Image provided by: Eugene Water & Electric Board; Eugene, OR
About Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1905)
Uni.» fsitjr VOL 38 EU-ENE OREGON FRIDAY DECEMBER 8 190 H __ i UyuAL RA< ui \0AD MORGAN’S BAD « I LA F m L l LTTEC m ^ COLLISION I ROLS SITU XTION PURCHASE I Remembrances. . .. The problem is puzzling the winds of most people toda, and this -emark is very common: “If I only kuew just wnat to give this one, Henry aud those other folks, my misery would be over.” The list below mil enable you to makrwise andbeneficial gifts which are ce tainly herein mentioned. < Cincinnati, lier». 7. — Kecelrer Har mon, if tbe C. H. Á D., which J. P. Morgan bought, says tbe tl lanond atf.ire are iu bal abape,*even worse than at brat supposed. He said he would ni t talk regsr *it>g the posslbil ity of »ensational developments of an i acrimina*, i ng nature. New Arrivals 1c to $1.50 Coats, Pillow Shams, Scarfs. Mail Orders Men’s 35c wool Golf Gloves . . 27c 50 dozen fancy 35c Neckwear . . 25c 48c 10 dozen 75c and $1.00 Neckwear 3 pairs 25c warm knit Hosiery. . . 50c 3 pairs 50c Fancy Hosiery ,. . $1.00 $4 to $20.00 Porteires, Lace Curtains, Bed Spreads Pay Us a Visit % Price Coats ( All go to beautify the home and the purchase of any of these articles is menty >:r . We still have remaining a few coats to clore out at half the regular value This is a golden opportunity to secure warm wearing apparel at Come bo us for Prices and Styles. Just Half Price Whether you intend making a pur chase or not. We gladly wel* come you to our store to see the elaborate display of new goods we are now showing. A visit will do you good. Collars For Ladies. 15o Boys 3 piece suits in all wool fan cy patterns, regular $5 val. C *1 1 fk Sale price . ipjilv 5 doz. $1.50 gloves, Mocha and dressed kid broken lots and sizes * Nothing more appropriate as an Xmas Gift to men. Our stock comprises every new idea and pattern. PRICES: $2.75 $3.50 Vests 3.00 Vests 2.45 1.98 2.50 Vests 1.65 2.oo Vests 1.45 1.75 Vests 1.10 1.50 Vests 89c 1.25 Vests We Are Sole Agents for the “Rub Dry Towels” I Hampton Bros. Soo Mens ail wool suits, all hand tail ored, both single and double Q O C breasted val. up to$15, now© -F«O J Mens’ Fancy Vests X — Silk and Embroideried Approation ior Canal Cut ■Veehing’on, l)-< «. 7 Be a tote <f 1* to 111 tbe house today reduced the H on- " of tbe ornai bill tu #11,00>,- Hepburn agreed. Rear Hall of Store. Dollies, Dress Smoking Jackets For Men Promptly Cared For. The Bicycle Team Race New Y rk, D«c. Tsu teams I k still in the six day blrycle race. Tl ' Bedell Brothers ar« iu the laid Friday and Saturday Specials In Clothing Department Fancy Hose Supporters and Elastics, Mirrors, Combs. Purses,, Handker chiefs in prices from Prices from $45.00 t»o 90c Vadisou, l>ec, 7. — \ resolution to I a con pel Latolleite to re< gti tne office ba ofjgov -nor or sei ator wm uitroduc«.. today aud summarily killed Only F ourteen More Shopping Days before Christmas. A trip to the warehouse this morn ing revealed the fact that the following new goods were opened and ready for insp jetion: Furs are almost indefensible in this Jimate and to say each and every la dy should wear one is a mere fact. We carry the famous Gordon & Fur geson make and they need no intro duction. Kock Springs, Wjo., Dsc. 7.— reported that oiue were killed oollision of passenger trains on Union Pacific today. Lace Collars By Ex press thi* morning 25 CenLs 25 dozen Mens Cambric Handkerchiefs Mens all wool Sweaters at a 25% Discount, I I FRIENDLY’S EXTRA. SPECIALS î 1 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ... FOR ... HORRIBLE TRAIN WRECK TlLi-MAN’S RESO LUTION PASSES Also Desires to Know if National Banks Contribute to Campaign TERROR REIGNS Grand Sale of AT KIEFF •1 I St. Petersburg, Dec. 7.