PEABODY ANO ORCHARD MEET FACE TO FACE ♦ ♦ Boise, June 13.— Former ♦ Governor Peabody and Harry ♦ Orchard met face to face in ♦ ♦ the office of Attorney J H Hawley at the noon recess of ♦ court today. Orchard was ♦ speaking, talking to another ♦ man, when Peabody entered. ♦ Orchard recognized him at ♦ once, his face changed and ho ♦ shrank back and trembled. ♦ The former governor smiling­ ♦ ♦ ly held out his hand, saying "How are you, Orchard?” ♦ Orchard broke down com­ ♦ ♦ pletely. He said: ”1 am ashamed to look at ♦ you, air; I am ashamed to ♦ ♦ speak to you.” The governor reassured ♦ + ♦ him In a few kindly words ♦ ♦ ♦ and Orchard said: "I’m thankful that I didn’t ♦ ♦ ♦ kill you. and am spared the ♦ ♦ ♦ thought of that crime.” ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Washington. June 17.—A private cablegram has been received stating that Marquis Ito and the elder states­ men of Japan held a conference with Foreign Minister Hayashi last Wed­ nesday, when, at the urgent request of the marquis, It was decided to re­ call Viscount Aokl, Japanese ambas­ sador to this country. The statement is made from an authoritative source that Ito and Aokl have been unfriend­ ly for many years. Tokio, June 17.—The text of a res­ olution which has been adopted by the constitutional party is as follows: “The persecution of our compatri­ ots is deeply regretted for the sake of both America and Japan, but we must not forget that there exists be­ tween the two nations the closest friendship, which inoght be called an alliance. In fact, the professions of the government at Washington and the American people In general, and MRS. HOWARD GOULD. Formerly Mies Katherine Clem­ mons, actress, who is now suing her husbund for a limited divorce. not such Incidents as are reported to have occurred, must be taken as ex­ pressions of (heir will It Is believed, therefore, that the questions, If prop­ erly handled, are capable of a just and Intelligent solution. "We must refrain from becoming excited over the unlawful conduct of part of a people, thus Injuring the na­ tional cause. We expect a proper settlement will soon be reached through peaceful diplomacy.” PUBLIC LAND MEETING ELECTS CARTER CHAIRMAN Denver, June 18 Called together for a discussion of public land ques­ tlona with a view to formulating a policy and urging legislation In ac- corilance therewith nearly one thoua- and representatives frurn the trans­ Missouri states met tn this city to­ day. Senator Thoma: Montana, »as elected chairman and made t statement regarding the President Roosevelt on | “The president Is Irr posed, It seems, to a co free and unregulated r not absolutely committee ticiilar «heme ter th« inent of this purpose. T Phis much th« president has informed me, "The president sddei <1 that if It were found that there w< ere any harsh rules in fotce In the adtnl illustration of the present policies thesi ic harsh rules and not the policies would be modi fled." Astoria, June 14 J Bowlsby. an undertaker at North Bend, on Coos Bay, shot and mortally wounded Cleve Jennings, also of North Bend, today on the steamer Alliance, which was on Its way from Portland to Coos Bay. Jennings la alleged to have alien­ ated the affections of Bowlsby's wife and he came here In pursuit of him lie did not locate Jennings, who was about to return home on the steamer on which Bowlsby had also taken pas­ sage. having given tip the s'arrh for Jennings He shot him deliberately with a 44-callbre revolver In the sb- Gl FOR BALE I acres in sec. 5, tp, 17 a. r. 10 w. CORDWOOD FOR SALE 1 ♦ ♦ »1,000. MbH ders with L. G. Browtit ** ♦ .DAILY NOTES FROM ♦ I. H. Cushman et ux to O. C. Slan- Brown's office In Chrlsm>n ♦ COUNTY CLERK'H OFFICE. ♦ wood, W. D., 40 acres In sec. 7. tp. I Sul FOR SALE—Dry grub oat r~~ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦ 19 i. r. 11 w„ »300. skill and perceptive faculties of the I If P»J H. A Lee et ux to Alex Stewart small size, nice for cookin'. » Real Fatate Transfer». et al, W. D. 960 acres in secs. 20 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ _____ ITH commencement so near guests in novel ways, and serving I ye»-- * ’ 2 refreshments The invited guests H. U. Johnson et ux to Hubert A and 22, tp. 15 s. r. 7 w , »100. ♦ w v £n the entertainment of guests were H. E. Stewart et ux to Geo. Rein, ♦ Mesdames Abrams, Ross Cooley; lota 9 and 10, block 55 San Francisco, June 14.