COTlAbt urnjtc WILL VOTE ON PROHIBITION The Kind Yon Have Alway* Bought, and which lias been in use for over 30 years, lias borne tlie signature of and has been made under his per­ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this" ¿11 Counterfeits, Imitations and “Jiist-as-gooil” (re but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health :>f Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. lb* Cottage Grove city council met iu regular monthly session last Mon (lay evening. The mayor, recorder and all the councilmen were present except Councilman Johuson. Au ini* tiative letitiou for an amendment to the city charter giving the city a right to vote on local option was pre­ sented, The election is set tot Satur- I day, October 20, 19u6. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys M orins and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrlnea and M ind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. genuine CASTORIA ALWAYS l'be work ot grading the extension ¡of the 0. A S. E. railroad to Distou is nearing the finish, there remaining only betwreu tive hundred aud eight hundred feet, lhe job is somewhat tedious, however, as it has to be done by baud with a »hovel, l’be work is a shallow cut and there is so much gravel and boulders that a scraper cuuuot be used. The compauy is aux* lou to complete the gtadiug before there is much lain. It was difficult euougb to get men during dry weath­ er, and alter the rams set iu it will be almost impossible to bold them. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. SEND US A TRIAL ORDER 1 k* ' 1 WE PAY THE EXPRESS tS AND SHIP IN PLAIN PACKAGES WITH NO MARKS TO INDICATE CONTENTS MEDI& INALLV W- li. Rprtlund Or« GIVE FULL NAME POST­ OFFICE AND SHIPPINO directions accompanied to ’j ot have refused to comply with and carry out the terms and condi­ tions of the contract. The railroad company alleges that it h»s been damaged in the sum of 610,000. and asks for a decree against the defnd Bluefield, W. Va., Oct. 5.—Seven auts for that sum, together with costs more bodies were taken from the Po­ and disbursements. cahontas mine today aud ationt ten W. D. Fenton, R. A. Leiter and J. more bodies are in sight, bnt the de­ M. Pipes are the railroad company's bris is retarding the rescuers. This attorneys. makes twenty-five known to be killed The Hyland Lumber Company until ami it is estimated that between six­ recently conducted a sawmill up the ty and seventy are dead. Mohawk, selling out to a Mr. Yerger, ot lx>s Angt les. MORE VICTIMS OF MINE EXPLOSION SIR THOMAS AFTER AMERICAN BRIDE Died Near Junction City, Saturday, S p tern tier 29, I'.«»!, Mrs. J. L. Flint, aged about 63 years. Death was due to cancer. The funeral was held Mon­ day with interment in Oak Hili cem eteiy. Deceased leaves four children, Mrs. Tbos. Bailey, of Junction; Mrs. I). C. Keilems. of Eugene; J. 8. Flint, ot Fern Ridge, and Sain Flint. Chicago, Oct.4 Sir Thomas Lipton called upon Mayor Duune at the city hall today and attended a luncheon at the stock yards.. He did not deny he might seek an American bride, a» well as ai range for an international yacht race. When asked about the girl be said: There's grave danger from the plague "Now, that's a happy thought!" Po.itlvelr cored by of Coughs and Colds that ar» SO prnv these Little Pills. «lent, unless y iu take ifr. King's They -ISO relieve Dis­ New Discovery for Consumption, tress from Dyspepsia. In­ Coughs and Colds. Mr«. Geo. Walls, digestion -nd Too Hearty ■ iTTLE of Forest City Me., writes: ''It's a Eating. A perfect rem­ At the residence of w'm. Kirk, Oc­ Gislsend to people living in climates edy tor DtnUK-sa. Nause», where coughs and colds prevail. 1 Drosnrtaesa. Bad T aste tober 3, 1906,Clive T. 8tarne«,of Linn find it quickly ends them. Il pre in the Month. Cnsrsd county, and Silva M. Michaels, of vents Pneumonia, cures. Ijigrlppe. Tongue. Pain In the «ide gives wonderful relief in Asthma arid TORPID LIVER. The» Lane conntfy, R»v. H. N. Russen of- Hay Fever, rnskes weak longs strong efiiatiug. regalare the Bow-la Vegetable. enough to ward off Consumption, Coughs and Colds. 