, fell in with an­ other party of campers who were spending an outing there, ejoying the splendor of the beautiful scenery, which abounds around Cedar lake. Now we were Informed by a gentle­ man up there that it was quite fre­ quently the custom of deer on a hot day to protect themselves from the flies to stand in the mist of the Mc­ Kenzie Falls, which are about a mile below the lake. This locked very g below the lake. This looked very good to one of the other parties as a kely place to kill a deer, and be­ ing very enthusistoc he invited me to go with him. We rowed across the lake a distance of about 2 1-2 miles. When we reached the falls we soon ¡ rated a place of cancealment, a very 'omfortable spot to await the a(>- I'ruach of a deer. The sun was beat- ing»down very hotly and I soon fell • -leep, and the first thing I remem- her was that my newly formed friend _'»s nudging me, and soon after the tinniest Incident happened, though mv friend says he could not see the ■unny part. With him it was exactly th* opposite, full of excitement, drilling adventure and what he '•^rms a very narrow escape from a horrible death. When I awoke from hree or four vigorous nudges, and "tt'r 1 r,‘ 1 my eyes 1 looked in a-direction he was pointing and the «'Jett caused him to arouse n* was plainly enough in view to Uove lo an experienced eye to be a deer, standing in the mist. He said: . a * ?us’ wa,ch me kill that deer,” w”h that, after pointing the gun !n ejery direction of the compass. „ , v d: but as I expected, the deer, ot being hit and unwilling to lie own and die. It came bounding out, »•¡owed by a spotted fawn. Now my mend dropped his gun and took af- f'lr ttlp fawn, and then the race was ® He chased it around trees, over W. through the bushes, up the h' 'i,n\aln R1^e" I actually believe ha I one chance in a thousand to »»s *’ ha<* he not through sheer ofBh'IS,i"n and Yatlgne allowed one ,o become entangled in th. t brush, which turned him, I • Diple somersault, and by the * : ° got up and straightened out rt bis pursuit was lost jy.' ls '‘»ion. Well, he stood there ■ iia Da an^ P'^flng and looking be- > i 1 and *lisKu»ted. when all at * t.e seemed to brighten up, and «(n a lot of peculiar gesticulations with Mo ort? 1 arma he pointed at a clump n»>rt! and sallel brush, which I moving and shaking, esinne he thought the fawn after was In there. Now ese bushes were in eommo- a large pine log. He crept n<, crawled down It, and »as about ten feet away ) fruì moving bushes he made a Tin nnged right onto those busb- •». He h" al the fawn?—not much. *»r he nr' ’ upon th eback of a large •**r whir 1 h was eating berries, and •*« tone. e»led by the bushes and This poor rrtgntcnea frightened dcl bear. . be. . « tbe bunch grass kind, with the^’i b*aaB to tnake tall tracks for he having never been ._?*■ before, and not being used to ... ?'■ ' 'ack and eeemed to t that wvmH have left a race PROFESSIONAL COLUMN RESTORE MOTTO TO METÂL MONEY I