THE El GENE WEEKLY GUARD, THURSDAY, MAY 14. — INDEPÊHOÉNÎ Spring H u m o rs îr CH0ICE INVADING FIELO Her Nearly Crazy—Her Baby Had Sore on Neck, and Two Other Babies Had Skin Troubles—Cails CUTICURA A STAND-BY THAT NEVER FAILS HER I ine» <-an ! ear enough for th«- Cuti- cura Iteniwliee. I ean'l «nd «orris high •dough to axprsss my thenke to God for hearing of th« w< ««lerful r«nwd>«-e. My baby had a running n»>re < n his n«< k and n<.thing »hat I did for it took effect until I used i'utlrura. My face «... nearly full af tetter or some similar skin tlKwaae 1» would 14« h and. aft»»r acratrhing. it burned •*» that I cv>uld hardly stand it. Tw« e«kee of Cuti- cura Soap aad a hoi of Cuticnra Oint­ ment eu rad me. Two year« after it i e cut OM n r hands and wrist. I cured it for a while, but it ■ ame again in III* eumner. rietine- I w< ul'l go nearly ernzv for it it< bed so badly I U rd ten d> liars' w rth <.f eo-< alietl blood medicines who h did no good ut all. then I want back to myoid etand-by. that had never failed ri e. One n t of (iiiicma «P, Ciitu ura Ointnx nt, and Cuticura It*». Ivane did the work, line set also cured my u«cle> baby whore hind was a cake of ». res, and I know of. urn Hier womae s baby who we« in tlio «ame fix and m thing did any good. I »peak a wold of praise for Cuiicura whenever I •«• a veee that net ds it. Mrs. Lillie Wilcher, 770 Eleventh St., Chattanooga, Tana., Feb. HI. 1907.” CUTICURA OINTMENT ì The Werld’® ( atmi UM Slcia Care and Purottt aad Swoetaat at Hwollieat®. Ciitinir® Ointment U <>na of th* m< Rt ruratiw for torturing, r«M>f of whi« h a »ingl* anointing witn it, pr«cHd®d a hot- bath with Cuticura Heap, and followed by mild afford immediate relief in th® most diatroHMing forma of itching, burn­ ing, and acai y humor*, ocKema*. irrita­ tion«, and inflammation*, permit reat and rh*<‘p, and point to a *p<*dy cure na hen all elae fail*. Hnl<1 throuvhout th« world Potter I»m« und Cbem i’orn . Hol* Pr»»p* M»» a« : .mt 1 ror. Ilow u> < ure ftm* Ri rion I D andruff and FAUNtrHAIR are but cUward sigas of ¡he evil done in secret by myriads of dan- Jruft leftns sappieg the life blood ol the hair. Micro kilts the para­ site. sooths« the KcMag scalp, lives lustre 1« the hair and stops it falling out. A siaglc application fives relief aad proves its worth. Save your hair before too late. Micro prevents baldness. It Is a delightful dressing for the hair, free from grease and sticky oils. Ask yourdruggistforfree booklet HOYT CHEMICAL CQ, •MTLsno. osaaon Dr. T. Felix Gouraud’s ORIENTAL TOILET POWDER Aj’iin», antisep. tic Toilst Powder for infants and adult«. Exqui- *rfnnied. an excel­ lent complexion ami keepe the skin clear, eoft and velvety. Relieves skin irritation and should 1« used freely after bath­ ing and shaving, giving a delight- ful and refreeliuix • IfecL At deal­ ers or by mail, 34 cents Box. Pie» |»ar<>BD «v NTANIJCT’K, <118 Willamette Hl. .... . Eugene Th« IH-Ij»n< y-Varney company, | known as the Indi-pendent line, has applied to the city enuncll for a char­ ter to operate thslr system at this ' place. The applic ation was laid over for inv«*stigati«jn Opposition 1» sup- po«M»d to be the life of trade, but tb‘ re «re exception» in all nwii»nH economy, urilly be f< read to patronlie both no low« by evaporation break*®». or leakage. system». This company offers no |1. of droRgists or promptly of mb; wiail. C. I. Hood (Jo., Lowell, Ma««. other Inducements for a franchise than that given by the Pacific States. | This new company has headquarters at Corvallis and Iienton county 1» equipped with Illis service and we are Informed that the service Is su­ perior to 'hat given by the Pacific Stat«'. Ti« Commercial club lias submit'ed u prot '»sltlon to the Pa­ cific Stater ) a king certain con- i esslons and with these, if granted, a chance to get a foothold We are' upplied with a lot of old hand-me-* d-wn phones that should b* replaced with modern central force phones, i that is, when the receiver . is taken dowzi, central Is called. The | Portland, May 9 A special dis­ I service can also be greatly Improved ' patch to the Evening Telegram from and the rate