---------------------——«■»■«g gc—t eeeee I last evening to work for the O. R ¿ N. company. His brother. Louis. | who has been visiting here, returned to the city with him. 1 * Portland yesterday on business Attorney Fred DeNeffe went to II i Cottage Grove last night on bisiness. 1 Attorney L. R. Edmuuson return and they will not only look well but wear well also, if ed this afternoon from a trlu north, H. Gordon and family returned to purchased at Hanson’s. We have goods tailored to suit The victory of Oregon over Wash­ Portland Sunday, after a visit here. (From Tuesday's Guard I . C. C. Hammond is In Port- Capt. the most fastidious and an assortment of styles and pat­ ington and Idaho in the track meet at Between 3 and 4 o'clock this morn- wife is reported very low I Seattle May 30 ended the season for land. His Purdy ar- I ing Officers Croner and terns not equalled elsewhere in Eugene. Prices, tuo, Russell Welch returned this after- the Oregon track team. The team this rested Howard Farlow, Guy Rich- . season has been far the best in the noon from a trip to Albany and Cor- ¡mond. Ethel and Anna ¡ Williams are right. history of the university and even ¡ vallis. ! Whetzell for being out after 12 . Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Davidson re- Come and sec our goods we arc always glad to see in the history of the Northwest. The o'clock and for being drunk and dis­ team is heralded by various North­ turned this afternoon froma visit at orderly. The two girls and the Rich­ them whether you buy or not. west papers as being the strongest Halsey. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Allen went to mond boy were locked up in the city college team in the United States, jail while Farlow was taken to the We have the largest and best line of furnishings. and the records made conclusively ; Portland this afternoon for a few [county jail for the remainder of the days' visit. We will present to you one selection from a large assort­ prove that the Oregon track team 1 night. Panama, straw and summer weight felt hats from the Miss Pansy .Maurer, who Is attend­ could compete with and push very It appears that the four had been ing the Monmouth Normal school, leading makers, ment of fancy glassware----- close any team In the land. 1 spent Sunday with her parents in about the streets a greater part of The Records Broken. the night drinking and creating a I Eugene. We own our own building—pay no high rents— On May 17 in a meet with the disturbance. This morning just be­ Virgil Earl returned to Portland fore their arrest the officers found With Every Purchase of Dry Goods Amounting Washington State College the Oregon and can sell lower than many of our competitors. team began its career of record­ this afternoon, after visiting friends ' the girls in F. L. Chambers' yard, in Eugene. breaking. in the discus McKinney, concealed behind some shrubbery. to $2.50 the Baker City weight man. estab­ Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Smith left this When asked what they were doing 8 East. lished a new Northwest record of 120 i morning for McKenzie Bridge on an ¡there they replied that they were 9th street Oregon feel 8 Mi inches. He also broke the ' outing. waiting for Farlow and Richmond to This line of glassware just arrived—every pixe can be record in the shot put for the Pacific ‘I Julian Whitman, of Berkeley, Cal., 1 take them to a room in the Lewis and coast, shoving out the 16-pound 1 Is visining Ralph Robinson and Abe Clark lodging house. Richmond had put to good use. Buy your Dry Goods at this store and weight 45 feet 11 M* Inches. Moorer Ddngs lit i-ugene. ¡already gone to bed and was found in established a new Northwest record one of the rooms. Just as Farlow W. B. Mummey left this morning get your for the low hurdles on a curved track was coming down the stairs after the for Marcóla to erect the three-story of 25 3-5 seconds. Hug also broke girls he was met by the officers and the state and Northwest records in i » hotel there for C. Cole. ran. Officer Purdy gave chase and Grover Long arrived up from Port­ ' after a run of a hundred yards or the hammer throw on the same day and sound teeth, bear close relaticnto one when he threw it 146 feet 4 1-3 Inch­ land last night and went up to Camp more caught him. TH£ PLACE TO TRACE es. In the 220-yard dash Kelly tied I Creek to visit