» W E E l\ L V EUMENE OREGON ERI HAY JANUARY 26 1906 OL 39 STEAMER Cnly a Few Days More st k VALENCIA WRECK And one of the most successful Annual Sales conducted in Eugene will come to a close, but not without making many new customers, and strengthening the confidence of our new patrons. a C I It z Every One Aboard tht Vessel Reported wo. 4 fra Queen City and Salvor. eent fro>i> \ iotoria yeiterday to rescue tbe pa«- eeugers of the Valencia, hrve re turned, having failed to make connec­ tion*. All hope of saving tbe live« of the passengers is now gone. The returuiug boats say the storm will break the Valencia up in « few hours, the Qoei p taw nothing uf her and met uo lifeboats. The pasaengere were thrown into the water Hud there is no hope of escape, as tbe shore is a precipice, affording uo footnold for iveu a goat. Drowned >n- -‘i Victoria Jan. 24.—The two rescuing steamers which weut from Victoria are staudiug by tbe Valencia ba» it Vessel Struck Rocks in Straights » impossible to reach her or give her aid ou account of a hurricane ai d 1 of Fuca—Bound From heavy seas. Tbe Topeka Is staudiug by but cannot reach her. Cape B»sl« San Francisco to reports that but ttfeeu persons were * saved, six at Cape Heals and nine are Seattle ashore fifteen mile from there. Tomorrow we place on sale 500 pairs of children’s and misses’ fine ribbed hose, a hose that is sold about town for 25c. Our price for a few days only______________________ _______ 15c To close out the odds and ends of cur winter Gloves we offer you our 50c wool golf gloves at the reduced price of_____ O t _ Mocha silk lined Gloves, in black, brown and grey, $1.25 values for ___ ____________________ 00c me ces zoo be A few children’s and misses’ rain coats, with or without capes, to close out at______________ >C St.25 and $1.40 Kimonas, made up in Persian and Japanese effects, satin trimmed, assorted sizes, now selling at--------- >c Kimona and Wrapper materials. Persian patterns, 36 inches wide, reduced to__ OU 1 FiiLU 1 * W dxiU $10.00 AND $12.00 SILK WAISTS Reduced to.____ ____________ ____ ____ ________ A few of those 3-piece suits for boys left that are closing out at _____ . _________ lent -the ntv- iem aet. ar- »2 says that the Valencia la a to.al los» and that everybody on the boat w at­ i drowned, not cue being rescued 1 Ol/z* 1 ■« decided to report in favor of the treaty confirming Cuba's tuletc the Isle of Fines. In the boose the galleries w«re crowded and the member« were neatly ail present in anticipation of the hat­ tie for statehood, over which there ha« long been skirmithltg, which will be fought out ou the door today. Boucle« chicken tamale at the Pal­ ace of Sweets served for 15 senta. riClH r rlCC Every Article in the Store Reduced, $8.00 $6.40 HAMPTON BROS » 2:54 p. m.—A Seattle, Wash., Jan. 24.—The steam- Men’s $10.00 Overcoats reduced to Men’s $8.00 Overcoats reduced to 90 25 35 C OvC Victor:«, Jan. 24, rnsssage just recr-lved from Bamtleld of these »re lost. The steamer wst euronte to Puget Sound from Sa:i Fi acuisco. Contract Goods Excepted. Six Days Grand Pre-Inventory Sale! EUGENE'S LEADING STORi. f? and plied between Colombia river point«, she was on tbe deck being re­ paired at St. Johns. A vieitor threw a lighted match into tbe oil lank, which exploded, killing tbe découd engineer and his Urentao. EAMER Ó DO for the EGULATOR BLOWS UP RATHER PERISH 13c 15c 19 10 25 75 00 ond His Fireman : I Killed incy rúe. or Threw a Lighted Match ntothe Oil Tank, Causing an Explosion-Boat 1 Burns tlsed, Jan. 24.-The Steamer lator, plying ou the Columbia Letaeeu Pcrisnd Hnd The Dal- blew up at St. Johns, eix miles this city, this afternoon at 1:30 Twc men were killed and testnsr is now btirDiDf. Regulator is the property of Regnlat r Steau.ehip Company, ” ¡■SI At] n«i i rl i. ir. 4 untn ft «il lted.1 nty J hs».« o R y t» oui ini IM 3t. M X) J irrwi ed «I d « tbal l«ta old. I. 351 Co. THAN 00 HOME Engineer and We take stock the last day of this month, next Wednesday. Our stock must he reduced several thousand dollars before that time. We would much rather count the money than the goods. In order to turn some of our immense stock of merchandise into money we have planned one of the greatest Six Day Economy Sales ever held in this city. If you need anything in any of the lines we carry, get it < now if __________________ possible, and save half on many articles. . J FEDERAL CASES IN CHICAGO District Attorney Mor­ J Koseburg, Or., Jan. 2’4.—Jeeee L. I Laugley, the 47-year old Martinez ooutraotor, who wa« arrested here Sunday uigbt on the ttalti m which he was accompanying a 14-year-cld girl calling herself Theresa Mayer to Portland, where tbe two were to be married, says be would rather kill Witness Can’t Claim Immunity himself than go nack to California, Unless He Testifies Under Oath if he thought he would hare to serve a term in the penitentiary for Ms sot. in Court - Ruling of the He is now 11 tbe Douglas county jal). awailLg tbe arrival of Sheriff \ eal Judge from California It is not jet known whethe- he will light extradition pro- Chicago, Jan. 24.—In the federal ceedmgs. The cba ge against him is coart this morning District Attorney felony,and »be officers here suppose it Morrison expounded the common law is kidnaping. which provides for immunity for per sons who turn stale’s evidence. Mor­ rison's understanding of the law is that a witness cannot claim immunity unless be testifies under oath In ccurt, and moat claim their constitu­ tional privilge io open coart. The court disagreed with the main polntt _____________ Net» York, n. 24. -'Jan.ral -'lenirai Wheel Wheel- ­ . er is weaker today, bat there la stiill of Morrison's plea. rison’s Theory oí Im­ To Begin With, We Will Sell You Friday and Saturday, January 26 and 27, Two Days Only, munity Lsw Any Man’s .^uiL in the Store for $8.85 This includes all suits from $10 to $27.50. Absolutely every suit goes at this price. If you have been here looking for a suit recently, and seen one that you want, no matter what the original price C Q O C was, you can buy it Friday and Saturday for only.. M are ruinad and 15, OX •tn are '"tog C’ r.stdaro*!. the dr -lítate. « Fr-foo t «« a «tsoat A-i«g ’ioL so-1 ly l’a» prnsfW’la of gs‘- wprw vnton Ifiw Passdsn-i eo tin i»liAV thrsa i Boys’ 2-Piece Suits. At? Half Price. $1.88 -»fl«* 3.00 3.73 6.00 Bed Spreads for Bed Spreads Bed Spreads Bed Spread* for Bed Spreads for 90c $1.10 1.50 I Ô0 3.19 Hosiery and Underwear. 25c woo! Hose, al! sizes, pair 30c Fleece lined pants ABsw !H e rf?» 4,r„.„ Domestic« Reduced 16c Cut it irr.e’. urti 7-,, JO !?. POSITIVELY EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE RADICALLY REDUCED. Mail and Phorc Orders Ptomptly and Carefully Fined. -------- £ jgcnc'i F'X ah J Best Store. F ? Ccy<’. Crouds Only. SaiU.kfarnor o Y» mi Mowwy B?.1. J