try " wars He wheeled around to bl* desk and "But she didn’t seem vexed with then suddenly back again youT’ "By the way," be said, "I saw the “Ob, no. sir; she gave me a brooch, A Mystery new maid. I can't say I wholly ap- as I told you.” Of Two "I fear I can’t promise you any­ prove of her.’’ He paused a minute, weighing h!» thing," said Mr Royce slowly, after a Continents moment’s thought. “Of course It's Fords. -------- R--------- "She seems careful and devoted," be none of my business, for Miss Holladay Br must arrange her household to suit went on at last, "but I dou't like her — BURTON E. O one who has been away from One of the World’s F¡ herself; yet, if you don’t get batk with eyes. They're too intense. I caught the United States for a term ot STEVENSON your old mistress I may perhaps be her two or three times watching me mous Women As­ years the Christmas holidays able to find you a position somewhere strangely. I can't Imagine where Miss Copyright. 1903. by there seem like a feverish rush, tronomers. else. Suppose you come back lu three Holladay picked her up. or why she Henry Holl and Company or fonr days, and I'll see what I can should have picked her up at all. She’s ami the simple pleasures Indulged lu do.” French, of course.. She speaks with a I during the nine days of posadas in I Three women have been noted a» a “All right, sir, an 1 thanh you,” rhe decided accent. About the money, I Mexico are returned to with a certain tronomers. They are Caroline R. suppose we'd better sell a block of measure of relief. They tiled out after him, and I beard , and more than once I carefully re­ said, and left the office. •cbel, English: Maria Mitchell, A posadu is an inn, and the idea per­ them go singiug up the street. Then viewed its features to convince my- I had .¡i. .x.k ( my own t - ,.-er| V. I’, bonds. They're the least produc­ lean, and Mr*. Willlamina pap,, vading these festivities is that story. . 1 sank back into my chair and thought ' self anew that our theory was the me busy that nig 1 a t. so devoted no tive of her securities." know n to all the world, of Caesar Au­ Fleming, the lady at present in again of Godfrey's theory. It se me right one. Only one point occurred to thought to Frances Holladay aud tier “Yes. I suppose so,” agreed Mr. to tit the case precisely, point by point me which would tend to prove It un- affair*, but they were recalled to u-r I Royee, aud the chief called up a broker gustus. who, in the height of his pow- i of the star photographing departmd er. wished to know the number of peo­ at Harvard university. Mrs, FlemJ —even- and 1 started at the thought— true — If there was an illegitimate with renewed force next morning. and gave the necessary orders. Then to Miss Holladay's reticence's* to her daughter, the blow »he hud dealt her “Did you get Miss Holladay's sig ; he turned to other work, and the day ple who bowed beneath his scepter. was born and educate,! In Dund.J In order to determine the fact he de­ Scotland, but came to Awe - whereabouts the afternoon before. The father had also deprived her of what­ nature to that conveyance?" Mr. Gra­ wb >le mystery lay pluln before me. In ever Income he had allowed her or afternoon, a small packet neatly sealed and bad found her away from h lim­ might explain this away. And then called at tlie bouse last night, but sbe | and docketed — 100 thousand dollar the different parts of bis world. The it was probable, even, that the half again Miss Holladay could probably sent down word that she was too ill | diet commanded that every person, slater bad written her. asking her to be counted upon, her first grief past, to see me or to transact any buslnesa.” , bills. Mr. Graham turned it over lu rich or poor, weak or strong, should go Lis hand thoughtfully. 'con.e—though, in that case, why bad I to provide suitably for her sister. "Nothing serious, 1 hope'?’ asked the | "Y’ou’ll take It to the house, of course, to the place of his birth or to tlie orig­ she not remain 1 at home t> receive , I Granting this, the theory seemed to me inal place of his fumlly to have bis or o'her quickly. John,” he said to his partner. "Les­ her uarne inscribed iu the Roman regis­ her? At any r." ■ Miss Holladay bad I quite impregnable. I "No, sir. I think not. Just a trace ter 'd better go with you." »waited her ft ”ti, bad uot.n-d her One other thing puzzled me—how So Mr. Royce placed the package in try- .agi ation; in-'. p -rhaps, even keen cer- bad this woman eluded the police? I Of nervousness, ¡q-obably.” Joseph and Mary, who were both of But when h* called again at the his pocket, a cab was summoned, and "tnln marks of blood ii|*m her. Tlie knew that the Freu- b quarter bad been the royal house of David, went to the news of her father's death had pointed ransacked for traces of her. wholi. house that evening lie received a sim­ we were off. The trip was made with­ town of Bethlehem. They found it so ilar message, supplemented with the out incident, aud at the end' of half nil too clearly to what that agitation | full of people on the same mission that aud those bio „1 sp its meant. She had | without success, and yet I felt that news inqiarted by the butler, a servant nu hour we drew up before the Holla­ they wandered about the town for nine the search must have been tniscon of many years' stamping in the family, day mansion. remalue.l silent that she might not be- ■ days seeking shelter. Ou the ninth day ducted, else some trace of her would It was one of the old style brown they were allowed to stay In tlie stable smirch her father's name, and also, . surely have lieen discovered. Miss Hol­ that Miss Holladay bad suddenly de­ I cided to leave th,- city and open Uer stone fronts which lined both sides iH-rhaps. that she might protect the , of a posada. and there tlie Nino Santo, otln r woman. I felt that 1 held In my laday, of course, rigidly refused her coiiuily place on Long Island. • It wa* it the avenue twenty years ago. It or Holy Child, was born. The posadas ■elf to all inquirers, aud here again . ouly the end of March, aud so a full was no longer in the ultra fashionable are held for nine evenings iu commem- j hand the key to the whole problem. ’ Point by point but what h snarl It found myself ou the horns of a dilem­ two mouths aud more ahead of th- quarter, which bad moved up toward oration of those weary days. war! 'licit there would l-e. a vigorous ma Doubtless she was very far fror.: season. But ¡¿.lie was feeling vary ill. ■ - ntral park, and shops of various Of course there are miserable home« ! search for the other woman I could wishing tlie discovery of the gull ’ was not able to leave her room, indeed, kinds were beginning to encroach upon where no sign of a posada Is held, but ' woman, and yet I telt that she mu-1 q,-t doubt, but rhe bad a long start aud i aud believed the fresh air and quiet i '. e neighborhood, but it had been III- Mexicans, rich and poor, arc generous. ' should easily escape. Yet perblip* slit be discovered, if only for Miss Holla­ of the country would do more than ;mi Holladay’s home for forty years, No matter how dirty and ragged, every day's sake, in order to clear away the anything else to restore her shattered aud he had never been willing to part one is welcome in the churches, beautl had uot started. Rhe must have re­ I MRS. W. P. FLEMING. mained In town, else how could that last vestige of the cloud that sliau- nerves. So the whole household, with with It. At this moment all the blinds fully decorated, and at the nightly po owed her. 'iiote have been «ent tn ns? Rhe bad re tlie exception of her maid, a cook, v re down and the house had a de- sadas held in them, though there the t* mathematics, however, aud in bfl Then caine new developments with n house girl aud underbutler, were to nialned. then-but why? That sb, rted look. We mounted the steps to penatas are omitted, as the celebra- , was appointed to the observatory »tai should feel any affection for Frances startling rapidity. It was toward quit leave the city uext day lu order to get tr.e door, which was opened at once to tlons are entirely of a religious nature, j at Harvard. There sbe has been evJ /Holladay seemed ab-urd, aud yet bow ting time one afternoon that a clerk the country bouse ready at once. o ir ring by a woman whom I knew To tlie children