Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, March 30, 1906, Image 3

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    lelne Bend had the alkali pretty Irons when De Molay Four. Pittsburg, for life or for death, every la»t one, tn nose, palming the glrss skillfully •<»
/t b*d out of its eyes, aud uever pulled into Medicine Bend.
the curve of his finger«.
Barut s Tracy couldu't se* It even If h«
oetore tn its history had It uppeared
We had seen a good many swell
So they stood ready In the gorge did interrupt bls eruption, aud waited
really gay. The old Wickiup was deco­ tralus that day. the swellest that ever while Duffy studied wearily bow to for Bob Duffv, the Rat River ulght-
rated till It looked like a buck rigged pounded our fishplates. Pullmans solid, handle first, aecoud aud third eighty mau, to come back st him with third
for a ghost dunce. R.gbt after day­ and the finest kind of people. Boston, agaiust them.
eighty’* s.g:>ature. Under Giddings*
break the trains begau rolling In on Washington. New York. I''; 1: a
First, second ami third eighty! If eye as he sat tfiked Martin Duffy’«
Harold Davis' trick. Duffy bad an­ sent some pretty gorgeous trains. But the> could oul.v Lave I mvu wiptsl off ebrouon eter, the watch that «plit the
nulled all local freights and all tiirou;;li with at least half the town on the the face of the rails as easy as they secoi.ds uud diimed tlie quarter* mid
odds aud evens, all stock tramps east platform, when De M »lay Four roded might have beeu wiped off a tralu sheet! sto; ,Hai aud .»; .I t«sl s',
aud ail westbound empties everything In It took their breath «0 they couldn't But there they were, three sections, and rau to a second a month the watch
tliat could be had l>een suspended for fell till the Sir Knights began pouring big ones, of the Califotuia fast freight
that Bucks, u ho never did things l>y
Copvrívht. imo , b¡y s. S.
t 1 t Sunday, and with It all there were trom the vestibules and gave Medicine Ii gb class stuff for < hicago aud New halves, had given little Martin Duffy
X'iClHre lu.
B-nd their own lordly cheer.
York that t oukili't be belli or laid with the owler tliat n»««le him chief.
befo •»• rolle ! through Medicine Bend in
Bucks' old gang splisl him. Modestly that Suuau), Uut fur a dozen e.m It la) at Gludiugs* finger*, uud the
twenty-four hours.
back under the p >rtico he st<x>d. near claves. Al) day first, second and thlr 1 mliitne hand wiped from the enameled
It was like a festival day lu tl>e tin- ticket window, ami tbej bi ,.e
e ghty had I. cn feeling tlielr way ri a! 7 o'clock llfti five, fifty-six. seven,
mountains. Even the lu lians aud the through at him s did. They pulled him east through the mountains, trying to eiglit- u.ue. Young turned t.»
s uaw uieu turned cut to see the fun. and hauled him and mauled him and
er. A quiet, somber little woman lu
il'slge the swell von.:: rolling L onlcr book and lnq>eeted his en-
'Hiere was a crowd nt the ilepjt by 5 passel him from hand to baud. They
by. impudent as pay cars. I ut all the trie i like a al b > kk.s'per, mid
a shawl aud a bonnet of uo special
o'clock, when the first train rolled up stood hlm ou his head and ou his bands
ti.ial plaua to keep them out of every- Mn In Duffy's cliionometer <- Ime.l the
shape or size—Just a shawl and a Inu­
the lower g >rge with St. .1 >hn's com- ami on Ills feet agaiu and told him (>f
One entry lie
b.s'y's way. out of tlie wry of fez end four i’ quarter, s o'clo
net, that's all. Anyhow, tile Duffy
maudery. No. 3. from Bu.,.il > aud to? something tli»y wuuted and wauted
turl n and ili.ipe.iu ami Greek v -s bad s I to m ike. B ><>k in hand, tie
boys' mother was that way, and there'»
I'n were g y with bunting The right off.
ami crimson splashed slot pel s. w< .e called I. it River.
