Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, July 18, 1907, Image 7

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San Francisco, July 13.—The dis­
trict court of appeals today refused
to grant Mayor Schmitz a gj’rit of
mandamus compelling Judge Dunne
to set the date for settling the bill of
habeas corpus proceedings in the case
In which the mayor was convicted
of extortion and sentenced to five
years in the state penjtentiarv at San
or THE
San Francisco. July 11.—nr. Chas.
Boxton. the temporary mayor of San
Francisco, on the witness stand in
the Gias« trial, this afternoon told
the stor vof his debauchment by The­
odore V. Halsey, tbe lndiced agent
of the Pacific States Telephone Com­
pany. who. he testified, paid him
»5900, “mostly In »100 bills." for
having voted and used his influence
Pays 4 per cent, on Savings Accounts
as supervisor against the granting of
4 ••
a rival franchise to the Home Tele­
“ •• Certificates of Deposit
phone Company.
* 3 "
" •• Accounts Subject to Check
Boxton is a fine-looking, grav-halr-
ed man of middle age. He has a cred­
]. T horburn R oss
. . President
itable Spanish war record and is enti­
G eorge H. H ill
. Vice President
tled to write "Major” before his
T. T. B urkhart
name. He was the last and only im­
. . Treasurer
portant witness in an otherwise slow
J ohn E. A itchisoj
. . Secretary
and tedious day. He was not a reluc­
C has . H. K opf .
Asst. Treasurer
tant nor yet a willing testifier, but
his examination by Mr. Heney was
so spiked about with objections from
240-244 Washington St., Cor. Second
Mr. Delmas—often sustained—that
at length the gorge of the district at­
torney rose and he hotly accused his
veteran adversary of trying to cloud
the Issue and impede justice.
Heney und Delnuis Clash.
An Indulgent reply from the vel-
the train which now runs between veted front pew of the synagogue of
Woodburn and Crabtree will come to ¡the courtroom, where sit the defend-
Albany, making that city the south­ 1 ant’s attorneys, provoked the prose-
ern terminus. Trains already run be­ ' though other folks' veins might be
tween Springfield and Albany, giving [ filled with ice water, his were not;
a good service. As the Southern Pa­ and when Mr. Delmas had respond-
Potatoes May Be Light Crop on Ac­ cific owns both roads, the report has I Ingly alluded to the “Dutch” in his
something to found it on.
| opponent's make-up. Judge Lawlor
count .<>f Gopher---- Making New
(laid the ban on the two of them.
Homes in Hiver Bottom.
"No more of these exhibitions," he
+ +♦++♦++++♦+♦»++♦
As far as the crop of potatoes near ♦
♦ I warned.
But for all that they clashed again
I Irving is concerned, prices will be as
¡some twenty minutes later. Mr. He­
I high next winter as the last, tor the
♦ ney obiecti I to a question interpo\t-
Lirly po’atoes have been a rather ♦ ++++++++++♦+♦++♦
ed by Mr. Delmas and was sustained.
I poor crop on account of damage by
Near Irving, Saturday, July 13, I Subsequently at a whispered word
I gophers, and the late ones do rot
I promise, according to present reports- 1907, to J. E. Campbell and wife, a [ from one of his associates he wlth-
i drew the objection.
Iany immense yields for that district. son; weight, 10 pounds.
I The gophers do not eat the potatoes
tSemselves, but seem to have a liking
I fir the stems between the potatoes
and the vine. When these are cut
Fielder Jones wants the "spitball”
New York, July 15.—Wall street
the tuber does not develop to its us­
and financial circles are agitated by abolished. He says:
ual size.
“Two years ago, when I first made
The chief method which has been persistent ruonirs .that Stuyvesant
lined in fighting the pest has been by Fish may again secure control of the my kick against the ‘spitball,' Ches-
I shooting, which is sometimes very ef- Illinois Central. According to some bro and Howell were practically the
I feetive.
of the stories he believes he may only 'snitbair pitchers. Now, in the
| Hops in the same vicinity are doing count upon the support of President American league Chicago has Walsh
veil, where they have been taken Harahan, who, it is said, is displeased
care of, but owing to the high pric» with E. H. Harriman for various rea­
I of labor many growers have deemed sons, the treatment of his brother
it cheaper to neglect their yards, and and son being offered as examples.
