Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, October 11, 1906, Image 4

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Robust Women Who Owe Their Restored Health and
Usefulness to Pe=ru=na
Read the Letters of Grati
tude From Women Who
Have Been Benefited
By Dr. Hartman’s
A Multitude of Such Letters
Are Received Every Year.
Mrs. Carry Peduxzi, Hustad, N. Dak.,
••I take pleasure in telling you that[
through your wondertul medicine I
am entirely cured ot catarrh ot the
Stomach and pelvic organs.
“1 was »<• rundown ou account of my
Ulnesa that I could no longer attend to
my housework. I could not eat or
sleep and had terrible pain in my back.
“1 took Peruna and in five months I
was well. I have not felt »o well for a
long time.
“1 wish everyone who is sick would
take Peruna and time recover their
“I have Peruna in the house con­
tinually. I thank you for all that you
have done for me.”
Medicine of Merit.
Miss Katie A. Washer, 1706 Prentice
street, Louisville, Ky., writes:
•‘As my experience has been so
favorable from the use of Peruna, I
unhesitatingly state that I believe that i
it Is a medicine ot unquestioned merit
for all the ills that we women suffer
“I find that it strengthens and in­
fuses new life into the system, and
whenever I feel rundown or over-tired,
a few doses of Peruna will strengthen
me again.”
Found a Friend In Need— Pe ru na.
Mrs. Florence Aitkens, 1104 Front St.,
Toledo,Ohio, writes:
••Peruna cured me of catarrh of the
uterus. I took about four bottles when
I noticed an Improvement and five
bottles cured me.
“I do not know what I would have America I» the Land of Nervous
been like to-day had 1 not obtained
Peruna, for I was in a terrible state.
Tlie majority of women are nervou»
“1 had pains all over and was cross because they suffer from some form of
and Irritable. 1 was losing hope of ever pelvic catarrh.
being well again.
The greatest obstacle in the way of re­
••/ am to-day a well woman after suf­
fering for nine months. I cannot tell covery 1» that they do not understand
you how happy I feel, but you will that catarrh is the main source of their
“Perun* 1* the best medicine on earth.
Women who are In doubt as to their
“My husband is now taking it and I ailments should write to Dr. Hartman,
Will always keep Peruna in my house.
President of The Hartman Hanitarium,
“Périma is the best friend I ever had. Columbus,Ohio, who will give their let­
It vured mo.”
ters prompt attention, without charge.
ed to centre ;
Final score;
(From Monday's Guard )
Professor Arthur C. Terrel, of Col­
orado, lias Iwen appointed professor
of mining at the university. He will
an ive the first of next week to take
up bis new duties. Mr. Terrel is a
giaduate of the Colorado School of
Minas, but «luce his graduation has
been prominent ¡n the actual mining
of tlie Rocky Mountain state.
faculty consideis itself very fortunate
in obtaining him.
Professor Terrel tills the position
left 01*11 by the resignation of Pro­
fessor J. M. Hyde, wlm is exporting
properly for an English syndicate ill
Mexico. Professor Hyde resigned ou
account of his health.
At Leuliiirg, October 1, 11*16,Theodore
Hurns Carter, the five months-old son
of Mr. ami Mrs. La tn or Carter.
At the family home one mile east
of Springfield, Oct. 6, 1906, Mrs. liar
riet E. Emory, wife of P. H. Emory,
aged 41 years 7 mouths and 27 • lay»,
The cause of death was tuberculosis
of the lungs. Tlie fu neral was held
Monday witli intermentiu the Natron
At Creswell, Octo tier 6, 1900, Mr».