a lot more like her. I don't know what
Me mine laud crowd give taem an
Bucks looked the least bit uncertain u >« daslied by thirty miuu'.es at Mell-
gets the fathers, Maybe very often
"Get U. ' I ■' .¡ity's s'g nt’"-v to Or­
Indian yell, aud In two minutes tba as be considered the oiK'tiiug request.
der 711 and i.i’" y th. m
he tapped
eli;.' for I e Mol ay Four.
the scrap, But there's almost always
' Knights, with tlielr scalps In their It wasn’t much lu some ways, what
Order after order went from under Impatiently nt i»ou lmu).
somewhere a mother, So after Martin hamla as a token of surrender, were
There »as a wait. Giddings lighted
began to make a record, to help his tumbling out of their sleepers into the they asked; In other ways it was a g ssl bls hand. New me-'tit g points for first,
deal. He laughed and bautered aud seou l an.I third e g uy and De Molay hl* | pe the way Callahan always light­
mother and his brother both, lie spoke
crisp dawn. They were Just like sell >ol- Joked them as long as they would stand
1 our. otherwise rpeeml I'.k’i.
ed his ptpe putting out bls lips to
for Bib. Callahan didn't
didn’t hesitate or bo.. s. aud when Shorty Lovelace—the
l'nt Francis suntehed the tissue* catch all the perfume mid blowing the
Jolly him. as be used to do with a g Kid local curiosity w ho had bath feet and it. Then he <-aI!e<l up ta Martin Duffy,
many. lie thought the company <■ >'-.Id 1 both li.ui.'.- frozen off the night he gat who was leaning out the dispatchers* from Duffy's Ii :nd. an 1 after the bit first cloud away wearily, ns Callahan
u >t have too many of the Duffy kind. drunk wi;li Matt Cassidy at Goose Riv­ w:n<! >w. "We'll set* how he talks.” tabm had dis; i rseii um >ug tnt'ir wives a.ways did wearily. Then lie twirled
So be said, “Yes, sure.” Aud Bib er—struck up ou his mouih laughed Bucks I11 his great big way. mid sisters ami among the sisters of the match meditatively mid listened
Duffy was put at work—same tiling *x- organ, "i'ut Me Off at Buffalo,'- they "But. boys. It’s up to the chief. I'm the <>tl. r fellow, niter the ponqioneij mid got suddenly tills from Bob Duffy,
not in it on the orders, you know Mar­ had vtiuik'd ilie tromuoae» auJ at It it River:
act’y. carrying messages, rend.:hair i >
. i seveu dollars odd and three tin.'' he ealle'd as Du.Ty bent his head,
cymbals mil drums ut oil John l’ur
"1 forgot Order 7!*." enme Bob Duffy’s
destroyers and blowing his salary on /
.. u - eli< ks into h¡; while tlie "they want fifteen minutes here to
ker s shins, after the last air. ack Lad message. "I let third eighty g • with
ae. s wire eiiaug.u., entines.
»1 ■■' b tbelr legs. Bay tiMy've been been te.stisi mi 1 t!io last la rganl cru out It. They le't liere at 7:50” fifty
But pie acts queer. . les it
Ail day It w.b that way train after
makes a man's head s did and b heart train aud ovation after ovation. The f .\<‘l in the alkali all day. Can you ander thrown forcibly aboard by the s miething. Giddings uever heard fifty
provost {junrd, tho <lov. ’>!»' header toot- Tlie mutch wvut Into the Ink.
big. and agin it undies a mans lie id da^ wa« <-.. j 1 asa wuleri.teiuu- August <io uuything for the bays?"
T!i • boys! Big fellows In fezes. Shrln- <n! “Out!'’ and with tl ■•»' tlntter of an the pipe into the water pull, uud Gid
big and Ins heart silid. I'm not say­ —ami br. it as a baby's face all
ing any thing uioie now. except that through i > mountains, uu.l the Tem- er style, and slim fellows in duck, sail­ ocean liner l>e Molay bom' pull«*»! up »lings, liefore B >1» Duffy finished, like
or style, aud bowiegged fellows In the irorge.
a drowning uiau, wits culling Elcho
pie certainly acts different.
pla ci wenl up into tlie li.gti passes
'i ne orders buttoned In tli»' reeters with th»' life and death, tin1 111 »'all.
