Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, June 20, 1907, Image 10

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w w F
Shirt Waist Sale
$2 25
Om hundred and twenty five this
season's best styles and values in
Shirt Waists will be offered at
aooutone third less than actual
Lawn Waists worth $2.25 and
$2.50 will be on special sale
all this week
1 J C
at each_______
Cp 1 •< J
So jrríuí Mr. Newhof, of Albany
White Wash Belts
Nearly 400 of these White
Wash Belts, came in by express
Saturday, all with pearl buckles.
Some have the round others the
square—and a third lot with nice
heart shape pearl buckles.
Boise, Idaho, June 14.— ♦
Steve Adams was produced in ♦
court at 2:14 p. m., accompa­ ♦
nied by the sheriff. He identi­ ♦
fied J H McIntire, special of­ ♦
ficer of the Southern Pacific ♦
railroad, who arrested him at ♦
Ogden in June, 1903.
*n I t »»
ira.-ging oat • miserable exia*
• tue kidneys. catarrh of tba
catarrh of the bladder
^dneai, absolute
”• weakness.
■»ne by one
» to re*
A d st *. «1 - •«* »(•• i
discovered *■»
< l - *
lieve such caee»*«.
r the
One man telU an
j are
newii spread« until ix* <•
f liber*
to i>e found men who have
..adder by
ated from the thraldom of cat-
a course of Peruna.
Many cases of catarrh of ihaatcaarh, kidneya and
other abdominal organs have reported thenisolves
as cured.
Wo give lielow two prominent testimonials which
illustrate the benefit of Peruna in tb«se cases.
chard's testimony. The defense de-
clined to cross-examine him.
Yesterday'a Evidence.
all with nice round pearl
There is a story behind the appear­
1 HV buckles, usual 25c values
QRr* W‘H
Shirt Waists
ance of Steve Adams and the man
worth $1.25» several dif­
Williams at Ogden, as testified to by
witnesses from that place yesterday,
ferent styles, some with long;
1 OC pearl buckles, belt em-
and the finding pf four revolvers and
sleeves open in back.
a pair of field glasses on them was
brotderied, and some with large
particularly suggestive. That was on
$2.00 Waists for $1.35 square buckles, regular 35c values.
June 3, 1903. The men were beating
Another lot with embroideried
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ their way East In a freight car—a car
front, short sleeves fl* 1
The story of that trip
open in front _ _
■ »JJ
Boise, June 14.—The prosecution does not come out in this case. It
Embroidered belts with fine heart |of the Steunenberg murder case de- was told by Adams in his confession,
Extra Special $1.48
shape pearl buckles, worth 50 j voted Itself this morning to further ’ which he has repudiated. The two
«corroboration of the testimony of Or- men were sent to San Francisco that
These buckles alone |chard
These Waists are great values
relative to the two attempts, spring to kill Fred W. Bradley, so it
are worth more than the sale
at this price, they would be
>. s
one with strychnine and the other is alleged, but they did not succeed,
fine values at $2.00—two differ­
price at
9 Sr ' with dynamite, on the life of fred and they were on th**ir way back to
Bradley, at San Francisco, and in Its Denver. For some reason they could
ent styles.
endeavor to directly connect Petti­ not get at their intended victim.
He was outfitted for his work in
bone with the,operations of Orchard.
It was shown that Orchard hung regulation manner, and with the
¡around the Bradley home and engag­
ed in a room In that vicinity, and met or places from a distance, thus avoid­
Every Skirt in the house will be on sale
th«* servants of the Bradley house­ 1 ing the danger of attracting atten­
hold. He was seen moving his effects tion.
at reduce prices, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Jailedat Ogden, he called on Hay­
the night before the explosion, and
$6.50 Panama Skirts $5.90 $5.50 Sicili in Skirts $4.90
was traced to the house again after wood for assistance, sending the tel­
Black, Brown and Blue
egram which has been proved in
Black, Blue and Brown
the explosion occurred.