T. J. Dunton, aged CO year»,
ceased died at the home of her so ti-
in law, Geoige Hilk-gas, and was
buried Sunday nt Camp Creek cem-
etery. She leaves the following child-
ren: (’hurles, B.'it and Frank Dun
ton and Mrs. Lou Dunivan, of Crook
county; Vivian Dunton, of Walter
Professor J. B. Brindley, ot the de­ rille; Byron and Gould Dunton, of
partment of economics in the univer Lost Valley; Mr». Not« Coffin, of
sity, has been appointed by the com­ Everett, Wash., and Mis
mittee on oratory and debate coach Hillegiis, of ( res well.
fir the debating teams during the
year. Mr. Brindley is very brilliant
At Wendling, October 5, 1906, Mrs.
in this I ne, having won a gold medal
last year at the University of Wis­ I*>na B. Co lune, wife of Jamea D.
consin in a coutset to choose the Cobine, aged 35 years and 16 days.
l>est individual debater ill that school. Tlie cause of death was heart trouble.
Having had »<> much experience in She leaves, besides her busband,
actual practice, the ’earn» which Mr. three children. The funeral was held
Brindley will produce, will tie up in Sunday afternon with interment in
every detail in tactics as well aa logic the Springfield 1. O. O. F. cemetery.
and fact*.
At her home on East Thirteenth
street, in Fairmuont, Sunday, lieto
ber 7. KML at H N a. m., Mr». II.
M. Black, from a complication of dis­
ease*. She leaves a husband and five
Chicago, Oct. 9.— The first game of
the world » champioshlp aerie» is to
be played t.s lay. Th* w vMther is cold
Timber near city suitable foi cord
and partly cloudy, but min im not
likely and It promises to clear to wood. State price per cord and dis
some extent. Sleet liegen failing at tance fiom town. Add rye*
11:15, but did not continue long.
I or the Sot, latwll grounded to
Ever» ; Kohew tiled to Schult» and
Donohue struck out.
1 «¿le« ' Ask »«■«• I*rv.((tot K«
Z The crowd was crazy with appre­
till. 7.
hension as the Cube took their place»,
TU'MMber X/
K-t Md Mt H V
Moran tatting for Cbeckard.
ht«* il «a. tu
a \» pii la. te- •>
Moran filed to Jones; Ebulte
■ Rrst Stetet Aiety»
grounds«! to Tannehill ; < Tiauce singl-
' *1 üte* '
enny K oyal T’ ills
(From Saturday's Guard.)
(From Thursday’s Guard.)
Sheriff Fisk returned last night
Pending the decision of the circuit
I fre»m The Dalles, where he went to
court in regard to the opening of the
Lucky Boy road from Blue River City bring back Floyd Dubois, char ed
to the mines, as recently ordered by with the abductiou of 14 year-old Ma­
the county court, an injunction suit bel Conrad from Marcola about a
has been instituted by a large num­ week ago. He brought the girl along
ber of mine owners in the district to and they wete met at the depot by
restrain the Lucky Boy Mining Co. [her mother and step father, who at
from maintaining the present obstruo- I once took her in charge.
The Dalles Chronicle tells of the
tiun to the road, thus giving the pub­
lic free access to and from the dis­ captuie of Dubois by Sheriff Chris­
trict. The plaintiffs in the suit are man and hi» deputy. E. B. Wood, as
as follows:
“The officers kept their weather
8. C. Sparks, T A. Topham, J. F. eye open all day’ ami finally about 10
Tate, Dexter Sparks,
o’clock last night saw a girl of the
W. 8. Standish, J. E. McCauley, description given standing about the
Jamea A. Henessy,
Umatilla House cornet.
She soon
iiart Tate, A. H. Taylor, Nels Sal- crossed over and faitbet up the street
vick, P. H. Kyllo, John Hawkinson,
was mel by a young man. Believing
J. W. Gibbs, E. Kuuyard, Glenn O.
they bad secured a clew the officer»
Power», B. F. Dorris.
followed them up Third street to W.
In their complaint, which was tiled A. Johnson’s corner, then on to
in the circuit court today by their Fourth and up the grade leading to
attorneys, Williams A Beau, they al­ the bluff. There they were accosted
lege in substance as follows:
L injtad H D ak
andjisked_wheie they were going.
That plaintiffs are miners owning
“None of your----- business,’’ re*
numerous mining claims in the Blue sponded Dubois.
