GUIDE Greenleaf Items 1 . ■ ■ I Around the Courthouse I * Personal. some dauger. better, but Is not yet out jf Meodays's Daily Guard I tci Cfnxnu I tLtGl\APH |BREVFT|ES Wednesday'a Dails Guard. Greenleaf, Dec. 20. — V. Berkablre Frauk W. Hudson left for Portlaud Jasper Wilkins was over from Co- was called from Hunsaker's Jogglug Tunis. Dec. 18 Tbe Notw»g|la today. burg today. camp to his borne on Deadwood lest steamer Abula TRANSFERS. REAL E8TATE lo.t off Kol JL F. Foesmau is in tbe city fro Joe Feitman returned today from a Sunday ou acccunt of tbe Illness ot j today aud ouly one persun saved. Salam. B A and M A Washburup to trip to Seattle. bls oldest boy, Louis, wbo bas not Rowe; lot 8, Lla 3, Kelly’s ad A. .M. Richardson, of Meadow, la Mrs. G. J. Travis went to Junction been well for some time. Springfield. J95. Chic-go, Deo. 18.-Mrs Grana TM is tbe oity. this afterooon. C. J. Barnett butchered a beef last Fred and Cora M Hinten to Hugh C. P. Houston, of Junction, was I d gart and sous arrived here bonds Judge R. S. Beau returuei to o»le tu week, and delivered part to HuDsak- and Amy E Roheit»; 120 acres th sees and are visiting Mr». T.b. .rt' Eugene today. •bis afternoon. er'g legging camp last Saturday. 19 and 24, tp 18, a r 1 w. J16U. ter, Mrs. Sbieli. in today Dave Graham left for bls borne Rev. M. C. Wire returned F. M. Parker expects to spend Burroughs Abbott to Angelina Ab­ Portland today. Christinas iu Junction Uity with bls bott; 130.38 acre* in eeo 6, tp 23, s r 1 from a trip north. New York, Dec. Horace Feutuo came up from Port family. J. H. Booth came down from Rose- w. 81. baukeie do not anticipate burg tbis afternoon. land tbis aftei noon Henry Bales, who bas been working Mary Jonstoo to Wm Johnston; Chester Ilemeuway returned home here as tbe reenlt of tbe t for F. ■ M. Parker, returned to J ane­ int iu lots 7. 8, 9 and 10, tlk 20, R. B. Hunt made a trip to Cottage failures. Tie failures bad a bad »ifMl Washburns 4 Mllllorn's ad to Junc­ Grove this afternoon. tlon last Saturday. from Purtlxnd last night. in speculativw elides, ütock» opeutd tion City. Jt>0. at Mr. Johnston's Mr. Kilgore died V. Sapp>ngfleld arrived here last Will Laudon went to Roseburg tbis weak, lower than the average, with T G and Martha A Hendricks to atterueon ou busiuees. night from Blue L gbt, Wash. Complicated System Is Brought last Saturday. He was buried iu tbe lessee ranging frnm on« to two par Cora M Roas; lot 10, tlk 12, Elias cemetery at Deadwood. U. J. Ordway, ot Honolulu, is reg­ Mrs. Robert Starkev has gons to ceut. Amalgame » I Copper had a tad Into Action by the Adoption At a special sebool meeting held in Stewart’s ad to Eugene. JI5U. istered at tbe Hoffman. Portlaud to spend the holidays time for a few minu'es, and drop;*! L and H uasobe to W H Modes; 24x District No. 91, tbe special tax was Rev. Mark E. Munson returned to Pryor Biair aud wife, of Pottlaud, to 97, eben 10,000 shares were dump, of tne Direct °rimary 120 feet In extended survey of Spring- voted down. Koeebnrg thia afternoon. ed, prerumabiy by Lawson, and drop, are visiting relatives in Eugene. field. 831:0. Some of :be fellows bave quit tbe Law John F. Kelly iett this afternoon E W Zumwalt to Edgar B Oldham; Miss Jean Crawford went tn Port­ ped to 93‘2. Tbe mamet was demcr- lugging camp on accouut of bad ul'zed, then copper rallied, gaining 160 Hcres In secs 17 and 18, tp 16, s r 4 on a trip to points south. land today to speud tbe holidays. weather and boils. five per ceut. T» I w. JI800. Tbe adoption of the Jliect primary Sheriff Fisk went to Cottage Grove O W. Hurd, the Floreuce capital­ Jas A. Burnett, wbo left here a C A au i Mary J Harlow to tbe Eu­ on business this afternoon. law baagiven Otegou such a compli­ ist, airived here on last uigtit’s stage Cblppwea Falls, Wjs., Dec. 16.