Kl. Y EU ENE OREL'S PRiUAY FEBRUARY 16 li»'6 SEARCH FOR mmencing Monday the week will be devoted to tne showing of our splendid line of Wash Goods, a line that covers a large range of patterns and prices, and among which you will find such weaves as burtis-Soie, Organuie-Eolienne, Maretta- aLisLe Monola-Organdie, Embroideried-Panama, Henl.y fe, Dotted-Swiss-Muslins, Printed-J wiss issue, Mohair-Lustre, Belfast-DinvLy LIFE TRUSTEES MEET TODAY Orient Under Assumed Name for His Montana Mining Property titution of $1.000.000 ing Placed Under One Head Heinzie Receives One-Half in Cash Government Land Fraud Witness Gambrai-Batiste and many rLher beautiful Weave«. •IES’ WALKING SKIRTS for Spring wear. Some pretty patterns, made up in blues, greys and blacks, at very reason­ able prices. [ardine Political Contri- tutions to be Deferred New York. Feb. 14.—The trustees of the New York Life met today and will defer till adjournment the Fow­ ler committee’s report regarding cam­ paign contributions, which was likely to lie submitted. Thos. H. Fowler, chairman of the house cleaning com­ mittee, will go to Europe March 1, ostensibly for pleasure, but it is be­ lieved really to demand of Hamilton on pain of extradition an accounting San Francisco. Feb. 14.—United or restitution of 81,000,000. Fowler, States Attorney Heney and also a sis­ Jerome and Mayer have lieeu in con­ ter-in-law of Mrs. McKinley deny that ference over the matter. Mrs. McKinley sailed for the orient yesterday to find her husband, who is alleged to have gone to China in com­ pany with “Little Egypt.” It is said that Mis. McKinley is still in this city and wi old be at the Holland House this afternoon. San Francisco, Feb. 14.—Marie Ware McKinley, the wife of Horace G* Me Kinley, the government witness in the land fraud trials at Portland, sailed yesterday under an assumed name for the Orient on the steamer China to search tor her husband, who eloped with “Little Egypt," the dancing girl. 'ING COATS AND JACKETS, Covert coats, black and tan Corset Coats, Spring Cravencttes, light and dark shades. )IES’ AND MISSES’ NEW SHAPE CAPS, blues, reds, white and some very pretty effects in grey. URED CHIFFON for Opera Scarfs, extra wide. SHIPMENT OF SILKWAtSTS. Linen and Silk neatly trimmed, some with German Vai., others with French Vai laces and insertions. PAT CROWE'S Curvetta Skirt Binding. thing new. By using this binding your Skirts will h more evenly and length tn tht wearing B íü K3I auia th» ■as». Al ISE toi ANO RECOVERED [was an enthusiastic meeting k; cates of municipal owner­ desire city ownership of tie riel:, at Svarerud A Calk­ last evening, J. J. Wal- as chairman ami E. R. rs secretary ject of tiie. meeting was to e a campaign for a water lie owned by tile city and * for a ticket to be placed in it the city election in April, peeches were made and mo- <• passed asking for tiie clos- lueets at tiie public schools e c cirthoti.se fountain. la't hi . W. W. Calkins. E. H. L B iuney and S. P. Ness riintel to act as a central r Another meeting will be b courthouse on Wednesday L.|, . , l;.y _>[, v»j ,,, ,, t|r tij )4e Ou ' iturday. February 3d. a grip co’t ■ ..irg a ladies’ coat and other i.rtn les o wearii g apparel belonging to Mis» Helga Bertieson, was stolen from Jen Jensen’s slop wagon while it was standing In the street at the rear oi Combs’ grocery store at West Eighth and Olive streets. Tiie grip was found several days ago by Joe Smith, a boy. unddr E. ('. Smith's warehouse on the depot grounds, and taken home. It is supposed that it was placed under the warehouse by hobos. Maggie Smith, sister of the boy. has Iteen wearing the coat that w s in the grip, and a couple of days ago Miss Bertlesen recognized the garment and the officers were notified. Chief of Police Stiles and Constable Rowland visited the Smith home and recovered the grip with all of its contents. wland’s White Sale! Ly and Saturday will be the last days of our “White Sale. Le going to make these the best days of the sale. Y ou will I V .ortunity to buy highly desirable merchandise at a Lo.ac saving fu pHce.e*J*J*J*J|‘-*«’‘«’*«?