Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, November 15, 1906, Image 4

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Wall Street War
¿ Checkmating the Devil •
How One b Hayed by C dpt a Ins of In­
dustry—New York Stock tuhdnye’s
A young man sat In a cafe tilting a
spoon on the edge of a Anger bowl. He
Oldest Member Van Horne
had finished bls dinner and was smok­
Versus Hill.
ing bis cigar. His face was a picture
Famous Leader of Christian Scien­
tists Mentally and Physically in
Good Condition-Unbiased Opin­
ions From Leading Citizens of
Concord, Given to Public
Not long ago, October 28, the New
York World published two pages of
sensational matter concerning Mrs
Mary Baker G. Eddy, head of the
Christian Sciantists of the World. It
was in this article m'.serted that this
great woman was lying at the point
of death, physically and mentally in­
capable of managing her affairs .and
that she was iu the hands of unprin­
cipled persons who were simply dup­
ing the public. That this story was '
maliciously devoid of truth has been
Clearly proven by the investigations
of the Concord, N. H. Monitor, the
leading newspaper of its city. In Its >
Issue of October 29, which reached
this office a few days ago, we And
statements of the leading citizens
of Concord, including Mayor Colrlng.
not one of them being Christian Sci­
entists, that should remove all doubt
from the minds of the public as to I
Mrs. Eddy's condition,both physically
and mentally. Some of these ex­
pressions are republished s follows:
Mrs. Eddy is keen In intellect and
strong in memory
She is a surpris­
ing illustration of longetitj ; I right
eyes, emphtic expression, and an al­
ertness rarely to be found in so ven­
erable a person.— Mayor Charles R.
Mrs. Eddy’s mind is not only unim­
paired, but she exhibits the same
clearness, strength,alertness and vig­
or which have so long distinguished
her.—General Frank 8. Sreeter.
Mrs. Eddy has no cancer, or any
chronic or orgnic or functional dis­
ease.- Calvin A. Frye.
Mrs. Eddy herself has driven In
her carriage dully, with the excep­
tion of one day early In the spring,
when the roads were so bad that she
did .not go out. Lewis ('. Strang.
I have seen Mrs. Eddy's carriage
on State street almost daily. The
occupant has always been Mrs. Eddy
Hermann 8. Hering.
I most emphatically say that Mrs
Eddy is In every way capable of con­
ducting her bnslne. s affairs. Fred
N. Ladd. Treasurer Loan A- Trust
Savings Bunk.
1 can state from prsohal know­
ledge that It is Mrs. Eddy, anil no
other person whom I see riding In
her carriage
Josia E. Fernaid.Pres­
ident National State Capital Bank.
Th regular meeting of th* city
council was held Monday nig'.n, a’
which time a proposition from tie
E Waggoner, of Portland, to In­
stall a Are alarm system was dis­
He madi' an offer to put In 15
street alarm boxes, requiring the use
of Ave miles of wire, for $1000.
The Are and water committee was
Instructed to draw an ordinance
to thoroughly cover the storage of
exqlosives within the city limits
A committee consisting of Council­
men Bristow, Calkins, Beckwith and
Henderson was named to
with the water company In regard
tn the elimination of dead ends in
the water mains..
X Good Record.
Out of all external remedies on
the market we doubt If there is one
that has the record of the world-re-
nownedporou» plaster Adcock's. It
has now been In use for sixty years
and still continues to be as ¡topular
as ever l’i doing its great work of re
llevlng pain am! aches. It Is the
remedy we all need when suffering
from any form of ache or pain re
aultlng from taking cold or ov r
st rain
Allcock'a Plasters are sold
druggists in every part of the civil­
ized world.
Not \* »All NT.
1 will All my regular appointment
at Harrisburg Sunday. Theme. 11
a ni , The Sanclfic at Ion of Service.
7: JO p. m.. Life Given for Life
Will preach at Wyatt schoolhouse
at 3 p m Sunday. Sunday will be
our business day, so hope all may be
present. Ix»t every body come.