considerably reduced. Port Townsend sa.vs that one of the Ii'-sldes this, patrons should have most bloody murders ever committed free use of the wires in the entire ni Washington was perpetrated at county. Fort Warden last night at band head­ —o—• quarters. Some time during the Our friend Soreo Jensen is ♦o b* night Henry L. Johnson, first clar- His plans and spe- fonettlst of the Sixth Artillery, was congratulated. clflcatloDs for the new school house murdered, his body dismembered and were accepted by the board of school thrust Into the heating furnace in the directors notwithstanding ’proposl- basement of the soldiers' barracks. Hons were submitted by three lirms Fire was then started for the evident from Eugene. Judging from the per­ purpose of concealing the ghastly spective drawings, the building will crime by cremating the body. be quite attractive and modern, it This morning the charred body will front north and east and the was dragged from the fire by the view will be quite pleaHlng. The firemetiwhen they went to fire up for notice to contractors for the build­ ing appears In this I hhuc . — o- — L. Y. Congdon of Lake Creek, came In Tuesday to meet hla brother, Robert Congdon,' from New York Th«» brothers had not met previous­ ly for a period of thirty-five years. They bad kept up a desultory corres­ pondence, but the brother could not be Induced to leave his eastern home until he received a copy of the Home edition of the Times and determined I lien and there to visit Oregon. ♦ Guard Spwlal Service. --- o—• Washington, .May 9. Only The boys will play the Browns­ + ville Jlrowns on the Junction dla- + one bld for the construction mond next Sunday, Thls will prove ♦ of the Eugene public build­ giifne as the + ing was received by the treas­ a very interesting Brownsville team has a reputation ♦ ury department today. Geo. as ball players. The admission will + C Mo urer, ot Salem, offered ♦ to construct the building for lie 2 5 cents. ♦ 145,000. It is not known id children camo + what action the department Sunday and + will take, bqt it is believed k as the guests ♦ the bld exceeds the supervis­ Mr. Leo accom- ♦ ing architect's estimate by ♦ about |.SE>00. ♦ went to Portland, returning day.- Times. POWERS FILES SUIT AGAINST FIFTEEN PEOPLE Glenr O. Rowers lias flb'd milt in tlu> circuit court agiilrmt IV L. Keyt, John Rolanil Rugdale, Joneph Rag- diile, ChurleH H. Jordan. Peter Hin­ son, C. W. Hunson, O. M. Cailson, John M. Rennie, Henry O. Sliaiia- fi-lt, Il A Waxhburne, C. W. Wash- burnt», Erick Johnson, W. J. Nesmith anil the ChnmberH Hardware Compa­ ny for varloua huuih which. Including coats and attorney's fees, will aggre­ gate over »5999 If granted, on ac­ count of money du«» for work ami other tilings on a group of mining claims in th«» Bohemia mining dis­ trict. • it. L. Keyt is sued for »»208, and the other individuals for much smal­ ler sums. This afternoon th«» same plaintiff filed a writ of attachment , through his attorneys, Williams Al Bean, against the stamp mill of lh«> Oregon Blue Rlv«-r Mining Company and th«» Illinois mining claim, belonging to the sam«> corporation. Th«» steam glne and boiler are not brought Her th«» attachment, the rest of machinery being Included MINNESTA FARMER ROBBED ON TRAIN Pendleton. May 9 Ole Johnson, a Minnesota farmer looking for farm lauds In Oregon, reports being Fob­ bed of ItOOO on the 0 HAN train between Hermiston and this city last Thursday. He believes he was re­ lieved of the money while asleep SICK WUDACHE CARTER'S m ARI u V Oawvw Must Bear ratsö-raie btgnatum Fae-Si-mle Stgnaturv REFUSE SUBSTITUTES CHICHESTER ’S PILLS _ TWV i»i (wnn tut »«IK a EUGENE GROCERY 9Ch and Oak Sts the day. The remains were past rec­ ognition, and were only identified by portions of the unif<»rm which ad­ hered to the remains. Notwithstand­ ing the limbs of the victim had been severed from the trunk and the skull battered, there were no indications of the deed or blood traces about the building. Johnson was a money lender and last night James Holt, second cook, and Private Knight, Who were in Johnson's debt, quarrelled with him. They were both caught in