EU JEN E OREGON FRIDAY APRIL a7 19 b No $3 -±— MONEY FROM * 4W FREE TRANSPORTATION OAKLAND BANKS virtu 1 J WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. ' - I ■a.i. I GREATEST values we have ever offered on Silk Suit Patterns. Patterns less than I Cisbeliaved. J Ill it Ln Milet» Jack •e e a- th J cost of produetion. Silk Patterns from France, Japan and America’s best man- ufacturers. Grey silk patterns, pleated patterns, fancy patterns and evening shades, mingte together in the big assortment of this unusual sale. Each of these patterns is in itself, containing from sixteen to eighteen yards of the very best of Silk Suit- and th: price is so low that every lady desiring a silk costume should tike advantage this sale. $10 00 $13.50 Silk Suit patterns reduced to $• 1.20 $14 CO Silk Suit patterns reduced to $12 50 $16.00 Silk Suit patterns reduced TO $13.60 $17.00 Silk Suit patterns reduced to $14.43 $18.00 $ ilk Suit patterns reduced to $16.00 $29.00 Silk Suit patterns reduced to $20.00 $22.50 Siik Suit patterns reduced to $22.00 $25.00 Silx Suit patterns reduced to prices are good for Wednesday and Thursday only. )l LLÏ1 encrai Schedi king of ready-made clothing for men, we t to state that for $10.00 we can give you a it of high grade workmanship and guaranteed outwear and keep its shape longer than any garment on the market. The brands that die are recognized to be the best everywhere. <» kt ¡iril il have bi te rsiij iw ink Gates Dcrhnm Bryson’s majority, 171. Crawtord's plurality over Durham, 794 following i* the vote on the Re­ has i'j| an candidates at the primary •t tor b n in Lan« LanBcor.nty c< : for di* ENATOR, S SHORT TERM. 1542 ................... 1ENATOR, LONG TERM. red Hi 618 >. Cr-4 153 is 426 e utwM 301 ___....... ............ ................... 54 's pluralii GOVI I 15 d tki thi»* ■w* SURVEYOR. SUPT. OF SCHOOLS. ELECTON nnct* rertiel o o»'1 hart# for tk catad • ion. k Ackerman 1628 Collier CORON EK. Gordon . Dnniway ...... 920 CONSTABLE, EUGENE Whitney ^6 Plank Clarke.................................... -“'I Rowland Plank’» majority, 276. Duniway’* plurality over Whitney, 374 STATE PRINTER. LABOR COMMISSIONER 1558 Hoff FOR CONGRESSMAN. 610 Hawley 730 Tooze .................................................. 471 Huston Tooae’s plurality ovei Hawley, 120. JUDGE OF CIRCUIT COURT. Harris <■ I"-1 I ft" oft»* wort ’ I»!«- o* !•* and ■ora. * THIS MORNING \\ Launch Shot at a Dozen AU Kinds of Stationery. A two-year-old boy can buy of us as cheaply and with M much MtUfact;or. as grown folks. Send your child. INN DRUG COMPANY.) Oakland, April 25. — Before the ashes have cooled workmen have begun build iug a greater San Francisco on the ruins of the old city. The an­ nouncement is made tliwt a cap­ italist will erect at welve story steel structure on Powellstreet,and will re­ build on the site ofthe burned Hotel Rex a new ten-storystcel building. Southern Pacific officials state that 789 train loads of refugees were sent out betw;een Wednesday and Sunday night carrying 25,000 persons. Tins exodus is now over and after Thursday no more free transportation will be giveu w ithout special orders from tire head­ quarters. Efforts are being made to keep all aide bodied men here. W. J. Barnett, of the Western Pacific, says the plan of making San Francisco the most beautiful city iu the world will soon be under way and that funds needed will be forthcoming when re­ quired. It is the intention to follow the suggestion embodied in then-port of Architect* Daniels and Buruham for the beautification of the city. Announcement is made that the banks will have at their disposal 9100,000,000 wnen|l>usine*a is resumed. All bank vaults examined have been found in good •.-ouditiou, but will not be opened for two or three weeks, owing to the inteuse heat. Serious friction between the militia and police tins caused a strong demand for the withdrawal of the state troops, which are likely to tie recalled today. Militiamen arrested policeman and in some instances compelled them to work on the streets. Chief Dinan sent a sharp warning to the militia to stop this, and also to cease itu piesaiug citizens for work. Mainly through the work of Detec­ tive Seraeant Thomas Gibson all records of Bertillon niensureinoiits mill photos of the identification bureau of the police department were saved. Three Killed By Boulders President's Special Message Santa Ko*a, Cal., April 24.— A cage Washington, April 25.—The presi­ in the Great Eastern quicksilver mine dent’* special nu s.