River district. That for more than 25
“Well, we'll make it our business,”
years past mining and the develop­ said the officer», and then he ex­
ment of mineral claims on Gold Hill plained that be was taking the young
in said district has been carried ou lady to the home of his sistex on the
by plaintiffs and others. That when hill. But that explanation wasn't
mineral was first discovered on Gold sufficient and the pair were taken to
Hill and for some yeais thereafter the sheriff's office, where Dubois was
the only means of transporting sup­ put in jail. During the time that the
plies into the mines was to pack the sheriff was dealing with the man,
samejon their backs. That later and Wood got hold of the girl, who had
more than 15 years ago the plaintiffs given a fictitious name, and succeed-
| and other miners in the district con-
i ed in getting her to confess that she
. structed and built a wagon road from I was Mabel Conrad and that she came
! the then toll road where it crossed
i to The Dalles with Duboi» Monday.
Blue River for a distance ot about a She is a sweet looking girl about four­
mile to Simmons creek,and from Sim- teen years of age and seemed to have
' tnons cr««ek to the summit of Gold I uo realization of what she bad done,
Hill a trail for pack horses was built,
nor the fate that awailed her in the
i That said road and tiail were bulit
band of a villain, whom the officers
so as to enable the miners to more
| are convinced, from letters found
easily transport supplies and provi»-
his pouket, is but a procurer
[ ions into the mines.
houses of ill fame, in which he
That for more than 20 year» past
Miss Anna McGinn, 161 Plain street,
tended to place her.
said road and trail have been traveled
Providence, R. I., writes:
“DuboÍB, who is !b years of age,
“I wish to let you know of the good ' and used by plaintiffs and the public
has respectable relatives in this city,
your medicine has done for me.
as a highway for the transportation
though he has always been a profli-
“I had what the doctors called heart of Bupplies and machinery inio the
trouble. I had been doctoring for a mine». That during all of said time | gate. ”
year before I tried your Peruna.
the plaintiffs and the public used and
“I got a bottle of your Peruna and
I traveled the road and trail as a pub­
after a week's nse of it I began to feel
better. I could not eat, sleep, or work, lic highway without objection, it ren
but 1 have at last found that the medi­ ■-option or interference of any person t
[ or persons whomsoever. That during
cine that will cure me is Peruna.”
the year 1899 said defendant com- |
pany, while the road and trail were
j being publicly traveled, constructed
' a private wagon load ovei and along
the said road and trail to the mines of
(From Thursday’s Guard.)
i said defendant. That in the con­
Sheriff Fisk this forenoon received
struction of said wagon road by the
The court, npon a hearing this defendant, „u„
...... ......
__ - 8 telephone message from Sheriff Levi
the oo.v.
»aid trail
and _ road
afternoon, issued a temporary injunc­ I built by the nlanitlffs was merged I hrisman, at The Dalles, stating that
tion restraining the Lucky Boy Co. into the road built bv the defendant. Hoyd Dubois and Mabel Conrad,
from blockading the Blue River road.
That the plaintiffs and public have
Marcola a few days
This decisiou is in the cause of traveled and used the road constiuct- »«“• »>“‘1
‘'aught at The Dalles,
Poweis et al vs. the Lucky Boy Co., ed by defendant as a public highway, I Sher,ft v Fisk left this afternoon to
and William» A Bean appeared for tiie without interruption, hindrance or | ' bring them back.
plaintiff and Thompson A Hardy fur I objection, ever since the building I Dubois is charged with taking away
the defendant mining company.
' thereof and up to the 22d day of May, | a gitl under 16 years of age foi im-
i 1906. That on said 22d day of May, j moral purposes. The girl is only 14
11906,the defendant placed an obstruc- - years of age and is a step-daughter of
I tion across sai«i highway, at a point - Homer Kelly, of Marcola.
on the mining claims of defendant,
At the Hotfmau House in Eugene and below the mines of the plaintiff,
Saturday evening. October 6, 1906, [ »o as to completely obstruct and pre-
Geo. W. Iven» and Hettie D. Chris­ j vent the u»«» of said highway to plain­
tian, Bev. J. 8. McCallum of:*ciating tiffs and the public, thereby prevent­
ing the plaintiffs from transporting
At the office of Justice of the Pence supplies, machinery oi provisions to
(From Monday's Guard.)