his parents. When taken before Police Judge another. Y oh wouldn’t expect a watch to the world's record for a curved track F. C. Connett, representing the Or­ Dorris thos morning Farlow stated I run if some of the parts or wheels were removed; In the time of 21 3-5 seconds. egon Mineral Springs Association at that he had bought a quart of whis­ key from a stranger, whose name he neither is it reasonable that you should expect At Corvallis a week later Zacha­ London, was in the city today. rias broke Hug’s record in the ham­ Miss Louise Bryant returned Sat-¡didn't know, and that he had passed good health when some of the vital organs to I § men by a magnificent cast of 150 feet urday night from a visit with her I the bottle around among the crowd. promote health, are lost. 1 M> inches. Captain Moores at Cor- sister, Mrs. Hansen, at Drain. | As the Richmond boy is only 15 or s rt valis PHONE. MA IN 03. also tied the world's record and A FULL SET of teeth will masticate food more thoroughly Miss Gertrude Johnson, a former1 '6 years old. Farlow will be held on ; H established a new coast record in the University of th in part of a set. You will enjoy the use of treth that I will Oregon student, is [ the charge of giving liquor to a mi­ TWO ENTRANCES—Park and Oak Streets; .»th and Oak Streets low hurdles of 23 2-5 seconds on a here from Medford visiting friends. nor. Farlow is 19 and the girls about repiac-, and the need of them may be greater than vou realize. curved track. Come in and we will talk it over. G. II. Phelps left today for Elkton, 118 or 19 each. The girls do not reside In Eugene, At the trl-state meet at S attle on Dougins county, to work on the new having come here a couple of weeks Thursday the track was in such con­ Drain-Coos Bay railroad. Willamette CL dition that no record-breaking runs Mrs. W. S. Gilmore and daughter. ego. Thev have frequently been no­ were ma le. McKinney tied the col­ Rosalind, returned to Portland last ticed on the streets late at night by legiate record In the United States evening, after a visit with relatives the officers and have been watched and made a new Pacific coast record here. on several occasions, but this Is the for the shot put of exactly 4 6 feet. Steve Strawn, who is now work- first time they have been In any trou­ ♦ ♦ Zacharias then also threw the ham ing for the S. P. Co. in Southern Or ble. Thev are a hard looking bunch. + DIED. * nier for a Northwest record of 155 egen. spent Sunday with his family Sentence Reserved. feet 8 inches. The youthful wrongdoers were ► ♦ in Eugene. Sal ‘m, Or., June 3.—Prices of text >++++♦♦♦♦++++♦++ Following Is the program of the T!i<- Point Winners. Burt Vincent and wife left today brought into police court nt three books, unlike prices of all other nec­ Pleasant Hill picnic June 8: Under the The way the point winners line up for Portland, and from there will go o'clock this afternoon. At Springfield, June 1, 1907, of essaries of life, show no advance to­ Music-—Eugene Military Band. is drawn from the following tabula- to Butte, Montana, to reside. Tills new law passed by the Inst leglsla- Few Small Showers in Eastern Coun­ heart failure, Cynthia A., wife of S. j tore, which has just gone Into effect, day over six years ago. While the Song—Choir. ties, But Xo Rain of Consequence. tlon. Each man who makes five is not the tonsorial artist. i N. B. Hunt, proprietor of the Spring, bids submitted this afternoon to the Temiierature Iteaclusl IMI. Prayer—Rev. Wiltse. points is entitled to the track "O”; S. B. Amis and wife returned this 'all persons under the ago of 18 must field hotel, aged 53 years. She state text book commission have not Address of welcome—H. C. Wheel- the indoor meet at Columbia does afternoon to Cottage Grove after a be taken to the juvenile court for been made public, representatives of er. Following Is a portion of the reg- [ leaves a husband, son and three net count in the points and so is visit at the home of Mr. Amis' [trial. Young Richmond come» under this law and he will be taken before ular report orf Oregon weather con- ' daughters. the text book publishing houses say Recitation-—Joe Parker. omitted. In the three meets. Pull parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Amis. the figures will not be above those Recitation—Nellie Mathews. man. Corvallis and the tri-state at Dale Brvau went