Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, January 19, 1906, Image 1

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1906 Embroideries 1906
The Best Assortment Ever Shown on a
Eugene Counter.
5c to $2.00.
factory, so come to our store at any time and you will find an Em-
broidery sale in full sway.
10 and 12-inch Embroidery now selling at.............................................................. 1 lc
12 and 16-inch Embroidery now selling at.........................................
Big reductions on all ready made garments, ladies’ suits, men’s and
boys’ suits, shirtwaists and skirts.
ie nl
ers c
of th
lar tl
a n «I
I tea«
r buJ
r’e "
i bard
id t)
rgencies, in ease tbe water is shut
[for awhile, so tnat patrons will
m be supplied.
Tbe pumping
Ion will be moved to the power
>e and in tire or six weeks ajull
lay setvice will be begun. Eveul-
y tbe Corvallis plant will be sup-
J with power and light from Al-
|, one power tor tbe two citiee.
of the greatest moves|wiii be tne
ding of an eleetric line through
valley, already begun at Salem
J high school brass baud has
I rco gsntzeJ ami will practice at
icbool boilm,g twi<*ea week dur-
y« rvtBalnritr of the aclim 1 jear.
le Ruth la president cf the band
Mr. lii'turj has tern eecnred as
For. I here is some god must-
pwterlel among tbe students and
bind promises to be better than
I this year.
i about 24 hours, but is again able to
I go to work.
New York, Jan. 16. —Field died at
Ira Hyland made a visit to Eugene 1:08 tbia afternoon.
last week.
Tbe Hills Bros.’ C camp
. is
’ expected
— -* J
to move from the Willamette to Win-
berry creek in tbe nest future.
R. L. Griffin went to EugeDe Sun-
Sam Rbiuevault bas purchased I tbe
Annapolis. Jan. 17.—Tbe navy de-
Kintzley place aud it moving his • partment today approved the sen­
household goods at tbia writing.
tences of tbe dismissal of Midship-
_ , _
i.u . k-iw men Foster and Marznol. convicted of
Earl Pryor is quite 111 with typhoid
----------- - -
ewland’s January Specials!
hree Great Specials
10 Bars Laundry Soap 25c.
Versailles Jan. 17.—Fallieres bas
been elected president of France.
I Lace Curtains.
¡»'n pretty design, regular $1.25 cur-
gas, three yards long.
We are now selling quantities of soap.
It is probably the greatest value ever
placed on sale in this town.
Try it. Ten bars for-....... wJv
Rtt quslity, 50 inches
? 15
Fde Sale price, pair $ 1 »«J J
8J Aoality, 3'a yards long.'regular
p-”:......... .
P»t 25 pairs, odd makes, including
and misses' corset waists, aa-
Ffiel sizes, valsea up to $2
r T. sell them out st............... t OC
f ••tin Girdle, colors, pink, 4 ft—
F,e «nd white, on ssle at..
Dpler.did corset with hose supporters
F^c-.ed. extension hip,
£. f\ —
P*»' nlaa, pair........ .......... O TjC
1* kid (loves, blacks, browns and as­
sorted tans, sizesfttgand 7S,
ftoice of the lot, pair...........
4 C—
Q e-
Kirks Toilet Soap.
Witch Hazel, 1
Oat Meal,
Elder Flower,
Per cake_4^6|^^
Turkish Bath. J
Tremendous Cuts in Everything, Nothing Escapes.
I January Clearance Sale Specials
Great Sa’e Lutes’ Suits and Coats.
We want to make a
sweep of all this season’s
ready-made garments. We -ant to show you a fresh,
cleen up-to-date stock of stylis,. garments next Fall,
hence these prices.
Women’s Suits.
$10.00 Suits
$12.00 Suits
$15.00 Suits
$24.00 Suits
$30.00 Suits.
$15.00 Shower proof Coats, special
women’s Jackets, Bishop sleeves,
$12.50 to $20 coats, special, for
20 Pounds of RJce for $ 1.
We will place on sale a lot of Catolina
rice, a good quality and worth C —
more than our price, per lb.
25c Coffee for 19c.
We have added to our fine lire of coffees
which is s 25c quality, and sold by
dealers for 25c the pound. This coffee
we sre selling regularly at 1 ft —
20c. Friday and Sat. price 1
Good oranges F riday and Satur- 1 Xr
day per dosen ................... $
Clearance Sale on Knit Soods and Silk
and Satin Petticoats.