The state, by records of the United court and saying that the money was
$6.00 Mohair Skirts $5.25 Nice Cray Mixture $2.90
States postoffices at San Francisco required for his purpose. A singular
Actually worth $3.50
Brown. Blue »nd Black
and Denver, traced a registered lettei— feature of the matter Is that the pair
from J. Wolfi, 1725 Stout street, of glasses was stolen and was not re­
Long Cloves at Short Prices
I Denver (the atldress of Pettibone's covered until some time later, short­
store), to J. Dempsey, San Francisco, ly before the beginning of the trial
We have received another shipment
sent in August, 1904, when Orchard of this case.
Friday and Saturday
of long gloves by express
was there to kill Bradley. Dempsey
The reader will ask: "What con­
was the alias of Orchard while in nection is th«?re between this testimo­
We will give great values in
$1.00 grade, black or white
ny about Adams i
graphing to Hay­
at per pair
75c the Muslin Underwear section. I San Francisco.
The defense did not examine the wood from Ogden in 1903 for money
$1.25 kind, black or white
witnesses, but contented itself with to get him out of his scrape ( which
a genera! objection to all testimony ! money. It will be shown, he received
at pair
95c Visit this department.
¡offered and showing that the Pink- j in response to his message), and the
ertona had arranged for the attend-: murder of Governor Steunenberg?"
This evidence is for the purpose of
ance of all witnesses.
Catarrh at Stomach and Kidneys.
The witnesses who appeared this proving the general conspiracy in
«morning were:
L. B. Guibbfnni, a i which, it is alleged, Haywood was en-
San Francisco grocer;
Hull Mc- ' gaged. It Is proposed to show that
Mr. H. L. Emory, Vice Chancellor
Claughrey, Assistant Postmaster at « Haywood was sending money to Ad-
and Master of Arms, K. P.’s, of
San Francisco; Frank Isaacs, regis- ! ams because Adams was a murder
tees are all at work in good earnest.
Omaha, Neb., writes from 203 North
Look for the program a little later . try clerk at the San Francisco post- agent of the conspiracy.
Sixteenth street, the following words
St. Petersburg, June 15.—The city
and don't forget the third at London office; Miss Pearl Moore, of the Den- ‘
of praise for Perun» as a tonic. He
ver postoffice, registry department; has again assumed the appearance of '
Throughout the
says :
The new batlihoiiBt* at the Springs Clarence L. Harrah, who worked In an armed camp.
It is with pleasure / recommend
will Boon be completed, then you can th«* Vindicator mine at Cripple Creek,, night detachments of infantry and
Peruna as a tonic of unu.-ual merit.
get the most thorough course of bath­
chard's testimony r«*gardlng the Vin­
A large number of prominent mem­
ing of any place on the coast.
dicator explosion, Harrah being the pages passed through the main
bers of the different orders with
«age man who was shot at.
which I have been connected have
Counsel for the state and defense
been enred by the use of Peruna in
♦ had a wrangle over Harrah, Darrow
(Special Correspondence.)
cases of catarrh of the stomach and
claiming that the witness was try­ of cavalry, and
♦ ing to shieltl the Pinkerton’s connec- trains are in readiness for
head; also in kidney complaints and
London, June
13.—The county ♦
weakness of the pelvic organs.
grange picnic at London Springs Is ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+♦♦♦ ' tlon with his testimony. Harrah de­ trouble over the dissolution of par-
‘‘Peruna tones up the system, aids
now a thing of the past.
But the
In Eugene, June IS, 1907, by Rev. nied his intention to dodge anything. ■ lament.
speakers and the prog ran* will long O. C. Wright, Jesse Eddy, of Eugene, During the examination some woman
digestion, induces sleep, and is well
Wil! B«- Dissolv«»d.
be remembered by all present.
and Miss Inez Casebeer, of Walter- spectators in the audience hissed, and
worthy the confidence of sufferers of
The second Russian parliament,
The extremely wet weathei> kept vllle.
ihe above complaints.”
Judge Wood threatened to clear the the Associated Press is informed by a
many people
and made It
ministerial authority, will be dissolv­
room if it was repeated.
necessary to assemble at the grange
Harrah was recallt'd after lunch­ ed by imperial edict which wll be pro­
hall, over the London store, which
eon and after a few inconsequential mulgated as soon as the lower house
was filled to overflowing.