— ♦ I posto Junction. *900. W. D., lots 39 and 40 of Stewart’s ♦ Mayor Schmitz, convicted ♦ _____ and people preparing for King Wood. H. Veatch, Chambers. FOR SALE—230 acres, one-half Elmer O’Brien to Theresa M. Jack- plat, »240. tom land, about 30 cleared ♦ last night by a jury of the ♦ during that week, and the students M Veatch Job, DuBruille, Briggs, O. & C. R. R. Co, to John Robin- ♦ charge of extortion, asked ♦ so busy with their examination, this Billington,' Hall. Compton. Fisher, son; 160 acres in sec. 12, tp. 19, a. r. nine-room house and barn ón »300. son, D. 4 0 acres In sec. 1, tp. 21«. r. ♦ Judge Dunne to release him ♦ 8 w. Wheeler, Campbell, Thompson, J. I. I Mohawk river. Address’ a Tin has been a quiet week from a social J. D. Bristow et ux to E. C. Cole; 4 w , (1220. Jones, Johnson. Robert Glle, Benson, Workman, Marcóla, Or ’ on bail until sentence Is pro­ ♦ ♦ I take ; But there have been Hinds, Goodman, Walker, Wynne, 1.94 acres in tp. 17, s. r. 3 w. W. W. Tucker et ux to N. J Gel- ♦ nounced Thursday. The re­ ♦ standpoint. I tr*DSi (242.50. witz, W. D., 56 acres in sec. 22, tp. ♦ quest was denied, the court ♦ a few delightful gatherings, and then Lurch. Richmond. Russell. Gault, W. FOR SALE OR TR a DE^^T^ I sad 1 L. H. Potter et ux to Rufus Rob­ 20 s. r. 4 w , »50. A. Hemenway. Medley, and Misses ♦ Cot ranch with plenty of spring wltir ♦ saying that the mayor, like ertson; 16.50 acres In tp. 17, s. r. 4 O. O. Fosback to E. O, Fosback, W. ♦ any other convicted criminal, ♦ the musical on Friday evening counts Currin, Hooper and Jennie Wood. Cre for Irrigating purposes See Lee w »700. I) , 320 acres In see. 3, tp. 18 a. r. ♦ should be locked up in jail. ♦ for a great deal. — Western Oregonian. Cot ♦ ♦ ♦ Chas W. Letson et ux to Earl 11 w. Hoselton, Oregon Cigar Store. ♦ Mrs. Frank Page was a charming Parsons; 160 acres In sec. 22, tp. 19, J. C. McDonald to Booth-Kelly I ♦ ♦ ! hostess on Friday afternoon to a ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ tf s. r. 7 w. (1. Lumber Co., W. D., 80 acres in sec. ♦ large number of her friends. The > O. P. Hoff et ux to A A. Baker: 12, tp. 17 «. r. 1 e., . »10. San Francisco, June 13.—A Jury of > PERSONALS. personals . ♦ COW FOR SALE—A splendid threT" 160 acres in sec. Io, tp. 16, s. r. 6 United States to G W. Liles, Pat., twelve of his peers has declared May­ I rooms of her home were prettily ar­ year-old Jersey cow, just ♦ w. (1000. 160 acres in sec. 13, tp. 18 s. r. or Eugene E. Schmitz guilty of the ranged with flags, appropriate for ♦ TTnniiLri» 9 ■ Enquire nf of Plrxvrl Floyd Vaughan »t .j,; Flag Day. Whist was the amuse­ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ A. A. Baker to C. J. Gravett; 160 9 w. crime of extortion, as charged against ment of the afternoon and Mrs. J. city limits on West Eighth street 9 t,s acres in sec. 15, tp. 16, s. r. 6 w. R. V. Hughes et i ux to Eliza Hight, him by the Oliver grand jury. The (From Tuesaay's Guard.) J4 ' »1000. W. D., lot 5, blk. . 2, Cox Add. to jury was out just one hour and 35 F. Titus proved herself winner of 9 ’ ' ' R. F. Glle, of Salem, was In the the first prize, while Mrs. C S. Wil ­ L. H. Howe to Vance Howe; 5 Florence »4 00 S b (.,.