Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, July 20, 1906, Image 7

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•he Willamette Valley Company, of
1 h xddison Welch is president
‘-bi'des, Siukler <k Butcher, of
Lelpbia. «re eastern financial
is making an investment of
’ - amounting to nearly il.
"tbe Willamette valley in develop
t of electric light, power, water
and street railwav indue-
says Wedeueday’s Portland
aJ They have purchased prop­
fl at Dallas, Ei gene, Monmouth,
La-udence, Albany and Corvallis,
I ‘jo securing 'ranehises for street
iwtysat Springfield and Eugene.
, Welch, who has beeu confined to
ror land hospital several weeks
lowing a surgical operation, was
, to leave the hospital today and
>k up hi* quarters at the Oregon
• fhe Willamette vulley looks good
L” he s.w, "and we believe it
> 'safe place for investment and
Lptibie u great industrial devel-
Lut. It »ill have a large popu-
Ln and continue to be a prosper-
L section of Oregon. ”
L Welch said tbe Willamette Vai-
ICompany ha.- just purchased the
Ulas Electric Light aud Indepen-
Lee Light A Power Companies, in-
Lling the Monmouth equipment,
L about C-»6,000, t.ud will expend
I ixt) in Improvements. The Dallas
[nt, from which electric current
L be supplied, will have a boilet
Lcity of 600 horsepower and dyn-
Lcapacity of 450 kilowatts.
Electric power pumps and Roberts
L s with capacity of 500.000 gallons
kry 24 hours will bi installed at
[ Independence waterworks. Large
Lroremenst are also under way at
L Eugene waterworks. The com
hr is constructing a 1,500,000 gallon
Lrroir at Eugene and a 1,000,000-
|1 ,n reservoir at Independence
L,P will be tilled by electric pumps
Ling water from large wells.
rWe expect to complete the Eugene
■ Springfield wate works in about
I »wks. Help is scarce ¡and hard
Let in the interior towns.” said
I Welch. ‘‘As soon ns this work
Lune we will begin const'notion of
LEugene Springfield car line.”
Bb company is also building at
■gene a coal gas plant, which will
■ finished in Hbout two months.
■ plant will Lave a capacity of 65,-
1 cubic feet daily, but the retorts
I built for double that output for
1 future growth of the city. At
■suy a water power plant is being
■etracted for furnishing light and
■er for Albany and Corvallis,
■er is secured from tbe company'»
■ni’e ditch connectit g with the
Jew wheels are bring put in at Al
|y and a fine power plant will be
Billed. The Albany waterworks
B been purchased by the Willamette
•ley Comp my and improvements
Ibemg made. The company, it
kid, expended 8800,(MX) in purchas-
■ "id plants, and is putting nearly
■OU) into improvements. The E11-
■-Springfield electric road
■ 1231,000 and this will bring
l,0®pany’s valley investments up
L figure close to 81,500,000.
Iu view of the erection of a govern
Work ou the new line of the Wil
More activity is in evidence on tbe
meut postoftlce building in Eugene,
state fair grounds at Salem than has lauiette Valley Traction Company,
the sum of 850,000 for that purpose
ever been seeu tiefore since tbe or­ between Salem aud Portland, has act­
having beeu recently appropriated by
ganization of tlie Or»gou State Agri­ ually begun, and there seems to be
cougress,the method employed by the
cultural Commission. Iliere are more little doubt that cars will be running
treasury department in securing a
race horses on tlie grounds being between Salem and the ludiau train-
site for the building is set forth in
trained aud exercised than ever tie
school a' Chemawa by the open­
t is following from Leslie M. Shaw,
fore, and tbe race meet promises to ing of ibe state fair, September loth.
secretary of the treasury, just re­
be the biggest and best ever held on A considerable number of men and
ceived by Postmaster J. L. Page:
teams were put to work Weduesday ou
i tbe Pacific coast.