And to
acts on the premer's ultimatum.
qu«*stions excused.
say the picnic was a great success is
A party, said to be Southern Pa­
Charles Johnson, another cage man There Is no hope that the house will
putting It v«»ry mildly.
cific surveyors, were In Roseburg I of th«* Vindicator, in the mine when agree to the suspension of the 55 so­
I never saw any crowd of people
Thursday evening, after
finishing I Superintendent McCormick and Shift cial Democrats, but the parliamen­
seem to enjoy themselves better than trail improvement work and making j Boss Beck were killed, told of the ef­ tary committee, which has been ex­
during the two days that they were a permanent survey of a power site fects of the explosion, which occur­ amining the indictment of the social
together, and well they should.for the on the North Umpqua river,filed with red In the sixth level.
Democrats, will ask the house to give
speeches and program would honor on with the federal government In
J. F. Pender, a city detective of it until Monday to report.
the most able of earth, both In point August, 1906, and situated In the Ogden, stat«»d that Adams asked Pen­
of knowledge anil mirth. There were Cascade national forest in what is der, as a Mason to help him and
Boise, June 18.—With Harry Or­
several noted speakers expected and familiarly known as "Caps lllahee” he secured the release of Adams, who chard recalled to the stand, first to
several programs from the different district, and about 15 miles east of was under arrest on the charge of | be formally prepared by the defense
granges ami other places of educa­ Hill Bradley's cabin, says the Rose­ trespnsslng.
He afterward Identi­ I for impeachment, and then to be re-
E. M. Cederburgh, consul for Nor­
tion and amusement that were not burg Review.
The particular spot fied Adams at the Western Union dlrctly examined, the state produced
where the water Is appropriated Is when he sent a telegram addressed I this morning a number of letters way and Sweden at Portland, was
But among the crowd that assem­ known as Big Call, where th«- main to Haywood, at Denver, Col., asking written by Orchard and on«* by the here
yesterday and today to investi-
bled on the 12th were the state lec­ stream has a drop of about 700 feet for money.
prisoner, Haywood, which was for the
turer. Mrs. Waldo, and Dr. Shar­ in a couple of miles. The purpose of
| purpose of showing a conspiracy to gate the price of land in Lane coun-
pies, both of who*«* hearts are filled the appropriation, as stated In the
Boise, June 15.—The prosecution i deceive Mrs.
of Cripple ty for colonization purposes, Hls ob-
with love and affection for our coun­ papers on file, Is to generate electri­ In the Steunenberg murder case won Creek, as to the whereabouts of Or- ject is to Induce Scandinavian people
try and mankind, and especially for cal power for general commercial its fight for the admission of the con­ , chard during the spring and summer
from the East to come here and buy
the stat«* of Oregon, and her people, purposes
A canal and flume one tents of the telegram Steve Adams of 1905. The defense vigorously pro­
without a lilt of selfish ambition, and and two-thlrdq miles Iti length and a sent from Ogden to th«* defendant. tested against the Introduction of the small farms, from 20 to 40 acres
their minds filled with a store of power bouse ar«* among the building Haywood, at Denver in June, 1903. matter on redirect examination, but each, and settle «in them.
It is
knowledge that would do honor to plana set forth.
No special signifi­ ami Did live Pender, of Ogden, was the court ruled that If it was im­ a well-known «a-t that the Scan­
the most learned of any nation, with cance Is attached to this appropria­ permitt *d to teatffy to Its contents proper on redirect examination he
tongues that did express In the most tion, however, as the Southern Pa­ this morning, The message was an would permit the state to reopen its dinavians can make as much off
of a farm of that size as the average
simple and favorable terms the men­ cific Company, during the past few appeal from Adams to Haywood for examination.
Pa-tflc coast farmer under the t>M
tal, physical, moral, spiritual, finan­ years, has been filing on power sites money.
Orchard swore that Haywood said methods can off of a farm of 200 or
cial and mirthful needs of the peo­ In reserves In all parts of the state.