<> WANTED—An O. I. C. boar resi». minutes. They at once elected a liams was awarded the consolation cit ytoday. acres in sec. 30, tp. 17, s. r. 3 w. Olive Read to Geo. McLean; lot 8, foremau and proceeded to cast an In­ tered or eligible to be regl.t^ Wnu Kyle and son. W. J., are here token. Mrs. Page was assisted in II oi!"' s _ b e »300. block 3, S. and P. ad to Eugene. formal ballot. This was cast verbally | Must be from year to u moB£ serving dainty refreshments by Mrs. from Florence. Alex Power to Chipear Wilcut; »850. old Apply at once to A G H u ! Ann,v *’ .............................. and stood eleven for conviction and Lily, Miss Frieda Goldsmith, and L. M. Hoselton is in from his saw- | 80 acres In sec. 15, tp. 17, s. r. 9 w, ■ fur th J. W White to E. O Potter; lots one for acquittal. den, 642 WHUmette street. Miss Meta Goldsmith. The guests mill beyond Crow. »600. 5 and 8, block 17, Mulligan's dona­ The jury then began the discua- of the afternoon were the Mesdames Ju B„ Young was down from 8ene-__________________ Il 1 rd J “ “ C. J. Miller et ux to F. C. Coff­ tion to Eugene. »1. slon, which lasted nearly an hour. At I tbe T man; north half of lot 4, block 3, J. P. Currin and wife to Lula W. the end of that time the first formal Julius Goldsmith, J. F. Titus, Rob­ Fall Creek today. Salem Is In the FOR 8AL ® — Second-hand top bu7 ® J. C. Goodale, of □dirui, ID iu tuu ■ lie or McFarland’s 2d ad to Cottage Grove. Currin; lota 5 and 6. block 2. Currin ballot was cast. It waB unanimous ert Pratt, Frank Wetherbee Claire gy, runnlne running gear onri and bed m tint' Willoughby. David Linn, O. W. city on business. »1000. Park ad to Cottage Grove. »1. M MUSCO class condition; top needs recover' for conviction. Louis Johnson returned today from I Briggs 3. 3. Spencer, Wm. Alexan ­ D. A. Smith et ux to Cora E. Teet­ Geo. W. Norris to A. R. Tiffany; Ing. Price reasonable Call u ■ The There were maneifstatlons af ap­ der. G. W. Griffin. F. W. Osburn. R. a trip to Portland. ers; lot 3, block 2. Perkins ad to lot 8. block 8, 8 & P ad. »10 Call at Thorpe’s blacksmith shoo proval In the crowded courtroom 8. Bryson. E. O. Potter, J. W. Hobbs. I and 1 J. J. Hess went to Drain this af ­ Cottage Grove. »475. M. G. Evans to Olga J. Martin; when the verdict was announced. Pearl street, between Seventh ins I and t Lair Thompson, Lucie Abrams, Elmer ternoon on business. 8eamer L. Oliver to Eder E. Hen­ lot 1, block 2, Creswell. »100. I Eighth. dwtf Mrs. John Buster returned this af­ derson; 160 acres In sec. 26, tp. 19, ^as. 8. Mahon et ux to J. A. Wei ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Roberts. T. H. Gilbert, J. F Robin­ I one » son, Geo. O. DeBar, C. 8. Williams, ternoon from a trip north. s. r. 6 w. ?800. bern; certain land In sec. 11, tp. 17 PIGS FOR SALE — 60 pigs just wean­ ♦ ■ farm. ♦ Minnie Washburne, John Staub, G. Jos. Fellman left this afternoon to J. W. Barnes; Col. Smith et ux s. r. 5 w »3500. t ed and a number of first-cla^ San Francisco, June 15.— ♦ W. Smith, L. T. Harris, J. D. Bra- for Astoria on a business trip. I West block 36 and lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Frank Smalley to Louis E. Bean ♦ brood sows and stock hogs. ^¡ k0 I Sub Professor and Mrs. F. S. Dunn re­ t.— Miss ----- and north half of lot 10, block 31, and John M. Williams; each 80 acres ♦ "No bail for Eugene E. ♦ lv, California, F. W. Day, and thoroughbred O. I. C. pigs.all ages ♦ Schmitz,” the convicted may­ ♦ Nellie Loomis. turned last night from Portland. Fairmount. »1050. I their i In sec. 17. s. r. 3 e. »1500 J. E. Chamberlain, R. F. D. Sprin ’ - Police Judge Dorris went to Port­ ♦ ♦ ♦ U. 8. to Elmer O’Brien; 160 acres W. R. Thomson to Anna V. Lowry; ♦ or of San Francisco, was the ♦ ff«ld. Phone Springfield Fartxeri I mium. Miss Eva ♦ ruling made today by Judge On next Friday evening land this afternoon on business. in sec. 12, tp. 19. s. r. 8 w. Patent. 30 acres In tp. 17, s. r. 4 w. »200. : 35 L I Tb ary Encyclopedia, consisting of !8 key; 10 acres in sec. 18. tp. 16, s. r. and half lot 3, block 41, Junction ♦ Judge Dunne called the sher­ ♦ panist and Miss Nina Nlcklin as vio­ Mrs. O. I. Circle went to Philo­ ♦ iff and said Schmitz was not ♦ linist. 