Vol 39 EUGENE, OREGON. THURSDAY AUGUST 16, 1906 S?. I CLOSING OUT Cash Store We still have on hand a number of very pretty sum Ex-Governor VanSant Was Grand Marshal of G. A. R. Host—An Escort of Veterans, Splendidly Drilled and Uniformed, Attended Commander in Chief mer Dresses that we must dispose of very soon to make room for the arrival of new fall stocks. VETERANS MARCH IN BIG PARADE AT MINNEAPOLIS These ¿garments are new and up-to-date, and make a most desirable gar ment to take on your outing trip—and if you need a new dress you should take advantage of this offer, as this will probably be the last call. Minneapolis, Aug. 15. —The fortieth parade of the G. A. R. marched through the streets of ttie city today. Ex-Governor VeuSant was grand marshal and Adjutant General Wood chief of staff. Au escort of veterans composed of the regimental staff of ficers of the Minnesota National (iiiard and Columbia post, of Chicago, splendidly drilled, escorted Com mander inChief Tanner. Thomas H. Martin, aged 65, of Washingthn, D. C., senior vice com mander of the G. A R., dropped dead today while marching in the parade. Physiicrns bad warned him not to march. This makes three who have passed away since the beginning of tbe present encampment. J. H. Burke, of Burlingame, Kan., fell dead wtrle standing in front of the clerk's desk in the Pauley hotel. Death was caus •d by apoplexy induced by the iteli. Another death was that of George Smith, a former member of the First New York Dragoons. $4 00 DRESSES REDUCED TO $2.00 $3.50 DRESSES AT $1.75 $3.00 DRESSES AT White Skirts Made of heavy duck and linens. Only a few left, but thay are of good numbers. $2.50 Skirts reduced to SOUTHERN LANE $1.65 $2.75 Skirts reduced to $1.95 $3.75 Skirts reduced to All Summer Goods Half Price $1.25 MISSES’ POLKA-DOT SKIRTS 75 CENTS Men’s Clothing Thc best stocked clothing department in the state. We can give you as stylish clothing and a better price than you ean secure in Portland or any other large city. Your next suit should be a Hart, Shaffner (Sb Marx Boys’ 2-P.ece Linen Suits 45 Cents Men’s $4 00 Outing Suits for Copyright 1905 by Hart Schaffner or* Marx $2.00 Complete Stock of Outing Shirts, Cool Underwear, Hosiery, Hats HAMPTON BROS BUGINE AN) SPRINGFIELD STRUGGLE FOR YOUNG WOMAN SINGLE FARE BRUTALLY WHIPPED STILL CONTINUES BY CRACK TROOPERS Serious Riot Occurred This Morning in Which Some Were Badly Hurt and Others Arrested—S detracked Passengers Wreck the Cars of the Company Still Loyal to Government New Y ork, Aug. 15.—A riot on the Br okljrn Rapid Transit road this morning «an caused by an a.-sault on passengers refusing tu piivja second fare to Coney Island. Before it wan quelled one mau was dangerously wounded and several others arrested. A car had been sidetracked Iwcause a number of passengers refused to pay. General Superintendent Smith was uearly killed before the police rescued him. Nineteen cars were sidetracked loaded with passengers, who wr eked them gleefully. Aug. 15. — Mlle, St. Petersburg, Smirnoff, a refined young woman, while walking on the street with eoin- panions, remarked as a squadron of crack chevalier guards rode by: “They look as gay as if they took Port Arthur." The commander, who overheard the remark, ordered the troops to wheel and the girl was taken to the colonel at the liarraeks. ‘She was then taken to the parade grounds and thrashed in the presence of the officers, tearing her clothing and raising welts on her buck, which we-e so swollen that the doctors cannot tell the extent of her internal injuries. Some of the papers printing the story have been confiscated. Popular indignation is at white heat over the outrage. TROOPS ARE LOYAL. The emperor today reviewed the troops and cheers greeted the czar wherever tie appeared, there being no signs of dissatisfaction. The empress and queen of Greece rode among the troops w,th the emperor. Just as the review started the czar ovitch begun to cry, and his father took him Is side him on his saddle, while the troops laughed and cheered. MILITARY ROAD GRANT SOLD TO SYNDICATE BARNARD FOUND GUILTY BY JURY VERY SERIOUS FIRE Portland, Or., Aug. 12.—Coe 1). I UP THE SANTI AM Barnard committed perjury when he , WILL GIVE REBATES. New York, Aug. 15 - The Brooklyn Rapid Transit city officials have agreed upon a ten cent fare, but the cctnpanv will issue rebate checks, which will be good if the courts final ly decide against the company. The company promises to bring a suit to test the case immediately. swore on 'Inal proof proceedings at Fossoil, Wheeler county, that Charles Albany, Or., Aug. 13.