The stat«- also produced and secur­ in th«* spring of 1905 that Mrs. Or­ 300 acres.
also mad«» ed the admission of six drafts sent by chard was repeatedly writing to him
ple, and I think 1 am safe to say that We understand they have als,
Mr. Cede
Ihose who missed th«* picnic at Lon­ application for pi mission to build a Haywood to Jack Simpkins, n varl- as to Orchard's whereabouts, and
don missed an opportunity that they wagon road through the reserve to ous times In 1904-5-6.
One was Haywood suggested that h«> write her city,
seldom have a chance to enjoy.
the site, which woul«l indicate that sect Just before and one Just after a series of letters and date them aj
bank, and r
they •xpet to do some construction th«* Steunenberg murder. They were i San Francisco and have th«*m deliv­
Amoag other thin
In <
work on the proposed plant In the Introduced to show the relations i be- ered through agents of the Western
minds Were impress« J
land, state I
near future, but this is uncertain.
that our chief alm
tween Hnvwoo«! and Simpkins, ' who E’ederatlon of Miners. Two w*re thus Life Insura manager
ince Com
should not be too see
aided Orchard in his first attempt to written and the state producing them about the c<
we could perform
kill Steunenberg.
secured their admission.
One was far as Jun
wealth we could g ll
The state produced the fragments written dated at Nome. Alaska, and was very n:
for a higher and ncbl
Williams ’ndlnn
Pile Ointment of a pistol mnl device by which the given to Marlon Moore, th«*n an or­ appearance
manhood, a clean hi
Infernal ma hl :«• placed In th«* Vindi­
will cure blind, bleeding and itchlug cator mln«> was set off. This led to ganizer for the Western Federation ed the price
of Miners, to take to Alaska anil mail.
The grange ns an organization la plies. It absorbs the tumors, allays a general digression and brought out The state produce«! the letter and very reason«
friendly and has a g«K>d feeling to­ Itching at once, acts as a poultice, the whol«> story of the Cripple Creek over the objections of the defense se-
ward all reasonable and just business gives Instant relief.
Williams' In­ strike In 1903 amt 1904. In which the ; cured Its admission.
Interests, political aud religious or­
ought to show violence and
Next th«* stat«* produced a letter
prepared for Incitement to violence by agents and
ganizations and all a«>clal orders, but
written by Haywood hims *lf to Mrs.
will resist all unreasonable and un­ plica and Itching of the private parts officers of the Mine Owners* Assocla- Orchard, showing that -the prisoner
just laws, monopolies and unjust tax­ Sold hv Linn Drug Co., by mail 50c tt«>n. and high-handed Injustice by had knowledge of the Alaskan story, (
ation.always working for the general and 11.00.
Williams Mfg. Co the militia after martial law had been and this, too. was submitted in evi-
betterment of every class and calling props., Cleveland, O.
declared. Thon the play went back ' dence.
Th«* grange la not a selfish or nar­
to the Peabody bomb to prove its re-
questions pro­
row organization, but Is compose«!
The director« of the Eugen»» Gen­ covery from the Coeur d'Alene rlver. pounded by the defens«* all indicated
chiefly of the tillers of the soil from eral H <>«l>ltal Association opened th«*
Former Governor Peabody,. M rs. . the purpose of th«» «tvfense to show
which have sprung our most noble blds for th«* erection of th«» new hos­ Peabody an«l Miss Peabody, who had 'that at times Orchard had threatened
statesmen of wealth and our bright­ pital building on College Hill last seats within the rail. Intently watched to kill Steunenberg because of his
est business men. anti we can safely night an«t awarded the contract to the Introduction of the bomb casing desire to be revenged for the loss of;
say that the grange has within its W. 11 Alexander, of this city, his which so long held a tragedy for his one-sixteenth interest in the Her-
organization some of the most Intel­ bld l»«'lng th«» lowest. The bl
1 Is wore them.
cul«»s mine.
ligent men and women of our nation. as follows:
Chas T. Roach, a plumber, testl-
And we should urge every on«* who Will H. Alexander...............