hiding to­ day. The indications are that the mur­ der was committed for the purpose of robbery. < From Saturday's Dally Guard.) The Un« county Republican con­ vention met at 2:30 this afternoon and unanimously resolved, amid great enthusiasm, to Instruct their delegates to the state convention at Portland to vote for national dele­ gates instructed for Taftas the Re- [ publican -candidate for president at the Chicago convention. There was no opposition of any Kind, not a sin­ gle vote against the resolution In two other resolutions,also unan­ imously passed. Wm.. H. Cake re­ ceived the hearty endorsement of the convention f r United States senator, and the Republican ticket nominated at the recent primaries was pledged the support o fthe convention at the coming general election in June. The present plan of nominating ¡candidates by the primary system seerÂed unsatisfactory to a good part of the convention, and a resolution ! was unanimously determined uoon I by which a Republican convention will be called in the first week of .March, 1910, to recommend nomi­ nees to the Republican raters of the county. It was also incorporated in this resolution, after some discus­ sion, to prohibit proxies being voted except by members to the convention from the same precinct that the prox­ ies represented. Amid great applause on the part of every delegate another resolution was passed heartily endorsing the ap­ propriation for the University of Or­ egon .and not only endorsing the work of the Institution, but pledging each member tn work for the meas­ ure, When the resolution came to a vote there was not a single dissent­ ing "no.” Abotit 175 prominent Republicans were present from all over the'eoun- ty. Hon. R. 3. Bryson was elected secretary and S. L. Moorehead, of Junction City, presided. State Sen­ ator Frank J Miller, of Albany, made an address at the beginning of the convention, and S M Yoran follow­ ed with » forty-minute talk broken by frequent applause. By the time he had finished the commltt-ee on resolutions were ready to report, each resolution, as it was read by Dr. W. Kuykendall, »hairman of the committee, being voted upon, and In each case being unanimously passed. linquished command of the 'fleet to Rear-Admira' Thomas. His flag was run < the masthead at 19:3o with a of thirteen guns from the shlo**1"* the same instant the flag of ?! I Thomas on the Minn» -a Wa, down with similar honor» ana*“1"1 admiral, accompanied |,V hi, a .13‘ entered his barge an 1 went aX I the Connecticut, when with a' » ; ceremony in honor of the new . ‘ mander-in-chief,who « ; fjt,j relinquish command t ■ tear-4l^n7,, Charles N. Sperry, was observed. Evans was-too nun h fatigued t. board the vessel, but i, nainedatk0 hotel. will leave tonight tof EIGHT THOUSAND —- I'Mllbt Oakland, May 9.—Imm. nse tfosih flocked Jnto the city t Jay to Wj!ne* the parade in honor of the visitiM fleet and participate in the welch«! t othe officers an i men Eight thous­ and men were in line and the p*r«je ADMIRAL THOMAS was three hours in passing the re­ viewing stand. On its dismissal th» San Francisco, May 9.—Unostenta­ Jackies were entertained at a barb«, tiously and without any unusual cere­ cue luncheon by the ladies of Oak- mony Rear-Admiral Evans today re- land. --- University of Oregon News i Campbell spoke at Corvallis la« week. Girls lb-st Students According to statistics compiled ta the Registrar's office the organu»- tions of club girls at the University outrank the boys' organization!' which might run in the stats as nigh standing? In fact, it is said^ thaï as 20,009. Reports from all over the girls are better stud nts in th« are encouraging, the work being done University as well as in the high by the Alumni, covering every por­ schools. The Kloshe Tilacirm club toAk first place in the ranking, the tion of the state. On election day, the Alumni di­ other organizations coming closely The dormi­ recting the fight, plan to have a man buncheiL Just behind. at every polling place in the s’dte to tory, it is said, will rank, probably hand out literature, briefly summar­ only as an average, though the grade» izing the