roUersfty E E K î Y ♦ ■ri El'-ENE OREGON FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1 19C6 WOMEN BREVETIES REFUSED And Make Sura That Your Spring Gowns Will Fit» as Thay Shcu'd, Start wit»a the Corset. Not Would n order to introduce this magnificent line of Suitings to the public we are going to ------- ---------------------- make a ------------------------------ Reduction of 10% Friday and Saturday. ,nd if you want to save from $1 to $2.50 on your new Spring gown, attend this unusual sale. lew silk waists for sprin ig, elaborately trimmed in Vai. lace and inser- $2.75, $3.50, $5.00 and tion. Prices 1 A new line'of fancy Corset Covers just opened. New Ruching for neckwear and trimming purposes. New Eylet Embroidery in the piece with trimming to match. C i A q) 1 U LUCK Enter Lifeboats When We sell the famous W. B. and Roval Worcester, the best known Corsets in the world among fashionable women HE new suitings for Spring are here, representing a multitude of weaves as wide In scope and variety as they are beautiful in design and finish. It is by far the most exhaustive showing the Hampton’s have ever made in this department. Grays and Alice Bluesappear to be the mo«t predominating colors. We have them in plain striped invisible plaids and checked effects, covering a large range of prices and shades. — •/ •«*»»» Seattle, Jail. 30,-Corneliue Allison, the eldest survivor of tbe Valencia wreck, testified ut the investigation H-fote the inspectors this momiug that the Valencia’s life preservers ere net buoyant. lie stated i.o storm whs ragi g at the time of Ibe I he Troopship Odessa «reck. He deuoun-ed both tbe «or- v ring ofdeers aud tbe masters of Struck a Mine standing by vessels for not making an effort to save those aboard. lie Today sa,s ro heavy sea was iu luing wheu picked up ty the Topeka and that tbe volunteer crew landed at Cape Beale, after notifying the world of the die Tuo Thousand Soldiers Were aster, should have made their way back to tbe scene of the wreck, Had Saved by Beaching the Vessel any one reached the lite line shot —Great Loss by Incen­ ashore all would have been saved. TO GO X Asked to Valencia Wreck Investigation i ¡RUSSIA telegraph in Progress at '•'cattle—No Boat Drills on the Ent ra, Trip diary Fires ! Seattle, J»n. 31,— At the Valencia investigation today Waiter Chas. Hod- tinot said be asked women to go in the llfeboatB, but they re'ifSed. ". No beat drills * were held during tbe an- i tire trip. The witness wss thrown into the wattr, but was saved by a life raft. FranE Kicblev, n flr»tnan with the Bunker party, said thev could have reached the cliff to get a line, but other members uf the party got cold « feet. He ccald not ga alone. The investigation seems to be a white- wash for the government inspectors | for allowing such con iitious on the boat. MOSAIC LAW IS GOOD / Spokane, Jan. 30. —In a beedon solllsion a mile west of Columbia Falls, Mont., last night on the Great Northern tetween passenger trains three were killed and many injured. It was cause! by or e trsiu’e failing to obey orders to t»ke a siding. Both ! engines were demo'lshed and a num- 1 ber of care smashed. The dead are ' Fjreme’- Harrison and Findley aud ’ Exprrs» 5feescnt>er Wolsbecker. ' t : 1 Si. Petersburg, Jan. 31. —Tbe lusees by incendiary Uree recently Ictal $500, OOC* St Petersburg, Jan. 3! -The troop­ ship Odessa struck a tniqe today. Two thousand sol tiers were saved by beaching the vessel. The explosion k'lled one and injured 26. Twenty thousand liberal refuges in­ duced to return on Imp,led promises Washington, Jan. 31.