He Fir»ti the Stick.
fl«*d that he made t‘
Is Inters
“I have fired the walking stick I've
la known as the Pea
L. W. Stewart.........................
carried over fortv vest», on »-muni I are enrolled, stating that July 8
a tnemlH
W. O. H«»ckart........................
of a sort* that restateli every kind of ,the time set apart for all schc
ir- sal«! he
The propoaed building has
^boards of the first clas.» to choc
Ing and
scribed lu-fore by th«* Guard
he fy the
It and did treatment until I trlix! Bueklen s Ar-
of our
tic t km
nlca Salve That has h«*ah*«l the sore supplementary text-books to tho
get th«*
public Is already acqualnt«*d
and made me a t.appv man." writes already selected by the state boa
detail» of the «*nterpriee
d Kht
| of text-book commissioners. The c
of eart h. and has a righi
Ins will be built of wood an
teat I
it John Ban tt. of North Mills, N
above eve rv other
J for piles, burna. etc. by ■ cnlar is as follows and is self-«
two etori«»* high with full I
ear h€ carri
Conte. 1let ua join tone
Ijino. druggist, 25c.
and attic. It will rest on a
ter m
"This is to say that the attorn« f*V
jçeneral oirganlzatlun and
H« m
eminence on the >*a*t slop,
»r w
j 1
with he
i general on June 8. 1M7, rendered
other and our labor will i
lege Hill, fa«‘lng east.
testine 1
decision to the effect that on the sec­
an<l »» c an live on the
t ha
h P w
ond Monday In July. 1907. and on the
t t h««
f second day in July every six years
I ’rie brut I«
m a
- thereafter, and at no oth«*r t l*ne.
. hoard of directors In districts of the
I went
first class may. when in their jud R-
went more sy«t'»matlc griding
*. ne r all[la. e
I their s~booi« r«aulre It
_ text»
y. M
Iboo^s in addition to th< •• «»ithoriied
state; and the i f^nlt of their
T li f* MM i
I can t
r at
choice shall be regul irly reported
count of th«
land a
state hoard of education to
Grove on th<
no a and further cc -irruborated Or-
50c Belts for 25c
East 9th
H «
< ?\\V
■ M
C harles B-N ewhof «
Catarrh of the Bladder.
f •
Ladies’ Dress Skirts on Sale
’ ¡c Diseases in Men
Mr. C. B. N'ewhof, 10 Delaware »IreTAibraT
N. Y., President Montefiore Club, writes-
. **81110« my atlvanced age I «nd that I hav»»«,
frequently troubled wil h urinary ailments T.
hladder seemed irritated, and my phv»i, ,a0(1"
that ll was catarrh caused by a protraeMrag
which would be ditlleult to overcome on
my a«tvan<‘ed age. / took Peruna, hardly d»rn-
to believe that 1 would tiehclpiMi, t>ut foundu»my
relief that I soon began to mend. The Irrtlati.n
gradually subsided, and the urinary difficultin
passedaway. 1 haveenjoved excellent heahhn.w
for the past seven months. I enjoy my
sleep soundly, and am as well as I ww twenty year»
ago. / give all praise tn Peruna. ”
Nr. David L. Jaycox, Chaplain Clar­
inda I. O. G. T. and Chaplain G. A. R.,
865 Broadway, Oakland, Cal., writes:
“I am an old war veteran. I contract­
ed severe hladder and kidney trouble.
I spent hundreds of dollars and con­
sulted a host of doctors, but neither did
me any good.
‘‘Finally some of my comrades who
had been cured by Pernna advised me
to try it. 1 at once bought a bottle, and
found it helped me so much that 1 kept
using it for nearly four mouths.
••Peruna has proven the best medi­
cine I ever used. My pains are gone
and I believe myself to Im cured. / feel
well, and would not he without a bottle
in tune of need for ten times its cost.”
Mr. Robert E. Hanvey, Treasurer
Knights of Industrial Freedom, also a
well known writer and lecturer, w rites
from 11 Nouth Nicholas HU, Chira»»
111., as fol lows;
“1 was in good health until about fog
years ago, when my hack Ixvsnwlsm
and sore. The pains kepi inerrant,,
with severe twitches and slow «h,,/
tivc aches. Urine wax higtiIy colored
and passed with great irregularity. I
knew this must be inflammation otOt
'•Having read of Penina Idecidedn
try It. 1 found relief from the p»ls
within ten day«. The aches gradually
diminished, and it was a blessed relief
I can assure you. Withinthree matin
I was well once more. My appetite hg
returned, nervousness and irritability
were things of the past, and foroeertvo
years now I have twen a healthy man.
