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About Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1905)
butene Weekly Guaro AN INDEP«.NED<r PAPER. luUud s.uleut, MU impassioned crato . Wbeu, some years ago, ha appeared as special counsel in the prosecution of Dunbar and» engaged I d smug CAMPBELL BKOTUEbS Publisher» gling, the entire bar cf Portland at R. A. BOOTH HOME FROM f Around the Courthouse RUGBY GAME TO BE ADOPTED neighbor* and frieu3« or to cctn, | contact witn him iu buiintas iieali^ know that he was a man, bone»t ju»t to all kind where klndu- , B|| required lie ebrertull, lent hi» M1(j tu any worthy chusc In tbe comm0o,. |ty, »are bls tim» faithfully t0 i0,lk after tbe interests of tte putl|f school» Duty to others was his pt rnary coublderstidu, ills own ii, were seconda'V. It can ce«ta’ )v j ■ said ot tTm aa of the l.ouiat>l“r,li ti world could say this w « a mai Hi» woik is ended: iu«y we te to perlorti. tua duties a>sigue«l to U«. Ths faculty athletic committe«» of REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. the Stanford Uuiversi'.y tut tne Uul- The Alliance Trust Co to Christ veraity of California has adopted a r»»- Miller et al; 177.60 acres tn sec X, tp olutloo decry ing the evils ot tbe pres, ent ay»tem of football pitying in 17, s r 4 w. 83000. Thomas aud Jobaunab Solelm to J America. It rerommends the Rugby B Walters; 614x23 teet in Springfield game be lutro inced ae a eutsfltute. loVestmeut aud Power Go's ad to lu tbe tame leaulutiou thiaui mrait- t»-e rai mmeud« tint inttrccllrgiate Springfield. 8600. T A and M A Post to Claud E De- foot ball coutebt, «-L» l 'JO longer be X. vor; 111x230 feet in sec 24, tp 17, s r 1 pl«r»d uudei the I'irectivn of the | ptesant iiilea committee, which sits w, 850. Sheep for Sal« Joseph H and Ada M Gillespie tu J lu the Eas' each i nd revitea the Registered Cnswoll buk« J. J H Devor; half lot in 50x15(3 feet lu methods of playing tbe college game. Waltervllle. 8100. This meaua hu Htaolute l> e>*k with Henderson, Coterg, Or. U 8 to Solomon B Colvin: 157.92 th!» committee which fas goverend If you haven’t received one ofth,», teres iu »ec 27, tp 19, a r 12 w. Pe tbe game lor many years, and tbe tent. na-ntug cf a Western rules eommiitet, doll certificates from Hull’s 77T store, good for a 35c doll, drop tb,4 Carl F. aud Emlyn Fischer lo E E which shall bsve lull power to act. Rep jar; lot 3, blk 38, Springfield. Folio «>ug are some ot tbe features a card and you will get one, or esii .at their atore ou East Eighth street. 8200. cf tbe Rugby game: E E Kepner to A K Turner; half of «tf No interference ahead of the run certain laud in Springfield $100. ner. J F Hager to Wm E Fendall; 100 Frequent passing from runner to Physician and Surgeon acres iu sec 16, tp 15, e r 9 w. 8600. some other player to present being In addition to general practice of medicine ia Hugh and Emma Roberta tn Frank tackled. surgery, »pecial attention to all diseases of the ear not« throat and eye. ' Much drop kicking from the fl Id. to»». »tan I a tovc pipe In the middle especially the west coast. He Is bt- will probably react to some extent, >1 Mortun; 160 acres in sec 14, tp 18, Residence, corner I4th and Pearl streets. 1 Individual play and open ant spec e r 1 w. 81000. Office, Beekwitb building. tint there are yet maoy patriotic, con- lieved ti le a man who will put up a it tu of the upright sick, fill about Telephones—Office, Black 1291; Residence, Red'M) Frank H Mortou to 1 P Copien; ' tacular work results. u <arly th » top «f toe sack wit': tbe hard tight lor whatever fie goes after, «ervatire men in banking clr:-L» wlx 160 acres in tec 14, s r 1 w. No trass piays, as ball goes into tp 16>. Dr. M. G. E. Bennett have aud are exercising great «'are in merchantable article, inside with and fils ability as ho orator aud as a