Whenever an act of congress author­
A largQ gang of prisoners from the Broadway, in .North Salem, and
izes the acquisition of a site for a
state penitentiary are at work on the Thursday morning the number of men
proposed public building—whether by
grounds and wi 1 l>e kept there until aud teams was auguieuted by several
purchase or gift—the treasury depart­
the entire premises are iu perfect additional gangs.
ment invites, through an advertise­
Contractor Tiffany is giving em­
New fences are being
ment inserted iu a local newspaper,
built from the Southern Pacific rail­ ployment to all the laborers he cau
bids tor the sale, or propositions of
road almost to the opposite side of procure, and is hiring all the teams
donation, and directs that the same
Owing to the scarcity of
the enclosure, and these, as well as lie can.
be submitted to the secretary of the
all tbe buildings, pavilions, etc. will teams, he put a ten-horsepower trac­
treasury at Washington. This adver­
lie painted. All the stables and cat­ tion engine into commission yester­
tisement gives such information as to tle sheds are receiving a coat of day to drug a scraper. If a sufficient
the approximate requirements as will whitewash, and the trees in the park number of men cannot be secured iu
enable intelligent preparation aud are beiug treated iu the same manner. this vicinity to complete the work iu
submission of bids or otters
The commissioners have reason to time, help will I e brought from Port
The bids and offers obtained in this believe that the ditferen* counties in land, Seattle and San Francisco.
way are opened at the treasury de­ tbe state are going to send more and
Just as fast as the grading is done
partment in Wasbing'on at the time larger exhib ts of their products than ties are laid aud the rails put iu place.
stated ill the adveitisemeut, and as
they have beeu doing on former oc­ There has already beeu several hun­
soon thereafter as practicable an
casions. and the aggregation of live- dred feet of track la'd.,
agent of the department is sent to stock and farm products wil be the
The traction company people say
make a personal examination of the
that they have no intention of quit­
properties ottered, aud upon this re-
Exhibitors in the different counties Hug the work wheu the line to Che-
port, together with r presentations iu
have been notified that it will be ad- ¡“»»'«
complete, but the work will
writing from other sources, the de­
visable to send in all exhibits that
rapidly pushed uutil care are run
partment makes selection, condition
are not perishable, with tbe end in ning al' the way from Salem to Port
ed, nevertheless, that the title to the
1 view that they may be sent to tlie laud.—Salem Journal
property be approved by the attorney '
Janies to wu exposition, and this will
general. When the land is thus ac­
be the cause of great care taken in
quired on which buildings are situat­
arranging some of the exhibits.—Sa­
ed which are reserved by the party
lem Journal.
selling, notice to remove the same is
giveu after th» 1 Hid has been actually
acquired and title approved.
Whenever the department is unable
to obtain an acceptable site at a rea­
sonable price in the manner above
outlined, it frequently makes selec­
tion and authorizes the department
Mrs. Sarah Dunean agid about 70, I Frank B. Miller who maried a Wal-
of justice to begin and prosecute died rather suddenly this week and tervile, Lane county, girl made an
condemnation proceedings in which J was buried Wednesday. Tlie deeeused ( unsuccessful attempt nt suicide at
the price to be paid is judicially de­ has been u resident of Cottage (..rove Marshfield Sunday, He swallowed
for several years but had no relatives laudanum but the dose was too heavy
As soon as prac icable after the ac­ near here except her neice and her and he vomited it up, thereby saving
quisition of tlie site, plans for the husband, .Mrs. Duncan was appar- his life. The reason foi bis rash act
proposed building are prepared and a ently in usual health last Sunday, is that his wife left him and returned
contract let for the construction but a few hours later her heart failed to her home at Walterville. The fol­
and the dread reaper came only a few lowing letter was found in Miller’s
hours latter. Her husband, who room:
was a memlier of the Gland army, To My Wife, Eva Miller,
died about four years ago.
Walterville, Oregon.
Dearest Eva—Since you have left
The new home of the Bank of Cot­
tage Grove is now lapidly nearing me, there is nothing in life for me.
completion. The brick work is now 1 love you too dearly to give you Up.
completed, and in a few days more I cannot live without yon, so toui.’ht
the building will be in readiness for I will take my life and be done with
'the inside finishing. 1’he heavy plate this dark and cruel world.
I glass has linen shipped, and next
So farewell, darling: just give me a
week the front will be put in. The thought sometimes in yo«r happiness
Plans for the new Catholic church
building is planned especially for the or your sorrow, whichever it may be,
to be erected in Eugene this summer
1 banking business and will be one of and remember your old sweetheart
have been accepted aud the contract
i the most substantial and convenient and husband, and know that he in
for tbe work will be let probably
still the same, even iu death,
' in Wes‘eru Oregon.
within two weeks. Archbishop Chris­
Barton C. Y. Brown who has been
tie came up from Portland yesterday
Bye bye, sweetheart, with happi*
to confer with Father O'Farrell in re­ I with Western »Oregon for the past ness to yon, aud may God bless my
gard to selecting the plans aud it was
dear little wife, for such you are un­
agreed to 'accept those drawu by , dependent plant and next week will til the end of my time.