the penatas are verj - •Ince. brought word into the inner office that «•Ise explain the note? "1 don't wonder she needs a little instinctively to be the new maid, Important features of the season. They I Caroline Herschel aud Maria Mltcbe I felt that I was getting tangled up there was a woman without who toning up," remarked our chief ly'ni- though she looked much less like a were star gazers, sweeping the nigq In the snarl again. There seemed no wished to sec Mr. Royce at once. Rhe patbetically. “She has gone through ma ,1 than like an elderly working wo­ sky with the telescope. Mrs. Fleminl I had given no name, but our junior, limit to Its Intricacies; so. In very de a nerve trying ordeal, especially for man of the middle class. is an expert in star photography, who happened to be nt leisure for th- nt girl reared as she has been. Two ' “We've brought the money Miss Hol­ «pair, 1 put the matter from me branch of astronomy uukudwu in tu moment, directed that she be shown in. or three months of quiet will do her ' laday asked Mr. Graham for yester­ completely as I eould nud went days of Caroline Herschel. It is not 1 recognized her in an Instant, and s-> I good. When does she expect to leave?” day," said Mr. Royce. "I'm John possible to photograph stars through di-l he—it was Miss Holladay's maid. * • so “In about a week, I think. The time Royce, his partner.” And without an­ telescope that, of course, enlarges then I saw, too, that her eyes were reo hasn't been definitely set. It will de­ swering the woman motioned us In. The morning's Record attested thf and brings them within range of tiJ truth of Ranklu's prophecy, I had with weeping, and as she sat down pend upon bow the arrangements go "Of course we must have a receipt for astronomer's vision. Many a tlm| tieside our Junior's desk she began tu It. ” he added. "I have It ready here, forward. It won ’ t be necessary, will grown famous in a night, for Godfrey | stars invisible to the naked eye bad cry afresh. and sbe need only attach her sigua- It, to bother her with any details of had in a measure made me responsible thus been discovered. Mrs. Fleminl "Why, what ’ s the matter?" he de ­ business? That conveyance, for in tiire.” for bls theory, describing me with a aud her assistants examine star pbotl manded. "Nothing wrong with you.' "Miss Holladay Is too 111 to see you, ■wealth of adjectives which I blush to stance"— graphic plates aud find aud locate Ul remember and which 1 have even yet mistress?” “Can wait till she gets back. No, we sir,” said the maid, with careful enun­ known dwellers in the firmament. “ She tln't my mistress any more," ciation. "I will myself tlie paper take not quite forgiven hhu. 1 smiled as I won't bother her at all.” 1 Mrs. Fleming has discovered mon sobbed the girl. "She discharged m<- to her and get her signature. ” read the first Hues But It seemed that sbe bad either Im­ than 100 new stars. Eight of tiiei this afternoou.” Mr. Royee hesitated a moment in proved or changed her mind, for two A Record representative h.-ul the pleas­ have belonged to the class known a "Discharged you!" echoed our Junior. days ure yesterday evenins ot dining with Mr. | later a note, which her maid had perplexity. As for me. I was ransack­ variable stars—those that sm'-' ■ ■ Warwick Lester, the brilliant young at-1 “Why, I thought she thought so much ing my memory. Where had I heard written tor her, came to Mr. Graham ■torney who achieved sux h a remarkable ; of you?" pear nt points where none "<••> l-ewtj that voice before? Somewhere, I was victory before Coroner Goldberg yester-I asking him to call upon her in the grow brighter and brighter for Mm] “And so did I. sir. but she discharge,! course of the next twenty-four boms, certain—a voice low. vibrant, re­ day afternoon In the hearing of the Hol-[ then wane and finally disappear uii me just tlie same. ” pressed. full of color. Then, with a luday case, und. of cour.