Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, March 23, 1906, Image 8

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    nect as »oon as possible with the city
sewer and that further contamination
of the mill race from any source lie
prohibited. The locality of the mill
race and its use for boating makes
this imperative.
4. That either a septic tank be con­
structed at the outlet of the aewer
emptying nAar the mouth of the mill
race 04 that it be extended so as to
carry the sewage further
Tiie members of the state board of ,
down the river so as to free it from
tealtii who visited Eugene a few days,'
t’n city aul prevent back low. j
during the first part of this month to
5. That tiie city secure its water
hrvestigate the typhoi I fever situa­ supply by sinking a well or wells of
sufficient size across the river from
tion, have reported as follows:
the present well—the one nearest the
Portlanil, March 1,1, 1906.
To tl*u Imm.iable Mayor aud City river, and that the water so obtained
Council, Eugene, Oregon:
i lie subjected to an approved process
of filtration before being furnished
to the city, and that I’efore this fil­
ISUti, the undersigned members of the
tered water is Used the reservoir shall
Oiegoii State Board of Heulth visited
be thoroughly cleaned and disiu-
your city for the purpose of investi­ I feeted, and so constructed as to pre-
gating the typhoid fever situation nn<’
| vent contamination from . urface water
to make such recommendations as to
: or outside sources. Tliat the city
them si l ined best to temeiy the pres­
mains and iioiisc |iipes lie thoroughly
tid ritual on and to guard against u
flushed, ami that so far as relates to
tature similar condition.
' mains and house pipes this process I m *
Tiie board desires to thank tiie city
repeated with filtered water liefore
and county officials, the various liusi
; using.
nt~s associations represented and the
The decision of (lie board to recom­
citizens of Eugene for tiie uniform
mend a well or wells in this place is
reurtesy extended to them while in
j based on the following reasons:
Uu'ir city,and to compliment them on
a. The only practical Miur«'e of
the -zeal and activity and success with
water supply at tiie present time must
• hieli they have met the most severe
come from wells.
epidemic probably of any infectlus
b. Very deep wells are uot practi­
disease that has occurred in any local­
ity during the history of tile state.
c. The location one aud one-third
Alter a careful consideration of tiie
miles east of tiie city, on a piece of
entire subject the board submits the
high ground, visited liy th«» board, is
following us facts regarding the situa­
not thought suitable as a source of
tion :
water supply lor the reasou that the
L That the source of tiie epidemic board believe* that only surface water
has Isen through contamination of lean la» secured at this place.
the city water supply, ami especially
d. Water secured from the vicinity
through the well situated at the power | designated by the board will consist
bouse near a main sewer.
It is the ' of water that has been filtered through
belief <it the board tliat tiie contami­ large amounts of sand ‘ and grave!,
nation of this well resuletd from which filtration process will ri-uder it
seepage from the sewer, another practically a pure water. This to be
possible source being seepage from billijected to a subsequent process ot
the adjoining millrace, which is iu a filtration will produce a water supply
■iu»t filthy condition.
absolutely pure and wholesome, under
2. That the well situated nearest proper supervision.
river is also contaminated. Tliat
6. This will lie thequickest solution
Uiis well exists in name only, as it of the problem and tiie n< ar advent
bus direct communication witli the of another summer makes time a very
vivar through a pipe, Htid that tiie important element.
Is lint a culture
ti. That tile water company construct
ground fur bi cteria, more unsafe by these wells under the supervision of
far ffnin would he the securing of tiie stut«^ engineer, and that the city
water from the stream itself directly liealtli officer furnish the state board
X Tliat tiie water system itself has of health with samples of the city
been grossly at fuult in that numerous water at least once each month for ex­
div» I ends existed which wire not amination as to its bacterial Contents.
fluslied iu many eases for years, and
7. That at the installation of a new
Itud these dead ends furnished suit water system the old wells be severed
•iau iiiudia lor the growth of diseusi absolutely from file new water system
producing micro organisms. That so by filling or otherwise.
