•s SHERIFF FRED FISK'S ALL SUtóvJc-RS LARGE MAJORITY S::3CLD READ TH!S y t< t.iin ut* <*t uceuuut up Ao M«y » , i < being *ent out to all de­ I linquent »ubscribem ot the Weekly (.,. ,,l. Unit wa* the date when tin transferred burin. - (1.1110.11 Bum from till to the Guard Print i,g Co , Inc. v»e liutl that all those ^who are in arrears will remit promptly in full or n part, as they are be*t able to do. \ud in order ‘o make an inducement to all to pay in ad mice, we will gi the “Oie. show r go >| faith In the matter we will •I gon Agricultur 1st'' m 1,' m (. public (>emi w•■.: . .."s> h 11 those who The Portland Journal ha* lhe fol lowing couecriiing the late eliction in Laue county: “Nu doubt one of the beet polit­ ical run* imi l<- in the *fHte ot Oregon id the late election wa* made by­ Sheriff Fred 1 i»k in Laue county. “Sheriff l'i»k, a Democrat, wa* elect.d by l‘j*‘.i majority, notwith­ standing the fact that Laue county i* 12>*J Republican. In 18U4 he won by (2 m majority under the *ame eon > .. rry the iuisteri Regular bams lsc advanced. publishers did not keep their con Bacon pllces \c lower. Pieuie hams >4c advanced. tract, as they have the (iuard* Hop sales al lower price money mid have given nothing in re­ hcuicily of pouitiy holds price. I gg* are firm anil unchanged. turn for it, a d are willing to go to Cur cantaloupe* arrive* in. this ev i :i expense in order that our Stimvla rries higher with scare ity. Loganberry demand i* hiaviei. sub may get us m arly a.- pi * I lour buyer* and seller* a|ait. •ible what they paid their money tor. Grain bag* firm. Silve skin onion* are coming, If you di I not receive these pre (lid potatoes sell at low price. Ilu.v market in good shape; poi r uiiiini papers d growth Tuesday1 iftermiou at loljc per pound. The Lorane, Juue 28.—Addi-oli and ale wa* made on an order from the Rosa bave eommeneed haulii g tic*. East. Swan ha* ia-eii otfeiirg his I Imp* tor sale i -r some tain, and a M.«s Idn Maek and Mi*« Rubi •nek or so gate an optgou <11 them j Muore are guests at tlie home ot 1 > a local 4 alerat a slightly advanced , igu.e. lhe option wa* allowed to go E. Waiil. v. The pr< sent inactivity , of Cottage Grove, •old fei f Several other sales are was calimi tu set it and Mr. Addinoli ■eported around the same figure. Lui dne iieriis la llow alile to ite up al d arolllld t< Egg* ate firm, 22c. thè delight ot hi* niany friend*, Grain bag* are higl er, l0ml0lte. t’reancery butter, 2i c. thougli it will he some lime before Chicken* IJtyi'ilie per pound. he cali play baseball. M heat, «alley, iiiu.lc; bluest' n-. Borii To Ur. and Mr*. E. 8. Ad 74c. Oat* 928. i per ton. di», n ì uii s.lay r ight, a tlne girl. • Barley -9.1 i*l. Ki’v Vnn Eossen, of Draiu, con- Hay - Timothy, 91O( crop, 10c; l'.’O.", Oregon, 10(4 loiyc. Potatoes—rih" per »ack; new pota toe*, 91.Oom91.50. | Chlttim lurk New stock, 2ltc lb. Beef steels, 4«f5c; cow», 3( KT-t.*: .-> G_3Ves? WaistcoatsFj^ Shirts? Collars? Nmktrs? come to mi :d — are waiting.----------------------------- ---------------------- - —-— ________ 'i'ne Jiris and Boys? al! here together with every incidental thit goes to complete the ________________ warurjpe^ To make it convenie nt for thYS? who ->-» 'mahle »odryf^ the Girls and Boys to complete the celebration. —-n n t . ----- i ping du-in? th; day, this store will be open Tuesday evening, July 3rd, till * o clock Celebration Sale of Ready-to-wear Celebration Sale of Goods by fl# Y A R. APPAREL D 5000 yds. Embroidery and Lace, Suits, Skirts, Waists, Wraps, Mus in-underwear, Values to 75c Your Choiceat 14C Belts Gloves, Neckwear. 5000 yards of fine embroidery and Net Top lace in white, crus Arab, 2 to 9 in. wide, values to 75c a yard. Your choice st 14c yi. Tailored so ts at 1 4 off Regular Prices 27 stylish Tailored suit» in Eten and Fony jackets effects, gored and circuhr skirts, greys, blues, green, and black, sizes 32 to 40. The entire stock. You choose your style and co'or ind pay 3-4 its value. Prices, til.*0, f 16.00, ^18 00 and «22.50. Wash Goods at, y2 Price The weather is responsible for this great sacrifice o’ wishib'.e miteri- als. Other stores might carry them over a season but we prefer tout the loss and show only new goods next season. The prices are 5c, 9c, 18c, and 27c a yard. Dress Goods and Fancy Silks. Specially priced for this Celebration Sale. I Knit Underwear S P E 1 A L $ Whit's the use of making vour summer dress when you can buy these for such little prices and so many styles to choose from? Your choiceof the eniie stock a- ¿5 per cent less th n regular pric $1.50 Muslin Underskirts 98c Fa. at 50c , Swiss ribbed union units, high neck, bnj sleeves, ankle or knee lengths, low neck, slewe less, lace-trimmed parts. Splen! d assortment o' musl'n uiderwea* gowns, skirts, corset covers an-' d.awers greatly underpric’d during this grand “Celebration Sale“ Corset covers IJc to ¿¿.00. at $ Î .25 F ncy Neckwear Underpriced. at, 10c 1,000 pieces in stocks, turnovers, ties, e’c. representing every new style and ma-eria and the prices 12c, 15c, 23c, 59c, and up. i Fine Swiss ribbed Lisle sui's. all st!», exceptional values, $1 25 a smt. ■ Lidies'Sleeveless Summervests. at 25c at> 25c Silver, Gold, Kid Fabric g <1 v Women s long sleeve or sleeveless rests and bodices. Remarkable value*. Women s Kn t Pants, ankle and kitt lengths, plain and lace trimmed The B5e. Flour—93.40. 62nd. Friday Surprise Sa! thJ'Ngæd'auwofTrrX" GIT IN! G?t that habit of trading at Eugene’s Foremost end Best Store GIT NIXT! GET QUICK! 3 Wg Hde ¡n GET ACTION! Good Goods Only- Satisfaction or your money • •