-.e. took occasion as she wished to talk over some mat ­ tlie darkness whence they emerged to discuss with hl-n the latest develop-' "But wliat for?” persisted tlie other. ters of business with him. It struck start, 1 remer-.ber.T. It was Mis* Hol­ insnts of tins *str*ordin*n ertto* M■ . Eleven such strange stars have bed "That's judt what I don't know, *!: laday's voice as she had risen to wel ­ me as singular that sbe should ask for Lester agreed w...» the Let ord In a the- noted since 1848. The last one I begged and prayed her to tell me. but come our Ju >r that morning at the or; wl Ich Is th- < ly one that-fits the Mr. Graham, but our senior called a coroner's co'.: •t. I shook myself to- that found by Mrs. Fleming in Al fa t < of the case and completely and *ut- slit- wouldn't even see me. So I cam­ 1 cab and started off at once without 1»?<- torily explain* ail It* ruiiutlcatlon*. - down here. I thought maybe you could gust. She makes a special study of til gether, for tl t w.:s nonsense, comment. Au hour later the door *pen- photographic plates made at Cam I-r d« “t fear that won't da" said Mr loe theory whs thru developed at help me.” "Well, let me hear about It Just as It ed aud be eutered the office with a Royce at 1: st. "The sqm is a cousid- and at Are pi pa, Peru, xreut kugih, witnessed a strange sign THE BABB IS PLACED IN THE MASOEIt. but his uuxi -ty him without speaking, doubt that she would soon I m - found, her nearly eight years, and for her to It was a slender, refined, well dres.-d I "Very well, si,-.” she said. "But I ■luce she bad tempted l’rovldeno* by go and treat mo like this- why. It Just was plain enough. •varn you she I i most tie w -us, and It represent moil, women, goats and oth­ young woman making her way soul breaks my heart, sir! I dressed he. "To think that a girl us level lleude I has been foi'. i, liien her to talk.” reuiuluiug in town. er animals, beautiful dowers. Immense toward the Battery with a stalwal ■ She will ii >t I -• calle,1 upon fl talk.” chrysanthemums, giant roses and p-- >- young man chained to her wrist ad Mr. Graham und Mr. Royce were this afternoon about 2 o'clock, an as Frances Holladay has always been she was as nice to mo as ever guv- should suddenly develop such whimsi ­ retorted Mr I.'.r.-•<• enrtly. and with- u;es, lovely dahlias, innvs. monks in full two other e,,u illy stalwart young mil looking thr<> igb tin- Record article th e womr.u turned and costume and graceful musical instru­ who were han ¡cuffed together, wallna When 1 reached the office, and I ex-. me a little brooch, sir, that she was calities. Yet 1 couldn't but admire her o' t answer the stair and to her ments. Each figure contains an empty quietly along with her. plained to them bow the alleged inter­ tired of. Then she went out for a grasp of things. Here have I been l,d the wa, view bail been secured. They laughed drive, and al-out nn hour ago cam, thinking she didn't know anything mistress' r m. The young w inian was Miss Edit Jar or penata of p -ttery. which is Miss Holl itav was lying hack In a den by the decorations or cos umes of King, a girl belonging l > the staff ofl together In appreciation of Godfrey's back. 1 went right up to her room to about her business ami didn't care, I- .; undress her. and when 1 knocked, sir she seems to have kept her eyes ope 1. ” t chair wldi n bandage uliov.t her audacious enterprise. Philadelphia detective agency, ij "Mell?" asked Mr. Royce as the oth Lead, and even in the half light I could colored tissue [laper. most skillfully young men were s ildiers who bad dl "It seems a pretty ■trong theory." a strange woman came to the door and applied. The Jars are filled with said th t Miss France* had engage er paused. I -w changed she was. She seemed goodies and unbreakable toys. amid our senior, "l'ui Un liued to be serted from the United States iriJ her for her maid and wouldn't need me “Well, she started out by remlndln: much thinner and older and coughed lleve It myself." When friends have been inv'ted to a aud the girl detective had traced th,* any mon 1 , and here was a month'- 1-een I ft t • o- isionally In a way that frightened me that her property bad I pointed out bow It explained Mis* wages. And while posada the house Is decorated with arrested them and herself br-ugl I stood there, si Holladay's retl- em e- her refusal to as too dated to move sbe stmt the door