Cir us tiie board was able to determine
Respect fully submitted,
Uiis condition existed through fault
C. J. SMITH, M, D.,
af the owners themselves and also
• President.
through fault of tiie city officials in
E. A. PIERCE. M. 1).,
nut exercising the neee.-sary super
Vice President.
vision of the same as guardians of the
E. B. PICK EL. M. D.
p«sv>4e*s interest and heulth.
that the wall r conqumy deserves the
leverest censure for maintaining a
• ell and u-iiig water therefrom for
•ketliiiution to the city ill a locality
iu which tiie most superficial exuini
nution must disclosed tiie ver
laiiity of the water lieiug luieuted
from either tiie sewer or mill race,
vr both
And tliat the city officials
J. D. Matlock, incumbent, has an
live Is en negligent and deserving of
•ensure in not muiutainiug, or at nounced that lie will lie a cundidatt
least attempting tu muiutain a strict for re election as city councilman
•upvt vision of Hie water system, tiie from the Fourth ward on the munic­
nut "i t iimile condition t lint lias ex isted ipal ownership ticket, to oppose J.
at Eugene lieiug primarily the fault M.Howe, wli lu;s l <eu nominated by
at till' water eoiiipaliy and tiie city of- the opposition.
At tiie municipal ownership caucus
held Saturday night by the voters of
I That tig) •■per system is not ad
tiie Third ward ,1. W. White, whose
«píate Hiid tliat a large proportion of
name lias previously been mentioned
Sonses ar«' not eounect«'d with any
by the Guard as being a candidate,
■rwer wliatevcr.
Also tliat tiie sewer
was nominated for councilman.
•mptying into th»' river at th«' mouth
«I tiie mill race is faulty in that It
empties with gradual slope, almost at
tight angles into th«' stream, which
conditions interfere with its proper
A h the next door neighbor of the
outflow, prevents the sewage from
being carried sufficiently down the late Gainey Matthew's, we would is-ar
river la-low the city, and during high tribute to his splendid domestic and
water i« luickial up by the river tu neighliorly qualities.
aueli au extent as to force sewage into with him most intimately, we can say
bouses connected with it. That his heart was right, he talked right,
Tiie father's kindnesses
the sewage from the
university did right.
budding is emptied directly into the will be sadly missed iu that home.
uiiilr u e, which is a slow, stagnant
«ti am, fan t. bly situated for con
The lumlier business demands the
tain natlou.
liest class of labor, aud that trained
to its requirements, too. Good men
Ti e t>o ird r s'otninetids the follow are so much in euiand that in t nies
like these w lien the luml er industry
1. That the city exercise a strict ia flourishing, operation« are ham­
supervision of its water supply ami pered through lack of the necessary
«ewage system under such conditions trained labor, lhe B«wth Kelly Com­
w Uiall lie authoritative, and if such pany think they have solve«! the prob­
authority does not at present exist lem by going East and bringing out a
that immediate steps lie taken to ee- hundred and twenty five men.
Note and Comment
cure it.
tad until such ordinances
•had be passed a.« shall give the city
proper authority, that the city or
uwmty health officer be called upon
to immediately enforce these recoin
?. That all honaea, wherever prac
compelled to connect with
the city aewer systsui at an early
date, before the advent of the hot,
dry season, during which time con
lamination is more apt to l>e spread
by files from open vaults, and that all
• pen vaults t>e frequently and thor
•aghly disinfected with chloride of
X That tiie university tmildiug cou-
Western Oregon is itself again with
rain. We don't want snow—our peo­
ple thrive I est mentally and physical
ly when the weather ia soft.
To Archie B. Thompson and wife,at
Cottage Grove, Tuesday morning, a
To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brvhaut, at
Cottage Grove, Wednesday morning,
a girL
Births outnumbered deaths 4 t' to
273 in Oregon last month.
Yamhill county made the best rec­
ord: Births, 19: deaths, ".
