F V EUGENE W »- I 1 M ÍMINNEAP Of THE MANY THAT ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF OLIS HOTEL OUR ANNUAL SALL RTICLES found in our advertisement are honestly reduced. No fake schemes employed in older to realize a large profit from our customers. A on Scaling Ladder Caught a Woman Who Jumped Commencing tomorrow we will make a special effort to reduce our large stock of dress goods before the arrival of our new spring stock; 65c and 50c A all wool suitings, consisting of wool Plaids, Panama’s, Mohairs and mixed Weaves. Reduced to........................................................... ’ w I From Filth Story—Both Fell I $1.75 Tatties’ $9 00 Black Prandesie Waists nt be. he e also have a < ar of salt to sell a* sduetiuo, Liverpool, Liverpool I, Diamond special, dairy, md, stock, Liverpool lump. MOON' & TINGLEY. Here’s Good News! San Francisco. Jan. 10 —President A. W. TborntoD, of the Fire Under­ writers’ Association of the PaciHc coast, which Is holding its thirteenth annual convention in this city, iu bis annuel report recommends that tbe New York, Jan. 10. —William M. ’ national government have exclusive Rockefeller was on ths stand this , control of lire companies. Election morning. He is of a retiirug dlsposl-1 of officers will be held late this after ttoo. This Is bis first public appear­ uoon and a bamiuot at tbe St. Fran­ ance. Tbe inquiry adjourned this cis Hotel this evening. morning until this afternoon to per­ mit Hadley to attend the bearing of Phone Across Mountains Rogers In the supreme court. Ablany, Or., Jan. 9.—A new tele­ in tbe supreme court today the Standard Oil lawyers fought to scenr.* phone line from the central part of a delay. They wanted two weeks, but Eastern Oregon is to be built io the Halley won. The argument must toe early spring to connect with the Wil­ lamette valley system of the Pacific heard Friday. States Company at this place. Tbe liDe will be built frqni Prineville di­ rectly west to tbe Cascade mountains, crossing over tbe mountains to Cas- oadia, where it sill connect with the line now running to that point from Albany. Portland,Jan. 10.—The eleventh an­ nual exhibition of the State Pooltry tasociation opened here this morning with a large attendance and full ex­ hibition. A selling event that a little money go a long •»y. Dollar values at four bit *ces. COME. See our bargain table. ■'haft in tbe basement, caused by crossed wires, and swept rapidly up­ ward. The hotel Is practically ra­ ined. The dead are Captain Berwlij, Ma­ bel Larson, A. G. , Nichol, C. H. Wright, of New Y’ork, W. E Magtier, FORMATION HOG RENE 1Y B MOUSt WANTS IN e ClFIlPr'll vldl forest reserve in Southwestern Ore- _____ goo, in the Rogue River country. Fnl- ton has rtquested that action be de- Dtsir'S to Kno* ¡1 Criminal Proi- ferred until th« residents of the re­ gion can be beard, as there is strung ecution Against Certain Indi opposition. viduals and Corporations The senator received a telegram from the management of tbe Regulat- [ Has Commenced or steamship line stating ttiat because of low water traffla on the upper Co­ lumbia Is practically suspeuded on ac­ Washington, Jan. 10.- The Louse count of several rocks in tbe chancel ' committee on judiciary by a unan­ tbat obettuct navigation. He took imous vote today authorized a favora­ the matter up with tbe chief engi­ ble report on tbe resolution calling neers, who today appropriated $1000 upto tbe attorney general for a leeort for tbe removal of obstructions. hs to whether or uot criminal prose­ RAILROAD AKMED FORCE Portland, Jan. 10 —Thia afternoon Chief of Police Gritzmacher received a telephone call for police Resistance from Maegley s'atioii.tbe soeue of last night's tight between the Harriman- Hill railroad forces. Two hundred armed man are reported on the s^eue. PRESIDENT IG ÑORES SENATORS ' svitai, cutions have been begun as tbe result of the Northern Securities cate decis­ ion declaring certain individuals] and eorp?ratinne to be combinations in i restraint of trade. CASSIE CHAD WICK CASE » Cincinnati, Jan. 10. —Tbe United States court of appeala tbla morning refused Cassie Chadwick a rclieaiiug. Douglas Tax Levy Roseburg, Dr., Jan. 9.—The county court, which Is in session here, fixed Washington, Jan. ¡0.