situation, and asking for for that group have not been com­ Syracuse. May 9. The pylic«» have the vote of each citizen. Pamphlets piled. thoroughly examined th two women Failing-Beekman Ciimlidates. have been sent to nearly every voter taken from the train at Rochester, Last Saturday the following com­ alrtady. besides the documents sent Delegates. one of whom was suspected of being The convention in Portland will from the secretary of state's office. petitors were selected for the candi­ Mrs. Belle Guinness. The younger dates for the Failing-H ckman priia woman gave th«» name of Mrs. L. A. be hold en Thursday. May 14. Twelve Nearly every newspaper in Oregon is offered during commencement for offering its columns freely to the delegates were selected to the s'ate Herron, and said her companion was The letter orations. Miss Miriam Van Water», hi r mother, Mrs. Lucy Barton, and convention, which will choose eight University advocates. Emily Mu hr, Cora Cameron, Messri that they lived in Chicago, and both of Or gon's national delegation of writing committee also reports that I Dell McCarty, Bert Prescott and their part of the work is improving twelve, and twelve others for the dis ­ had been at their summer home at I trict convention which chooses two in the number of misslves-dispatched. Wesly Wire. Franklin. Pa. The Failing prize is for $150, the President Campbell asked the Chief Cadlli will detain the women delegates for this district, the other for further Identification, although two being chosen by the second con- students to be as careful as possible Beekman »100, the winner gets the about doing anything which the op­ first, the second best the Beekman. he admits the younger woman does gressloaal district. The delegaos for the district con­ ponents to the bill could use as a Only seniors are permitted to try for not resemble Mrs. Guinness. vention are: S. I,. Moorehead. T C. handle against the apprdpriatlon. He the edveted places. High School ih’haU's May 15. Wheeler, W. F. Walker, G. H. Kelly, said that the larger the majority the The final debate of the High W. G. Griffin. S. B. Eakin, J. M. Wil­ better for the University and for the liams, H. W. Thompson, A. L Briggs, other institutions of an educational School Debating League will be heid John Martin. F. J. Hard, W. S. Moon. nature in Oregon, for with a big vic­ in Villard Hall on May 15. Leban­ Franklin, Pa.. May 9.—Mrs. F. B. The delegates from Lane county to tory the enemies of higher education on, which defeated Grants Pas* on During the cross-«!xanilnation of Herron, held at Syracuse. Ilves In the the state convention were elected by would be compelled to give up future April 17, will debate Astoria, re- country seven miles from Franklin James L. Gallagher in the Abe Ituef ceptly victor over Baker City. The ballot as follows: W. Kuykendall, opposition. Francisco yesterday, with her mother, an ag< d lady. Mrs. S. M. Yoran. C. H. Vandenburg, L. H. trial In San Various lists have been dispatched prize will be the chainpionsihp of Ih-rron's husband died In the South Prosecutor Heney called Attorney Potter. W. G. Gilstrap. 1. N. Edwards, over the state to be filled out by the Oregon, memorialized by a splendid last winter and his body was brought opinions of the people in each sec­ silver cup donated by the Regents of here for burial. The family bears a tion. On an awrage, out of every the University as individuals. Thte good reputation. fifteen names, about ten will be In cup will probably become the prop­ favor of the appropriation and five erty w the team winning it twice against, with frequently two or tjiree consecutively . BURNED BODY NOT Astoria will affirm and Lebanon non-committal / I'll AT OF MURDERESS Mi-dicnl Si-lidol Grailuab-s. deny the question: Resolved, that the President Campbell went to Port­ members of the legislature of the NtPorte, May 9.