Arehite t John Hunzicker, of this
Jlr. . Farewell, sweetheart. Frcm yrnr
city. Specifications are now la'ing paper at that thriving city.
and .,orln« Frank, who is now cold in
prepared and thev will lie ready for j Brown is a good newspaper man
_ I death.
the contractors to figure 011 about a,
that section a good newsy paper.— i
week from next Monday.
The new house of worship, which Western Oregon.
will be located on the site of the old
building at the corner of Eleventh 1
and Willamette streets, will cost when
completed in tbe neighborhood of
871100. Tbe building will be Gothic
in style, with th» spire iu tbe centrel
Uncle Bob Uatnpliell and wife and
At the Allen cannery there are 400
of the front. Tbe dimensions will i>e
Cap Dodd left last Saturday for an
44x100, with a full basement, and tbe hart els of preserved Royal Ann cher­ extended outing at Foley Springs.
front entrance will be ou Willamette ries for shipment to the east. These
Tad Luckey and “Stub” Anderson
cherries bring a fancy price in the
went to St. Johns Wednesday morn
The auditorium will seat 420 per-
Ing where, we understand, they are
■ sons aud tbe gallery 100 more, mak­ cipally in cocktails and other fancy
I“* following is » press dispatch
contemplating permanently locating.
r '»ucouver, Wash., concerning ing a total seating capacity of over sh'pping the cherries in this shape
In a seven-inning game of ball Sun­
p Toung. «to was sentenced to 500. Besides the auditorium there for several years «nd has built up a day fon-ncou between a country nine
|r*uitentiary at .Salem from Lane
I with Burt Harper as manager and a
splendid trade.
Mf four years ago and who escap- all other modern appointments. The
Abut a dozen men aud 33 women Springfield pickup team, the locals
pcently :
and girls are busy in the canning de­ were defeated by the score of 15 to 14.
pilistn Thomas, alias
Thomas feet high and the whole room will be partment. The crop of cherries this
Paul Driver came up from Albany
handsomely decorated. The building
captured by Sheriff Kirbv, of
year is immense , and the run at the Sunday and is now working at Per­
f U county, and sent to this ctiy will be heated with hot air furnaces | cannery will lie longer thau usual.
kins <k Stewart's meat market.
burg». of hoise stealing, suppos- j located in tbe basement.
Some raspberries are now coming expects to remain iu Springfield the
" tare stolen tbe horse aud buggy
in use many years, and is far too [ in at the cannery and they will! tie remainder of the stumer.
* • 8. Miller's stable, today
The News was informed this week
small to accommodate the growing' worked on from now uutil they are
crime to Prosecuting
that as soon as the telephone line»
congregation of the local parish, will gone.
L**.y *• w- Sparks.
He an- at once be moved to tbe rear of the 1
which are now under repair are com-
r* his *nten*ion to plead guilty
pleted that central would lie moved
F* ’ e c°Oet, and accordingly his
from Peery's drug store into a build­
’’»•entered and ha was sentenc- will be fitted up as additional class
ing that will lie used exclusively for
rooms. Tbe work of moving it will
oarte»n years in the state pen-
the telephone excbeange. The com­
commence early next week.
pany will then send a lineman to
Tbe new building will lie an orna­
ataied that be was an
Springfield who will do all line ro­
ment to that part of the city. Al­
Portland Telegram: A slight ripple .
L c"hT*et, having escaped some ready on three opposite corners are
pairing and will also hare charge of
has been caused to wave across the the exchange.
I ° ru® Salem, Or., where he
L °vn*d under the name of
situation iu the fight for collector of
and the Christian church. Tbe new
Deo. Willoughby, proprietor of the
P* toung.
customs to succeed I. L. Patterson
Bakery, sold bis bakery
F . hi» escapade at horse stealing church will complete a quartet
bv tbe announcement that E. Hofei, ,
and confectionery business to .Mr.
of Salem, has shied bis caster into 1
L* c,)aniitted tbe crime of handsome edifices.
Sherwoisi, of Eugene, recently.