- cated system of electious that not little over three years ago aud went gen» Lumber Co; lot 7, blk 1, Cbeeb R. R. Poppleton returned this af­ Professor Luella Clay Carson left tn California, is back visiting ou the I ire's 2d ad to Eugene. 8125. even tbe accomplished politii lau can During the pandemonium among tbe ternoon fl-urn a trip sooth. for ber Portland borne today to spend Cornelius and E-na Cninnstna to D carry in bls mind all tbe de' ills of creek till after tbe holidays, then be passeuuers on a Wisconsin Ceutrsl Mrs. E. A. Wilson came down from Christmas. ■J Cummins; south balf of let 6. hlk tbe proceedings leading tu tbe gener will return tu Calitoruia »gain. ps.seugor train whan it was struck by Cottage Grove tbis afternoon. Tom Medley was a passenger on to­ a catt'e traiu «eat of this city,.Mrs. j. it la »Hid that Mr. Olaou, uf Dead 3, J li McFarland's ad to Cottage al election iu tbe stat a, district and Miss Cora Rabmen returned tbit. day’s train for Portlan'’, coming frim couuty officers. Doe of tbe moat dif- wood, bas bought tbe Evans place, Grove. 8500. K Cniistian, of THOoma, Vtaihitigtoti. Cottage Grove. D J Cummins tn Alf talker; south afternoon from Sherman couuty. tlou'.t tbiuga to ascertain and remem­ I near Gteen leaf euroute tu West Virginia, gave birth Attorney J. C. Johnson came down Herbert Carky. 'varsity student, to a child. ber is tbe dates upon which the vari­ Levi Berkshire, of Deadwood, bas half of lo^s 5 and 6, blk 3, J H Mo- She ».» brought to u« left for bis borne in Clackamas today hospital here. None were fatally but. ous steps Io the uomiuation and elec­ received wor l that bls son was very i arlarid’s ad to Cottage Grove. 8800. from Cottage Grove this afternoon. James E and Hazel A Stewart to tion of officers must be taken. In sick and be left tbe camp immediate­ Professor R. 11. Dearborn went tc to spend tbe holidays Ill tbe wrejk. Walter H and Henrietta Getrell; »e-t Portland today to be gone a rew days. fact,’.he ordinary citizen cauuot figure ly- W. H Gault, manager uf the West- . out tbe dates if be has the statute te- Sam Brown bas returned from Eu­ 21 feet of lot 1, tlk 39. extended sur­ W. F. 'oarnock and wife returned ern Oregon newspaper at Cottage St. Petersburg, Dec. 18. —Itlirs- fore alm, for the language varies uud gene, where be weut to get a few mure vey of Spring.lBld. JCoO. ’bis afternoon from a visit at Corval­ Gru re, was io Eng-ue lol ay. - ported that a military trsin csrr/ing li A Duubar ts the Bootb-Kell] different methode of computing time logglug supplies. lis Rev. L. E. Zimmerman came up , tioops to Orel «as dynamited and 2ui Lumber Co; certain land in sen 24, tp mu*t be adopted. Jas. iiurujtt weut to Eugene the Foo’bell Manager Fred Steiwer went from Salem tbis Hfteruoou to ottiicatt' Cossacks killed and a any injurs. 21, a r 1 w. 810 {Secretary^ State Dniihar end Attor­ to Jefferson today to spend tbe hol­ at tbe tuesman-Cboipeuiug nuptial 1 tie truups at Riga bare j lined tbs 2otb <,n businses. David P aud Maggie G Day tn iDge- ney General Crawford have examined tonight. ders. rebels and tbe town is be ng bombard­ bdrg Ness; north half of lot 17, and tbe electou Jaws arid computed tbe F. H. Osgood, the Seattle electric ed »ad is aflre in many placea. Hon. Miss Jane Mitchell,of Pleasant Hill, lots 18 and 19, blk 11, amended plat time witbin which tbe petitions must I are fleeing to liirnaDj, As is veiling friends aud relatives iu raliwa^ promoter, was in tbe city this >dreds of Falrmonnt. JtKM). 