Multnomah had 151 births to 110
deaths; Jackson, 20 toll): Lane, 23 to
8; Benton, 13 to 4 : Josephine, 13 to
3. In Coos, Lincoln,Marion and Uma­
tilla counties deaths had the
hand ; W heeler, Benton. Harney, Mal­
heur, Lake aud Morrow counties had
uone of either.
eases of typhoid fe-
There were 218
ver, with 115 deaths, Laue county
and Eugene lead with 19o eases, but
while Multnomah
ouly three deaths,
deaths. Douglas
had 4 eases and 1 death, Gilliam 6
deaths aud Benton 6 eases aud 1
will see tH.
rights are protect^
far has made the
the Eugene iuer,-|laut>
ing. the county eo
decision: if hut,
Mentation to the S
will, when they
make the necessary
The Eugene Merchant' Protective
Booth Kelly Co. officials are worried
Association met last night and placed
over the shortage of labor. For some
itself on record against the usurpation
and block..'ling O. the county road by
time past the several mills of the com­
the Southern Pucific Company’s high
pany in Lane county have lieen run­
trestle and piling placed diagonally
ning short-handed and now the pros­
across the main traveled thoroiighfljret
pects are that th«* mills at Springfield
Some on« enters L,
and Coburg will lie compelled to do-«-
near Springfield, lending to tiie county burg s meat shop in tf.
dowu their night shifts.
seat item the southern and eastern i ing on Willamette etrl
K. A.’Booth, manager of the com­
portions of the county.
■ 1 ''f ' ' J '
1 earr^
pany, stated to a Guard reporter to­
Th«- association diecmss'eil the situa­
13325 cash register.
day that the labor shortage is begin­
tion fully and unanimously agreed ! tuisiing.
ning to be a serious matter with his
that the obstruction was an impedi­
! When he went to „
company and he thinks there is no
ment to travel and should be removed. about 6:3o o'clock tbi.
immediate relief in sight. With the
Tiie association appointed a com­ : Brandenburg dixx,^
great amount of railroad work now death.
mittee consisting of W. H. Kay. F. ' lock 011 the front <j„
going on in the Pacific Coast stall .»
A peculiarity of the tuberculosis re­ E. Dunn and W. M. Green, who were
and lhe prospects for a great eal port is that death» apparently out­ instructed to call upon the county broken off and that a,„
more as soon as spring opens, Mr. number the cases liecause many phy­ court and ask that body to have the tered tile place.
Booth considers that the situation sicians neglected to comply with the obstruction removed and a proper which had been left
looks exceedingly blue aud it might state law by reporting new eases. crossing and roadway built as is done turned off. The caej
sat on the front
mean a possible tieup of the com­ Thirty deaths occurred and 12 eases by railroads in other places.
and no trace of it
pany’s mills.
were reported. Ten eases and L
, The box in which it
IMPORT MEN FROM THE EAST. deaths were in Multnomah county, 2
The association, thinking tliat the livered to the shop^
county court might possibly refuse
The company has just brought out deaths in Umatilla and 1 in Cnion.
purtenances to the tu
Diphtheria supplied 37 ease«, and 3 the request, instructed the committee
from Chicago over a hundred men
were in the back roo»
and has distributed them among the
to see what further means can be used
tested. Ther» was no
several mills, but it is doubtful if were in Multnomah, Gilliam had 1 to have this roadway unobstructed cash Tegtsfct. Mr. Bn
many of them w ill remain, as they death. Marion 1 and Umatilla 8 cases, and to fully investigate the matter.
, ing taken ths day’s
are all of the transient class picked up with uo fatalities.
with him.
in the lumber centres of the Middle
It is said if the county court refuses
The register was p
West. Most of these are Scandina­ scarkt fever and Grant in. No deaths
to compel the railroad company to time ago by Panl M
vians, aud are good workmen, if they
give the county a good roadway cross­ opened the shop. He
can be induced to stay with their with 119 cases and no deaths, 45 tn
ing. projierly lighted, there will lie u #30 on the machine, and
No petition circulated in Eugene which resentative of the cos
These men were taken to the mills Liuu, .5 iu Lane aud 2 in Coos.
will be presented to the railroad peo­ have taken it out of the
Friday, coming up from Portland via diaths resulted iu 6 eases of smallpox.
ple by representatives of the Eugene because of failure to b
the Woodburn-Natron branch on a —Telegram,
Merchants’ Protective Assoeiation, payments.
special train.
failing to secure redress in this
Acting Chief of Poli«
Mr. Booth says that the mills at As­
the courts will lie resorted to. making was notified of the bursi
toria have tried the experiment of us­
the railroad «sompany and tiie county morning and has beetvi
ing Greeks, who can be obtained in I
court defendant» to show cause why a case, with a pretty pud
large uumliers, and they seem to be a ■
thoroughfare of the county should lie!
success, but it is doubtlul if the
blockaded without giving a decent
C1DD01M Cd
Booth-Kelly people will resort to this
Q, rAhhUl/
Fritz Cummings, a German aged roadway crossing to the citizens of
class of lulior unless they are comiieU-
about 50 years, waa examined as to Lane county.
ed to.
bis sanity before County Judge G. K.