—The prreilent of amnesty have been arrested snd has nominated Amos Wilder, of will be exiled to Siberia for ten Wisconsin, consul-general at Hong­ years. kong. New York, Jan. 31. — Frierds say John A. McCall is very ill with con­ gestion of tbe liver. D. B. Hill left [ todny for the south to remaiu until April on account of bis health. •“ SANTO DOMINGO TREATY I Washington, Jan. 31.—Tb« serietà Indianapolis, Jan. 31.—Presideo t committee ou toreigu relation« today Governor Chamberlain Expresses er Mitchell In a speech this morning to took up the Sunto Domingo treaty EUGENE’S the coal operators of the Central dis­ with Secretary Root today. Himself on Capital Punish, LEADING STOR«. trict, declared there would be no ment agreement without an increase of wages. The operators asked for time ROGERS WINS HIS Salem, Cr., Jan. 30 —Replying to a tor further consideration. letter from Ohio women asking him to CONTENTION era! cords of wood have been taken Indoise a movement for tbe abolish­ Roseburg, Or., Jan. 30. — Because away in limls since it was large ment of capital I'untsbment iu all George Spraeklin’a dog annoyed enough ro trim. In winter small birds states, Goveri or Chamberlain wilt««' Cba-ke Allen’s cow, the owners quar­ New York, Jan. 3'.-The supreme CURES DIVORCE roost about tbe trunk, where it is dry "Where one rn»n wi'h deliberate reled, using rifles at short rang«. court has decided that Rogers need i and protected even In the stormiest premefileted malice takes tbe life of iSpraeklin’s left elbow w is shattered not answer any of the questions pot weather. ’ another he ought to pay the pet ally and be loses tbe arm as a result. Al­ to him by Hadley. with bis own life, in accordance with len whs not injured No arrests have ;e L. T. Harris, of tbr« circuit Justice Gildersleeve said Rogers Three of tbe telephone operators, Mosai* I hw . Its wisdom has been been made. The «Looting occurred need not answer iu view of tbe f«ct has granted a divorce to Etta Mattie Jenkins, Elva Mulkey aud viudlcated in every state where cap­ Friday 15 mile« west of here. >n from Joseph Krewson on the Myrtle Haskell, are ill with typhoid that the courts of Missouri were now ital punihment Is in vogue. Life Im- 1 of cruel and inhuman treat ,fever. passing upon the legality of tbe ac­ I tion of Attorney General Hadley to ' pruo’.ment Is not sufficient to protect She Is also awarded bet costs Chicago, Jan. 31.—Edward Morris ouet tbe Standard Oil from that state. Spencer Clapham, the journalist­ tborrements iu the suit. Chicago, Jan. 31 —The executor« I tbe put lie from murder* rs "1 would exteud capital punishment I was recalled to the witness stand in lecturer who spoke at the university o( the estate cf Marshall Field esti­ assembly, a week «go wt.'l speak again mate the estate to be worth $75,000,- | to highway robbery and burglary in tbe packer»' case this morning and in Villard hall this evening on the 000-$25,030,003 personal a>'d $50,000,- ' rhe night time, because those who testified that he was under the im­ AGED PIONEER Brevities ' commit tbe prime Intend to take life pression when tie talked to Garfield I oolitNal and social conditions of 000 realty. Today they Bled a peti­ that the conversation would be treated New Zealand. tion to have tne will admitted to if neees-ary and refuse to give tbelr confidentially. The court adjourned SUICIDE > victim» any chance for life. ” Tbe funeral of Mr«, E. D. Poole was probaet. at noon, Morris hurrying home to — high school will have a track held this forenoon at tbe residence the bedside of h.'s tbree-year old «on, bis year instead of a ba-e hail Koeehur»,Or., Jar. 90.—Mn. Girts, if her i rcther, J. J Moore, 514 i.