D E BAKER. Pastor.
of desjH>mle!i -y. A gentleman entered
the cafe, looked about for a vacant
table and. seeing none, seated himself
at the one occupied by the melancholy
man. The stranger dined, rineed his
Ups and ting.-rs, wiped them with his
n. pkln and lit a cigar. The young man
still sat brooding.
“Pardon me." said the stranger. “You
seem distressed. Perhaps I may re-
lieve you."
There was a kindly. Irresistible tone
In the voice, and step by step tbe
able to move several cars up from
the valley for over a week, to All a
southern order.
Eggs 33® 34c.
Does not* get* much good
Grain bags. 8\c.
for you out* of what* you Creamery butter, 26® 27*10.
eat*, for it* does not* digest* Chickens, 13*2® lie l“‘r K»-
Wheat, valley,67c; bluestem,68c.
much it* is wasteful. It* Oats.
$22 ® $23 per ton.
feels sore and lame and is
Barley, $21® 22.
Hay, timothy, $11® 12; vetch $.
easily distressed and often
® 7.
upset* by food. The best* Mohair, choice 26® 28c.
treatment is a course of
Wool, valley, coarse to medium, 22
@22 be.
Hops, 1906 crop, 15® 16c.
Potatoes, new, 75c® $1.00 per
which is positively une-
.<—*—for all stomach cwt.
Onions, new, $1.10® $1.15.
Chittim bark, new stock, 4Vz b 6c
For testimonials of remarkable cures
send for Book on Dyspepsia, No. 5.
Beef steers, $3.25® $3.75; cows
C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass.
$2® 2.25; hogs, $6® 6.85, calves,
$4'0 4.50;
$4.75 ® $5.00;
lambs, $5.00® $5.25.
A Tired Stomach
WAR In Wall
street, such as
has recently
been raging, means J
wounds and death
for a good many of
the privates, bow
ever it may be for '
tlie generals. The big ;
captains and gen
erals of industry like
Morgan. Hill. Harri I stranger won the young man’s confl-
man, the Goulds aud the Rockefellers , donee till at list he confessed that the
from tbelr post- of vantage In the con cause of Ills distress was love.
fllct, view its progress without fear as
“Unrequltted?" asked tlie other.
to their personal safety. It is the mei
"No; the girl’s father will not con­
In the ranks and the subordinate ottl sent.”
eers who, figuratively speaking, lose
"That's bad, and she—will she not
Ilves or limbs iu the fray. On the Aoor marry you without his permission?”
Chittim bark—Sets
of the Stock Exchange, New York, the
Wool, 2t)(a cents
privates and eorjioniJs and sergeants
“Il’ni,” said the stranger. "That’s
•nd lieutenant-, battle for existence, doubly bad. It seems to me that your
Eggs—Per dozen. 30 c.
while the commanding officers in the only course is to convince tlie father
Dairy butter, 2O-'25cts; creamery
struggle give their orders over tele that”—
“Oil, no one can convince him of any butter, title per roll.
graph and telephone from the security
Hens—9i« 10c.
of private oUices, where they are In thing. I wish I was as certain of one
trenched behind millions of dollars' thing ns be Is of everything.”
Tlie stranger called for a bottle of
worth of stocks and bonds.
In the flglit which lias been in prog wine and Inviteli bls newly made ac­
Ducks—lOtii lie.
ress In Wall street the immediate ob quaintance to Join him. The latter
ject has been the -possession of the Chi produced a card with the name George
Potatoes—60 per 100
cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad, Winchell on it. The stranger glanced
with Its $25,000,000 of extra cash to be nt it. but, whether from Inadvertence
Lemons—Case, 86.50
added to Its treasury from the proceeds or Intention, failed to respond with his
of Its new stock issue. In this war own cani.
Green apples—40c box.
When the bottle was empty Winchell
twice as ninny millions are said to be
Involved as were represented in the ordered a duplicate, ami, his mind be­
famous tight of a few years ago for the
< iood Cows- 2c.
possession of tin* Chicago. Burlington in-law* and his tongue being loosened
Good prime dressed veal, 5c.
liy the wine, lie told his companion
and Quincy, a fight which resulted In
much about the old man's idiosyncra­
the Northern Pacific corner.
sies. One feature seemed to interest
Fat hogs—5® 6c.