Bryson at 12:30 o’clock today, the tbsir mine».
Floyd Benton, alias DuBois, who
judge officiating, Wm. I. Smith aiui
was arrested at The Dallas a few day»
and Miss Castelle A. Bedell, both of | ry on development work and in order
ago on a warrant issued out of Just-
Lane county.
| to the annual assessment work ou , ice of the Peace Bryson's court in
1 their claims.ate requires! to transport Eugene, chargiug him with taking
At the residence of Rev. Geo. E.
large quantities of »applies, machin­ away Mabel Conrad, of Marcola, a
McDonald, the officiating clergyman,
ery and provision» over said highway girl under the age of 16 years,without
in Eugene, October 3, 1906, B. Kram­
and to use and travel said highway. the consent of her parents for the
er Deal, of Drain, and Miss L. May
That defendant lefuses to remove said purpose of concubinage and prostitu­
Browning, of Laue county.
obstruction or to permit plaintiffs to tion. was taken before the justice Sat­
He pleaded not
In Eugene, October 5, I960, Louis remove it and refuses to permit plain­ urday evening.
J. Flock, of Douglas county, and tiffs or the public from using, travel­ guilty and the time for deciding
Lina A. Warner, of Fall Creek, Jus- ing over.or the transportation of sup­ whether or not be wished a hearing
plies, machinery or provisions over wa» set for 10 o'clock this forenoon.
tice of the Peace Bryson officiating.
said highway to the mines of the This morning he appeared with his
attorney, L. Bilyeu, and decided
That plaintiffs have no other road upon a preliminary examinatior,
or highway over which to trarel or which was set for Thursday at 1 p. m.
The penalty for the crime is impris­
In Eugene October 5, 1906, to A. transport their supplies, machinery
B. Kowe and wife, a sou; weight nine or provisions.
onment in the penitentiary from one
and a half pounds.
That by reason of the wrongful ob­ to two years, imprisonment in the
struction of the highway the plain* ' county jail from three months to a
To Chas. Neal and wife, at Spring­ tiffs aie damage«! in the sum of 9—
year, or a fine of from 9100 to 9600.
field, Wednesday morning, October 3,
Benton’s step-father, Duboi« by
Wherefore, plaintiffs pray for an
a daughter.
order of the court resttaining defend­ na-re, is her- to arrange for his de-
I fense.
At Creswell, September 27, 1906, to ant from maintaining said obstruc­
Adelbert Morse and wife, a son.
sail defendant to remove said ob­
Albany Democrat. Chief Farring­
At Patterson Island, nerthi-ast of struction therefrom so as to permit ton of Eugene does things. Vester-
Eugene, Octobet 1, 1906, to K. W. the paintiffs and|thejpublic to have the day be arrested Herman Breyer and
Kirkpatrick and wife, a son.
unrestricted use and enjoyment of Ryan Blachley on the charge of violât-
said hi hway, an«i that upon a final ing the local option law ou separate
In Eugene, September 30, to Mr». bearing that said defendant be pel pet chargee.
O. J. Kizer, a son.
ually enjoined ftom obstructing in
A man from Drain says work is be-
WANTED—To hire horse for plow any way said road or in any way in­ ing pushe«i vigoruosly on the Coo»
ing Address Joe John, Goshen. o9 terfering with the plaintiffs traveling Bay road. Within « miles of Drain
over said road : and that plaintiffs re­ there are ten big camps of graders.
The largest earload of caeeara bark cover judgment against said defend­ Among the big contacts are two for
ever shipped was loaded at the Eu­ ant for the sum of 9— damages
tunnels which will take 15 month«
gene depot today for »hipment by the and for coats aud «lisournementa of
and two years respectively to build
Seattle Chittim Co. to New York. suit and such other relief as may to
Work is going ahead in a meaner 1«!