Bob Duffv was taller than Martin with all the swit and noise we euuld cheviot, any old style. Chaps in white
"Hold Sp»'ehil 3'Jiil" he crl< I over the
and, I would repeat, hand >mer. bt’t 1 raise. Harold r> is took it ail moru- flannel and chaps hi gray and < haps in gave l>e Malay a tre* sweep to Elclio.
blue. Turkish whiskers and Key West .-.nil Jack Mo.«rt' mi l Oj st. r » ere th»' who the Instant Elcho replied.
can't, became Martin had abidutey iug steady from
a. ui. at tlie dis- cigars and crusaders’ togs—ami. be­
But EIcli >. steadily, an wereil this:
no basis of beauty to «‘art with. II*. patcller's key. 1
was used up long tween them. Bucks, Ills bead most of men to tali»' it g > xl aud b ird. More
o’ er, flier»' was glory aboard, l'cnnsyl
“Special- 320 left her»' 7:55."
wits parchmentlike nnd palish from before noon, but ie stayed, aud Just
v.niiu nobs, » ly up railroad men.
<■1.blings, with both on tlie ta-
sitting night after ii'ght and night after at 12 o'clock, v ,le a b.g the,time iu vh i.iccry.
Y >n know alkuit what it meant nnd waiting to see »hut for motlv«* power bh'. rm sis 1 up like n drunken man. The
icg.i! over a aoundt r. Never a 11< k di 5 tram from Baltii ire was ioudiug its
about how it went; bow It had to go. v,»' tri.l in th»' ivoill) west, how we \\ est End was agalmtt it. Third eighty
lu bls life, but always over the sounder commandery in
jut of tile Wickiup
until, sleeping or waking, resting or after an early dinue and a big Tern- What could Martin say to the man who climberl mouiitaln* mid skirted cun In tlie open and going against tho lie
working, the current purred and pur­ piar band played u tin, Jug twostep. I hail made him all lie was and who you walls ami crawhsl dowu 2 ami 3 Molay l our! Bucks. Callahmi. wife
stood, uow a b y agaiu, among the boys p»T »’ent gril les. Then with B'vks evi' it . |y anil Rock Point a blind sld-
red through bis I'.tie head like a Martin iHifty stuck bis dry parelnnnit
of his boyhood and asked for fifteen himself in th»' private car » hat wonder ii g m> word from iinytKidy on
familiarity-taking old to;: eat. He con’d face into the platform crowd, elbowed
guess more off a wire than mast men his way unnoticed through it. climbed minutes, a quarter of an hour, for De they let her out and swung De Molay earth eouhl reach ahead of third eighty.
Molay Four? It threw the little chief through th»' gorge us maybe you've
Giddings sprang to the open window
could catch after the whole thing had the Wickiup stairs, walked Into the
completely off his schedules; Just fif­ seen a particularly buoyant kite snake and shout»*d to anybotly and everybody
tumbled In.
dispatcher's room aud. throwing off bis teen minutes was more than enough to
So up aud up ladder he wont. Mes­ hat and coat, leaned over Ilaroid 11a <!•> that. All the work was done, the its tall out of the gruss mid drug It to call M.irtln Duffy. But Martin Duf­
careening skyw ard. \\ lien they si >w- fy spoke behind him.
senger. operator—tip to assistant dis­ vis’ shoulder and took a transfer.
anxiety nearly past. Martin bud risen «■<1 for Elcho at uightfall. past first and
"What ilo you want?" he asked. It
patcher, up to a regular trick dispatch­
Young Giddings had lian sitting to rest his thumping head. But fifteen
named the came terribly quick on Giddings as be
er. up to the orders and signing the there in a |>ersplratlou half an hour minutes; once in a lifetime—Bucks ask- second eighty, ami Bu<
mileage, the i'eunsys refuse»! to lielleve tunu'd.