*J*«*’’*’**J*‘*‘,l‘*‘*‘* AY AM * SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16a-d 17 ors ts for 50c. 50c Table Syrup 38c. > days we will put on sale >ng hip 75c Corsets with supporters at- id, at pair_____ We will place on sale Friday and Saturday ten cases fine quality table syrup, gallon IQ., cases, each J W aist Offerings. ] 5c Mince Meat 2 for i 5c KautiFul l^Oo Shirtwaists isale Friday morning at Pu can afford to pay for Ithese. dues on sal. at fiues on sale at Friday and Saturday you can buy fine condensed mince meat, the regular 15c or 2 for 1 tT _ 25c kind, at 2 for — • •*** 10c 3 roll, Toilet Paper 10c Corn Starch, package .... 6c Razor Minced Clams --------- 12c 25c Roast Coffee, per lb 19c Good Gunpowder Tea, lb .— 35c 12!fc Raisins, pound ------------------- 9c Around tbe Store. SA 1 12 1 on, oij Ublizjj Good Cotton Bats. roU ......... 7c Ladies’ Vici Kid Shoes, pair----------$1.75 These shoes would be good values at $2. Infants, soft soles. 50c valises------------ 35c $1.25 Men’s Dress Shirts......... .............75c $125 Ladies’ Kid Gloves................. 35c Kirk’s Toilet Soap. 3 cakes foe 10c Gax nade, Mo., Feb. 11.—A mail train 00 the Missouri Pacific was v r 'eked this morning on the appr< ai’h f tiie I ridge over the Xiiizonade river :.nd three trainmen and two mail clerks were hurt. The trail: was run­ ning a mile a minute when it struck C. J. Barhite, who lives on tl.d cor­ a bad rail and jumped the truck, ner of Clark and Jefferson streets, lie throwing two cars into the ditch. lie ves he has the solution of a pure Th" cl rks tried to save the mail from the burning cars, but much was lost. water supply for this city. Mr. Barhite has a bored well encased that is lu5 feet deep, the last few feet being through solid rock. This water is artesian in nature and rises to within a few leet of the surface. Mr. Barhite believes this supply is inexhaustible and is of the opinion that if tiie company would (jsink two Paris, Feb. 14.—Countess DeCast el- twelve-inch pipes they would never lie lane has left Paris and is staying at able to pump the wells dry. Barriz with her children, where she As an experiment Mr. Barhite is will remain until the suit is ended. willing that the company test the sup­ Th* figure. given by the countess show ply of his well and states it is at the count’s debts to amount to 34,- 000,000 francs. lilierty to do so free of cost. We believe this system might solve the present water question. Mr. Bar. bite states that the water from his well is absolutely pure and during the present epidemic is furnishing water to many aud further, extends the use of the water from tbefell to Hiiy who will call for the same. New York, Feb. 14.—McCall's con­ J. C. McMillion thinks the water dition this morning continues criti­ company should place its pump« somewhere between the Wil­ cal, and it in admitted that there are lamette and McKenzie rivers. Others scant hopes for his recovery. think that deep well» in the hills south or southeast of Eugene would give good pure water, while others think a location in the vicinity of W. R. Walker's residence ou the bottom tM«tween Eugene and Springfield would prove suitable. C3UHTESS DE CÂSTELLENE LEAVES PARIS TRAIN WRECK Columbus, Kansas, Feb. II. —Four were killed and four injured and the ’Frisco passenger train "Meteor,” No. 118, was burned as the result of a collision with a train of coal cars near here this morning. The dead are: Harry* Roundtree, baggageman; A. H. Hurkey, a pas­ senger, died of heart disease from ex­ citement; an unidentified passenger, body partly cremated; Engineer Woods—died enroute to the hospital. The fireman was badly hurt. NAPOLEON OF THE McCALL’S CONDITION BALTIC CAPTURED IS VERY SERIOUS UNION PACIFIC DECLARES DIVIDEND New York, Feb. 14.—The Union Pacific today declared a semi-annual dividend on common stock of three per cent., an|sdvance of one half per cent. St. Petersburg, Feb. 14.