All of these were extra values, but we would sooner
sell them at a little less than invoice them at stock
time, February 1st.
25c knit hoods and fascinators..........................
50c knit hoods and fascinatore..........................
75c knit hoods and fascinators................ _.......
81.00 knit hoods and fascinators......................
$1.25 knit hoods and fascinators.....................
ILW shawls and fascinators........................... S |
00 sea wool shawls.................
_ J
?9.'in «... ,rfd an,j blsck silk skirts, special.— (
75c black Mercerized sateen underskirts........
«1.00 sateen pwicoats.
$1.50 sateen petticoats.
$2.00 sateen pet icoats.
•3.00 sateen petticoats.
I 9c
I 9
Swart C/oi/tes ( Overcoats and Men’s Suits
at Manufacturers Prices
An enormous stock ol high grade clothing and over­
coals for men, boys, and children is being unmercifully
sacrificed by us to reduce stock and make room for the
best line of Spring clothing ever .brought to the county.
Get competitors’ best price, then come and get ours.
Compare values and you’ll buy.
.uiuu'e M. Logaa baa begun in It In
the circuit court for a divorce frcm
Lysander S. Logan. The couple were
married at ?rioevilla, Oregon, Jan­
uary 1, 188-1 and bare two children,
Otis, aged 22 tears, and Vanda, aged
18 year*. Mrs. Logan alleged that her
husband deserts I her in tbia city Oc­
tober 15, 1803. ■'■Portland Journal.
Th» Logan family formerly lived In
Eugene and b*e many friends bare.
Mr. Logan la «wealthy stock raiser,
bis herds being h Crook county.
Friday and Saturday Specials, January 19 and 20.
F8 Corset Values.
an oc
_ _ _ _ _ — FALLIERES PRESI-
ren t«
• 'C
it tall I
n. •
a no«1
tball I
]g M
UDity, Jan. 17.—Arthur Edwards,
who has been in Portland tor the
¡last year, w is up last week visiting
! with his parents, K. C. Edwards and
wife. He was accompanied by Berta
aud Cary Edwards.
They all bold
positions as street car conductors.
K. L Edwards, while working in |
New York,
16.— Fifteen phye-
tbe logging camp of K. C. Edwards |
ciane issued a Fieia bulletin
last week bad quite a shakeup. He morning saying : “Con<A»iou 8
and Lee Matteson were falling tim- ; worse this morning, with of
ber. Tbey tell a tree about three fest some extension of the disease.
in diameter and when it started to
cobditon, while critical, is not hope­
fall Lee ran back a short distance
less. ”
wmle K. L. stepp'd back on a saw log
that lay just above tbe tree. When
New York, Jan. 16.—At one o’clock
tbe trea fell it struck the end of the
log that be was standing on, throw­ tbia afternoon the physicians gave out
“Field has grown
ing him about twelve feet In tbe air. tbe fallowing:
I Failing back he s'ruck tie sawlog ( worse this morning, aud his condition
i with his bead. He was unconscious j is very grave. ”
gonians, headed by Governor Cham­
berlain, left this morning for Pal.
Hurled His Famous Pitchfork at Alto, where they were received by the
students uf Stanf.-rd University and People Will Celebrate Anniversary
Roosevelt and Used Terrible
escorted to Stanford.
of Red Sunday and Officials
Chamberlain delivered an address on
Storm of Persona’
tbe “Ideal in Public Life," in tbe
Will Declare Stale of
course of which he referred feeliugly
to tbe condemns!ion '•f a senator aud
congressman from his own state for
Washington,Jan. 17.—Tillman occu­ alleged treachery to tbe people they
St. Petersburg, Jan. 16.—At Auiza
pied much of today'« session «itb a served,
home« were bombarded by artillery
denunciation of what he characterizes
and tbe village la practically de­
. a« the execHtive'a encroachment upon
stroyed. All Letta tied Immediately
tbe right« of tbe pre««, and presented
and a number were captured and ex­
- pec i tic instances of new« suppression |
ecuted by tbe soldiers.
and tbe ejection of a correspondent
It is reported from Vladivostok that
from the White House.
He burled
all prieona have been destroyed and
his fatuous pitchfork, whetted to
tbe prisoners released.
enarpness aud dipped in venom,at tbe
A dispatch from tbe Baltic prov­
president. He repeatedly denounced
inces says that a detachment of dra­
tbe official conduct ana used such a
goons are surrounded at tbe island of
storm of personal invective as tbe
Eael by tbe Letts.
senate bas not heard in years.