“J. M. C.," the letters that stood for then. He copied far Martin Duffy th it
Ir.y It.
it for the hour's run. But. fast us
"Wbat s the matter?" exclaimed Mar­
our superintendent's and b in >r; day. At uoou they figured to g t ;!ie
1’i.i'y turned to big Jack Moore they hail spe I along the iron trull. Mar­ tin, lu iking into the boy-» face. "Speak,
up to the trains and tlielr movements, last Templar over the Eagle pass » ,;Ii
st in lb.g nt his side ready to pull I'e tin Duffy's work had sped ahead of can’t you? What’s the matter, Gid
up to the lives, then chief, with tlie the set of the sun. When Duffy t >.>k
Molay ovej the pass, and spoke liim them, and this order was waiting:
honor of tl:e division all clutched in the key lie never looked bls f jrc. cl. alt­
low. Jack n.idde.i. everything went
Telegraphic Train Order No. 79.
"Bob forgot Order 70 nnd let tlilr»!
Martin Duffy's three quick right fin­ er. only be was tired. Gldding- • mid
with Jack, even tue turuta»ies
C. and E. Third No. 80. Rat River,
eighty g > without It mid Bpeclal 32C
gers on the key nnd Ills three quick see that. Tlie regular man liad been
, stuck with other engineers. Martin ,u
left fingers on tlie pen nt the same in­ sick a week, and Martin had been till­
Third No 80. Engine 210, and Special Is out of Elcho,” chokt'd Giddings.
j his shirt sleeves leaned out the win­
J. M C.
stant scratching orders across the dip. ing in. Besides that, all Saturday, the dow and. looking down ou the turbn o d 326 will meet at R ock Point.
"Bolt nt - Rat River gave third eighty
Martin day before, he had been splkng the
Talk about ambidexterity!
mid turbulent mob. spoke so Bucks
With this nit'etlng point mude It a clearance without the Onler 70.”
didn't know what it would be like to line—figuring what could be atinuled
could hear.
Martin Duffy sprang straight up In
would be pretty much over In the dis­
use one band at a time. If Martin and what couldu't, what could be run
"Wliat Is it?" demanded the most patchers' otilce. Martin Duffy pushed the air. Once he shut his llftiM bands;
Duffy said right, trains went right; if extra ami wliat could lie put Into regu­
puissant commander of De Molay ex­ his «allow lialr buck for the last time, once he looke<l nt Giddings, staggering
he said wrong, trains went wrong. But lars. Callahan bad J tu t got married
citedly. "M lint does he any, Bucks?”
an 1. leaving young Giddings to get the again through the frightful news, then
Martin never said the wrong; lie said and was going out to the coast on Ids
1 "Wlint says the slave?” growled a last O. Ji.'s am! the la»t complete ou be dropped into the chair, looked wilu-
only the right. Giddings knows; he welding tour in Bucks' car He luid
bcevnd formidable crusader. "Out with bis trick. g >t out of Hie chair.
ly around, «ci; isl Ills key lik»1 u Irmtisl
copiisl for him long enough. Giddings refused to look at nil order after Sat­
■ it!”
It hail beeu n tremendous day for man. stme ! at bls train sheet, grabbed
and plenty more of them can tell all urday night.
"All we want is fifteen minutes.”
Giddings, a tremendous day. Tlilrty- the <•:•■ er b ok mid listem*«l to Giddings
A minute after Martin Duffy sat In
about Martin Duffy.