06o and 6I. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE A famous Wisconsin woman once Guaranteed by W. L. Delano's drug said, "Ail this poor eaith needs is Genuine Must Bear ust the art of being kind. " Won't store. Trial bottle flee. some one tie kind enough to propose F^-S.nwle Sig'atur« 16 t»>ns ot the famous Oliver plows Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tre? VlTTLE It help« to make people kind and just received. Start right by buying ÏIVER sell. Tea or taMeta,.K» centa. Linn an Oliver. Drug Co. CHAMBERS HARDWARE CO. Danger From Plague SICK HEADACHE CARTERS Ì Blrod Poisoning !s very often acquired, though generally inherited. Bad hygiene, foul air, impure water, are among its causes. It is called “the soil for tubercles,” and where it» is allowed to remain tubercu­ losis or consumption is pretty sure to take root. A goat herder on the hills about the source of the Siusiaw states that be lost seventeen goats one night last w%ek, which be lays to the marauding bear. More than likely be is mistak­ en as to bear. Cougars will kill more Chatham, N. Y., Oct. 5.—Wm. K. than they eat—seem to kill goats aud Hearst today threw down the gaunt­ sheep for amusement, and the de­ let to State Senator McCalren. He struction should lie laid at the door said in his speech: of the great mountain cat. “McCarren classes himself as a Mi. aud Mrs. T. W. Jenkins left on Demorcat. but that don't make him a this moi mug's train for Omaha. Tom Democrat, The McCaneu ticket cau- is a delegate to the supreme lodge of uot command the support of honest the Modem Brotherhood of Amer­ Democrats nor honest independents." Hearst’s defiance of McCarren was ica, which convenes in city next week. While gone they will visit like a bombshell in the Tammany Denver, Salt Lake City and other camp this afternoon and is taken to cities. They expect to be gone about mean that the whole Hearst canvass faces a grave crisis. Politicians are a month. wondering if Hearst will follow his The property owners of the Coast defiance of McCarien with a like defi­ Pork road are circulating petitions ance of Murphy. calling meetings iu the several dis­ Hearst's followers urge him to "get tricts for October 12, to consider tne all bosses against him," and he matter of levying a tax.and if thought seems to be following their advice. advisable, to vote the same to raise McCarren has called a special meet­ money to rock the wagon road be­ ing of the county committee for cou- tween Black Butte and Cottage Grove. sid*ration of Heaist's attitude. It is Western Oregon. reported that he has decided to ad vocate the support of Hughes, Rep., upon the grouud that uo regular Democrat is iu the field for governor. DISORDER . IS REPORTED AT MANY POINTS IWOTM ocrotula I IVER t V% 'CARTERS REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Married SPEAKS AT HARRISBURG . i. oct. L —President do this work. To ic'egate it to the :t for llariisburg, Pa., at states is a farce, and is simpLv sn- tlii'r way of saviug that it shall not o oiling, where he will be done at all. ” i ■ d»' licatiuu of the state »as accompanied by Sen­ "Duiing the last tew years the na­ and Pentose, Dr. Riley tional government has taken very aud othe.s. luug strides in the direction of exer­ cising ami seeming this ade»|iiat3 Harrisburg, Oct. 4—At the ilcdlea- control over ’he great colporations, and it was under the leadership.of one tion exercises President Roosevelt of the most houured publi i men iu was the centre of attraction, has ad- our country, oue of PeunsyLaula's diess being the .feature of the pro­ most eniineut sons—the present sen­ gram. The crowd welcomed ator and then Attorney General Knox the exis'Utive of the nation warmly. —that the now departure was begun. The president spoke in the rain Events have moved fast during the with little rivulets of water liltiniug last five years, aud it is curious to down his face onto his shirt bosom. look back at the extreme bitterensa which uot meiely the spokesmen and THE PRESIDENTS’ SPEECH. representatives of oiganized wealth, After referring