The government attacks upon the
there will not b a good yield every­
where. Lice have also appeared very Union Pacific, and other Harriman
thickly and spraying has begun in deals are said to have alarmed the
financiers, who would be glad, it is
th.- fight against that pest.
The country along the river be­ sail, if the Illinois Central were re­
tween Eugene and Irving has become turned to Its former conservative
a community of snail farms of ten management.
All rumors are In the air and no
and twenty acre properties,
i- a great deal of fruit and vegeta- one will be quoted, but they continue
hies planted in the district, nearly er- to circulate. Something definite Is
ewthing producing especially well. expected at the riieetlng Wednesday
Down near the mouth of the McKen­ as especial effort is being made to
zie, ev-n where during great floods bring in every vote possible.
Sensational developments, accord­
the land is covered with water, twen­
ty fanilies have bought homes and ing to current stories, may be looked
are clearing the very finest river bot­ for at the October meeting. It is
tom soil of heavy timber and brush. known that Stuyvesant Fish has writ­
Six years ago there were very few ten or wired to Governor Deenan of
houses in this place.
Notice is hereby given that war­
OF AA'OODRURN BRANCH rant No. 254. registered September
26 1906. will be paid on presentation
There is a persistent report that at my office July 22, 1907. Interest
th. Woodburn-Natron road ’rom the will cease on that day.
Eugene, Or.. July 17, 1907.
Tallman Junction to Shelburn will be
tom up. The road south of Crabtree
City Treasurer.
to the junction has not been used for
tn ■ time on account of the tmpos-
,’iMllty of securing a bridge that will FOR SALE—Second-hand top bug­
gy, running gear and bed in first-
stand. If this is done It is said that
class condition; top needs recover­
ing. Price reasonable.
Call at
Call at Thorpe's blacksmith shop,
Pearl street, between Seventh
<1 w
(Title (Ôtiarantcc «X Œrust
Hie With halting tongue when potitt.rlv we
■11 from I°a j ^xprn,f «nail. We can «end you test mon-
> ■¿Vi™”1'
c“,ed eom,lately. The > ounger
XT M or old. we can CURE all caw.. Fo
• »'""( lour name or that of any friend who
pvr'evl«’ FREE
FOR SALE—160-acre stock
fruit ranch in Western Lane. About
100 acres bottom land. 75 acres
well watered pasture, 15 acres un­
der cultivation.
An orchard of
about 300 fruit trees and nut trees
in bearing. Large barn, good house,
woodshed, fruit house, dryhouse
and other buildings. »00,000 feet
General Auctioneer
of standing old growth fir and ce­
dar on the place. School >4 Mile.
This Is on of the finest homes in the
Residence J 94 E. 10th St.
Sluslaw country. Postoffice on place.
For terms and further information
on or address.
The great mail
order LIQUOR
Mapleton, Ore.
toy the express.
Write todav for
'BLIP SALE—I will sell at public
■ Price List. Pl auction at "Friendship Farm.” 5
miles southwest of Junction City,
Oregon. Saturday. July 27, 190»,
poril.„d' 6ng„
my entire dairy herd, as follows:
One registered Jersey bull, de­
scendant of Ufretta I».. 12 grade
Jersey milch tows, 4 grade Jersey
heifers. 3 grade Jersey helfer
heifer calves. 1 Norman mare and
colt. 1 span of work mares. 1 yew-
ling Norman colt. 1 9-menths-old
Poland China boar, eligible to reg­
istry, 46 head of stock Jiogs, 1 Sim-
plex sep irator, 700 lb. capacity,
binder, me iwer and rake, 2 plows,
2 sete harne i, garden plow. Old
Trusty incubator, , 160 egg capac-
ity. good < s new,I brooder. cart and
harness, A few household goods
and other articles I too numerous to
Free lunch will be
served at noon, Terms of sale
«11 sums
■ «—■- under
—--- — Al
that sum note with approved accor­
Ity with 8 per <‘en’ interest, sa I«
will commence a tlO a. m
W. T.
Bailey. V..