- rxrr_r,,r\f who is tbaugbt to be dying. Tbe student body has so voted. lametta MISS ALICE’S a pioneer resident if Mrytie Cre raelf with a SORE THROAT RATE BILL for ten yesie, 1» circulating James Drummond, the Cohnrg mill supreme court this morning con­ lop«. ¿Le lived with her daughter, ns to secure his nomination fn hand who attempted to commit sui i firmed tbe sentence of "Lord” Sey­ who was temporarily absent at the cide by cutting his throat Sunday, is New York, Jan. 1. — Miss Roosevelt mour Barrington aud set March 15 as time. Tbe daughter came home uMbut lor the same office. cnees of typhoid fever exi«t at improving and Is now in no danger. Washington, Jan. 31. —Bartlett, of will go to Washington tbis afternoon tbe date for his execution. A rope noon and found bir mother bagging luie of R. G. Baliieree on East ¡Georgia, was tbe principal speaker on account of a «light sore throat, and knife, believed to be intended to a rafter in the wood-tied. Jn en­ The iuwer front of E. J. Furrier’« enth street, near Aider Mr. new building at Sixth and Willamette i on tbe railroad rate bill for the which necessitated a physk ian’e at­ for suicide, were found in tbe c-ll of feebled mind, as a resn't cf Contin­ Democratic side today. He attacked tendance this morrlng. It 1» not ser­ the brgns Lord tht* mornir g before ued illness and old age, is fpe cause se aud ftiir cf tbe children are streets 1« being put in. tbe decision was told him. • of tbe act. 1. tbe motives of tbe corporations in ious. Glenn E. Benedict, a Lane county trying to block legislation, aud de- is ,e ivy-covered will''«’ at the r ell residence, Ninth and Olive patient, has beeD released from the i flared that sny man or party standing was rburu of its limbs today, ; nisane asylum on a month’s leave of In tbe way of rate legillation would be swept away by tbe people. ly about tbe tenth time. Sev- absence. . krewson MARSHALL FIELD’S ESTATE A marriage license waskaned today [to Wm. Dick and L.Wjy b»rney. ---- Three more caase smsllpcy have been discovered in the city. t hey 1 are at tbe home of Mr. Cole at Last Fifteenth and Mill streets. i _ ____ __ •_ amois Sts. oid Exposure, ket GETTING OUT LOGS WITH A DONKEY EXTEND BOHEMIA the back and throat warm, and ill be little danger of COUgiS, RAILROAD or pneumonia. A. B. Wood, manager of tbe Oregon A Southeastern Rairload, Informed us Monday that be wa* looking for meo, snd was ready to let contracts for ho elk b»l :B cf tn* ,-uerf to the *9- »ton mH* post, aftas whlob all traie» will wry, tx run to th« eno of tbe -Ine whiok ¡ta just about two rutjes from the* , prassi t »towing placa, at th* footj Comrdcn* e th - bridge. Th!» will <"b‘rt»n tbe at»*« I I-. c.‘ tra'rl t*o mile* aart "* baa»/ wag ■« Jost whgt you need In- trasai toree œ'.ee h » tbe trin-e, >«l ks aM parties. the wagòi.a r a» tu i -d - Oii* tel • . the font bsidae — L e Lake’s P'limacy ” JC«‘»Tbs"*r*-b gë- lew ae»d il» ; oat rare*>ed. Càat.beta’ E», wa,s ■ C. L. Williams la down from tbe K»w ri rar country, where be bas just in«l»lled a donkey eugiue with which to f?<* out log« for th* Eugene­ ber Co. Tbe log« are hauled on car* to Hogue and dumped into the tall race in the factory district, than floated down tbe river to the sawmill. When tbe spur from tbe railroad to tbe mill is completed the log* will be hanfoA Hiewwrly m »*■•> -aw» Letter L st Figeus. Jannar 31 Ctawforo, Adwcu. Dotti», ì. i. McFfeMea, r . Ji F. M«ir,ày, Mrs, N. E. Rini »ria, Z»C'’«kie San'sueutB Mrs. j J. ’ U. \ J. !.. P » E, p. X. UR Clearance Sale being over theatten- tion of our whole force is now turned to the opening and marking of new goods which are arriving daily. Every freight and express brings its share to make our Spring Opening the finest ever held in Eugene. This season we are going to have larger nndmorecornpletea^ortment and varieties which tact added to the ? one that we sei! on smaller margins an any store in Lan ■ Co. make this the logical place for you tc trade O SaLiöfa« üor ar Your .’Toney SxA. - _______ ' V I S uj * in Oregon.