—Three squadrons of cavalry io thia city bare mutinied. They refused to reply to or salute their commander,/who fled, | fearing asassination. The revolutionary committee ha. condemned Father Gopcn to death on tbe ground that be is a traitor to the cause of tbe people, declaring that be baa been influenced by the govern I _ _____ ______ r -tion today on the campaign C0Dtrtbu<iun resolution he offered yeBterday, and declared be wanted the “debauching of tbe electorate atop- ped.” He didn’t want money paid on h|a pOjfry to be used to “support tbe McCurdy family." The resolution was agreed to with ment. Father Gopon was previously | out opposition. After rillmau s war eumcncd ts appear and a ns »er charg speech be asks tbe secretary of the ee, but did not do ao. His trial was treasury whether tbe reports of the held before a tribunal of »even epee- I bank examiners contain any reference , , . . . . ' tally «elected. The unanimous verdict to Dationa banks having contributed , / , io uaiiu . death wee approved by tbe central to campaign funds. »»mnasrava frin/TB 1 A I committee. , Over a hundred were hurt In a skir mish between Cossacks aud strikers. murderers We have still some very good patterns in Novelty silk suitable for shirtwaists, regular $1 value, left and on O Q - sale at, per yard.................. J3FV Fascinators, Shawls, Scarfs, Hoods, Bootees, Etc. 1000 pieces.^alltogether too many, that’s all. We must sell them. To de it quick they will all be sold for twenty-five per cerit less than regular. The prices: Children’s Coats One-Half Price. 70 children’s and misses’ coats, ages 4 to 16. This season’s newest styles, tnree-quarter lengths, full leg o’ mutton sleeves, in red, blue, green ahd brown. This includes all our children’s coats. Your choice for 25c Fascinators for............... 19c 50c Fascinators and Shawls 38c < c c c 58c 75c < t $1.00 75c < c $2.00 $1.50 $3.00 $2.25 t i Í < Í Regular Price Woman’s Suits Reduced. 50c Dresden Ribbon 22c. Holiday Ribbons at Special Prices. - 1TTC- Al BU I I L Berlin, Dec. 7.—Tbe local branch ot revoltnionlate haa received Informa tion of a reigu of terror at Klett. Drunken moba are maseacreing Jeae ; and student« and middle claee reforr- - Butt?, Mont, I’ec. <. Giles, who stabbed James hue. t: death during a row over card.i at 1W Wng j.„,. Havre, Mnttana, was captured after a . ■trenuaue chase of fourteen hour«, in St. Petersburg, Dec. 7.—An enor iajured : Andrew Jordan, engi- which a detachment^ of «oldier», a mous slump iu Kussiau 4s has takeu ***r of tbe passenger; Alex Williams, posse of civilian« aud a number of place, closing at 74. Min; of tbe cit human porter; W.G. Korlqne, third dog« participated. ies’ backs srs Io a precarious condi f0°t; O.cer Peterson, fireman of tbe tion and a great Scansia) crisis is peeietigei; J. A If ora, fireman of tbe B itte,Mont , Dec 7.—Bud Lassvor, imminent ^«ht; u. A. Shaffer, mail clerk; F. vaudeville »ctor, shot bis wife three A- Wheeler, c.eductor diner; J. T times and »lightly wounded himself1 ®allh I. S. Mitchell, W. D. Parker, during a druuken row last night. “1 H.rt. waiter«. Tbe bodies of two J Tbe woman will dte. Her borne Is at ■••I clerks were burned to a crisp, as *’,e >le i two bodies that were being I 8p Stesported E«at. Waahiugton. Deo. 7. -Tbe president Youthful Burglars "re:k occurred at 2:30 tbt( today promoted Tbomas Ft. Neuhau ■•tibg. The mall, baggage, smoker Woodburn. Or., D m . fl.