.. Kayser, auctioneer.
Captain and manager of the
Pittsburg National league barbali
and Smith; Cleveland has Liebhardt,
Berger and
Rhoades; Philadelphia
has Dvgert; Boston has Winter and
Pruitt: Detroit has Mulln and Willett
and St. Louis has Howell and Mor­
"By another year there may be
twice as many, and ft would be no
surprise to see all the pitchers with­
in a few years using this delivery,
which Injures the game. Now is the
time to act. Let the league instruct
its umpires to call a ball every time
a pitcher uses saliva and the delivery
will be killed In short order. Then
we will see a stop put to star pitch­
ers being made of twirlers who have
nothing but plenty of moisture."
M M. Davis and family are estab-
llshed temporarily In their former
at Newport. They are not to
return to Corvallis but about October
1st go to Eugene, where a new home
is being built for them. They have
been a popular Corvallis family dur­
ing a long interim In which the four
children passed successfully through
O A. C. They have many friends
ft JV Ml
O TX T A..
♦ ♦
♦ ♦
• ♦ ♦ Grove this afternoon on a visit.
on peaches today for the new pack
Mrs. Ted. Simmons returned this iang.‘ from $2 to »3 a dozen, accord-
♦ afternoon from a visit at Brownsville. ing to quality, « against $1 65 and
Walter O'Connell returned yester­ $2.50 a year a 50.
Jobbers quote
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ day afternoon from a visit in Salem. apricots for th new pack at »2.15
Mr and Mrs. C. S. Frank left this and $3.35 as against $1 75 and $3.40
(F^om Wednesday's Guard.)
morning for Ashland on a short visit. a year ago. The sharp advance In val­
Dr. Wing I*ee the Chines*» "doctor"
Roy H. Wassen, of Dallas, is in the
L. H. Potter and family are on a ues Is due more to the scarcity of la­
was found guilty of practicing med­ city.
trip to the upper McKenzie on an out­ bor and packing materials than any­
icine without a license by
Mrs. F. E. Selover Is home from a ing.
thing else. However, in apricota the
Cameron this morning and fined $25. visit
in Portland.
Mr and Mrs. Bert Vincent , Mr. short crop and the bareness of sup­
The principal witness against
Mrs. A. J. Smith returned to Port- and Mrs James Hartley, Mr. and plies for several weeks helped to ele­
was Oscar Johnson, a mechanic, who
Mrs. M E. Hammitt and Mrs. liam- vate quotations. The strength and
testified that the Chinese charged land this afternoon.
Miss Agnes Mathews is up from mitt's parents resid ng at Salem, will shortage In that market can be safely
him $60 for treating his knee with
leave Thursday on a hunting trip Judged by the enormous price pack­
fiery applications designed to drive Portland visiting friends.
E. D. Matlock went to Portland to Pine Openings.
ers and dryers are paying for the
away rheumatism. Instead, it only
Captain John T. Stears and Geo. F fruit, in ( aiifornia this season from
separated Johnson and his money. this afternoon on business.
John Brookmayer, the Mohawk Allen arrived out from Mapleton last $60 to $100 a ton was paid for the
This is the second time Lee has been
green fruit. Dried apricots are very
found guilty of the same offense. A sawmill man. is in the city.
R. 8. Belknap, of Blacbley, Is In
Olin F. Ford is up from Portland
year ago he was ordered out of town,
on a visit. He is a clerk in a bank south. which would place the price
but has oaid no attention to the rul­ Eugene today on business.
her»» around 35c k pound.
Miss Tessie O'Brien is visiting rel­ there.
laical Puckers Xaine Quotations.
Geo. Sovern nnd family left this
"Dr.” Lee is the Chinaman who atives and friends in Portland.
Local canned» s have named their
Warren McFarland, of Cottage morning for Belknap Springs on an
is intrested in the coal mine prop­
fruit quotations, Practically speak-
Grove, is in the city today.
erties near Creswell.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fricke, of San ing, they i are ab > it the same as those
Sheriff Fred Fisk I ft this morning
for an outing at Foley Springs.
