í BEAUTIFUL WOMEN WHO ESCAPED PRING CATARRH BY TAKING PE RU NA. MEN TAKE FRENCH LEAVE Fever is Spring Catarrh-Nothing Robs One of Strength Like Spring Catarrh. The Guard yesterday told of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. importing over a hundred Scandinavian» from Chicago to Work in the »awn id» in thia county. It se»ms that all of them did not reach here. The follow Miss B. Inez Silvera, 189 W. 136th street, ing is from ti e Portland Telegram: York City, Grand Recorder Daughters of American Eart ProtlHud'» population was added Independence, writes : to by the pre-eticc of 5o Scandinavians "Nine years of work, withoui a vacation, wore Saturday night, when that number out my nervous system. 1 lost my appetite and fell of lis coliti lit* it w.»» en-apeti from an O. R. A N. train. weak and exhausted nearly all the lime. ;bt dozen ladies' under A party of lit! were going from Chi- "Peruna restored me to perfect health In five id about bail been weeks. Ills the finest tonic for a weary woman cugo to Eugene to enter the emptoj e is no clue to the rub that I know ot. I gladly endorse it."—B. Ines ment of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Silvera. Company, aud ou reaching tile Ea»t was first discovered Side depot of the line decided to I Peruns is the most prompt and permanent cure for all ea** of nervous prostration caused by system.« leave the cur. Instead of choosing . . . -V . catarrh known to the medical profession. the usual route, they went through the windows, and the last seen ot them was as they disappeared in the darkness. The rest were transferred to the Southern Pacific immediately ou reaching the Union Depot and taken to Eugene ou a special. Two weeks ago arrungemi nts were n ude with the Danish and Swedish coi iuls at ( bie> go lor a crew of n en. I ,t wus stipulated that the Hoi.th Kel'y Lumber Company was to provide MISS tSTLLLt CAM PEL LL transportation, aud the money ex­ pended was to be repaid on install­ lie Campbell, 140 N. High street, Na»li- ments fiom v ages earned at the plants \ llc.Tenr [., writes: in the vicinity of Fi-jene. While en • Perun. helped me when almost everything else route to thi- city some of the laborers as rundown from overwork, as 1 had talked ot t-Vi-g French leave here, ** ,ie to take a vacation for three years 17 and it wus <•> ideutly agreed between Hy my nerves were all unstrung and I one-third ol them that it would Is- a y in need of rest and a tonic. »way for two months, but did not seem good move. Strength back, although I was taking a CLAIM THEY MISSED TRAIN. n which the doctor gave me before I Five of tin- crowd got off at Pendle­ equest of my relatives, with whom I was ton and said afterward they missed began to use Peruna, and you cannot tin- train, but this story is not be­ glad I was when within a week I found lieved. It was the intention to ship ng so much better. Inside of a month 1 men regularly ill order to provide suf­ Andri w J. Godard, a I.ime county g splendidly, ready and able to take up ficient help to avoid closing down the pioneer, died suddeuly from heart gain.”—Estelle Campbell. MISS 8. INEZ SILVERA. mills, but experience with the first trouble at his home near Waltervillu and a run down condition which seemed , Pe-ru-na Contains Mo Narcotics. crowd spoils the plan. ■ A Spring Tonic. Munday afternoon. 11c was engaged very difficult to overcome. Onereasonwhy Peruna has found per­ OTHERS SKIP OUT. pruning trees in his orchard W Ill'll ^^Keryboily m-edsa tonic in the “I tried several different tunics but manentuse in so many homes is thai .t |liething to brace the ni-rvi-s, he suddenly became faint and fell to I e- . i o- » liably reported here today ^^■the brain, and clean-, th.- did not seem to get much better until 1 contains no narcotic of any kin began using Peruna. My recovery was runa is perfectly harmless. It can be tint those who reached Springfield, the ground. He expired soon after It Peruna will do this is be- * three, skipped out ward. slow, but I was improving and I was used any length of time without acquir­ have a.' lestion. glad to continue using it. ing a drug habit. Penina does not pro­ after eating off li.i prny for a day j The deceased was aged TO y< ars. on file thousands of letters duce temporary results. It is permanent 1 I or two ami without doing a ■ ,,f He was a prosperous fanner and had “At the end of two months my health Ify to the curative and pre- was restored and I looked and felt much in its effect. . | work. This is proving to be an ex- , a wide acquaintance. He leaves four lue of Peruna in cases of better than I had for years. Your rem­ It has no bad effect npon the system, ! pensive experiment for the io::; - y. daughters and a son as follows: Mrs. reasion and run down con- edy is well worthy of a recommend and gradually eliminates catarrh by re­ Mollie Pepoit, Mrs. Frank Pepoit, the system. We quote a and I am pleased to give It mine.”