directing tbs abnormal strength ai. 810(30. scrimmage on every down. Successor to Dr. H. E. Penland. Robert Pattison et al to John J Osteopathic Phyiiuin. cull), withdraw the stovepipe and lawyer w il r st ire tbe a ending of energy that has followed tbe general Leonard ; 183 acre» ic seo 17, tp 17, s Acute and Cbrunlo Diseases ttsated. till In th top of tbe sack with good this state in the United States aerate good times Office corner 7rn and Willamette “Thia Influence is now felt foi r 4 w. 856(10. potaloe» aud you will have a combi- streets. Phone Red 1831 N J aud 1 W Martiu to John Howe; Note and Comment good, and ie serving ae a splendid bai- natlou th «t wul make the buyer a«» 5) acre» lu sec 21, tp 18, a r 3 w. 810. Because she stepped too high or aii'e. hia choicest prolanlty ou emptying Mabel J aud F E bet over to Al J “ i’htie D much doing in tbe way ol Osteopath physician. AU curabU the sack. This la not pstented, still carelessly kicked her drees about. e ctrlc lines throughout tbe territory Stoop«; north half of f-actlouJ lot 4, diseases ¿treated. Women and chil Mme. Sauadl Bratnsen, a musical ce! Toe council of twelve of tbe Line .twe<-u tbe Mlasiaaippi ami Ohio rlv- nlk 23, origiual plat of Euaeue we hope none ut our reader» will taue dren a specialty. Office» over F. £, County Good Roads Association held 8.03. ebrity of 1 ittsburg, has created a seu [era, aud also elsewhere, l'ne inves - •dvautage of tbe Information. M J and Wm M Stoops to Mabel J a meeting at tbe C;mo erciai Club’s Dnnn’s. ’Phone Red 1631. sation. The society women at wlo t* luence in this directior; have generally Selover; 9 fest off of south tide of lot quarters last night,tbe primary object dr c ougal raceptiou this occurred were looking ' been good atid the w«3t is euie to lei-: The Columbnc, Olio, Trades arid tbe new pulse fruto euch iinpiove- 2, blk 23, original plat of Eugene. o' tbe meeting being to bear Professor PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON low when they should have been look J J. M. Hyde’s description of a new 8100. Lalor Asstmliy refuses to acctpt tbe ment. In addition to gsneial practice spec; ing high aud saw bare flesh, no stock road drag which 1» proposed to be put Nesmi'b Owen to Charles Maybew; “There la considerable activity in services of profi-esurs iron Rockefel attention given to disertes of women ud ings. What business ot theirs or any Hmlei pitches«-, but it is mostly in 181 acres in sec 1, tp 17, s r 4 e. 81. I iu use on tile a'reets of Eugene aud childrer. ler’s Chi lag} University for lectures. the roads of Line county. The dreg ChatlsB aud ■- arao L Mayhew to Nes body else if Mme. Sauadi prefers to the South and for Immediate manu Office over Preston and Hale They give a good raaeou, if l.ased ou mith Owen; 160 acres in sec 24, tp has been iu use iu tbe state of Missou go stocklngless. Still, under snob facture P ne lauds seem much prif stili, Phone Black 1631 19 s r 8 w. 81. ri fur same time past, aud is said to facte, mat taiuing that tbe professors erable tu fir, and hence Idaho am! conditions she should be careful of B A aud M A Waehhnr • e to leaao be just tbe thing for Oregon roads. M. SC” |. [California are getting the beuetl: have to teach aud stand for opinions Edicbui, ScnliM "In Korns do as Home ii"», »«nd will for a few years fiom Weab; lot b, exposures, Whsuburne’s ad to The council authorized Professor favored by Kockeleller, else their po- Hyde to construct a model, which will does, ” y ju know. money put Into forests to a much Springfield. 