Francisco, arrived here last night to named by the California Fruit Can-
tiers' Asso ciation, except that the Job­
W. D. Combs returned this after­ visit relatives.
OF I/MAI. INTEREST noon from a business trip south.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brown ar­ bers here save the freight charges
J. H. McClung left this morning rived home this afternoon from their from the s outh. In most lines of can-
ne»l fruits the northwest Jobbing
honeymoon tour.
The News has been inform» d that for an outing nt .McKenzie Bridge.
Mrs. R. Robinson and two daugh­ trade secure: practically all its sup-
Rev. Sale, the pastor of the Spring­
Roy Zacharias, the University of
field Baptist church, has resigned, Oreg in athlete, leaves for his home ters left this aftixi noon for San Fran­ piles from local fnstltutlons.
year the loca) pack
cisco on a visit.
his resignation to take effect about In California tomorrow.
are offering
raspberries, loganberries,
October 1st.
Rev. D. E. Baker went to Lancas­ cherries, raapber
Mrs. C. L. Winter went to Port­
gooseberries,, plums
The News’has been reliably In­ land this afternoon on a visit with ter this afternoon to begin a re­ strawberries,
■ pears and rhubarb. In a smail way
vival meeting there.
formed that Paul Bettiehelm has friends.
Mrs. C F. Hurlburt and daughter
Dr. W. W. Oglesby,' of Cottage peaches likewise are offered.
leased the old postoffice building
Hop T hm I v Reflects Crop.
from Emil Etter for a term of five came up from Junction City this af- Grove, wns In the city yesterday af­
ternoon on business.
There has been a revival of the
years, with ihe privilege of five more, ternoon.
Miss Os'. Walton arrived here to­ trading In hops locally during the
B. Lurch, a well-known merchant
years. The building will be greatly
of Cottage Grove, is in tile city tills day from Seattle to visit her father. past 24 hours. A few small lots have
Judge J. J. Walton.
been purchased from dealers, espec­
Charles Tallafero returned Wed­ afternoon.
Justice of the Peace R. S. Bryson ially Lochmund a,- Pincus. English
nesday from The Dalles, where he
A. J. Horr and wife, of Tacoma,
has been playing ball with Stub- who have been visiting at the home and wife leave in the morning for buyers ar»> coming out with predic­
tions of heavy crops all over tb«i
ling's bunch this season. The team of D. Allison at Berkeley, Oregon, Newport on an outing.
J. A. Dobson left yesterday after­ I nlted States this season, but aro
at that place has been disbanded and left on their retur ntrip this after-
noon for a visit with his sister. Mrs. nevertheless more anxious buyers of
Charlie may be persuaded to camp noon.
the old crop than they have been.
here for the remainder of the season
Mrs. B E. Lester and son return­ L. L. Marsters, at Yoncalla.
\ C. Rathmell and Chas. Llttlo- This seems to prove that they are
B. B. McKinney came over from ed this afternoon from a visit at Cot-
field leave In the morning for n hunt­ talking to get growers to s»»l) more
Eugene Wednesday, accompanied by i tage Grove.
ing and fishing trip to the Siuslaw freely.
Architect John Hunzicker, and pur- I
Miss Muriel iuaynew is rapidly
re­ country.
chased from Mr. Gilkey 26 feet more covering from a severe attack of
Run of St<H"ll>»si<l Salmon Good.
Claud»1 Blnlr ami wife came up
Main street property.
This gives pneumonia.
Reports from the lower river state
from Portland this afternoon to visit that the run of steelhead salmon haa
hint a frontage of 63 feet and he says i
John Sullivan, of San Francisco,
that he will start the erection of a! is visiting at the home of his father, at th»- horn«* of Mrs. Blair's sister, been wonderfully Improved during
Mrs. W. G. Martin.
two-storv building at once that will T ,D. Sullivan, In Eugene.
the past few days. Supplies are like
Little Miss Ethel Fuller Is visit­
cover the entire lot. 63x12 0.—News.
