Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, August 09, 1906, Image 1

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Vol 39
Electric Railway Franchise Accepted
and S5.000 Bond Given to In-
sure Construction ot Line-Wil
Begin Work Some Time This
The Greatest Silk Values
We Have Ever Offered
Fane Silks Less Than the
CosG of Production
^E HAVE on hand several patterns of this season's fancy
Siik Waistings.
The fabrics represent the very finest
quality of Jap Silk and are regularly sold at nearly double the
price that we are offering. These patterns contain 4 yards each
of hige grade silk.polka dotted in blue, red, green, white and
pink. The quantity is limite d so do not delay if you are needing
an up-to-date waist. The regular price Is $4.50 a pattern and
for a few days only we offer you your choice
of tthe lot for the small sum of
or 62J4c a yard
A. Welch, managei of the Willam­
ette Valley Co., was in the city today
from Portland today, coming up on
last night’s train and returning north
this afternoon. While here this morn
ing he filed with the city recorder
the company’s acceptance of the elec­
tric railway franchise as gtanted by
the city council July 10, and filed the
required boud of foO'tl to insure the
beginning of work on the line within
six months. The compauy had thirty
days in which to tile the acceptance
and the bond.
Only two days re­
mained until the time would have
Mr. Welch told a Guard reporter
today, as he did another representa-
tive of the paper in Portland a few­
days ago, that just as soon as the new
water and gas systems here are coin
pleted work on the trolley line would
begin. He thought it would >>e till or
70 days before the other work is done.
The new reservoir on the butte, he
.»aid, will be completed within a very
few days. The workmen this morn­
ing began to put on a lining of six
inches of cement and I when thia io
finished and th« floor ÍH
i lsiii * I'M
wall will *>e closed
voir will be ready ft
company will recelv
for excavating a t ig
river from
and whiMl ÌI
Special to Daily Guard.
were then eecorted out of town by
Cottage Grove, Aug. i>.- A deliber the marshal. They were very impu­
ate ami cold blooded murder occurred dent and the older boy had a larg®
one mile south of this city Sunday revolver strapped on his side, the
evening at about 7:110 o'clock, win n younger lx y carrying a revolvei con­
an old man, giving name as Wil- cealed som< where on his person,
liam Powell, was shot down by two which the officers overlooked, but
boys who were said to be escapes which he displayed to some boys nut Special to Daily Guard.
from the Washington state reform . side of town with the threat to "tlx"
Washington, Aug. 8.—Bids weie
Marshal Underwood If he was met opened today on the sites offered for
The old
man, though mortallv outside of the city. They spoke of the public buildings at Eugene, Or.,
woumled, lived until 8 o'clock this in'ended
burglaries and
various and the following sites were ottered:
rs. W. bander«, Olive street,
morning, and remained rational un­ crimes with every one whom they con­
til midnight, diir<ug which time he versed about this town, but were *3850.
J. M. Shelley, West Eighth and
talked freely to Dr. Hockett, the at sized up as youthful braggards. They
Cendant physician. He gave the fol­ are known to Iw the murderers of the Charnelton, *00116.
A. W. Haskell and S. P. Ness, West
lowing version of the shooting:
old man south of town later in the
Having lost all of his property iti day, and the whole community is ex­ Ninth and Olive, *ll,5ou.
W. M. Renshaw, Sixth and Willam­
the San Francisco disaster, he was tremely anxious for their early cap­
working his way north to Portland by ture, that their heinous crime may ia, ette, *12,1100.
L. L. Whitson, East Eighth and
repairing umbrellas ami selling a sil­ speedily avenged by the law.
(Mrs. Thurston property),
ver polish. Upon reaching the rail­
, *7000.
road bridge a mile south of this city
F. L. Chambers, Sixth and Willam­
Sunday evening lie decided to prepare
From Tuesday's Daily.
ette, *99511.
bis frugal meal and rest over night.
