Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, December 08, 1905, Image 9

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This store is not only improving to our service every day, but it is r.lso a steady influence for betteim?nt in merchandising in other stores. Haven’t you noticed
the general improvement around town sinte this store opened its doors for business a little over eight months ago and demonstrated what constituted an up-to-date
establishment. That we have helped to improve other stores is an admitted fact. It is pleasant to realize fhat this is so. It is pleasant to look back to the sjart
here of some good feature of public service and then to look around and see its adoption in other places.
We have no patent on our business methods. We are trying to keep this man’s store best—that is all. To make it ever increasingly useful to you and to every
one of the thousands who depend on this store for so large a share of their daily needs, When we start a good thing here it would be funny if other stores did not
adopt it, funny and foolish, too, for we should soon be getting all the business instead of just the biggest slice of it. We shall count it one of our great privileges
to not only be able to serve the public through the reforms and improvements in our own store, but also in some measure to be influential in bettering of your ser­
vice in other stores in which you trade. We always sell better goods for the same money, or the same goods for less money, than any other store. If you will
note carefully the prices quoted below and attend this sale you will find that our statement is true.
Sale Began
Nov. 1, ’05.
Cop’leting of ft-e two styles for fall
and »inter, 1905 06, siDgle and double
breasted, in Serges, Tweuds, Tbibets.
Black .Meltons, Cberlots, Worsted and
Imported Serge and Corkscrew.
and Boys’
We can fit any one from tbe little
fellow of tbiee years to tbe large maD
who wears a size 50 coat. We have
garments specially made for tbe tall,
•lender mas, tbe stout, besvy mao,
»• »ell as tba man of regular build.
Toere’atwo special features about our
clothing which we want to lay special
•tress on. That is tbe way they tit and
the way they are made. Our better
grades are baud tailored, sewed
throughout with silk, and guaranteed
to be equfl to tbe garment turned
out by any coatom tailor.
5 45
8 85
n 85
. 14.85
Youths’ Suite, sizes 15 to 20 years,
iD bent patterns aud plain colors,
paddeo shoulders, .iugle aud doable price, $3.45, $4.45, $4.95,
$5.50, $7.50.
YouDg Men’s Suits, sizes 30 to 35,
in Ubeviota, Tweeds, Cassimeres and
serges, siDgle cr doable breasted, sale
price $4.45. $5.95, $6 75, $7.45, $8.45,
$9.85 $10 .85.
Ch'ldren’s two and three piece suits
iD a large variety of patterns, many
of them samples, dj two alike. Ages
three to eight years. Sale price, 95 v,
$1.25, $1.45, $1.95, $2.45.
Boys' School Suite, age 8 to 16
years. Serviceable a ater'aie and col­
ors, sale price, $1.25, $1.75, $2.25,
$2.75 $2.95.
Men’s OTavenett« Rain Coats, sale
price, $5.65, $6.85, $7.45, $8 75, $10 85.
Men’s Overcoats in tbe 52-iurb with
belt or plan, and all other up-to date
styles, $3 45. $4.95, 6 45 $7.50, $9.85,
Boys’ and Chil Iren’s Overcoats,
sale prices from $1 49 up.
M od ' s Drees Pants, CaMimeres,
Worsteds and Bilk mixed, in tine
stripes and plain, sale price, $1.95,
$2 46, $2.95. $3 95.
Underwear for me", women and
children. O'lr stock is Immense and
all bought early and bought cheap.
Here we wl'l »are yon more money.
Men's $2 bro»u sli-wocl uuderwear,
Men's $2 tau ell wool underwear,
Meo', lambs' wool underwear, nat­
ural color. 95e.
Fine ribbed underwear, tbe suit,
Fine fleeced underwear, extra qual­
ity, tbe suit, 75c.
Ladies' Underwear, 19c, 23c, 39c
Misses and Children's Underwear,
from 19c to 39c each.
Men’s st iff bosom shirts, 75c aud $1
quality. 2bc.
Men’s extra heavy blue and black
working ablrtr, 39c, COc, 75c
Heavy reductions on flannels of all
Men’s Suspenders, light and heavy,
President mcludid, 19u to 69c per
pair, worth op to $1.25.
Men’e Handkerchiefs, white cam­
brio a-d linen, teem 2’aj up to 15
Men’s Silk Handkerchiefs, from 19o
Men’s Jspjnette Initial Handker­
chiefs, 10c to J9e.
Maus’ 50u value four in-haud Tie«,
sale price, 19c.
Better grades, 23o to 45c each.
Men’s banc, Bows, 5c.
Men’s Sweaters, iu plain ami fancy,
wool or cotton, at | rices from 45c to
Tbe price on blankets baa teen cut
Rubbers, ru’ter clothing, oil cloth­
ing. sack coats, inacklntoabea and
boating «lilts at sale price.
Pull line of holiday ties and muf­
flers at tbe tele prise.
Sale 2nds
Jan. 15, "06.
Hats and Caps
Meo’s 25c Hats, sale price...
Men’s $1.00 Hate, sale price..
Men’s $?.00 Hets, ■»le price
Men’s $2 50 Hats, ■Hie price..
Men’s $3 00 Hats, Hele price ....2.25
Men’s $6.00 Stetson Hals
Man*« aud Bovs’ 25o to 35o Capa.. 15c
Men’s aud Boys’ 5)c, 75o, $1 Cape 29c
The stock if Ladies’, Misses’, Chil­
dren's, Men’s aid Boys’ Shoes is as
rerlallv strong thia season. We have
all sizes aud all weights, all new
stock, every pair reduced tor this
Men’s Dreis Shoes,’sale price $1.10
to $3 45. I
Men’s Heavy Work Shoes, eale price
»1.25 to $1.95.
Men’s genuine loggers, tbe Woods,
tbe Racine, Uotzlau’s Yellow Jacket
aud tbe Waibiugton, sale price from
$2 45 to $5.65, value up to $7.50.
SHOES. We are agent for tbe cele
brated J no. Strootmau Shoes, every
pair warranted and they ere all great­
ly reduced io prlue during this sale.
Come and see for yourself,
All tbe Hoys’, Misses’,* and ¡Chil­
dren's Hrioee ere under tbe knife.
Buy your hoy or girl a pair for less
than coot of menufseture.
- y
bnnwin ■ that vou are not paving too much for your goods. Satisfaction, that’s what this store is noted for, and people have learned that
There's a lot of satisfaction m tajwmgtMtyous money's worth. even if they don't know the value of the article. They have confidence in the store and in the
»hen they purchase an article ’
' ‘w;apprec|ate this and shall at all times endeavor to merit your confidence and patronage.
-goods, and are willing to take ”ur word m n. "
Suit Cases at Sale Prices, $1-25 to $6.50, worth from $2.00 to $11.50.
During the Month of December this Store Will be Open Until 9 P. M.; Saturdays 10 P. M.
The Magnet Clothing Company
61 East 9th Street, Eugene, Oregon