The generals who lead tlie opposing the stranger.
forces in Illis battle of giants are
"He’s got a picture hanging In his
James J. Hill. .1. Pierpont Morgan ami library of the devil playing chess with
Cheat hay—68.
their friends, tlie f irelgn capitalists, on u young man for his soul. Tbe devil
Timothy hay—88.
the one side, nml E. II. Harriman o! looks triumphantly at the young man,
the Union Pacific anil Its allies, with on whose face is depicted despair. The
Sir William Van Horne of tbe ('aim chessmen stand In such position that
dlnn Pacific, ou the other.
no move can possil ly save him from a
The real object of the tight Is not sc checkmate.”
much the money In the treasury of ths
"How do you know that?” asked the
I PORTLAND, ORE, Nov 15. East-
"Because it is so. Mr. Granger, the
man 1 am talking about, has hail nu­ ' ern hop orders are more in evidence
merous experts to look at the picture,
In this market than at any time so
ami they all say the devil must win in
four moves. I've studied It out my­ far this season.
self with the same conclusion. Here
Dealers and agents are in receipt
Is the tHiard." And. taking out an old
of order, many of them of pleas­
letter and it pencil, lie laid down the
ing proportions, but at prices not at
position of the pieces.
Tlie strainer looked at the ditgfriit 'till attractive to growers
But In
thoughtful ’ for a few minutes.
“Well.” asked tlie young man, "don’t
jit is claimed that under 15c Is like-
you see?"
"Yes, I see," said tlie other.
| y to be regarded by th* other Coast
“I told you the devil Lad him cor
dealers as all that the market will
“Just ns the owner of the picture stand, for the present at least.
has you cornered,” replied the strange*,
Orders for near choic - hops are
with a smile. “Ami now 1 am going
hand at 13® 14c, while cliche ex-
to bld you good night. All tbe world
loves a lover, aud you may be assured ' port goods command at least a vent
that 1 love you. 1 wish I could help above these figures.
you in your affair. By the bye, could
Poultry Comes In Early.
you secure me a look at the picture?”
More than the usual quantitz of
George Winchell, having obtained
chickens for so ear-y iu the week
from liis sweetheart the necessary per
mission, called with his newly made «ere in evidence til's morning an 1
friend. They were ushered into the I the demand was not at till br:«k t;l
library, nml while there looking at the anything like top prices, ‘fne mn>-
i ket is ot’ly fairly good, with 12*
picture its owner entered.
"Are you sure,” asked the stranger named oftener than better that
"that the young man is beaten?”
i price.
In some quarters 13c was
"Perfectly,” said Mr. Granger.
named, but the heavier deal-?.’»
St. Paul aa the control of the Pacific
"I doubt it.”
i seemed glad enough to move stocks
coast trade, tin the outcome of the
“Doubt It! Haven't I had a dozen or I at 12® 12 '2 c.
contest de|>euda tlie question of wheth­ more chess exi*erts to make tlie matter
The Railway Age says that C. L.
er tlie St. Paul is to be extended to tlie certain?”
roast In a northerly direction to the in
Bundy, superintendent of the coach
"I am sorry to disagree with them."
Jury of tlie Great Northern and North­
"Do you mean to tell me"— began department of the Hicks Locomotive
ern Pacific systems or southerly to the Mr. Granger hotly, but the other inter & Car Works.has recently been gran­
Impairment of the profits of tlie Union posed softly:
ted a patent on a live poultry trans-
and Southern Pacific roads. Another
“1 can place the pieces ns they are : portation car. which varies in a num­
line, tbe Pacific Coast railway. Is In placed in the picture and checkmate
ber of respects from cars formerly
volved In tlie struggle. President IIIll the devil in live moves."
I used for this purpose. The most
bus threatened to break Into Canadian
"Do It. Do it, 1 say. I'll give yon notable feature of the car is the con-
Pacific territory, ami Sir William Van
$10,000 If you do It In twenty moves."
