Image provided by: Eugene Water & Electric Board; Eugene, OR
About Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1905)
University I VOL 38 EUGENE OREGON FRIDAY DECEMBER 22 1905 ■ A DID WHAT OF LETTISH . And you will learn how to save a few dol’ars by our Special Offerings. COLLEAGUE UDLI ^ HRISTMAS is but a few days ahead of us and we are all planning to give some gift and of course any article that is useful will be more appreciated by the receiver and more so if bought at Hampton’s for they will know that the quality is good and the articles up-to-date. I Wednesday and Thursday Riga Has Bern Selected by the Russian Insurgents < REFUSED LAWSON MAKES A WINNING Tile LUXURIES I A few oi these $10.00 and $12.00 Waists that we are selling at ---------- -$5.00 Ladies’ Jap Silk Kimonas, quilted linings, worth $5.00 Tomorrow you can buy them for..................................... not bring John F'ewrcr aud Lillie Howard, who are held at Salem on a warrant issued in Benton county and sworn to by the girl’s father last Sat urday, Eawver, who Is 40 years old, deserted his wife end six children T) fg I'M ! fj | I z'a ,le*r Monroe,and eloped with 19-year- l\Ll x s ol i k111*6 Howard, In male attire. They came down the Wlllamet’e river In a row boat aud reached Salem Sun day moruirg, aud later were arrested aud held by the Benton officers. ! Tbe case will be tried in Marion Washington, Dec. 18.—In the IfU- county. The deserted wife is at the ate today Senator Teller paid an elu- I Occidental Hotel here, awaiting de- queut tribute to the uiemo’y of Jotitl 1 velopmeuts. 11. Mitchell. He said be put iu long years of service and devotion to the people egalrit 'h ■ testimony cf per jurers and tbievs«. He believed him innocent of any crime. Spoouer Of Two Kindred Thousand Armed fended I’ultou for not announcing hi. colleague's death. Peasants Now in Revolt — Boston, Deo. 20.-It ie believed that . Lawson made about three million del . Czar's Authority Ceased in lars In the last three days. It 1. uc- j deratood be received previous tut >r- Baltic Provinces rnatlon ot the Chicago banks bain shaky, enabling him to get from un ’’St. Petersburg. Dec. 20.—Tbe uum der and catch wbal others dropped, Boston, Dec. !0. — Evangelist Dowio ter or armed peasants uow I d rerul preparatory to another bear Cl ID w«« carefully carried aboard the is 2C0 000, acd tbe czsr's autborlt.v^,M1^u steamer Admiral Daw.y this morning bas entirely cessed to exist in tb ■ --------------------- and started for Jamaica In care of Baltic provinces. Fifteen bnudred Dpf" 1RDfAi'|TV delegates to the Pan-Lettish congree-i l\L-L^li I I nurses and bis son,Gladstone, Dow le lives In an Invalid cair. at Riga Lave been selected. Riga ia t t be tbe capital ot tbe hellish republic, i Tbe army bas ordered all males tn — arm and join tbo forces, to pay no Washington,I»ec. 20.—The improba- taxes and obey no orders of the czar’s bllity of congressional action on recl- government. The orders are e procity thia session has led tbe ad- obeyed. | ministration to attempt to stay ttie application of German duties to New York, I>eo 20.—The ferry bon«« American Imports. ot the Delanare and Laakawauuu --- * I —— and Central cf New Jersey burned 1V UL./ 1 County School Superintendent w. thia morning, with a $3(0,000 loss. It — ZZX B. Dillard has received a diploma for la telievrd one hoy w.s burned to Corvallis, Or., Deo. 19. -^Sheriff | the Lane county educational exhibit death. The ticket agent saved <4I,- Burnett arrived horns today, tin iu it iba L-»wis a nd Clark fair. 000 I d cu.b and ticket». CAPITAL Read Our Advertisements We offer to you the choice of r beautiful line of furs at a discount of 20 per cent. $1.00 Furs reduced to . . . 