Mrs. C E. Day, of Bozeman, Mont., ing the Farnham family at Hen­ wise much greater tn the local mar­
ket. Chinook salmon are still very
Is here visiting at the home of her dricks' Ferry.
scarce; In fact, supplies are smaller
brother-in-law. Dr. F. M. Day
L. C. Russell, wife and two sons
Miss Minnie Parden, who has lyeen leave In the morning for Coquille to I than a week ago.
Ther»> has been a reappearance of
visiting friends In Eugene, has re­
(Special Correspondence.I
snend several weeks there. They will Sound silver smelt I nthe market. To­
Elmira, July 16.—Picking black- ■ turned to her home In Portland.
drive down the const.
day quoted at 7c pound. This Is the
Rev. I. I). Driver came tip from
berries seems to lie the order of the '
first ahopment for about two weeks.
There have been more this , Halsey this afternoon to attend the
Dressed meat market Is firmer
funeral o” Mrs. James Campbell.
year than for several years.
than ever, especially for fine stuff.
Mrs. S. II. Finnegan returned this
Miss Daisy Pollock, of Eugene, has 1
As high as 9c a pound obtalued for
been spending a tew days with iter afternoon from Corvallis, where she
strictly fancy stuff.
attended the funeral of her father
(Special Correspondence. >
aunt. Mrs. Yates.
Brief Notes of tile Trail»*.
Marcóla, July 16. -Haying is in
Mr. and Mrs. Bogard, of Wash­ recently.
Butter mark»*! is very steady.
Walter Stafford Is home from a in full force now and we hups It will
ington state, are visiting their daugh- ;
trip East. He was one of the Pow­ not rain ur.til a'l the hay is in the Front street houses report supply and
ter. Mrs. Thos. Fountain.
demand about equal.
Mrs. Mae Lee has bought the R. F. hattan Guards at the Jamestown fair barn, as it is a short crop this year.
Weather Is too cold for watermel­
The boys of S. I*, camp No. 3 play­
Trout property and will move to El­ for a month.
Mrs. Sarah Davidson, of Halsey, af­ ed the Marcóla boys a game of ball ons and sales are not so heavy as a
mira soon.
rew days ago.
Mr. Colgaard's new store is pro­ ter a visit with her son, T. B. Da­ Sunday, the score being 17 to 16 in
Raspberry season Is closing and
gressing nicely and it will be ready vidson, in Eugene, returned home favor of Marcóla.
this afternoon.
The brass band of Marcóla, which prices are expected to advance at
for use in a few weeks.
Miss Ethel Fugate ,of Portland, has recently be>n organized, will once. Logans showing better qual-
Elmira school district has levied a
I ity.
prc"tlce tone-
v night.
tax and expects to build a new school who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs.
Cheese market generally advanced
The S. P. flumes from mill No. 3
house with two rooms before the fall G .G. Gross, in Eugene, returned
H cent a pound owing to the better
home this afternoon.
are progrt • g nicely.
term begins
W. T. Gardiner, superintendent of
Louis Henninger went to Eugene demand from the north and the smal­
Mr. Colby is building a fine large
ler supplies held locally. Nothing
the Boys' and Girls’ Aid Society at Saturday.
barn on his farm north of Elmira.
The Mabel baseball team will play being sold under 15c today.
Fred Hockley is building a new
Port land Livestock Market.
the Marcóla team Sunday.
residence, as is also Mr. Erickson,
Livestock receipts at the local
on their places.
yards today were: Cattle, 150;sheep,
Miss Millie Herbert, who was taken
4 20. The market generally Is steady
to Portland to he operated on for
i with no change in prices. Quotations
cancer of the stomach, is doing nice­
| are:
Cattle—Best steers, ,3.85© »4;
John Horn and family expect to
medium, $3.25 (ft »3.50; cows, »3;
fair to medium cows, $2.50 'u $2.75;
Springs to stay a few weeks.
bulls, ,24i $2.50; calves, $l+$5.
The Christian church is receiving
Sheep Good sheared. $4© $4.25;
Chtttlm bark—4 A4 it 5c.
a new coat of paint.
lambs, $5.50©,5.75.
Wool -20 <a 2lc.