8125. • itlODS are In jeopardy. The labor Veterinary Surgeon. John li aud M J Clark to Mrs Josie be used ou tbe streets as soon as it is 1 greater degree tbuu Oregon aud Wash people instructed their committee to 11 Casteel; lots 6, 7 and 8, blk 3, completed to demonstrate its practic Secretary and treaaurer of the Board of ’ -twlMn A New Y’oik dlvpa’ch says tbe ington. Medical Examiner«; Domestic anima:« of all km ability. Glenwood Park. 81. treated on rrieatlfic principle« procure leqtureTa from “a aourca LUMBER MARKET BETTER. ty ot the liquor sold there Is not only Located at Bangs* Star lc, Eugene G W aud M J Garoulte to D 11 The Cuuncil passed a resolution rec above aueplclou '* “Tbe lumber tuarke* is much bet'e« llemeuway aud C 11 Bu'kbolder; 2ox find, but that a million dollars a day ommending that tbe county couit Res. Corner 10th and Olive. Phone Red 2611. passes over the bars for the stuff. than during tbe past two years, but 96 feet iu l.oug Ji Landess’ ad to Col appoint a general county road over J J Wallon o The rurprltiog statement la made that the general feeling is that It will lage Giove. 85t'o seer ae provided by law. The Independent Votes weaken alter a few mouth*. Cement P hu 1 KatbariDe Mutter to EC M. Bvarverud was appointed corre- WALTON .V NESS. 1 bls Is more tbau the city spends for ATTORNEYS AT-L.1W and metal are eoteriug much more Jonuer; 92 66 acres iu secs 16 and 21, spoudent from tbe local asiccistloD to ' iu the Independent presa aud the brend and vrgatables, aud Is about largely th«u ever In rHilioad and o het tp 28, si 3 w. 864X1. tbe uatioual good roads buieau at Will practlre I m ail 'ne canrt- tn •ri iudepen leut voter 11«a the only hope equal to its meat bill. eontructiou Witch bus its iuflueuct r.ileo »ud G> o l'uompson to Roscoe V. asbington, D.C. State of freedom from gr.lidom. A political ou lumbei demands, especlHllj kb i Z’Htuoi s; 40 hoivb iu sec 12, tp 28, e ' .Lee —Room No. v. Walton Blk. E itene. I’regou • .*• pnpar nius »feud by anytblug ou Its Tbe New York American gives as relstes to our Goiter. 1’ire ie lets r 4 w 84(0 — affected ticket, cv«u lu tbe exteut that it tonishing figure< ae tn the cost In del- K D Elliott to < live Rend lot 9, blk E. i>. I«Iter “We du net intend to InctesBe oar 5, I'airnouut. «3<o A. (’. Woodcock .Ing a positive Injury tars aud Ilves of maiofalulug race hue • u it 1» output oh account cf the prevent ac Edgar and »mau Klug to Mertie M h.K to the welfare ol tbe people. tracks Iti the vicinity of New York. tivity, as we are afrail it is not pet Samuel Watson was born of Eu&llab WOODCOCK « AT POTT TORN EI' ’ r LAW, Conner; 41 acres in tp 20, a r 3 w. All of th i • ’ papers of the couu- During the 182 days of racing just maneut W» will keep our present parents ou Decs .uber 6, 1856. The 8275. man and more lu closed they look from tbe public 87,- mills moving at »• present. try I re b A G and l>aisy Pirtle to Junes I> Family of Watson were the owners of Office- One-balf t lock Hunth ol (’brie several estates in tbe United Klug- man Klock. Engene. Oregon. KLAMATH LAND MATTER. lu New Yoik city it can 7W,8 10,according to swuru statements depeudeut. Pirti-; 160 acres in sec 28 tp 15, t r I were at the time of hie birth “ I notice that the rues» of Uregon I *. 8:00. be bh IT there is not a prouiiueut greut required ty tbe law And »hat else? l.OUl> E BEAN E.igai und bsr.h 8 King to EC engaged in milling on ot their estates political paper today. The electiou Tbe police a- d criminal court records has been publishiug a lairy tale nt oul in Ireland bui lived principally iu tbe Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. lu re C.' ; Xi acres'lu see 2, tp 20. a r 3 ot Jerome shoes bow willing tbe peo show that the racetrack was respousi E gland, lu 1863 the faaiily went to gard to the Klamath Indian land». w. 8 83. office in new .