to Portland this County Judge Chrisman Young Far- dltions for the week ending June 3, CROP CONDITIONS A s named in the contracts made in 1901, low pleaded guilty to the charge of as sent out by the weather bureau at .Music—Eugene Military Band. Seattle, against four teams, Oregon afternoon. VIEWED BY ALBANY MAN though cost of paper, wages and Address of the day, E. J. Emmons. took 234 points out of a possible 366. H. T. Dow returned this afternoon being on the streets after twelve at Portland: i Judge Stewart has been pretty well night, but the girls pleaded not guil­ freight have very materially increas­ Song—Choir. General Summary. The individual scores for the season from a trip south. ed. No reduction in prices can be are as follows: A few small showers fell Saturday over the country lately and reports Recitation—Lora Furrow. J. E. Bronaugh returned to Port- ty. After the evidence of the night officers was given they were pro­ at scattered places in the eastern Kelly .... expected, either, though there is some Recitation—Elda Bristow. 56 land this afternoon. the crops looking bad on account of likelihood that changes will be made Moores . . . Music—Eugene Military Band. >7 Jacob Bowder left this afternoon nounced guilty. The judge announc­ counties, but no rain of consequence the lack of rain. ed that he would reserve sentence un­ was reported elsewhere and the soil resulting in some reduction in the McKinney . Recitation—Verlin Parker. 27 for a trip to Rowley, Iowa. The fall crop Is standing the lack total cost of books to the patrons of Hug .... In the coast 23 Recitation—Grant Lattin. Rev. Robert Booth arrived here til tomorrow. In the meantime they is getting very dry. The counties the mornings were generally of moisture pretty well so far, but public schools. It is understood that Zacharias . . Song—Choir. 23 this afternoon from the south to will remain In the city jail. will need rain in a short time, The charge of giving liquor to a minor, foggy, and on one day the fog was average sown to fail grain publishers of nearly all books now Kuykendall 18 visit his son, R. A. Booth. Song—Choir of twenty years ago. Is much in use have offered to renew their Huston . . .• 13 Music—Eugene Military Band. E, G. Briggs, night clerk at the against Farlow, wil probably be In­ so dense as to be misty. The after­ less than usual. contracts at old prices. Reid............ ' noon temperatures were unusually Dinner. 1 1 Hoffman House, went to Irving this vestigated later. The spring grain is not looking While members of the commission Moullen . . , warm, with a maximum of 9(1 degrees well at all, and much of It will not 10 afternoon to look after his mush­ Afternoon. are maintaining absolute secrecy as Robinson . . 6 room farm. and over on the 30th. Dur­ | even make hay unless we get rain Music—Eugene Military Band. to their intentions, there is a very ing the last t hree mornings of the within a few days. 3 Footrace, one hundred yards, free Obertauffer J. D. Hamilton, of Roseburg, a well established opinion among text for all. 3 well-known mining man operating In ( DodBon . . . week it was cooler and in some of tile He has not seen a good field of book men who have been talked with 3 the Myrtle creek district, is in the some of the eastern counties the tem­ cheat anywhere, and vetch Is blos- Foot race, two hundred and fifty Woods . . . at various times in the past two yards, free for all. Kiltz............ 1 city today on business. peratures were dangerously near the soming out at about a foot high, It months that a few changes are prac­ Foot race for boys under ten years, frost mark but no frosts occurred so looks now as If It would take a good Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fischer, of tically certain. Abndonment of the far as known. The sunshine was rain to give us exen a good crop of Foot race for boys under fifteen Marcóla, left last night on a trip vertical system of writing, adopted years. above normal and, except the foggy hay. to Waterville, Wash. They will visit six years ago, is probable, with the Francisco—T. forenoons in the coast counties, there rain to give us even a good crop of Foot race for girls under twelve at Portland on their way there. adoption of the medial system, about years. Bi ing Sluing- was only one day sufficiently cloudy doing very well, and there seems to half-way between the vertical and the to be noticeable, and the abundance be more of each this year than ever Foot race for girls and women over old slant style of writing. twelve years. of bright sunshine was the dominat­ before. The launch Lena is carrying the ing feature of the week. Jumping contest for various kinds Prunes are In fine condition, and | mall to Mapleton for a few days i Willamette Valley. of jumps. Moscow, June 1.