Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, April 09, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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    jHood's Sarsaparilla UNKNOWN HOBO
Has cured so many cases that seemed almost beyond the
IMPROVES RAPIDLY reach of medicine, that people ask, Why?
An examination of our well-known formula, from which
Sarsaparilla is and always has been carefully and
AT HOT SPRINGS scientifically
prepared, confirms the fact that it contains
Paso Robles Hot Springs, April 4 |
Rear Admiral Evans passed a com­
fortable night, and physicians, after-
a thorough examination, declare he I
has no organic trouble. He is taking |
sulphur baths and massage, and is
suffering from Intermittent attacks
of Inflammatory rheumatism, which,
together wlfh the worry attending
the command of the battleship fleet,
caused the admiral to drop from 178
to 122 pounds in weight. In a few
days, if the present rate of improve­
ment continues, the crutches widd be ,
abandoned for a cane.
Poor hat» are too expen»ive at
any price. Yet it isn't easy for
you to pick out a hat with the
quality in it, because you're
not a hat expert.
Guyer Derbies
Washington, April 4
John S.
I.c-oc h, of Illinois, now public printer
In the Philippine s, was today appoint­
'd public printer here to succeed Stll-
i lings. whose resignation w ^ h accept­
ed some time ago. The appointment
Is In the nature of a surprise, as his
limn» had not been mentioned in con-
nectlon with the office.
For Spring, 1998
have a quality that speaks loud
enough for anybody to hear it.
They are famous throughout
the country for their style, finish
and durability.
Only the best materials go in­
to Ouyer Derbies, only the most
expert hat-makers fashion them.
Prices, $3.00 to $5.00.
Dr. T. Felix Gouraiul’s
A pure, antisep­
tic Toilet Powder
for infants and
er* an exoal-
and keeps the akin
clear, »oft and
velvety. Relieves
sk in irritation and
should be used
freely after bath­
ing and shaving,
?iving a delight-
ul and refreshing
At deal­
ers or by mail, 25
cents Box. Pre­
pared by
Proprietor of 60URAU0 8 ORIENT Al CREAM
roa ■»«-■ aau aac'-uaxsi-ru uv
■' 1 ■
Spokane, April 4.—-“Within five
I years we expect to have only juniors
and seniors at Stanford University,"
said David Starr Jordan. Its pre»l-
i ilent, who lectured here last night.
| "It will be a place for .only those
who have a definite object In perus­
ing a university course, and not for
those who are gathering up odds and
ends of an education."
The senate today confirmed
Jayne Hill to be ambassador
to Germany.
London, April 3.
News of new
• • Eugene German and Prussian loans amount­
ing to $162,000,000 Is a surprise In
London and has resulted In much dis­
cussion and even In the expression of
some distrust of the financial position
of Germany. That loans amounting
to $250,000,000 have already been
found necessary this year, and that
these loans are keeping pace with a
greatly Increased navql expenditure
In Germany, Interests British finan­
ciers and the British public keenly,
mid some are of the opinion that this
flnntii'iol activity shows a tendency
ultimately toward wur.
Others believe the German loans
ire safeguards against war
certain civil undertakings In Ger­
many require Immense sums at this
time It wqs not ex|i«-cfed that the
government could borrow bo much in
Sv Pacific Horae l iniment Is prepared
a time of pence, or find it necessary
'expressly for the needs of honemcn and
to pay such a high rate of Interest.
ranchmen It is a powerful and pene­
Four par cent Is higher interest than
trating liniment, a remedy tor emergen-
I Germany has been compelled to pay
[des, A
embrocation lor the
in more than twenty years.
, rebel ol i.
the best liniment for
It Is believed that little English
' sprains and soreness. I nequaled lar
capital will be Invested In these loans
I cart
and that the English market will be
BARBED WIRE and for healing cuts,
I ony Indirectly afefeted.
abrasions, »ore» and bruises
Horse Liniment Is lull» guaranteed.
No other Is so good or helpful In so many
ways. If It lall« to satisfy, we author lie
an dealers to refund the purihase prise.
Bellingham, April 2
A special dis­
im» »»••« aawsaa tirv, cea«»
patch to th«- Herald from Vancouver,
H oyt C hemical C o , wm « ia «». out
II. C . says that acting under orders
® a»s‘KLrr
from the department of th«> Interior, I
Dr. Muro, dominion
officer here, and J. B Rankin will
leave today to install Immigration I
station» at fourteen different points I
on the International boundary line
between the Pacific const and the]
Great latkes,
The purpose of this I
move Is to keep out undesirables by
rigid Inspection under the new order I
in the council. Physically unfit Im­
migrants will not be allowed to enter !
and Japanese will lie barred.
If the labor market of the domin­
ion is overcrowded at any time Eu­
ropeans will not be allowed to enter
! unless coming direct from their na-1
tlvu land.