4 w »105. math today to visit her folks a few volumes. Enquire of or addreu City. »10. I names Charles E Russell et ux to C. P + + ♦ days. G. W. Winn to M. Wilhelm; 62 ♦ to be allowed his liberty, but ♦ I So tar J. F. Amis, 396 West Seventh st., ♦ was to be confined in jail, un ­ ♦ Mrs. George McMorran entertained Barnard; lot 1, block 2 west. Mul­ acres In secs. 19 and 30, tp. 15, s. r. G. W. Cruson, of Lebanon, former­ Eugene. tf I pel th ♦ less upon order of the court. ligan's addition, 60x7 8 feet at east 5 w. »1760. the Thursday Afternoon club this ly a resident of Eugene, is here on : Schmitz was given until 1 + I their end. 160x62 feet at west end. »10. week at her home at 704 Oak street. business. Arthur Frazer et ux to Samuel WANTED Chas. Shaer to C. 8. Frank; north Minturn; lots 3 and 4, Joaquin Miller went to Portland t block 1, Uni- : o’clock this afternoon to ar­ ♦ Progressive whist was the game of I aagaz + the afternoon and the prize was this afternoon, expecting to return range his affairs. eaBt queBter sec. 20, tp. 20, s. r. 2 verslty ad to Eugene. . *1. WANTED — Man and wife, with small I ment ♦ The ♦ w. »1. tawarded to Mrs. E. C. Hughes. 8. A. Sage et ux to Chambers-Bris­ here soon. family, to work on farm. State .. . guests -------- -------- j The H. T. Dow to C. 8. Frank; 160 tow Company; 94 acres in sec. 20, ♦+♦♦++♦♦+♦+♦♦♦♦♦♦ ,. invited E. R. Hollenbeck has returned to were , Mrs. M. F. expected, experience, etc. I with t acres In sec. 20, tp. 20, s. r. 2 w. also 30 acres In tp. 18, s. r. 3 w. ¡Griggs, Mrs. Allene Brong, Mrs. Florence, after visiting his son, Hen­ I salary Address “ Y, ” this office. Bing- I Frank Hampton, Mrs. I. H. »1. ry, in Eugene. I sal, at »150. Luther Elkina to Charles W. Eber- With Schmitz in Jail the program ham. Miss Nettie Kress and Mrs. Lieutenant B. K. Lawson, of Com­ WANTED—At once. Candy maker, J. L. Clark et ux to J. A. Maurer 78 Mai leiu; 160 acres In sec. 1, tp. 19, a. r. acres in Bee. 4, tp. 18, s. r. 7 w. »50. which has already been determined Jepp. pany E at Cottage Grove, was in the one having some experience in 8 w. »400. caxMos ♦ ♦ ♦ Mattle Winn to M. Wilhelm; 48 city yesterday and today. making plain candy and chocolate«. Earl L. McNutt to Claire B. Wll- acres in sec. 1», tp. 15, b . r. 5 Professor W. L. Whittlesey Is here The Invitations to the 1907 com- Address Box 451, Eugene, Or. tf loughby; 80 acres In secs. 32 and 33, »880. mencement exercises of the Univer­ to attend the graduating evercisea tp. 16, s. r. 4 e. »1 00. Ada Winn to M Wilhelm; 43 7___ - The ex- of the university next week. sity of Oregon are now out. WANTED—Young lady for house­ Simon P. C. Fleener et ux to John acres In sec. 19, tp. 15, «. r. 5 Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Rowland have thls year promise to be even erclses 1* work; no cooking, no washing; A. Youngreen; 53.78 acres In tp. 17, »880. «ILL gone to Turner to attend the annual than usual and will be at- better __ good pay and good room. Apply st a. r. 2 w. 11. J. C. Winn to M Wilhelm; 48 Christian convention ’here. tended by a great many out of town 4 04 Madison street, Portland, Or. Emma Soderquist to Dora V. acres in see. 30, tp. 15, a. r. Miss Nellie Smith, who has been people. The music, which is under Phone number, Main 2006. Mrs. Bowman; 98.76 acres in sec. 4, tp. »800. visiting her mother in Eugene, re ­ ¡the direction of Professor Irving M. Ona LeRoy, prop., Rosedale. 9 Tllr 17, s. r. 3 : w . also lot7, sec. 4, tp. 18, Mary Winn to M. Wilhelm: ¡Glen, will be a feature in Itself. turned to Portland this morning. ss h 9 tiun h a. r. 5 w. »3500. acres in Bee. 30, tp. 15, s. r. FOR RENT Eugene Matlock went to Cottage Among the musicians coming from to Fingal Dlnds; (880. (’. N. Johnson . BI «U.