Sheriff Fred Fiak and Deputy Dis-
George B. Dorris, Willamette aud
He was cooking some meat with which
trict Attorney J. M. Williams arrived
Eleventh, *11000.
lie had provided himself at Drain
down from Cottage Grove on thia af­
J. T. Rowland A Co., West Eleventh
when he was approached by two boys,
ternoon's train with the two boys,
and Lincoln, *8tNX).
who at once began tormenting and
Thomas Reeves and Hugh Saxon, who
Mrs F. Bostein, East Ninth and
insulting the old num. 11« was com
were arrested at Drain yesterday af­
Pearl, *0000.
nianded by the young desperados to
ternoon, charged with the killing of
L. N. Roney, Willamette and Fifth,
deliver his provisions over to them
William Powell, the itinerant tinner *1000.
and upon the old man's emphatic re­
and umbrella mender, near Cottage
Elma and Norma Hendricks, Oak
fusal to do so, the younger of the two
Grove Sunday night. The boys, who
and East Ninth, *15,000.
boys drew a revolver and deliberately
are aged 18 and 15 years respectively,
It 1.» not expected that any action
tired at the old man at sho't range,
were iaken from the depot down Wil- r«
'lection will b- taken
dde I
tire a* th*
'lug I
Engeue «Qd
by Owners
» th.
hews jf mtroit
Linen Suitings
Beatifully colored and figured
in the real Japanese style,
suitable for Kimonnas or
house dresses, 20c values for
Wc have a quantity of Linen
Suitings that would make
most desirable outing gar­
ments for mountains or the
coast, that we are offering
at half price 50c linens for
Other grades reduced in proportion
Summer Dresses
There are just a few of these
pretty summer dresses left that
we have been selling for half
price, and to close out the line
the price will remain the same
Corset Cover Embroideries
18 to 20 inches wide made
of the best imported Swiss
beautifully designed, extra
good values at 40c. 45c
and 50c; shoulder straps to
< • <
Shirt Waists
If you arc supplied with shirt
waists we think you could
make use of just one more at
the price we are offering them
this week
$3.00 Silk Waist for.......... .
$3.50 Silk Waist for
$4.00 Silk and Linen Waists
Summer Goods Half Price
wd thaï
25 cts
for a few days longer dt
terday and the work of laying
mains throughout the city will begin
The company
within a short time,
will have everything in readiness for
the operation of the plant by the time
the machinery and fixtures are placed
in position.
In speaking of the Portland Salem
electric railway Mr. Welch said that
work on that portion of the line l>e-
tween Salem and Chemawa is pro­
gressing rapidly and that cars will be
in operation between the two points
early in September. He expects the
entire line Jo be in operation early
next summer.
Portland, Aug. 8.—After being ont
sixteen hours the jury In the case of
Charles A. Watson, which has tieen
on trial in the federal court since
Monday, the charge being perjury in
connection with defendant's final
proof on a homestead entry, this
morning returned a verdict of guilty,
recommending Watson to the mercy
of the court. The maximum (>enalty is
five years’ imprisonment and a fine of
The evidence showed that Watson
had not resided on the claim which
he is alleged to have taken up at the
instance of the Butte Creek Com­
pany, to which be assigned it. The
ease is important only as a connect
ing link in the prosecution of the
land company, its president, H. H.
Hendricks, having already tieen con­
vict- I on the «barge of subornation
of perjury.
The Guard learn.» from reliable
iiirces that it ia loginning, to apfwar
that the Italic county hop crop will
be considerably shorter thaw year
than generally expected. One of the
lieat informed hop men in the state
who, resides here, says he has ex­
amined ‘Jit or To yards in the coun ty
and find» that from some cause or an­
other the yield will not tie up to last
year's. Even in the yards that are
perfectly cultivated there appears to
tie a shortage.
One well-known grower says the
burrs on bis vines are falling, caused,
he thinks, by the dry, hot weather,
That seems to be the only plausi bl*
explanation given for the apparent
handcar, arriving here at
about 10 o'clock in the evening,
The old man was taken to the office
of Dr. Hockett, who alter a careful
examination in which by probing the
course ot the bullet was located,
announced that the wound was fatal
anil death must result in ten or tweiv«
The doctor did all in his power to
relieve the old man’s sufferings while
the flame of life was flickering, but
at millnight the wounded man lie
came unconscious, expiring soon af­
ter daylight.
The old man said ho was 70 years
old, a tinner and umbrella mender by
trade; came to thia country from
England when 20 years old, enlisted
ill the war of the ri'bellioi. and fought
four years with the army of the Po
tomac. Near the dose of the war he
was court mart ¡ailed and discharged in
disgrace upon the charge of striking
all officer
The inquest will lie held thia after­
noon «nd the remains interred at this
place, probable under the direction
of the local G. A. R. A pair of blan­
kets and 115 cents in change comprised
the old man's worldly goods.
has a couple of sons and a daughter
at Sail Francisco, bit he said the
son» were profligate.
The officers at points south have
tieen furnished with descriptions ot
the two young desperados and it is
thought that they will soon tie appre­
hended and captured, but possibly
not without
Underwood ia hot on their trail.