' Chrisman Saturday afternoon and
committed to the insane asylum at
Salem. Dr. L. W. Brown was tLe ex­
- C. 8. Farrow hassoM
amining physician.
Cummings was arrested Saturday at
1 condncted by himself an,!
Cottage Grove for breaking several
| lenbeek to V. E. Coukkl
A. G. Mathews, a well known citi­
store windows with a stick which he
A press dispatch ns follows from tn», Oklahoma. Mr. Coidi
zen of Eug< ne,a native of Lane court
carried. This is the same man Olympia, Wash, concerns a former
directors of the Aik
ty, died at his home, 71 West Ninth
w iio cri ated excitement at Roseburg Methodist minister of Eugene:
lie has had about I
Street. Sunday afternoon
one day last week by breaking a large
itii hot shot for “the wily schem- experience in the realists
o'clock after an illness of several
plate glass window in one of the er who dons the livery of heaven more ' migration business, x> tkti
weeks from tpyhoid tever.
banks there.
effeetivelv to serve the devil.” the Hollenbeck Jc Conkle 1
Adeu Gainey Mathews was lioru at
The man was uncommunicative and State Supreme Court today reversed _\g,,Ucy will lie one of d
Plea.-aut Hill July 5, lsl.i.and
nothing concerning his history could •he Spokane Superior Court which real estate concerns in b,
in Laue county all ins life, 11 e was
lie learned.
had r«een in favor of Spokane's Dowie ■
Farrow wishes to
a well-known stock buyer and in that
“bishop,” David Mclnturff, of the
vevy kindly fori
capacity he made many acquaintances
Peoples’ United Church.
patronage it has gireii|
and won many friends throughout tiie
Mclntuiff with statements that be
„ml asks fori
county, lie leaves a sorrowing wife,
could heal the sick and give happiness public patronage fur the
two children, Mrs. Ada Hunuquud
to the sad, organized the church and
Mr. Farrow lias associ
and Mi.-s Agnis Mathews, his pa­
secured a congregation, which con
---- with one of the largisti
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mathews,
tnbrtted to acquire a considerable tiou» in Alberta, vii:II
all of Eugene: tive brothers, Henry of
Mclnturff then sold the CoKuizatiou Co., which
Mayor Wilkins informs the Guard property.
Goshi n, Ephriam of Coburg, Bert of
Pleu.-ant Hill, Ross of Thurston, Car that the city authorities will at once property and used the funds to estab­ 2<'.ùr<W0 acres of tine Unsi
sou of Eugene, ami two sisters, Mrs. begin to carry out the recommenda­ lish a communist colony in Idaho. JW. rj. Calgary will be hid
Anyone wishing infera
Neliraksa Keeney, of Fossil, Or., and tions of the state board of heulth ill Ttondryx and others, formerly of the
Mrs. Lei isey MeKinz’e, of Pleasant ■ •"ti pulling a purer water supply and church, brought suit to set side the that, country can obtain S
better sanitation insofar as possible. deed on ground of fraud, and to force the office of tiie new ta1
Mcinturff to account for large sums beck i Conkle in theCbta
Fraternr’.’y he was a men ber of Hel­
of money he had collected for the Engere.
met lodge, Kn gi.ts of Pythias, and ,
church and put in bis personal purse.
Eugene camp, Woodmen of tiie World. ;
Tiie lower court dismissed the suit, '
The full' nd will be held at tile res­
holding that Hendryx could not bring
idence Tuesday at 10 a. m., with iu-
Carrie Erickson is suing F.riek Er­ the suit, as he hail lieen expelled from |
terinei.t iu the Pleasant Hill come
ickson for divorce at Portland, also the organization by the bishop, and
tery. lie». J. S. McCallum, pastor
of tiie Christian chinch, will conduct alimony and a half of 2nd acres of that the civil courts could not enter
lami near Eugene.