“I gtve all thanks to your Pernas,
and iM-iieve that it is a blessing to mu-
other authorized text-books.
(Code ■ boards of directors, as far as th» an
! may be applicable. (Code 34581."
"In the month of July, In the year
Marshfield, June 13.—A meeting
1901, and in the month of July every « of the Incorporators of the Dougla
six years thereafter, and at no other , & Coos Electric Railway Company
time, the board of directors In any was held In this city Wednesday af­
district In which a high school is ternoon at the office of Judge SeN-
maintained, shall adopt text-books brede, and there were present ?re«-
required to complete any branch of ident L. J. Simpson, of North B“nid.
study added by such board of direc­ E. L. Wheeler, of Myrtle Point; F
tors to the branches of study spe­ L. Phalen, of Bandon, and J H.
cified for a state high school course. Flanagan, of Marshfield.
Vie» Pre-
Such adoption shall be made viva ident A. C. Marsters, of Roseburg,
voce, and a majority of the entire was unable to attend.
board shall be necessary to a choice
The matter of stock stibsrrlption*
of any text-book, and the vote there­ was taken up by the company, a id tt
on of each member shall be recorded was resolved to open the b-ijks at
in th«» minutes of the board. No text­ Myrtle Point, North Rend. Bandon,
book shall he adopted as herein pro- Coquille, Marshfield end Roseburp
vlrlej that shall be used, directly or and at each place, ex«,jpting Coqai««-
Indlroctiy, as a substitute for anv the books will be plan I in the bantu
t<.xt-bonk adopted by the state board of the incorporator ut the compW
or text-book commissioners, or that who lives there.
sXnll. dlreptlv or Indirectly, replace
The first block of st mv In tin. »1«-
any such adopted text-book.
(Code trie railway company sold on
■1>, i. When text-hooks have been Bay was purchased 3.v I. J. Sim w«
rdented by a board of school direc­ of North Bend, for fl",00.1.
tor».as herein provided, such board i r
The next importlit work will be
of school directors shall, not later ¡the
securing of franchise it'd rtrn'-
than thirty days after the adoption I « pals,- after which th? conttructiu
ent-'f Into a written contract, made work wll! shortly commence.
in triplicate, with
Donald Fitzgerald, oi N«* k 'f,'L
whose hook or boohs ahall have been has written the prom 'ters. i’k'm
adopted, to maintain at l«ast one I the privilege of financing the road,
depository In such district where sn«h papavSej mou sj spunj strut«*« )a4
book or hooks may be purchased: to as a matter or small «I'fii'.i'')'-
rum sh the same a"cordlng to the
The appraisers of the property n(
>ns of this act
act. and the condi-
!lODn named
r""’!'1 In
in the
,he hl'1- Or-e copv the estate of Harry W. Jones, oi J”"
shall be
he deli
delivered tn the state su- oer, deceased, was filed In the PrJ"
public Instruction, hate court today.
one to the clerk of such district, and it $2 461 was reported. T. S. Hui’
one to the publisher named therein- has been appointed
guardian »
and the _ provisions
_______ __ of this act con- Merley, Arlow and Bryand Jones,
,he art,,P>lon ¿f
„R3 nor
the deceza««.
r text-books
. the state board of text-book com­
missioners shall annlv
the adop-
111 llf additional text-books
by sale at the Guard office.
j If Y ou Celebrate
¡Thè Glorious Fourth
ou will need a new suit of clothes, and you ought
* 5 get one of those fine tailored Michael Stern suits, that
are sold in Eugene only by Hanson. They wear well»
*»<» -ir shape and always look stylish.
me and see our goods—we arc always
show them whether you bt y or not.
Vv c have the largest and best line of furnishing»«
d.ui-.a, straw and summer weight felt hats from the
leading makers.
^eounour own bui!ding--pay no high rents"
¿■id can sell lower than many oi our competitors.