-Conatabie dining cere of tbe passenger and Beach yeiterlay arreetad Willie and sen from inspector of Oregon land of freight oars were destroyed by Hector L«vfne. aged 11 and 13 yera«, flees to special Inspector of the interi or department as a reward for bls ter /* ■’'•¡be were killed outright and raepectlyelT. en tLe charge of robbing sices in tbe Mitcbell and other land - victim» were incinerated. John C. Green * hou»e in tbl» city fraud triala. last September. On accent ot their age« Justice Overton allowed tn« case to be cotnpromieea by tbe father pay NEUHAUSEN IS REWARDED OÏAMA is WELCOMED Knit Goods. i Í MITCHELL’S mg Grean fj. REQUEST Holly ribbon* No.’s 1 and 1^, at 6c and 7c a yard. $1 Dresden ribbon, 8 inches o o _ wide, 6 colorings, special, yd OOC Christmas Neckwear. 2000 fancy lace, silk and spangled col lars. You will find it easy to select many Xmas gifts from these, so many, and all different prices. 10c, 25c, 37c and up to $8. All Specia ly Priced. 25c yFool Hose For 16c Per Pair For Women and Children all sizes, last black. Silks, Dr>ss Goods, Table Linens, Towels, Napkins —All Reduced— 1 $ 1 Novelty Silk 39c. X Funds Green River, Wyo., Dea. 7.-The «Htbound overland limited Union Piciflc met a westbound freight bead- cd at Milkens, four mi lee east of here (t midnight, while traveling a mile i minute. Sixteen are dead and •cor«» Injured. Among tbe dead are the engineer« •od arerneu ot both train«, tbe con- doctor and head brakeman of the fraigbt, four postal clerks and tbe retire dining crew of tbe flyer. Tbs track was torn up in a terrible •»oner and the oars of tbe flyer de ■dished. Tbe flyer was making up lost time, while tbe freight was run- [iDg at high speed to make Green Klrer to sidetrack for tbe passenger. A mistake it, orders was tbe cause. The d.a.i are: H. Poterson, J. F. Phillioar. and J. A. Newsome, mail rlerka. Tbe injured: Edna Mishak. Mrs Maod Bendy, E. M Hullitt and Uertrurle Cook, of San Franclceo; A. ^erleco, J C. Hooker, Salt Lak* l,t»; M. C. McCoy, of Kaueas City; beDBf. McArthurs, Caklaud, New ^*l»od, ; sssengers. Those of the I 35c Wool Golf Gloves 29c I I b 30 suits, long coat, jacket and Eaton effects, at % and % less than regular prices. Come in grey, brown, blue and black. Sizes 32 to 40. $12, $15 and $16.50 suits for................. t $20 00 and $18 suits for ................... $22.50 long coat suits, coat lined through out with satin, full ripple CIO shirt, special at 1 Holiday Handkerchi is Gloves A Friendly Glove or "Ier will be appreciated ai an Xmat gift redeem able in gloves or merchandise at any time. gl .lM) ¡Mocha Gloves silk lined, a pair....... ... #1.25 Kid Glovds, a pair. 88c ... 98c For Men Women sad Children. Beg’ning at 2 lor 5c and Sc and 10c each. 20 dozen Beautiful Lace Hander chiefs, 25c values, special 1 2Xc Others at 25c, 50c, and up to *5 00 $1.25, $1.00 and 75c Kimonas, each 59c Woulo Blackmail Armour •k'c*, Dec. 7.—General Oyama aud 7*" Dftered thta citj this morning. Washington, Dec. 7. — Senator Chicago. Dec. 7.-Willi.- Mcsw..n .Mitchell do » asks that he ha released end Wilber Cote today pl"<^ «»>* nr®w<l welcomed him, despite t, to tbe charge of sttsmpt ng to fr.'tb all senate committee ssslgnmsnt* Inclement weather. A general blackmail Armour aud were sentenced tTTl”floel sction^of t»«e coorte in hie widey bte b<eB bt WM ■» •'N ease. <1 to thirty days Io jail eaeb — Satisfaction or Your Money Back. for $10 in Oregon. directly to the palace. ♦ z