— moving the cause of catarrh. There are It is said that in order to hold thi ir Mrs. J. A. Allen, Mrs. Dick Dead- men better the company will at once a multitude of homes where Peruna has Frank Williams. rnand and Samuel Godard. advance wages. been used off and on for twenty years. k Williams,,8935 34th street, The funeral was held yesterday. ¡City, member First Presby- Peruna never faits to prevent Such a thing could not be possible if Peruna contained any drugs of a nar­ rch and Captain Capitol Golf spring catarrh or nen ous prostra­ cotic nature. All correspondence held Is: tion, If taken in time. strictly confidential. ting h suffered with malaria Pe-ru-na is the Finest Toni For a Weary Woman. > - DO 1 M It it the lure-rui.ae. of mrny serious disease > and silo ild be treated ia its earliest stages. WEEKS’ Ereakuj* ! ÀNDP.E ì V J. GODARD DIES SUDDENLY f rear-old son of Mrs. F.tliel Leffiugwell. formerly of died at San Francisco ► > (ftelch Is mauag r of the lid water plant instead of llstrap, as inadvertently hi yesterday's Guard, puilton today filed with k Lee his intention to be­ en of the United States nice forever all allegiance ■blity to the king of England, kland who was committed e asylum at Salem from , y on March Ti, 19u5, was March 19, 1906, on six ■e of absence in care of CASES Chicago, March 21—Judge Hum­ phrey decided that individual packers aie immune tint corporations are not. Corporations will be tried by the juries in September. Individualswill dismissed, Resoluta oí Coniota We, your committee appointed to draft resolutions of condolence on the death of Neighbor James A. Moir beg Kelly Lumber Company, leave to report the following: has installed two lO.xiU’ Whereas, The silent messenger, a 22x3* |Hoa»ton, Stan- death, has entered our camp and re­ ble engine in their Spring moved from our midst our beloved ’ortland Timberman. neighbor, James A. Moir; therefore In has been appointed ad- be it of the estate of William i Resolved, That the officers and old German bachelor ne jghbors of Webfoot Camp No. 8496, neighbors 84:*!, heart trouble on his oj \ , extend to the bereaved the city March 14. The ¡n this their hour of sorrow Ine of the property of the our heartieit sympathy, commending DO. John Kuest, A. E. 1 fh,.n) to the care of Him who doeth 1 L. H. Potter are named R|| thing9 w»-ll : and lie it further b . | Resolved, That our charter be drap- »1 of A. G. Mathews this ed in mourning for thirty days; and 10 o _E„_ ’clock was largely at- ' flnfher Albert W. Schwering and for publication. Han E. ager, both of Creswell. O. W. HOLLAND, J. W. PICKENS, Cait»4 shipped a carload o F. E. NIGHSWANDER, to Loe Angeles yesterday, Committee. hey w ill be unloaded ot GILBERT AND McCRADY LATEST CANDIDATES Hand, Sacramento and in Dr. Lowe the optician will lie in aud barring dt-isi * ak>«' his Eugene office all next week. Have JUlfiA k- i-e next M- : »iven him cure your head and eyeache with ir— f Mis« JetuMe Johns n a pair of his superior glasses. They t0 afternoon from the resi- cost no more than others and you have i Willamette street to OU» P* tea on 8» I the benefit of his skill and over 18 ' ■••OBii cemetery. ,1 beW- H. aL-ham, who recently an- years experience. hi iM>lf as a candidate for Security Calf Food mixed with on ” representative "b'skim ml)g »ill equal in fee-ling value 1>I .x-nts pet- f"F day. ■ hthelü nth fClm W. Kr •principi aariatant in his vinegar •C ‘■■»csar g business, and upon * om he -pendisi to conduct hi» •Anea» w h> engag'd in hi» cam- R. M c MVRFHFA. .• Hr o i a V A A L m » . -J i- w. «> A Modern Sci -ntiflc Rem. iy for Colds, La Grippe, -t-.ic'ache and CoikStipiC’ciA. It is composed oi Quinine,Ipecac, Coscitra F. ice 25 cents. No Cure, No Pay. VY. L. DeLANO, EUGENE ACENT. Willamette House SO We&t StL St.» Eugene» Ore. RATES $i.00 PER DAY. Boird and Room $4.50 per Week. Meals $3.50 pet week. WM. LILWALL, Pr< KILLS CATARRHAL ' in J SUES SOUTHERN PACiFiC DEATH OF ERNEST Breathe Hycmei a Few Times Daily CO. FOR S6325 DAMAGES A. SIMMONS and Be Cored-Goes Right to Archie R. Galbraith has begun suit in the circuit court for Lane county against the Southern Pacific Company Waterville. March 20.