"You wouldn’t turn us down ou fif­ tw > spialals on the dispat Ilers, mi! cutting off »me hope after another of
Bob didn't rise In the service quite so tlie conductor ol the train lielow regis­
teen tai' utes this far from an oasis, Gldi’Ings copying for tlie chief. He sat Stopp n ■ Sp'-ciiil i'Jl'i. Ills fin,? I* set
fast as Martin, lie was rather for tered out. There was it yell pre.iy
would you, Bucks?” protested u glass down after Duffy, filled with a ilototi» me I .nlcnliy. aud h" mail»' th»' Rat Riv­
having a good time, lie di.l more of soon, and away went the Baltimore
Importance bt'cmise it was n >w In ci- er c:ill; but Rat River was silent. With
the social act. and that pleased his crowd — and they were c >rkers. t >o. ' eyed Sbrlner.
feet all up to Giddings personally—ut Bartira Tracy tiptoeing In behind on tho
molher. who on account of her bonnet- those Baltimore fellows, ami traveled
lnstiii 't of troul Ie mid young Giddings
' teen minutes?” he drawled. "What s a
and-shawl complexion didn't achieve like lords.
shaking Ilk»' a leaf, the chief culled
At 5 o'clock in the evening the trains quarter of an hour in a lifetime. Jack­
much that way.
Martin, too. was
ltat River. Th n be e 1 Elcho. n«lte.1
man. on the last oasis? Take off your
proud of his brother, nnd as soon ns In the West division were moving Just
for Special 820. and Elcho again repeat-
Bob could handle u wire—which was
<«1 ateadlly:
very soon, for he learned things In no thirty minutes, thirty minutes, thirty hour. Now will you be good?”
De Molay put up a Templar yell.
"Special 320- left—hcre--on—order—
time—Martin got Callahan to pvt him minutes—and, as far as young Giddings
They always get the good things of life,
70- at—7:55 p. tn.”
up at Grant as operator. Bob g>t the could see. Duffy, after five booming
those i’ittsburg men; things other fel­
Martin Duffy bent before the mes­
place because be was Martin's brother; hours, was fresher than when be took
lows couldu't begiu to get. They pass­
sage; young Giddings, who had U'eti
noticing else. He held It nbout two
ed tie word through tlie sleepers, aud
whispering to Tracy, dropped ou n
months; then be resigned and went to pacity for work was something enor­
the women began pouring from the ves­
stool and covered hl« fnce.
San Francisco. He was a restless fellow. mous. It wasn't till after supper time,
In two quick minutes out
"Don't cry. Giddings.” It wns Duffy
It was Bob up and Bob down. For a with the worst of the figuring liehltid
came the Duquesne band in red pom­
who spoke, dry an I parched bls voice.
year be wandiTed around out there,
"It’s nothing you could help.”
pons, duck trousers and military Jack­
telegraphing; then he bobbed up ngnin iety. that Marfin llegan to lock oiler,
ets. white corded with black. The
looked around nnd saw Tracy nt Ills
in Medicine Bend out of n Job. He nnd bls dry Indian hair l»ogan t > crawl crowd broke, the baud marched down
elbow. "Bamea,” he sold, but he trl»al
wanted to go to work, and—well. Ct J- over Ills forehead. By that th te Ills I tlie platform and, striking up the
twice before his vol<-e would carry.
lalnu — Martin's brother, you know -
"Bartie* they will meet In the Cinna­
sent him up to Montair as night oper­ tn itiotied Giddings to the key and :r >t tlie grass plot above the Wickiup to re­
mon cut. Giddings told you? Boh
ator. Three months he worked sternly u¡> to walk up ami down the h ill In the cel.e the De Molay guard. Ous1 liuu-
for - ’ -forgot my onler.
Run. Gld-
as a clock; then one night the dispatch­ breeze he looked like a wiltel pytato <!. 'd Knights Templars in fatigue tie
»!':.-•• for Ben ■ lief Morgan un»I Dou-
ers' at the Bend couldn't get Monta'J*
bouclied Into a bit of a park and in the
bli'itny and Carhart -quick!”
for two hours. It laid out No. •’> and a only a little one compared with those purple of the sunset gave a command
Giddings ran. thp lint River call echo­
wi!b the
special with tlie general manager and that bad gone before, but with
ery drill to the honor of Bucks—Bucks
ing again down the hall behln»! Iilni.
changes to the different crews they nnd tlie West End.
made no end of a row.