They came here into a determination of the ecclesi­
the services.
from Kansas in 19t»3 and paid itiootl astical question as to the merit of
lie Su’tLciu Iri'M
for the farm. They have six children. the expulsion.
gaug of Greek labo «-»*"j
She states that he possseses an on-
This was an errror, says the Su­ ed iu replacing the old rrii
' governable ami insane temper, and
preme Court, which orders the dis­ i new 80-pOund steel r»Jl
has brutally beaten their children to
missal set aside and evidence taken. working in the eaderai
such an extent tliat two of them are
The Supreme Court held that while city, having reached tin J
mentally and permanently rendered
there is a divorcement iu this coun­ of the yards yesterday J
State Printer J. R. Whitney is idiotic and weak minded as a result try of church and state, it does not will not be laid in theydl
in town today renewing acquaint- of the dangerous chastisement inflict­ extend to thefts of the church prop­ til after the rearraug^
Fearing for erty.
ances and shaking bands with old ed upon their heads.
buildings aud tracks >1
friends. “Joe," as be is familiarly her life and that of her youngest
thia summer.
known, is a former Eugene boy, the daughter, Bessie, she went to Port­
Among the improves^
family having lived here for years. land, where she has been supporting
those recently niM'-'n
Th«» father was pastor of the old herself and her daughter.
Guard, will I e to
“Brick” church—Christian—for a
sidetrack several bnndrw
considerable time.
west, so that it will ■'
Mr. Whitney is a candidate for r-
track at Lincoln street !
Domination as state printer at tiie
J. W. White, who has b«?en nomina­ lie laid between the
cotnir g Republican primaries, and
Mias Jennie Johnson, daughter of ted for councilman from the Third the north sidetrack to
very naturally asks the votes of bis
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Johnson, died at ward on the municipal ownership sively by passing train*-
old Lene county friends.
the family home on South Wiliam« tte ticket, cannot accept the nomination,
o'her things lie pl-di.s hin.- if to ac­
street Sn day evening af g o'clock i’ntil a few weeks ago he resided in nr- aa »•:>,
cept, it re-elected, any nducUou of
from typhoid fever. She Had been ill Portland two years. To accept office SE huô ftlL-UÄl I'
fees or compensation that the legisla­ six weeks.
he must be a resident of the city a
ture may make, eveu if passed during
the new term of office He makes a
August 22, 1887. She came to Eugene
very creditable showing of the manner
with her parents five years ago.
in which he has conducts«! the office.
sides her parents she leaves two sisters
W. Waddle today
wildcat to J. D- ^*'7'
and one brother. At the time she
the Portland city !*•"*.
was taken ill she was employed at the
j Hotel Smeede and was a former high
The Guard ia the only paper in Eu­ placed in the park
school student.
gene. or lame county for that matter, auimal is a year
The funeral will lie held tomorrow that ha.- protested against the county came from the
at 3 p.m. and the remains interred in court allowing the 8. P. railroad to will lie a valuul ie aiMi®
Masonic cemetery.
Rev. T, E. I lock the county road by driving lection of animals 10
J. B. Ryan, secretary of th«» Dem­
ocratic state centra] committee, was Rockwell, pastor of the M. E. church, piling obliquely across the driveway
near Springfield.
The county court
in Eugene Saturday contorting with will conduct the services.
observed the obstruction and ordered
Hon. J. D. Matlock, who has con­
it removed, but later on. being prom­
sented to make the race for state
ised a couple of lights so the belated
treasurer on the Democratic ticket.
traveler could creep through the gap
We wish
___ to extend ’ ,
Mr. Matlock has the first esaential
of a candidate—he will run well at
We take this means of thanking our
home. And. barring the election of friends «nd neighbors for the sympa allowed to hold the fort aud blockade ns in our late here»’'1*
the Republican candidate from Port­ thy and amManee tendered in our the main traveled road of the coutrty. teachers and pupil*
F -igene has. however, a live organ iza- school for their fl
land. we believe he will run much bereavement.
n. the Merchants' Protective Asset
•bead of his party vote in the state.
tation, which, with the aid of the
'7 •
Note and Comment
Card of W
Card of Thanks