-kn: a distance will be Mrs. A. S. Kerry Grove this afternoon on business con­ certain land In Cottage Grove. »1. Ella Grugett and husband to jof Seattle. Mrs. Cote. Mrs. Wolleth, nected with the Oregon Produce Co. FOR RENT—Modern furnished fist Bl ,"h'' W. 11. Gossler to Henry F. Rhodes; Wilhelm; 43 2-3 acres In sec. 19, | Mrs. Banzer, Mr. Keith and Mr. Rus- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bash left last Apply at Schneider block. tf *090. Bl h-1*-'''" certain land In Springfield 15, b . r. 5 w. »880. isell, of Portland, and Mr. LeRoy night on their return trip to Alberta, J. M. Frances et ux to Andrew J. Winn et ux to M. Wllhelm; FOR RENT—An 11-room dwelling MM be ron S. M. after visiting relatives and friends in Gessner, of Salem. Wood et ux; certain land in tp. 1, a. 80 acres In Bee. 19, tp. I 5. s. r. 5 w. house. Enquire at 641 Hilyard l|sl 'V this county for several weeks. + + ♦ r. 4 w »10 street, tf »880. Hal . Another June wedding is booked R. M. Donahue, a former Wells- William 11 Gossler to Esnia V D. C. Winn et ux to M Wilhelm; for the latter part of the month, the Fargo express agent of this city, ar­ M at i- h Nowell ¡certain land In Springfield. 80 acres in sec. 19, tu. 15, s. r. 5 w. contracting parties being two of Eu­ rived here from Portland this after­ FOR RENT—Two or three furnished 91 i"'™ I »14 10. rooms for light housekeeping. In ­ »880. gene’s popular and well known young noon to visit friends. Andrew J. Wood et ux to M. Fran­ quire at. 683 Oak street. tf m J. R. Boyd to F. A. Leiter 120 people. Several other weddings of Miss Susie' Bannard has gone to cis; 404.56 acres in sees. 11 and 12, acres in sec. 22, tp. 15, s. r. 5 importance have been hinted at, but her home at Grants Pass for the FOR RENT—Furnished or unfur­ tp. 18, s. r. 5 w. »10. »600. as yet no definite dates have been summer. She was one of the teach­ State of Oregon to William Craw­ nished rooms; free water. Enquire — ths: Thomas H. Ellis et ux to W. given out. ers in the high school last year. 91 »:.■■■ ford; 160 acres in sec. 6, tp. 16, s. Calkins; lot 1, block 3, Eugene. of Campbell-Fellman Company. + ♦ ♦ Miss Mae Loomis, chief surgical r. 1 e. ,201.05. US »500. Invitations for an afternoon at nurse In the Seattle General hospital. FOR RENT—Suite of rooms in War­ C. P. Barnard to C. E Russell et C. P. Marshal to Jas. P. Land et gM nu rn< needlework have been issued by Mrs. Is here visiting her parents, Dr. and ux; 7 acres In tp. 17, s. r. 3 w. ,10. ux; certain land In sec. 3, tp. 21, s. r. ren block. See Lane County Ab­ Cecelia Dunn, for Monday, June 17th. Mrs. E ,C. Loomis, during her vaca­ C. L. Ackeriv, admr , Io F A 2 w. »550. Nüu stract Company, in same buildng. H tion. + ♦ ♦ Johnson; lots 1 and 2. block C, M -r- tf Anlas Land to C. P. Marshall and ' The song recital of the University Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Devereaux —— - ' i rls’ ad to Florence ,135 MB a • . F. A. Marshall; certain land in sec. School of Music on Friday evening have arrived from Idaho and have MISCELLANEO! S United Stat1» to Alexander Wood: 3, tp. 21, s r. 2 w. »300. II:- ' ' was well worth hearing. Villard taken up their residence among us. 1 4 4.5 6acres In rets. 11 and 12, tp. Thomas Gray et ux to Pearl J. Wfs- Hall was crowded by people who Mr. Devereaux is a brother of C. P. ALL PAYMENTS due H. Gordon Patent. 18, a. r. 5 w carson; 7 acres In tp. 17, s. r. 4 w. showed their appreciation of each Devereaux. United Statisi to W. E. Curtlp; 160 »700. t may be made to his successor«, ■ number by hearty applause, and well Alfred Empy, who has been em­ acres In sec. 22, tp. 19, s. r. 7 w. Charles Thom et ux to Albany Campbell & Fellman, or at W. T. H they could, for the whole program ployed in Haynes’ barber shop for Patent. Brewing Company; half Interest in 9 ':n- was excellent. The number by Miss some time past, left this morning for Gordon’s new undertaking room’, United States to W. H. Morford; east half of lot 3. block 3, J. H. Mc­ Mulkey, instrumental soloist, was re­ his home at Ogden, Utah. 160 acres In sec. 10, tp. 17, a. r. 9 