1 s tiled, notices given and other bus­ morniug on business, returning to axful reun of bloodshed is on is Samnel Watson to Inga Watson; 508 Eugene. iness conducted in preparation for the Portland ou tbe noou train. tbe Satatoff district, wliera Maxuao Douna, Deo. 21.—Max Jackson and acres in Lane county. JI. Mrs. F. E. Billington returned to rlectl JU. , are vltcb is trying to suppress a revolt brother, uf North Yakima, Wash, Frank and Sarah K Watscn to tb< Cottage Grove tbis afternoon after ,a Tbe following Hat oontalus all the following tbe aseaseiuation of Sakbi- visiting friends and relatives here. acres Dear Southern Paclflo Co; 7.57 dates of interest to tbe voter aud can­ visit bare roff. Mrs. M. L. Hammitt is slowly re­ I Springfield. 815. didate for uftlce: Chas, o, Cochrau, director ot tbe ___ ii. covering from ber recent llluese. Dutton to Sarah J and N Lincoln ._________________________ . f j refotm school band, was In Eogene REGISTRATION. St. Petersburg, Dec. 18. —A trsio Tbe box social at tbe Stafford sebool tbe Houtberu Paclflo Co; 7,57 aeree yesterday. Registration books opened by coun­ bearing 120,000,000 rubl»e, due ber» bouse Saturday evening was a suc­ □ear Springfield. 845. Miss Cllngan bas accepted a posi­ ty clerks, Tuesday, January 2 Saturday night, has net arrived. It U S to August Boeske; 1GJ acres in Washington, December 18.—Ship­ was strongly guarded by soldier.', but tion in tbe “New Store,” in place of Registration bioks closed for pri­ cess and ail report a good time. We are pleased to note the recovery sec 15, tn 15, s r 9 w. Patent. ping experts in tbe East as well sa It is feared it is icet. Tbe casuslti»» Mrs. Mat lock. mary election, Apri* 10, 5 p. m. Peter and Ellen Hansen to Laura J Kvgletiatlon books opened after of J. C. Nlcbolsuu, after an Illness oi Mis. Mary Rust came up from Leb­ in tbe West are all stived up over tbe reported at Riga are 700 killed and Burr; 46.45 acres in sec 17,tp 19, s r 1 three montbs. primary election, April 25. anon tbis itieruoou to visit ber fatb new coastwise navigation laws apply I 1500 wounded; at «Mltau, 200 killed Ing to oomuerce with tbe Philippines and 600 wounded; at Dorpat. 150 kill­ Registration books closed for gen­ Herbert Campbell and family and w. 8260. ler, J. H. Goodman. John and Eliza Wlnzenreid to Fred which will go Into effect next July. eral election, May 15, 5 p m. Andrew Campbell,of Salem, are visit­ ed and 400 wounded; at Wolmar, 20) Mrs. Sarah Davidson returned Io Hinson; 120 acres in tp 18, s r 2 w. “It is about as foolish a piece of ing their sister, Mrs. M. L Hammitt. INITIATIVE PETITIONS. killed and 100 wc-mde-l; at ntUf. Halsey this afternoon, after baring •2850. legislation as could be devised,” de-j places,90 killed an hundreds wooed-' Number of slguers required to ini i E. A. Morgan bas gone Eart on a U S to Annie 8 Nickerson; 160 visited ber sou here. dared Henry W. Peabody, tbe noted business trip. _____ tiate laws or amendments, 7489. Colonel and Mrs. 8. P. Sladden ar- Buston merchant. ^*lb will prohibit •d- acres in »4 8, tp 19. s r 5 w. Pat- Last day for tiling initiative peti­ Lena Lleri bare Marshall Wells Harwdare Co vs Al- to Portland todav. after visiting Mr. catlng measures, Decern ter 30, 1905 splendid