—After the intro- there will be an enormous crop.—Al­ while the Hazel is laid up for repairs. Pillow fight. Portland, Multnomah county—The bany Democrat. j dustion of some documentary evi- The Washcalore finished loading weather during the week was gener­ j dence tending to prove, as the prose­ Nail driving contest for women. at Acme Wednesday and went down ally clear and warm, Thursday and Baseball came between Coburg and cution contended, the overt acts al­ S. D. Rampy, the banker, of Har­ ¡the river yesterday on her way to the Sunday being particularly warm days, Pleasant Hill teams. leged in the Indictment, the prose- A recent issue of the Oregonian the maximum temperature on the risburg, prominent In business for | cution rested "its case in chief" this contains the following concerning a sea. The schooner Mayflower has load­ former day reaching 9 3 degrees. Sun­ many years, died at his home In that afternoon. Twelve days were con- couple formerly residing at Flor­ city Saturday evening at the age of ed at the Oregon A California Lum­ shine was unusually abundant. sum by the government in presenting ence: San Francisco, June 4.—Dynamite 70 years. He was a pioneer and ber Company's mill, and was towed Salem. Marlon county. — The week its evidence. Two were consumed in was exploded under the first car sent Alleging that her husband, John leaves one daughter. the securing of a jury. The defense H. Ford, continually urged her to en­ down the river yesterday. was clear and warm. over the McAllister street line today. The schooner Oakland finished Corvallis, Henton county - Unusu­ announced that it will not take more ter a life of shame for his benefit, The passengers were badly frighten­ ¡than three days for it to present Its Stella Ford. 17 years old and a bride loading Monday and left that night ally warm wenther. with westerly ed but no serious damage was done. The Home Telephone construction for Sun Francisco with a cargo of evidence. In that event the case of a year, asked for a divorce In winds, prevailed all week. gang is now camped nenr the Cala- lumber from the Oregon A Califor ­ Welches, Clackamas county. Dur- poofa bridge, gradually working For the past two or three days the should be in the hands of the jury Judge Frazer's department of the nia I,umber Company's mil). Seamen's Strike Ended. Ing the fore part of the week the south. Eugene will gladly welcome Paris, June 4—The seamen's strike car shortage situation has been con­ before Saturdav night. circuit court yesterday. Her story Is The schooner Sausolito finished is regarded as virtually ended and siderably improved. Th«- Booth-Kel­ one of abuse and Inhuman treatment I loading at the Oregon A California days were clear and bright, but dur­ the now company. ing the latter part they were warm the men everywhere are expected to ly Company at Springfield may have INDUCED WOMAN from the time she married Ford nt TO SWEAR FALSELY Eugene, Or., February 16, 1906. She Lumber Company's mill Tuesday and and very cloudy, with variable winds. resume work within 2 4 hours. , reasons to complain for not get- crossed out over the bar for Han i ting their share of cars, but never- said ho struck her on varous occa Moscow, Idaho, June 1.—Testimo­ sions and from the first was unfaith­ Francisco that night. ' theless they seem to be getting more The ball game between Mapleton daily now than they have heretofore ny tending to show that J. B. West, ful and unnaturally brutal. Finally J and Florence teams last Sunday re­ Positively cured by , been able to get weekly. During the former register of the Lewiston land she left him nt Wendling, whore ho sulted in a victory for the Mapleton these Little Pills. Oregon will be represented In the past two days Superintendent Bas­ office, was bribed by the Lewiston was working in . •sawmill, She has boys. The score stood, They also relievo DU- Mapleton. 