Farland's ad to Cottage Grove. »I. corner Tenth and Olive streets. : ceived with enthusiasm, and Miss Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Garrison arriv­ w. Patent. d»’ tf I m t" 'n : I Chas. W. Inman to W . W. Inman; carried out rapidly. Whiteside Is well known for her abil­ ed down from the McKenzie last F. A. Milliorn et ux to Steakley; 370.22 acres in tp. 17, s. r. 5 w. upon will EM I'it-iien The board of supervisors will elect ity as an accompanist. Following is evening and left this morning for lots 4 and 7. block 5, Washburn»; & »700. IM «ouiit n the program complete: one of its numbers mayor. Then one Portland. They had been on a fish ­ Milllorn's ad to Junction. »55. William Welch et ux to Tyron J. M ing trip tip the river. and his sister Eva left yesterday nooi Geo. Templeton to Samuel Tem­ Brackett; 160 acres in sec. 28, tp. of the supervisors will resign and O That We Two Were Maying. . .......................... Ailce Mary Smith the acting mayor will appoint some Mrs. Bryan, mother of Mrs. W. for thlr home at Acme. They wl pleton; undivided 1-6 Interest In 111 17, a. r. 6 w. »2300. MB tiun Messrs. Prescott and Henderson responsible citizen In his place. This acres In secs. 10 and 11, tp. 16, s. A. E. Abbey et ux to Geo. C. citizen will then be elected acting Summer's Message............... d'Hardelot Waddle, was brought up from her first go to Eugene and take the stage M Th" 1 r. 4 w »75. home near Juaction today, being car­ from that point to the coast. Beebe; 159 acres in sec. 9, tp. 18, s. Una Neal mayor. Frank Redsecker et ux to P. C. r. 3 w. »2500. J. H. McClung is up from Po­ H Ing no ried on a stretcher. She is quite ill i Calm As the Night............ . . . Bohm and was brought here to receive bet­ land on busin nss. The fine ne» ho- I 9 b-r disi Ilenld; 160 acres In sec. 26. tp. 15, s Z. F. W. Sanbert et ux to M. B. Louis Henderson tel building which he and his so«-n- I 9 are too ter medical treatme nt r. 8 w. »320. in sec. 9, FEDERAL JUDGE Smith et ux; certain land .................... Moszkowski law, Dr. Wetherbee, are erecting :« I ■ ’ration U. 8 to Frank Redsecker; 160 tp 18. s r 11 w »105. POSTPONES CASE Spanish Dance Nellie Mulkey the metropolis Is going up rapidly ifl-om Wednesday's Guard.) acres In ■ec. 2 6, tp. 15, a r. 8 w. 9 county C. Cole et ux to Lizzie Paschalle; Happy Song........................... del Riego Dr. Alma S. Anderson arrived h« I . . 400. J T. Witter a as over from Spring­ Kansas City, June 14.—When the lot 4. block 10, Cole's 1st ad to Mar- ■ curing Sue Hayes W. R. Dillard et ux to F. 8. cola. »65. field today. from Seattle last night and »1- I case of the railroads was called be­ j Sing Me a Song of a Lad That Schenk; 40 arras In sec. 21, tp. 18, W. H. Kreis, of Pomeroy, Wash., Is open an office for the practice o I ■ ties bef T. K Yerger et ux to Paul Paa- fore Judge McPherson In the I’nited Is Gone.......................... .. . Homer Is in the city. s. r. 3 w. »1 medicine here. She was former!) I ■ up by t chelle 3 acres in sec. 18, tp. 16, a. r. States district court he ordered post­ Neal J. H. O’Mallory et ux to Fred An- 1 w John Carman is home from an out­ nurse in one of the Seattle hW11 I ■ and thl ponement until tomorrow. Meantime La Serenata William »175. ............................ . .. .Tosti ing at Newport. derson; lot 8, block 7, Scott's ad to and recently graduated at a medi™ a Geo. C. Beebe et ux to Rockwell E his order of yesterday restraining Irene Simington Eugene. »1000. I ■ to be t Hon. J. H McClung returned this college. Abby; lot 5, block 9, Springfield. the state officials from enforcing the If I Were a Bird................ Henselt J. 8 Blanton to W A. Blanton; »1000. afternoon to Portland. Salem Statesman: Ralph ’•‘’'f'T I ■ better i acts in question will continue tn ef ­ Love's Dream.......................... 