specimens from bis paint will result in tbe levy of wildly exor­ win A aud Emily A Muck; to recover called a meeting for January 2, to L ast day for tiliug pamphlets oppos­ mine recently. and Mrs. 8. H Friendly In Eugene. bitant carrying rates. No such mo- j take action ou tbe primary »lection, money A U Eiumons, attorney for ing measure, February 5. Ernest Nicholson has moved from Clay Owei has returned from Camas uopoly should be toleisted, and prut- and to make other arrangements for plaintiff. DIRECT PRIMARY ELECTION. - Marquam back to Douna. He says Valley,' Idaho where he bee been al ly tbe law a ill be abrogated. tills couuty. The number of adder- Roy Foster vs Ellen Wingard et al; Ujuut clerks give notice of primary Mohawk Is good enough for him. “What ought to be done to encour during the past summer aud autumi;. elite Is bard to ^'less at, and it «ill Pot suit In partition. Woodcock 4 election not later than March 2). Miss Flora George Is teaching a Fred McKay wife si d two children, age our commerce, net ouly with tbe be a strong factor thia spring. Pol ter, attorneys tor plaintiff. Last day for tiling petitions for very successful term ot school here. of Seattle, whn stopped here to visit Pbillpph es, but with all the world, itlciaus ere anxious to learn mor plaolag names ou ballot for state,con- PROBATE COURT. Mr. and Mr* W Polders, left tbis is tbe payment of subsidies outright concerning rlieif itreugtb, but tbs There Is to be a Christmas tree at greesieual and district otflees, March This is ttie only way we cao build Estate ot T J .VUliorn, deceased. afternoon for Loe Angeles. tbe Stafford district Saturday even­ Socialists a'e keepiug quiet in regard 30. up a merchant marine of any propor­ E-ta'e value I at J 0 l. J H Mlllioru ing, December 23. tu tb'lr stie, gtb. Hue precinct rbey Lnst day for til log petitlous for j tions, tbe only means by wbicb we w>ll h 1 most uariy, from tbe present There is quite an inquiry around appointed administrator. county otflcee, April 4. cao compete with tbe cheap ships aud uutio >k. here for laud, but no one seems anx ­ MARRIAGE LICENCE. Date of primary election, April 20. Tnetday’s Deily Guard. obeap> seamen of Europe.” Andrew D Rud liman and Elsie Canvassing votes of primary elec­ ious to sell. Attorney C. '. Hirdy Is In Fort- Mr. Howard and family have moved Howard; N B Butler, witueea. tion tor state otUoea, May 5. MedLon, Wis., Dao. 19-Lafollefts on tbe Alex Lewis place. resigned sh governor today, tbe resig­ Olaf P L Olsen and Eola E Sim land. GENERAL Ei.EUTJON. nation to take effect January 1st. He □ions; W T Simmons, witness. H. R. Kincaid .la borne frnm Port- f ast day for tiling certificates of is co'upletiug a tiv- y»Hrs' service, George P Morgan an.l Etta Michael;. lend. nomination for state offices by assem­ Torture of a Preacher tie will take ins seat as a U.S. senator C A Burgess, witness. bly of electors, April 19. Sheriff Fred Fisk returned from The story of the torture of Rev. O. alter tbe Cbristmes holidays. I.aet day for tiling Humiliating pe- Cct’age Grove thi* afternoon. MINING L ICATION. D. Moure, pastor of tbe Baptist IM ’nr state offices, May 4. George Meriitt is helping In tbe .'hutch, of Harpersville, N. Y., will W L Chrysler, David Denol'. Wai Washington, Dec. 19. —In response Last day for filing certificates of luteresi you. He says: ”1 Buffered ter Price aud C Cole locate “Last holiday rush at Schwarzschild’s. Watblngfun, Deoetnber 19 — Plan’ t > appeal, from Consul General Rodg­ uoiuinatloii for oonnty