-Jige tu eongren* to­ at Guerneville was struck by a gigan­ day recommend* the immediate ap­ propriation of i3oo,ooo for the Mare tic boulder during the earthquake and Inland navy yard to give employment three occupant* killed. to 21)00 San Frauckco men. 4 Satisfaction or your money back makes this a safe place to trade. Any goods not cut can be returned. Fiiday. '■aturday, Monday and Tuesday, April 27, 28, 30 and May I Bingham ...................... 680 Shelley «•» 598 Griffin 665 406 Bingham’s plurality over Shelley,40. 508 REPRESENTATIVES. n 1090 SM Eaton 967 Edwards ’* plurality over ur mail orders for samples or merchandise. They will have our prompt and care­ ful attention. J I We catty a large and varied line of fine boxed Sta- J*“’ the kind that speaks for refinement and good Oakwood. Texas, April 25.—A mob took a negro aged 17 from the sheriff this morning mid hanged him. They then riddled his laxly with bullets. He made mi unsuccessful attack on a woman. UNKNOWN STATE SENATOR. ihd* tiooery. tbif* i* ** Tb»* Oakland, Cal., April 25. — Three mil­ lion dollars from the mint to Oakland banks will be available to depositors immediately to relieve pressing needs. Berkeley bauks have also received the amounts. General Funston is still iu com­ mand. General Greeley commands a division. The mortality list is placed by the coroner at 300 bodies recov­ ered. No search was made above Mar ket street or iu the Chinese quarters, where it is believed hundreds weie cremated and buried'beueath the de­ bris. ’The vaults demolished iu the city hall are intact, with #6.W0,(NN) of the city’s 4oin saved. They will not be opened for some days. All fear of the epidemic lias passed. Vigi­ lance will not be relaxed and physi­ cians go from bouse to bouse inspect­ ing and correcting sanitary evils. TEXAS MOB HANGS YOUNG NEGRO urne ti iture 4 hildn-a. f tbrl City’s Vaults W th Valuable Papers Plans Being Consummated to Make Stricken Town Most Beautiful City and $6,000,000 Is Intact— In the World--Announcen;ent Made of Two New Steel Buildings, One Physicans Make House to a Ten and the Cther a Twelve Story. "-Serious Friction House Canvass Between Militia and Police BOURNE PROBABLY NOMINATED Portland. April 25.-3:10 P. Ji.-All indications n<-w are that Bou/ne will receive the Domination for United State* senator , Cake «till learla by 300 vote*, but the countiea^ to laear from will probably give Bourne the lewi I ‘'XVT account of the backwardness of the season we have at this time $4,000.00 more merchandise than we should have at this season of the year. We nave planned to reduce our stock to where it should be in four days. Men and women’s ready-to-wear garments, dress goods, silks, domestics, marked at prices that will reduce our stock $4,000 in four days. All mail orders filled at reduced prices. Garments sent out of town customers that arc not satisfactory can be re­ turned. Send us your mail orders. 75c Dress Goods 46c. Thirty pieces colored and black wool dress goods, all new fashionable petterns, 36 to 44 inches wide, values 60c to 75c, at yard H'OC $1 and 75c Suit Silks 46c 500 yards plain and novelty Suit Silks, 15 colors, r^gula>75c and $1.00 qualities, choice M Z7_ while they last, yard ................ .. . trOC 25c Wash Goods 11c. 5,000 yards new summer wash goods, ginghams, percales, organdies, batiste, in both plain and figured, light and dark colors, values | 1 _ 15c to 25c, for, yard_______________ 1 IQ Women’s Suits and Wraps X Less Than Regular. Stylish suits and coats for women, in Pony and Eton jacket effects, the season’s newest fashions, splendidly made and finished,but we must reduce the stock, and for the next four days they’re yours for 25 per cent, less than usual. The prices: $4, $6.00, $8.50, $12.00 $16.00, $22.50. ALL WORTH 25 PER CENT. MORE Shirtwaists at Reduced Prices. Thirty-five doxen of the season’s newest styles marked much less than usual. One Hundred and Sixty-Five (165) Men’s UpLo-Dat,e Suits ---------------- at----------------- i Manufacturers’ Prices! WHY? Because they were not shipped to order we refused to accept them unless they allow us a 25 per cent, discount. As soon as the manufacturers telegraphed us yestesday allowing our claim, we decided to hold this sale, to last four days. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, APRIL 27th, 28th, 30th AND MAY 1st, ALL $6.50, $8.50, $10.00 AND $12 SUITS-FOUR DAYS ONLY—SALE PRICE $4.05 Eugene's Foremost and Best Store. Satisfaction or Your Money Back.