1 struetlon which permits of the
Horne, chairman of the Isiard of direct
“Pardon me. I do not care to take
ors of the big Canadian road and for
coops being removed whenever so de-
your money."
many years Its president. Ims said that
I sired. This is accomplished by set­
“Then what In”—
for every mile IIIll builds In Canadian
“I will felt you what I'll do. My ting the braces in the middle of the
Pacific territory th«- latter road will
friend Mr. Winchell seeks your consent car and the coops are slid in and can
build two Iu that of the Great Northern
to a union with your daughter. I’tl be taken out from the outside from
A contest between railroad kings for checkmate the devil in five moves for
angle irons riveted to channel Iron
control of railway properties causes
that consent.”
1 posts. This makes it possible for
great fluctuations In the value of
“He marry my daughter! Not If I the coops of poultry to be taken
III exp lanatiou of ho*v «neh
know It!"
thing'* ' work tin ■ Nestor of the New 1
out and th*- poultry disposed of. af­
lite stranger turned to leave.
York S took Exi tiauge. William Alex
"Hold on!" roared the old man. “1 ter which the coops may be repla­
ander Smith, said not long ago:
agree to your proposition. but when ced n the car. Coops may also be
Viiluea arc Inti a ted now. One of th« !
you have fall-.*d I'll kick yon out of the taken out and the car thoroughly
causvM o f ttllM
the fart that the great
• 1* Ul.*'*l. making it possible to keep
H'imethn« - pay big prices house."
for »toi xn In ord er to control certain in- i
"Done." said the stranger.
the car Is a thoroughly sanitary
tereata. Tbl.« raí ■<-s the price above the ‘
A chesslnxird was produced and the con
• n. There Is an isle through
!n trinale value oí th«’ propertte* which the
stork.« irt present.
If It should happen pieces place«! iu>on It as in tlie picture. the center, and a space in tne door­
that tht se manti rala tor» were forced tc ‘
"Will you play f >r the devil?" asked way provided with an overhead tank
aril, the re would be trouble. A man b ¡ the stranger of Mr. Granger.
not *afc In bu n « st im ks now unless h» 1
"With a growl the owner of the pic­ with water pipes leading to the dif­
Is on the lii-iUe. where he can set ar |
ferent c*M>ps for watering poultry
honest report on the ,-amlngs of the con I ture sat In tbe required position. At
corn and Its real condition
the moment Rose Granger, who had while tn transit.
Fresh meats were in pretty good
Mr Smith Is eighty six years of ng* been iisteni'.ig without. ojiened tlie do <r
and Joined tin' exchange In is 14 and entered. The stranger sat in the rece pt, but prices remain unchang
When he celel>raR*d the diamond an seat opp**sit« the devil. The moves be­ ed. Some heavy veals were hard to
ulveraary of his connection the gan. and In the promised number of move, hut light weights were in good
Institution two years ago tlie exchange move« the stranger had checkmated I. • demand. Very few hogs are com­
adversary. The old mau could not be ing In. and good returns could be
passed résolutions In his honor.
A visitor to tiie gallery of the Stock lleve his eyes.
had for plump, young porkers.
“t hivkma’ed!” cried George Win­
Ex change once asked tlie friend who
In dairy products the market Is
was acting as his guide to (mint out to chell. wik! with Joy.
.airiy weil supplied. Eggs are
him John D. Rockefeller lie was In
formed that so far as known Mr soft voice, «li le unobserved she press- none too plentiful, and good grade
remains steady with some indica-
Rockefeller had never visited It but <*d her lover'» hand.
"It can’t **e so!" cried tbe old man .tons o* an advance.
»tree and that was when be was Intro
duced to the president on Joining It I "There's some mistake. Replace th«
Potatoes art* in pretty fair supply,
many, many years ago. Most of th« men and do It again.”
though the recent rain has affect-
The Strang- r consented an*! again er shipments Into this market very
financiers like Morgan. Harriman.