335.49 acres in sec 10, tp. 18, a. r. . . Liszt ■ ■ propo-ü Major Edwards left this afternoon a recent graduate of the Salem Margaret E. Kopp et al to Geo. W. fect. Nellie Mulkey 4 w. (1000. school, and Howard Bean. W® ‘ I ■ mid of on a trip to Portland. Cochran et al; lot 1. block 1, Kit- Counsel to Nina ...................... Wekerlin A Sharpies to E W Schenk; son's ad to Eugens. »300: W. B. Scott and wife, of Leaburg, Judge R. S. Bean, and a graduate™ ■ ■ ought t Action at 84. Istuis. Hazel Huff 693 01 seres In secs 16, 6 and IS, the Eugene high school, left jt* ■ spent last night in Eugene. J. E. Noland i et ux to M M Dob- ttt. Ixnils. June 14.—Attorney-Gen- When the Birds Go North Aagin tp. 18, a. r. 3 w. *9000 ■ ■ E'tg-:i. Attorney G. B. Dorris went to Cot­ day for a summer outing at t blns; lota 3. 4, 5. 0, 7. 8, block 16. eral Hadley today filed a petition Ella Finn to Daniel Beck: 160 Creswell sides. Malheur county, on the 1*’“ ■ ■ t-res'. tage Grove this afternoon. ,1. here simultaneously with his action acres In sec. 13. tp. 22, s. r. 4 w. I I too ni,:, E. J. McClanahan went to Cottage A. N. Moores. J. E Noland et i ux to M. M Dob at Kansas City to secure injunctions I Love Thee....................... »1100 Bert Prescott 10. block 88 against the eighteen Missouri rail­ Grove this afternoon on business. blns; lots 6. 7. », B tond:' Daniel Beck et ux to A. B. Hollo- Creswell. The First Meeting ......... »200. roads. compelling them to obey the In May................................. .... Greig Miss Ora Jackson came up from The Allen Fruit I «tead way; 160 acres In sec. 13, tp JJ, s. Hammond Junction this afternoon on a visit. nery United States to J. E L George; 160 two-cent rate law and maximum In this city was started «P »1500. I «o call < May Huff Smith r. 2 w. freight law now in effect. 17. s. acres in sec. 6, tp. _ J- 3-^ Carr, of June, was a pleas- J Miller et al to Frank Wood- The voices of Messrs. Henderson ant caller at the Guard office last the season's run this nl "rnlI15 c !« I Portunit Patent. twenty-five or thirty "''ln''n '» acres In tp. 20, s. r. 3 w. and Prescott are well known through Emily A. Ellen McCornack et B of -h- Upon their work in the Glee Club as fine evening. Kansas City. Mo.. June 13 and six or eight men a' ot> 1, Chrls- application of Attorney-General Had­ J. N B Honore I’at- Gilkey; part of lot 8, I «uaranr G. first tenors, Miss Una Neal has a turned last Fuller, wife and son re­ berries are the first to ne q’°.rt «* tian's ad to Eugene. night from an outing at and are being put up ley Judge Parks, in the circuit court, very dainty v ice and her high notes tp 17, a. r. 40 I rrt. Newport. W. G, Davis et ui today issued orders upon the repre­ were exceptionally good. In "Happy The crop this year »'• »I Geo. W. Satterfield was In town as usual and there will not he * in ae< sentatives of eighteen of the princi­ Song Miss Sue Hayes used well her I It see Honore I’al- Stewart et al; 160 airea W 11 00 from J u net yesterday, looking af- big run on them, al’b pal railroads of Missouri compelling voice so full of power and sy 160 acres in tp. 15, s. r. 7 west 40 I “ • cas. sympathy, ter bus! ss Ion Stock Bru ml. matters. them to obey the two-cent passenger Mr. Neal sang with his usual will be employed s< : sec ll.itp. 17. s. r 1 w. »1000 I « ’ ’ »at de le of Miss Jos. Strome A Son file stock brand rate and maximum freight rate bills manner which Is always s Alicia McElroy returned this np the big luscious ber S MiI'alkltia et ux to C. 8. Frank; _______ I I* «bom which went Into effect at midnight with an audience. Miss so taking afternc non from an ______ extended visit in are beginning to come ,160 acn >s In sec. 18, tp. 30, a. r. 2 of figure seven within a diamond. I ksrvice, Vlst-ringe IJcen»'«. last night. This brings the circuit is another possessor of a Simington Portland and Newport. w. (lot). Allen says the rain I Frederick E. Harris, aged 35. and court Into conflict with the I’nited nevertheless strong voice, dainty but I *bo hai nr\.