TLe assassination of General Lee-
He said the president long knew
Chicago, Jan. 17. - After six months
aowski at Panza Is confirmed and at
i tbe value of a • press agent, and refer- .delay KUV
bearing -f L preliminary
> V I I UJ i U « » J
Irkutsk tbe assistant chief of police
red to tbs bishop of tbe canal and to | pleas in tbe ca^es of tbe packers ao-
I Koosevelt's march up San Juau hill, loused of conspiracy in tbe restraint •m killed. An attempt to kill tbe
“which,” declared
speaker, 1 of trade, began this morning, Judge vice governor tailed. Two hundred
socialists have been arrested.
“Koosevelt never mounted.’’
He Humphreys presiding. Twenty of tbe
, moved that a committee be appointed abrewdest lawyers iu tbe country are
to investigate the ejection of Mrs. engaged. Tbe issue of the trial is
St. Petersburg, Jan. 17. —Newspa­
I Morris.
merely to determine whether the
Tillman declared that the presi- constitutional rights of ♦he packers per advices say tbe attitude uf the
dent’s policy'cward the South Amer- were violated by Garfield when be soldiers in Manchuria is constantly
lean republics wse that
big po
»k-* of
-• - a ki-
-- ­ forced them to produce records fur growing worse and is more threaten
tng. Tbe gravest oonssqnenoes are
liceman saying,
“We are your big examination by tbe department.
feated. Cbinere activity in Mongolia
brother; pay these claims or we will
is endangering
I whip you and make you pay them.”
there. It bas been decided to static»
troops along the frontier to quiet the
dissatisfied Chinese and restore tbs
czar’s prestige.
It is understood a
state nf siege will be declared on Sun­
day and Monday in anticipation of
Washington,JaD. 17.—Hltchoock to­
trouble when the people plan to cele­
day notified Senatur Gearln that he
brate the Hrst anuiverrary of "Bed
Grant’s Pass, Jan. 17.—Young Jas­ would open all Oregon land entries
Sunday. ’’
per Jennin^i was today found guilty to petsnt excepting those in which
of tbe murder of hie falter by tbe there are contests or other suspicion
jury after a abort deliberation. Hie or proof of fraud. The actiou taken
C F. Littlefield his just installed a
mother attempted to oomfort the eon places OregoD on the same luotlog as Hue new peanut roaater In bis cigar
who had attempted to fasten tbe other states iu laud matters.
Taking the unkind feel­
ings that generally arise at these sales, they are not altogether satis­
i g oil
HB. Ml
tic, I
is, K1
>e, H
mite. -
ery Sale, but have marked our stock very low, in fact, lower than you
ns new light company is now in
charge of tbe Albany plant, says
Democrat. One of tbe first more-
|te will be a Alter, then a resenoir
! be erected at tbe Elkins fa?'. for
It is our intention at present not to have the regular January Embroid-
Unity Items
Corset cover embroideries, embroideries for underwear, beading and insertion to
match, embroidery trimmings, medalions and bands, all-over embroideries for
waists and suits, extra wide embroideries for flouncing and our prices are the
crime on her, »nd Lis brothers aud
little sister also spoke words of cheer.
The young criminal still proclaims
bis innocence and will ask for a uew
"be trial of Dora Jennings, jointly
indicted with ber brother, commences
torrorrow aud tbe prosecution claims
tbe evidence will also zonvlct her.
Claims That Executive GOVERNOR TALKS
Situation in Manchuria
Encroacheson Rights
Constantly Grows
oí Press
San Fraeclacj, Jan. 17.—Tbe Ore­
No matter what you may have in mind regarding a dainty, effective pattern of
Embroidery, we can supply the demand, for we never had such a beau­
tiful array ; the Embroidery Department is resplendant with the
most exquisite and charming conceptions.
can buy at stores conducting special sales.
No. a
$27.50 suits - $16.50
$22.50 suits - $15.75
$20.00 suits - $13.95
- $10.00
«10.00 suits -
Good Goods Only
Send Us Your Mail Order».
S*ti»ia<'tion Guaranteed.
Men’s blue flannel shirts Q O—
«1.50 value............... jOC
Men’s corduroy pants, Ci QC
$2.25 value...............
Men’s «3.00 hats........ — $1.45
Suit cases and grips at cost.
We Sell the Best $10
Suit, in Oregon
for Men.