G olden
r»t maR
F * lr e List.
fa..» Th'rrf Straat
Foritene/. dopes
Usual form, liquid, or in tablet form called Sarsataba, 100 Doses IL
The following letter, concerning the plans of the Oregon I’.lec-
trie Railway Company, now ojierating between Portland and Salem,
interest the people of Eugene and the entire upjier W illamette
valley. It comes from Guy H. Talbot, vice president and general
manager, and states authoritatively that Eugene is to be the terminal
of this splendid railway system, which, with its numerous feeders,
will in a few years traverse the entire Willamette valley. This letter
indicates that by the end of the year the line will have been completed
to Albany, ami that next year car-» will be running into Eugene, al­
though there is a possibility that work may lie pushed on toward
Eugene at an even earlier date. Mr. Talbot is to be commended for
the business like letter he writes, as well as for the open and above-
board policy of taking the public into his confidence and announcing
fully and freely the plans and intentions of the company. No other
course could more thoroughly, in turn, win the confidence of the pub­
lic. Mr. Talbot’s letter is as follows:
At Cottage Orove, March 30, 1908,
Icy Justice of the Peace J. E Young,
James A. Lemon and Miss Abble V.
those well-known and valuable medicinal ingredients, which,
when intelligently combined and properly administered,
are sure to bring about good results.
It is the properly balanced proportion, combination
and process in combining those ingredients known to
have specific action upon the blood, stomach, liver, kidneys
and bowels, which make Hood’s Sarsaparilla peculiar to
itself and enable it to produce results unequaled by any
similar medicine. It cures when others fail. Give it a trial.
! — Speaker
’annon today introduc d resolutions
llrectlng the attorney-general and
iccretary of roninirev and labor to
nforni th He hoiis«» w hut steps had b«»en
» those departments to In-
thc action of the Internn-
I' i.-«r Company of N«-w York
■'orporwtlona supposed to
«> d In an effort to create
•»»I' fin print paper.
>n «aid If
It's Liti le Early R
little l.lver 1’111»
Mr. Charles Fisher
Publisher Guard, Eugene, Or.
My Dear Sir:—I am in receipt of your letter of March 31st in­
quiring as to our plans to build into tithe Upper Willamette valley
and to Eugene. ( htr articles of incorporation cover the territory to
Eugene and we are making plans to carry out the extension to your
city as rapidly as possible! We have all material on hand and are
now formulating our plans to commence at once our Hillsboro ex­
tension from Garden Home and will have the line in oj>eration in the-'
fall. < >ur next work will commence at Salem south to Albany, and
later on t<> Eugene. At just what time we will get there I cannot say.
as it will be our policy to build link by link, and not undertake to try
t<> cover too much territory at once; in other words, as soon as the
line is ready for operation into Albany we will at once proceed with
the Eugene extension. However, if money matters continue to im­
prove we undoubtedly will push our line into Eugeni as early as pos­
sible. 1 can s/y this much—that we are going to Eugene with our
rails and will prosecute the work as fast as possible. It is not our pol­
icy to go into the field and cover a large amount of territory without
lteing ready to back it up immediately with turning the drt. When
we are ready to build promptly our Eugene line we will then bring
the matter up liefore the Eugene people and then only ask for a fran­
chises or terminals needed for the actual operation of the property,
and from all indications I am sure that the people of Eugene will give
us a pleasant reception. To sum the matter up, we do not want to
build paper railroads.
There have been a great many articles published in the papers
throughout the valley that our company was connected with the so-
called Welch enterprises. I wish to advise voti that we are not in
any wav connected with them and what actioii we take through this
territory will l»e entirely independent of theirs. Before the summer is
over we should know positively at what time -we should reach Eu­
gene. dnd I assure you that 1 will be very glad, when a definite time
is determined by our syndicate, to advise you. as we have nothing
to cover up in any of our enterprises.
1 have planned a trip to Eugene for some time past, but have been
unable to get away, but hope to get to your city some time the early
part of this month, as I desire to look over the situation in and about
the city.
Verv truly yours,
Washington. April 4.
The com-1 which motion shall not be subject
mitt«*» on rules In the house today to argument or debate.
When the reading of the rule was
"tightened the screws" on the Demo­
crat* with a view of reducing to a concluded the Republicans broke out
minimum opportunity for obtrusive In applause and derisive laughter at
tactics. After Williams, the minority the expense of the Democrats.
"I think It would be a good thing*”
leader, had forced a roll call on the
shouted Suiter, of New York, "to add
adoption of the journal, Dalxell, of that th«- Democrats can have nothing
t’ennayvanla. pr«»sented a rule where­ to say."
by any house bill with senate amend­
"They never have had any." a
ments should l>e sent to conference,, voice was heard to remark
"Will the minority have the usual
or the amendments afreed to. wlth-[
twenty mlnut«Mi to discuss this rule?"
out any Intervening motion of
Williams Inquired.
kind being allow«»d. This rule
"They will not." curtly replied
permit hut one call on one or
propositions. The ri
"I just wanted the house and conn-
try to know that fact." Williams said
“We know It. we know It," some
■d and one on the Republican side of th«
house remarked
to ad-
Daliei] reiterated that the pnrpo««
order 01
ot th*
» clot»'
whole, i
(From Saturday's Daily Guard.)