> .» t, c» Bice», KooM New Zealand, returning to Lon fon In il and HI. Special atleoiion go sl is pla are tu support the riglit. The elec bls for the downfall ot 6205, nearly Tbe Booth-frlly Com;any ba» no Coast Fork Lumber Co to l acldc tiou li ileaist, though stolen from all young men,by tempting thrill t) land» iu KlamHtli county, and nevei umber Co; ceitaiu lands in Laue 1865, and lived in London and Blr land and mining matters ningbsm until 1872, w’eri they catre Eugene, Oregon. bi n b> th» corrupt politicians, show» rob employer», forge, embezzle, «ny I has had any lltigattou with tie gov couuiy 810. to the United States, M'nnpota in« ernment That pait ci tbe uld Mili Marian Harper to Mia L Rowe; eae^ ti e tendeiicv to trenk mwhj from tbe way to get nieaua with whljh to eat- tary wagon road grant lying east ol ■ 5 feet of let 1, Ilk 38, extended sui- tbeu tbe far West, and me W«t»cns ANDREW L. CHEZEM, straight “yellow doj" system of pol i»fy the racing, gambling passion, were among tbe pioneers, settling I j l tbe Ctiaoude» belongs to au Uregon vey n2 Spiiugtleld 8110. LAWYER. tbe sparsely populat’d county of Y-l iticians and gn.ft. Too bad that the uoblcst animal of corporation, *l'be (J'ezon Land and VHieutiue Grat to barren LGratill; Farm loans, real estate, fire iusnr lu Naw luik 111 use grand old polit God’s creation should be made tbe Livestock Co.’ Tt.e litigation ae to 83 acres Ir. sej 36, tp 21, s r 4 w. 810 'low Medicine, Dear Granite Fall«. e.nce, notary. Office over Engem While tbeie the labors cf the f*ttie> tbe Klamath lndlsn lands was com II F Hartwig to V L Dunton; west L iiu and Snvlrgs Bank ical pie feasters, Uulled State* S»u means of mai.'» downfall. aud mother were completed aud hot Pboue Main 491. Eugene, Or»»on rnencel by the goverumeut long prior half of lot 7, blk 3, Blue River City. atora Depew mid l’latt, for years the ere buried there. One sie'er Is bur- to the pnreha«» by tbe O. L. and L 81. idol- cf th !r paity, will either hav« With kuov ledge of aCauadlau bauk 8. Co. Tbe decitiao in the Uuued C W Young, administrator estate of ie 1 at Birmingham and tbe otLet, E. C. LAKE, Prop. to resigu or quit the seuate by utbei draft forgery at Portland lu which tne States supreme court whs agHinst the Samuel Harrier, to C M Young; 67.15 Mrs. Payne, is living ht Osseo, Minn. EUGENE MAR3LE and Hi» only b ’ o'ber, Joseph H., was al iummui Tue iusuiauee lu««stlgatlou. forger weut free through a technical government, who soiig’t to cancel the acres lu sec 18, tp 23, a r 2 w. 8100 OPliMlTE W0R ways with him. They were neighbors Ella Blachley and Fred Craig to F Hided by au llidspeudeut press, has ity, batik» are Hable to hesitate about patents issued mauy years ago. it |Miunepota after they left tbe pa the “ TLa gorerument disregarded J aud Mae L Craig; lot 8, blk 4, caused this won lerlul result, accepting Canada bauk drafts without rental roof, and when one came to road company'» right by allotting Cheeher'e ad to Eugene. 8300. Wbat tbe people waut Is uo graftlug. telegraphic advice as to their authen much of the lauds to Indians, hence Established 1802 x Lewis and Ollie Masters to Frank Or-'gou the uther alee got ready, aud again they settled as neighbors west good legislation and a “a«|uare deal," ticity. There was uo way to prove tbelr present embarrassment. There and Fred Craig; lot 8, blk 4, C beali* Cl d 4 fl Sii i'll' of this city io the fall cf 1900. HI regardless of political affiliation, aud tbe * rgery except by au officer of tbe Is no friction ot disturbance on this er'e al co Eugeue. 