Rat River was closrat to Rock Point—
Martin said right off be ought to go read about like thia:
It was Sunday night and still ns Au­
would get the first news of the »-reck,
but there was tlie little mother u; Telegraphic Train Order No. SS. Moun­ gust could innkr It. The tmttallon, mov­
nnd Martin Duffy wa* calling his
home, silent, 1 expect, but pleading-like.
recreant brother at the River, but the
ing silent and mobile as a streamer over
Superintendent ■ Office, Aug. 8, 1892.
It was left largely to Martin, for the
Itlver was silent.
For Medicine Bend to C. and E. of En­ ! the grass, marched, deployed and rest­
young fellow was already chief, and gines 604. 73S. n«k 326 and 826.
ed. They broke, to the clear cut mu­
Doubl<*»lay nml th»* compnuy sur­
that was the trouble. He bated to bear
sic. Into crosses and squares anil cres­
geon. Dr. Carhart, rushed Into the room
down too hard, so he compromised by Dance. Engine 826 will double head Spe­ cents nnd stars until small boys wont
almost togi'thcr. Then came with n
asking bis superintendent not to fire cial 326 to summit of Eagle pass.
I cross eyed, and wheeling at last on the
storm the wrecking boss. Benedict Mor­
Bob, but to set him back. They sent
First No, k'. Engine 179. will run two line they saluted Bucks, himself a past
gan. It was only an evil hour that
him up as night man to Rat River, the hours thirty minutes late Bear Dance to grand commander, und the railroad men
brought Benedict Morgan Into the dis­
meanest place on the whole system.
patcher*« office. Rtooprsl nnd silent.
Second No. 80, Engine 264. will run three yelled.
That was the summer of the Templars' hours and fifteen minutes late Bear Dance
Meantime the general manager*« pri­
Martin Duffy, holding the chair, was
conclave nt San Francisco.
calling Rat River. Carhart watched
vate car had lern pasted cn the tall
We worked the whole spring getting
him Just n moment, th' ii h»' (•> ,k B ines
and thirty minutes late Bear Dance end of De Molay Four, and a pusher
things up along the line from Omaha to hours
Tracy asli’e nnd whl«;>erpd. no I. g > ng
< <lg!ng up stuck Its n<>g» Into the rear
to Medicine Bend.
1. M. C
the Sierra« for that conclave. Engines
hack, bent over Duffy. Tlie chli-f pull
vestibule. On the bead end Jack Moore
"Jxt Trttcu bike Uie key.”
were overhauled, rolling stock touched
ed himself up
When young Giddings sat In. the sun nml Oyster were backing down on the
up. roadbed put In shape, everything was dropping between the Teton*. In olive green string with the two smooth­ least until Barnes Tracy should pres­
"Let Tracy taho th>’ key.” repeated
shaken from end to end. Not ouly were the yard the car cleaners were polish­ est mogul« on the division. Bucks and ently kb k him out of the seat of honor the do- t >r. "Got away from the tnble
the passenger records to be smashed,
ing the plates on Burka' private oar Neighbor had held back everything for the night trick. Mr. Giddings «at a minute. Martin. It may not be ns
but beyond that a lot of our big gen­ aud the darky cook was pulllug chick- g*Kwl nil day for De Molay Four down down and waited for the signature of bad ns yon think ”
eral officers were way up Masons and eus out of the refrigerator. Duffy bad to engines and runners and conductor. the order«.
Duffy, looking Into the surgeon's
meant that our line should get not thirteen conclaves moving smoothly on Pat Francis carried the punch, and the
Very soon Pat Francis dropped off face put hfs bam! on bls arm
merely the cream of the business, but tiie middle trick. The final one was due, little chief sat again In the dispatch­ I'e Molay Four, «lowing at Elcho, ran the Do Molay train, the Spec 1 326,
the cream of the advertising out of the and the hostlers wi re steaming down er's chair for De Molay Four
straight to the operator for bls order, with Bucks' car. double bended Oh.
thing The general tenor of the In- with the double header to pull ft over
And while the lovely women strolled signed It, «nd at once Onler 71» was my G<>d. I can't atop them. Doidor,
struction* was to nickel plate every­ the pass. This, the last of the erm- In the cool of the evening and the odor throbbing back to young G'ddlngs at they will meet!”