George Gould ami Belmont rarely If checkmated ’ is adversary. Granger
As in other lines of
•ver exercise tlie mem ershlp prlvl looked tip and a«k«*<! womleringiy:
dealers complain of
“Whe In tnumler are you. anyway?"
lege« by visiting tbe floor and mingling
railroad irregularity in furnishing
“My name is Paul Morphy."
in the scrimmages around the fl us net*1
cars and getting the goods through
« rm cent era.
on time. One deaier has been un­
Of all descriptions, frOni
Nails and Screws to the
finest assortment of Locks
and Trimmings ;
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
16 tons of tbe famous Oliver plows
just received. Sturt right by buying
nil Oliver.
Carpenters and Contrac ors wi 1 do well
get* our prices before Iett*ing contracts, f yOu
don’t buy at Berger’s we both loose $’s : • .
Berger’s Hardware
815 Willamette St.
Boari the
General Auctioneer.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg. Or., Oct. 18, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that in com­
pliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 3, 1878, en­
titled "An act for the sale of timb -r
lands in the states of California, Ot
egon, Nevada and Washington ter
ritory, as extended to al the nubile
land states by act <>f August 4, 18b2,
Anderson 8. Bush, of l?av Centr ,
County of Pacific, state of Washing­
ton, lias tiled in this office bn March
9, 1906, his sworn statement No.
7232 for the purchase of the E l,i of
VV'.i- of section 20, in towhship No.
18, south of range No. 6 west, and
will offer pr* f to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its tim­
ber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before the register and
receiver of this office at Roseburg.
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 23d day
of January, 1907.
He names as witnesses Clark P.
Devereaux, of Eugene, Oregon; Fred
C. Whitten, of Portland, Oregon;
Josie Hale Bush and Gertrude G.
Bush, of Bay Centre, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the . ■ >v ■ described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before the 2 3d day of
January, 1907.
In the matter of the estate of W. I.
Gossett, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned administrator of the above
named estate, pursuant to an order
of the above entitled court, will sell
at private sale on or after the 17t!i
day of December, 1906. for cash,
the following described real prop­
erty belonging to said estate, to-wit:
Lots 1 and 4, in block 3, of the orig­
inal plat of Eugene.
Also one promissory note for the
sum of |800, secured by mortgage
on lots 9 and 10. block 2, of Kelsay's
addition to Eugene.
On and after said 17th day of De­
cember. 1906, proposals to purchase
said property will be received by
the administrator at the law office
of Williams & Bean in Eugene, Ore­
Dated this 8th day of November,
1 906.
Date of first publication. Novem­
ber 15, 1906.
Adniinistra tor.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Or., Oct. 18, 1906,
Notice is hereby given that in com­
pliance with the provisions of the act
of congress of June 3, 1878, en­
titled "An act for the sale of timbet
lands in the states of California, Or­
egon, Nevada and Washington ter
ritory, as extended to all the public
land states by act of August 4, 1 89 '
Gertrude G. Bush, of Bay Centre-
County of Pacific, state of Washing­
ton. has filed in this office on March
9. 1906. her sworn statement No.
7231 for the purchase of the W'*. of
E'i of section No. 20 fn township
No. 18, south of range No. 6 west,
and will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultu­
ral purposes, and to establish her
claim to said land before the regis­
ter and receiver at this office at
Roseburg. Oregon, on Wednesdey,
the 23d day of January. 1907.
She names as witnesses Clark P.
Ib-vereaux. of Eugene. Oregon; Fred
C. Whitten, of Portland. Oregon; Jo­
sie Hale Bush and Anderson S. Bush,
of Bay Centre. Washington.
Any and all persons claiming ad­
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims In this
office on or before said 23d day of
January, 1907.
OR. GEO. WALL, surgery atid gen­
eral practice. Office aud residence,
Roney Luilding. over telephone ex
change, Eighth
black ltkil. Eugene, Oregon.
Residence 194 E. 10th St.
DR. McDOUGAL, physician and sur­
geon in addition to general prac­
tice special attention given to dis­
eases of women and children.
fice over Preston A Hales. 'Phone
black 1631.