-A K' Je,lp an(1 mother, Mrs. some by cracking the J. E. Kennedy et ux to W H and her _ Scott; c<>rtaln land in sec. 10, tp 17, ¡Carrie Friendly. 25; 8. H Friendly, States district court, before which tone shading was exquisite. Miss ■' R Wilson, have gone to Portland later varieties are not I •** not! witness the railroads are suing for an Injunc­ Hazel Huff quite captivated the audi­ to remain several weeks. a. r. 1 e. »200 least, and there will •>» *« allo John H. 8<>avey. .31, and Alice tion tv prevent the state officials Ross Hunter, of the International crop this year as last, no 8. M Calkins et ux toll T.-Dow; ence with her ease of manner and Correspondence P»r whi Schools, came up from enforcing these laws. 4 0 acres In sec. 19, tp . 20. a r. 2 w 8tewart, 23; .1. R Yates, witness ing the general opinion t winning smile. The last numbers on from Salem this afternoon. James A. Klrbv, 24, aniU Anna B. Pose »250 trary. the program were those of Mrs May W m Landess, of Cottage Grove, Samuel Templeton to George Tem­ Wald. 21. Fred Wald, wltnetm. _ W J~Baldwln reports a big bus- Huff Smith, who Is a graduate this Eager John Clarence Moras. IS. and I .an Cosmetics will ruin the "as tn the city today, returning home pleton; 55 S acres In sec. 10, tp. 16. year of the vocal department of the Iness at his new racket store in the tsrt m celotte D. Frits It; B. F Keeney» There ’ s no beauty P r » f ' I''™*»»- on the afternoon train. — _____ __ a. r 4 w »250 Commercial block on opening day School of Music, and her singing is 1 •eopie 1 Ben Fenne. who has been In Med- »».- the effects r.» of UnllisfiT Hollister S s K' ' J. A Haines et ux to Honore Pai­ witness IB LUV the V-- entire D. C. McClung, aged 28. and He la well pleased with the prospects Indeed praiseworthy. Her recital is ford for the past several weeks, ar­ tain Tea. It keeps mer; 80 acres In sse. 3. tp. 17. a. ««re wh for a splendid business. announced elsewhere In these col ­ Tea or ubi«*- Minnie Born, 20; E. Broders. wit- r. 1 w »400. perfect health. — Oregon umns Miss Stinson Is to be congrat­ rived In Eugene this afternoon. W W Haines et al to Honore MM. cents. Linn Drug < 11 _ s „ 7 George. Jr., and family, re ­ The people of Coburg will cele­ ulated upon the excellent work of her turned to Portland today after a visit •■kount Hazel Palmer; 40 acres In sec. 11, tp. 17. brate the Fourth of July In grand pupils. fcoeebur M A M H. Rebmen. who a. r. 1 w »I. * rs h"me of Mra George’s parents, At Cottage Gmre. style. The usual amusements. In ­ Mq 1# John W. Blodgett to Booth-Kelly nesa. i--.. S,arr can,e "P fron> Port­ west of Eugene. br. , 4 Mesdames Eakin and Jones enter ­ cluding a baseball game, a tug of war Wm Skuzle and Mary Elizabeth Guard office this morni«« ( Lumber Company: 16,199 47 acres Méfiait» between teams from the Wendling tained guests at the home of the for­ land this afternoon to attend the of May Duke cher’ie»- # In Ips 20, 21. 22. 21. s r. 1 snd 2 w Bennett; E Wheeler witness. lommencement exercises at tne unl- mer on Wednesday aftern icon of this vxerslty. William P Drugg and Antta M and Coburg mills, and various other which has never hrl , It. |M>pular amusements will be pulled week The parlors were beautifully Cox. E A Bond, witness 8 L Taylor et nx to Geo R .« Y E I-oonnrd and Miss Car- the Guard force, aged 24, and off An excursion train will be run decorated for the occaslo '« »¡th the rt< Bingham, of Birmingham. Mich . two feet long and George E, Potti W. D.. 157.05 acres in sec. &. tp. blooms of the native rho 'dodendron, Miss Laura A. Wli lau. 17; T. Wil- from Wendling. There will be fire­ «. r. 10 w . »1,000 J" visiting at the homo hundred big lusclc and the other with works and a grand ball at night. ----- Boh, —-ernia lilies i ’ th"ir brother. Hon. I. H Rlngham. Subscribe for ' enteHamnivnt was exercising the Albany Herald; Carrol Cushman MAYOR SCHMITZ CONVICTED AT 'FRISCO SOCETY HAPPENINGS OF THE WEEK—