Mrs. Sarah Woods has given her
Hogs Best, ,6.65 4/ $6.75; lights,
Poultry, Egg*, etc,
residence a new coat of paint.
fats and feeders, ,0.35 a $6.50.
Elmer Jordan and family, of Ac­
Portland Quotations.
Eggs- -Per doz.. 19c.
me, have been visiting Mrs. Jordan's
Creamery Butter- 25<»t27*4c.
Dairy butter - 35c.
father, William Inman, for the past
Eggs 23 4/ 24
Creamer/ Buttec 75r per roll.
few weeks.
Chickens- 13< 15c per pound.
Hens Per lb„ 9c.
Wheat - Valle . 84c; blneetem, 88c
Frys- Per lb., 11 <U 12c.
Oats $26 4/ $27 per ton.
Geese Per I!»., 5c.
Barley, per ton $22 4i $23.50.
Ducks, per lb., 8c.
Hay Timothy, $16(<> $1»; vetch.
Turkeys 12 4/14c.
Notice is hereby given that the I
$7.504/$8; grain hay, $74/,8.
Fruits, A »•gctable», Etc.
Honorable County Commissioners'
Mohair—Choice, 29c©30c.
Potatoes—,2.25 pe- cwt.
Court of Lane County, Oregon, wl'l
Wool—Valley, coarse to medium,
New Potatoes—,1.75 per cwt.
receive sealed bids for the furnish­
18© 20c.
ing of Illi materia) and the erecticv |
Onions—Per lb., 4c.
Hops -Prime, 6c© 7c.
L< nions — Per case, ,5®»«.
of a bridge across the Middle Fork of
Potatoes -Dili, $1.50© ,2 per cwt.
the Willamette River, at or near
Orang»»s- ,4.50.
New, $1.25 4/ $2 per cwt.
Lowell, Oregon. Said bridge to be
Livestock Market.
Onions— $2.75© $3.u0 per cwt.
built according to the plans end spec-1
Steers I'er lb.,3c.
Chlttlm Bark—5c lb.
ifications now on file in the office of
Good cows—2A4c.
the county clerk. All blds to be ac­
Good prime dressed veal 6c.
companied by a certified check of five j
Mutton on foot Per lb., 3c.
per cent of the amount of the bld. I
Fat bog»- $5.50.
Fatuous author of the "Mr.
July 15.—Emile J.
to Insure the faithful performance ac­
t,r»ln and Feed.
Zimmer, a vice president of the Pa­
cording to bld.
All blds to be filed Dooley” articles and forinerlv a
cific States Telephone Company, re­
with the county clerk by July 29.
Cheat hay i'er ton—,10.
fused to be sworn today when called
1907, at 10 o’clock a. m. The court newspaper mau in Chicago anr*
Timothy hay—Per tou, ,10.
as a witness against Louis Glass in
reserves the right to reject any and New York.
Oats- Per bushel, 40c.
the hribery case on the ground that
all bids.
' i hi . $2 1.
he deemed the grand Jury had in­
Dated this Sth day of July, A. D. Portland, is In the city In the Inter­
Mlxed feed — -Per ton, »2 2.
dicted various persons without suf­
ests of the society and conferring
ficient cause.
Short»—Per ton, »25.
with J. M. Williams, the local agent.
Judge l*awlor ordered the witnea»
County Clerk.
Wheat- Per bu.. 80c.
Bert Schumaker, a popular univer­
sworn. Zimmer then took the stand
sity student, left this morning for
and refused to testify In spite of the
Portland Market Report.
Officers of Spencer Butte lodge, his home In Baker City. He is a lieu­
Portland. Or.. July 18. With the repeated questions and the Instruo
I. O. O. F., were installed last night | tenant in the Baker City company
as follows: E. R. Frank, N. G.; J.W. and has receiv'd an appointment in sales at Elgin the 1907 wool crop Rea­ tlons of the court to testify. He con­
McArthur, V. G ; W. T Gordon, sec-j the artillery school at Fortress Mon­ son in this state practically came to tinued obdurate until Judge Lawlor
an end. There »re still a f' w small finally sentenced Zimmer to be "com­
retary; W. M. Green, treasurer; B. B roe. Virginia. He may accept.