[ ,’r“‘«ry in Cowlitz county.
tbe ring and become a candidate for
Forepaugh 4 Sells circus will
Sherwood also owns the Eugene Bak
L .
this latter crime in the valley in about a month,
ry and will run his store here in
rs i
waa driven to agent now being in the state arratig Westgate, of Albany; P. S. Malcolm, connection. Mr. Willoughby does not
I*id his inten- ing for dates. Eugene will no doubt
know just what occupation he will
’r,»ii H ’ ,b* h°ri* “n<1 bU<WT get It
follow in the future, but epxects to
Lh C
m 1D
beyond the
The correct scores made by the
You are often out of sorts, yonr move to Eugene and re-linn- I411 oil
p* Columbia line.
members of Company .*'» rffle team body lacks energy, your nerves ar»' position with the Electric Light
weak, t<ad taste in your mouth; why,
are as follows: Maxwell, i»1. receiv­ not h»lp nature by taking Ho'lister'». Company.—News.
norn‘“* ’«‘bool being ing a bronze medal; Perdew, 198; Rocky M< cntain Tea. Tea or tablets.
Tangier, Jul/ 14. — The sultan of
tte hi«h school now has McCornai'k, 193;
167; . 33 cents.
Linn Drug Co.
Morocco Is ill with typhoid fever.
* Kohne, 156,
Seattle, July 13. — A careful watch
is being kept today over Esther
Mitchell, who yesterday afternoon
shot and kil ed her brother, George,
aud Mr*. Creftield, who is lielieved to
be the chief instigator of the crime.
It" 1* feared they will commit sui­
The police are still looking for
Frank Hurt, brother of Mrs. Cref-
tiel 1. Hurt is believed to have had
much to do witti the p’ot to kill
George Mitchell, and just now be can­
not be located.
Esther Mitchell this afternoon stilt­
ed that she is not insane and will go
liefore the c 'urt and plead guilty to
murder in tbe first degree, realizing
that the gallows are before her, ns she
is prepared to take the consequence*.
She says she has 110 money and no
friends who would help her at her
Mrs. Creftield makes this state­
ment :
“I would have killed Mitchell my­
self if possible, and expect to be pun­
ished. 1 am not crazy but happy."
It developed today that tlie police
matron knew that Mrs. Creftield mid
Esther Mitchell carried revlovers.
but did’not take tbe precaution to
notify tbejpoliee.
Further murders in connection with
the case me now feared,
Portland, July 13. — Mrs. Burgess
E. Starr, sister of Esther mid George
Mitchell, who left her babies amt
husband to follow Creftield to the
wilderness, after Creffleld's release
from prison, where he served a term
on account of his criminal Intimacy
with her, this morning is rejoicing
over Esther's crime.
She says: ‘‘I am glad Esther did
it. It was the right thing mid only
a just retribution. ”
She believes Creftield wi 1 rise from
the grave, open the prison doors mid
set up the kiugilom of Holy Rollerism
on earth.
Seattle, Wash., July 13. -ReveligA,
terrible, swift and premeditated sums
up the killing of George Mitchell by
his eighteen-year-old sister, Esther
Mitchell, last evening. Esther Mitch­
ell is the girl for whom George shed
the blood of Franz Edmund Creftield,
when he shot down the leader of Hie
so-called ‘‘Holy Koller” in Seattle
Mav 7th. It was Lecaese of her al­
leged maltreatment by the fanatical
leader that Mitchell took Ins life mid
risked his own, mid his own cold­
blooded murder is the reward.
Mitchell was about to board the 4 :30
m. train at the Uuion depot for
Portland,'where he was to fake up his
residence and begin life anew when
Esther left tiie two others ostensibly
for tbe purpose of bidding George
goodbye, but Instead, ah George
turned half aroutii! to greet her, she
■ produced tlie revolver, hidileti tinder
a cloak hung orer her aim, and fired
once, the bullet entering tlie left eaf.
Mitchrll fell to the ground dead and
the weapon of death and destruction
was wrenched from the hand of the
child murderess by her brother, Fred,
while another brother. Perry Mitch­
ell, caught the trembling form of hl»
sister in his arms, crying out: ‘‘Oh,
Esther, how could you do it?**
Quickly commotion reigned in the
depot and the protection of a police
officer was soon afforded the girl.
She submitted to arrest without pro­
test. and when interrogated as to why
she had committed the crime answer­
ed • ”1 was commanded to
At police headquarters Chief Wap-
penstein questioned the girl as to
her motive for the crim». ‘‘I killed
him because he killed Joshua. We
were commanded to do it.”
Without waiting for more detailed
statement Chief Wappens*ein sum­
moned detectives who were given
hurried orders to locate and bring in
at once the widow of the Holy Roller
leader. While the officers were on
the way the woman wanted notified
poll •» headquarters where she could
lie found ami was soon in custody of
the police. At headquarters she was
frank as Esther Mitchell and said one
of them bad to kill George Mitchell.