— Dr. H. H. Long, land Monday to attend the graduat­ state of Oergnn should lie chosen by one of the physicians who performed ing exercise of the medical depart­ a system of proportional representa­ the autopsy on the body ot th«? wo­ ’ t Acker ment of the university. The class tion. State Superintendent ~ man found in the burned ruins of The this year was the'best in the history man will preside. "... Astoria the Gunness home expresses the be­ of' the department. Eighty-eight team will consist of Miss Birdla lief that the body is not that of Mrs. ...... .......... students are reglst red in the medic­ Wise, leader; Carl Thomas and Lelin Gunuess, but of another unknown al school. * . ■ of the Page, colleagues. The Ti.. leader i woman of refinement. He also ex­ Student Body Meeting. Lebanon team is Miss Anna MrCoc presses the belief that the skulls of the children were crushed before the Wednesday nominations were mlck; her colleagues will be Ralph made for student body officers. The Thon and Elsie Lillard. The debater» house was burned. election takes ' ' place next Wednes- I will be guests of the University. day. Those nominated are as fol- I Campus Items. lows: The Glee Club will give Its spring For president of the Student Body. Thos. R. Townsend, _____ , '09; Jesse H. . concert one week from tomorrow night In the Eugene theatre. The Editor Guard: — We read with con­ Bond. '09. For vice-president, LeRoy siderable intereat the wall of woe Wood, '99 • For secretary, Nleta ^club has been working for the l*t ' week hard, and should be better from th«» Junction Ctty Times, pub­ Harding, '09. Frances Nelson, '09. than last fall when new men had w lished in a recent issue. Members of the executive commu­ We fall to see where Mr. Moore­ te«» (2). Ormond Bean, '99; Mac C. be broken into the chorus Herbert Condon returned th» head has a ktek coming He was one Snow, '09; Harvard Moore, ’09. week to his duties as registrar of of the sitty or more stalwarts who Members of the athletic council, met In mass meeting In Eugene and (3i. Fred Moullcn. '09; Wm. Wood, University of Washington after * T* formulated principles and resoluted 99; Ralph Dodson. '10; Walter Mc­ it here with relatives and In nla. He is a graduate of the Oregon- legislative candidates that our Intyre, '09; Paul Reid, '09. John C. Veatch has accepted * would not be expected to "stultify” For editor-in-chief of the Oregon 1 themselv«»» by voting for a Democrat position as booster at M Mino’“ Weekly. Earl F. Kilpatrick. for senator provided’ the 'people of I For associates of the Oregon Week-i for Yamhill county. Vratph ba’ LEWIS NIXON. PATRICK H. M'CARRCN. Oregon elected on«» tn Junb That,| ly. Harriet Lane, '08; Oliver Huston,1 ' ceived flattering press r.otices Well known Tammany Democrat New York stat« «enatar who leads Brother Moorehead, was the baals of I Miss Gertrude John« m. r who will be a delegnte to tba Denver the rontewtlng forces In Hie Demo­ your favorite candidate's defeat. The I For business manager of the Ore­ uate of last year, was in the city ■“ unscrupulous combination which was convention in July. cratic party split. gon Weekly. Dean Goodman, '10. week. formed to defeat the only man of the Fur assistant manager of Oregon Mr-. W. C. Noon of Portland Is»*- six candldat«*« who dared to do what Weekly, Frits Dean, 'll. itlng her «on Wdiliam i he knew to be right failed in Its pur­ For editor-in-chief of the Oregon I Aeh a liar and there was a stormy pose. It Is perhaps as well for Mr. J. B. Bell. J M. Shelley, D. A. Paine Monthly. Jennie Lilley. '19; Powers. I Blanche Bust in «hoJ1“ scene for some minutes. Heney In­ Edward» that he was defeated when S H. Friendly. J. I. Jone». C..Cole. ’ been visiting nt her h< me In 11; Miss Bartlett. '11; Gerald East- vited th«» attorneys for the defense to h«< wm . as there will be three names land returned Saturday evening. hani, 11; Cornelia Pinkham, 'll. come outside the courtroom and they ion the ballot In June of men who ♦ Manager Mottnt has rerontl» ■' t-er business manager of Oregon asserted that Heney carried a big stand for honeat politic» and popular ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ a great deal ot w rk at lmpr '■ ♦ Monthly, Wm Cake. '10. gun. Heney explained to the court ' rule, men who. If elected, will vote ♦ YOUNG WOMEN ♦ I u JT, aS8*,tant manager of Oregon the baseball practice diamond that he had been receiving