— When all Today’s Oregonian tells of the pnr A. Watson had complied with the hope had about been abandoned, chase of the old Military wagun road* requirements uf the homestead law. word was received here today that Harvey Lajoie, the 16-year-old eon grant, ext.-mliug across the Cascade This was the verdict returned last the town of Detro t bad esenped de Henry Lajoie, residing near! mountains to the eastern border of night in the federal court by a jury struction from the immense forest Walker, was accidentally shot in the the state, as follows: of Portland business men. Accorn fire which is sweeping up the canyon right leg with a pistol Sunday. He | “Ownership of almost one one-hun paiiying the verdict was a recommeii of the N,.ith Santiam. The tire Is bad cocked the pistol to shoot at a dredth of the entire area ot the state dation to the mercy of the court. raging in the dense, standing timber squirrel »nd placed the piece back of Oregon changed yesterday. After In order to save time a night see back in the mountains, and great lose inbispockit w'thuot uncocking it, extended negotiations the greater sion was held, A feature of the final is ensuing. when it was discharged. Dre. Kime portion of the land included in the proof proceedings was that one of The latest reports are that the tire and Hockett removed the bullet, Old Oregon Central Military Road the jurors, Walter 11. McMonies, who is eating its way through one of the which had longed under the bone giant was transferied from the Cali has liven ill with fever for three days, finest be! s of timber In the Cascade back of the knee The wound is not fornia A Oregon l^and Company to a was provided with a sofa and heard Mountains, It extends for a mile dangerous. «nt syndicate composed of Eastern and the closing arguments while lying in and a half either side of the North Fred Jones«-3 \>dng logger working Onlifoni« capitalists. Approximately a recunitient position. Another tea Santiam river, and ha« also turned up for the Chambers Lumber U<>. at 500,000 acres are included in the sale tore was that the jury delila>rated in 1 the Breitenbusti canyon. Dorena, bad a Lad accident about ten and the consioeration involved in the the court room ins’ead of retiring to The village of Berry, on the north o'clock Tuesday morning. He was deal is supposed to be in the ueigh- the place set apa-t for jurors. After fork of the Santiam river, was do- going up the log chute and stopped I borhood of 1700,000. Judge limit had delivered his charge strojed by the tire Saturday. to cut a young maple out of the way, The principal purchasers of. this be suggested that the courtroom lie but hts ax caught in another tree and great tract of Oregon land, which is cleared in order to avert the neceasi descending struck his right foot com ■ in itself almost enough for an empire, ty of moving Juror McMoniea, and pletely severing the big toe and the are the Hunter Land Company, of the suggestion was Pillowed. two toes next to it, and badly cut Minneapolis, Minn., and Richard ting the fourth. He was immediately Sykes, h capitalist, of Santa Barbara, RUNAWAY TEAM brought to Dorena, and just caught Cal. Associated with them are the nUliAflAi I CAm Washington, Aug. 15. —It is an- the train which hurried him to town W. B. S. Trimble Company, of James where Drs. Job and Oglesby dressed town, N. D., and Andrew E. John the foot, sewing the toes back in son, vice president of the Hunter and six tenths per ounce, delivered place. A large artery was severed.— Land Company and president of the Tuesday's Daily at New Orleans. | Cottage Grove Nugget. , A. E. Johnson Ijind A Steamship A runaway three horse team attach I I Company. The California A Oregon ed to a wood wagon created excite I Land Company, the corporation ment in the vic'nity of ¿ninth and which held tli>< land and has made the Willamette streets at the noon hour sale, is owned and controlled by the today. The horses while standing Miss Gertrude L. Grousbeck and Booth Kelly Lumber Company, of alone out on East Ninth street lie Edson L. Barnett were married at the Eugene, Or. oam" frightened and came down tov ti home of D. Gr uaback at. Creswell, “The land sold consists of that por-. at a rapid pace, landing in a heap In Aug. 10, Rev J. L. Stratford, pee tor D. Black, who with his father, A. R. Black, the well-kaown irrigation tion of the