thing. from the catalpas to the target mandery trains, was to bring De Molay of mountain sweetness, and the guard Medicine Bend. It wa« precisely 7 54
Carhart unfnstemsl the finger* on his
rods. For three mouths before the con­ commandery. No. 4. of Pittsburg, and drilled and the band played, the chief p. m. when Giddings gnve ba«k the
“Come away a minute. T.of
clave date we were busy getting ready the orders were to couple Bucks' car on knit p’s brows over h's train
ct It complete, and at 7:55 Elcho re;K>rt»*l Tracy have the key." he tirg ■ 1. “A
for It, and when the big day drew near to It for the run west. De Molay and !ook"d now. rearrange-!, reordered, re­ R’»e«-fal 326 "out," all Just like clock­
head ender. eh?" croak'-1> dh t Mor-
on which we were to undertake the everybody bad notice—was B icks' old adjusted and reorganised, as If a Olla work. What a head Martin Duffy has,
moving and feeding of 6,000 people one commandery liack In Pennsylvania, monster had crawled over ft without thought young Giddings, and. twhold.
fr glitful o»th. "A ho.'! < ruler”’
way on one track through the moun­ and be was going to the end of the di­ wiping bls feet, and when De Molay all the compile ited everlasting head­
“Shut up, you brute!” hl««c I Car
tains the cartinks smoked crosscut and vision that night with the cronies of his Four tr>gan to pull out. with Moore work of the trick and the day am! of
Duffy*» hand* w«r* creeping
the Rustlan section men began to oil youth. I.lttle fellows they were in rail- and Oyster on the throttles and old the West End and Its honor was now
quecrly up the «1 le* of I
their hair.
rondlng when he rode the goat with John Parker In the baggage, where he yr> to the signature of third eighty at
"Sure.” gro •«!««• I
Callahan was superintendent under them, but now mostly, like him. big ha ! absolutely nothing to do but drink I ' !
.! ■ '
lowering!;y. "ail's* HI, »fl «p. Of crirK
Bucks, then general manac-'r. and Mar- fellows Half a doreu old salts had <-*rors ami smoke champagne, and Pat tore f ir tho Rock Point meeting, and Shut up.”
E.i Duffy chief dispatcher. Neighbor «u- been pounding ahead at him all day Francis In the aisle«, and Bucks, with the biggest Job ever ta.'kl«) by a aln
Cnrhart was a <| m I> a rnan. tl*- 4tnrt-
(«rlntendent of mot re power and Dou- over the wire They were to Join h’m Mr and Mra. Callahan end th fît crow»!, g'.- t> ,-fc road In America. Gkldlng*
ed for thi» wrecker, at Duffy. sprlnc-
• '.ir division master mechanic, nr.d and Mr. and Mrs. Callahan for sttpper hi nriT^fp No. 12—fh*»rp wrw fbnt rrjnrh thorgM. was done, nnd well done.
Ing. stop;|«-d hha. ' F.>r <!<» I’ m *»‘ke.
‘^rfjqhteg buttoned up on the lu the priv ute ■ ar. and the yellow < ider • '
an4 tontine nn<l wnvlnr thnt
Ho the otnbitious Giddings by moans keep ««Mil1. •ve.jlrs« ~ ti»* exet -'rited
lay on the thin shaved Ice and t*» Martin Dnffr slnroly couldn't th’nfc fir of a prr-ket mirror Insoecti-I a throat* pltiKinsly. There v *
Ing en the flrfsg line to tab" the first 0» mountain grou«e curl'd on the g-
a few sceands, yet be held them ■!!. echig ; I' .fl* on ti e i n ! of h'.s c! ■
talk, to i*
t' » T . .