It consists of 60,1**) pound«, where«* the court seem equitable aud juat in show that the road ie"a Tu»in *"
the average oarload 1» 30,1*10 pounds. the premises.
, proposition.
need not
b‘ * cold
room in th«
-:*‘f you own
perfection 0.1
neater. Thu ii xa oil
heater that give, «^faction
wherever need. Prod««,
heat without smoke or imell becau« it *
equipped with smokeless device—no trouble**
no danger. Easily carried around from room
to room. You cannot turn the wick too high
or too low. As easy and simple to care fo.
as a lamp. The
(Equipped with Smokeless Device.)
is in ornament to the home. It is made in two finishes— nickel
and japan.
Brass oil fount beautifully embossed. Holds
4 quarts of oil and bums 9 hours. Every heater warranted.
Do not be satisfied with anything but a PERFECTION Oil Heater.
If you cannot get Heater or information from your dealer write
to nearest agency for descriptive circular.
makes the home
all-round household use. Gives a clear, steady light. Fitted
with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and
nickel plated. Every lamp warranted. Suitable lor library,
dining room or parlor. If not at your dealer’s write to nearest
John 1). Rockefeller has yielded to
the persuasive appeal of a Cleveland
interviewer and exptessed his opin­
ion with cleat news on American trade
interests in Europe.
But he errs
when he says: “The French people
bate us, and they will crush us if they
can. They want our money.
want the patronage of our tourists.
But they hate us.
They never let
»lip an oppoitunity to take quick ad
vantage of our mistakes. This is a
struggle for supremacy. We mutt vis
or they will, and there will tom
quarter for ns if they win." 0*r
country is on the best of teims with
France, T which has been our fiiend
since her troops enabled us to compel
Cornwallis to surrender at Yorktown
Imperial troops invaded Mexico to"
ing oui civil war in seeming boetibt,.
to this country, but thei represented
the Third Napoleon, not the French
people. Mr. Rockefellei ha« reeeinA
false impressions in Fiance.
No Need of It When Hyomei Is
Used to Cure Catarrh
Chicago, Oct. 8.-George ScoriM
Physicians and scientists agree that brother-in-law of ( barles
the less medicine one swallows the died at bia home in this lltv
___ with
------ this
....... dav. He had practiced !•« M
better. It is in
idea that Hyomei is recommended brJ«innA ikM «nd w;i- made s®0“
leadmg physician, th.oughout tMfc^r.„lgh h’ig (lefenw. of G.iteau tt
and other catarrhal »ections.
When this treat ment is used in ca­ the murder of President GarfWd-
tarrhal troubles there is no stomach
dosing, for the medicine is taken in
with the air you breathe, and goes
right to the spot where fhe catarrhal
germs are present, healing the in­
flamed and irritated mucous mem­
W. W. Adams, residing met >1^
brane. killing the disease germs and
entering the blood with the oxygen, field, was a pleasant business <.
driving all catatrhal germs from the The Guard office Saturday.
system. Do not try to cure catarrh
of the head by putting medicine into
J. F. Inman, of Elmir* ’*•
your stomach—this is neither a scien­ city Saturday.
tific nor common sense treatment.
Geo. W. Stewart, of SPntt*
Breathe the healing balsams of Hyo­
mei and in a few days vou will notice was looking after business m*
relief, and its continued use will re­ Eugene Saturday.
sult in a complete and lasting cure.
Hynson Smith. «
Mr. Hull ha» seen so many cure*
made by Hyomei among bis custom­ respected pioneer
er», several of them cases where all who reside» near Junction^-
hope of relief ha,, been given up, that
he gives an absolute guarantee of in Eugene lues-lay.
cure, or money will be refunded, with tiedin this county in 1<’4-
every outfit he sell».
C. C. Crone, of Junction- •
The complete Hyomei outfit costs cently disposed of b,i *
but 91, while extra bottle» of Hyo­
household goods at 111
mei, if needed, are only 5*» cents.
leave in a few
o 9 19 30
Miseouii, • here be w>'i
S. M. Stier», of Lowell. **
®*arv tbs
ing to business matter»
I last Thursday.