80c $5.00 Furs reduced to . . $4.00 $2.00 Furs reduced to . $1.60 $7.00 Furs reduced to . . • 5.60 2.00 $2.50 Furs reduced to $10.Oo Furs reduced to . . 8.00 And so on up the line. We have some beautiful specimens in Mink and Fox ranging from $2o.00 to $45.00 that we are offering at a big discount for Wednesday and Thursday. No. 4 3 $2.50 Ladies’ Eiderdown r • »• • i • I > i • d pink, neatly trimmed silk cord and tassel $5.00 robes reduced to . . $4.00 $9.00 Robes reduced to . . $7.00 $4.50 robes reduced to . . 3.50 $8.00 Robes reduced to . . 6.00 Men’s Smoking Jackets Your choice of an 88.00, $ 10.00, $12.00 and $15.00 line for QUESTION FERRY HOUSE BURNED ELOPERS TO Bt TI<iED AT SALEM | ■ HAMPTON BROS CHICAGO’S INSOLVENT Welsh nauk failures at Chicago re el.ted today in a ran on tbe Bedford i National btre,ot which Walsh is pres ided. Money was arriving all night to stem the attack. BANKS EUGENE’S LEADING STORe. GQOD GOODS ONLY. Satisfaction or Your Money Back EUGENE'S FOREMOST AND BEST STORE. As this may be our last opportunity, we desire now to extend you a WORLD’S NEWS IN Very Merry Xmas i BREIF FOREST RESERVE £ t Patrons and Friends I 4*1 Chicago, Dec. 19. —Depositors of tbe Cbicago National aud the Home I Savings banks gathered early, tekina I I tbe pulice unaware., aud great contu- ii resulted. All applicants ure Topeka, Kaa , Dec 19. —Wreckers Chicago, Dec. 18.—John K. iValsh’s finks, the Chicago, tbe National getting tbeir money as fast as the tel- this morning derailed a Santa F’e train near Lang and caused the death Home and tbe Savings Equitable , lers can count ia nut. This morning Qnited States Dis of Elmer Derrick, an express met Traet,th«s insolvency of which was an- biHlnced this morning by tbe Aeaoci- trict Attorney Morrison had received ' seuger, and injured tire others. This •fid Banka of Cbicago, were besieged no ofNclal notice of Intention of pros is the fifth time an attempt has bee > tf depositors at an early hour this ecution. He sail be could nrt antic made to wreck this train. Spikes, morning in an angry mood. Tbe ipate what the proper authorities will angle bars and bolts were removed Tbe train plunged Home Seringa especially was the ob- do, end that he could not instigate from the rails. ject of the demand of small deposi an action until he receive, official nc- down a twenty foot embankment and J “e La u j rii it) by nits, Are, 17CI Dei-J tor,. A banker of Chicago bas guar- ! tire from Ridglev anti Boewcith. He was partis ly • destroyed consumed tn tbe 4 I uteed to make good every iiabilty and aaid that if ini reputatile citizen rick's body being every claim. Private speculation ' made rreper representation be would Hie. 1 take cognizance. United Slate. At- | a the operations of railroad and coal torney Healey said tiiRt be is not 1 inds, quarries and other side lines Is making an investigation on bls own lid to be the cause of the trouble, HHlbsoro, Or.. Dao. 2u.—Sidney ! acconnt and has received uo com 'be National bad $16,000,000 in de- Brugger, the half-witted youth who plaints. Ridgley appeared at the oslts and tbe Home $4,100 000, he killed W. W. Booth iu j moruing to complete the heTI UP “D(l bank this t_ ___ . dging to 8009 depositors. Tbe total September of thia year, today pleaded invest'gallon, wbub ho s.ys Is nearly abilities of the three institutions through. He expects to complete it guilty to murder in tbe second degree mounts to $26,000.000. The direc and wae sentenced to life today and start for Washington. art. Walsh and the bankers of tbe Tbe flnan«e committee ot tbe coun mei.t. Uy have turued over aecui'ities cil met to consider tbe condition of •minting to $1,000.000, and guaran- $2,500,000 of the city funds in tbe led the remainder. The banka open- Cbicago Natianai bank, aDd decided Butte, Dec. 19.