Esther was delegated to do tbe deed
a« it wa thought she would have a
better cham e.
Esther Mitch« 11 trade the following
statement last evening:
“Mr*. Creffiehi and I talked over
tbe matter of killing Miteheli. The
one who bad the l»-st chance was to
do it. Mrs. Creftield bought a gun
at Second avenue and Union street
. at al .mi ¡oar
o' lock this afternoon and 1 thought
I would have a better chance to do
it than Mrs Creftield, as my brother
wanted *o see me, and 1 believed he
would think nothing of my going to
tlie <lepot. Tin 11 Mrs. Creftield gave
me the gun and 1 was to do it.
“We agreed it was to lx* done as
scon as possible. Mrs. Creftield had
been out once or twice looking for
George Hiid if she got a chance she
would have done it mid 1 would have
done the same. The first that got the
cbauee was to do it. I woul 1 have
done it before if I had got the chance.
“1 took the gun yesterday aud my
brother Fred walked with me to the
depot when my father went away.
They wanted me to see George theu
ami 1 did not want to because 1
couldn't get the gnu unwrapped.
had the gun wrapped up and conceal­
ed, aud 1 refused to see George .
When I went home I took tlie gun
and placed it under the mattress.
Then 1 took it out Hbout noon today
and kept it with me.
‘‘.My brother, Fred, was up ot my
room today and said that Periy and
George were going to Portland today
at 4 o'clock. 1 went to tlie depot
mid saw Periy get bis ticket mid 1
followed him. At last 1 saw George
and I shook hands with him, au«l 1
was walking to the door with him.
He mid Perry were walking in front
and I walked behind. At that time
1 bad the gun ill my coat, having re­
moved it from my Imsom where 1 had
it concealed.
Fred offered to carry
my coat and 1 told him all right.
Then 1 was walking to the door and
George was iu front of me.
“It was just tbe chalice I wanted
mid 1 then shot him
My brother
Fred grabbed me and I ent down on
his lap and put my arms about his
I sat there and the officer
came. 1 do uot regret doing it
mu glad 1 did it.
1 fired once mid
tired to tire another but there was
such a loud noise made by the crowd
1 don’t know whether 1 flrrd again or
I shot him in the b«>ad and 1
know if I bit where 1 intended to it
was sure death. 1 intended to follow
him to Portland if 1 did uot shoot
him here,”»
George Mitchell, the murdered man,
made friends of nearly everybody
ubuut tbe jail during bis coulinemeut.
He WAS modest ami quiet,
SeaHle, July II.—The char;’» of
murder in the first degree was today
placed against Esther Mitchell, the
slayer of her brother, George, mid
M s. Creftield, widow of tlie Holy
Roller leader, who instigated tbe
crime. An epidemic of murder here,
following the killing ut Creftield,
has caused a cry for summary pun-
islimeut to put an end to such
crimes. A public subscription is be­
ing taken to send the Mitchell boys,
who are destitute, liouie to Oregon.
The father of Esther »ay* the gill is
hot to blame, still being under the
hypnotic lutlueuce <4 Vreffieid, wh:* b
begat! thrti» years ago.
H appear* that Mrs. Maud Creftield
Esther Mitchell alone conspired
for iifpl fdauued the assassination ot
George Mitchell. They plotted bls
death for weeks, Hi the event be
should be acquitted by tbe jury, and
HHttled upon all point». None of the
other Holy Kollers in beattie were
taken into tbe confidence cf the two
women because »bey feared a leak if
tbe conspiracy included too many.
Mrs. Burges E. Stari, of Portland, iu
particular was feared by the two
women. She talks too much, they
say. and that is the reason they took
precautions to prevent her learning
that they Lad planned to avenge
“Joshua” Creffieid'e death.
er of the two plotters doubted Mrs.
Starr* loyalty to the
but each feared »lie might let »lip
•om» bint of tbe plan.
“Eether kept telling me all the
time that we must not tell Mrs. Starr
anything about It," said Mr*. Cref-
fieid late this afternoon.
honesudh F
San Francisco, July 14.- A deal was
cl used today whereby John Wana-
maker of Pbibtdetphia aecures porses
• ion of the block oecupied l>efore the
fire tiy Ktignatlu» College, on which
he «ill erect one u f tbe greatest de-
partmeut •torts in America.