W. O. PROSSER, physician ami sur­
geon. In addition to general prac­
tice of medicine and surgery spec­
ial »itt utiou to all diseases of the
ear, nose,throat ami eye. Residence,
cornet 14th and Pearl stieete. Of
Ace, Beckwith building. Telephones
-Office, Black 1291; residence, Red
physician. Acute and
eases treated.
bers’ store.
Residence. Red 4462.
Before you sell or contract
your potatoes write me. Phone
Black 1051.
Box E,
Eugene, Oregon,
chronic dis­
over Cham­
Black 13*26.
WiHamette House*
80 West 8th St«, Eugene, Ore.
DR.J. CHRISTIE,veteiiimry surgeon,
M. 1*. C. V. S., Edinburg, Scot­
land. Secretary and treasurer of
tbe board of veterinary medical ex
anitners: Domestic animals of all
kind treated on scientific princi­
ples Located at Bang»' stable. Eu­
gene. Re», corner 10th and Olive.
'Phone red 2611.
Board and Room 54.50 per Week.
Meals S3.50 per week.
DORRIS A ShJPMiR 1 H. Att* r-
treys at I w - (-ftice in hov*-y build­
ing over Cluiii l ets Bristow bunk.
no matter how
bad the weather
You cannot
afford to be
without a
LEON 1*. El »MUNSON, attorney -at-
law. Rooms 1 and 2, Eugene Loan
and Saving Bank.
WILLIAMS a BEAN. Attorne.vs-at
Law. .1. M. Williams, L. 1,. Beu.
Practice iu all the courts of tlie
state and before tlie U. S Land Of­
fice. Offices 12, 13, 14, 15. Mc­
Clung h!dg.
When you buy
look for the
1. N. HAKli lUGH. Sfiecial attention
given to divorce and settlement of
estates. Agent for Continental in­
surance Compari*. Room 5, 1st Na­
tional Bank Building. Eugene, Or.
A J TDMrEff CO 90&TO*US*
I c ff CAMA'
THOMPSON A HARDY.Attorneys-at-
law ; li. W. Thompson, C.A. Hardy.
Office over Yornn’s Shoe Store Eu­
SALE Twenty-six
gene Oregon. Practice iu all the FOR
goats, half of them nannies, for
F. E. Nighswander, Cro».
Oregon. Phone Farmers 25x.
Fence Works
Brown A Smith have moved their FOR SALE—Seed, vetch and eil« I«
fence works from 585 Oak street to tbe
sale. M. l.evinger 3 mile« east ef
corner of Oak and Seventh streets,
and now occupy the building former­
FOR SALE—One team of geldinira. <
ly occupied l>y the Eugene Bakery.
years old. weigh about ¿sue; al«i I
Al) of our old customers will receive
set of Harness. Snap id 83IH 1“
ou or Hihiress Mary E. tioodiM*
‘he same fair treatment as in the past
Springfield. Or.
11 -- »11
and intending purchasers of tbe lies
fencing should «ire us a call.
FOR SA LE-A line ranch of
acres ; 70 acres under cultivation ti»
baance pasture with some tm1*'-
Props. Eugene Fence Works,
good improvements on the plac^
w deci
Cor. Seventh and Oak Sts.
also a one third mtere-t tn a ’
horsepower Bullall« Pitts eUK’1*
and separator <*• od *lur8‘,'2,‘°U
Bankrupt stock wall pajer at bank­
investor. Address E. 1- 'en.p
rupt prices.
man. Zion. Oregon.
11 »■' '
Cham >srs Hardware Co.
TANNING-Tim - iesirtt-'
of any kind w ill do « ' ll to eal
or address me. 1 «ill *’ »T
shares prope' ly tagged Jeet t>
Rug tanning a specialty. ■
Ritchey, Jasper, Or.
WA.NTED-Traveler ■
house. $12.O'1 per week. E’l»*-
Reterei ce- -
witli stamp. Jos A. Alcxsnden ,
gene, Oregon.
A CAR LOAD Received
hogs sheep cattle
M3 ON (2b TINGLY, Eugene. Ore-