(Continued on p*g« «i*./
« «
BBT able men have given
tlielr lives to the study
of Monsoou's headlight,
yet science, after uo end
of investigation, stand*
lu Its preseuce baiiled. [
The aourc* of it* Ulu-
' «util, Batioa is 'clieveil to be understood, I
--’’n», '■iw 1belie'
because in a .l,i\ u..e:i
Kerday’b beliefs are tomorrow's de-
er PjJ ilou* 1 go: mit myself personally to
a thing
dead. Blii'd:er mill 211 lo
o<l atmospheric phenomena,
low. I doubt whether any-
■s. except maybe Mons >on
know only that on the Wes;
Km's headlight from every
>w stands high, and that oa
1 it stood between Abe Mon
frightful catastrophe.
re been of late studied ef-
itroduce electric headlights
the Mo
th distr
i' is i' •.
’ bioei*
em. W Tie Monsoon's headlight does
work- » It has done even long bo­
on followed It to tlie West
-e M
id and rill do long after be leave: •s
West nd—why. they say. and ren­
>ugh, take on new and ili e-
» »J i* •deal
e discussion deepens nml
■o. i. ii
in the Wickiup. Monsoon
^^^^■¡Icnt. Brave men
Among ourselves we don't
Where Monsoon is
> not necesury to put any
ARB l E ^^■1 of
^^fcili on the payroll. when the
^■accountant adds A. or Abe
1. Just ns he happens to be
tre. Monsoon’s name in it-
for a great deal. When his
igineers. men who have
my and weatherbeaten In
E put up their volet's for
■headlight, or when talkative
s, who servi! !y Jump at
__®rs' experimeBts in order t >
^Hfavor of the high, speak for
'oom $4j
| Abe Monsoon himself is ei>
aSOpe ■■1 it'it is there; let them take
It. as they will. If the su-
t of motive power abOUld
throw It out for the new-
tiangi-ment Mons..on wm:!.l
eel that It was not the first
a had gone wrong, and. for
r. neither be nor anybody
surance It would be the last.
3 ei« i
rvict a
? C2 a:
dr ie-
aei af
that u4
ut anJ -a
h fron
opens ou Bob Duffy. Bob
tin- -.i.iit WM wliat I call a
^^^Mr and. being the oldest boy.
■ Hue of the swing anyway.
■tin c tme *1 h > c
I over thinking about Bob.
_____ l»h• thought, t o. of Martin,
k. ml of overshadowed. Bob
■ |T .king in the post ilfice ami
lall to all the pretty girls,
tliy for the girls was so
ifter awhile he began pass-
ters to them whether they
ssed to the girls or to some-
rTlils gradually weakened Ills
ith the government.
i. .
* ally learned tlie whole thing
at the Bend under Callahan,
lying Western Unions stuck
t under a heavy leather belt.
Ii those days, when he had
Bibillty. a formidable brown
tat appeared bent on swal-
ears. It was nbout the time
Ing trousers and eleven. No­
li kers ever beat Martin Duf-
Ig messages, and nobody, bar
bead. McTerza, anybody—
|him eating pie. It waa by
hat he was able to wear the
g. and you may take that
But I speak gladly of the
tn the usual course of
isn't much pie In a dls-
Ife. There Is, by very large
I anxiety than pie, and I in-
8 pie not to give weight to
ts that follow, but rather to
□ , though as Duffy has more
tnltted this was not always
f the pie Itself.
believe that Martin Duffy
enemy. A right tight little
s, with always a good word,
no end of pressure on the
:. There's tnqxiy a strug-
isn that will look quick and
en any fellow far or near
ord about Martin Duffy,
ibed. His bead never swell-
■ rested, even after he got a
as the original one. right
J8 °f his ears. But his heart
Mh -ng after bls bead stopp«-!.
hM*wh»>re be laid over MEM
men I could mention if I
b I don't—not her«.
time It looked as If Mar-
ake a go of It on the road
e inspectors were thinking
make a go of It over the
be was such a kid of a fel
postmaster convinced the
ob's way of doing thing’
foolishness, which It prob-
ad they merely swore h :
that Martin reacted out
Is elder brother. The
rraüy Just the two brother* r.r. 1
1—as there Is •om "’h -. «
' rallroa! can—a
■t generally; Just a m
tí «