McKinney, warden; M
Mrs. J. W. Johnson went to Port­ clips In the eastern part of the state. mitted to the county Jail for a term
conductor; J. AV. Pollock, cbap'aln. land today to reside there in the fu­ In the hands of the growers, but It of five days, and until he answers the
ture, She was accompanied by her will not be long before these are pick­ said questions according to law."
Zimmer stepped from the witness
ed up by buyers. In the valley there
The Spencer Butte Coal and Petro­ son, Rev. Herbert S. Johnson, who is very little in first hands. At the El­ stand and waa taken to Jail in an au-
leum Company today let the contract
gin sales about 400,000 pounds were tpmoblle.
for sinking a 175-foot shaft at the , and from there he will go to Sen disposed of at prices ranging from
Counsel for the defense deciares
coal mine southwest of the city to C. | Francisco, Wlstar Johnson, another 1» to 20 5-8 cents a pound.
that Judge Lawlor erred In his lan­
AV. Sloat, of Eugene. He will begin
It is said that about two-thirds of guage In pronouncing sentence.
the work within ten days. J. W. j go dokrn tomorrow.
The funeral of Miss Grace Mount
the Wallowa and Union county clip
Zimmerman will camp at the mine j
had previously been disposed of at an was held this afternoon at the home
(From Tuesday’s Guard.)
during the summer,
average of about 19 cent* a pound, ho of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Pratt at 30
the crack sprinter and jumper of the
Dr. F. E. Selover spent Sunday In the growers who held their stock for East Tenth street. The services were
Port land.
the sealed bld sale were not dlsap- very largely attended and the floral
Portland Journal:
Bralley Gish. |
E. J. Frasier Is on a trip to Idaho n< lnt"d with the result. On the whole tributes were numerous and beau­
Seattle high school, has announced for a few days.
the season has been a profitable one tiful. The remains were Interred in
his intention of entering the Univer­
the I. O. O. F. cemetery.
W. J. Pn**o ta here from Sedro- for Oregon wool producers.
sity of Oregon this fail. Gish says he
Fruit I’rii'es Are Opt-ned.
wants to get the advantage of train-j
After all this worrying abont the
Jack Llttell la down from Marcola
Ing under Bill Hayward, who has a
lateness of the announcement of
rcputa’lon for developing sprinters |
Mrs. R. L. Willoughby has gone to opening values on canned fruits, the
He will specialize In the 220-yard Newport on an outing
California Fruit fanners' Association
Hon J. H. McClung
up from today named its Initial 1907 values,
one day ahead of the time prices were
Portland on business.
The deed for the lot upon which ,
Felix Sparks arrived down from named a year ago. Then they were
the Eugene g‘ neral hospital I* being Blue River City last night.
named July 17. Generally speaking
built on College Hill was filed for
D. M. Kemp arrived out from Flor­ the opening values are materially
record today The lot contains 3.178 ( ence
higher than a year ago. the big corpo­
last night on business
«crea and the price a* given in the ¡
Attorney Jerome Knox, of Cottage ration making quotations very much
deed is',1575. The grantors, Grace Grove, was In th» city today.
like those named by the Central Cal­
Hanna Humphrey and Norris Hum-,
Miss Hazel Huff returned home ifornia Canners' Association a week
phrey, agree to open and dedicate a this afternoon from Newport.
or so ago. Today Jobber* named
street 60 feet wide along the south
W. L. Hayward is home from a their prices to conform with the new­
line of the property, from Eugene av­
ly announced ones of the California
fishing trip up the McKenzie.
enue, on top of the hill, io the county
Rev. Herbert S. Johnson returned ass* »elation.
road at the foot of the hill.
Material Advances Shown
this afternoon from Portland.
and apricots
are the prin­
Geo Croner left thia morning for
clpal fruits
fruits purchased
purchased by
by the
the local
Belknap Springs, to be gone several noon for Grants Paas on a visit.
J. M Medley went to Cottage trade from California. Jobbers' price«
They war find wear and wear
Levi Strauss & Co.