offices by as­ agonies because of a persistent cough, Chance” miulug claim, Mubr ak dis R. R. Poppleton went to Portland ers at Shanghai, tbe U.S. cauleer Bal­ Lave been approved by th. quarter- resulting from the grip. 1 bad tu sembly of eleotore, May 4. this morning to spend tbe holidays. timore, commaDied by CaptBin Na master genera] of tbe army for civil sleep sitting up In bed. 1 tried uiaui trlot. Last day for tiling nominating peti­ remedies without relisf uu’li I lock Hlawaiba Mining aud Milling Co J. H Young, ot t ail Creek, want to than Sargent, former aide to Admiral Inn engineers’ quarters and a fuel tions for »nunty of fleers. May 19, Dr. King’s New Discovery for con­ locates “Merrill” claim,Bolidmia dis K .»eburg tbis afteruoou on a business Dewey, ba. arrived at Wcosuug, tbe abed at Fort Casey, Washington, and sumption, coughs and colds, which General election, June 4. port of Shanghai, to protect Ameri­ for engineers' quarters at Paint Bon­ trict. trip. entirely saved me from oousump- cans aud other foreigner., it is be ita, California. Tbe latter project It tiou. ” A grand oure tor dlseiued Mrs. W, L. Souders, wbo baa been eouditlous ot turoat and lunge. H lieved tbe malines have been Ian led to be done by hired labor. W. L. DeLauo’s, druggist; price, 50c Fairmount hen rotate are report­ quite 111 for a month or more, is able before now. ard Ji, guaranteed. Trial bottle free ed aa being relieved of their burdens to sit up. Parle, Dec. 19. —It was annooMSJ Roy and Floyd Booth left for their by night pruwlers recently. Tokio, Dec. 19.—Two Japanese at a cabinet meeting to lay that tbe Wilbur ranub this afternoon to spend W. H. Alexander bas secured a con­ Dissolution of Partnership warships were today sent to Shanghai saltan bad definitely agreed to tbs C. O. Hodson, proprietor of tbe tract Io build Postmaster Page*a flue Christ max. to protect tbe mikado's subjects there. demand, ut the powers for the Unso­ Notice Is hereby glveu that tbe Palaeo of Swaeta, t.aa purchased a Miss Jennie McFarleud is borne hiuse. Mr. Alexander states th* t cial administration of .Macedoni! • 750 Peerless Electric Piano of tbe Ei­ partnership heretofore existing be- building will bo much livelier here j from Portland to spend tbe holidays Tbe papers report an Ml'f'l ’» revolt lers Piano House Mr. Hudson is up tween Paul Meotel and Philip Rine­ than it was last summer. with ber parents. and tbe Turkish t it' to dale, catering tu tbe amusement of hart in tbe City Meat Market, Eu­ D J. Graham, of San Francisco, af­ Marriage licenses were Issued yes­ Tho rebels were i.sutls.i l tiara Ceut»t>ulal Exposition at dent, came up from Portland last even­ avenue. Tbe seen» was directly objo F. J. Berner. Portland. Mr. Hudson invitee tbe ing to flx up school matters. Sbe will ooudt of legal obstacles In tbe say. The Priueviile Revlew ot Deoembee site the Waldorf-Astoria, the dioic* people of Eugene to v sit tbs Palace Ibe goods In the annex to J. Gold­ not return to sebool again this year. Tsrme'cannct t>e made with tbe wagon It says tbe reslJance of George Gtb room of which was full at the tin*- grant’s owner. Tbe director of tbe ot Sweets an I rear th ■ greatest muel- smith's cigar stere are being moved Mise I .title Hcugbtoo, of Minneap­ aou, eigbt miles tram Priueviile, on geological survey asks that a deflnite One victim was blown to tbe roof of» cal Invention of tbe age. i out so that (’has. Maybe« and Frank olis. Is visiting ber »1 ter. Mre. Harty ne liurus rond, «as de-troysd by flte act