—Twelve revolutionary leaders were arrested at Riga today, among them being one Kulielistein, called the "Napoleon of the Baltic,” who organized and led the revolt in the Baltic provinces, and showed such miltiary ability. H>< is the most beloved hader of the insur­ gents in that section. A spy betrayed him. STORY IS DENIED AT THE WHITE HOUSE Washington, Feb. 14.—Th* etory of a wedding invitation having been st ohm and wild for #4oo la denied at tbe White Hoiue. Decorators are A positive cure and preventative for bu«y on the lower floors today aud ex- all diseases caused by parasites or pect to finish Friday night. micro lx-» is Wm. Rad am’s Microbe Killer. Alsmlutely harmless, even to infants or invalids. Sold by L. B. Rowland, 232 East Eleventh street, Huge -, Or. To the Afflicted Fifty-six young women and men are taking the examination for teachers’ certificates, the examination being -held in the circuit court room at the courthouse and lieginnirig today. It will end Saturday. County Superintendent W, B. Dil­ lard is beiing assisted in the work by City Superintendent M H. Arnold, W. G. Martin and H. C. Baughman. . (¿This class is a small one compared to the usual class. Sometimes as many as 73 and 80 persons take the examinations. H»? IM itti ¡JÍ T ií A T uf Lg Pe òVòWfi'wi W’S strayed HOLDING TEACHERS' EXAMINATION NEAR ALBANY WlÚ8.il~ vii tóji! ADVOCATES I BAD ( ä ! C C CM LtAMNG STO1 . ii ivocatini.' municipal ownership are invited to be present. Butte. Feb. 14. — By the terms o* the transfer of Heinze and the United Copper Mines to Thomas F. Cole,rep resenting the Amalgamated, North Butte aud Guggenheimer interests, Heinz.’ will receive »23,000,U0o, umi­ liali in cash and the other half in pre­ ferred securities. It is understood the sale is a step toward the formation of a gigantic copper combine embrac­ ing file Amalgamateli holdings, the Bonanza circle group at Bisbee, Ari­ zona, the Bingham consolidateli mines at Bingham, Utah, and the X*>rth Butte mines in this city. J. A. LINN PLEADS NOT GUILTY It i ronses energy, develops and stimu..*tos nervous life, arouses the courm e of yonth. It makes you young «gain. That's what Hollister's 35 Rocky Mountain Tea will do. cents, tea or tablets. Linn Drug Co r Bell ar I Engineer H. M was wrecked n*ai Miller»- MtUfe lunj liiiB An H,xw UL a car broke ^nd seven cars were piled up in a iieap. Two hundred feet of track was torn up and traffic is sus- pended. Wrecking crews are on tiie scene and it is expected to have the track cleared by tonight. I ON PUGET SOUND Victoria, Feb. 14.—A small steamer flying signals of distress is adrift l>e- tweeu Dungeness mid Discovery Is­ land. A steamer lias l>een disptached to give assistance. WAITER LYON ON HON J. M. SHELLY Walter Lyon, of the Independence Enterprise, has it in for Hon. J. M. Shelley, of this city. This is what he says: There are to- many sent to the Or­ egon legislature who get their polit­ ical inspiration from the metropolis. From ttfth story brick», at wine din­ ners. poker table or bellied up to the bar they look nt their home county through the bid eud of a telescope and decide to liecome candidates. The suffrage of the people in the county which they condescend to honor with their presence occasionally is but a plaything for them. Tbe votes of the horny handed toilers from tbe cow counties of Eastern Oregon or th* <*lod hoppers of the Willamette valley counties, when steamed np with punches, cocktails, whisky and ben­ zine. are their personal property. Th* political trust at Portland is no­ tified they will I m « in the next legisla- « ture. Their respective counties they carry in their vest pocket, The for- malit.v of election will be attended to when they get l®ck home and the real politician will be with the Port laud bunch in the legislature. The cow counties" have had enough of such legislators. Lyons must have l>een out when he wrote the above. ft is unjust. Chicago, Feb 14.—John A. Linn, The insinuation that Mr SheAley is a clerk of the circuit court, pleaded not poker player or n whisky man is guilty today to chargee of emebzzl* wrong. He is an ar ■•nt ‘•probi.” Lyons should n