to the position but man) most conservative people Pennsylvania has occupied in the life then felt as to the action o Mr. Kuox of the nation, President Roosevelt and of the administiatiou. spoke in part as follows: "Many of tlie greatest financiers of "Through your legislature you have this country were certain that Mr. abolish <1 passes; you have placed the Knox's Northern Securities suit, it offices of tlie secretary of the com won would plunge us into the woist munwealth and the insurance com­ panic we had ever e«*em They de­ missioner upon an honorable aud nounced as incitement to anarchy, honest basis ot salary only by aboi- h - an apology for socialism, the advo­ ¡thingthe feej system; you have pass­ cacy of policies that either have now ed a law compelling the officers and become law or are iu fair way of be­ employes of great cities to attend to coming law ; and yet these same pol the duties for which they are paid by ii-ies, so fai from representing either all the taxpayers, and to ref.aiu anarchy oi socialism, were in reality from using the power confetred by the antidotes to auatciiy, the anti­ their offices to influence political dotes to socialism. To exercise a campaigns; you have prohibited the constantly increasing and constantly solicitation ot receiving of political more efficient supervision ami con­ assessments by city employes; you trol over t he great common earl ¡era have by law protect»«! the state treas­ of the country prevents all necesaity ury from depredation and conserved for seriously considering such a pro­ the public moneys tor use only in the ject as the government ownership of public interest; you have by a law for railroads - a policy which would be the protection of the elective fran­ evil in Its results from »very stand­ chise made tampering with the ballot point. " boxes aud the casting ot illegal votes so difficult as in all pro! ability to be unprofitable; you have provided a primary election law which guarantees to the voters free expression in the »election of candidates for office; you have by law regulated and improved The Curtin Spur Lumber Co., of the civil service systems of your Cottage Grove, ill'll articles of incor­ greatest cities; and, finally, you have poration with the county clerk t-siay paH»e each. session—a provision problbitng the The objects of the corporation are to officers of any corporation from mak­ do a general lumliering ami logging ing a contribution of the money of business, to build, equip, maintain that corporation to any candidate or and operate water powers, electrio any political committee for the pay­ light plants and to conduct a general ment of any election expenses what­ merchandise business. ever.’’ The company now operates a »mall sawmill several miles south of Cottage "All honest men must abhir and Grov«. reprobate any effort to excite bostili ty to men of wealth as such. W should do all we can to encourage (From Thursday's Guard.) thrift and business eneigy, to put a premiiim|upon the conduct of the man Mrs. Jotin Blanton died at Cheah- who honestly earns his livelhood and ire's hopyard last night, aged 30 more than hie livelihood, ami who years. She was aged :*) years, a na­ honestly nsea the money be has earn­ tive of Ohio, ami leave« a husband, ed, But it la out clear duty to see, father ami mother and three brothers. in the interest of the people, that Rev ' F. .M. Horn, of Eugene, being there is adequate supervision ami s brother. She was the daughter of control over th« tMWiMaa use« of the J. M. Horn, of F.imira. Funeral will swollen fortune« of today, and also leave residence at 10 a. m. and ser­ wisely to determine the conditions vices will be belli at Mulkey cemw- upon which these fortunes are to tie tery at 12 o’clock tomorrow. transmitted and the percentage that The Infant daughter of Mr.and Mra. they shall pay to the government whoa« protecting arm alone enables Smith, of Fairmount, died October i them to exist. Only the nation can I 1906, of cholera infantum. Was. . .. Roosev It 1 7:50 thi . speak at . Capitol. II ators Knox LUMBER COMPANY IS INCORPDRATED Diei