threaten­ nt Salem for the people'» eholce for ♦ The DROWNED IN RIVER 1 ♦, Mon.hly, Cecil Espey, 'll. erecting batting cages The C«”1- ing letters and had been insulted on senator without fear of "stultifying" ♦ was rolled Wednesday by the »' ♦ Twck Team Trip. the street recently. themselves. ♦ , Emporia. Kan . May 8__ Th trial of ex-8herlff C. Sam teara next Mon- paving roller. While Mr Cake will no doubt be ♦ Four young women ranging ■ ♦; z-Th.P Dr. F. G. G. Schmidt «■»£***; Smith at Prineville la arousing great elect<>d In June by a large majority, ♦ In age from IS to 20 rears, : ♦ u*M»,Or Eas’t,rn "'»shlngton to meet . ♦ Interest In Crook county On the yet If he should fall that will settie ♦ D. Sheldon are having re’ w ‘ " a Walla on 14. were drowned last night by ’ ♦ •land iarktn Elliott »tuck to hla the matter with him. He would ♦ a’h'na?f'n State st Pullman built on paper by Y D Hee’ l. the «-spelling of a boat In In- ■ ♦ confession of a conspiracy to destroy neither consider It honorable or com­ ♦ neocho river. t?.mth£niSaturt*ar Following. The architect. The contractor» ♦ i sra T u return hom« »bout the turea will prpbably be bu.n ex-Congreseman Williamson's fences plimentary to receive two vote» from ♦ ♦ and blow up hla house He swears i»ane county. t The tr*°uta for the summer. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ tnt that Smith was the leader In the plot. There is a new order of things In Mr». Stephanie Shueckrr ®*"Lf tomeX^ h*'d th” ,f,ernoon and Mrs Anna R Riggs, prominent In the election of a United States sen­ trip to Al»ea last week '« ti Portland and Oregon for many y«»ars ator from Oregon. Moat people knew Whltm»n beat the W. 3. C. bualneaa. Albany Democrat: Mayor J. D as a philanthropist, temperance re­ 1t two years ago and some even four, hera tiit ,rnrral op1nloB P"’a‘>« Misa Grace Parker has been ill * former and one of the beet known but alas, a few had to be shown Ed­ Matlock, the able and fearless eiecu e» to w?n v lat?r wl” be the har<1- I the dormitory. five of the Eugene government, will women of the Pacific Northwest, died wards. Jennings and Dodd found It recc>v«w weeks in Linn county tn the me . fron1' toT ,he reaa°n that at Bute, Mont . at T o'clock Thurs­ out In April, others may learn It spend two Charlea Erskine hi — ■ ta # ------- of - -------- ,nnM ‘ ’ af!er Wbltman and p he*« * the interest local option, day evening from an acute attack of about midnight Jnne 1st. The issue from a »»evere bios» ,he W 9 c men. ceived in baseball practh pneumonia and heart complications Is: Shall 1-ane county be represent- practical man and has made a thor- not nu«Hfb t ’ ° k f mak * po , nt * c < ” ‘ , d The body will be shipped to Port­ <*d by men who stand for the new or­ ougb study of the subject a It has not qualify m the Whitman W. S. C Rev. Arthur C. Walt? «rar st I* land fur burial. der of things, or shall we «end two boon a big thing for Eugene and he of 1900 la a Baptist min:- knows it. Hi« •«* ’ co»pi out of the old broken machine' veraitt Park. Portland A, C. President. Ai.iway. ** Statement No. 1 ts the Issue—let us a Portland girl. Daisy Roas Myer, who lives west of Gold- have It out on that line --we a of ve» O. V A 0 graduated the same year Woman's Club of Cottage Grove •on, who has been stopping In the A. L CLARK. -’ JJ "e«p«t» end tbst tired feel­ ing. But I hsvs found Hood » Ssr.aparil a help« me from the first dose, completely restores good hssith e«u strength. GHASTLY MURDER IN FORT WORDEN BARRACKS SEEDS I OF Impure or effete matters accumulated in the blood during the winter cause in the spring such ¿¡-»figuring and painful troubles as boils, pimples, and other eruptions, also weakness, loss of appetite, that tired feeling. The best medicine to take is Hood's Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly cleanses the blood, and effects permanent cures by giving healthy functional activity to the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and skin. In a speech before the student body last Wednesday President Campbell said that he believed that the University would win its refer­ endum fight by a good majorkv, • i3' 9