81. ' brother was thus able to be with bin $130,000 Geo T and Sarah A 1141 to F E wa need thia In uatlonsi. state bauk, and ae there is no piocese by account, nor ie any expected. The when alck, aud waa with him to tte will certaluly act fairly Goods; 23.20 acres in sec 26, tp 19, Having inc-ea-ed cap til all,'public officials. which tbe witness could be forced to i last. Mr. w atsoti died at hb h'-mi and nothing more is expected. Tbe r 2 w. 8225. and imumveO facilities west of this city on D cember 1), come aud very naturally the bank de company is entitled to the lauds and Rebecs A Pope to Wm J Bell; I 1965, beirg thus only a few day» p»»> clined to seud a man on tbe long trip ' must have poieeseion or be reim north bait of lot 130, 1 O O F cem- | 49 years of sge Oregon’s New Senator. where It wa« cot involved, 'here was bursed. Either course would be satis •ter>. €12 50 In 1877 he war mrrried to Mies Irgi ! factory and nothingness could occur PROBATE COURT. Governor Chamberlain, lu sp akiug 5 iiOthlug to be done but release tbe : Fossutn, who survives, and who wv The lands have been appraised by tbe Estate of Samuel O West, deceased. trnly a helpmate to him iu good au>. ofEug n *. Or. of his appointment of Jobu M. Gear- guilty man. government, but do offer bee been Value of property in Lane county, evil days, administering tu him and 1 iu a* senator from Oregon, said : is prepared to give y^u the mJ*1 i 1 The Dalles Cbronlole shows a mark made aud may not be. 8100. John D West appointed admin- 1 his want» to the last They hal el* - I satisfaciory service in every depart" “1 have | ut tbe needs of the state “The litigation did not grow oat oil an children, all living to mourn the ment of banking. it has added any act of tbe preeeut owners. It was ■ istrator. above seemli g proprieties, aud above ed Improvement. loss of a loving father, and who »re MINING LOCATION. Deposits received subject to Scripps press service aud now gives Instituted by th« government, which personal friendship. Some candidates check, and ir’ere»? allowed cn certi- Sam H Burghardt locates “Elean all at home except one daughter, Mi» hue failed in it» oase. Why such at the world ’ s latest telegraphic news. ware much warmer persuual frleuds erroneous report has teem floating or" mining claim, Blue River dis IS. P. Ne»a, of thia city. His chil ’cates of deposit. that Mr. Gearln; indeed, lifetime Like all evening papers, the Chron around tbe press 1 cannot imagine. dren were all with him during hh • Loans made on approved security« trict. last lllneas. friends that eg» will not allow dupli icle takes Scrlppa service In prefer with liberal terms. OBJECT OF HIS TRIP. NOTARY PUBLIC. Mr. Watson was educated lb tbe Send for our free booklet cated. Mr. Gearln, however, seemed ence to the Associated Press. “The primary object of my trip Tbe notarial commission of 11 A tenets of tte Society of Friends, ami to be the general chofse of tbe state, East was in (4>e publishing Interests DuDbar is filed. retailed to bls death a veneration f r and be also filled the requirements, of the Methodist church. At present PROOF OF LtBOK. the plain and simple teachings local-; there are two large publishing houses, that he must be broadminded euougt' C Ruuyard Hie» notice of proof of cated tn his yontb. He loved ths1 oue in Cincinnati and the other in l.oger.e, Or., Dec. IX to represent tbe whole state Impar labor oh “Sunset,” “Yankee Girl,” plain, unvamisbad troth, a good Bate!», M. L ; Butechke, C K.; Nsw York, and a!«j a smaller one la tially. Mr. Gaarlu was strongly rec- and “Yellow Koae” mining claims, f'ien.i, he would not shield a wrung Chandler, Mlae Maule; Ebersole, J. Chicago. Tbe preteat tendency ie to Blue River district. aud his criticism of wrong was di otumended from eveiy section ut the L.; Euuor. Mrs. J.; Hayas, Souder; consolidate, and a committee of fif rect, but never cruel; It was tbe per atate, as well as from Portland.” Hooker, W. H.; Hughes, Melcher H ; teen from tbs entire convention na» formance ot a duty with him, not tbe The new senator was boru Io Um Johnson, Mita Kittle; Lee, Earl; been investigating the matter. 