—Henry L. tbe levy for the couDty Saturday at 20 Stimson, a member of Ellb'i Root’s mills, on a valuation of $6,577,924. law Arm, was nominated today for Tbe levy la five mills less than that United Sthtes district attorney of I of last year. vear. This . is ___ mainly . due to New York. Under the fee system It tbe fact that Assessor Staley Increased is worth $6u,00‘J a »ear. Neither Platt I the valuation of property in tbe coun- nor Depew endorsed the appointment, ty $6*26,453. i*e»L< WbL' Tomorrow, Friday and Saturday » 3 Days Only Portland, Jan. 10. -Tbe State Hor­ ticultural Solcety this afternoon re­ elected tbe present offlesrsfor the en- ,ning year. J. L. Carter. Hood Riv­ er, was awarded the sweepstakes, tbe commercial prize cup. B. B. Tucker, Hood River, was second. PRESIDENT HAR­ PER IS DEAD tCÄ Chicago. 10. -Dr. Billings Is­ sue a bulletin a*, noon today saylag tbat Dr. Harper, presideot of tbe University of Chicago, conid nut llve to tbe end of tbla week. He Is very low and bas not beau oui of bed for several daye. A game of basketball will be played In tbe armory Saturday evening be­ tween members of tbe Multnomah Athletic Club who are attending tbe university and other studen t, Tbe game promises to be an interesting one. Quality in Drugs This store caters to people who ap­ preciate blgb quality in drugs and drug »tore ssrvioc. Our prices are always as reasooabis as possible, co.i- i ■ latent with cbe kind of goods and service furnished. Holl's Red C'roea Drug Store. Villard ball nest Friday Arthur Frazer Floranos A. Roach Joyee BrowDsll-Hopklna CbioMo, Jan. 10,-Or. Harper died Fret apostrophe 'bnsaes from at 2:30 thia afternoon. points of Willamette street. Admission 50 cents. I Steam cleaning and pressing d»oe Hazelwood chili I concerne tastes right at (CltyJ Dye Works, Weet Eighth street, next door to Eugene like •ore-try It. Tan cáete a dfsb Friday. Leu dry. V f; We hold our annual three-day, two-price, stock reducing clothing sale in conjunction with our regular JanLiary Clearance Sale. Those who have not already bought clothing are indeed to be congratulated, for Thursday, Friday and Saturday clothing can be bought for less than the manufacturer’s cost, and in many cases less than the cost of the material. Every Suit and Overcoat, in the House Goes at Either One of These Two Pric’s: BASKETBALL AT THE ARMORY ----- k food news to the pocket Minneapolis, Jan. 10. —At laast ten persons lost their Ilves tn a big Hre which gutted the Hotel West this morning and over a dozen are miss- lug. At tbe time of tbe Hre there were hundreds of guests in tbe build­ ing. Many jumped from the upper, windows on all sides and many to their death Captain John Betwin, fireman, was killed while trying to eave Mabel (.arson, who jumped from tbe fifth floor into bis arms, which overbal­ anced him on tbe ectliug ladder aud precipitated both to tbeir death in the street below. Judge Atwater, tbe oldest lawyer in the state, was res­ cued by a male mrse. who carried biru five floor a through dense smoke and water. William Davideou, tbe American consul in Manchuria, was overcome by empire and bis condition la serious He may uot recover. W. G. Nichol, a broker of this city, jumped from tbe fifth floor and was killed. The ^ire started in tbe elevator GATION * Great January Mark Down Sale ULiltleullucU I MALES ONLY 10c FRIDAY ONLY STATE SOCIETY or Friday only tbe Ha?elwooi will MEETINGS bot tamalee cf tbeir own manu- are at 10 rente apiece. AllUu., tun has received notice from Forester. Pinchot that the forest survey couten- plates the early location of a new Death Fireman Ladies’ *3.50 White Oxford Waists reduced to........................................... DuiulU, baby, its mother aud grandmother aud an unidentified man. Cuusui Davidscn and a brother of Magner are dying. Tweuty who were injured are in tbe various hospitals. WASHINGTON Many Persons Killed NORTHWEST NEWS Committee Asks (ar Re- and Burned to Waebingtou, Jan. 10. —Senator Fol- port From Attorney­ This Month Speaks Well of Oar Effoits to Please. tv * It. M LI 1 EUGENE OREGON FRIDAY JANUARY 12 1'6 39 •o fl t "UP $1650 to $2750 Suits and Overcoats.................. $8.00 to $1450 Suits and Overcoats....................... $ 14.85 $7.05 Th^e Prices Are Positively Good But Three Days Sale Closes Saturday Night at : MAIL ORDERS FILLED AT SALE PRICES Í Good Goods Only. SatUslacbion or Your Money Back. Sollar of the Best $10.00 Suit, In Oregon ty I a i of I