her absolutely, to do as she pleased me. Not grief alone. I told myself, evergreens and mosses, /Howers aud them to New York, where sbe turud with, a point which I, of cot’.i'-e, - on­ ccrdd have caused tl-ls breakdown: It tinsel iu all the rooms and corridors. them over to the beadquarter« ,-f tj Hist us In proving an alibi Mr. Royce lu my face. After I'd got over it ceded. She then weut on to say that was the secret weighing upon her. Mv In one room is the scene hi tli - stable eastern department at Govern -rs I nodded. bit, I begged that I might see Miss she knew of a number of bequests her “l’rw Isely. As Godfrey said, th* th-- Frances, If only to *ny goodby, bu" of Bethlehem — the stable yard and land. The agency employing Mi«« Ki* or.v touches every point of the case she wouldn't see me. She sent wore father laid Intended to make l-elore h.« servants, the animals, trees and plants, makes a apeclalty of finding de-ertei According to the old police axiom, that that she wasn't feeling well and death, and' which he would have i. a '<• groups of Biblical characters, little toy from the army. Miss King is fr iiicJ If he had not been cut off so suddenly; proves It's the right one.” fountains. AH that money can do to ly placed on their trail—naturally. M wouldn't be disturbed." that the bequests were of such a na Her sob* mastered her again and beautify the beginning of the “old. old haps. She gains their confidence, ad she stopped. 1 could see the look of tun- that lie dl-l uot wish bis name t > CHAPTER VII. story" is doue aceordiug to tlie taste their capture follows. One of tlie tbrd appear In them, and that she was going and means of the host and hostess. men whom she took to Governors I HE body of Iltram Holladay wa* amazement on our Junior's fade, and to undertake to carry them out anony­ Tlie little manger, amid soft lights aud land offered her Sl.dOO to let him ■ placed beside that of bls * if* did not wonder at It. What sudden mously." draperies, stands ready for the Nino but she refused. She received H lu bis graulte mausoleum at dislike could her mistress have con "Well?" asked our Juulor again aplei-e reward for her captive«. Sauto. Woodlawn on the Sunday fol veiled against till* inoffensive aud de- "Well,” said Mr. Graham slowly lowing Ida death. Two day* later bis v ;ed creature? A procession of the guest* aud family “Ymi say this other maid was a asked me to dispose at once of such of Miss Bernie Gallaher. <111, which had t-een drawn up 1-v Mr forms in another part of the house, and her securities as I thought best In or­ Graham and deposited lu the office stranger?" be asked. the pilgrim*, or peregrinos, march two der that 1 might place In her bauds by There is one woman in the pboi "Yes, sir; sh*'d never been in the ■afe, was read aud duly admitted to and two, led by one who carries the ¡graphing department of the Nat--" probate. A* was expected, he bad left house before, so far as 1 know. M.** tomorrow night flod.odO In cash a Ba lie. Singing sweet hymn* aud the all bls property, without condition <>r Franc«* brought 1 .-r back with her l_ cool hundred thousand!” litanies, they go through the bouse, museum in Washington, and her can reserve, to bls daughter Frances the carriage." winding iu and out of the rooms and is L. Bernie Gallaher. CHAPTER VIII. "An-! what soi t c* ’o k1 • ivo'u.u She is the assistant government ph There were a few bequests to old *erv galleries. HUNDRED thousand dollar»!” ants, Rogers receiving a handsome leg •her At last the wanderers stop at the tographer, one of her specialties l-eii The girl hesft-'te*’. ejaculated Mr Royce, and sat acy; about half a million wa* given t door of tlie room In which Is the man­ the taking of microscopic pietnrt*- "She look e, I like a foreigner. staring at his chief. various charities In which he bad been ger. Two voice*, representing Mary task extremely difficult ami ti i TVlH'UWO.Utt "A liuudred thousand dollars! Interested during bis life, and the, rr sue »aid *1 lual. and Joseph, In a wailing hymn beg to the eyes. In this department M - *’• ____ Uer r r «. That's a good deal for a girl to give maluder wa* placed at th* absolute may l-e, by die i.. y w<- n...