A hobo, name unknown, was run
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the —^nature of
and has been made under his per»
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you |n thi^
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ «Just-as-good ” are but
Experiments that trifle with anderd—<er the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
through freight train No 221 at the
depot yards
afternoon at 3
o'clock. The accident was witnessed
by only two persons, J. H. Dick, a
timber cruiser of this city, and a Hin­
doo, who were near there at the time.
Mr. Dick stated that the man at­
tempted to board a car while the
train was going at a rapid speed. He
was on the north side of the track.
He succeeded in grasping the ladder ,
on the car, but failed to get a foot­
hold. His feet were dragged beneath
the wheels and he fell.
Both feet -
were cut off at the ankles and his
hea^ was struck by the car. mashing
the back of it to a pulp.
was instantaneous.
Coroner Gordon, who was officiat­
ing at a funeral, was called. He made
a hasty examination of the body and
sent his wagon for the remains, which
were removed to his undertaking
He summoned the eye-wit­
nesses to the tragedy to appear there
at 5 o'clock to testify at the inquest
to be held.
Dr. Kuykendal arrived
on the scene soon after the accident,
but the man was already dead.
A search of the man's pockets re­
vealed nothing that would lead to his
identity except a hotel card with the
names Fred Johnson and Holta Rich­
ards written thereon. It is probable
that the first one is his name. The
Hindoo who saw the accident says
the man came here last night and
stated that he was from Tacoma. The
dead man was aged about 20 years,
was of medium stature, weighed
about 165 or 170 pounds, was of a
blond complexion and smooth shaven,
lie had the appearance of being a
Later—G. W. Griffin telephoned to
Henry Veatch at Cottage Grove to
stop the unfortunate man's compan­
ions, who succeeded in getting on the
train, and learn his name and resi­
They did
know his
name, but he had told them that his
father conducted a dairy farm near
Omaha, Neb.
He was born in 1888,
and left home five years ago on ac­
count of trouble with his parents.
He had been working around the
ging camps up in Washington,
was on his way to Oakland, Cal.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It it» Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomac h and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Childre n’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
St. Ivouis, April 2.—The Populist
national convention came to order
a little late this morning, and James
H. Ferris, chairman of the national
committee, made an address in which
he made this declaration:
“The people's party is not the only
party with a membership thoroughly
united and entiretv narmonlous upon
the great issues under discussion, it
is the only party in which the most
violent opponents of its platform and
Its great leaers are not inside the
party itself."
He attributed the late panic to a
“general distrust ot well-known ras-
cals,” and spoke strongly in favor of
government ownership as the only
method of obtaining permanent con­
fidence, and said that the hanks re­
ceive loans from the government at
nominal rates of interest, but that
the men who do most to develop hte
nation cannot hire a dollar front the
Ferris closed with the prediction
of the rise of a great party from the
convention of today.
Jacob S. Coxey was named as tem­
porary chairman and made at> ad­
dress covering the leading economical
questions of the day, paying particu­
lar attention to the national currency.
Itryan Men I hcu -.
Prior to the opening of the conven­
tion th«- Bryan men made an effort to
secure an agreement to adjourn until
after the Republican and Democratic
conventions with no result other than
to delay the proceedings.
Indianapolis, April 2.—The Indi­
ana Republican state convention to­
day adopted a platform, elected four
delegates at large and two electors
at large, elected thirty Indiana dele­
gates to the national convention to
vote and work persistently for the
nomination of C. W. Fairbanks for
the presidency, and nominated a state
The platform, in addition
dorsitig Fairbanks, endorses
dent Roosevelt's administration and
Is opposed to corporations contribut­
ing to campaign funds; favors econo­
my in public expenditures, explicitly
mentioning the army and navy; fa­
vors modification of the financial sys­
tem without mentioning any particu­
lar measure; urges a progressive pro­
gram of labor legislation; pledges
the complete reduction of capitalistic
combinations In the Interest of trade,
commerce and the general welfare of
the people, and urges a revision of
the tariff by a special session of con­
gress, to be called early in November,
with the recommendation that con­
gress take proper steps to secure da-
ta by experts; the abolishment of I
hlld labor is demand* I nd imp •ve-
ment of waterways an ! the establ
ment of a bureau of mines and min­
ing Is urged
Vic«» President Fairbanks prepared
the tariff plank.
make your own stock , foods by usinc
Crush and m'« 'n or »alt. Proper dole in tablet»
sp*v;n Cur«. Barb W,re Luu
na i
F- er Brin. -------------------
, _ once
— — -----------
Ask for and try
"»f*-Blister. Heave. Fever. Hog Cholera tablet,. I •
sent. Pink Eye. Distemper, Colic or Bone Stiffener Tabic'»-
make you feel like a black cith
7, B,L,yI,
Symp. Pq« Remedy. M»a » P*
General T,-r He«r.- sBn«r
h *^ u*- CroBP- Nerve. Cough. Hay Fever »nd 1
Ta-et, jTCh. j-,'
' 'nB- K-doey. Headache, Summer CcmF
,. 7 / K,tuiator «r Qtnnsv Tablet».