1 exprvesion of yer»oual feeling. atilla couuty lu 1861, hia parents at Malven, Mrs. Katie, Mendenbail, E. represent the Fourteenth district, A loving husband aud devoted and Mrs. comprising that part of the United that time being uu their way to Ore R, 2; Monel, Ed; Marrie, considerate fattier, bls test society Clara; Mekiea, Charley; Plat', Mra. States west of tbe Rocky Mountains. was hls^wlfe and children. For their g.tu. They settled In Mariou county make yol '/ e “I expect to return East immedi Mattle; Ryan, R. F.; Rynereoo, Mrs. sake be maintained to tbe last that be no French Prairie, and there tbe fu .Mattle; Skelton. J. C.; Siaitb.E. E.; ately after the holidays, bat do not was Dot seriously 111 and wool ! soon t ure aeuator grew to manhood. He at 8 . Itb, J. E.; Smith, J.8.; Stepbeoe. expect to remain loug. T ds purpose Wm. Dangler, formerly of Pleasant recover, aa be bad done so often be tended school in San Fraucleco and I. D.; Stephen», S. IL; Stevenson, of tbe pro posed trip 1s to make a re Hill but dow of North Bend, Coot fore. He was himself folly oonecloa, Bay, writes tbe Guard: “Change my post of our finding. “ of his condition and said be was Lidiana, and on hie return studiati R. J.; Startaon, Holt; Stuver, C. E.; addraas. This Cooa Kay country Is Sutherland, Ray; Tbompeoo, Mra. ready for tbe call. I law with Mitchell A Dolph, and wav Carload Oliver chilled and stee Hue, has abundance of fresh air and P. H.; Tyler, H. XI.; Wick, Frwd; It is wholly uuneceeeary to enlarge plows Jost received. admitted In IHM. Il la career aa a law* Williamson, Ml»» Mae. ducks, but cannot enjoy them unless on bls character at this time. Tboee Chamber«’ Hardware. I bare tbe Guard to read.” . — J. L. PAGE, P. M. I . - yer has bean brilllaot. Ha is a pio- « «• ' who bad the good fortune to be bis tended the federal court on tbe day p blissed every Friday, Eugene Ore he made bis argument, which wa* subscription price, 81.50 per year if said to have been the finest piece of paid In advance; 82.00 ateud of year legal oratory ever beard io the North west. R. A. Booth, manager cf ths Boatb- E ite'e'l at the Eugene, Oregon, Senator Gearin Is broad-mlnde 1,si- Kelly Lumber Co., wbu returned to posto;tice a» aecond cla«a matter mires Kocaevelt, believes in expan Eugene yesterday from a two mouths' trip through the Eastern states, wa» DECEMBER 21 sion, aud love, Oregon as only oue wbu bee passed bls life beneath her Interviewed by a Guard repreaentativ« today, lie said: genial skies can. That te will bend “General b leinese conditions iu Note ana Comment h II I is splendid energies aud talents tbe East are good and it ie geuernhy l> >WI1 to the ad vane, me it ot Cregcn'a best expected that such e condition will “S’ove-plping” potatoes? throughout the year 1906 Ils knows tbe t-xteud about French Prrlri», .Ogie tw<sui> i lo'erests la assured. miles below balern, they grow lots of needs of the state, and all of It, aud Mare cars have been contracted for tbau at euy former time tu tbe coun potato»»—some rmsll one», loo. Now will play uo favorites. try’s history. The fact tl at a pauic, Gearln la the first native soo to oc or at leait a great depression did uut »on e grower» are willing to reil their small potattoea at p.-i:»» the me' cupy this «salts I podt'or.. His ap fellow tbe exposure of the iueantne« chaitabl« proluit brings. Ho* do pointment will be popular here aud methods shows tbe great finaticla those tiouest tillers ol the anil du it? io all Western Oregon. It is believed s’l'ength that has fuliowe I goud crop« and general development. Very simple. I ill a few luches o’ th that he will take broad views for tte “There is mush speonlatior bottom ot the seek with good pota development of tbe whole state, and throughout all the Eastern cities that THE EAST W. O. Prosser MEETING OF GOOD ROADS COL'NCIL Mrs Anna Maurer . M D DR. J. CHRISTIE, Obituary | The F’trs»» e Loan and savings Letter List HE WANTS THE GUARD TOO G4 SELECTION. THr ^L> LII>AYi Po/ccs THP LOHttr C/TV LKHTENSTÜNBR0A ÍS STOCKTON ST. I