—Waldon for 96325 damages, alleged to have Trotter moved his lamily to Mabel been incurred by the injury to a stal­ this week. lion which was lieing shipped on the I ester Millican, who has been very company's train. The plaintiff alleges that on March ill with typhoid fever, is much im­ 23. 19o4, he delivered to the company prove 1. J. W. Shumate paid a flying visit at Portland a full-blooded English I Shire stallion mimed Dunsmore 2d. to W.dterville Saturday. I No. 55o8, weighing 1950 pound* and pur- Mr. Krieth, of Eugene, has chased the Noffsinger place HIlll valued at 93,000, to lx- carried to Al- [ bauy anil delivered to Janies H. Sher- moved on to it. idan. It is alleged that while the Florence Hays has been in Eu- Mrs. freight train which was carrying the gene the past tw’o weeks receiving .horse was at Salem the company's medical treatment. I employes carelessly and negligently Arthur Campbell has gone East to allowed another car to collide with accompany his wi.e to Oregon, where the one which was carrying the stal- they expect to make their future i lion with such force as to knock the home. 'animal down, injuring him and male- .1 and lame, re uderiug Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stnrdovant, of iug him sick Elmira, have moved into the neigh­ him unfit for use and of no greater borhood. value than the sum of 910. Thompson A Hardy, of Eugene, Quite a number of our young peo- pie attended the closing meeting of are counsel for Galbraith. the Thurston Literary Sot night. The basket social given by the Wai terville school on March 10 was not very well attended on account of the snowstorm, but 925 was takten in, which will be used toward buying Who will oppose W. W. Calkins for seats. councilman in the First ward at the F. A. Post has grubbed and cleared city election on April 2T As yet no 30 acres of very stumpy land on his one seems willing to take up the farm this winter, and now has it fight against Mr. Calkins who is tiie He estimates nominee of the municipal ownership plowed and sowed, that it cost him 950 per acre to put forces. The first ward is the strong the first crop in. ’ hold of the municipal ownership and Sam Kelly, a contractor for the prohibition forces and it is almost B. K. Co., has begun on his spring useless to put up men against their cut of logs with a large force of men. candidate. The latest candidates to file their nominating petitions are A. W. Gil bert and D. M. McCrady, from the Third anus < ucalyptag oil. This is combined with other healing, aromatic gums and lielsama. milking a genu killing, health giving treatment for catarrh, entirely unlikt anything else known. When usix« llyomei the air you breat he is like flint on the mountains, high above the sea level, where the pine forest» till the air with fragrant and healing balsams that give health and strength to those until ring from dis uses uf the respiratory organs. lireatbi d through the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit Hyomei reaches eveiy tissue of none, throat and lungs and gives immediate relief, effecting a permanent cure in the worst cases of catarrh. The complete outfit, consisting of an inhaler, medicine droppter ami uut Isittle of Hyomei costs only 91. Ex tra byttles can be obtained for .A cents. Hull's drug store gives a guar antee with every Hyomei outfit that the treatment will cost nothing unless it cure». 20 27 APPRAISERS FILE THEIR REPORTS D. M. McCrady, R. H.~TTT7Ti"r^^7” and Frank Bowers, appraisers ot tlw esta'e of David A. Gibbs, who ne cently died and willed all his proper- ty to the*». A. R.. Lzvlies of Hie G. A. R. and W. R. C ., have filed their They The husband and family of Mr». N. report with the probate court. Kill wish to extend their heartfelt found the property to lie valued at thank* to those «ho -o kindly a»»i*t<-d 9x86.90. of which 8792.25 is ra h, 87* in the illne-a and sad iieSeavemsnt of in real estate and the remainder in otir beloved wiff and daughter. personal property. Charles Smith. R McMnrphey ami Henry Hopkins, appraisers of the pr'if - rty of W m 1. Go- -ft. whidb-d I alone near the river bridge a f w days ’ hgo 'lw'-e found property to tl - value At Portland. March 17, 11*45, to Mr. I of 9i:-> of which 9«»» ia in real ■ nd Mr». Will II. Smith, formerly of I • ■ «ta’e and th" remainder in cash ani Eugene, a daughter, weight 8 pounds. ,« oual i op rty. Card of Thanks Born