* be admitted. Voices withlu chant a hther has few equal«. Not long a; I pricked up my c_. s. T..0 »... away tn a lump, but sbe can afford it. disposal of bl* daughter. denial. Finally a voice announces who the made some pictures of ' ■ d'f i.t th hat It - tant t Of coarse we've nothing to do but car­ We found that bis fortune bad been Ibonght -c they are that plead for shelter; then •eashells so small they were '-if* ry out her instructions. 1 think both of overeatImat si, as is usually the < a*e both Mr Rsy ' an! rr the door is thrown open, and the pere­ visible to the unaideil eye s • bi “Doe* she resen bl* Ml TToll ’ tts can giiesn w'lat she Intends doing ‘**1 With men Whose w ealth depends upon grino* are »Howe,! to enter The Babe also a rare skill in making with the money.” •Udes for use In stereopticou vie " the tiio tuatious of the Sheet, but there he a*ked o”'-!:|v 1* placed In the manger, often by a "Mi»» H »•’ - !*■ ’ <•'•. The government sent it* hea l i-b The other no Med. I believed that 1 still remained something over four mil­ priest, and songs of rejoicing burst tographer. Professor Smillie. to WaJi could g >e»s too Die money, of conr«,-. Silt much older-her hair’’ q- lion for tlie girl a prett forth. Well, ci boro. N. C.. to take pl.-ttin-s of ' •' n e i« intended for the other wom»ll. lea>e t dd is at once that she v The penabas are next on the pro ­ an? Eight 1. ■"’J S’ie was not to suffer for her crime aft­ *'i haw brought the momy you then given * stick with which to break ••Why. a r," she answered slowly. “I to seek rest and quiet and change of “ iT.iy d not," It Is certain that thore !« ■’ t" scene ” ,< leva >uve:-*aut with ib the jar if possible. 8,1 many tri*!«, wouldn't exactly say she was 111, but r. >t no better paying Investment t? wish,st -lui suci-ees an,! ’ "When doe« «he go. sir?” asked Mr. then another tries. When one succeed-? erate priced hotels and re«'n she seemed troubled about something ’ e »top7 Ì ptlllRl himself to­ 1 Tbt I think she'tl been crying. She's been Royce in a subdued voice. So a week or ten day the cm tent- fall to the floor and a women In all the large citie­ •P >ke ajr la it was lu and crying a g.-od -leal, off and ou, since -trow, I think gether. Wl- utmost endeavor of n- “The day after t scramble follow* to see who gets the hotels, likewise midence civ ‘ *44 A in e a iff. She did not sav d -tii police had *bed no lie ly In fact, «he most. In some old families there ar* girls who earn their living, are her father died, poor tiling," sh* added. manage«! trag-sly, and f-w the g That «,-nld explain it. certainty, and could talk very little. Sh evening* when the nnmerous servants Increasing In London They bad passed into the I- yet grief for her father might not be to catch cMd- the grip. I partake of the j--ys of the posada and yield a good dividend are th,- forgotten, but for $<• only cause of France* Holladay'* was very bourse. It wou share In th* souvenirs and refresh crowded and hare a long waltfci « J A Continued I didll' It ren. Uned of uu-lln u. tueuts prov!'.ed.—Collier's Weekly. I-emd** 4? Gbe Holladay Case T Mexico’s Christmas ? ? PoSdsddvS T tMI C Notable Wo men I B. Ko'h-“B lidlotf 01 lea»'’ in ” Ijlf-Keil)' c Log«' 1 ,Br I outfit Kolb Lbt ’hift *' too. t..i- >u Efped f i ord J ciiSliSe *• Kgrkirg 0Q ’ Elog c'lute. Leu the saw L mill r"rt *> E uot ■ PI" L, eelit out - L lie ba Lt sae seen L,th »ud H Lj m some Mats bi 1' * " lifter -iayll Lie ope>“'<1 E|«rsd ruth Lfsrtiinsto L bottom 0 Ll«u od th< I Tbe young Libe mill f Li been t Lee «loe« |D# of tbe « L Altauy Lain tbia m [itiiea of th [ home I KLA* W. 0. ill [|- g freni li K. Saook, Lew high e toini of d Mr. 11« Motee a pt log. It ia of brick, i leu room detail. I eminence eaD be ee< I distance A new Ilio school atb Fall t. ” by I Ic’- me ui ■4->- B If'Ja ia Aa-ou la mas nei Obes bull rtructioi deuces a Tbe re in that i end the tend to Tbe pro llarrimi ’be Kli effect, lion of ertnneu ath Fa This i ■111 cai Mr. 1 very gc satate. AT' Vest A J. tbe ( this i be att campi crush an 1 * at oi of 50 Incre a ds arris inch« mill» day. M tny not trac I sit I« dr- g* «' I a