-A mob of ab on at the usual uour tbit morning and they were safe and that th. city was 2000 Irish last night assembled in lid depositors, bnt received fully protected. Walsh appeared at front of tbe Grand theatre and pre sney. Tbe, clearing boote is tbe baok today. He alighted from vented tbe Dreamland burlesquers arge of tbe banks. bis carriage bait a block away and from giving a performance as tbe re Wslsh resigned tbe presidency walked through tbe crowd unrecog suit of the objectionable posters car- e Chicago National at a meeting of nized. He refused to answer any icatortng tbe Irish. Warrants were is e directors this morning. questions and appeared calm, smiling sued for tbe arrest ot tbe actors If National Bank Examiner Charles with assurance when asked if be fear they made aD attempt to play on the > Bosworth, with a clerical force ed criminal proserution. He apt ears grounda of causing a disturbance. »oi tbe clearing house, has taken I to be sonfldent that tbe law bas not This action bae.beeu taken by tbe an • p.eoe of .tbe^ rsilgned; president. been violated, though t»e refoeed to tborities to avoid possible bloodshed. 11 members of the clearing house say a word. I »mlttee ana Boaworth ware elected Ireotora. Ridgley issued the state- wot; "A misunderstanding appears Cbicago, Deo. 20.—Tbo assurances »•list. Tbe baok bas not failed, nor of tbe clearing bouse committee that tos-d Its doors, bnt ia emharaaeed by ail depositare of tbe Chicago Nation- ; ivevtmenta. A large amount of m al and Homo Savings baDks would bo *• is tn anavallable securities, but paid and tbe prompt payment of those Washington, Doc. 20-Tbe secretary appearing tbe lest two days, bao |re • sre open tor business and every of the interior bas ordered tbe with is) ve I tensions As a result few ap •Her wi>| be paid Immediately." drawal ot__*6,000 acres In Clackamas peared to withdraw money this ta»rn- : county. tJregou, fora forest reserve. ing, not _ _____ a _____ mure than hundred and | Washington, Dec. 18.— Ridgley, at Member of C*rel4Commij»ion fifty, mostly savings bank depositors. ^ieag. , telegrapebd Shaw that the ---------------- ————— n,, poiiee Io welting announced that Washington Dec. 20-Josepb Bock Huetlon is relieved by the clearing to draw money now woold caose tbe appo'nted t------ a loss ot lutersst. and most of them de oom mH tee end Hie ml oar Boa- ley r Bi’bop was appointed"*today •rtb'e appointment to run the three member of the Panama canal corn olded to wait until after January 1. I N-ka under a guarantee from the eo isaon. ____ The run on tbe Bedford, Indiana. Na- j R-er banka co pay all liabilities. Snow fell to a deptn of several tional bank bas ceased, the boslnes lachas on Spencer's Botte and the moo there feeling that tbe bank isH ■afa. B'lford, Indiana, Doo. l».-TbeCeoarg hills Isst; night ANOTHER OREGON TO OUR ( Friendly’s Our Semi-Annual Red Letter Clearance Sale Begins Tuesday, December 26, and will continue all the month of January, 1906. We have anticipated and planned some, grand bargains for this clearance sale. Every article in our Dry Goods and Clothing departments will be greatly re- duced. Watch for special announcement and prices. Send for one of our circulars. It’s worth $ 1 in cash to you. « FRIENDLY’S. I Get That Habit of Trading With ✓ S. H. FRIENDLY, 594 Wilamette Street, Eugene, Oregon. NU'l Orders Carefully and W e'earry the beat of everything Promptly Filled. for women, men, boyi and girls t