Officers here were informed by a
hobo that two Is.ys aged about 15 ami
Ik were headed this way from Port
and, from which city they were rout-
ed by the police; that they wore
tough cas s and escapes from the
Washington reform school. Two boys
answering this description were put
off the blind baggage of the Sunday
aoi.thound local at Saginaw, three
miles north of thia place, by a brake
man, who was covered with a revolver
by the old -r leiy and threatened. 1 he
brakeman notified th.^.ffirers ber.^ud
urged the arreat of the youngatets,
Isit declined to prosecute.
while apprehended here by the mar
ahal an hour later, they were only
Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Harsbliarger kept under close eurvelMnce until
have returned to Bickeltou, Wash.
they could get something to eat and
by the
to lie in a more serious mood
lumber at the
teemed nervous, often looking arou' d
mill ami will then sail to San Francis­
as his car caught the remarks made
co and will be fitted with first-class
about him and bis companion by
gasoline machinery before she re*,
those following behind.
turns. She is named for »very state
on the coast—Wash Cal-O»e.
O. W. Hurd's logging camp on Had-
The boys were captured at Drain
creek has ceased operations for
about seven o’clock last evening by
Marshal W inutt and a posse of dti the present. 'They are moving their
sens. The murderers were seen com­ engines down to the river. The latgo
ing down the railroad track and they road engine is to be moved to Hun-
were at once covered with shotguns saker's camp at the mouth of Knowles
and rifles in the hands of the posse. treek. It is not known yet what will
'The boys threw up their hands and I h < done with the other two engiuee.
Nicolle A Fellman have bought th*
submitted to arrestjwithoiit resistance.
Sheriff Fisk arrived at Drain just timber on the old Lace place and will
30 minutes alter the jlioys were cap move then engine arrows the river as
tured, he and Warren McFarland, of | soon as they clean up the timber <>u
Cottage Grove, having fe.e u hot on Fred Bi ail's place.
their ttail for several hours.
Lrn Tabor has resigned as manager
set out from Cottage Grove In a of Wm. Kyle's store at this place, to
buggy, and alternately walking ami • ake effect the first of next month.
riding soon found traces of th« young His brothel, H. E. Tabor, will suc­
desperadoes and kept cn their track ceed him.
till they reached Drain.
Fred Benn has just completed an­
Beeves and Saxon were brought other addition to his houst.
back to Cottage Grove aud were ar­ makes one or two additions regularly
raigned before Justice of the Peace every year.
J. E. Young this forenoon on the
charge of murder in the first degree.
Several members of the Lane Coun­
ty Poultry Aaeoclation met In the
* were bound
# over without bail
to appear for trial in tbe circuit office of Hie si.retaiy, J, M. WT1
court, which convenes in November. Hams, this afternoon and fixed - the
date for holding the first annual poul­
try fait from December 1'2 to 15 in­
Sheriff Fisk permitted a Guard re­ clusive. It will t>e held in Eugene.
porter to talk to the boys in jail tina B. F. Keeney was elected assistant
afternoon. They were lolling in the secretary. Secretary Williams waa
hammocks in their cell reading authorized to correspond with judges
novels, and the first thing they said in older to secure one for the comiug
as the sheriff and the reporter enter­ show.
ed was that they wished they had
some smoking tobacco anil that they they did the night before. They say
would go crazy if they did not get it. they wanted to Is- caught and Reevee
In speaking of the crime Reeves, who declared thia afternoon that he
is the older, said that he did the wishes that he had turned and
shooting. They were "jollying" the when the Grain posse had their Knn»
old man, he said, about the meal he trained on him, ao they would hara
was cooking when he * ecame angry killed him.
and suddenly hinged at Reeves with a
The Reeves boy says hie home ia iu
Before be knew it. Reeves Portland, where he has a father and
said, he had pulled out his gun end a brother. Hi« mother ia dead. Th*
fired. It was not until the man had Saxon boy ia from Texas, where his
fallen to the ground and was groan­ parents lire. In speaking of them
ing with pain th at he r.alizid wha the boy's voice choked and he would
he had done. This happened als>ut - >V little concerning them. The boys
eight o'clock in the evening.
The started out from Portland Saturday
Isiys say they ran through Cottage r.ight bound for California.
Grove and then south on the rail bail "hoboed" their way to Cottage
road, going as fast a« they could till Grove, where they were put ot* the
three o’clock next morning, when train. They aay they had no )«rtio-
they became exhausted and slept in a ulai object in making the trip, only
hay field. They awoke late and start­ to see the world and have good a
ed out again, imt taking it easier than time.