of abandonment be deferred for neighboring building and others wsrs | Wave may begin tbe work of Utting D. Cherry, tn Eugene Mire Hough­ tbe present. iba mornv g of the 9 h, »bll» .Mr. badly mangled. u i the room for tbeir new saloon. I', the case i f 11. C. Mahon v.. the ilbaon w«i awaj lovklrg «fier stock. ton was on the Northern Paclflo train Crest Norther.i D veiopiueiit Con • Mr. G'tiscn was a reslder-t jf Frank-[ I rlnevllls Review. John II. Starr which was held up near North Yaki­ Wasblngtoc, Dec. 19,—The exed®* p .up,wherein the plaintiff seed Io re­ ci pre'cnct, weet of Junc Ion. for au>i wile, district deputies of tbe ma two oi tbr e a g ita ago. Sbe eeye of seualors was apparent by tbe etnpO cover Jul.So, bwl uee dbg a. salary tot mary y« re. Mod-ru Wo.diuen ant Royal Aeigb- things were ratber exciting abowt that seats in the senate today. Tbe W** serviows performed, Juetice Wmter- h >i , a • in Bend for a few weeks. In time. El mer Yarueil returned yesterday * (interstate commerce committee meier rendered a decision In I'he luierestv of tbeir respective or- J. D. Hoff, one of tbe Southern Pa­ r.,u> a tumuli 's trip IO tbe Weieer elded to hear no more rate »e»ti’norE favor of tbe plaintiff. G. F Skip- d a dda brakeuien on tbe local, was forc­ River valley and Bal*«, l-labo, tb □ □til after the holidays T..e trial •- worth appeared as atlcriey for tbe Constable Jscwvcn, jf Sagluaw. ed to give up bls work on Saturday latter Lis boybo I twenty-’our Washington, Dec. K —Tbe state the c»ee against Representative BlsJ’ plaintiff, and Woodcock t Potter for •s V rj fa.oiably brought to Eugene ibis af'ernO'Ui fol eveoing, due to lllnese. Upon cun department was Informed this morn­ er Herman, of Oregon, io tbe P*1 «»ars «au. Ils th* defendant. s«ed with tbe uratueewa’id tf rlft li.carciration In th» county jsl! A lam suiting tbe company's physician, Dr ing by a cable from tbe American trict of Columbia courts. 1° I h Tbere affe Gerrau, sentenced to five Jays for, It was found that Mr consul at Shanghai of riots resulting Hermann la charged with de troy1«* uf Idaho's capital clty. A double deck glas» I'vpi-i case thirty mil - ot o tuant walk disturbing the p»ace. Geirau attended Huff bad a bad case of appendicitis, in the death of several foreigners. government l>'ter bocks, baa was received this tu.ruing by F. J a» au lliun I * of t! e tn«to»se he siy- a dance at Sa in the sg»r.' and ere-te.i a dlstnrbaiK-e. tile er- on North Pearl street Sunday and blr ber of buildings burned. No Ameri­ of Hermann on account of bis 1*’ rest aud oouvictlo» followed. wife eent for. Today be Is reporter! cans are reported killed. gale J.» I-*' a ujüu-l. rtuv». displaying bls cutlery en t .liver < yer’a IIloess ALL ELECTIONS Prepared by the Ore gon Secretary of State Donna items SHIPPING EXPERTS STIRRED UP AMERICANS TO BE PROTECTED purchased fine ELECTRIC PIANO I ♦ ♦ • ••-• The Sensat Caldwell At Mrs. Ida Ci Boux City, la iishinglon, 5 “1 suffered Oratory orgm tree years • Ihron ic. My Iftoted and I »re not to ei I dampness t "Aly phvsi tbange of ell bsi e my fan lerful cifres bought a bot "It was wi that I found them all w-i lieved withil months and gone, my lui health resto MERCI REG Th» Mere tlo'i met It Ing with a beiB prese work nt a I der whs tn work was I tlon of ter dation alt tlon te e In tbe citi it was lug’s meet th» M. I •very met At Ibe I tien in Ji of offlceri DE Al Mrs. 1 of ter di Elmira, of [■ irai te j mou will ke ti a il Cemeter Yo MALHEUR PROJECT Ch ABANDONED MORE RIOTS IN CHINA I