Oregon Central Miltiary front of Henderson A Wells' shoe of the M. E. church, officiating. promoter, has been at Waldo Lake road extending front the Cascade store in the Chrisman block. AG Otia Logan, formerly of Eugene, during the summer doing preliminary range forest reserve to the Idaho line, three of the horses fell on the cement was married in Portland Sunday work for the big irrigation scheme with the exception of the section in aid «walk and one of them was pretty badly injured, It had to tie helped evening at 8 o’clock, to Mlaa Eva planned for the upper Willamette the Klamath reservation." to its feet an 1 when the owner started Smith of that city valley, arrived in Eugene yesterday, R. A. Booth, vice president and up the team It fell to ths ground Engineer accompanied by Civil Springfield. Aug 14.—J. J. Bryan manager of the Booth Kelly Lumber again. After considerable difficulty will soon begin the erection of a two* Simon Klovdohl. To a Guard reporter last evening t'o., when asked today concerning the the animal was taken to Cooper's story frame business building just east Mr. Black stated that considerabl. sale, replied that the Oregonian was stable nearby. It appears to tie in of bis building, now occupied by la* work baa been done in the vicinti) of mist «ken in the company that owned ternally injured -nd may not live. nia A Cuip'a barber shop. He baa a the lake this Hummer. A good trail the land. Instead of the California The outfit belongs to a farmer named tenant in tight. Mr. Bryan la also has liven liuilt from the Military road A Oregon Laud Co. it is the Oregon Swanson, residing west of the city. preparing to erect two neat cottage«. Thus Springfield grows apace. to the lake, buildings for the men Ijnid and Livestock Co., incorporai- have been put up, new sounding* of ed iu Eugene about four years ago. Work on th,. Southern Pacific Co’.e the water ill the lake have been taken It is not controlled by the Booth bridge across the Willamette la pro- and considerable more data has been Kelly Co., but a number of Booth greasing better than it has for son»« Kelly people, including Mr. Booth, time past. The bents from the centra secured. hold stock iu the company. Portland, Or., Aug. 14.—The long pier to the east bank have been put continued drouth and the poor culti in and the work en are now working vation in many aectione are tieginn on the west half. ing to tell on the Oregon hop crop. Judge Chrisman today appointed l-a,t year ¡.he state produced about Boss Murphy's organ,the New York Warren G. Andrews, of ‘be lower 112,000 balsa It is beginning to look Telegtaph, predicts the nomination now as if thin figure w-ttld not lie ex Siuslaw country, administrator of of Wtn. R. Hearst for governor by the the estate of bis wife, Hat'ie A. An- Democrats. Tnis is regarded as sig The Northwest Gun and Bicycle needed this year, notwithstanding an drew*, who di d in the (esane asylum increase in acreage of about 10 pel nificant. Co.'s baseball team will come up cent. Estimates made by reliable at Salem July 2. A. Hollenbeck, Senator W. A. Clarke would not de from Portlaud again next Sunday dealers of the coming crop range all Levi Hollenbeck and T iios Urge we~e cline the vice presidential nomina and play the Springfl-ld Blues an the way from 100,000 to 120,000 Istlws. appointed appraiser- if the prop r*y. tion with Bryan, so the politicians other game. In t*>e previous game Mrs Andrews left a will taqueathing »ay. tietween these teams the Portlanders 8. Jensen and A. C. Nelson hop 11 to her daughter, Jennie, and the Bourke Cochran is the latest former won. but the Lane county lads expect growers of Junction, were in th« remainder of her prope-ty to her city yesterday. They state that they huslmnd. The value of the property gold Democrat to deciare for Bryan to turn the tables this time. will have an excellent crop on their is between ioO and 1100. as president. J. 8. Smith, of Creswell, now em ynrds this year, probably going 111) J. H. Carter, of Lowell, was a ba«L E. P. Williama of Pleasant Hill was ployed on the Southern Pacific rail pounds to the acre. They fear a a pleasant caller at the Guard office road at Divide, was in Eugene Fri- m-arcity of pickers frem the present news callet at the Guard office last Thursday. day. Monday. outlook. SECRETARY SHAW IS BUYING SILVER CREATES EXCITEMENT Married WORK PROGRESSING AT WALDO LAKE OREGON HOP CROP WILL BE LIGHT Political Notes XX7, X X5 BASEBALL G a ME AT SPRINGFIELD