26; London hop market next week by the sett has shut down the mill and put National Bank officials to expedite been living will, her sister at 270 Florence, 1 0. trr-i from Dyspepsia. In- establishment of the branch house of his entire force to loading cars. If the “putting through" of the land Gront street p. fpr sfece, dlge.ttloQ and Too Ilearty The schooner Hugh Hogan sailed Klaber. Wolf A Netter Company In ÍTTLE cars can be obtained there will be office entry men of the bank officials Dave F! r, a street car conduc- for San Francisco last Thursday night that city. H. E. Freeman, of this Eating. A perfect rem­ more loads of lumber shipped from was the sensational statement made tor. t-stlf that Ford was a drunk- after loading at the Oregon A Cal­ city. Is expected to arrive there Mon­ edy for Dlzzlnem. Nausea. Lodz, June 4.—Two detectives Springfield within the next thirty on the stand this morning by Mrs. ard and ' good for nothing." The law­ Dror.slness, Bad T:mte day morning and will open headquar­ were killed, two officers and three days than any three mills in the May J. Harris, of Snokane, while tes- yer representing the young wife said ifornia I.umber Company's mill. la the Mouth. Coated The schooner Coquille was towed ters there at once. other persons were wounded on the county. Mr. Bassett claims that if tifylng in the North Idaho land con- that the girl’s mother was dead and out to sea last Thursday night, with Tongue. Pain In the side The Idea of establishing a branch •treet here today by a bomb thrown 1 necessary he will keep hfs entire splracy case. She said that when TORPID LIVER. The* by terrorists. A patrol of infantry force loading for the next thirty she demurred to swearing falsely, in­ that the girl was misled and deceived a cargo of lumber from the Saubert I house in London originated with M by Ford [ mill for the San Francisco market. M. Netter. of the firm, about a year rtgufate tint Bowels. Purely Vegetable. appeared on the scene soon after­ days. It begins to look as though cidental to taking up a timber claim, T. M Wolfe came near being and a half ago. Just previous to the ward and fired upon the crowd. the car famine was about to end and Clarence W. Robnet, bookkeeper at I "shanghaied” a few days ago for a San Francisco earthquake he started SMALL PILL SMALL DOZE. SMALL PRICE. wounding thirteen. Thirty arrests if the Southern Pacific Company can the bank, co-consp1rator in the case THROW NAMES to San Francisco. It happened out on his trip and Intended to open were made in counection with the supply the demand, the night crew at bar and convicted last fall of su­ Genuina Must Bear IX WASTE BASKET trip In this way: Mr. Wolfe left Flor- a branch In the English metropolis affair. at Springfield that has been so long bornation of perjury, said to her In Signatur« 1 Fac-Sirmle «.-Jumio oignamr» i once on board the schooner Hugh Ho­ at the time. He was so horrified at tjaiTTLE talked of will soon be a reality.— substance, "Oh, that's all right; all gan. expecting that the vessel would the news of the San Francisco disas­ to keep still. you have got to do is Springfield News. 1 stop at Coos Bay and he would go ter that he returned to this city, but ACTRESS EDNA MAY Mr. West will put you through —we ashore there. On Friday a message the project was never allowed to die. MARRIED IX LONDON that." W-M__ REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. have got them patd for ANCIENT ROME | was received hero from the owners, “I believe that the establishment of that The witness later declared Roseburg, Or.. Jun» 1- Attorney .ordering the schooner to come direct our branch house In London will do London, June 4.—Edna May, the is now merely a memory of the past, when she refused to take up a claim OrmiU and Al Creason, who repre­ American actress, was married at the Ballard s Snow Liniment is the fam- demanded of her by Robnet he said sented the Douglas county settlers | to San Francisco. That evening the much for the Oregon hop In Europe. ily liniment of the twentieth century. steam«r Roscoe left for Coos Bay, register s office at Windsor to Oscar —- ­ who wish to purchase railroad lands, overtaking the Hogan during the The house (which is the first Oregon ■ewlsohn, son of Adolph Lewlsohn. A positive cure for rheumatism, to her. "If yon don't I'll make trou one |n Europe! will introduce the the have returned from San Francisco, burns, cuts, sprains, neuralgia, etc. ble for you I'll put yon behind •'( New \ >rk. jn prespnre of a • OIL j night and delivering the message. Oregon product everywhere through­ and a’ate that th»y called njwin Mr. Mr. Wolfe was awakened from sleep relatives and intimate friends today. Mr. C. H. Runyon. Stanberry. Mo., bars.” Eberlin three times before they fi­ and put Into one of the lifeboats and out Europe and expects to gain for writes: “I have used Snow Liniment • LAV nally were admitted The chief rlerlr j laken to the Roscoe In the darkness | this state a world's reputation as a for rheumatism and all pain. I can t WELL f I hop producing section." ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ + * fnfor*n°d them that Eherlln knew . — Florence West. say enough In Its praise." ♦ DRILLER ! I Just at present the hop market la ♦ who they were, where they were from • OFT Linn Drug Co. PERSONALS. | very quiet. Crop conditions are said ♦ and their mission, and that It would • OOH ♦ 'to be much Improved everywhere. JI ST RE< FIVED ♦ By my methor1 you ! do no good to B“e him. Mr. Orcutt Pa, he starts at early morn. • AO Wo have just received a carload Phil Nels, the veteran hop man. re- can positively secure I ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A ♦ ♦ persisted and was finally admitted, To face the wide, blue world. • •fl» pure water 1-v rating I when after hearing the names of the of Cutting machinery, including the ’ reived a letter this morning from Bo­ He gets his jtrength and health. (From Monday's Guard.I celebrated Champion mower, rakes hemia, stating that present prospects to hard r< ck The | By using Rocky .Mountain Tea Mrs. W. L. McFarland is visiting settlers r°ad. he invited Orcutt to and hinders. In all sixes. These goods were for a bumper yield there.- Jour- only lure way of getting ! throw them In the weate basket. Linn Drug Co. in Portland. ere the best on the market and fully nal. water fm from surface J • OOH They were left on file, however, guaranteed. Call and Inspect them. impuritiet. ' O. C. Underwood is here from the railroad agent's office. Medford is the greatest auto town Ruthven. Iowa. Remarkable Hearne. Ctd.4tw GRIFFIN HARDWARE Co in Oregon. The Mail Phone Black 2872 ! of its slxe _ ------ That truth Is stranger than fiction Fred C. Piel was up from J it ne­ ri A NO BARGAINS speaks of a couple of new touring has once more been demonstrated In 219 hfferaon Street * WOVON cars going like hot cakes, just as If tlon City yesterday the little town of Fedora, Tenn., the Ulysses Walker, of Cottage Grove, they were some common commodity. T have some slightly used pianos residence of C V Pepper He writes: Is In the city today. ranging in prl"e from 3175 up. For- ( The best salve in the world for cuts, "I was in bed. entirely disabled with J. J. MeCormlck went to Salem merlv «old from 1300 to 3350. Must bruiser, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tet­ hemorrhages of the lungs and throat. close them out to make room for ter, chapped hands and al) skin erup­ Doctors failed to help me and all this morning on business. new goods, whlc h are arriving dally. tions. Guaranteed to give satisfaction hope had fled when I began taking Mrs. L L. Woods return? BUCHHOLZ &. POYNE1 and see If this isn't the greatest or money refund'd. Sold by Linn Dr “ King's New pyopincr from Cottage Grove. Hcuiemr \ era ' Kef cat M. C. Scott left today for Condon, er offered In Eu- | Drug Co. Williams Mfg. Co., props.. Far Infants and Children. n stopped, Coed, quick werk, guaranteed, Gilliam coi for 11 and rearorakle prices Miss Pol Th Flack, Ped, <372 o Bears the H CPNF, r FFCCN •tv fl distributors 3,'ÿaatnre of IWA ••••••••••••••••• s s Absolutely BOYS AND SUMMARY CF i OREGON TRACK TEAM WORK girls arrested ANO JAILED i Your Summer Clothes Should Look Well ED. HANSON gUssware Absolutely Free. Attractive Health NICKLiN ®> NEAL DR. ATWOOD LITTLE CHANGE ill PROGRAM Of PLEASANT WEEK HAS BEEN WARM ANO DRY SHIPPING NOTES OF FLORENCE PORT STATE CLOSES IN IDAHO LAND CASES DYNAMITE UNDER ’FRISCO STREET GAR WANTED WIFE TO ENTER SHAMEFUL LIFE CAR SITUATION IS IMPROVING SICH lOOACHE CARTER’S TERRORISTS THROW BOMBS AT POLICE ÍVER PILLS. CARTERS ---------------- -------- , J. E. Kilborn i ThtTweamid wear and wear ••••••••••••••••• CASTOR IA nni.nRFN The Kind You Hare Alwtjs Bought Levi Strauss & Co I